The Wingham Times, 1898-05-20, Page 411 1.11E WING1.1AM. TIMES, MAY 20, 1898. FRESH STOCK FTU NTAIN SYRINGES from $i1.2; up. Best duality. C06i� P. DRUGGIST.. Campbell's H eadacheW afers Mire headaches. TO ADVERVISERS. 7tv?otice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day evening. Casual advertise- ments accepted up to noon Thursday of each week, 4;l\ i1• � ..fish o air (im e FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1898. TOO MUCH SIIIPL1CITV. The Evening News of Toronto remarkes that "Never has a minister of public works been so mueh clis trusted as Mr. Tarte." Perhaps the News will permit us to add that had certain' Tory ministers in that depart- ment been trusted a little less then, the country might be better off now. There is such a thing as too much trust in party politics, and during the decade preceding the year 1895, the country in general and the Tory party in particular, found that out. At the cline of that year the section of the party which remained honest might very well have hung up over their mantelpieces the familiar motto, "13y Trust, 11'e Bust." ; <i _ `•';; WEST HURON LIBERALS. The annual meeting of the West l{uron Liberal Association, for both Loct.1 and Dominion Affairs, will be held at Dungannon, on Tuesday, IDIay, 31, at 1 o'clock. Three dell - gates can be sent to the convention, from each polling sub -division. "_Where will be very important matters tt3ome before the meeting and a full xsttendance of deligates is requested. EDITORIAL NOTES. Hoc. W. E. Gladstone, England's "Grand Old Man," died at 5 o'clock ton Wednesday morning. If the price of vv heat bolds until liext autumn, we shall have to build poor -house for the army of money -- lenders. TII.1'I' I1IST ORICA L S1'13*11)V,a` Without wishing to discourage the proposed subsidy for Prof. I.ingsford's Canadian History we would respectfully enquire : "Is it a good and true history?" It is pretty safe to say that few members of parliament have read it; and as for the signers of Mr. Kingsford's petition it is probable that most of them would be unable to tell any historical fact from a fourteenth century fairy tale. Under these circumstances it might be well to submit the history to a committee of experts who would be willing to act without pay. If these gentlemen should report it to be fairly good history, then the Government would be fairly justified in giving Mr. Kingsford the assist- ance he asks. Can the "Powerful American Feel- ing" in Sudbury be due to the fact that Uncle Sam's warships are arm- moured with niekle steel 9 We trust Biot. The able editor of the Toronto World who describes a green lawn spangled with dandelions as "an eyesore," should take a course of lessons from the art critic. Now that Sir Charles has denied having promised, " as Premier," to buy. the Drummond road, it would be interesting to know in just what capacity he was acting when the promise was made. With Italian taxes at -13 per cent. on land rents, and 13 per cent. on !House rents, and 13 per cent. on all ?yearly incomes over $120, the only .avonder is that revolution has not broken out long ago. If American bad manners have caused the war with Spain, as is Mated in " The Nation," it might pay cur neighbors to establish a ruttier -al university, for the study of etiquette. If Prof. Kingsford's publishers had pert a little more money in adver- tising the first two volumes of his Canadian history, he would not now be ccm,,elled to beg pubis, assist - trance in floating the last. This is a Iesscn which a good many business snen might take to heart. Lie certain American gentlemen are decimating their millions for torpedo boats and -batteries of artil- iary, some modest Canadian Crwsus raxigl.w win more enduring fame by subsidising Prof. Kingsford's history of Canada. Buell an act would be just as patriotic and it would eer• ttairl� ome cheaper. resignation o? Lord Aberdeen Of his Ligh office of Governor Gen - Of Canada, one year before the em V)ira Heal of the six years official term will e&me as a surgrise to the people of Canada. "After very full and etareflf. consideration," he writes the ":'ren..ei' "ere felt that private and Baran:, ms and interests rendered it root: ruble that we should re: turn ,, e before the end -of the pre - vett ;'';:ar, if p'isslblc " ALL SPECIAL PRIVELEGE. Sir Wilfrid Laurier has declared that the immunity from garnishee proceedings which civil servants now enjoy should be abolished; and this opinion will be echoed by every honest man in the Dominion. The civil service has for too long afforded sanctuary to a minority of deadbeats, who have been a detriment to honest trade, and a disgrace to their more honorable colleages. It is to be hoped that Sir Wilfrid's admirable ideas on this point will soon be embodied in an effective law. At present several honorable gentlemen at Ottawa are disagreed as to the pre cise terms of the statute, and it has consequently been abandoned for a time. Surely, however, there should be little ground for such a division and we respectfully suggest the fol- lowing form upon, which all sides might unite. To wit : "Be it enacted that all privelegos and immunities now enjoyed by, gov eriment employes, in the matter of action for debt, be and are hereby abolished." It will not require a lawyer to un- derstand that ; but on the other hand, no lawyer could misunder- stand it. AMERICANS AGAINST WAR. "Life," which although a comic paper reflects the opinions of the so- called upper classes of the United States, says that among Americans there is almost as much sym}-athy with Spain as with Cuba, and this is born by the +astonishing intelligence that during three weeks after the outbreak of the war, out of a popu- lation of 70,000.000 only 60,000 men were enlisted for service in the mil- itia , while more than that number were required in Cuba alone. This leads one to believe that not only are the "best people" against the war, but that the mass of the population are against it ; and that in fact it is a war of the politicians, the contractors and the Yellow' Kid newspapers. 'Canadians are frequntly assured that the most friendly feelings are entertained by the "best people" of the United States, and we are glad to know that such is the the case ; but Canadians must regret that the actions of the States are not directed by their best people, but on the contrary by the most despicable sections of the popu- lation. It is not the best people of the United States that Canada has to deal with ; and unfortunately the worst, although insignificant in num- ber, seem to be supreme in the coun- sels of the nation I3ELGRAVE The Directors of the East Wawan- osh Agricultural Society will hold their fall show in this place on Thursday and Friday, September 29th and 30th. The Ladies' Aid of the Presby- terian dwell of this place will hold a grand garden party on the manse So the falling of the hair tells of the approach of age and declining power. No matter how barren the tree nor bow leafless it may seen!, you confidently expect leaves again. And why? Because there is life at the roots. So you need not worry about the falling of your hair, the threatened departure of youth and beauty. And why? Because if there is a spark of life remaining in the roots of the hair MARKET REPOIITS. VINoxnat. Wingham, May 12, 1898. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 1110 IYs 2 50 to a 20 Fall Wheal 1 10 to 1 12 • Spring Wheat 1 10 to 1 12 Oats, .. ..... 0 34 to 0 30 030 to 035 0 00 to 0 01 Turkey, drawn 0 07 to 0 08 Geese, " 0 04 to 0 05 Ducks, per pair 0 40 to 0 00 fButter ... .... . 0 11 to 0 12 i Eggs per dozen 0 10 to 0 11 Wood per cord, ... 1 00 to 1 25 flay per ton........,.. 4 50 to 5 00 1 Potatoes, per bushel, 0 40 to 0 45 Tallow ,per ib 0 4 to 0 4 l Dried Apples, per lb 0 3 to 0 4 Wool 19 to 21 1 Dressed hon 5 00 to 6 00 STRAY STEER' Strayed onto the p raises the un- dersigned, north ha lo 2, let line, Morrie. on or about he et of May, one two-year-old steer, o , real, with a little white, Owner ca hale same by prov- ing property and paying expences 11 J. G. FY-r`E, Wingbam P. 0. Barley Peas Al will arouse it into healthy activ- ity. The hair ceases to come out: it begins to grow: and the glory of your youth is restored to you. We have a book on the Hair and its Diseases. It is free. The Best Advice Free. If you do not obtain alt the benefits you expected from tho use of the Vigor, write the doctor about it. Probably there is sonic difficulty with your gen- oral system which may be easily removed. Address, DR. J. O. AYER, Lowell, Mass. r.,4.,W1V4WhAVA1161.41.16,11a11012.11,11Ab444011A2,111%4WtAMYIt. IT'S THE BEST THAT MONEY OAN BUY. OUR NEW Black ; :+eaf grounds on Friday evening, June 20th. A good programme is being prepared and a pleasant time may be looked for. Farmers in this vicinity are busy getting their rout ground ready. MONEY TO LOAN. Any amount of money to loan on good farm property at 5 per cent per annum. STRAIGHT LOANS—Payments made to suit borrower. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges low. At office Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. ABNER COSENS, Macdonald Block, Wingbam. Edward Vincent has possession of a new driver. Charles McClelland took in a large STORES FOR SALE beg of catt'e for the grass last AND YOU MAY HAVE IT FOR 750. A POUND. Try it and you'll use no other. JOHN KERR GROOE',R, WINGHAEC 1 _..F. H. KERNE , ►I -� ll E, TOINSOR1AL ARTIST. 1 Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingbam. 1 For an easy Shave and a First-CIase IIair Cut, give him a trial. Razors Honed. SEED POTATOES FOR SALE The nder t 'fisi„ q of a ned has a quantity Early Harvest, Vicks' Abundance, and World's Fair varieties of seed potatoes for sale. Parties in need of seed pota- toes would do well to see mo before \ ER pa rebasing. JOHN GRAY,BUTCH 4t «gingham. uthet J. Williams House and lot For Sale, The undersigned offers his house and lot on Alice street for sale. The house is a 10100 room frame one, with kitchen, and there is a number of good fruit trees on the Lot. For full particulars apply to JAS. 'WILSON, Wingham. BOAR FOR SERVICE The undersigned will keep for service on north half lot 2, tiret line, Morris. a thoroughbred Chester White Boar. Terns. 51.00, with privilege of returning if necessary. J. G. FYFE. num week. John Budge still continues very ill, There are but slight hopes of his recovery. Mrs. Shaw, of Bayfield, formerly I of Bel -rave is very ill at present Christopher Corbett spent Sunday J. A. MORTON, Wingham, Bayfield, I Solicitor for the Estate Robert Owens spent Sunday at James Nethery's R. England is erecting a new Order yours ^� -- idence on his farm, The carpen- The administratrix of the estate of Alexander Dawson, deceased. offers for sale the , Two Stores in Wingham now ocrupted by Messrs. N. A. Far- quharson and W. H. Wallace, Offers for the same should be addressed to res ters are making rapid progress at 1 their work ; when done he will have a handsome residence. Quite a few of the sports intend taking in the games at Wingham on the 24th. (ASSESSMENT SYSTEM). I. Purely CANADIAN. 2. National in its character. 3. Age limit -18 to 45. 4. Fixed Premium. No Death Assess- ment. 5. Gives $5oo, $I,000, $1,5oo of $2,000 Insurance. 6. Over ONL MI:Lr.lox Dot.I.arts paid to members and their dependents since organization, 18f9. 7. Careful medical selection. Death rate for. the 18th year of its history, only 5.44 per I,000. 8. IIas a larger Surplus on hand for each $I,000 risk than 'any other Society of the kind in Canada. 9. SECt'RITY OF INVHSTMENTS. Not a dollar of the Surplus invested out. side of Canada. io. Premiums and Interest accruing therefrom used ONLY FOR PAYMENT or DEATH CLAIMS. 31. At a cost of from a to 4 cents a day any healthy man w(an acceptable risk), can secure $t,000 Insurance for his family or dependents run information tent 00 application to R. I:r i.tozr, 11. t.'. at., inger,olI Qat.: Tues. Wmtv, tr. 5.. Brantford, Ont.; krtvvr (Eat•tt Nc, Superintendent of Organization, Bra ttforj. 0u.. —AND— PILrhf la - —FROM THE— HOLSTEIN DAIRY. R. J. IDOBIE keeps in stock all the leading lines in HARDWARE Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, Rope, and Binder Twine, in ssason. Just arrived, a consignment of ready mixed paints, Also agent for Drayton Tile, sizes on hand, 214, 3, 4 and 0 inch. Prices right. Give him a trial. R. J. DOBIE, WHITECHURCH. or a Suit that will lit comfortably, look well, wear well, and keep in good shape, you had better go to Webster's New Spring Goods and Samples of a.l the latest designs in Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Worsteds, Serges and O ereoatings to choose from. Orders tilled promptly at very low prices. Webster & Co., Queen's Block, I(Thoroughly experienced and prac- . mai in all branches,) Begs to inform the inhabitants of Wing - ham and neighborhood that he has suc- ceeded to the business formerly carried on by Geo. Shaw at lately by D. Mc- Donald. Ho is prepared to supply all kinds of Meat and Butchers' Supplies of the Best quality at lowest prices. Orders executed to any part of the town with despatch, Telephone No. 9. L. J. WILLIAIVIS TRY J1LLK Having opened up a shoe store next door north of Chisholm's Block, I am now ready for repairing, which will be done at cash prices. JOHN HILL for your summer WINGHAM SAW MILL, lteLEA7ri It SON, Props.. All kinds of rough and dressedt Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Apple Barrels, Hard & Soft Slates Also a large quantity of dry 'hard. Wood for sale, delivered. Telephone orders promptly at- tended to. .tei.eLEAN & SON.. WINCHA STEAM LAUNDRY Oui' laundry, plant has arrived and we are prepaeed to turn Mt first-class work in all lines of BOOTS and Laundry Work on the Shortest Notice. SHOES His stock is1 Good and Cheap ! Extra fine line in Children's Wear. J. G. LARGES. For the convenit;ucc of customers, a DROP BOX will be placed at the door to receive work when laundry is closed. GIVE US A TRIAL with your next order. J. D. LONG Opp. Union Tl''a.ctory. WHAT PRETTY COLD RINCR ORNMINEMININIB That is what everybody says when they see our stock. We make any style of Gold Rings to order. '"� REPAIRING—� We think Ise know as much about watch work as any other mall in Canada, and will give E$50.00) for a Watch we can't fig. HALSEY PARK.