The Huron Expositor, 1978-04-20, Page 24however will be asin.ies oi•suts be, a 111051 AVV142(1111(' Sign. Nap.; ' „ ' As A Miss • liars. von gainvaluable information • pertaining to "Focus,•on Living" your 'young people will gain - confidence in .their abilities to • make -presentations before an • interested audienee:Your.support is a valuable contribution to the continuation of a strong 4-H• program in Huron Cgl(l>ty Plan to atmul the 'Achievement Day in • your area, the 'home economist says.. : Brucefield has contest eTtibitS presented as a elnh effort by-all participating groups. These performances are an entertainin-g and educational summary of the whole project. - At the conclusi( n of the- prttgram. special wards and certificates are 1 resented to members who have satisfactorily. completed ',required 4-1-1 home- naking,- -Everyone is invited.' Your ;presence in the. atidienee would SAVAGE • NORTH * STAR • SELBY • m m KICK OFF The Seasori with z April 21 to April 29 2o % 0" Main Street Seaforth Phone 5271110- •,,. JOYCE . We have sizes for girls, boys, men and women CC1 u C4 aP 1 ' 1 ;.= uma Soccer Shoes (.4 and in one eases min morel Occasionally some of our store managers buy a little too much of some items and find themselves over-stocked. And because each store, manager is different, in almost every store, the over-stocked merchandise is different. - • So we decided to have our first-ever RED TAG SALE. This gives every manager a chance to clear the over-stock which is costing him money, while YOU get in on some greatly-slashed prices ... not just 'Sale Prices' but 'CLEARANCE PRICES'. Because that's the wthvle purpo-se of the RED TAGS you'll find in every Radio Shack Store. When you've spotted • a RED TAG, you'll know you've really spotted a bargain. RED SALE is • m effect From April 24 to 29, 1978 at Radio Shack Stores and Participating. authorized Sales Centres IDEALERSI. YOU CAN'T BUY SERVICE, SELECTION AND EXPERIENCE —HITT AT BOB &BETTY'S -.VARIETY • WE PROVIDE ALLTHREE Main Street, Seaforth SEAFORTH - AYR - CAMBRIDGE Ilk Get Your Planting Equipment READY NOW! â 11111111111111111 We' Are Now Doing Pre-Season Checks On Planting Equipment .Call Glen McLure 527-0120 For An Appointment And Scheduling Of' Service. "SEAFORTH 527-0120 11111 Now the words chui reunion have always conjured up one v pieture and one picture only in my slig,htly distilled Scots blood. I can see a group of kilted !kilts, proudly sporting the family- tartan, standing on a heather carpeted s lope. .1'0g :curling around them, as the swirl ofbagpipes suddenly snells over the crest of the hill. In my dreams. the (Ion reunion Caine right from an 1940'5 MGM Movie - and rivaled Gone With the Wind in stirring the -heart chords. Last weekend, the Jardine don (my mother's family) held the first meeting of the Ontario chapter of the Clair Jardine and it proved ,a rousing suceess„but it %%amt .! quite -like.nix dream. While I've til.n.ay.s luidAttal a Scots background gave a man an extra advantage on the ,road of life. my interest in family geneology has inner been vu r strong. I know our branch of the Jardine'; settled in Westminster Township, outside Folidmi . Ontario in the early, 1)30's and about a year later, re•set dud in Lamborn (.'otoity.., outside the farming conimunity of Now the Jardine., ha\ e usually been good, honest reasonably • hard4vorking peopl(:, nhich means - they've nevOr gained. tinz notoriety they might haVC. I CiOideti if nothing. eke, the elan reunion might turn up some remarkable ancestors., ,41 pirate. an- tic tor, tor, a millionaire farmer - and it couldn't .fielp-but pro( ide me with a firmer grasp of my roots. Also, the reunion (+mid certainly confirm whether or not 1 wanted to lay claim to sty Jardine ancestry•in. the future. When my editor agreed u-c let -me write a-column 4)0--4-1nn rOmion, it seemed only fair to try and discover a local angle. There hinl king keen rumours dun some ()I' the Jardine clan had migrated us far north ,as Goderich. 'NO with the index to past issues of the Huron Expositor it hand, I began a search for ci CII IN' Inn', 54% (Willy ;1:11111111.1. • A Black Sheep It didn 't take long. In 191 I, one Eduard ,lardine managed to featured on the front, pages of the Purim ...Expositor twice within'a matterofmonths. When located the I real.c,ed Edward was one of the pboverbial black sheep that most Families prekT to leave buried. It seems during the Goderich Fall Fob'. the lad had lured a Miss Anderson .( age WI stated) to a vacant 11011SC, all'(1 When she resisted his compliments. he lashed' out at het with a jack knife- a blow. which proved fatal both to Mass Andersonokl later. to her -attacker. • _ .... young Man eventually confessed to his crime, so tht.: • onicOno: of his-trial was preordabied and on Juju: lb, 1911 .-the execution (of Eck% ard) was a Model of completeness of order and quickness but the gruesome scene within the jail yard. • in lite bright stoklum. and Indnix air 4vtts On a'\ cotis.equetives of sin," Nitot, the sin in question 44asn't only the girl's dittohd. certainly an tin esonie crime ill itself. It %%as also Illy 1.1 ,1 011,1( i.da aril, born a l)res1)4 turbo), had sttiplicd ad( luting church on a '1 ,.•.111111. basis • 011(1 %%lie .' he did sit in 'Inc 0 Sunday 5115 1(14111, it -11, Ohl 11 iii the Sletliittlist or Baptist churclit..-s d()4.4 II the street, a SOD crime kik tok one tit Siato, lierito.,(.• in the 4 ;irk 14.40(rs. 1 111. last 44(irt1,) of his ).»Iiti..ssitin, !tic ) )1 hi the Pi k icrj of .111111 .1 1,1 1.• I 111t.ilitititt tilt 1.\ 1‘,11 Oka -,111 111‘ L'1111 lir, 11, ill in( ;111(1 tic' ,1,.(1)4 )i1 Id. dm! in Oft- Savior I II, \.er le driRli to knovy y llhou h In, I d .;oil (1.1)1,CI sac it ,i114 . it \ki*, 1/1"1‘ 10111,1 \ ,1 1.1 11 14(111 hi' \\ a rt.:II:rimy to. y41 1H, ,1.11.1,11ii. 111 III in I • (Iiitorio, pro\ ‘,11 11, t h, 1,4 . I 11:0, \\ :1;50 11,14.1 tutu 14 1.11i 1,11I11iT,V (14 1Iit . 0 'sit In Sir \\lib-du . dii .))..1(1. hrlidil,It I \Nilo liu, s in .Luchne Oth t ifs i3(»1'...,it))11.15 • 4(1(11(4 I ;111(1 stieeessful beef l'acnier. as- II *II'. OR' aulhorty Intl the 111,,u,•% kl• it!) mum rcollio, 1-11-t L. been. a. h •• • •• oil. that ''do 1,111 is ,,i0(1,•1 '-oil inc II 111. I I 111tkirS, oil' lilt! in !Odin!, I , - • 3:14-1.-i:1-.41-***0*,,,, , it? 1 Its rini -11111V ,••1101'1«1 poil in rt.:1,A, Lrtli,lc tartan. 0 Icio-11 1.1ii. Not (itilv neve use forced to abandon the kilt. but Sir Williain 11111111 ,1 ,t ; 1 ;ic t, t. '1,'01.,„ 0,, /1 t ,T \ nc 0r tic tilt I border.-and the elan tended to side i4 it11 the foreign English king in more than one campaign -- as.Sir William pointed' out, ''out' motives nere good, we wanted to ,be on the winning side." To make matters even worse, sonic 0,1' the clan nitgrated south the border to live, •,, ,\ (.host. 11111 the kilt and our itt.o, twain asilc, the 1,1edine clan cJii boast both a castle. a ghost and a i•olorful pas. startod he om• Norinatt‘ancustors o ho came (s i'i' wit h 'Niihau) the Continertir in j•(lnti,. 1.11th, .Sir rd (I). Gandino Itornitois de Apilgirtli witnessed q charier of Kin1, 1):14 id I l's and guaranteed:the Haim: Irdine, or at 'least 0 r'oilidi•approximotion. would have a plocc in-British Iiistor\ Non‘ cc bile Sir Willialin assured us the clati.liad their share of Int) Jardine., beheaded for murdering their neighbours tI didn't bring up, the sad topic of F(144 ard of (ioderich).•-•"it-seems someone in the dynasty was. a 110111 Of mart built. or at least assumed tmnership of Spedlins (',',le, a eentthue stone castle. built in 142(1 near I ockerbie, 'roll:intl. The castle hos nails 44bieh are nine feet thick, a huge lir. 111.1, ). +4 her, ,i1.1.1*n. %.1.1)--.C(111 :1`C.InaSt d 'a SO, and it new owner 11.1 .1 Oran`, to IT'S1(11'4 the ru ins In thl,4 past glory., -lb, (Ian'', ghost story is a 1:11 arul1mf SiVtlinS and Voncertis .1. Hill, slot. ho rementhered a set of keys when he skink! ba forgotten them!. • It ,l,1c1 111,. the Aord of the easd+.4`-bad. imprisoned 0.1111111 called. Porteous. the 1(11111 miller, in the castle dungeon after Porteous s11 fire to bk mill. Then the lord set off lilt Edinhorgh horsebin.k, Unfortunately tying. the dungeon keys to his belt. When the lord realized the plight of pow Porteous he turned Nick ilomt'di,441-1,\.1?,4 11 sonic days hacl elapsed and the miller had become so hungry, he'd ripped the flesh, from his hands and arms. before (king in the locked cell, : Haunted From that day. the castle of Spedlins was haunted 1) the minor's ghost until finally in desperation the Jordines coiled in a priest to exorcise the unwanted spirit 44 ith the black, leat•herbound copy of the fa mil) Intik.. The exorcisiii was .succesd'ill, and the ghost temporarily laid to tx•-•,1; Then. sonic-many years,Inte'r•-alardine -deseendant set the' family bible out to a bookbinder 1.01' repairs :111d Porteous' ghost IL turned with a vengeance. Ex en though Sir non occupies a manor house some distance from the castle. he,assured us the Jardine family bible,' • 11(11'1.1)1(1. irl:ftli‘i&il''ont,i.lt-a'tthet t'itc.Z(.1 by Jardim's from across the province, , r .as well as Sha'‘‘aigan, Quebec, proved to be a succe,tis. It seems the clOti aren't such a had lot. One branch -of the-rOity•who settleA----hy the- Nitariturn-es Emitted cucke-,stein ship building oampany and their iimsted schooners 11'01.1 1.1141-14k1 s on both sides of th( oce•ol. Another ancestor is credited with founding HOng Kong and 'his exploit ti ha 4"C been the .tilthjeet, of works by two British authors. Finally. Sir assured us the new owner of .Spedlins Castle has p'ro'd any Jardine is welcome to come and ,Otir'-tlit: ancestral holm., T'his summer the clan is gathering in Apilgirth ScOtland 00(1 there will be even noire rousing tales of past Jardine adyentiirs. think I'll even Order a clon badge and start mentioning-. the tali tic casually in comersotion. It doesn't -.quite make up• for losing the kilt tind having to claim jr,Na• Edword, bull( helps, Thank You The Canadian Red Cross Society sincerely thanks- everyone for the fine effortput forward during our campaign. Our thanks goes to contributors, committee members, captains and our Seaforth Banks,• who made it possible. to come within a wink of reaching an increased goal of $2500. Chairman Bob McMillan ,INEDDIRG , THE HURON. EXPOSITOR PHONE 527-0240 SEAFORTH 2A THE HURON EXPOSITOil, APRIL 120, 1978 Serendipity by Alice Gibb • blood Fo us 0'0tiVit4f0dture.4-H -itvork 1 The 4-1-1 Horn ulking AChieve- mein Pays f Foct,•on Living" represent - (the end of another homemaking unit presented by the 1-1nie• Economics' Branch of Ontario Ministry td' Agrieulture•• and Food ill c(i-01)(1110On with local county' leadees' The- olub,,-"FocuS on Living" inclikled a wide range of topics. Some of the topics, in this club . were: It's.Your Life; Learning Through Leisure; People, Ideas and Cam's: Who Cares About Our Environment: Safety: l'.'inergeney First Aid aud 11:thysitting: Food ,' and Fitness; Mid ()votive Use of Leisure. — The club members. were able do -- quilting.- knitting and crocheting. •'Phis chilt aliso helped - - the girls hi heeome more ;Mare of .An evening of fellowship and fun wils held on Monday. April 10 for 1.11,1:11-- two or die tieos:w, , w hen games, .ebniests and a "Fashion Show - were enjoyed 1w the 25 women present. Plans 1(11" the Beef BarB-9 on April 20 were finalized and' the dates I'M: Westminster Weekend and Alma .College Conference sere ,e(atted-:--,Avrieles for-the • auction sale on June 3. -are reqitired and unit two is to 'be. responsible for the bake sale that day. .- A• letter from the Catholic Women's League 'regarding the recommended Fng,lisli Literature books, With excerpts. was read the cOmmunity and environment. . County home ecOnomists Gra,ce Bird turd Bea Mc5Le:Taghttif will 'be, conducting MI. tieventent Days throughout the County as follows: Exetcr,South Huron High Schocil.. Saturday. April 29, 1978; Blvd), • Blyth Public School, Saturday, May b, 1978; Ethel. Grey Central Public School,, Saturday, May' 13, 1978; Clinton, ...Ontario Street -United church, Saturday, - May . 13, • 1978.... Seaford), Seaford) Publit School,'Sziturday. May ,27, 1978, Alt afternoon • programs start at, 1:15 p.m. • • Friends and relatives areo. invited • to atteild this afiernpon, •program. • Menibers will have projeet• books, and handcrafted . items will be on 'display. The highlight of • the program, ..has ,sh.ow letters of protest about the books -to Thoinas Wells, the minister of education, Jack Riddell, the school board and school . principals. , !FUNERAL Or PETER, JOSEPH JORDAN . ' ' Funeral services litr the' late • Peter Jordan who died on April I I in Seaforth Community were held :at St. • Colo in ban 12 ct ma Catholic Church on Friday April 14, 11 ami. 11(1 1VOit.• cOndocted by Rev. P, A. Oost wen. Interment folloned in St. Colunthan Cemet cry. Pallbearers 4yere: F'ergus Feeney, Jack •D'If illy, • Correspondent • . 1VIrs..H ugh BOO; Ttiekersmith Group 1.11.C.W. Bruce field United Church met .Monday of List week V. it the -penny contest' ladies served dinner with Mrs: Stoll and her helpers in charge. Before dinner Mts. Elsie Henderson 'entertained with piano music. Mrs. Jean Henderson and Mrs,. Elsie Keys were in charge of the • Devotion, in the absenCe of Mrs. Keys, the President, Mrs. Broodloot assisted. "This is My Fatlic,;r's World" was sung with Mrs. Elsie HenderSon at the piano. The t'oIl call nas•onswered by . '25' members and a visitor. The offering was received by Broltdfoot and dedicated by Mrs. Henderson. Mrs. Broadfoot gave a residing "A Good friend". March meeting., The•treasurers report was fend by Mrs. Berry. Mrs. Steil reported for cards se iff,-161 n`refr,. misc: , Grace Thonison,. Sympathy cards Mrs. Elsie Henderson and Mrs, H. M eNaughton. Thankoffering invitations were , accepted from Seaforth Presby- terian Apr. 25, Wesley Willis, Clinton, Apr. 30th. Gordon Wright of Seaforth. will show' pictures of his trip, to Scotland sponsored by Grgitp 2 Sanley on Friday,, April , 21. , A lively social hour with Miss 114.c.E.we4(_and-.Nits------14a41---------- Henderson in -charge cloed an interesting fun night. The May meetrng will be a plant and hake sale, Mrs. Muriel Allan and Mrs. Doris Sillery will be .in charge of DevOtion. , Hensall UCW Joseph 0'44:01115% Menheere, and memlitsrs (.1(icided to send . Fed Doyle. flionilis Mrs. Broadfoot chaired the • httgi'ness portion and secretary, Ma's. Doris Sillery reported On the Festivcd Drapery WE BELIEVE THAT IMPORTANT DECORATING DECISIONS SHOULD BE MADE• - IN THE HOME For Convenient Shop At Home Service CALL OUR DECORATOR COLLECT • 273-1011 Stratford OFF