The Huron Expositor, 1978-05-04, Page 4Please Check-Your
,Mr. Doe's subscription
expires The first of
December 1977. The digit
to the right indicates the
Ont. Dec. 1-0-9-8-.7 year of expiry.
Doe, William P.
R.R.6 Walton,,.,
herbicide for white beans.
Green Cross F'atoran controls-weeds from
the start of the growing season. And it
maintains that effective weed control
right up to harvest.
You, get clean fields and better yields.
When applied pre-ernergently, as
directed, Patbran is safe for beans-white,
lima, snap, kidney and others.
Green Cross Patoran,
The quality herbicide more
and more bean growers
depend on.
For more information,
write to Green Cross.
Products, l'Westside Drive, GREEN
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he riurou
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Seaforth 527-1910
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Henson 262-2527
wiiigiveyou better beans
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Afesin 2E is a clear liquid
herbicide that's given excellent,
results as a preemergent spray
for over seven years now.
It can be used alone or in
combination to give you control
of broadleaf weeds.and grasses
in major begn * and potato
crops ...the easy way.
*White beans *Lima beans
*Soybeans *Snap beans
*Kidney beans *Yelloweye beans
Now available at your Pfizer dealer.
'Agricultural Chemicals & Seed Division,
1 Wilton Grove Road, London, Ontario N6A 4C6
Telephone (519) 681-2173
OiA1(4141711•4 n Reg. TM of HorrhAt AC
Perth Ag Office-
Ready to troubleshoot
some of the 25 residents of Dublin who participate()
in last week's community forum, held to involve
people in the life of their community.
(Expositor Photo)
Nobody knOWS 0AP:6y-the. ba,sis '
ea which mentaf retardation is
Well, at least, nobody knows
The question of who is mentally
miarded took up Most .ot the time
of the Perth COUnty Board of'
Education's meeting, but the
board did agree that a committee
• be established to study a'proposal
that handling of mentally retard-
ed be taken out of the hands of
the • . training school 'at.
The Perth County board would
not operate schools . for the
mentally retarded. That job would
in th e tio,iv(iirtion of co-
, operative boil) formes of existing
training schools at Atwood, St.
Mary's and-Stratford.
There was alway'v the pos-
sibility that the•program "Might
come to naught," R.K., Self,
Pefinitiomof retarded
grgyed at, Rerth -B.
county director of edttention, told
the be4rd, in the event that
existing organizations did not
wish to participate.
But board member,,s adnOttecl
there was some confusion involv-
ing eventual responsibility.
Trustee R.F.• Boyce", for in-
stance, said he thought some
trainees in existing schools "did
not belong there," but should be
in other institutions. „
And even board chairman
Barbara • Herman admitted ','We
are floundering," and that the,
board did not have adeqUate
information to make an'im-
mediate 'decision,
A Development Centres
Committee, if formed, would
apply to, the ministry of com-
munity and social services to,
establish day care centres staffed
by, the provincial department.
Roy who worted, for
2S' ,years with the. Stratford'
BureaU Of the London Free Press,
ha.s..been hired to cover.„.county
news forthejour .rnember,,PPOrS
of the Perth County ComMUnity
Press Association,
" Mr. Wildgust, who retired from,
the free Press in 1973, will be
"eoveriett Perth County council
and the Perth 'Co 111Y 'Ijnard of
education for the linron
Expositor; the List wel Banner;
the Mitchell Advocate and. the St.
Mary's Journal-Argus.
Mr,-''-•--Wildgust is replacing
Ma'am' Shaw of Goderich who
had been covering meetings of
the hoard of education and the
Perth County Federation of
New Perth rep r r
Head Office: 56 Weber Street' East, Kitchener [519]744-6535
Branch Offices: 705 Giiderich Street, Port Elgin[519]832-2044
504 Tenth Street,Hanover [519]364-3121
Lower Interest Rates
1st and 2nd Mortgages
anywhere in Ontario on
Interim financing on n ew construction
-or land development .
useful ' in assessing the space expe.cted yield varies from the 100
between seeds that is necessary bus. • standard.
to achieve a certain -plant pepola-. There will be some-losses when
tion, On page 2 . of the same nitrogen is, applied very early in the
bulletin, there's a good season. An additional 30 kgs. per
discussion on the plant.Popidation ,hectare is required if the nitrogen
that's best fora given situation. is to be, applied preplant in early •
Metric Fertilizer Rates May -as epposed to sidedress in -
The term kilograms (kgms) per J une . -- ,
hectare (ha) is becoming common ' Nitrogen Recommendations
when expreSsing fertilizer rates. • In Ontario, we do ,not have a
________:_sitiLS.tittite _for. ' the _, 's-faetorysoil-testfornitrogelf-
tractor and digging in the soil to remembering that a kgm/ha ' rate Thus the. amount of nitrogen •
. ,...: ' &termitic depth of planting, can be converted to lbs. per acre . varies with the crop. The rates: in
kertiel, spacing- and fertilizer , :by multiplying by .9. Thus the• kgms/ha can vary from 15 'for
placement, The test should. be. be. two rates can be used inter- forage seedlings and beans to 35
done'. under actual fi e ld • changeablY for practical for mixed grain to 100 or:more for
conditions, as a trial runon a hard purposes. This rate coincidence corn and .garden crops.
. The Early Bird.Gets the Yield • ,
We never miss the loss that we •
.can't see and yet' it's just as 'real
as the• visible-one,-As -a general
• rule, the higheSt yields come from
crops which 'have been planted
early. Researchers • claim that
there is a yield. reduction of 1 bus.
for every day.-that the planting of .
'spring grain is delayed beyond
May . I. In a similar fashiOn, corn
••••' yields arc depresSed one bus. for
every day that planting is. delayed
beyond May. 15. . •
.- • ' Check.Planting Depth
`Soils and Crops Specialist. Pat
. • Linch, suggests that there's no
that nu mer.9„us.:grower.haYe .1141.. „with-the ty-pc of soil, farin.location - • provides '50 kgins of actual uneven stands, just because they in the province expected yield and nitrogen. This value increases to . didn't sake 15 'minutes to check timing of fertilizer application. 60 if the manure is covered after and double' check" their Planter's In Perth, the soil test nitrogen application and is reduced to. 25 performance, . . recommendationis 100 kgms per for manure applied in the fall or
Pat feels ,that we have to vary .. her:tare on light 'soils and 130 winter. A 'table on page 57 fo the the depth• according to the kgriis eprI liectare on heavier soils. . Field ' Crop Recommendations
temperature and soil moisture. vir e usually suggest that the lists the nutrient 'contribution of In early May a. I "- I 1/2 " depth', higher rate apply to the southern different' manure' rates, should suffice. Deeper planting' part of the county and the lower . . : ' Junior Farmer Neal may result in a delay and yate' to the north. These rates are Several Perth Juniors will be reduction in emergence. Later in based ,on..yields,..of 100 bus. of assisting: at the Annual Church May, .it may be necessary to plant grain corn per acre or 13.5 ' Service on' Sunday, May 7, at deeper in order to get down to soil . tons/ac of silage. A producer
10:30 a.m. The 1978 service is moisture. .... • . should increase or decrease this ' scheduled. for First. St. Paull A table on page 3 of the 1978 , soggeste,d rate by 20 lbs. of actual
Field Crop Recommendations is .. nitrogen for each 20 bus: that the , Lutheran Church, 104 William
,heefare and 'the contribution Nitrogen On Corn •
,to plant deeply because of dry • • increases -to ITO-with-a .1/2 - legume conditions in 1977.. Areadjus 'mei*: •:-Soveral factors infli-enee- the- sod. - 'Nine . to
(600 bus.) of Wilfbenceded with the new crop amount of nitrogen that, shouldbe spring applied cattle manure or
year. Secondly., he's observed put on a corn crop. rate varies 2700 gills of liquid ho manure
landway will not be accurate, It's come about because the hectare Manure and legume sod can wise to check more than once and is about 2.5 times as large as an supply some or all of this nitrogen to examine each run, acre and the pound is 2.2 times • requirement. A 1/2 legume sod Pat's concerned" , for two heavier than a kilogram. provides 55 kgms of nitrogen per reascins.• Many_ planteeS were .set The semi formal sprilig •Fling 'is available at our Stratford office on
scheduled 'for the Kirkton- Wednesday, May 1Q. An appoint-
WOOdham..Commiinity Centre, on ment can be made by calling .
Friday, May 5..The'crowning of 271-0280. Qntario Ministry of
"Miss Perth Couhty" will be a iiAgibreicrunlitaursetrecatndstraFtf000rddi 413
_special features--
St. Wellesley. A cordial invitation
is extended to membek, parents
and friends..
Milk Quota Appointments
Milk Marketing Board
Fieldmati, Ken Carey, will be
Better yields rt
and finish with
Green Cross-*'
Mr. Slotta explained another
purpose-of-the meeting Was to
•.' • create a' document of information
and understanding about the
Sister Florence Kelly was
persuaded to draw • . -a logo
representing Dublin for the
booklet's cover:. Loretta Shea
prepared a short story, , on
Dublin's history and Rose Van
Bergen and ,Maureen Ruston
were bsked to compose lyrics for a
song about the town.
At this point Mr. Slotta asked
forum members to individually
think of some of the major issues
lacing ',Dublin in the area of
' economics, politics and culture,
• Among economic issues raised
by forum members was the
problem of competition for Dublin
• businesses from Outside
businesses, who could offer more
product variety, the shortage of
qualified people to take public
office and accept rcsonsibility and
how to maintain self-government
for the village.
An issue which arose again was
the fact the lack of serviced lots in
the town was . a disadvantage
when • trying to __encourage
indirstrieSto move to Dublin. but
if lots were serviced then taxes
would increase.
Another major issue, raised by
student participants, was the lack
of activities for young people in
the village.
After considering these issues,-
• residents were divided into
smaller groups of six people, and
asked to draw up specific
challenges facing the town.
The three challenges which
-atm from the discussion groups
were: stimulating leadership
within the community; keeping a”. .
balance in Dublin both in the ages
of residents and in the town's
,growth and providing capital to
encourage new businesse to
setti in the community.
After identifying the challenges
facing their community, Mrs.
Slotta directed residents in a
shorter workShop which focuSed
on naming some 'proposals to
answer the . basic 'challenges
faCing Dublin.
Participants decided in order to
stimualte local leadership, a
positive stepwould be taorganize
a leadership training •course
through contact with the
one of the .region's community
colleges. . ,
Participants recommended.
starting the course in the late fall
or early winter.
The second poSitive proposal to'
keep a balance between faMilieS
and retired people in the
community was to sponsor
community night at. St. Patrick's
School under the leadership of
local ,organizations.' in the town.
The c;onirounity night could start
in September And be held once a
month initially.
Finally, the tined proposal
decided on by forum members
was to undertake an economic
survey in Dublin. and area to
discover how to stimulate capital
and attract much needed
Forum Members suggested a
Survey analyzed and. developed
either through the business
leadership class at the local
school or else a survey completed
with the assistance of
community college.
The forum concluded with a
-general -sitig-Stirig -Whieh ended
with the singing' of the new song
about Dublin.
As the fortim broke up- each
member was presented ,with a
booklet outlining the evening's
workshops. the names of people
wile had participated. the lyrics of
the Dublin song and the three
proposals for change.
The forum was Obviously a
success-one man who left part
way through returned to see the
final of 'the evening's
Mary Litwiller, the• community
council co-ordinator who helped
organize the forum, said- she had
egpected about five people, since
the eventwls organized on such
short notice.
Another Man said the evening
had proved at least one thing to
him--"it goes to show we're on
the right track with the
community school idea."
Thtr Institute , of Cultural
Affai s, which is now in 30
nations -around the world,
including India and Great Britain
',among others,originally ' sprang
from -concerns• expressed at -a
WOrld Council of Churches
increasingly complex world, "we
need: new methods "in partici-
pating in communities."
Mr. Slotta, who was 'a chemist
• for 14 years before giving up his
job to 'devote ' two. years to
conducting community forums,'
said although the institute is, a
secular group. working for it
little Like being in a religious
Funding • for the institute' is
solicited by the volunteers them-,
selves and comes from a 'variety
of sources including Imperial Oil
Canada, the Ursuline Sisters and
Zerox Canada.
• By Alan W. Scott "
Agricultural Representative
Pops Troubleshooting
Crops troubleshooting, is an
important part of our work at this
time TroubleshOoling,..
- -involves ba•ndfing -enqiiities over
' the phone as well as farm calls to
.view the problem, first,band, •
The office openS .offielaily. at
8:30 a.m.,. and closes at .4:30 p.m.
Someone is on hand to take calls
.during the noon hour from. 12 to
12:45. Morning is the best time to
, get a specific perSori, as most
staff members spend One hOur
'the office before leaving for calls, '
Our Stratford ' number, is
Dublin forum
Ball, Hockey etc. Our Specialty
Complete line of samples for sizes and styles..
All sports equipment at team prices.
Lou's , Sports
60'. Victoria Street
Mitchell, Ontario
Day or Evening
rf • . (continued from Page 1)
see a similar lifestyle tai today's
preserved and foresaw only a
small increase in population.
They added they'd like to sec the
athletic park recreation facilities
and the school expand, and the
butcher shop re-open.
Asa side exercise of the forum. .community `council, to be Mrs. Slotta tolc.j_f.pa_ato
r-iaft'4ek-'s--pants, who ranged from students sponsored_either_by St.
School or with the assistance of to, grandmothers, that• in an
conferenee. • .