The Wingham Times, 1898-06-24, Page 5111E \ INGUAM TIMES, JUNE 24, 1898. "SPItINCx SYTITS We have all the latest for Spring Suits, at moderate prices. Fit and workmanship of the best. '"Guaranteed," We are showing the most up•to date IERPX."1-4 Also all kinds of Men's Furnishings for Spring Wear. A speeial line of Ready made Pants and Overalls cheap. Inspection invited. a -J Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingham. "In black and white." No salesman's say so, gua- rantee a g ua- rantee of quality, workmanship and material straight from the makers, is the "Slater Shoe" way. Their name and price stamped on the Goodytar welted sole with their self des- cribing tag, telling about the leather, is your protection. $3.00, $4.0o and $s.00. CATALOGUE FREE. "THE SLATER' SHOE." For Sale Only by OPIUM & BOWLES. S S Ah1D�YOIRKEIreports, while the latter spoke of the ' " Financial Obligations of the Asso• THF, ANNUAL CONVENTION ably elation, Temperance was dealt with ably by mayor uoimes, of Clinton, FOR HURON COUNTY, Miss J. Murray,, of Wingham. showed how a primary class should MEETINGS LARGELY ATTENDED AND be taught. She left a deep impres- F ULL OF ENTHUSIASM -•- NEXT ' si0n ou her eless.and on the audience. mem OJi MEETING IS. mama, TUEsPAx. The annualconvention of the Sab- bath School Association and Christ- ian Endeavor Union ofHaron Coun: ty was held in Winglutu hu Tues phere'• was really a lecture. It was day rend Wednesday. Previously to bright, thoughtful and seal stfrr- last year these conventions had been ing, He delighted his audience, held separately ; but the fact ' that who showed its appreciation by past the two lines of s' rk arm' so similar seemed to favor a joint convention. . Tills jOitlt eonyelatiun was ivaugnr- ated last year teed the atteutiit was highly sueeessfui.. Time was saved, expenses were lessened, the number of delegates inereabed, and eunse- quGutly the entktusialm that prevail- ed was deeper and more intensified. Wiughani is an ideal convention town. True it is situated in the northern part of the country and i s locality for a Huron convention is nut so desirable as that of some other towns in the eounty ; but yet the beauty and the enterprising spirit of the town assures the visiwura of an enjoyable tune. The welcome must be said to have beep a most hearty one. The recep- tion committee doing its work nobly both at dire station and at the Pres• byteriau church where rue delegates were registered and where billets are distributed. The decorations were perhaps morning with a Sunrise prayer I of Mr. Kerr in regard to the work - more elaborate than at any . similar meeting led by Mr. E. 1'. Petah', to ing of committees, and the discussion convention in Huron Couuty,Sttetch- \Vingt,a,u. The morning eesyluu , was indulged in by Mr. 131air, Mrs. ed across the 5t,reet are severalstreauh- Opened at 9.15 w ith a sung service 1 MeK ay, Miss Tamblvll and Mr. Ross. ei s beating each mottos as ..wee. led by llev. 11. E. Mason, of Wing- !This discussion was soon transferred conte," -Louie np, Lift up, for Chi let ham to the general policy that should be and the Uhuieh," -Suffer the Child- Mr. D. lieTavish, of Clinton, dealt I adopted by Leagues. Some advice ren to Uouie unto Ale." Union J aceswith -Yestet day " auu - r u Day"—a 1 was given by the speaker as to the were also Much in prominence. In I thuughtfuily prep=arca address. active part the young people should fact the towu was in its gay eat colors, Experiences -- 1. Refers to take in the plebiscite eainpaigre to welcome the 300 delegates. • 1 the lower order of thing:.•. Tile Treasurer Scott's report was given The committee that had the work 1111 provision for our natural wants made by Mr. A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, of decorating the Presbyterian chtu•eh l by God. God deals with •uar wants which showed a surplus of $18.05. wh•.•e nearly all the •meetings of the I very minutely. He uses both the i Secretary A. T. Cooper then gave lower auiwals and devils as minis -`his report which was entitled •'The tering angels. Our Duties- What' Christian Endeavor Train," (a lull we have experienced in convention 1 rcpoit of which will b'1 fumed on with the C.11.. movement. He traced t page 6 of this issue.) the progrt s of the movement. This l The convention then adjourned is •not only a temporary movement.. until 1,30 p. m. There is•sumething temporary in its The convention opened at 1.30 character, but it does not stand con- with prayer and praise, led by Rev. deemed upon that ground. It has; Mr. Millyard, The ol'licers fur the tended to ere, ate social life and j ensuing year were elected as follows: quicken the spiritual lift:. , 'Walter 1'ridhain, Guderich • "Forever." The hope of the Y. Junior Supt., Miss M. S. Washington' I'.—Mary E. Robb, of Ulintenl, in a. Clinton ; Missionary Supt. Benj, Mig- clear voice took up this subject. gins ; Secretary, A. T. Cooper, Chin - The success in future precludes a ton ; Treasurer, Miss Mary Ross, reckoning re success iu future. Brussels ; Executive Comniittee,Rev. Success rests in the endeavors of each J. S. Henderson, Hensell ; J. P. ROSS Endeavorer They can build ronu• Exeter ; Miss Minnie Armstrong, regular fairy ;, - meats of good deeds that will last Bayfield; Halsey Park, Wingham. ed. for, ver, and this is the hope of the "What kind of personal work can Tuesday was taken no with talks (young people. !lope is i ich and young people do in the church," was t' ,iutrodueed by Wm. ,tuddart, God- ericit. He began with a plea for enthusiasm in the convention. To Mr. J. W. Rae, of Toronto Junc- tion, was the pt ineipal speaker of the day. His address air "The Alum, Place and Requirements of the S. S. Asso iation," and his exemplary incthbd of teaching the Bible Class were well received, In the evening his address on "Woman's Hewes- BUGGIES ! SUI�RIES ! I'htetons, iipring 1Vngons, Road Wagons and Carts. -FARNESS, SADDLES, ETC. Trunks, Valises, Whips, Brushes, Curry Combs, Harvest Mitts, Lap hugs Dusters, Axel Grease, Oil, Harness Oil and Soap. 1 ARRiAGE TRIMMING AND HARNESS REPAIRING DONE on short notice, and at reasonable prices. R.J1 MAOMATH. REMEMBER ! ing the character of Christ. The our fathers. Scripture Must be backbone allows one to stand adopted to modern convenient -eq. straight and to bend, Discussion by Mra. Pentland,of I)unganeee veva J. P, floss, 'Mrs, Paulin, E. P. Arm. an eloquent and carefully f ,•r'ared. strong, Rev. W.- J, West, Alr. address, on ""The Quiet. Nem' Ch cls," Young, I. Park, and Mr. Gainey. Bach member is pledged. to take 16 The following were placed on the or 30 minutae a day for meditation nominating committee : W. H. with God on the study of the Bible, Kerr, Brussels ; Carrie !Macdonald, She advised the choosing of this time Wingham ; It. ii. Gauley, (:,odericb ; in the morning before the commence. Airs. Armstrong, Bayfield ; A. T. 'trent of seeular work. She believed cooper, Clinton; Geo. Barr, Sea- the people should introduce title forth, and Miss Cooper, Wroxeter, "quiet hoar circle" into their societies Committee on Resolutions --Ileo. as it would teed to d", away with W, J. West, Bluevale ; A. Waddell, much of the poverty of the .church. Ilensall ; J. P. Ross, Exeter. She pressed upon Christians the neces- Open Parliament --""The work of sity of dealing with God as definitely Committees." "Your questions and as they do with their fellowmen. ,l is of Work" was introduced by A. little talk with Jesna-- 11i . W. H. Kerr, of Brussels Most It smooths the ragged road ; ing, a vote of thanks to hien for bis Parliaments are elm osed of It seems to help the onward r, p When fainting'neath my load, entertainment that day. Mr. Ole- members who draw big salaries This expresses the benefit of nient, of Ciintou, was the other and till Mansard without amen- personal relation with God in the speaker of the evening. His subject plishing much -- not so with luiet Hour. was "The Relation of Pareets to the le'ndeavories, They came without L Mr. Dickey was on the programme Sunday Seuool," money and price, aee'nnplishing for an address on "Missionary In - In the n, ar mass nsferred of the Wingham ochildren, was heli! machinery. organizationhe three leaiust have dingcont• tottliaeiservice, this Inorderto in the Methodist church when a rittees ; 1. Prayer Meeting. 2. evening that. chalk tale was given by Dr, Towler L;okout. 3. Social. The duties of avoid the loss of tile, riisen•�itm Wingham, and an address was de- above committees, 1. Be sure that was to follow it +.,+� + vs, to 12 livered by Mrs P.J.AlcKay Gf Weed- . the members are mutually acquaint - delegates were lereivtd from 1tt to 12 stcek. ed, 2. Do not neglect strangers. delegates as to hew the various societies "worked their missionary The following were elected officers 3, 1-e prepared to sacrifice self and department." Various meth' ds of for the ensuing year. President, keep the main idea in your mind. collecting money and of spending it Mayor Holmes, Clinton ; Vice Yresi- Ile thought that a committee should that are in operation were de,utibed. dents, Dr. Macdonald, Wingham, W. not carry unnecessary material, only The President, Rev. Mr. Bender - H. Kerr, Brussels, Wm. Elder, lien workers should he on committees. son now became the speaker of an sail ; Cut responding Secretary, J. O.IQuite a discussion was indulged in „Open Parliament" to discus, "The Stuuetnan, lieueedl ; lliuut.e Secret. on prayers in general, including Social Life of Young People." Mr. ary, Kraut 'i'aylur, Clinton. prepared piayers. Mr. Kerr provok• Henderson carried on the discussion, ' ed dl:cussion on many points of vital )vEDNESDaT. in an appropriately practical manner, (interest and cleaned up many ugly "'12eligion,'' he said, "is not a The °hristier' Endeavor Union , questions in a bright, yet earnest convention opened on Wednesday 1 manner. Questions were then asked hearse, but is a glorious addition to vitality." Christ never refuses an invitation to a social gathering. A•lively dieeussion was now en- gaged to as to what forms of tunuse- ment should be adopted to develop this social life. Mr. G. F. Blair sup'. ported curd -playing, and by his able arguments gained a logical victory. Rome amusements were discussed also in this connection, Tnl,ughts now ran to amusetnents in the church. Delegates gave the different methods in operation in their societies. The work of the social coiuinittee Was diecu....d. The report of the Junior Superin- tendent, Alies'Wastiington, who was not able to be preee[it, was read by Mr. Coop. r. She lamented the feet that all societies had not responded to her "smelter passion for news:" She had found great difficulty in organizing new junior societies. An cueouragin„ tune prevails in the existing societies. There are 12 junior societies with a membership of 450. $50 d eters was expended in missions. Miss Luttie lVir;gins; the Provincial Snperiutendent, sent her greetings ttri:onglh Miss Wash- ington. "The Value of Junior Work'' was introduced by Mr. P. J. McKee, of Woodstock, who is an enthn-e lst in this work. What is junior awork? Many people don't know what J,. E. is and they condemn it. She wanted. to tell what 11 was. It is not an after thought of senior society. It is for the children. '1.'he junior society should l,e a ,•Danger +fetes of the senior ,,ucietids. It is not spoiled. 'Phe S. S. dues wit suffice for .religions training, because the juniors eannot work in the S. 5. The children are willing to work, and so they should, Why should they not bo allowed to work. This is the work of training. The work of soul winning is going uu. If the children are saved the iC.ONTIN t't.n Ci\ 1A .0% 8 Your eyes are priceless. Take care of them, as no one will take care of there for you. If you need $PEOT OLES OB • EYE !buy thein froiii iiSt Alco a fall line of n'ateiie , Clocks, and all kinds Jewelry. Repairing promptly attended tn. OPTICIAN ADM JEWELER. GLASSES argains! convention were held, deserve great praise fur the great work they ac- complished and for the gaud taste they displayed in its execution. The church is in a beautifully elevated situation and the numerous flags on the fence and on the grounds soon convinced the delegates that that church was the centre of the tete- vention. On tate wide of the terrace in front of the church is "Welcome," printed w•fth Marguerites. Inside, the church was gurgecus with the rich fulds of red, white and blue bunting and with the cut flo-"ers and house plants that had been brought in suint large quantities to beautify all parts +-f the church. A garden had been form- on orm opt S. S. work. Three sessions were glorious and should be f iternily held in the Presbyterian church at I cultivated. "Life, Liberty; Loyality t o '� • , rk has said which the iutete,t was intense. I and Love," P t. of The discussions un all the topics 4 this. 'These pats make up the whole, 1 allow the fire to come down from introdue cd were tieurough and I !mild to day, then Strong and sure." heaven and start the wood on earth ablaze. 1. Good character is neces- sary. 2. Personal euesecretion is necessary. He spoke on the work at' the different. committees of the Young People's Societies, Sabbath School and Church. Incidentally he condemned dancing and card playing. He condemned the practice of fashion. He thought that young people were trying to be too much alike, that they thought to much of respectability. Discasriou by Rev. W. Rigsby and G. F. Bleir. Taylor, of Clinton, presence rte Greetings were received from Wm. pledgeSuccess in the League does Johnson, President of the Provincial Assoaiation, reminding Heron County Endeaverers of the Provincial con- vention at Hamilton, on October 11, 12 and 13. Communication was also read from Hamilton convention committee ex- tending a welcome to Huron En-- dea\''orers to the convention. "`The Imperial Sabbath" was dealt with ably by Rev. W. Rigsby, of Blyth. Is it true that Canada is going in the direction of the Ameri- can Republic. 'Phis country was hiot as bad as it was younger. It is necessary to have convictions on this arg sins • T. A. MILLS has just received a large shipment of Plain and Spotted "yr -UST SNS (Organdy, Lawns. Linens, I,itienettes, Prints and Gingbams, • whirl) 1 have bought at cut prices and will be sold at a bar- •Etin, You shot'ild see our special line of were heartily entered into. Its the murnieg Mr. 0. W. Andrews; Wroxeter, gave a thoughtful and in- spiring address on "Teachers Op- portunities," a sequel to wnich Mr. J. P. Ross gave in a bright and earnest talk on the elteepot.sibitity of Teachers." Verbal. reports reeeiv- ed frulu delegates showed that the Lttlut,uue to day never dies, and Lre deavurors should teen realize their responsibilities. Discussion engaged in by W. 11. Kerr, Rev. It. Millyard, J. P. Ross, Rev. U. E. Mason and .Mr. Armstrong. "Our Backbone'' was introduced by Mr. A. S. McDowell, of Westfield. This was a stirring addres'. Ile Sunday Schools of Huron were spoke of the forward movement car showing no decay with old age. I ried out by the Christian P.ndeav- In the afternoon, Secretary Stone- orers. "What are the important man, of Ilensall and `Treasurer forces at work?" One important d their force is the zeal engendered by the League not mean only attendance at League. If your children are well 'There !oust be communication with Christ. The •pledge is only a. con - but not robust, they need eentrntion of a longer pledge atilt) Scott's Emulsion' of Cod- Bible ; thereto' c it was sent from God. Certainly it is broken many liver Oil. God. but those who have taken We are constantly in re- the active Member'.e, pledge trust feel a strengthening force ceipt of reports .from par- behind them. Each must feel ents who give their children !that the pledge is a solemn thing for Christian growth is allied the emulsion everyfall for a to the promises made. For this sea. Prints,1lSU al, 100 for tic, in 30different month ort two. It keeps them, son it is a good thing to pledge one- self thus powers the poFre lying dor Patterns to choose from sir segt1 b , . eeiruse it leads the mem. set Lance of the l Sahb ath and each alt)Cl"rttl),rs tl1',iS.our doctor will confirm bets to be watchful. Religion must must judge for himself. Ile said be an (Actual power and not merely that there was mote Sabbath break• well and strop all winter. g want in the people are awakened by point as well as others. Hard and It prevents their taking cold. the pledge.The pledge is a means of fast lines cannot be drawn re ob- • t A large aisorttlwi t of Ladies' Shirt Waists ,,. vhich will be cleared out at'a special low price (drill and see these goods before they are. T. A. • 'lie! ed over. The oil combined with Yubje thistles! thing. Itake reit removes bygin the the continual yisitng.inthe '1+he; sib 1 . the livpopliosphitesisa splen the lethargic state. ".note to keep batch must not be considered merely M I Immo s tria food tOflie. the Pledge." If the requirements a day of seat, not �a day of hl . Hess, > art lMxitttonloat+tAY �rtdM 51x. Alla tonic: aft ants Tats• of the wedge are not cart'icd out the bat a dale of servile, This c Il.:ether Hood's pills lreoieett satet�rnAK .;ttpi. anoTr S t1OWNE, ttletri:,;ktyi'nrJatO. i eaguerer is powerless. By reflect-' cannot be solved by the doetrltiee of Head and limbs All Covered With Eruptlor►tt-•'bbuid Not Work, the Suffering:Was So Croat -Hood's Has Cured. "I Was all run down with complaints peculiar to my sex, and I broke out in sores on my body, head, limbs and hands, and nay leair all came out. I was under the doctor's treatment a long time without benefit. They called niy trouble eczema. Finally I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and after I had used three or four bottles I found I was improving. I kept on until I had taken several more bottles and the sores and itching have dis- appeared and my hair has grown out." MRS. J. Ci, BIrowi:, Brantford, Ontario. "I was all run down and had 10 appe� tite. 1 had a tiredfeeling all the titne. 1 was advised to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I did so and it benefited Hie so muck that I would not be without it." Mar. Q. I. EMMETT, Central Norton, N. B. � SEWS* OOU S parilai Is the lest -in riot the flue Trub mood new..