The Wingham Times, 1898-05-27, Page 7U YON'S `.L".l,l,[{ W00611451 TIMES, MAY 27, 1.69.4. THE BURDEN llf Sickness and the Shadow of Graver Things BEING LIFTED Frogs Thousands of ''fomes 1111 Canada,,.. Mr. W. J. Offen, h}•al±etnan on the Grand 'Trunk Railway, residing tit 211 Logan :we- stue, Toronto, t'anttilamlays: "My experience w ith. the ltrnnyon treatment for dyspepsia Stas been most satisfactory. I was in a ferl•tble condition when I consulted Mum, yon. t was so bad in fact with dyspeo. eta and headache that T rover expected to get better. '.rhe awns in my heart nearly ahoy' me wild, and I was compelled to walk 'the floor for lion's, I had dyspeosi,t so Amd1y and my stomach was swollen so 'frightfully after eating heartily tb, I suf- fered the greatest agony. I ha( used all :medicines in the effort fo get • het, hut 1 'kept getting worse. ,Slime T )(gout using Munyou's IDyspepsta Cure liars, never felt in better health, I an eat almost anything and feet no bac after results. aim now In splendl hea t auci attribute It ,sill to .tInnyon's 'eatent, and ata daily $ecomnnendin4 t so. 'onder$u1 remedies." 'r Manyaa'a 131• Cure seldom• falls fo re.', 31avo In one to Or o hours and cures In a few„ glass. Price 25e, Itlpnyon'a Dyspepsia Cure positively cures all' forms of indigestion and stomach troubles,! !price 250, .1 Munyoa o Cold Cure prevents pneumonia and' breaks up a cold la a feet hours, Price fie, tlunyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night' Invents, nllnya soreness and speedily hea3s the tronas. Price 25c, 3runyon's Kidney Cure;speedily curet pains. in the back, ioins. or groins,, en4 all forms Al' Ztidney disease. Price Zee: Munyon'a Nerve Cure stops nervous:ma ante Itmlidtn up the system, Pelee 25e. Miairna's lieadache Cure stops bbttdache tai three minutes. Price tar. iltunynn'e •Nile Ointment paeitivaty cam al Corns of piles. • Price 25c, MCI) y(>21.8 Blood Cure. eradlceteo all Impurities' tar the blood. Price 25e. dunyoa's Female Remedies area boon to all !women. • Atunynn'e Catarrh Remedies never fell, The •Catarrh Cure—price 25e,—cradioatee the disease 'from the system, and the Catarrh Tablets—price .;,5c.—cleanse and heal the parts, biuryoa's Asthma Bemedies relieve in thres' hmtuutes and cure permanently. Price gr„ tiunyon's Vitallsor, • a great tonic Ind re•. etcrer•of vital, strength to weal; people,' $1. A separate cure kr each disease., At Ali drug:, a;lsta. mostly 25 cents, viol. Personol.lettere to Prof, unson, 11 Albert' street. Toronto. Ont., answered_ wide trrf .neat. Fal advice for soy disease.• Small Flocks cto 3est. Small flt,cks of poultry usually do better than large ones, and there :are several reasons why this should be so. They receive more clue and attention in pi•up;,rtirsn to their num- ber. One child scarcely keep a flock of 15 without devoting a half hour per day to them. At this rate one would only care for 300 in a day of 10.bours, yet many think they can take care of about a thousand in that time and not keep very busy. Spending so much time among a few, ,one gets to noticing the personal peculiarities of each one. He can Soon tell which ones by five eggs a week and which only three, and f elle 0..ec§. nqt Yisi4 the lled:t at all ;l'r)i' we'ek3 be t:;iit)Ws it and k 50cn District Meeting, The annual meeting of the Meths. cilia Churches within the Goderieb District was held as Blyth, on Tues- day and Wednesday, of last week, the. first day being the ministerial set•sion, Rev. S. Bond in the chair. 'i'he standing of all the ministers et; the District was ratified, Rev. J. •ter,. Pring resuming his work at once Mr. k'iridlny, of Turner's appointment was recommended to be left without la station for a year, owing to 111 health. The joint 'Ministerial and lay session was held un 'Wednesday, the following lay sten being present :— Clinton, J. Jackson, 1), Tiplady; Goderieh, G. Areherson, G. Elliott; Ilolinesville, E. Areberson; Varna, W, Keys; Bayfield, Jas. Wallace; Dungannon, W. Mclean ; Londes- boro, M. Braithwaite; Auburn, A. Carr ; Blyth, J, Wilford ; Walton, A. Grigg; I3eninillor and Seaforth were not represented by laymen: Nearly all these mentioned will also be re- presentatives to Conference, Rev. W, Godwin was elected Dis• trict Secretary, and Rev'. Joseph Edge was elected as representative to the Stationing Committee, his opponent fur this position being Revs. W. Rigsby, Rev. B. Clement was elected representative to the Epworth League Board; and Geo. Elliott, Goderieh, Rev, W. Rigsby and Mr. W, McLean, of Dungannon, to the Sabbath School Committee; Rev. I3, L. Button and Ed. Acheson to the Sustenation Coni.; W. Al. Gray to the Missionary Coin. A number of claims were present ed from Ministers, and recommend- ed to the Contingent Fund Com. Rev. R. Millyard. introduced a resolution to the effect that in future no minister shall be Chairman of a District for more than two years continuously ; ;he resolution will go ferwal'd to Conference and if passed ; there will be i'.,rwurde a to General Conference. The next financial meting w:11 be I heldin Ontario St. church, Clinton, in August, and the annual meeting in Goderich. A GRAND TRUNK BRAMEMAM Tel is the Story of His Exposure— The fate that Betel .flim, and How He was Relieved from hie Suffei- il,gs. W. Lavelle, G. T. Et. brake:n in, Allan - dale, Ont„ says : • Phrough exposure I r'outracted th at dread disease—catarrh. My ease became chronic. I was recotn- tnended to try 1)r. Airnew's Catarrhal Powder, In ten minutes after taking the first application I had relief. and in an almost incredibly short time all syn'. toms had disappeared. I feel I can not speak too strongly to reeommoodtng this remedy. It is a pleasant, safe and quick euro." Sold by A. L. flamiiton, druggtst. How He Kilsw. a �tls rid of thea(, that are all expense d 1 , Several Yboardu[ trade men the trio income. If he desires to raise I other day fell into t:tiseussiun about ,enickens, he can by a little care bee.. and the fondness of' foreigners �seleet eggs from those hens which for that beverage. One of there matured earliest and have been tili" finally offered to wager that a Ger- best egg producers, and thus he is ;min fit work on a building near by breeding for eggs. And . hast, but conk' di ink a ;alloy' of beer without not always leas.,,. the item of table l stopping. The proposition wilts aa - scraps and waste vegetables, 1" 'certed and a German stone mason '.which usually no charge is made in i was accosted. 'Will you drink a bucketful of lacer it I pay for it,' he was asked. The workman was suspicious. He wanted to know all about the wager and discussion. At last he saki : in a flock of 100 or more there would „ veU, t drink it if I can. T don't clot be in any ordinary family enough know. though, if I can. You wait to give eaaeh hen a fair bite. This makes the expense of keeping each fowl something greater in the large llock if the variety of food is bought for them, and the returns a little less if is is not. itemized aeeounts, are really valu- able to the small flock us tarnishing -some variety to the ration and an amount that may really deduct something from the grain bill, while A 1%AIL N AT MAN'S STOUY. Mr. W. Flunks, in charge of the Grard "Trunk &mute Shops, Pott, Dover, Ont., say "Four boxes of Doan's Kidney here a minute," IIe wont down an adjoining alley for a few minutes but presently returned, smiling, and said he was ready to make the test The coterie visited a saloon near by, and the Teuton drank a gallon of' beer without winking. Coming back to his mallet and chisel, lie said "I was not sure if I could drink a pail of beer or not, so Pills curse' nue of a very bttd attactc of t went into Chris Olsen's and tried it Itidney Complaint and Lame Buck. lust. 1i., G, Ln wiliest, one of Xlarriston's leading merchants, dropped dead iv r lit Like bftensnoss, dyspepsia, headset o, const), Dation, sour Stomach, indigestion are promptly cured by 'bond's fills. They do t tolr work 00 TEM CYCLISTS' 'I'RI.1 ND. No cyclist's tit is complete without a bottle of llagyard's Yellow 011, Can b+e taken interuaily or used ex ternatly.Cttts, Bites, Sore Throat, Pains in the Chest, Bruises, Sprains, Still. Joints, Coughs etc., it is always effectual. Ms no equal as an all round remedy. MUMPS. eft .r HOW TO T'ilt'i,tT 'J11I$ I'.4INt''(TL IrrT X0T USUALLY D.Li(U 1l0L's. D141:4813, This is a refs painful but usually not dangerous eontaryious disease afl'eeting chiefly the young, though not sparing the middle aged or even the sold who nuiy have esseapcd ex. posure ir- early fife. Usually one who has bad the die ease is safe from another attack, but this is not always so, and medical books tell us of unfortunate irlcfivfd- uals who have suffered four or live attacks at intervals of a few years, seeming to catch the diesase every time they were exposed to it. Mumps is very contagions, and ono who has never bad it iy ala cot, sure to cantr,act it on the first oppor tunity. A short time spent with a patient suffering from it will gener ally sutllce, but at the same time tilt' contagion does not extend far from the sick, so that it is easy to prevent the spread c f the disease by keeping; the other members of the family away. 'lumps usually occur s.' ill small elide Hies in schools arrays, factories and wherever many persons are brought into close relations with each other daily. Mumps is a general disase, similar in its natnte to scarlet fever o1' mea- sles, but the swelling of the salivar.v glands is such a striking ftsature,thai the other symptoms, mild fever, loss of appetite, etc., are ap. to be forced into the back ground and ' overIo�k•- ed, The glands affected are generally the parotid glands, and the swelling appears beneath the ear, just below the jaw. The enlargement fun. be `very great, told when. both sid,i are affected the poor sufferer is se transformed as hardly to be r.', cognizable. At, the same time th glanis arc exceedingly painful. Th other salivary glands may be afTha•.- ed together wiuh the parotitis U. alone. A peculiarity of' mumps is that it. is very prone to leave the parts of Acted and invade other glands in lir' body. This is a serious danger, al• most the only one and can be pre vented best by keeping the p•atien in bed, or at lea.:t in the room, even if he feels perfectly well, for several days :tf ter the swelling has gon d,; fun. This is about the ugly treatment, called fur, except, perhaps soothing applications, such as soap linament, for instance, to the skin -over the swelling. The diet should be liq'•tiJ and indeed it mast be, for chewing is so painful that solids are out o. the question.—Youth's Co,npani"n. LOOK BORROWlNa. _. ; PM:1MM BOOKER STATES Ills VIEWS ON'' Tut SUBJECT. I "Say, hooker, here's that book borrowed from you about three months ago. I suppose you had for. gotten all about it.'' "I always like to return a book that I've borrowed." "ThaCS right." "I came act'ass it last night. and I just said to Myself, 'By Georg, I must take that back to Hooker ;' so I brought it down with tie this morning." "I'm glad you did, I wouldn't like to lose it." After a moment or two of em- barrassed silence the man who had returned the book turned around and went out. Hooker hit the dank with his fist. "Did you ever notice," he a�keri, "that when a man returns a borrow. cd book or an umbrella be acts as if he were handing yott money right out of his own pocket ? You are put in the attitude of'one accepting altos. fie seems to think that he is doing you an immense i'twor and that you ought t•o be duly thankl'nl. Now, there's that book. Ile borrowed it trine months ago with 4 solemn promise to t'otttrn it in less than a week, Ito brings it to me this inorni'tg, and because I didn't tell that 1 WAS extremely thankful allyl ever so lunch .obliged he thinks i'ltt :an ungrateful character and can't appreciate to great kindness. I suppose the next tithe he borrows a book fl'otu tale he won't return It at "- ra11s 'accord. Unopened mail always interests fonts nw'n 4f it has no importance: -No withpretty tee tt eaT have be" pieture taken without sniffing. ttga9tly and thorouihlY- _ T The Perth County= Councilhas tatter dinner gills.1 S ttt'� law -lag a tflx of :"•00 on all as cents. All druggists, (pCcsnnS selling; goods from door to Vrcnarcd by C. 1, /tooitx Cn., Lowey, utors, -tat salt, PM to take With T•Iood's Sarxapatilla. (1oor. Children Ory for ;ASTORIA. and you cure its enc'' These are some of the Consectuences o biliousness loss of appetite pimples sour stomach depression coated tongue nightmare palpitation cold feet debility Constipati ; n.° dizziness weakness backache vomiting jaundice piles pallor stitch irritability- nervousness rritabilitynervousness headache vo icing orpid liver heartburn foul breath sleeplessness drowsiness hot skin cramps throbbing head are a Sure Cure for- Constipation. Dr. J. C. Ayer's Pills are a specific for all diseases of the liver, stomach, and bowels. These testimonials are from the thousands received : -- "I suffered from constipation which assumed such an obstinate form that I feared it would cause a stoppage of the bowels. After vainly trying various reme- dies, I began to take Ayer's fills. Two boxes effected a complete cure," U. B U RKE, Saco, Maine. "For eight years I was afflicted with constipation, which at last became sr) bad that the doctors could do no more for me, Then I began to take Ayer's Pills, and soon the bowels recovered their natural and regular action." WM. H. DsLAUCETT, Dorset, Ont. "Ayer's Pills are the best in the world. I used to he annoyed with constipation until I began using them; now I have no trouble of that kind any more, and I attribute lay recovery to the use of your valuable Cathartic kills," II, PLOWMAN, Portland, Oreg. The Pill That Will The Pill That Wilt J For Over Fifty Years. Al OLD AND WELL•TI:iEU R1iMrMY— Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Fyrup has bear used for over fifty > ears by • mil- lions of mothers for their children while teettrn,v, i+illi perfeuteucees's. it soothes the child, softens the grins, allays all pain, cures wind colic, nt d 1" the best lentedy for diarrhoea, Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twe,.ty-P, :•e dents a bottle. Its value is inrniu..b'e. Be sure and ask for Kars. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. nod take no other kiuti 17 Beauty ,-it out Health is impossible. 13ring l;iettltii, thcot Beauty follows. They clear the nutdtly cotmph:tilos, chase away Sic': Illeadaches and bilious Spells, cute Dyspepsia and tetnoveSlt gtoiso..ous Matter from tit' System, Mrs. Addie 'r herriatt, r5 Brussels Street St. John, N it, eayst "Lase.. Liver tills cttrecl :no of t'tOrtIiptatioh, Indit .anon and 13i1i,,us IIencdacllSS. They halve corrected the irregulrritie5 of Liver anti Stomach. and restored my entire systeut to healthy tratitrat Action." Do You Require .. We are in a position to turn out BILL HEADS, LETTEE HEADS, NOTE HE ADS, STATEMENTS, ETC. ., ▪ At is 'soya, ilii "' Coen f ' er before, We have tate best stock of Envelopes in town,, mind. we eau print and supply them as cheap as the t:hi!:,l,y -n . Give us a call when you, are in need of anything in tib.'- 11't:ltttng line and we will use yogi right. THE TIii ,S,, inghazli.