The Wingham Times, 1898-03-25, Page 3fM4w..•.n,,�•wn!'•••�. ... ...••Am.* Noe. anwnn..wrwwra�r+•ws..w
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1.11.E1 WJ.NGIIA,VI TIMES) MARCH 25, 1.S98,
irig the , • ter
Draining; I.Ian.t until Trees.
1 .11 Maine contribntur to American
Gardening take,) as his text draining
1 land with trees and shrubs.Ho writes
(M tS tab follows :
I found it necessary tie select a
1 loeatton for the cess pool of a nets
I house, and in the light of past expert
ence, I fixed upon at spot it roil and a
half fromanelin of a centny'sgrowt1i
r VnhIatcd and within a NW feet of It propoed
CanffilethOrit�� �4 Rooms o Prnnn 1 1also belWh ere a linnellocation
G f err:ltrulie er
p evergreens could be grouped t<.) give
I t�p rP�,eitg at {bel, t,l t,'t4'('t tl! tl.t! l)vll S,It'ti.i i1 � ' t� t . ` 7.q
out. T lhae-d the e , inei 111 ::.i•^
situation because I tial lea; t tel 1iv
e::perio' eo that tref.,s nod shrubs
drink t1f tmir i:otls;(:r (11' 11(1
oafs from t'. grorrd, •:,(t , roil*
roots dalight to ft ed upon just bitch
impurities as sill soak out int.) the
surrounding gf4und from coir pools
and sink drains. No one would
believe what quantities of water the
roots of a single tree will take up
from the ground until he had a
practical demonstration before his
I do not recommend open sink
drains that are not properly tapped,
but where such a drgin exists and is
likely to exist or where a cesspool is
to be located, I know the presence
of trees and shrubs is desirable.
Hedges may be made doubly service-
able in this connection oftentimes,
serving the purpose jest described
and that of windbreaks and objects
of beauty.
Ti!^n Rt-tF. W. H1 z ..3.�^,vo Lost
in ��3�'ro-.1)^tail.'.�'�. ?JI$,5.,p�� Weight and r
.!l• �,it,®vJ3,:� �7.��.'c@,.�..� .=.a.1a,•'�.0 tf �a :�'1'.�`t�'i.d E..�i,.�. �:..r.i� � a �,.0 ���w.i,iL�i:.�. tU rnJ�.SL�SA: are
Broken in Health.
Amongst the first good results that
are appatent from using Paine's Celery
Compound in the early spring season is
a perfect rOgularity of the bowels, good
appetite, sound, healthy sleep, and good
These benetits coming promptly with
the use of Paine's Celery Compound
naturally result in health -building and
the establishment of a vigor ins system,
that is capable of resisting sickness and
eontagious diseases.
It should be remembered that spring
weakness, nervousness, despondency,
laugour and that "tired feeling" proves
that the matter in the nerves and spinal
cord are not getting sufficient nourish-
Paine's Celery Compound will quickly
supply a fresh and abundant eapply of
nutriment for every tissue of the body ;
the great medicine is prepared for this
Paine's Celery Compound is the only
medicine in the world that has earned
the confidence of medical men and the
best people in every part of the civilized
This world famous medidine is theonly
one that can meet the needs of all who
are weak and sick and who have been
confined in badly ventilated apartments
during the long winter months. It
quickly expels every tra'ie of poison and
disease, and gives a flow of rich pure
blood that insures perfect and true
If you value your lifa,beware ofsnbst•i-
tutes that are offered by some dealers.
Paine's Celery Compound is what you
need to cure you ; take nothing else ; it
is a guaranteed spring life giver and
health -builder.
Visit to House of Refuge.
Last week, after the Grand Jary
bad finished their duties here, a
number of them visited the house of
Refuge, and Foreman Hamilton, of
Blyth, made the following report :
"In company with 1111:. Coats, the
Inspector, we visited the Hoose of
Refuge. Me. ' and Mrs. French re-
ceived us very cordially and took us
mil through the buildings. We found
everything orderly and neat, and
lir. and Mrs. French are to be high.
ly complimented upon their manage-
ment of the instittl.'ion. There are
now 83 inmates, more than can be
comfortably accommodated ; one, an
'insane person, ought to be removed,
as he is really dangerous. The in-
mates express themselves as receiv•
big the best of care, and are well
satisfied. The grounds are • well
kept, and the outbuildings in good
order. On the whole, it is a model
institution, and an honor to the
county of Hni'.,n."
Don't Shoot The Dog.
Dr. Bryce, Sceretary of the Pro-
vincial Board or IIealth, calls atten-
tion to the warning given repeated-
ly not to shoot dogs supposed to be
mad, as that does away with any
chance of find!t g out whether the
animal really lied rabies or was
really temporarily insane, tts it were.
He urges that such animals be con-
fined. under observation to see if
hydrophobia develops, or that a
portion of the spinal cord of the
animal be sent ,to him immediately
atter death for treatment in order
that the existence of the disease may
be verified. 'rhe doetor is hoping
that the Ontari'+ Government will
before long establish a Pasteur In•
stitute in connection with the Pro-
vineial Beard of Health. It is esti-
mated that between t;5.000 and
89,000 were expanded bust year by
Canadians taking the treatment at
New York.
Jt's not the weather ' that's at
fault. It's your syntem clogged with
poisonons materials, that makes you feel
dull, drowsy, weak, and miserable. Let
Burdock Blood Bitters cl,' it away all ,
the poisons, purify and enrich your • To Prepare Chicken Broth..
blood, make you feel bright and vigor- 1
OUB. Chicken broth for un invalid
; should be prepared very carefully.
He Went Reformatory.
I Draw and singe a good sized chicken,
He was a negro. His name was , being sure it is quite fresh and has
Intl Fizer. The Liberal rooms were' not been kept in cold storage. Dis-
crowded. It was the night before joint the chicken, remove the fat
The election. Everyone was feeling and the skin. Put the chicken in a
spiritfui. stewpan, with as much water as will
cover it to the depth of an inch.
Stand the stewpan in a lar,e•,pan•of
hot water over the tire, ancl• flet the
Water in the lower pan bolt briskly
two hours; then take out tl. inner
pan and let it stand folk's few
moments; then strain the broth
through a very line sieve. Before
serving it season vvith a little salt.
Do not add 1100 or anyth:ng else to
the broth without directions front the
A. bottle of IIagyard's Yellow Oil
should be to every cyclist's kit as it is
effective remedy for Sprains. Bruises,
Outs, Stiff Joints, Oontrautiou of the
Muscleta, Cramps in the leas, etc.
New Government Envelopes.
The Canadian Poitofflce Depart-
ment is issuing the first instalment
of new stamped envelopes. As in
case of postage stamps, these en-
velopes will be sent out to post-
masters only as the corresponding and ask for Mrs. 4Vinsinw's Soothing
denominations of the old envelopes! Syrup, and take no other kind
become exhausted. The three -cent .
envelopes of the old series have now, An American Child.
it is understood been all issued by
For Over Fifty Years.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over fifty years by mil-
lions of mothers fur their children whsle
teething, with perfect success. It soothes
the child, softens the gurus, allays all
pain, oures wind colic, and is the best We are in a position to turn out
remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to
the taste, Sold by druggists in every
part of the world. Twenty-tive wants a
bottle. Its vnhte•'is incalu,.ble. Be Sure
Guelph, Nov, 23rd, 1897,
The Sloan Medicine Co„ IZamilton,
Dear Sirs,—Fut' years 1 was troubled with periodical sick headaches,
being affeeted usually every Sunday, and used all the remedies that were
advertised as cures, and was treated by almost every doctor in Guelph bat
v, about any relief. one doctor told nue it was caused by a, ti(>tk slot lash;
another said it was hereditary and incurable. I was induced by a ncighbly
:() try Sloan's Indian Tonle, and ails happy to say I dial s:o. .'t few dosls
payee immediate roller, and eila Lottie and ai-h`::f tntale a e'()' piece sura..
'i'his was tht'eo years tigo and the 1i.:uki hes have never mtere d. 1. was •
also troubled with asthma and nothing helped Inc like your Sloan% Indian
Tonle. I can heartily recommend it to all, and will be glad to give any
patl'tiellci s to 01tt one ar:7 t,.rl
W. C. I%f()UiI.
For sale by all dealers, or address the Company at Hamilton, Limited.
$1.00 per bottle ; 0 for i:G.00.
o You
tinted. Stationer
.... •„.;pry �c:«1Fu;1.1..:?i v.,*..filw41c 7 -eh.
the department; the first envelcipesThere is a 6 year-old youth in
Tioga who is firmly convinced that •
of the new issue are those of that
I a t fie will he man before his
denomination. t
A like urian ement in connection'mother, says the Ph I
with the stile by postmasters of the Record. He was spending the after -1 d
envelopes in question will be made lnaon at a neighor's house the other I'�J—V-Mt'•.[-1c E ,S
that is to say, no postmaster will be day on,
became utterly oblivious of
permitted to sell any of the new the flight of time. After awhile the
stock of envelopes, as long as any of
the old in the same denomination re-
main unsold,
"A speech, a speech,” shouted the
crowd. The negro rose. He shook
'lis woolly head
"Get on the table," again roared
the mob.
IIe got nn the table. His hat was
in his hand,
His lips moved.
"I'se a gwin to tell ye's this,
gintlelnen. l'se always voted Con-
servatory before, but ye s have used
me so well I'se a gwine to vote
Reformatory dis time." Then he
sat down.- -Guelph Advocate.
Tito faroas oa
simile every'
signature rri• i�i &c ri mewl
The Grand Trunk's waffle receipts
for the week ending 1lfarch 7 were Ii:ottle Miesions....$15,160 65 $58,433 26
$445,048, an increase of 6.17,461 over Augmentation ... 12.,76') a34 14,077 90
the 'orresp ondin°' week last year. I Foreign Missions.. 05,473 33 03101 0:3
French evangelize-
-„e-------`•—r-•- 1 tion 133.7613 15 13,092 01
• „ t , 6,876 el; 6,140 69
At a bush pri ' e than ever before
mother of his little playmate re-
marked that she thought it would be
a good idea for the youthful visitor
Tilers will be three rlenomin. lens to run home. He paid no attention
•= t to the remark, and about half an 1
of envelopes in the forth touting boor later she said to the younester, 1-'-�' �'�"�'�'
series, the le., 2c. and �e., but there "Milton, don't you think your mother moPrinted on the
We have the best stock of Envelopes in town, and we ca
print and supply them as cheap as the cheapest.
will be only one size, that of the
present No. 2, or larger envelope.
The cost of the new envelopes•'htis;
been reduced ten cents per hundred
in each denomination, and a further
Preabyteriar, Collections.
will be worried about you ?” Look-
inf; up from the toys with which he 1 with the times.
was playing, Milton promptly re-
plied : "Oh. 1 don't know ! The I Give us a call when/ you are in need of
concession granted the public; 13y 01(1 lady gets rattled once in au'tlile•" i and we will use you right.
1I I r 'Roo it extra cost' end
shortest notice and the price in keeping
whenever preferred, these ens?elopes •
bearing a blank form of request for
the 'ret urn of letter should it .not be
derive !ed within a specified t;ffilar:
• - vi.r
Pile Terrors Swept Away,. •;,•
Dr. A'gnew's of ttment stiede at
head its a reliever. healer and sure =cure,
for piles in all forme. One application
will give comfort in a few minutss,t.a,t;c�'•
three to six day's application aoeord•ing-
to directions will cure chronic eases. -It
relievee all itching and burning!' akin
diseases in a day. 3,3 cents. Sold =at
Chisholm's Drug Store.
Rev. Dr. Warden has furnished
the following comparative state-
ments of receipts for the schemes of
the Presbyterian church, to Feb. `28,
i.8!) 7 and 18(98
1897. 13t}a,
1'lintetiuexroru )!e,
ConstIpat on widows' an.l 111-
sinus' fund.... 3,175 14 4,039 70
'Causes fully half the sickness In the world. It I Aged and in tui
**stains the digested food too long in the bowels ministers' fund.. 4,208 53
and produces biliousness, torpid liver, loth- Assembly fitnd... 3,004 11
Knox College 1,764 93
Geese's College2,160 10
0Montreal College1,:346 61
l tanitoba Colleen, 3.rllta 49
ss B ® Woodville, Ont., Feb. 23ra.147.
greet t etil' to
It gives us a,ii.It •1 Itnitane to ir, y
agestiou, had taste, coated
tongue, sick headache, in-
t t hood's fills
Grippe too often leaves be1.ind it weak-
ened heart, shattered nerve ami Hurler �„.- -.... - ----•n-^n^^---'-®°'""�"`�°" ��'
mined health. Nothing will restore the
system to i1,s olu time vigor so quickly
and perfectly as Milbern'e IIuart tied
Nerve Pills. Mrs. John Quigly,30 Sher.
iii Street, St. John. N. I1., says :---"Since
I had an attack of Grippe. I have bean
weak nervous anti run down. I doctor-
ed with some of the best Physicians but
got no relief .tool I commenced using
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, whiuh
have completely Lured me"
anything in the Printing fine
THE TIMES, Wingham.
A Fairly Fatal Affair.
"So you want to sell that mule:fit'
said the Georgia farmer to 1111 old
darkcy who was leading a. dilapi•
dated, f'orlor'n looking animal
"Yes, soh ; times 18 hard, en I
'bleep ter part wicl hiin. It harts
rue powerful ter do it. blit—I needs
de money, en go he nuns'."
"'Has he any good yua;ties?
"Oh, yes ,ub'. Ile got so many
it take ton long, tet' name 'eel."
"Does he kick ?"
"Well, soh, 1 lo=ts' say- that he has
kicked in his day on time. IIe once
kicked at member er my fnmbiy."
IDid it prove fatal ?"
"I ]'seen it dict, tinct, kase what
wuz let" er him when we gethercd
hint up looked pretty fatal ?"—At-
lanta t;onst.itution.
A scientist announces that "straw•
berries are 91 per cent water." If
that is the case the other i) per cent.
must be sand.
If you are not feeling well, why don't
you take blood's Sarsaparilla ? It will
purify and envie!) your blood rttld do you
wonderful good. '
It is now possible to complete the
journey around the world in fifty
days, out now—let the scorcher
thoroughly understand—on a bi-
3,230 611I
3,80.1 05 Health Is Better.
4,1131 4131 "1 had no appetite noel ,ttoulcl not,
2,3!16 f3:3 1' at night, and was so tired that I
1,'31.1 Ott
h Cure. t bottles, My health Is now better than
tel C tt:•tI x
seep S, ,
could hardly walk. 1 saw Hood's Sar-
xapariiltt navertistic' and procured four
erne a
+� rr
:tiv s • :. .uhf It
•Iletrt c
.tY tis of 1
the excellent y h e
cure constipation and all its
xesults,easilyand thoroughly, 25e. Alldruggists. l Cure . It lias completely enttxl true of ('a.
the only ruts to take wit new,'=s Sarsapatd & Co., lilla date birth
cure. hr. Jew re It. -Ai � i,se it as Harness l bitter.
it has ever been since I was a child. noel
hltve not, been aiek for Ii lona time."Miss
Bessie Turnbull, 1 ul1 Oranbrook Ont.
,1.x()()1)'.1 PILLS are the only pills to
taste with flood's Sarsaparilla. Has
yet efficient,
I.T. do net appreciate
the wools of ,feat (1.
.:'axe who sang, "God
blew, the Haut wito
first Invented sleep!"
lint apprtelitb,n is
notwentin'„ to those
�who have suffered as
,I' Whit'• of Mara •
Township 1 IL.who
beeatne so lll with
nervous troubles that. to quote her inn•
thee, Mr. Donald Monne, ,t well-known re-
sident of that illustrious section of North'
Ontario "My sister hail not slept a night
for over tlsrea months. She rould not h w
email this touch longer, and it was only
when death seethed imminent that Routh
„iin Nervineti
ire beeame the good pity.
dciou. After taking the first tin>r of the
Sertine she slept ali night, ant( ssainei
In 1 t' I1 until perf.+•'tly well, and has now,
no .•i4tt of nervousness." This is n Mender.
s of Her•
►n] :umnrint' in the r"eres•e•v rust
Sod tvr,nhe uiI-. to
Sold Chisholm's firug sore.
on' ._ 3pena D
Medici e
until you have tried
You can buy them in the paper 5-cc:it cartons
Ten Tabules for Five Cents.
'rill.. sort n put up cheaply' to Gretit" the nnt'iereei present demand for A low 'priQM
If you don't find this sort of
Rpans Tabules
t the Druggist's
Send Five Celts, to Tan
New Vorl:, r i.a t:.r' will b . •.. ;; .'a by mail; or
I ,s. 5 arc turn to
•,,� Iia will 1}C itilitCei for q3 eCrta. , ••
,a:: that lipan5 Tabula; are .
ye,n aced.