The Wingham Times, 1898-07-01, Page 22 `""""'•` �- f �__ nSEE IS NOT TO OLD, The ('arta l i:tn census will be tak en April 1, 1:1!.11. TiiE REPLY TO TIE LONELY WOMAN 1 WHO 'WANTS SOMEONE T() LOVE. I Mrs. J. K. Fnller, an old resident of Colborne, fell down stairs and died from the sl.ock. Chas IIoffmal', proprietor Platsville stove t':eetery, was in. a pulley and r eee,ived fatal les. 111E WINGIIA.M TIMES, JULY 1, 1898. POLICEMAN SBOT DEAD. I The 1chrnsks eeived the ,owingt , r ll , tter, whleh is Failed in Their Work of Chang - The New York Sun recently re- not without its pathos : ing Metals into Gold MICIHEAL TWOUEY Or LONDON KILLED 13Y A TRAMP. London, June 24.—A cold blooded murder occurred here at 9,30 to• - night, when Policeman Miehael of the ,Twohey was shot through the head cclugbg "To the Editor :—I am thirty-two by an unknown, one•legged tramp at ie jar- years old and not deformed, 1 live Dlaniond Dyes Never Fail to Maks the extreme end of Ontario street, �ilone and have to work for a living Old and F'aded'thlnl�s Look near Elias. About 7 o'clock the SIOK MEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ness, Bad Taste in he Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Reg..iate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. I should like to get married, not for the sake of being supported, for I should expect to work after marriage but for the sake of loving and being loved. I)o you think I am too old ? Agatha.,, The San made the following ans- Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. Substitution the fraud. of the day. See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Littlq Liver Pills. A NURSE'S STORY. "Why you poor .child, of course you are not too old, What do you call old ? To a yd th of 19 years y1Uu you may seem old, just as he fs look I those triumphs of modern chemistry. ed upon as a monument of antiquity Millions on the c ntinent are saving by little Tommy spinning his top on money each year b u&nY aree trueand d the sidewalk there. Age is a thor- I Dyes in the home. faithful family benefactors, and so easy ()Uglily relative term, but we have, to use that a ehildf,ean dye successfully pleasure in assuring you that, save 1 with them. Diamond Dyes lave such an extended popularity, fame a d immense sale in every IoNtlity that;itnitators have put on the market worthless and adulterated dyes in packages bearing a close resem- blance to the "Dia fond. It is there- fore necessary for very woman, when buying dyes, to se; that the name "Dia- mond,' is on each ipacket. Paukage dyes without the name -r`Dlamond" can never give satisfaotion.Muddy,du1I and streaky Mnt- As Good As New tramp was going east on the G. T, Ii Alchymists like Geber, Alfarabi, Avi- I tracks. and when about to cross cenna. Albertue Magnus, Artephies,and 1 Adelaide street be was intercepted others who pretended to be able to by the watchman .111 r, Jas. Ross,cha were,ein all theirre base metals into poll, I who for twenty-five %rears has been time drat class imposters' i faithful servant ofthe company. and deceivers. The art of making old. faded and din- The tramp was told he could not gy dresses, capes, shltwls, jackets, coats, walk on the track, and before the pants vests, and other artaules of wear Watchman was aware of the tramp's ing apparel look as good as new has been brought to perfec.iotti by the introdue- intention he was knbeked senseless and use of t e Diamond Dyes, by a blow from a &bort stick. Mr. Ross was picked hip by men in 'Willis' lumber yard and taken to his shanty, where h soon recovered. Word was then suit to ooah police station. The patrol Cwagg d with Constables Manahan, MMiorgan and Rowell, who ascertained 'that the tramp had gone east. Morgan informed Twohey, ,evho was doing duty in the east eni1, to be on the lookout for the tramp and arrest him. P. C. Twoheyjheard that this fellow had gone towerds the C. P. R. and followed in gnat direction, The tramp's peg leg made his identifica- tion unmistakable, 4c1. the boys in the neighborhood soln put the con- stable on the exact r o ute. Twohey sighted him on Ontario street, in the eyes of the law you re e a goc deal of an infant yet, with your best years before you, please God. "You have passed the days of giggling and gushing. Without being a bit of prig, or stiff, or dried up or vinegary, yeti have accumu- lated tact and Ilnowledge. Your sy p 1 ' d affectations are in- Tc:ls how sho was cured of Heart snd nerve r roubios. Tlae onerous duties tri'. fall to the lot of st nurse, the worry, c . loss of sleep, irre,tularity oe_ ni•• is ,1 nervous system au•t t. .iZ, Mrs. H. L. Menzies, a" living at the Corner Ring Streets, Brantfor •r- tell on the rmine the health. professional nurse Wellington and `, Ont., states her ease as follows: "For t I have suffered from we breath at'd pall:Ratio m .,t nes an colors will be corn of the d)saRp finitely deeper th n they were at 18. ments met with. iamond Dye colors Do you renlembe what a shallow etre guaranteed brilliant, rich and full, little chit you wire then compared I and will last as ion% as the goods hold with what you alre ? together. "We don't knoi seen you. We se v you, but we have you in your letter, industrious, patielit, cheerful, affec tionate, watching with wistful eyes the years that scurry by and bring no fairy prince. r• Good eyes, we'll be bout�l, whateve be their color; tindness, and that up with happiness. 'ou are at the age y no means pre - eyes oft with need to be lighte "No, Agatha, of sense, which eludes charm. . woman in the thirties is at her' loveliest. Pity so few of them know it. "Yuu are just the wife for a sen- sible wan, who has got over the ebullient follies; of youth, and knows enough to piel:f,out a companion for himself. Soaiea'where there must be such a one wa ing for you. If he doesn't come t you he is an idiot. Don't you min im 1" WHAT MAKESA GENTLEMAN• A MAN I1ti HIS HOME. . malting for the C. P.V. about 9.30. I When he attempted tg arrest him a THE P STRIKES shorelived scuffle ensued. The tramp o past three years Hess, shortness of re of the heart. The lea�.t excitement wo�ild make my heart flutter, and at night I even found it difficult to sleep. After I {tot Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills I eaperi,.lced great relief, and on continuing t,eii use the improve- symptoms arebeen 3gonhed an Intl' amt al 1 the old completely ureccL" Milburn's Heart an Anaemia, Nervousness„ lessness, Palpitation, Spells, Dizziness or an. from Impoverished flood, Disordered Nerves or Weak Hart. Laza-Liver Pillselea4Coated Tongue. enunurn, i ,i IIIIOrr u••1 111111uWniiuw.nw gnu 1$ 3 :471!•,' r> M:641 s1313 THAT THE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE O F'- IIUS131ND AN FATHER 5 s �'w THE KEYNOTEFOR RIGHT OR drew a 38•calibre revolver and fired v I fur Twohev's hearts The bullet WRONG fLIyING. struck a heavy open-faced watch, "The seclusion cit a home gives to tore out the works and made a veri: man a certain freedom and atten- table pocket of the case. Before the dant priveleges whwich no other place constable could disarm the wretch in the world affords, and it is right 1 the latter fired a second shot, which that it should,'' writes Edward Bok I enteredTwohey's forellead.above and of "A Man in His i, Hotne," in the 1 and a little back of th4 right, killing July Ladies' IlomejJoureal, "But `him instantly. He dropped like a it is not right that this freedom and I log, and lay in the dark for some these priveleges shetild be abused to minutes, until two soldiers returning the disadvantage oftthe wife. Too many men seem to to have the idea that they can drop into constant dis- consolate le moods at home and churl with their wives whheh in any other place and by an" other person, would not be toleratterl. It is when a man is within the walls of his own borne that he is himself. Then it is that a Ivan should be his best. When a man gives the best that is in him to those closest to hhm, his home will be the ideal place tiat he wishes it to be. No man hal a right to ex- pect from his wife what he on his part does not give 1 her sympathy he m consideration. If a element of THE YOUNG MAN SHOULD BE GUIDED )3X HIS OWN BEST INSTINCTS, "Common sense rules in dress and manners, the same as in any phase of our lives, and this our young men should Ic n"n and `inrlerstand,' writes I 'E,1W and Buil of i<" What Makes a Gentleman," in he July Ladies' Home Journal. 't`A man's manners are not exterior : hey emanate from within, from himself. Experience and observation are the only teach- ers he can seek and use. Etiquette books books are useless to him. A young man's progl'ess and favor in the eyes of' others does not depend upon his being ostentatiously correct ie manner, movement and speee'n. His strongest and iliost lasting hold upon the respest ail confidence of m et hui a deeper. from P people le co me sf :_, P 1 510 slovenly iSh nor Ile must not be booy nor heedless of the f' elines of others, It is his duty to carr himself well according to his bests¢ instincts, and not by rule as laid dr in etiquette books, So with a yo l ng man's dress At twenty we do rot expect our ;i refill iititt Fe . . ,.,k.;,,_,4; a;le young men to devote so much time CURE ALL YOUR AIRS WITH I to their clothes that they shall be 1 eet•reetly dressed on `ievery occasion. el a ?f Nerve Pills cure Weakness, Sleep- hrobbing, Faint condition arising er. If he wants st give her his man leeks the tion, he should A\1e1;etablePreparatiouforAs- k'ingtthe Stomachs a dBoWeFood els of P'romotcsDigesti Cno heerful- ness indRest.Contains neither O nttn,Morpbine ter Mineral. NOTN.aCOTIC. ,z?e4aofO14LDi s�J�i P.121VIER Jumpkin Seed Aix,rcr.na • is'azeUcSalb •- nSriac Smut p analtacd , r jsfian Surd - (('(a*ihed Jicgta• - iesSostaz. Raven ApertcctRemedy forConstipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Dlarrhoea, worms ,Corte• utsions,Feverish- tay.ss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Fac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. It:ta IS ON THHEa WRAPPER 01' EVERY BOTTLE OF to the camp stumbled over the body. Dr. Edward Seabornhexamined the victim, and found that the bullet had entered the brain: P. C. Two - hey was 39 years of aye and came from the Township ,of Biddulph, this county, where he had many relatives. Lie joined the force here on June 6th, 1887, afi the age of 28 years, and was one of the best officers. His utimely end has cast a gloom over his comrades, with whom he was most popular. H leaves a wife and three children. 111 1 Gastoria is put up in one -size bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone co stilt yon anything elso on the ploy or promise that it is "just as good" and "will answer every pur- pose,' Bee that you got 0•A -S -T -O -Ii I -A., The Ito- '9 drilla EXACT COPY OF 1NRAPPI:R. sigdatere A Cure for Love Take one grain of sense, half al grain of patience, one drachm of 1 understanding, one pound of resolu- tion and a handful of dislike, mix them together, fold them up in the lambec of your brain twenty-four hours, place them on the slow tire of hatred, strain it clean from the dross bottle it'n a of l of melancholly, enclose 1 corked with sound judgment, and let it stand nine days in water of cold affection. This rightly made freely applied is the best cure in the known world, You can get it at the House of Understanding, on Con- tent Street, goins uN the hill of Diffi- culty in the town of Forgetfulness, Mr. Justice Meredith has fixed the bail of actor Emers • u, the slayer of Manae'er Tuttle at L radon, at $8,000. Devious Defit isons. Dude—An exampl., „ what a man consider cultivate it, and cultlt'vate it not for Logical --Something that a wo• theo a in at ofo his lends but for man can be only when she hates. thane in and of his h me. Consider- ation should begin at home : not in Insult—The proffer of' a small suns the homes of friends as it often does of money as a bribe. —and ends there, too. The •atmos- Duty—Something th t't is usually phere which a man creates in his too plain to be attractiv. P f is when he isn't. own home by example becomes the Flirtation—A pastimetof the fair rule by whieh his children live. The sex that is only half fair' husband and fathdr stlkes the key- promise—A small outlay from note of right ht' wrong doing." which large returns are xpeeted. Bic cle—A vehicle, th rider of Y which is both horse and river. i ° tiler 1 Such useless knowledge is at that time of life, acquired at the expense A G4ocliclne Cho t In itself.. `Of far Ill p more important natters. The Simple, Safe and S.sick Cure for I taste for good dressing and its know - CRAMPS, Fi1:3eiF?li a EA, COUGHS, 1 ledge, 90 fat` as it is necessary, comes Ito all of us as we riprogress The ht sort of a yours man dresses in to a i r cos,LCC?FlE : ATISM, C7ct9 IA. QE 25 and 50 colt Bottles. BEWARE OF IMITATIaNS. cue ONL THE GENUINE. THE CYCLISTS' FRIEND. iplete without a low Oil. Can be taken internally or used externally.Cuts, Bites, Sore Throat, Pains in the Chest, Bruises, Sprains, Stiff Joints, Coughs etc., it is always efgectual. Has no equal as an all round�'remedy. There are said to be in 'Michigan white cedar shingles now doing good No cyclist's kit is col bottle oe Hagyard's Ye service on roofs in' that state that have been in full exposure and wear for over 7 years. t rig , t i C , the neatest and hes manner he can, 0 AL By . must get for a given sunl of money, That is elwe 's €, Failure—An automati thread•cut: ter on the Human sewi machine. Conclusion—Somethin a woman can read without using n reason or j ad ement, Woman --A human tieing who knows she is better the her next door neighbor,—Chicago News. Sotne of our commerpe ial customs badly need revision. The rights of buyers and sellers are not sufficient- ly marked and defined to be satis- factory. The yard stick clearly shows what length of cloth a person K�•& i'F�: K-�Br� 1�C i and as well as his income. permits. �i i� bug when he buys a basket of fruit 1 root�l dressing. To SOUTH AMEtRICAN NER the size or the basket is an unknown overdress Due's stat on ie the world THE RAINBOW QF PROMISE. quantity. The only fact of which I�g3 bl lik1�• I PERRY D VIS' DL K I w r cK _,.I l! y.. ,•r w ,,.al .. ' u 1'.Rwr. 9•,. c- ., ;n. "to4;llEIlL ,.r,� • o of emuziOnS ire go Plast pain other. 25e. yard r allows Plaxtrx n osv �yxr1" t ken a poor tastttand invarla y he is cognizant and certain is that i t 1 w •try �loomy No one =tee that these will relieve cker than any Put up only in boxes and $1.00 . The fatter ou to cut the y size. ry family 1. s"tvM ,,11C Ilmacaet-se. makes a bad imps salon. I never can raeiiwttety aesrr ,e the atbjcet »tis- from year to year the basket dwindles yet sa\v a young r lain who either 10 Orf of the sufferer from Dvspepgia and ;:oath American Nervine into smaller dimensions and the hired or borrowed n evening' suit 1 Inal eus� greatest discovery to t I for a special oceasicii who did not loudly proclaim the;,self evident fact. When a young main wears clothes beyond his means he invariably shows it, and he ner er fails to make a fool of himself. 'his rule is in- v:11".1:r!r. ' it not hat a til•tn wears I ',• „•„v tie wears that tells the 1 story." 1 The best modieine ou can take is that which builds a so id foundation for Ihealth in pure, rich b od•-•-flood's Sar- ' saparilla. is medico science for the cure of all chronic stomach troubles. It acts directly fruit deteriorates from the top to - \s aids the bottom. As the law now Q through the nerves -the seat of :UI dls 1 delares that a bag of potatoes shall rt�� ease. Thousands t tlfyof cures made. inot be less than 80 lbs. o it shouldi Relief from the firs dose. i "X was a great a ffeer from stomach define clearly the size of .a basket or and nerve trouble , Tried a score of a box of fruit as web as the quality. r • t ,tereSSO( remedies. No rel *.f. Ietlf ti bottle of eggs sold. South American Iv mine worked. won- It should also declare h dere 81x bottles ado a new mail of me." --W. II. Sherman, I,iorrisbutg Ont. r. 21 Don't expertmcu with new and doubtful medicine Take the tried and tested. Sold at Hamilton's Deng Store. by the dozen should be 1 •ge enough to weigh 21 ozs. to tho tw lye. These matters should be so ar anged that neither seller nor buyer hould be a loser in the transaetio : -•linter- prise., fa The leading Speciasts of America 20 Years int,Detreit. 250,000 tared. WECURESTIIICTURIE Thousands of young and middle-aged ' e men are troubled with this dlsease-msay - unconsciously. They May have a smart- ing 3Stm stream, V in sensation, small, g gdis- charge, cutting pains t imes, slight dl charge, diffsculty in co mending, weak organs, emissions, and 1 the symptoms —th have STRIC- TURE. a tib t eY of nervous d y Don't lot dootorsexperiment on yon, by cutting, stretching, or tearing you. This will not cure %o�n,asitWill re- turn. Our NEW METHOD TREAT- MENT absorbs tho stlicture tissue; hencoremoves the strictu$o permanently. It can never return. No,pain, no suffer- ing, no detention from business by our method. Tho sexual orgs'ttsare strength - the blisThe manhood roturnsorated, and WECURE LEEN a t Thousands of young d middle-aged men aro having their selkual vigor and vitality continually rapped by this dis- ease. They are frequently unconscious of the cause of those syml toms. General Weakness, Unnatural Discharges, Pail- ing Manhood, Nervousness, Poor Mem- ory, Irritability at tima}a Smarting ii en- sation, Sunken 'Eyes, wins dark circles, Weak Back, General Ilo Cres sioa Lack of Ambition Varicocele, Slininken Parts, etc. GLEET and STTIICTU1U1 may be tho cause. Don't consult family doctors, as they havo no experience in these• special diseases -don't allow Quacks to experiment on you. Consult Specialists'[wli a have made a life study of Diseases 1 nand Women. Our NEW .esote METHOD TREATMENT will posi- tively euro yon. One thousand dollars for a case Ivo accept for treatment and cannoteurc. Terms moderato fora cure. ELTON'S UMVMPS Will stand wear and tear for e ears. No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps pot in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON and FORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to. SHOP—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's Livery. JOHN PELTON, Sd da. OPelf wane Wingham. Ont, Caveats and Trade-Mark`s Obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODER %Tb PI:Eti. Mp• office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, wits description and statement as to advantages claimed. No el,a.rfzc ds ,JICUIC /J. an e,pwtion as to. parc,edabiUq, and ny fce• for prosecuting the: application wit/ not ac called for until the. paten; allowed. Z uImr..v Guinn," UIDB con- taining on- 'n l t ming {all information sent free. Alt f'ernmanl• cations Considered 038 Strictly T,onfldential. FRANK5.111 H. HOUGH YD::': S` S. /'eats YY ASCIrial'(D1Gt, le. t—` 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE CURES GUARANTEED Wo treat and cum EMISSIONS, VARICOCELE, SYPHILIS, GLEET, ANIAAIMPOTENCY, fTSIAG ES, KIDNEY and BLADDER Diseases. CONSULTATION L'REI:. BOOI{S PRIM. If unable to call, write for OUEA.T SUNT LANK for HOME TR KENNEDY KERGAN Cor. Michigan Ave. and Sheby St, DETROIT, tvHcH. TRADE Mantis Demists COPYniGWfS &C. Anyone sending a sketeh and description mals' quickly ascertain our opinion tree whether an, muni ea- patentable. C nm Invention 1s confidential. a. On Patents stints free. ly Oldest ornnctbning sent free. oldest aKoncy for bill& ng falcula. Patents taken through %um tt Co.treceive special notice, without chargMaim, in t�heep Stier �if i� 1i��1 {i , Abandsomely ilinetrated weeklo. Largest sir, ciliation of any scientific. :intim-Li. Torras. $3 a, year; four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36IBroadway, New York. Branch omee. (99 F ilt.. Washington. D. 0. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN TILE TIMES ... A►.