The Wingham Times, 1898-05-13, Page 31 HE WING}IAM T1MES, MAY 13, O ..
The war with Spain has now
lasted fora little more than a week,
yet to the casual observer there is no
What He Has Done For excitement whatever visible on the
street Business moves on hi its
wonted way with the exception that
Well -Known Cana-
dian Peal*.
the stores, dwellings, andeven the
`street cars and butcher's delivery
• wagons display American and Cuban
TREAD WHAT THEY SAY flags' It miry else be observed that
the street baud's find it more to their
protit to play national airs than other
Rheumatism Catarrh Dyspepsia t:'.:. f `�'1 �•..��;
,,., ilii! -i_. • '
have gone South and scarce•
ly ever is a uniform seen on the
The difference between the calm
serenity with which we are preparing
for the conflict and the feverish ex -
err. N. J. Minor, bicycle maker, with E. eiternent of the Spaniards is bound
to. Stearns t� co., blue's works, and re to pt'udnee a deep impression upon
re -
at 1G1i Borden street, Toronto, ns.On- ,
nark), Canada, ways "I• suffered intense the world at large. The government
pain for nearlyy three years from dyspepsia
is in reality aeeamplishing marvellous
ulna constlppatIon, accompanied by a lona;
train of distressing symptoms. I had ue results in the way
Of developing and
appetite, a SOIL' stomach, was melancholy I
and nervous. I could not sleep and there t marshalling its resources, but it is
eons also considerable emneiation. One ' supported so heartily by all classes
.inotith ago I decided to try mitnyon's
and Other Ailments Cured Fort Myer and artillery from the
Arsenal a
by the Use of His
Wonderful Little
lioelneciies and after using two bottle's Of ! of people from ocean to ocean that
the dyspepsia cure 1 )vas completely cur .l
and ant to -day In the enjoyment of excel-
lent health and spirits, I am able to eat
anything. I consider my cure most won-
derful and cannot endorse Munyon too
N,unyy''on'ri rhenmatie Cure reldom'fano fo re.
10Poee tothreehours and cures 1n a few,
Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively cures aft
'forms of indigestion and etomaen trouble;,:
:Vries 2ac.Cv:
Pdnnyoa•a Cold Cure prevents pneumonia anti.
Ibrenks up 4 cold In a few hours, Price Me.
Munyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night
:meets, allays soreness and speedily heels the
Sp _in'e possessions are colonies
who lost tc other nations or effected
their iudependenee off her at. the fol•
lowing elates :
Trinidad became British in 1595..
Netherlands became independent
in 1609. a
Portugal beeanie independens in
Hayti became French in 1077,
Spanish again in 1801, and indepen-
dent in 1805.
Gibraltar was taken by Britian in
nit/atc•1 reucrlett m 1821, and got
her independence in 1848.
Central America became indepen-
dentin 1891.
Louisiana was ceded to France in i
1801, sold to the States in 1802.
Paraguay and Argentine revolted
in 1811, and won their independence
with blood and sacrifice.
Chili declared her independence in Paine
1810, and it was eonceeded in 1818.
Florida, ceded to the States in er
The great province north of the
equator, led by Simon Bolivar, re-
volted in 1819 -24. They have now
beeonle Columhie, Venezuela, Ecua-
dor, Peru, and Bolivia.
As Brazil wiis Portuguse in its civ-
ilization and language, there was
not left on the soil of the new world
the foot of one Spantsh rule. The '
Islands of the sea that was once the
"Spnnish Main," are British, French,
Danish, American or independent,
with the exception of Cuba and Pore
to, Rico, and the former at least is
lost to Spain,
there is no uudercusrents of anta-
gonism or shoals of discord • to inter-
rupt the mighty onward moving of
the nation's purposes.
What an ob,jcct lesson for Christen-
dom ! 600,000 then, within one week
from the call for but one-fifth of that
rumber, coining forward and asking
the privilege ut joining the crusade
against the brutality of the Spanish,
:lungs. Price 230
M nyon'a 7[riiney Curr speedily cures pains and this with nu view Of acquired(*,
in the back, Ulna •r '
Munycn's Nerve Cure stops nervoneneeaa and.
bill:woe's Headache Cure stops ht±adae�s'Di dom.
rl h y t k lata or ge»ins and all
Torahs of additional territory but of aiding a
�;,idncy disease. Price ac ,
%>n11:Is up the system Pric....tse. downtrodden peuple to gain its free
ore y:oda minutes. PL•ice 250.
1•Iunyon's Tile Ointment }7001t1v@1y cores al. There are busy points in the elty
1AC H �lt,�E LADY „aril, a over the yard, garden and'
fitrm, alnd. eonlnuln vlood asllc
generally a'lowed to go to waste. If
the bones are gathered, placed under
shelter, mixed with three or four
s 0X' Experience tithes their bulk of ashes, kept moist
th Paine's Celery with water enough to make a good
lye, and occasionlly stirred and
Compound. mixed ; they will in a few months i
become so tender and friable that
they may be pounded into powder,
She is
Rescued From a Terrible and in this state they toren. a vale `
able manure, better' than many
diton of Suffering That fertilizers that seem so expensive.
The rashes should be mixed with the
Alas Leading to Death bona -
A Mother's Story -Her Little Girl
RHEUMATISM Cured oil Croup.
having tried your rnediciue, my faith I
ACHED THE MUSCLES . is very high in its powers of curing
t Cough and Croup. My little girl has
been subject to croup for a long time,
THE and I found nothing to cure it until 1
gavo Chase's Linseed and Turpentine.
- I which 1 cannot speak too highly of.
's Celery -Compound Nev. MRS. F. W. Bt>ti?),
P I 20. McDonald Street, BUI ria, oaf,
Disappoints the Rheu-'
„Mo o piles. ,Price 2a e. -
r 3Atnyon•s Blood Cure eradlcatefl all Impurities' if you l:nuW where to seek them.
ear the hlrod. Price 2,e. at the Nov and the men have been been used for over lefty years by tntl-
1'dnnyon's Female Remedies are a boon' to ell r Navy
honed mothers
?women. workitir in ,tires shifts of 1800 men hers fLr their children while shoulders, and la the muscles 4>f my
M.trynn'a Catarrh Remedies never fall. TA^ ll ll' heart.
dl t the dtsenaa (eaelt Here they nsalce uavV guns �o�thanir.withperfeetsuccess. It soothes •
.stare cls syetrs and the Catarrh l 1l.; the War Depart and
For Over Fifty Years.
Mrs. Winslow'e Soothing Syrup has
matic Sufferer. '
It Drives All Poison From The
System. -
Wells &Richardson Co.,
Gentlemen, -It is with extreme plea-
sure I give you as testimonial in favor. of
your wundcrful remedy, Paine's Celery
Compound. Last Jaonary I had grippe
and It lett rue suffering with that dread
disease, inflammatory rheumatism. My
hands an feet wore swollen badly; I also
II tat the rueutuatiena in my sides and
best antlered
-Catarrh Core—price 26e.—era ca ea .
ra t ' h xable"a—erica. , D the child, softens the gums, allays � 1 Ifl'rrad very ,hoop until a friend
�d i:ony s and heal the Parts• ll. a>d shells on y. t plain, cures wind colic, is the es
tiateoan Anthtna Remedies relieve is thyro aet,edv for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to ! aldvloed wy e1wry ,l.0 to procure a bottle
i)uiurten and cure permanently. Price ,�;• ti'ttt'k never ceases. Irl l•at 9nel'ea5e5 i of Prt)ne'A Celery Clump >,tu•I fur we, 1
men -en's vitalizer, a great tonic and re- have been made to SUllle of the (Alice
otorerof vital, strength to weak people. ;tL
A separate cure for each disease., At alt drug.
.gists, mostly 25 cents a vial.
Personalletters to Prof. Munyaf. 11 Albert
ret advice for anyndiseaseiacrea wltla :Ere media.
What Sleep Is.
It was at one time supposed that
in sleep the brain was richly charged
with blood. This • i5 now confessed
to he an error. Sleep ensues when
the brain is largely denuded of blood,
when cerebral anemia is est, l)lished.
To partly empty the brain of its
blood supply, to keep the head cool,
the body sufficiently waren, and to
send the blood rather to the lower
• extremnities •- this ie. the physical
problem of the sleepless.
forces ane night work as well as day
has been necessary.'. In one branch
of the office the force has been in-
ureased three -fold and compelled to
work some nights until 10 o'clock.
Early this week the entire District
Na'ional Guard was ordered into
camp. The entire force responded
with the greatest zeal and many
effecting farewells . were spoken.
Upon arriving at the camp grounds
the order was countermanded and
the soldier boys were told to return
During steal) a great num::er of
the h+'dily fnnct-ions continue quite
mormatl without inti"feeing with
asleep itself, and, therefore, deep is
not so like death assume of the poets
have imaginer!. Met. asleep is not
.so profoundly different frntn than
awake, the two chief points of differ-
, tense, h.,wever, bong these A greeter
inch awing of oxvgon and exhalation
of earbolie acid and a etttui.tlete
`vasonlotol' res;.
With a. heavy ,1ee):er there should bears ui 1)01V'e wearkeneSs.
be no thick curtain•:, but with a litht
sleeper cnl'teies :trn essential, ars sun The Benefit of Good Roads.
light platy's upon the optic nerve and ---
rouses that attention which it is the True, it costs considerable to build
one ohjeet of the sleeper to keep in' good reads, 1 ut the experience is
.euspended animation. where they have been built, that
I'crfeet, oc neatry peifeut health,
more than repay the invest -
is th; first condition of sound sleep.! ment. It needs no lengthy argument,
But scarcely any one - is quite' no array of figures to make the bon-
aiettlthv. The ant: great thing to do efits accruing from good roads ap-
is to fatigue the attention ; not only
parent, they speak foe themselves.
to tire out the body, brit to fatigfle t Good roads economize time and
the taste Suld by druggists in every
part of the world. Twenty-hve dents a
bottle. Its value is invaluable. Be sure
and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup, and take no other kind •
Words of Wisdom.
Truth is moral dynamite. mend it to all who suffer from rheuma-
tism. Yours sincerely,
Faculty measures ability. Maas. D. 11. IDAt toe%,
Lactwte, P. Q.
Error is self -propagating.
Doing is aro antidote for doubting.! A>cultural Notes.
Friendship is the crutch of sorrow.
Ideas are the moulds of public Ir is always poor 1. ()Hey to keep a
commenced taking the comp )and to
April ; 1 have used ten bottles and am
perfectly cured. The 'Compound has
given we a good appetite and made a
new person of no. 1 hear Parue's Celery
Compound praised every day uy people
:ho have used it. and 1 heartily recom-
Adouble chopping knife is one of -7"------.'
the labor saving utensils that should 2,lit� ;Calkerton char t tctoi'y,
tinti a place n every kaluhd. where which became insolvent a short time
lima and strength are valued, ago was put up at auction Tuesday,
Children O r', r1,,, but the sale was postponed until.
Mond ty next. The varnish, hard -
‘,7.._4, ST R �Ci �' r ware,iecemcaland• other stock were sold
0 �� a t
r��: s
T ar r.•w C'TrJ
aAESG9AllS�fr,BGTi tiBB,,TuBiflil.
to their arittoriesanddisband. There op ro erl support halt the num-
was t good deal of disapointlnent for I Faith never outruns our under- I prop It is :p lu5 t only business e n the
alone t to a man they wanted to start standing. •
o outset, and it is a 5taight road to
for Cuba forthwith. Next week, i Self-conceit makes some men wiser ; bankruptcy. Too many farmers are
however, a full regiment of selected than God. I carrying on dairying in this way,
unless the expected na sail victul'y' tal dissipation• land will go
into camp 111 earnest A good occupation prevents men- and mender why they are not
making a profit.shall be so complete as to decide at Finding repays for searching- The traffic in old horses from
once and forever the 1'reedum of the getting for waiting. England to the continent has grown
Cuban people. Sonia great men have won their I wonderfully of late. No fewer than
fame by doing little things. 70,000 horses have been shipped to
NEWS FROM, POt.T HOPE. We must be divorced from error IBelgium and Holland alone since
Word hitt: beet) reeived trona Portbefore we can be married .to truth. 11895. The horse whieh is unfit for
Hope. Out., that Mr. W. A. Ctu'sou, the !work England, and for
well known grocer', has been cr,red of A big error shrinks into nonentityokin Eng therend,would working flied,
Shortness of Brent,h, i�ervo,isness,Dizzl when placed bea.ide at email truth. ;which ci be shipped to Belgium, where so
and and debility, by Mita,tru's Heart Beware of a tyranny of Cu3LUin i lou as it can stand on its legs at
and Nerve PON. Mr. Carson rawom g
mewls this remedy to all troubled with time gives every crab a hard shell, all, it is made to do duty.
The greatest• king:) were men so
unThere is a movement in the British
crown. that they could ceruse a 7 Columbia hegislature For cheaper
crown. tnoney for 'the farmer. Nothing
It is not right to sacrifice your i definite has been decided upon yet.
principles to save atau: a pr feelings• l `Tape alum of the promoters seems to
It is the duty of t! a preacher to be to supply the farmers with
impress tete truth as well as to ex- 1 money ata low rate of interest in
pect it. order that they may be able to
Repentence is the shortest road develope the agricultural resources
out of sin, but the last which most I of the country and make the !Host 1
people take. out of thein, i
The world's greatest men and best An American exchange points
reformers were light weight when `out: that every farmer has on his a
weighed in the scales of bigotry. premises one of the best superphos
inion I large number of cows on the feed that
o YOU:: aqui .
rinte Statisnery?
We are in a position to torn out e
the Active blind, to gn!et the vaso- Good roads reduce wear and tear
motor centre and s„ drive the cr1• • I in vehic es and horses in carrying' Don't try to raise too large a drop phate flatware known, The elements
P -t a lowe pri-ie than ever before
Printed on the shortest notice and the price in keeping
with the times.
We have the best stock of Envelopes in town, and we can
print and supply them as cheap as the cheapest.
Giye us a call when you are in need of anything in the Printing line
and we will use you. right.
THE TIMES, Wingham.
vested blood' from the b10111, (1ux•t ►uduets to !Parket'alnd regular habit$, 0 certain I p Good roads increase the value of
pion, will tared in this directicta, while hnnnot•my of light evening Occupa- real estate.
of religion .,
on tau small a plot of; are found in the old bones Scattered?
ground. lnereaee your territory as • e_.,, a,-;,.,,,.,e.,..,.,a mee -': 1
you increase your seed.
The reason most folks "lose their
mind" !mist be that they have given
others "a piece of their mind so
ii great, , Good roads are Clic best signs of
rat1 . r 'pry of evening engage'
• Good roads eneturage sociability.
ane_1i;s i$ g(•ite,rally fatal tothe victim civilization
bed on eitheran empty
well `l Oen, they bave none
left for tnumof insomnia. It is unwise gond roads are a necessity as
;toinech t slight mealbefore testis as a luxury, s!hour's Iurr.
the wise souse.---i1ew York World.
• Is hard on rhe 'mimes. They're y're apt to t
'aI wish to state that. I used Burdock i ve .1lnlrrhaL•,l, and uxrthers tcnuw hc,w
- _- -- TEET.tI1NG TIME
MuchBlond Bitters for 11 rralt>el1110 my Inc 11) i L 5'hat tt Vl,s t)iurs, Bola, Har.
Q�'� Lillie eine algAnetal rein Iluv Out says f wan highly r
duwu stattl.of l'eaith. occoln
The uti� of ii few boffins t?gl'efl n4e corn • `'Dr Bowler's hotrod of Wild I
i ll t of Hood's Pillsfor named'.
pletei " ;VIES. Cfl:1.l, (;(O �O l Strawberry It cured mV baby of niar-
IIs espec a y rain llellevil e, nt.
otuo ever contained so great curative
power in
go small space. They are a whole medicineDunt1's Ireview for week 'ending 1 rhea's after ell other moans lead failed: " I
Canada, compared with 29 for theApril 28, 1898, shows 16 failuress in i A Canadian Minister will leave
for 1,11I;land at the close of the
previous week and <N) far the cat' -1 session alit) Ileal with the q,lestion of t
r week of 181)7.
SThe f rant 1
have closed negotiations with the .Tohit Davis 1y:t, hanged tit Nc1cen
. Iestablishing eomrnereietl agencies on
, tr • ,•
,chest. tiwai's ready. al. • ; l Trunk. authorities tlrt, ,,round
ways efficient, always sat .t
• >revcn u e i
ielaetor i � � R
' ••• r't'ifet• of Dennis
air fever, cure all
t oil
f d t for the local on 1 tidily tin tilt Il l
Plies, whether itching, blind or :
blooding, are relieved by ono i
applications of
Dr. Agra ew'sOintment
Ana ofirod in a to G (tights.
Itr. M. narliivan, Binghamton, 1.1.Y.,
+ of At.
. + S me 1.+ ate%Cft morn +,
Solid writes: .
flaw's Moment. I prescribe largo quail -
thins of 11. It is a Wonder WorkOr to aI,.la
diseases and a Creat cur.: for piles.—=3•
l►vrr ills. _; ectrjanra than tr (ro et'te t � . � Sold at C;hil;hoiltl's !h'ng Store.
sick hair i' hr, j•]noo with do p,'itiOa, etc, ,c
"Slunilly'i';tl�tot:tkowith't{oorl's:tar'4ar1>atr111:M troll +�f:l large I"'ril°ti elevator l�lla'rC. i'.tllltl('r, Rill, (i•
on , Spem&-a Dollar
Med i cine
until you have tried
You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons
Ten Tabules for Five Cents.
lath sort is pat up cheaply to gratifj the Untverral present doing !1 fcr a law praco,
If you don't find this sort of
:pans Tabuhs
At the Drugg'st's
rtti,oa .i h
1 teen,! Five Cents to TRR RII' AN'S Cltl ti+rl C tiytrA:v'r, No. to
nuc St., New Fork, and they will bei •. to you by mail; or
,i: ea'toi)s sill be matted for r
1x1cca tarr
ten to
tor. ti, .t 'Tab:nle4 are the 'very :az.: Tile you need.