The Wingham Times, 1898-05-27, Page 6F•
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foga el as audit);* as Daary and Creamery.
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Domestic Felicity. I,'Itorary Nates.
Aheifer with her first calf should Maintained in Families Where Dia -
,l ' ; t:.,, he fl•tt ttlr. give three --fifths the amount of milk i mond Dyes Are Used.
. • -i , e a 1, to rho w the is to produce when full grown. 1 The hap+plest, best regulated and most
j' ,• li,° 'r • econorimil families in the Dominion are
• 1 �'1 *[caul engine seems the best' regular users of the world- famous 1)n .
'• , 't' ' t• 11•,' An"' kind to ltse in the dairy. There is menti Dyes. I)omesut: felicity is aver
•' ' au : nell about steam. '''hen, too,: rnaiutained, because the Diamond Dyes
�. the steam is extremely useful anti ere true and unfailing in work, and
money is salved by their nee. No otter
saves tithe and labor in cleaning f lyes can b,rtst of such strong words of
dairy utensils. You can hent water l,ra'rtt from uhers.
with it very quickly, also warm' a Mrs. P. Levin, Newnri, Ont., says :
1`�tr •`E-Iave used many other makes of dyes,
CARTERS t'ootn• i but tinct the Diamond !)yes ahead of all.
A heifer that does not give as' IIS ::