The Wingham Times, 1898-05-20, Page 2rj loll .Sc ' ‘STr f CODE 8E57Ai/11-RHEUMATIC t�EtiR� E} Cti PLgST�R Mt� jCLrD i�i(fti nt`C 1N IAMEg BACK 84X PRIG 25$, LS0 If11YARD 1. D�V1S$ECOIT' 1e111t1urAC'fl>REflA MOtiTRFAI. 2 TIIE WINUHAM TIMES, MAY 20, 1698, �..,..rA....... .,-....,.� ,.-. .w leepnrta are eollhinl_r in. from all parte of til(t l't'c>Vltlt!4? cuitct'i'nint; the large 'number ttf catt t l ilit•i s and other insects which dt t.uv fruit. ; The explanation elven >: tent the winter tt'att so nlfifl that the. �t'ilus were not: proeerl\' liUIt`,i• PROSTRATED, EXHAUSTED. N© 3L EEP-R0 REST. LL tlo not appreciate the words of John O. Saxe, who sang, "God. bless the 111;111 who arst Invented sleep:" lint appteelatlon 1s u•,t wanting to those who hitt(• sufte'red as Mrs. White, of Mara Township trt.who htenue so III wife( rervons troubles tttnt, to quote her bro- ther. \Ir. Donald McRae, a we:I-1 town rn- e:'datt of that illustrious section of Borth I nnt.uri": "My Yi,tvr lead net slept a night u; t•r tit r :..• f-..:1 :•.1 :' .t r t..Oud tet, t111.(t1 1o11toe•. •ted jr. w:pl truly 'then ((Kith scented iaunlnont that South American Nervine beennie the go ill phy- • 1.f:I;ut. After talon;; the first duke of tr.• cervine she slept all night, ani ;:,tined I In flosli tail II peat....tly wvtl, and has pow no sign of uevv,Tnslp •s.-." This IA a wontler- f nl medicine 4ts 1h .,., n;: s r:,, • of tor- , vor''nest , and the ., atest f'0,11 buitde- to cu found anyw,lcr>u r;; word. ----25. CARTERS - :tet PILLS TAUS KAN$OOD. LUCI NOW. It is not always the coat that tells, ;tor. R. McKenzie, the "Big Oilier' Nor the collar vote• friend may wear; t of the Duluth Police I+'ur'cs is visit - it is not only the shined hit shoe! Nor the finished toueh of his hair, dt is not all in a silken hat, Nor the tatting neat of hiseketOS; 11 is tint merely his cultured air, Nor the Circle in which he :loves. It is not hie temper. his pride.his smile, Nor yet hie worshipful (teen ; It is not even the name he hears In the world that is shallow and mean Ah, too l after all, 'tis the man. himself, As he stands with his God alone, 'Tu the heart that bees beneath the cunt, The life that points to the throne. '1'izo eye that obeere with its kindiy 'glance, 'Tis the tutu round a brother cast : The hand that points to a hope heyoud Tis a love that endures to the last. j - •„tl :yet chi:4n,>'n1's Drug •Store. Iieatth zs Bette 0 I "I had no appetite and you I r. ld pota1eep Leo You Enow i' at night, and I was so tired that I could hardly walk. I saw Hood's Sarsaparilla 11,1 t•it knew that breed ci•uni s advertised and procured four bottles. Positively cured by theses Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Mil. Small Dose. Smali Price. Substitution the fraud of the day. See you get Carter's, • Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills. PAIN IN THE: HEART. Too serious a condition to neglect. A Guelph. harness maker tells how he was curcu. Mr, Wm. Dyson, the well known saddler and laarneas maker of Cualpli, Ont , makes the following statement: "I heartily re - 11 commend. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills to anyone suffering from nervousness and heart trouble. They are a splendid medicine for such complaints. For a long time I wear afflicted with nervousness and pain in my heart, wltieh was especially severe at night, often destroying ray rest. These pig's cured me and invigorated my nervous system which is now strong and healthy. They restored restful sleep besides removing the distressing heart pains which formerly gavo me so much anxiety and trouble." Milburn's Heart and Nerve P:11s 50 Cts. a box 3 for C1.35, said by druet ;fists or sent by mail. T. Milburn .w• Co., Toronto, Ont, h+ ,tn�r silk gowns y iffy health is now better than it has ever been since I was a child. and I have not Tent I' t ry stylus 1111 datnao;k will been Rick for a long time MISS JFIS- .1ieal.:;t pr il'-u11.i41 in milk before SIE'i'LrRNBULL, C. aobrook,Ont. • coding, to the laundry ? (HOOD'S PILLS rue the only pills to 'That it,k etilil . call be removed take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Easy Agricultural Society, from its pre - he diplilig the spot 10 buttermilk ) et efficient. tient owner, Mr. Wm. Scott, of Hamil- :eel 1 invitee in glean water ?ton. The price agreed upon was Words of Wisdom. $1500, which is also to include That cc fire stases are removed by 1 about an acre of land outside the hui;in$„ hot water? I Gilt arras shadows with spears. That salt as a tooth powder is The flange of devotit,n is kindled path f once, on the south rifle of' the hewer than almost any dentifrice? at the altar of prayer. ing his many friends in this section at present, Mr James Gallaghor, son of Mr. Harry Gallagaer, of this village, has beets appointed manager of Gillies Co's. bank at Teeswatef, On account of the impossibility of securing ball teams and other attrac- tions for the celebration of the Queen's llirthd.ay in Lucknow, this year, tbe committee who had charge uf'the affair decided to postpone the celebration till some time later on in the season, Most of our towns -peo- ple will take in the sport at Winghain.. The acmiversary services of the Presbyterian ehurch here were con- ducted on Sunday tact. Rev. J. L. Murray, M. A., 1). D., of Kincardine, preached sermons both morning and evening. On Monday evening he delivered a lecture on "What I saw in Italy.” • At a recent meeting of the Direc- tors Lf the Kinloss Branch Agricul- tural Society, in the Mechanics' In- stitute, it was decided to purchase the Somerville Park for the use of grounds. That a heated bag of salt will The best secret keeper is the one Arranging the Orchard. relieve nenirllgla ? that does not know it. 'l'hat salt will kill weeds if applied . Leisure hours are the best or the in tluantitles ? worse part t•f our lives. That salt and water is the best No fraud is more wicked than antidote for a mosquito bitecheating in a love game. That the pine apple is a valuable Hope is the automatic feeder in the aid •to digestion? human threshing machine. That two thirds lemon juice to It is as easy to impose upon a one. third .tateaeia rum will remove child once as it is difficult to do it a In cities? second time. That two or three geranium Idle men are.more burdened with leaves added to crab apple jelly will their time than the most busy are tate it a delicious flavor? with their business. That nothing made with sugar, Set no Standard for others—they eggs and milk should reach the aia.y live nearer to the light they boiling; point? have received than you do. That oilcloths last much longer Time is always fooled away, when if a thin coat of varnish be applied we try to build towers of our own once a year 9 La :a -Liver Pills cure Constipation. THE PHRENOL{NE REMEDIES That the best dishclothes are those made frt•m glass towelling? That a few pieces of bees wax put alt with silk of woollen goons prevent them from turning yellow ? That the herb tansy is a sure preventive of moths? That the best way to polish window (;lutes is with a piece ot'chatnois? from which to get to heaven. • A man who does not know how to learn from his mistakes turns the best schoolmaster out of his life. Do not try . drive some undesir- able topic from your mind, but crowd it out with something better. Be patient with everyone, but above all with yourself. Do not be disturbed because of ydur imperfec- That ammonia will clean and tions, and always rise up bravely brighten carpets? I from a fall. That flowers keep longer if cut with a knife and scissors than they do if picked ? That a pinch of cream of tartar put in with the whites of eggs when being beaten will make them stiffen ? Taking the lea=d everywhere. We are working, day and night t > supply the demand. Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor suflerera are being; restored to health and happi- ness daily. TRY OUR RHEUMATIC SPECIFIC OR KIDNEY MiD LiVER PILLS That articles of plate not in daily use should be put away in green maize ? That common dry salt cleans marble thoroughly without injuring the surface ? ^That the white of' egg will remove a fishbone from the throat if beaten and given at once? That if vaeeline or butter be ap- plied to the skin itnmediately after a blow of any kind there will be no discoloration 9 That a piece' of tallow wrapped in tissue paper and laid with furs or other garments will prevent the ravages of moths? They are absolutely pure and healthful. Gnaranteed to cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, N ' i MIlil'fa, Lumbago and all 1',t, '>f Kidney and Liver t,•,,,,1 Tru. HEW In! :tet t'iflt)t0i T;<tt'I'.STION'S Sold in teie:get:et:, u.ely by Gordon ell Co. Hdre l Ory for E n When a girl accidently exposes her engagement ring, she might as well acknowledge that it was in- tentional, for everybody thinks it was done on purpose. A broom factory has been started in Elmwood. It is a common observation that the outrows of trees in established orchards are finer and more pro- ductive than the trees in the interior plantation. This superiority is all the more conspicuous if the orchard is bordered by cultivated fields, and it is fair to presume the extra lux- uriance is owing to the trees having a greater extent of unoccupied soil for the ramification of their roots, Something is also undoubtedly due to the greater space available for the expansion and spread of the branch- es ; but it is in accordance with all experience in the cultivation of plants that a rotation of crops is absolutely essential towards securing the best results of the fertility of the spil, Keeping these facts in view, it is suggested that an improvement upon the present method of planting or'- chards would be gained by planting two rows of trees from 18 to 25 or more feet apart, depending upon the I nature of the trees, and alternating the plants in the rows. Then allow a space, varying in extent from 300 I feet to any greater distance, before •elanting another series of rows, and so increase the plantation as may be desired. The intervening spaces between these double rows of trees would be available for the cultivation of the ordinary crops of the farm. The roots of the trees would not only participate in the benefits of culti- vation, but would have practically unlimited room for extension before meeting other roots of their kind. Immediately under the trees and for a distance on each side of the rows as far as the branches spread the surface could be kept in grass. If not sown down immediately after planting, which might not be desirable in all cases, it should be done after the trees attain a fruit bearing size, or from five to seven years after setting out. The shelter which will be afforded to other crops by these orehards will be found valuable as a protection from winds as well as in forwarding early crops This method is particularly applic- able to apple and pear tees.—Ilome and Garden. Reverence is the soul of religion, When that is gone, there is little left with which God can be pleased. Where nothing is sacred, everything becomes common, even God himself. THE CYCLISTS' FRIEND. No cyclist's kit is complete without a bottle of Hagyard's Yellow Oil. Gan be taken internally or used externally.Cuts, Bites, Sore Throat, Pains in the Chest, Bruises. Sprains, Stiff Joints, Coughs etc., it is always effectual. Has no equal as an all round remedy. • What the Present War Means to the States. . Detroit Ne ws : For the first time in our history as a nation we are conducting a world wide war. The conflict with Spain is a war of mag. nificent distances. Manilla is over 7,000 miles from Ban Francisco. From Manilla to Key West the sailing distance is over 16,000 miles by way of the Horn, and from' Key West to Cadiz, the nearest port of Spain, the distance is 4,000 miles. Between Key West and Port Rido the distance is 1,400 miles, and the Cape Verde and Canary Islands are 2,300 miles further east. Thus, while the earth is less than 25,000 miles in circum- ference, our rather Meager 'navy must carry on a war with a distance of 20,000 miles between its right and left wings. We can now appreciate in some measure what Great Britain is doing all the time. She is carry- ing on a war at the foot of the Himalayas; she is carrying on another in tete heart of the Soudan ; she is opposing French aggression in Western Africa ; she is preparing for a contest in the Transvaal, and at the same time she is watching the great grab game over in' China, and getting her share of the spoils. It is her navy that makes Britian great ; her navy and her valiant people, who are guided by wisdom and resolution, Men sprang from monkeys 3 ren men spring from miee.--•Roseleaf. EZIEILatMrefirM ,lente:.seteetet eeee 1, :r t • t, i r.efte i eek X10 suplucnununnrnununmmupot„ „,nunnummnl�s, mtv .WeRetable'Preparatiolifor- similating iherood andReg ula- tali the Stomachs andl3owels of SEE THAT THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE • Promote sDigestiOf,Cheerful-• tress andRest.Contains neither OpiuritMorplunG xlor Mineral. Noy N,,�C®TIC. -71•4;• DrOki•I✓' 3AMIEGPIZTS b' T'>impk Sud - AGrSenrra itorhou. Sara - Antaa Secrt . J#ypsrnrint - CfiCodana2Sods. • jymSoca' - a,Si9ar . 1fbd } AperfectRemedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Gorivulsions,Feverish- ness a'ndLOSS'CiF SLEEP. • TacSimile Sigdelure of (71, ,er. err ✓. NEW "YORK. OF-- zesixoll ge/:ekr. IS ON THE WRAPPER. .1 01' EVERY BOTTLE OF EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. of wrapper. 1 Castorla ie put np in ono -etre bottles only. It: 13 not sold in balk, Don't allow anyone oo sell yon anything else on tho l>1oa or promiso that it is "just as good" and "will answer every pur- pose." OS' Bee that yon got O-A.-S•T-O-R-I-A. Tho fao- !a o¢. aignctnro � � ,� ovetp The Cunning Woman Barber. A young widow, Iv hose husband died two years ago, has opened a barber shop, and her sign reads : 'Miss Boyd, .barber," says the St. Louis Republic. Asked why she called herself' "Miss" she naively replied that she had good business reasons ; that meti seemed to prefer to he shaved and "tonsorialized" by an unmarried woman ; they seem to hesitate at having their hair cut by a woman whose husband might come in and offer to attend to the customer him- self. "If my sign read 'Mrs.' persons who saw it would expect to find my husband here ready to wait on them. A woman barber who is single seems to be more attractive .than one who is married,'' said Mrs. Boyd. DR. WOOD'S NOR V11.AY PINE SYRUP Heals and Soothes the delicate tissues of the Throat and Lungs. ... CURING .. . COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, HOARSENESS, SORE THROAT, INFLUENZA, and PAIN IN THE CHEST. EASY TO TAKE( SURE TO CURET ELTON'S UMPS Will stand wear and tear for 3 ears. No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by tbe fact that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON and FORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to. SHOP—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's Livery. JOHN PELTON, Wingham, Ont, 4icl1iie^ The Leading Sneciailsts of America 20 Years in Detroit. 250,000 Cured. WECURESTR1CTURE Thousands of young and middle-aged men are troubled with this disease -many unconsciously. They inay have a smart- ing sensation, small, twisting stream, sharp cutting pains at times, slight dis- charge, difficulty in commencing, weak organs, emissions, and all the symptoms of nervous debility -they have ST1tIC- TL'1tE. Don't let doctors experiment on you, by cutting, stretching, or tearing You. This will not euro you, as it will re- turn. Our NEW METIIOD TREAT- MENT absorbs tho stricture tissue; hen ceremoves the stricture permanently. It can never return. No pain, no suffer- ing, no detention from business by our method. The sexual organsarostrength- eneri. Tho nerves are invigorated, and the bliss of manhood returns. W CURE GLEET Thousands of young and rniddlo•agecl men are having their sexual vigor and 46 vitality continually sapped by this dis- ease. They are frequently unconscious of the cause of those symptom;. General Weakness, Unnatural Discharges., Fail- ing Manhood, Nervousness, Peer Mem- ory, Irritability, , ,at times Smarting Sen- sation, Sunken Eyes, with dark circles, Weak Beek, General Depression, Lack of Ambition Vn.ricocola Shrunken Parts, etc. GLEET and STRICTURE maybe tho cause. Don't consult family doctors, as they have no experience in these• special diseases -,-don't allow Quacks to experienent on yon. Consult Specialists, wh+have made a life study of Diseases'of Mon and Women. Our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will posi- tively ours, you. Ono thOusend dollars for a case we accept for treatment and cannot cure. Terms moderate for a cure. CURES GUARANTEED We treat and cure: EMISSIONS, '1'AItTCOCELE. SYPHILIS, (ILI1ET. STRIOTURE IMPOTENCY, SECRET DRAINS. UNNATURAL DISCIiARG- ES, KIDNEY and BLADDER Diseases. CONSULTATION FREE, BOORS PfEE. If unable to call, write for QUESTION BLANK for HOME 1,P ISATMLINT. KENNEDY& KERGAN Cot. Michigan Ave, and Shelby St. K DETROIT, MICH: K& K' K"& K K &'i , 1K i& d .t ftp' Caveats and Trade-I5lnrkt obtained, And all patent business conducted for MODERATE FEES, My office is in the'immediate vicinity of the Patent Ofdce and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed. Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, wit ty description and statement as to advantages claimed. fifirNo charge is arcade for an opinion as to ptatentabiliily, and ray fee for prosecuting the application will 21o2 10 caped for matt the patent s allowed. "InvasToEs' GUIDE," con- taining full information seat free. All COIDDmnh cations Considered as btrictly Oonfdontlal. FRANK UN H. HOUGH, ARM P Su'cot > WASIGEINGSTON. D. C. ' 50 YEARS' r EXPERIENCE TFAIMJAtifiS D DC sIaNs iy Coi'ymsIITs & Anyone sending nsketeh anti cliesIeripung inc.5T quicltly ascertn n our opinion free whether nu invention is pr •haply patentable. Communletw tions strictly confidential. I3andbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for seeming patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive. spfcfatnonce, eeaaw�itt�isoutch�arrge,,tothe a Sdeit6N ®G e7 0itil�tl6H �6R00 A handsomely ilhtstratod Weekly. Largest dr. emotion of any scientific iournal. Terms, $3 a year g;pfour ppmonths, $L Sold by :al nowsdenlor(s,. MUi�t® & Co a6IBroadway,t®�iw York Branch Oitlee. ens P st., Waal:in�ton. D. 0. I'r' PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES t