The Wingham Times, 1898-04-29, Page 4FRESH STOCK FiiN�rAlr� ----•--------^---- ,----- ----_ ..-. t 11A1Z1ik:T REPORTS. 'nit P. kl. hAT.1tF .. , t,k+,,U jttl,i"CFIi[1 ttitr:t,finaf, + t;+ cceh^,or to Ur, 1i Urala�,) Ili l S9i t S U. witosb IBM f In a recent issue the grocers ,Tour- -.. I I I'a'n I IF1sI1I1*I, sup,. t, April Canadian ylggs In Favor. «t3. 1'rollnw;o De inr, tele= I10nar l,l:idnate of the l-auY, rn+ti+y a i".° 'to t+necnlit,,,, aodtiTrhe• • Flour ed by P. Deans, • tt -+t` tT, t + Flour per 100 the 1 i:, t0 ° '10tti �l di+'d bllci;e' Meer of Thinly 9icdtfat t tb C�tic'•,o +i lhtiiaos • nal, of London, greatly Irish wktli �'aFlatiiaTi eggs, S, (,ready to the ad- ball Wheat Surgeons of Uutauo ku�t l,radnato l '� " trill Wheat vantage of the latter, Coming Spring (aura, Thou `•ands of miles by land and sea 1 Il 1 a + ar ey Canadian eggs arrive ive at Liverpool in Peas SYRINGES \ioarnetheir1rtha sd } 1 ase from �orta�s th© nar- rive �, on y jt 0 row strip of water. which makes from $1.25 up. Ire}and a separate entity, and buy - Best quality. ors have naturally asked themselves Why ? The consequen:e has been that Canada has received a wide f �� �+ advertisement, to the eetr}men's e s ,� ,� Ireland, and it will take some time Ito efface the bad impression. ftTi t ti"rTfiT .-,xr...Jw+.J> 1,140 Campbell's I-IeatlacheWafers cure headaches. TO ADVEhUIS5 RS. Toronto, Ont., April 26. -There was a little better feeling at the Toronto cattle market to -day, and prices advanced some fur butchers' cattle and hogs. Receipts were 46 1 00 to 1 03 College and Men: her o e flours* in 1. 00 t0 1 011 and. ur d t'hica•Yo it•'+U + Ritcelal attention paid. a 0 it to 0 133 toot diseases of 'Eye,' k: tr, Nose and Throat, and 0 l30 to 0 i35 roit Diseases of )galea Consuitation it. English and 0 SQ to 0 58 Uerutan• tt.J'eatarrlt treated sneeenEfully in alt 0 07 to 0 08 Fts (ores. Turkey, rawlt ----- --- - __. 001 to00e Duck:, per pair o 40 to Q ao SI�FB POTATOES FOR SALE Butt.er,.••, ••••'- '• '• •••• 0 14 to 0 14. Wo Lags per dozen 0 08 to 0 091 The undersigned has a quantity of }1ayd err on, , . ..... , 1 00 to 1 '2a Early Harvest, Vicks' Abundance, and P:lay per for+, 4 50 to v 00 World's Fair varieties of seed potatoes I Tetatoee, per bushel, , 0 •,a to 0 30 for sale. Parties to need of seed pota- 1)rie J ,per lb 0 11 to d toes would do well to see me before Dried Apples, per Ib lit to 'S1; purchasing. VVoal.... Dressed hoes 5 00 to 6 00 s At �Vingbani. JOHN GRAY, , - cars, including 125 sheep and lambs Notice of changes must be left at this I and 2,550 hogs. office not later than SaturdayI Export cattle -There was only a noon. The copy for changes i small trade done. Sonic choice sold must be left not later than puss 1 at $.4,35, and another lot at $4,40; day evening. Casual advertise- the ruling prices Here $4. to $4.25. ments accepted rip to noon Butchers' cattle -There was a Thursday of each week. firmer market, but prices did not irtli e ..- �, . iNy'Y'4frrnr - a- ' advance F., ordinary o=1cattle. Some al • loads sold at e, and odd bundles a little higher. Two loads bought octantr:. _ ... . iese r -1n ]Nast Wawanosh, on April b JJ W � ili L . • 2tith, the wife of ',V1r. A. Austin, of a The undersigned has a quantity of SOT). ����' , good clean, Lost Nation Spring Seed 4 n'wi:er.- In dr. Geo, Walker, A )ril o ' a the�wife of Mr. Geo, �"� alter, oP ' a I Wheat for sale. Also a few bushels of ghterClover Seed. R dt.l6 r• i•.>nrEt.tJ-•-ln Klncardinc•, April 18tt),! ALEX. KELLY,VVin„ham F.O. the wife of Mr. \ . ltuettell, uterchant, IIIIi for Montreal brought $3 80, and FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1898. i I $3 55. They were mired with a few e.por� cattle. Common cattle sold PROGRESS OF TIIE WAR. ' at 2te to 3c, and medium to good at 131c to 3a. Up to Mendes the 17. S. war ves- Stoekers and feeders -There was l had captured about a dozena • short supply, ata fair inquiry, and of a sun. nzarxxz';n• PtaliTIC.-TACUQtt at the residence eels a+ Spanish steamers and vessels around lithe market was firm, at Be to Sic the Atlantic and Cuban ports. The for light stockers, and '31e to 32c for Spaniards shim the seizures were I ffeeedtrs ; $3 m0 to medium-stockers willokerrad sets of piracy. The byith ports Sheep and lambs ---Yearling lambs in Cuba are blockaded the U. S.; were firmer, at $5.75 to $5.85 per war vessels. The bombardment of ;cwt. and culls, $4.25 per cwt. Sheep, lliavana• may start at any moment.: both for and butchers2 and exporters President McKinley has called out ; sold at or to 4e ewes,ndaccording It 25,000 troops, soldiers and sailors. to weight, Wa the for bringingacthe EnlistmentThproceedsshieslowly. . higher prices. Bucks sold at. 3c to The Spanish fleet is some where Sic. Spring iambs sold at „3.75 to about Cape Verde islands • but its 9 '� where -abouts is not definitely known : `5 each. were 65 head here to the U. S. It is feared that it may I offered, and Calves -alThere eresolat to wG each. turn up at New ort, Boston or . Milch cows and springers -There Washington, and bombard one of . was a lot of poor stock on the market, those cities. CANADIAN FEELING, - !sell well enough at e20 to $42 each, Hogs -There was a firmer feel The London Advertiser speaks ing, The best singers sold at 4c; as follows 1Fnder the above heading: thick fat and light at $4.0 ; sows at The feeling of Canadians with re- b3 to «3.25, and stags were quoted at 2e, and not wanted, aspect to the war will vary somewhat East Buffalo, N. Y. April 26-I according to individual standpoint, Cattle -Receipts of sale stock were Lilt the average opinion we take to light but all were sold at steady be somewhat as follows : prices ; late yesterday the bulk of 1 (1) That it bad. become necessary, good heavy was taken by outside or- der buyers at about 10c to 15c ad from the standpoint of humanity,that vance over the prices of the previous She savagery in Cuba should be week ; the best steers sold at $5 10 brought to a termination. As an - to e5.20 ; good shippers of the beav- 'Englrsh paper puts it, it was a nee;-- lest order, 1,300 to 1,400 lbs., 44.50 essary piece of scavenging' : to 45.00 and all were cleaned up. ' Weals dull and weak. at $4 to $5.25; (2) That the Spaniard had been at for common thin to best- Hoes- svork for three years, endeavoring to Receipts limited ; the market ruled pacify" the unhappy island by fire fairly active and higher than at, the and rd, and had utterly failed, close yesterday ; good to choice as might have been expected. 1 Yorkers, $417 ; fair to (:cod light (3) That the suppression of sash a z4 i k Yorkers, .23 ; mixed packers' saeighbcrbcod danger and nuisance; grades, $4.; medium weights,$.1,20 xlaturatly fell to the great country* t to $4.25 ; heavy hogs, 84.25 ; roughs ;within 100 miles of Cuba. 1$3.70 ; at $3.75 ;pigs, :3.30 to $4.25. ,r� ates, wes (4) the Unitedinterference in some time! Sheep and lambs -- Receipts igbt but a few loads held over ; the mar - as well as necessary, aria if inevit- 1 ket was practically unchanged front -able, that it might as well come now yesterday's closing prices ; the mar- s at any ether time. ket rallied late on Monday, and t5 That doubtless it is sentiment- ally rather hard on poor old Spain to } sentiment-pr th' nes lambs r fully the early salestop House and lot For Sale, of the bride's parents, Geo. Taylor, of Kinloss, on the 13th inst., by Rev. W. The undersigned offers bis house and W. Leech, James A. Prentice, of Pinker-{ lot on Alice street for sale. The house ton, puhlin school teacher, to Miss l end there onois a frame of e go with kit hen, Rachel 0.et Taylor. jl es 13.--Sf..'Y):i t -At th•� residence on the :ot. For full particulars apply to of the brides parents, on April 13th, by 1 JAS. WILSON, Wingham. the Rev Jas. Malcolm. Mx W. 'T. Bate- eian, of Caradoc, to Mist, Jennie Sharpe, of Teeswater, DIED. KENT -In Wingham, on April 23rd, Margaret Kent, relict of the late Edwin t, aged 50 veers. Ronnasox-fn East Wawanosh, on Teras, 51.00, with privilege of returning April 23rd, Edward Robinson aged 74 if necessary. J. FYFE. and some were left unsold. Choice BOAR FO SERVICE The undersigned will keep for service on north halt lot 2, tirst hoe, Morris, a thoroughbred Cheater White Boar. y ars, 10 months and adays. CABS ait--In Belgrave, on April 25th, William Caesar, aged 50 years.r✓ lose Cul -a ; bat only sentimentally ; sss Spain will be better offevery way without Cuba than with it. (6) That nothing is to t;e gained from canting against the United States because of her possibly mixed anotives in entering into and prose - i uting the determination that Cnba t b freed from Spariah denomi• - .•a al,,• 1 grades selling at $5 to $5.10, against', $1,85 to 85 earlier in the day, and heavy export lambs also closed stronger ; late sales of the the clay being $4.15 to WO for clipped stock and $5.50 for wools ; native clipped lambs choice to extra yt5 to $;,.10 ; yearlings, fair to mixed to waiters, 4.10 to $4.10 to 85.10 ; wool lambs ;air to choice, aa.25 to $G ; native c totes i ee e - rains a F- i ' choice , station. ;o nation, r:t, indivulnal, h foot Great Britain, not Canada, is ex- } t } et adopt from mixture of motives. dei wethers, $1.20 to $4.30 ; cutis to :7) That this Providential outcome common s• beep, 4J."0 to $3.75 Bn the Bask? Then probably the kidneys. In the Wheat? Then probably the lungs. - In t ngi In the Joints? Then probably rheumatism. No matter where it is, nor what kind; you need have it no longer. • It may be an hour, a day, or a year old ; it must yield to tome 9 Cherry of the pre=gent fr:endlitleas between -----_.- - i that will tit comfortably, y �1_irea: Britain and the 1 nited States MORRIS.. Laundry Work on the Shortest leafy well, wear well, and axecros like';` to be ancventual Anglo• illy, Isaac 1'aarrencl has the frame, keep in good shape. you • Notice. American alliance, tis f.acJi would f new building well advanced vanc� -Immediately aftorapplying it you feel its soothing, warming, strength- ening power. It quiets congestion: draws gat inflammation. It is a new plaster. A new combination of new remedies. Made after new methods. Entirely unlike any other plaster. The Triumph of Modern Medical Science. 'The Perfected Product of years oV Patient Toil. Placed over the chest it is a owerfal aid to Ayer's Cherry Pec' H OTHER still stick to the old +' long prices." We buy for cash in the best markets, and you save money dealing with us. Oranges, choice fruit, 20C to 4.0c dos:. I emons " " 15C to 20C cloy.. Sulphur, io lbs. for 25c, Epsom Salts, to lbs. for 25c. Extracts from 5 to IOC bottle. Good Envelopes, 5c a package. (.good Note raper, 5 elders for suc, Green Coffee, Rio, 8 lbs for $I,uo. Roasted Coffee Bean, 5 lbs. for c$i.Oo. TERM'S, SPOT CASA, JOHN KERB \NE W SHOE STORE, Order your ff,�-^_,-�- WAX -- -..d - -AND- I;, ; Waving opened up a shoe store FR0II THE -- I. next door north of Chisholm's Block, I am now ready for repairing, which HOLSTEIN DAIRY. 1 will be done at cash prices. JOHNHILL. FARM TO BENT. \POTAhSI Lots 16 and 17 in the B Concession of the Township of Howlett, (the Crookex • Willits farm), will he leased to a good i leases in stock all the leading lines in tenant for a term of years ll a reason- The undersigned havor been apdistrict 1 able rent. Apply to .C. H. Willits, Wros- pointed General Agent for this district for Messrs. Krauter & Oster, will call on 1 you for your orders in 1 S toves, Paints, Oils, Glass, Rope, and CRAYON • POWERAIT8Binder Twine, in season. 1I Just arrived, a consignment of ready in the near future. Save your orders ' mixed paints, Also agent for Drayton until 1 call. All worit guaranteed satis- Tile, sizes on hand, 21ii, :3, a and 6 inch. factory. { Prices right. Giye him a trial. of the estate .of JAS. Nie GeePINEneral fient. iI R. J. DOBIE, WilTi ECHURCH. eter, or to the undersigned. Dated this 7th day of Feb., A. D.1898. R. VANSTOl`TE, Wingham Solicitor for estate of Crocket �'Vilhts, deceased. STORES FOR ,LE The administratri'C Alexander Dawsoa, deceased. offers for sale the Two Stores in Wingham now ocrupied by Messrs. N, A. Far- quharson and W. H. Wallace, Offers for the same should be addressed to J. A. MORTON, Wingham, Solicitor for the Estate F. H. KERN EY TONSORIAL ARTIST. Opposite Queer's Hotel, Wiughatn. For an easy Shave and a First -Class': Hair Cut, give him a trial. Razors Boned. WINGHAM AW MILL • 31e LEAN & SON, Prop*. Alt kinds of rough and dressed Lunber,klath, Shingles, Apple Barrels, Hard & Soft Slabs f 1J.ilvt . . .......... 11 Y �e .after the following lines at cut prices for the next ten days : 50 Pairs Men's I)ongola Gaiters at • ,,0 " •' Mals. 5 ++ ++ 'fans, ., Y o. 8, 21) °' Women's Chocolate Oxfords, turned soles, at - - - 15 Pairs WW -omen's Ox -blood Oxfords at - 7 0 +t Misses' isscs' Chocolates at - $1.50 1.10 85� 85 75, We also.have a choice stock of up-to-date goods. See them before purchasing elsewhere. Please call soon and ask for these goods, and we, will gladly hand them out to you. G--_ Also h large quantity of dry Ilard, ..--•- ___ toral in the treatment of all throat Wood, for sale, delivered, and lung affections. placed over the stomach, it stops ( Telephone orders promptly at - nausea and vomiting; over the tended to. bowels, it controls cramps and colic. iV� CL AN SON. Placed over the small of the back. _ _ - - _ l it removes all congestion from the - --` J>� WE SELL_-_•..> kidneys and greatly strengthens weakness. For sale by all Druggists. J. C. Ayer Co.. Lowell, Mass. WUUU AN/ STEAM LAUNDRY Our laundry plant has arrived and we aro prepa,•ed to turn out first-class work in all lines of or a oui a U his Il had better go to ottonamate the world - l r the Interests } I will t veneered oil • tn the 1Teb oaf c'vi1'' a^con ata ordered liberty this week. t iwI H'. a 9 For the conversance of customers, Ire. Will a DROP BO p yis�=ling( sithutit a `:asStn,h, tear t6r Spam a5 a +• of the tr,tvnwhip this pie I D. of the latest kind. (8) For these reasons-. -though not fill Turve picturesque sl1rvival &f an irretricv- soatltrett pat.. T week- New Spring Goods and Samples able 1 lislasp IIs in as part of the Mr. (;earge Turvey finished seed• of all the latest designs in Scotch }great p'I:tlisll•speal.in�; world, heart ing last week. Ile put in about tits and Canadian Tweeds, Worsteds, ii ':y desire; the success of the I "nited acres, He was the first to wind up Serges and Overeoatings to choose Mates it the present eLr)test. in this vicinity. But we scarcely from. Orders filled promptly at Mr. Wm. 'Wesley fctrnleriy proprie• , need state this as we are well aware cern low prices. for of the Bruce Herald has purehas-1 by this time that Geo. is a hustler. asci the 1,t8ed8ar;' rltael,ir;try for a c ebster & Co.y k,b prirtt;ng office to 'Walkerton. tend! r i Jamesews in Yates, rne,oflithe oto le Galt l : ut Se .4- +t w.u1 start a rarer. Ildl ()twee's Block. X will be placed at the door to receive work when laundry is closed. GIVE US A TRIAL with your next order. T• D.LONG Opp. I -Ilion f ".story. i Prise, for Ladies' and 4ruts' Wheels (T� tG� s Y� :u $35.00 $40,00 1a' m ja $50.00 r s! $60.00 $85,00 _,_.-..,o..,-.o.._-. Bicycles G3313 H PZ Cmn ��OLZTMEIA ., CEAINLESS $1.40.00 M The suet its of Columbia Wheels are well known, There is none better. HALSEY PARK, -' JEWELER. E • " Ct l'.III: IN AND t41% E:." :ohf aiiiiiiiniiiiiii.