The Wingham Times, 1898-05-13, Page 6tbe dutgipm 611110
FRIDAY, 'MAY la, 108,
F:Lats Aoout Cuba.
'file area of Cuba is estimated) at
.15,883 ,;;futre tuilee, including the
ehe tedieuent Tele de peeve, the
• . , t! sear ago
SLY :1;1@t' lolitlitlH 4111E keys, t
1 1 031 (187, Sixty year 1`1')1 from Cu 1.t to swell the
latiun in 1;1.H was ,
THE. 1VY .xi1Aisi TIMES, MAX 131 1698.
multitude of first and second class 1 Death. of a Miser.
harbot•e, s(1 that the f:;cporation ales
productions is most easily effected ! Some .3i) years 0140 tWO highland A Kincardine BanKer whn Soffer(+d
SeutchtncrJ toe t 1)p thole abode in Distressingly from. Indlgt',tu,u
1;.er1 hun,,c contains a modern the county of Bruce. They we:e Apparently it 1Tnpelee C'e.0 of
sewing machine but the plows are • brothers, Matthew and William free Stomach Trouble Until South . m
of ancient make. L eban !man, and eittelie was theft` mother ericztn Nervine was Used --His
It takes a team Of oxen, t C tongue. They settled in the town- ;fold* are : It Oared Mo Abso-
plow end a C.'Ll,ban four days to .:shi et Brum. but Matthew removed lately."
prepare half an acre for tobacco ; to :ship
and William went to the •••-•--•---
planting• 11'estct'n States where ..e 11$041 fiJr 1.L What this wonderful remedy for all
Thirty six million dollars repro forst; or stomach trouble can do is be it
fele fears. til Llilaul resided with told In the t1o1(is of Jahn 'Boyer, hank
entailer brother in Elderslie niter he ealne er, litnoardin(1, Ont, "About,
1 l Tee lh^pL1 senr•: the iluuunt in tame 4411
4 , w
s elf the Sp.tnis Government.
lin Bruce tLlvnshil)--he having (lied terribly distressing I',....( 3;4, that can
back about 187(!, 141, tthcw died ori 11 result of heavy work no doubt, I
live pet e:c.nt, of puput:trine is white, eoffer t
ti'iyielatu his feral. t) 1( very mind: tr(lui'l.:cl with in -
ft;•, 1411(1 tete,
d l rest 1.0„1•(`0'+ inni'tttoe.; and
digestion ; associ iteJ with it wore those
�n Glu �.'+ . �+ , ,, •,y�, Uncertain Verdict.
Chinese. ll•t1•rila has. a 'population h.'�o, r�nc'Trtai,.�I !/ CerdiciU. It bccOnlUr--and hie brother William h:tt•d1y be described in any lan;;uitce,
a frenee house or the l.1UUUle. but without success, uu-
r,(b an t„ sincelived..alone in
Diamond Dyes.
til I was influenced to use ";Doth Amen -
�nt'ue(ros Gi,. — _ an bi • f tem in Elderslie, about 4 can Nervine. The result. and 1 gladly •
Liao reliLallueu a Uaellel1r, 1111111(111 (rill 44'1%.11 lit.,tUttb tit"tc(0rni t., .141 .molal
^ • ril(go The Ladies Are Continually Praising
etre : JtlEt,tnr,:l :, U S
de Cuba, 71 :307 , C e r.
i ..y•
4'11 C CI M. TUOUIST - Rev. Dr. k aecoe, pas a )
,• , m
or. Services at 11 a ul and r p ,
1'RhiSITYTE1tI:�N-1lev. i). ferric I
pallor. Services at it 11 ti.1 mid? p re. I
ELlISCUI'A.L, St. 1'11ut's--ltev. Wm.,
Lowe, rentor, Services at 11 u in and 71
p to.
t1:1PTIST P.ev,Jas, Hamilton, pets -
tor. Services et 11 a 1)1 and 7 p
CONGRDIUATIOr' AL---iieV. U. Ti. ;
Mason, pastor, Services at 1.1 a m and
CliitiS`i'IA.N WORKERS - Bussee
Outrarn and J.ioek (n u..altunnd, Services
at i p m and 8 p 141.
P,;ALVr.d'1ON:1PPMYS A1jutnnt tilos
and wire in ee:tilml1nd, 8.e% vices at t .
in, 3 p 111 and 8 p fn,.
• To pnnh (If thr4 nhnvf4 nnm,+rl oh it reit es
(Ault it ,'.',('ho(1I 1N held (1t •1•.,i0 p 1'1.
O ,
' t.4 'I'intil�L. 4(;.(1.11, miles frulit MONICA', and was noted
oily it for the benefitnr others ---thio re
'7, ,1)d. 1 uc•1 I - , The strong assertion eau be marls,
The Jublfr. debt 1.,Y Cuba before without fearer 4 ,ntrttdie';•1(10, that q 4,i for his extt•etne penal iousltf�ss. tie reedy cured toe, and .I never heeittittl to
1 ) The so other package dyes for borne dyeing - : 1v ( not provide himself with the
rta)on/luend it to any poison Wonted
the 10141 was "13i5,G1)U,00(• with any form of stomach unable,"Sold
c debt; of 18743 and 1880, and commanded the praisa and admirer uu 1
1410.1 ruin of the millions vs have the wonder- bare t.eeeasitiea of life. lie has been et Chiehultn's Drug Store,
the 'betting debt up to t8a6, amount- ful and popular Diamond Dyes. iailing of late, but would not consent
Ing to t';'$121.000,000, were cons(di Mrs W. F. Curtis, Albany, r , E. I • to a doctor being called, objecting to ;Tome Study by . hldlren.
) al decree. The annual says : 'kava used Diamond Dyes
the 4,r pensP IIe 1:()1. 1rur5e, ltolw- — dated by royal 1 seven years, and have always had c
loft . , $0
f the lblt int IS S0 Ql Q
over nue his neighbors leaded him School Inspector Deacon, of Mil -
cess with the then..
'income O E.
'000 Tne taxes dir'eet and indire,et Mr` J H Johnston, '.i'lan:tot:tin Is• into 11 wagon anti b1•nlXelet him into ton, told the council of that county a
t t 1
f d
believed that Wore' After. Wood's Phos} odino,
lite Great .English erne y.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine disoovered, Sdx
packages guaranteed to cure all
forms of Sexual weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use ofTo-
baceo. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on rocelpt
of price, one package $1, six. $5. One 7(4(11 _:1ease,
six teiLt cure.e Wood Company, Windsor address.
4 havd used your 4,w ay s a - go la be a Sol, -1 iii R'iugham by Colin a Campbell,
•for many •ears w'i.h .
<mount to ahattt $'35,000,000, besides land,Ont., says : 1 y Oli lel to Sec DI Stewart, laic
I to 1.4, 'ire children to puzzle their. . Ditlegil.t.
1 Dtamo 1.l Dyes ) •h u the duclor (1
--IS PU4:141inl.D
—AT '18I(4
Silbsaxaptio.l I,rLC0, 43311)4:3• yertlr, )R advance
_-1 uio
tAic t.u.11at.1 1 ,uv •iii :J lei._ -8±1 uu-i ._.tit 00
11.111 414 J0 •'1( 4891 000
�luulter' .10 Ju 12 01) i ,I t 1 3 00
('4,O f u0h I 4 J'1 J ,) 00
Lt'4Ar .1111 064104 0(4.41141 14(141., 11$,nnt'14t 841 per lino
for firs; 111Ne1'tl(in.:001 34 per lh,e, to, 014itsnbse(luent
144.01.11 n, :4(41 41(14(1 to onlp�,r't41:4,:,8.
4,1,0t1 4,111401.1 toe. pm: hoe tor 11144 ( 04itf011, and
6 ,
1„t• line for well tulbee 1uen1 , 14(4114' .
d104ris011tour$03twat, Found rtu.)tit, tiitnatione
and la.smu.'a Ch e. is Wanted, a"r,•416.,,tiu,• 8 line
uonp,+retf, tY1 ter first lnontu, ,.ud io0, for each
*4)1136504n3 ntu11th.
llus(') and YLI,U1IN for Sato, not •4xcr.•d'tng 8 line,
O. ter 111Nt Month, 144n1', per 4tl(14.1(1"(It 111041t11
Larger a:Avertisun:et-s 11)p
'"'' 1' ' r
Chest: .1.111)4, Hu4 be strictly,l to
tipccl,ll 1'144 , ter larger 4(14 ln'tt...sretts, Or Or
l0.1*01' p4(1011s.
Advertisements and loyal I1Pti064 4)(1140431 Speeifle
i dila etinnN, trill r0 far(:rte'1 till forbid nod charged
{ uoeuldinglt. tu,slturt advertiWOnOlttn utast be
paid in advance
Changes for contract adve tieen(ant,' host be in
4110 oltlue by 11•edIesda) noon, 144 uglier to appear
'I that week
the Suet of ee,00'J,O00 levied in luca %0414064 sticCeS8 and like them bettor 412.1 examine loll
S own
e_rains at night over arithmetic a:1d _- .___ere - ease.__- ee. _ eeeee
tit xation by 153 municipalities. than any other mane of dyes." ` Mira life was drawing to a close and g
Cuba Iles 777public and5: Mrs. Jfts.McClelland,urroi •
other problems was dein ;crane. It n
he so ;n '01'1410 1' t r, 1 •
tution of secondary instruction in and Dyes for proved
many years, and
1111411 died, aged about b years• tale all .0 C et.•.t ti len lea „ 1, • e eel • e -
'1 d university at the they have proved gnarl and true. 1, disapproved of it. The children 'Cyr I ltd G I -I f M .
each province, . n , Mrs. Chas. Leask, Arden :1tatlon,Man. `left his homestead and stock in Eld- V p
i 14141. Thirty-five percent, of the "I and A f•utuor's 11•ife and halo er'1!e and APO his farrn in Bruce' who suffered were the brightest anti
capital. bl' 3S Surrey Centre 1 t d him, after doing whet
11. i� {� "
private schools. There i5 an heti I3, G., says ' I have used your 1)titmil he could forhitli. On Sunday Free- Wild likely to make them sleei q% / 1)e A d y ¢jaON
d ff 1 1 • ltl II d 'd •�I+�'1 U °J'� 'gyp,, �j
''white prpulation can read and write
and with 13 13el• cent. of the popu-
used lots of Diamond Dyes in my time ; township, to'a ;Dung man, a nephew, most dnlbitiuus, It 11+:19 possible Oapittel, 51,150,000. Rost, 07201,000
they always make old clothes look as named Dlalcollu McDonald. Te Neil that the reading, at home of history
is would d^ *'^
good as ne44, '
Irticln Ldutted S it colnpulsury. Mrs. W. J. Porter. Psterboro, Ont.,: McDermaid he left a deposit receipt an SLlilllar s1) dee
The United States imported from 1 says : "1 have been using your Diam- i for some x((140 which hes to his credit, harm ; but it wets clu,lhlful whether
Cuba before cUmmerce was disturbed i and Dyes far' years, and they do all that i in the First National Bank in Den- anytdling was gained by holneworl:
by the present war almost one and I is 0111t1ee u gin, hem,' rd, Vale, P. Q.,say : (ver, Colorado, U. S. It leas been of any kind. At. Georgetown, for
one hili billion pounds of sugar j 4Have used DtamoodDyes for m(rnyyears accruing interest there since 1375.
, instance, the sehoolbuard, ri, year or.
valued at $15,01:0,333 per year, i and think they are the best ; do not ; Poor Freeman ! His life ended as ;two ago, forbade it. The results of
'The average import of molasses was: wish to try any other make." ' miserably as he had lived, surrounded the change of System was a slight
(over gallons valved at I by filth, with `no one to love him, or falling off in the standing of the
+1 7110,000 and over 1(5,000,000 ' LUCKNO�r j •express regret at his deeih While saute furthe first six months or so,
)onnds of tobacco worth about et,Mrs,Wm.Farquharson and hiss life lasted he neither did. good to •'but after the pupils had become used
'399,000. ) Farquharson, of Walkerton, were himself nor to anybody else. Money toit the school quickly regained all
The principal products of Cuba i visiting Lucknow friends last week. 'was his kin;• audgud,and over ;1300 it Kalli to t., rind latterly its position
are sugar, tobacco, molasses, rum, i J. C. Lyons, of the Lucknow Pout. ; was found in his clothes after his has been fully (Ip to the awer1„ 'e.
bananas, iron ore, magnese, cedar try 114%43, shipped eggs 1.(1 Nova. death, so filthy that bills needed Perhaps it is teeing 1'+14 far to al101ish
and mahogany, Thelslandis wond-i Scotia, New Brunswick, and ii'urnigtlting befo~e being paid out for homework, but there i4 no duuht
erfulty fertile. I toba this week. funeral expenses. Report says that that Mier, as is file 08414 in some
Mani -
Before the war Cuba produced; Iilr. J. C. Reid, B. A., of Huron, he has also nluuey deposited in a school". children are redaired to put
about 616,000 tuns of sugar a year j has again been successful in his therebank at Paisley, and in the States in two (.0 four '1104145' study, an in
and 150,000 tuns of molasses. The; logical examinations at Victoria somewhere.-Chesley Free Press. 'justice is done to Cloys and girls
yearly product of tonacco was 300,- i University in Toronto. 1 I which must inevitably result in
,€000 bales. Mr. Archy Finlayson left last week'WHERI RHEUMATISM IS UN- injury to their health. The matter
The commerce 1.•f Cuba in times for Portland, Maine, where he has; KNOWN. • is entirely in the hands of parents,
of peace amounted to about „au,
b t 000 secured a good position
--- • trustees and teachers and merits the
000 in imports and $100,000,000 in In the recent Centre Bruce elec. • No Matter How Intense the Pain 1 attention of all concerned.
exports. Most of the commerce is' tion, 11r, Malcolm's financial agent! South American Rheumatic Cure
ss'ith Spain, the 'United States and gives the sunt of $15 2.07 as that I Will Remove it Quitekly'--A' Lady 1 Dr. Chase's Cures Catarrh after Op -
'Great Britain. :gentleman's election expenses, while!of Highgate Tells What It Did for
eCurens Fall.
There are 1,000 miles c4, railroad ' Mi''McDonald's amounted to $160.8::1.1 Her -Permanent Cure of a Case
In Cuba, rind 2,304 miles of tete-, r theYearsStanding
i 11. last regular meeting of the u1. 4 Toronto,'larch 16th, 1897.
i My boy, aged fourteen, has beeu a
graph lines doing business at 157 , village council, Mr. Wnt. McMullin i It has been declared by scientists hint ,sufferer hon to an operation u1. the
telegraph offices and sending yearly was appointed village constable. every disease has a remedy. The d(fli.-!General Hospital. Sinus then we have
p' Mr. D. C. Taylor will represent culty is to always ting the remedy.
le resorted to Dr. Chase'o Catarrh Cure,
df, ,.100 messages. t i and one box of this medicine has made
Throughout the ieland are large Lucknow congregation as the annual thoumatistn, South American Rheum-
prompt p ram t and complete tura.
tracts of land which are still unex- I district meeting of the Methodist atiu Ogre has been found a certain cure aH. G. FORD,
to be held in TeeslYatcr next furthis painful disease It is always! I Foreman, Cowan Aye. Fire 41.1111.
plored and the value of which may ' effective. Mrs. N. Ferris, wife of a
tfot be known for years. I week. . I well-11n.,wn manufacturer of Highgate, .
The export and import trade (RI The Rev. 3. L. Murray, M. A., D. , Ont., says : "1 was seriously nfeeted 1
Havana which in 1810 amounted to ID., of Kincardine, will (D.l'.) conduct I with
was rheumatic
tlln almost disan blankles, tried I The Postmaster•Generttl has ehol1 n
nearly $26,000,000, had in 1891( the anniversary services in the! everything, as 1 thought. and doctored himself to be a human being ,just
reached the sum of $81,481,078., Presbyterian eharcb, Lucknow, on • for years without nitwit benefit. t was
Spain buys next to nothing in I May 15th. Besides preaching at 11 1 induced to use South American Rhoti- like o er mortal'sand admits that.the
p y h ''ll • dd •ass 'natio ()Ura. To (my delight, the mistake
Cuba and for that little pays in de -
New Postage Stamps,
1.l. m. and r p. m., a 111 a 1 i
dose (ova me more r,J{ief than I had h'+d new stamps of different donutnina-
ee ate s1. 1.'e!'. a or years, floc t 0 oLLles have com-
In 18134 the tonnage of vessIsenter- t Sehelars and workers at .) p. m• nn' lately cured ole." Sold at Chisbolnl's tions made so much alike ill appear•
p anee that it almost requires a micro.
ped in the various ports of Cuba was' Monday evening May )lith he wi111 Drug Store. I
deliver a lecture on "What I saw . ecope to discover whether itis a one
A,xES I'Olt MAT'3i1VIONY. ',cent, three -cent or live cent stamp.
in Italy:' The collection at all the l I
meetings will be for the Buildingo_:c,s.- ONE GIRL IN SEVENTr-Tl"r1:E He has recognized the difficulty, and
I' ur:d. I N0\V MAIIRIGS UNDER 20.
pr 'i 1mass meeting of Sabbath school f l i r b
1,180,353 while in 1891. it reached
the sum of 7,772,851.
According to the last censes the
1nOrnber of sugar plantations is 1200,
tobacco plantations is 5,000 coffee
.plantetkois 160, cocoa plantations
'25, grazing farms 17,000, warehouses
depots and factories 95,000.
Cab'1 Cnit)Lins 22 cities and chief
*owns and villages and hamlets,
excepting such as have been destroy-
ed in the Iast three years,
The sugar and tobacco grown on
the island are shipped chiefly to the
(Inked States.
Many vegetables mature with a
a»....1)■ :...........
coSoUA E D P` X L L
TheGreatest of all Liver,
Stomach and Blood Medicines.
A setotetC }Ort
Rheumatism, Gout and •
Chronic Complaints.
Th:y Cleanse andPurify the
.A11 Druggists and
General net"fdl Peltier;
0. a.
Paors,t:l'0N AAa reettSUEI.
1''111 F. Il• 1CAf.BPLEI 1Ii,' Pin'31.('IAN, SUR. -
If (JEWS, A4)., Wt;c.'UE t11111U1(.
tinc0ou4or to Cr. 1V. (tr•ait,nc, 80(1,4:CIA, ONT.
fat plass flown, Oruuuute u1. -lie lil,iyersities Of
Trinity (Toronto), queen a (1;hl18 411). and of Trio.
11.1' )10111416l Cottage ; 1'41144$ 41 T.fnitt' Medical
College End flew bol' 1)r 1141 4)01)4'414 , t Physicians -
and Aury4OUN 01 0111,41141. Pipit cru(1uat0 Course in
Detroit and Ohica;;o, DAD, bpeet.41 attention paid
President- JuuN :rtarOl.
1'bxri'aidottt--A. O. 114usA(. ' to 11451145611.0msVI bye, r;,,r, Nese and Turo,tt, and
i1)tsease4 of 11 omen. Ctriatillati0I 41, )tnt4lien and.
(i'el'tlllm• ,i'."11,6tart11 mated suoue.4()illy 111 all.
its f4rla4,
J0115 Paoar
aa. (Ion, 801411, 1V 1)1 OlesoN, P, A. T.
woOo, A. B. Lor. (Toronto).
BA1tLtISTER, boLlC'ITOIt, Etc.,
Savings rank -Boum 10to 3; Saturdays, 10 to
Deposits et rt and upwards revelled and inttr(,,1
SpeOitel 3reposits obit; received at oUrre,,1
ratOs 01 it ,)oat.
Drafts 1)1,'heat fir,tah, and the United State,
bought aria
1a8110r-J. TU NBULL.
in the next issue numerals will be
placed ou the corners instead of the
GORRIE. Between 13 and 114 only 1 girl out maple leaf. This will to a certain
The merehan's of this place have !of 73 marries. Marriages used to he extent, obviate the difficulty, but a
adopted the early closing system. I much earlier. in the old hovels 19 more pronounced color fur the one,
Mr. Wm. McBride has moved into , was about the extreme limit of age two and three cent stamps would be
the residence over the vacant store !for a heroine and 17 was perhaps an additiopal convenience. - Stamp
in the Union block. 1 the most popular. collectors should take notice of the
Borrie is to have a new store. We Between 20 and 2 1 girl out of above and lay in a etuc:k of the pre -
have been informed that Mr, Fred. 13 marries, but the wost-roar Ting sent issue for future speculation.
Donaghy, of Fordwich, has rented age for spinsters ft i.0 8) is between; pee .,ree_.,,.�. _._..._....__
the Montreal House and will ewe 25 and 29, after they have "cuffed 1
mence business here. St Katharine." After 25 young
Mr. Wm. Hammond vi%ited his ladies were called ethornbaeks" by
sister in town last week. the much marrying Puritan': of New
Mr. Mahogany. Deputy P. 0. In- ]:ngland, who proffered widows.
specter. visited oar poet office last Widows throughout Rib hove a
week, and founts everything salts greater chance at remarrying than
factory. girls have of marry ing. The elder
The annusll meeting of the Corrie Mr. Weller has prophesied in vain.
J. L. OJ.UIiI',`•'.UJ\. t3olieitor�_'__-_
1.r 11,hhau , WA.
MC11trly to Loan On N>su' o'
Private e.nil Company funds to Watt ,t lowest rater
intore.6t. r\ o UUart1de41011 011(11'1(01. Mortgagee, town
.lad t+u In proptt't, 1,006 ht eau 0010
0FN•1Uh:--Boar el uluok 33 1NOHAN
.1. A. 11(4(37014,
B'at:RUarr,a, Air.
Notes Discounted
Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 pet „entwfth
privilege of paying at the end 0) amt year. Not.
and a0001111t8 co1101tod.
• ROBT. rrcIIrnoe.
Seaver amok wineham, Ont
Public Library held in the town hall "A little widow is a dangerous thing,
last week was not Largely attended- probably because it is easier to glide
1t is estiinated that the hall could into confidences with a Indy who has
have awe nemod; ilea several handred kt.own affliction, Widows from 20
more. The following were elected a t j 31 are especially noted for what,
board of management for next year: from the point of view of gh is; is
J. IL Williams, W. Mose, R. 1bxs, mere poaching.
N. McLaughlin, It. flan:;, M. 1'3.
Conner. .1:13., A. I)o:1.n,
W. J. Greer, II. Blow, 'Thus Nash.
A widower remarries mare fee-
13ttently than bachelors marry. A
wi(]ower thinks he knows the worst,
:1t the close (t the annual meeting, and marries tlratin :1.t large. "rlppe
the board met and elected the follow the glows with eating," :le 13l'.iebeat•d
ing offtcel.S : Pres , J. J. Williams;
'Vice Pre::, I'k'til. Moe; ; W. J.
Greer; 'lino'4.. : . McLaughlin;
Auditors., It. 1111'1 x mei .1111tl3 I)4':rti
Children Cry for
toffy htLVC' retnarketl. .1 wtdaveet'
from 2r to :11 belongs to tho
rnarry iflg gr.,up lit existence, except
perb11ps tuto11 Of Colleges.
Jtyou nre not feelin, well, why don't
you take 111)0(`14 Sar5apetellit ': it will
purify ural enrich 3.0114' toast s1ut1 flu
yon wonrinrfu: good.
Toronto and Vast 0 50 a. m. 3 05 p. m
3 30 m 10 25 p m
Palmerston mixed 8 55 s1. m 8 05 p m
Londonand South 6 58 a m 11 10 a m
aSepm REIOp
Kincardine • 11 10 a in (3 50a 11
80 p m . 3 30 p rrt
10 25 p m 880am
Bonk busines. is he ler 4(1.1.14'% yea's past ; :don
Dave better at (I taster 40111114 dock.,. Agoras e.ear'
DIA front :10to340wool: ly, A few 10 0.101'S art":
•'4110011 Vlofart.":; • Life' 2 Air. Cad:done," -My
N1otheeti Bible Stnr14"." ••l'roere"sitn
'•i(loudike hold Heti," '''1nna,n " "01i•• oses 1)t
,(:,he unseen," ••Brenkh,at, Dinner, 8npptr " 12•wits
on tint,,
neat: 41',' neer: NINON C '31 PAN 1• 1.44116: 4,
•`�� To'onlo,
014100—Alulet Meek 111,1.11,11,
Office—Corner Ilandltr,4( cud St. Andrew streets
opposite Colborne Hotel,
ENTISTRY.-J.S. J L:R0D1 t:, L. D. S•, w trt0UAS.
w, � 1 .uunufaetur first -Claes eats of
E�f•:w;o,- teeth as ('heap os they ODD be made
in the Dominion. Teeth extraotei
absolutely without pain, by hie nest
process, guaranteed pone, fly safe.
01'F10E: In the Beaver. Block, oppo,ite the
Lrunswiclr ."louse.
J CMN k1TClilE
lY]NUIiAN. _ _ - thmartie
P. DEA\), Ju., N'Io41, t,
LI(1ENSEI, AUCTIONEER. N'01-1 ,r1E ootaiTY
UJ!' 19 01(014,
Salol attended 111 any part of tar Co. Charge
JOHN CUltltll), ly'Ivcrtaa, lrt4T.;
Salts of Farm
� Stork bud Faun lniplemea
Ail orders lett at the Toms able proruiltiy attend
Sed to. Terms reasonable.
Gid • �. ' -V
I You need it to bear the daily burdens of
, life. If your bask'$ weak--Doan's Kidney
Pills will strengthen it. If it pains and
aches--Doan's Kidney Pills will Dura it. No
experiment in taking Doan's Kidney fills.
They cured hundreds of weak, oohing backs
long before other kidney pills were dreamed
Mn. J'Amits Row, Belleville, Ont., suffered
for nine years with terrible pain in the
back, rheumatic pains, and phius in the
bladder. Ile spent 0300 doctoring, but got
little relief. i)oatl's Kidney fills have
completely cured flim, banished the back
pains, and all theotherpains and aches. ,
MY!%v ATatON,•Oi TNA'P" t ti'sag�MILLIS
Having purchased the entire business
from i.4lr, Daniel Showers, I am now
prepared to supply the public with
Wood and Iron :Force and 1
Lift ]Pumps, Brass and.l
.Iron Cylinders, Gativaniic-
ell 1l'ron. Tubing. Cistei'33$,
Water Troughs, a+3itnit+,
Rntbi,Fipe Fitting, Well
Digging and everything in core 1
vection with water supplies.
Galvanized Steal Windmills for power ,
and punspine water.
t)eep well pumps a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
Pantos writing for information or
ordering by nine should always stnte'
depth or well.
All work guaranteed or no sale.
S® �t, Ca1O. Calednu1a, NO. 40 moot
■ , 077the first ,11( tided Monday in
er•As month, in Ital.. visiting
tumbrel) wel((-4,'' 14 J.1 i.IUrrol.4 VI a:else 1) Stew
curt lien.•dne
WANTED Young 4)1(3(4 h1) utunan,,7 01004.04105
Yi i9 f! 1 `U (18(111 t uulr� if( 3131%11, of (undoubted
011"76..4(, uu(itall:(1a,omb160144Lost industrious
eau find ouiplu; meet in a good e.otv., with 340 pe
month -no upwaII4 atatordir; u, nhi.ttr,
—�— 1fIX,, I.iN,v(wrt,T0l(0Nro•
1.'UA iT]W.
SP1 en 0(404,4' writers, Sala y or r"annission to snit.
able persons.
514..1%... 1. tildia„, Turntit.),
Alen and women oho can work I,. 111 to:th,g and
(0,1117-3( nix howl, 1 uh 14,) 3(44 day, 1, a e1, and 1vill
11). content hart tin
Addt 4, t
. S 4,11 (,11%. 1.'u ,,
384 - y- Teo(lo1 • 41.'( otherhra•bt (ren for
1ls�t �iAA1l l t o cit t 1 u• pr tanettit to solteit for
( 11.01D: , (i fib%, r•lnl .('.t: , the t m V, in Vire
Royal quarto 4t,lam, 11) d li tltn_. r. nlmissl011 rl
pod (erklt. u r trial ,u.1) CD„
. . Thi:ONTO.
\(:LI.DINO L'('1,s, I'xnliJd(ts, 1'01440%3, 1311
Circulate, 1)eh hest
style tho (44, atmoderate jkcyoli0
I notice .d 3
11, 1:. 1,i,Nr1"c.
T 1114:4 Udine, Win3hant
Wo arc pleased to tinrin9n0(1 that any lloofis 0,1.
Magazines left with 1)a fur 11310iirttt, w(11 havd 0110
4r, mot at,t(hH'ln, Peres for ilindintr(n any 03'13
'•'f 11ii t1rint;htirrt, on t. '-4)1 ba 33iven of. au14Be'u)i•,n 0 the Tot*, hfaoo