The Wingham Times, 1898-03-25, Page 66 '1111it \VZN(1i.1AN1 MAR("1I 25, L )8. ....,..,.�±o.,,,t«.•,....,,-.-...«,--.,�......, .�.___ ..,.-___,.-.----_._.__ ..,..�,.-...--._._..4.-..__,..r_. Ude «:0 •lay i 61011 .11110. F IVEDAY, 1\IA1.LCII 25. 1838. NOW TO USE FERTILIZERS. 31R. \VAI. \v:\11 O('tt GIVES tit)M1 0 )01) ADVICE ON T14Is IMPORTANT quick fertilizer to bring It to the AN Ius'Y,a:i:kii111.1 O Or 0O1.1:ta. SILDIt11.T11 SERVICES. highest de;rce of fruitfulness. We know that stable manure ap- plied to the land the name year of plantings retards ripening of fruit, causes the plants to run too much to. vine and is the cause of tomato blight and the block rut. There is ra) tro)tble growing tomatoes in the colder parts of Ontario it' the follow UBJEcI. ing directions are closely followed. Use n0 stable manure 11111(35s it IS glees lelv.l hu_•,tdcl:Jj 1" 4• ii hUuu curt.thorougely rotted and iu thie Citse at., I)?.,i .,.4aq „'4..,ti4ua'1iiii i•utstlei'. vita. tet}.'"aii.t„' ':oyer till :.rt-uta':esti \Sin3 I would not nee it nub's:• It \4214 N. e44.', a4L. i'., i, u1 see .at the ling M.AL°.'., i•'t);�.11.0.. j:joaD.. 11et1 `� 1 1. + tile q;lai"t' et isseeei.''ll', ,rte” I• l''L't:(1 14y sir, ��'. .•+'C1(, at the eat lih>(l,'„ht•tl LlL/lt'i' the atltllllin Ileitis, lee= 1 t J I .+. 741 \:lir•1 e( ,nu(ilnt t`rtu•4'r, tit la U. •,) ` l i ieA Ill dt l t ialt•tl' ^t , p 1'!. " itee t Lt• 1' .'+1 ,. „ ;ilia4, 4.-.IiesI e loire•llee 4., Ito It : l l l'1 1 :elite. eolil 'I'.'t4` 1(i hair'•', ti ,gees' lii'i:el ;.f•.!,, a1 ,ii t, iiit.t iGa d 114-g ii1.''4 . i .:i 1 ,il,, : .•1,L, t-•' 1:4.141 v.1 t,:.0 It i ,. •` l t , • ' ' \'.. i 6t. tit'+11 1.1'tl\'t' r t,4) o1 the i� IRIS 1C�1: , . Fla t a it 1J1•)l;t, six, (•11 top -. _. _ __ . pe'i� .1101 u;"'4 -'t' + '?It s C. t'( "'WY ELt- , t,;:•1.111)11 arise the eleu:" eve set out Wily y ...C-1 , 1,"o.'. tt LAL-. +fruittl4.t ,11 t) ii'.4'm I1('t ii1d (04' 14'It ,':.,:4.',i ,.;, 11.'1':,(4' e)ai t 1:.':,,,V;,. sill •- :tett ta+ �' Ii h(1 1:.. -;t 4.-'l, :l. "'1" i" )iia' tl ( -t .. S Vcr 4 a' . it l 1 'i The following valuitl:h.: and iti- Ur. :ague\v'b Catarrhal rrhal Powder Proves the Uuud aZ? tantritaf to Ti4ousitltdb ut Sultererb 1i1 the .Lire - smut 1'.pidewic—eleorg;e ]a, Cabey ,M1l, 1.J., 1d one of tau ,llan,f Wllu I .nuw4 ut its iUooduess. What to do to btauure teliet in the pre- sent Nj,lelt)11110 lb tele question ttionsa'UU5 are 4.satlug. l ulttb Lhas season IlLtuuit the throat and beat( 4t:!4. (Lely is tanning than M •Pitt) f)IS I' • Ilex. Dr. Pascoe, pas tor. Seroaeh at 11 a ai and 7 p au. l'itt,.SCA 'I'.ltIaiv' salvor. Services at 11 a al 410(1 7 p 111, Ei1 ('OPAL, St. Ptlut's--Uov, W In. Lowe, ream% i orviees at 11 a in and 7 p tU. BAPTIST -Rev. Jas. IIaluiltum, pas. tor. Services at 11 a i l rind 7 p m CONGJ'r IGATIONAL--lieu. H. E. Mason, pastor. Services at 11 a n1 and 7pm. CHRISTIAN WORKERS -- 1\Mases out mai as t1 1a1..'k i,4 t,.tuniat d. Servigx's u'.:, p 'u 4.1 •1 e t� 1(t. 7144 j I..'t.. t:q:ll 1141e:t°til'g(1 et tlit+ 1°1:411:,, ii'r(llGat •° t":1 tat, 'pat 1 illy` win 1, ,t t4.. ..tt,a I • :va::", li:�tt tl 4,tt. r, ,. loll ''' - ' -1 , " 4 �-. ,•. - ' l% (het Blit' mase of the nonFllipeararee hO i:1414E.•, :... I 10111. i,i 1 p11(' (guar to stimulate 1)l:il)tri'444 eal''y ) Ie11" i4ll(3, pullets 111 the eggs , o'E . i . trees 'q C. •:n the t2 ,''ti •l'( tl 'ief Ill 'S`•• '.S. lil'n'•t. 11 q. 1 CS a d . 1 1 ,.. 1• •1which n b require a fertilizer that is slow tt, late fall and early wnitmr, . SYlaikt`. it Yilt)i'4' \le'',1'tnttES growth and 1 time eggs ate high in price. is (1110 'withstand those attacks. The sameglee up it:: bllbSCa )(.10; a mixture of toa et)allne in quarters Jnrt at the principle is obs(:rvi..ble in the ease of line bone and murate of potash in' 1man; disease will strike him. who the proportion of three parts of bond time when the, egg producing has the least vitality. It has to one of potash, is used quite largely organs are about to begin their been invariably found that trees and has proved very effective and functions. It is a scientific fact now affected with disease are suffering profitable manure for general farm- well established that egg production more for want of potash than any- ing, for slow growing crops in at any period (.tiler than at the orchards, meadows and such other natural breeding season is due solely crops where a gradual Increase in general fertility is regarded as iin- portant. Speaking of a slow and etfecti.e fertilizer it is in the power called nitrogen, phosphoric acid and of everyone to secure one of the hest potash, which are found in all fertile of till fertilizers for the average crop thing else, so by adding potash to the soil you enable the trees to resist such attacks, In discussing fertil- izers you should farm an acquaint- ance with three simple elements soils. Of these three elements nit- rogen is the most expensive and also roost likely to escape from our grasp. Both in its management and appli- cation it occurs in all vegetable and tniria ..1 composition, and in many of the salts occurring in nature as nitrate of soda, etc. Phosphoric acid as found to a considerable extent in should be kept in a shady place and the bones of animals, and as a min- well covered with dirt or sods ; of eral fertilizer it is of great value. this process the combination takes Potash, the least expensive of the place slowly and gradually the of this province by means of a mix- ture of two parts lime to one of salt, these materials being plentlful and cheap everywhere; this mixture should stand unmolested for three or four months that the chemical combination may he complete before applying to the soil; it three is found largely le wood ashes. Cultivating the soil has a stimulating effect on the growth of plants and trees, and it is the growth of plants and trees, and it is this stimulating effect that is the cause of some farm- ers getting better crop., than their hest results. It seems peculiarly Beighboi's who have much richer Applicable to wheat, corn, clover, and Sand ; that is, land with a larger sur- fruit trees, though best results follow - tion of plait food stored in it, and I ed its application to the soil upon wish to impress upon Ali horti-:ultttl•- which peach, and other fruit trees muriates of lime and soda are form- ed, and the whole class speedily becomes encrusted with alkali. 'Dere has been a number .of experiments with this fortn of fertilizer, and no one has reported anything but the to good food, care and general treatment. Bearing; in mina these facts, every care should be tal.-en to avoid changes which are /rapt to alarm the hen or disturb her in any way. If changes rnust he diede in pens or houses, have all the con- ditions as similar as possible to the old home, but, do not change front and to house or house to yard y during the early laying season and expect an uninterrupted service of (ggg production. The break will surely come, though the hen will probably begin laying again when she becomes accustomed to her new surroundings. t 7 .14.'.•. WoC1.1': t e:IOL t,iik1511A The Great lana(::h Remedy. ✓N: : ai - Sold rectlmrton.t cl by all '4 _ dru;ggists in Canada. -1 ,aa ✓ O11 r ol l. a able medicine discovered. Sir iYaCha1C1 guaranteed to cure all forts of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt ot price, one paokage 1;1, six, $5. One will please, six will euro. Pamphlets free to any address. Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Sold in Winghani by Cohn a Campbell, Druggist. Rev. Chas. Fisb, Methodist Minis- ter, 192, Dunn Ave., Toronto Cured of Eczema. About ten years ago I felt she beginning of what is commonly called Eczema. The disease commenced In my ears and spread entirely over both sides of my head and also developeti on my hands. During those ten years I was a great sufferer. Special 1sts ori skin diseases treated me. As I writo this I ani jest commencing on the fifth box of Dr. Chase's Ointment, and. judging from the rapid c::re effected, I ala the samerule applies glee t(1 all , eertaiu that brfore the box us nsed I shall 3St5, and LP were planted. I would mention l'ot' be colnpletely eared. tillers of the soil, that we (oust study the benetit of those who have muekey C1I:4s. I'Isit, Methodist i\dnister, This question of pr'uper stimulating of soil that the Calla( is very rich in 199, Dunn, Ave., Toronto. plant life return from t:'e various fertilizers applied it should he bone and ashes 1 we apply to the suit. Now, some rather than barnyard : such soil msy think it is of little unpurtance treated in this way is given high as long as they hat e given their productive qualities. As w e are land the amount of fertilizer that ex- children of the earth and by its good if we (vont to get the best la�ent nitrogen, a11t1 if Y,la lure is pel'ilnental farnt bulletins have pre- will are enriched, let u, cultivate our scribed, but you have to do your minds by canstantly investigating all plirt in putting and keeping lard in things present to the sight as new or a. paying and plant stimulating con- strange to our understanding, with respect to ft3 composition ; and every man who is a tiller of the soil has a greeter field for research and experi Ment than that falls to the lot of any other calling amoolg men, and so -has the privilege of being the greatest student in science, for they have the great book of nature constantly open before thein, It is true there are only a few that are diligent students as agriculturists, and it easy to poi:}( out their farms and places of abode as we pass through the erenntry. Of edition in the wax of proper drainage and cultivation. For an illustation on this question we know its import- ance in the animal kingdom. Take dor example the nisei who has attain- ed the highest eminence as an edie rational lecturer. Ile comes before his audience with notes as food for different points of the subject he is to discourse on. Prepared and mem- orized, he delivers the lecture. It sustains bis part and is pleasing to the audience. Now, that lecture coud be ;given in the same words by 111(- course, the fewer they are the more other man not be appreeiatcd in the' profit they make at the expense of least, all for want ut proper anima- the indolent, but there is no reason Zion. I say proper animation. The why there should not be more dili' admired lecturer was not gross and boisterous, but normal, and made a study of impressing. So the stimu- lating of vegetable life must be normal and conductive of the highest degree of fruitfulness. So this shows 'us that we must use the most effec- tive fertilizers for different plants. For sample, the tomato requires it .stars nvermammamarom... .I iVs al tv 0c_I 1.^611a0.r..•,.•4",,.a-r.-ampuRi:t✓e.'sewnew.r, Murray Lanmari7s FLORIDA WATER 1'tlli ,"•.'1v 1:iSTPA+T MOAT MOS')' t'i.rl:I,sli:Nci AND a:NM:ION: 4))1 -\1.1. pr.l n,JMl2S 1"OR TI'1Gi mixticincHicr, .l"OILET OR 134';'H. ILLIIGGIS i rPElifliME118 AND. �' R Lr . k k k W fih. gent workers who would make the world richer from the better returns of the land, besides giving comfort and pleasure to a greater number. Save Your Feathers. Use and Abuse of Wtudbreaks. The best use of windbreaks is to plant them around dwellings and other farm buildings. There can b2 no doubt that here they are great alleviators of' the cold winds, whose for('() is broken and whose cold is moderated by contact with living trees. Some w l rmth comes from the tree even in 'he coldest weather, as is evident from the thawing away of snow around tree trunks. But, says American Cultivator in tllie connection, there are places where the •windbreak may cause an in- crease of cold, even while breaking the force of the wind. When there is oely a slight breeze blowing, it often comes from a warmer atmos pnere and may thus when uncheck- ed prevent severe freezing. W hen the sky is unclanded, the coid of the upper atmosphere settles in valleys and behind windbre:1ts, while it is moderated nn hills or other places where the wind has free course. Diamond Dyes Will Make Your Faded Hat and Bonnet Feath- ers As Good As New. ; It tniiy be that 50mh of 11 0 ladies are I not aware of rho fact that old flat and I bonnet Feather:; sen he an itltl t') took as 1 good as new by the Diamond Dyes those universal home friends. Let us tell you how to do the work. "Use the Diamond Dyes prepared for I Wool and Silk that (01(3 now be 1,onght from any dealer. Clean the feather by soaking it in strong soapsuds fifteen nlinntes, then draw gently between the pTu EDS !-13l'Ui)LISIIED' .Axrc 11.,if otinOina If so it is your advantage to call on Gor clots 4k. Co.'s Drug Store, Wingllam. • They are the agents for the celebrated 'Wetmore Truss. a 1 -pp•- 4.,e ,, VIET �ttwrt� , 41( � p �` p,3 {4.a 9 Y Ips las 1, 4 MOVE 1S Tri w. L P p la � 9 1. Ileca tit,, it 1.4 Ut::l ;0114U5 t4) bo a 1110n1ent \'cit4Unt (110. 2. It \.'ill never rust and 1s conse- quently durable. .).:i 1)0I'.•.on :.t'ial';tat; 1 et04C1•;: not find it a bother. 4. We will guarantee to hold in position any reducible clble rupture. tt4.e .t ) 5. This truss cannot possibly move after adjustment, 6, Some of our townspeople can testify to its merits. 7. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Can't help but come to the surface in the form of Ulcers, Sores, Boils, Pimples and Rashes of one kind and another. Especially is this so in the SPRING. At this time of the year the Blood needs purifying, the Sys- tem needs cleansing. Nothing will do it with such perfect success as Jessie Johnston Rockwood, Ont., writes : " I had boils. very had and a friend ad- vised me to try Burdock Blood Bitters, so I got a bottle. Tho effect was won- derful—the boils began to disappear, and before the bottle was done I was totally cured. As an effectual and rapid cure for Impure Blood B. 13. B. cannot be equalled." EVERY FRIDAY MORNING TUlt— TiMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STRET WING1•1 M, ON'L'AIUO, gtlbeertettee prieo, $1 per year ,111 advance ADVE1CT1SINi) RATES , Oil: Unuraltl'•nan'.If. 000O 1t4 sS01( )000est, i yr. I unit- 1 4( 4, . 1 bd 3 00 2 (} 1000lt.f nilar atta 20 un 12 vu 3 00 3 4,11 1 t cl alai '' her eattu44 am art; O1N•„t. t'• per line for lira; ibeerticp.and ik' In . 3i,,.1 . , t h 1 iib tquent 40-r1'tt' !"l::: . :•:' :;:4V.:4..61? Lc (4(44.i4 ; i- (0r,�1 4(41414''41'4. t4;glue ft, 14(F1lt'-t:or,anti 5-.i tlrA f,re..tu'nli! l4I n.i1 a ' . (L4 .r i ” 1, . 4 .,:t1,1.. jo hai0r.11 Anti 1 ut,ii4e.,44 0Dee'4 '1ts itea.''1 e....e.tiO'a' a line nonpareil, el for Grit month :4..d We. for each mouth, subsequent ;louses and Foray: for Sale, not exceeding dingy S line. o. ., • 11 ',tDec per sb-ta tmonth Larger ed4 ertiect,lents in praportian Theee tools will he strictly adhered to 4 (01( S514.peciatl rates for larger adsorc)senlerts, or for 1 seme Adrortisemunte and 1024(44 revives without speoI a directions, will he inserted till forbid and charge' accordingly. Transttury advertisements must bo paid in advance Chargee for contract advertisements MI101 be In the office by Wednesday noon, In order to appear that week GORDON. ATualcis11 woman 104401 permitted p to 'eal: above a wbi-per in the pre-leoco ol: her hash ru(1's reta'ives. 40 This p144ebly accounts for t.l.e fact that the 'l'urk finds it pleasant to have several wives around. There is a movement on foot in IIespeler to east aside the village attire and adopt that of a town, Hr. Thomas Got -tett, Postmaster at Millie attempted to cominitt suicide by plunging a hunting knife into his nt:c.k. Nis. John F. Thompson was killed by a railwt4y train at Perth t1�1 thumb and forefinger a number of times and rinse in warm water ; dip and ,edip in the dye -bath until the desired shade is obtained ; rinse in cold water, and press gently with the band between two cioths, t:1 remove the water ; now hold before a gentle tire, bhukiug slialrtly an - td nearly dry, and then curl. by ta,dim three or four sprigs of ,,he feather and, drawing bri-hly between the thumb nnd1 bang( of see sots and so on until it 114 lin i 1E41140 . Old ftuttlt 4.s can be re'colnredi Hurl made t4) took lilac) new. '1'o col:se fe:ithe('r, black. be ranee to 11(,4. 41,4' 1)I;1- 14.ou'I 1`.1at llisok 014. liilit :►tld 1''eatbers prepared by tile makers of the d)in(u4)nd 1)3 t.4 ; tills iu the only tneee15:fatl dye for coloring feat liars as rich black. BANK of HA iLTO ,W -i N'G-H A M. Capital, '$ 1,250,000. Best, $725,000 Presidunt-Pons STUART. . Vice-President—A. G. RAM44A . 700e foe. „lrilo ,4ya01'.r' Sr8 > I'•di�i�G SAG Is envy 68. ' DIRECTORS JOHN PROCTOR. GEO. 00A011, WM.GIBSON, P, A. T. WOOD, A. B. L145 (Toronto). Cashier—J. TUIINBULL. Saviligs Blanc—Ilours,!Oto s; Saturdays, 10 Deposits of 991 and upwards received and torest allowed ' Special Deposits also reoeived at current rates of ir... rest. Drafts ci, Groat Britain raid the United Stater bought and sold One thing after another has been poetically or flippantly termed the harbinger of spring. but the lest two or three year's have placed the Matter beyond dispute—I he true harbinger �'t' spring is the shirt waist S 6.VOs Thousands of Lives. Pour years ago Iarob 1)ewitta, of 17d9 Island, was rirago•'d to the verge of death by dreadful heart disease. Ile waft Seven no t,) ,!ie. (From vigorous ininsilnnd be hail gide to it broken despondent' 'Werk. 11" p:„t•nre41 Dr. A1mew'5t ('lire P•4. the liana. 11.1 d it faithfully. and t., day wviphs 1'11 p„1luils, 4lnd ilvra 14) 1lecs the elry 1he • ra•d' 101(4'aly 11',1:-4 r(t"ntMewled 40 hint. It 11•:tevcs 11 30 nlltiuter.—--21. Sold at Chisholul's Drug Store. ZO YEAflS OF eoNnc Dr. Chase's 11.4... Pills Loose tha Shackles of Consti- pation anti Stotraliaola Disorders. W. 00,1:BOTULD, Aaiun E. L. D1OfiINSON, Solicitor. Me1.4y , to Loan on Notes. In summing up the causes of hamar misery it will be found that by far tin greatest sources of disease originate it. der.4ligetnent of the Stomach and Bowels P "'plc will abuse their stomachs tun ut'gleot the calls of nature till they brig; on themselves her vengeance To g,,, back to nature's paths, to have the Stun. 440.1 and Bowels once ntoro fulfilling tliei fuiwtic:) properly, to cirkkr the systen1 all tit results and coase:laences of pois') • accumulating an 1 c:r1U1.4tiu„ in Our Dec is the work of 1)r. Carie a lid ey.L.v. Mr Thos. Miller, LI1&OIOw, tint that 11 1 was aii144/6ed wit,) ;stomach 'Proal',, an.l Constipation for 44.0.14tt 0) years. (it' ing whi'sli time ho tried .61111011 evervthl-r he i1Ci4rd. Of, but to uo purpose. D.4y, tho popular druggist, sent him aa(npl-4ofD(Onas;'8K-I, fills. The ii •••• dose he took glad ilial geol. and they bay - proved so effectual inluacaa"t1hAt110recoil. mends thorn to all t11os-t 44 111io( ell 1L8 ho Iva These Pills !slay be b«4 of all I) avers at 23 CENTS A BOX. es..4.nDiscounted ...,,,,. AT REASONABLE RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 5 pea centwitli priviteze of paying at the and of any year. Note and accounts colleted, 1ZOBT. 1adcINDOO. Beaver Block Winshain, Ont • (:pB,&ND 1r4UNIi Bail, WAX H. B. ELLIOTT, I')t01'RIRTO5 AND UBLI8HEII Tjt• , VANSTONE, Kir„ SuLICiToR, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan st loxes( interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, toll and farm properO bought arid sold OFFIOE-Beaver Block WINonMs DEPART '• AI4nITE Toronto and Bast 0 50 a. m. 3 05 p. m 3 30p m 10.25p m Palmerston mixed $ 55 a\ m 3 05 p rn Londonand South li 53 a m 11 10 a m 33Cpm 800pm Kincardine 11 10 a in (l 50 a m 3 30p m 3 30pn) 1025pm $30am AGENTS soli "Klondike Cold Fields” like a whirlwind. Ex- perienced Cant Rosen, reeling therichesth tweet of their livest; new beginners dohtg wonders: Nearly everybody subscribes. t no young fellow on a farm at $12 a month is making 975. A hu'typewrit•hor at 413 a week i8 clewing 811. A Mechanic who had carnal 91.50 a day is clearing N3 a day. We want DEANS, JR., Wlxc,;Aar, more agents. Caoyassing outilt 23e, wet th s41, j, • BRADLL"Y•GAYL1tETSON CO., Luurr:n, Toronto. LICENSED AUCTIONEER 140(4 ,rIN COUNTY OF HURON, !3H 11-w7 G9..R /'t4 M oder attended in any part of the CO. Charges !id 1.w7 4,aJ",g,�,.L'.'LJ.6'.;j. Moderate. J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, uc,, \Wmyhani, Ellin, E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC.. SOLIOITO1t TO 7BARRI OF IIAMILTON. DI(1NEY TO LOAN. Office -Meyer Block. Whighatn, ' 1W G. CAMERON, 133. . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, 4o 0filce-Corner Ilamilton and St. Andrew streets, opposite Colborne llotel. GoniRIOn, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY. -J. S. J 1(1t011 E, L. D. S., 14 rNcuA4 . 15 arlanufartue tlr.t-Class Bats of +�w" teeth as 0hcali as they can b0 made rt, 41'. x 11) the Donai1 * 1*. 14,244.1 extracted absolutely without pain, by his nCw process, guaranteed perte.tly safe, OFFICE: In the Beaver Bloeli, opposite the Brunswick House. ARTIICR. J, IIIWIN, D. D. U., D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsyh'an Dental College O FF I OE ---M ACDO N ALO 1LOO K. NoT1c-14ilrvisitMlyth every Wed*".day. JOHN ItITC11YE GENERAL INSURANCE AOINT WIN0IIAM, ONTAR ForT'w''ritY-SeVefl Years THECOOKS BEST FRIEND L,A]icIZSVrvmr; IN GPNAO't- STEM Pah P VORK& j}1(� TH ENEW;7WAY F,e. tiA ALL5TEEL ftriq "VW 1`'jY•'wnnT n COM :oYt'rAnr ' jfxss91iLL I S. Having purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I am now preparers to supply the public with Wood and Iron :force and Lift rumps, Drams and Iron Cylinders, Galva]ieiz- eId Iron Tubing. Cisterns, Water 7Crouglis, Sinks. liatltts, Tile Fitting; Weil Digging and everything; in con- nection with water euppnes. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power and pumping water. Deep well pumpe a snecielity. Repairing promptly attended to. Parties writing for information or ordering by mail should always state depth of well. All worst guaranteed or no sale. C. MORNI'I 'GST. 13ex. 140 Wineharn, Oct. JOHN CURRIE., WxsonAsx, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEEtt. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Imptemen specialty. All orders left at the TIMES office promptly attract ed to. Terns reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. Camp Caledonia, No. 40, west -' S. ®. 8.rho first, and third Monday be every month, In .,110 Odd Fellow's Hal,. Visiting brethren welccn„ .1. 'Murray, Chief. n Steyr 44 art )Ioo.-Ser. WANTED (''armors' sone or industrious 40rtu4.81l fair edit. cation to whom Noe a month would he An induce. )nowt. 1 could 44190 engage a Yew ;ARSON at their owls 110111eS, T. 11. L1:4SCOTT, Toronto. AGENTS "Women" is rho title of our great new book, Diseuss1'8 all 11118Nes of the 8a111je'('1, Culdoins "The Life and Work of Miss Willard,'" the U est wonderful woman of the rcnatnry. Over a hne,dr-d beautiful portraits of the grentcst women k,.owly with biograp(41oat sketehtr+. Kli'ap for eonsa9.44.8, THE idNSCOTT COMPANY, reap aTe. ,_AGEMTS "Glimpses of the t'naeen," faseinatu's book„ Sweeps the *4.1,4re 0e141 of hor'lelleed etlbjectt, 51 et) body milers. Mereg. liens illushle s. pros, pining free to (tl neassots. URA DI EV.(1 \11P12TS(1v CO., Loom Toronto, _ • -JOB PRINTING, y . INCLUDING; Books, Pamphlet24, posters, IS 11 Heads, Circulars, se., t¢4.,, exceuted In fbe boat style of tho art, at moderato prices, and on 11h0rt notlee. Apply or address IT, U, 16I.I.IUTT, ° 'r MRs 011ice, Wtngbara RORKWNDI iC, We are pv:.set1 to announce that any Books 0T Winsiow, left wit4. u4. for Binding, wilt haws Our prompt attention. {'rices for Binding In any 1143'10 Hill he siren 0(4 at/nlic4.1l011 0 the Tants Office 14ain8 14.01 h s cousin ter." "Metal. "A111" the word mean that uerned. thought 91 ply feeling as lie seen kB eine thin ensed cS to , you t0 CO) approve 'ieallu„lee lniCrOlieet may forge fathe"r's 1 able as recognize any one I fortune.,' Despite could nal pride tui "I knc 1Ou Ind toned tl: "You as the pi tier bee: f,ras ther tory of y +of your 1 i%, ,true a 1(I yot I;,past. 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