The Wingham Times, 1898-03-25, Page 2tar
}. _... eeg, s apv:-\ . c u axe:. rery
The ti'tl,un Railway Intl passed Broad Tyre, on Wagons.
the e',a11t1=itteo at the ilo -'•' et '
Wit Witte dtt opposition.
OPS..sww�r. <.rc:u..,=;.-Tx; .+,c.,rar=+wb.u;sr.a.,rAa.r I • a '�} .
`:•Y.•Llt•(I.li71. 6.1 M1••"'.K'a*dGi.:...-itry.51RS4YY.F.t-s'K .!xRY' �nW-{;Av4: H.:
4E4C'C<<.<<<<<<<CCC««< .<4
'T U E U
1 Sunni initerestingexperitnents have • Tile directors of the C i •, r
Already 50 carloads of tobacco
.:, Leamington, I comp.•arinhr the draught of broad - 'yGtln l►1 • '
: been made 1•CcetntJy at tee Agri. Mutual Insurance Company met in
'cultural Experimental atattion Ohio, the town
have beet ti)lt,prti trout T t all, peesw'ater on rob,
lilt t.hE. farmers c~Fll() rdtlwCti then' natio L1 gd � �t11d �- Members all present The V
i a ' - t %% again. In nearly ' president in the ehair.
weed realized more on it than any ' all cases it was established that the ; Minutes of lest Meeting were recti v
other el't,p• !draught was materially lighter when and Motion of John El, Scott sewed•;
.-.....r- __ . , - -- tee -et . . , 1 tyres six inches wide were used than ed by Wni. Reid w `
, A were adopted,
ue•--That---That all 1.4
'- with tyres of standard width. On a ' a'4lcliag u
macadam roa(I, the cattle draught eatious for insn1'al,tee taken by tho W
required to Raul 1t tint Ioad with ' agents of this cotnpeny ht; gala be- t w
narross tyres hauled more than a :fore the directors for a cazninattion.- in the morning. 6
' y It isn't the child's fault. Weak Vy
tc•]h and at quarter with broad tares Cat•ried.
Don't scold V/
the little ones if +
. the bed is wet 1VU
I ! V kidneys need strengthening --
r On gravel roads cele draught re- r Reid }--:•IeKagile - -'1'hat h..ving V that's ealt.. Yon Neglect may entto al a1
1 sluiced to haul 2000 lbs. with ilarrosr , examitie.d 14 applications 13 are
is re., hauled 2,(,10 lbs on the broad found satisfactory, 1 Jaid over for w `` lifetime of suffering, v
1 •
tires. (3n dirty tottds, dry and information. --Carried, � DOAN'S it? 1 �i ��,# v
! 1i:tru and frrc froij rote, the bread I Moffat--Scott—That as the owner' V Strengthen the Kidneys and Vi
l tyre:, palled in''re� than one third ? of policy No. lGJC has applied for v
Bladder, then untrouble/ do
1 lig s., ceases. V
jl,tc=i. (In mud toads, sponger on a new pulley and his application is v Mr, John Cureon employed it V
it+: ••=tl f ire and nrtlerlieatll the E.1t1afA(,tot 1 but is lie has . �' R ,
• -', t :; tub not paid ty M. s. i,tadt & Ob.*s store, Haan-
licca:1 tyres drew one halt' lighter' his last levy.,no policy be issued V dict: nr 5•iv4t
tltcltl tltf'• narrow tyres. On , nIltil 11 ' •)RR V ";+ip l{ttt bnv Seven 'r: tx aF c^•o
L1 l )moi i aw l' , m 1 rmud he , paid tI1, S,Tnle and that; V has Ueen ta•ottbledvititThia filtincv:T t j
� ru i�l soft and sticky on tap and the secretary no ify' hint tp toat �W s;.itiee birth and go10. not hold bin V
.a-GnMia:r C''L'rt 'jay G'>il�.�r;a by these 1 where stheyf were ; istweet. We
t remedies, in t they ,v 'e. n
•.t .t to .t r Cil't1et.-.- spent x•,u„u,�un o[ an,. YV
µ•i:Ich[1I9. ! , , , a' great
' i•lht'T'lC'Cl. V tars ttootnaitt .tn triad many dif~ V
C,t'i=ttl anti tee matt' bccaltie stiff and !secretary D'fCi1a1"'ue—:tICI' r V feren tp
avail. One bot of Doan's Kidney try
• 1' G:(1 11'11'1'+ 1v t •a-•
They aT;o rc,,ava ?t `less from I3 sips'M 1df,lte That the
IriT t t i..l Too !really � ! ^r f , t. 1'' > y t es nulled. notify aail, ill arrears that V/
feet ua 1r for 1);z !real, Name; Thews!.
go 1 "ti l,, thin the c !do, ones. ',with their ,nsinatnee is de their own risk t ("<<< <<<<<*''�rv<1477'<<<<1 G*
w hills completely cared him."
eee excretions the wide tyre e piaci until paid.•--Cai•riec .
Hess, Dat T,.vie in the Mouth, Coated Ton,uc ! lig ilte1' in (Iv:: IT E. hsp., ! Blelieg • ,
Tai r i ,
:�i:.e, TORPID LIVER. hi r, le--e'Ipf%—1 Mu the it 1 Love Will I'' nd a Way.
'feet:tee., 'y clt, ltls+adusys ,1lxl pa:,ttzres the `spectora for the Calross Mutual Fire!
-�c t Purely SegeiaUle. r .;tl; , t: 1-- i'
t- were st. ikinaly In favor of i Insurance Co,, for he year 1ull8, bel (xeorge---lint, Mabel, clear, Macri-.
.r r , ` • amen Dose. t a brood ty t e-% 'When meadows John McRae, Arch. Gordon, James 1 is out Of the queSl ofl just yet. You
ef-.t n IP -rim, • !ate; snit, from 3000 to 4000 lbs. may Donaldson Thos. lfalcolm George forgot e hitt I am bu
l i be. hauled on t!=e broad tyres k C1'fl ct ' } , g seem to have for o ern t t
Substitution 'with , 1 zshanks: Caai-tied. la pool' clerk on a meagre salary
the same draught s that requited
the fraud of the day to haul a load of' 000 lbs. on the
See you get Carter'S,of 1 thewide ty re one al the 1effects
di was
shown in the tests. The i the work of this company for said 1 . George --Bat you know nc,thino-of
Ask for Carter's, of these carefully conducted !amount, also that this include al
experiments prove .almost conclusive -
Insist and demand ly that the hived tyre is the best for
„ those raving teaming to adopt. It
Carter'sLittle Liver Pills. ! should ba of special advantage to
the farmer for use; in the fields and
on the rnetd. Ale from this, if all
diose who do Meas � o•
Allison—Reid--'.[Khat the See'y.- Mabel.— Oh, Giorge, don't Jet
Treaa,, be paid thea sum of $100.00 poverty interfere with our happinsss.
salary for the year 1808 and that he . We can manage to live on one meal
git'e $.'3000 security;• that no do all !a day if necess2rv.
Too serious a cor7.ditiorl to
1'L e r.aeltele harness maker tells
how tee `J .s cure:.!.
y teaming would
I Use broad tyre$ we would have
better, or tat least the reads
p so 4adiy doting 1 count of A. G. Stewirt for printing' ough.—Chicago NNews.
would not be cut
, wet weather as tl
TORTItitt kI'tl tx
extras except postage and stationer.
Yeas, Thos Allison y
G, G. Moffat .I
hou'ehold duties, why you can't even
Mabel --Indeed I can love. I have
E. Scott, Wm. Heidi; Nays, John Me kept•it a secret from yott , but the
Keene. t time has come fir my confession.
.George, deer, I< gra cluated from a
cooking school' three, months ago.
George --ATS darling, come to my
arms. It shale be as you wish. One
McKagne—Scott••--That the presi-
dent attend the annual Ml tual Fire
Underwriters Association of Ontario,
at Toronto on March 10th. Carried
ille ague—Moffatg--Tha* the I meal a day tvil'1t be (more than en ---
v are now, Ione thousand ' apelicattion forms
! amountrng to e10 be peed. Carried.1 HEAR.T'M R.ACLEt S.
1 Moffat -- Meli ague — That this (
! l4ee;r you in. minery turinn, the day, die- I board do now ad,jouen to meet again
1 turb your rest at night ,Soil'oeation-1+�ltmtter�rlg--Palpitation
The burning On the fast Saturdays of Marebb at 2 ----Acute Pains --Certain Signs of
n artlnt, nearly drive you +
wn hall, Tees- the Heart's Sieltneis---Dr. Agnew's
water, -or at the call he president. cal t Cul•e R�lleia
Arr. Tv ni. Dyson, tho well known saddle -1
and liar .esu maker of C--uelph, Ont., makes
the foilowing statement: I heartily re-
itching' ands I .'" . � ,.
wild. Burdock Blow; littteh•.� cures ` all o'clock p, , ]. in the t
them out of the system, and makes the
I blood pure and healthy.
1 Katie Ryder. Germania, Ont, says: ---
1 Burdock Blood Bitters cured me if Salt
Rheum four years into, and I have no re-
turn of it since. T•=was so bad that. 1
could hardly sleep'with the pain it gave
The Habit of Saving.
Ilan diseases ; drives the poisons t:utlsin
Now that the good times are
marching upon 4s, filling the farm
and the factory; and making the
people cheerful j and the country
e well for all to
best way to profits
of the last feta'
glad, it might
Iremember that th
by the depressio:
commend 3Tilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills Years is to save something out of the
to anyone suffering from nervousness and
heart tscublo. They are a splendid
, new prosperity el tty for any other possible
medicine for o. complaints. For a long I season of idleness and distress. With
time Iwo a1 iieted with nervousness and ii toe vast abundance the t this country
pain in my beast, which was especially 1 has Irnocvn, the habit of economy
severe at night, often destroying my rest. I has come slowly. Many have seen,
These pills cured nic and invigorated my
nervous system which is now strong and the wisdom of it, and they are aur
healthy. They restored restful sleep besides rich people and the owners of our
-formremoving the distressing lteart pains which lands and industries and banks and
tormerly ,lye zas so much anxietyand various profitable properties. But
e e. "'
Wilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills 50 cts.
tt box 3 for iIl.t?3, sola 13y—druggists or sent
by mail. T. Milburn .I; Co., Toronto, Ont.
La,xa-Livor Pills curetConstipation.
bi j'rr`{'n�r
T Y 4 EB 'S .;
the great majority' of people have
lived up to their incomes, and when
the wages stopped or the salary
ceased, grins want stalked in. And
so good men and well-bred women
had to go to charity to keep theta
froze starvation ; had to sacrifice
their pride and accept of the public
__._. bounty, because in their days of
I prosperity they had forgotten the
1 future.
Saving Colne-, easily when 1t is
j mice begun. Da 11ot spend mom
than you earn. When Peter Cooper
learned a dollar he lived cn :3() cents I
;of it, and other sncces fol teen will
I testify how hard the struggle was to
t +ri;;; the heed, teet1'y where. save the first money and how easy
We .ire melting. day and ; it was after the habit had been 1
lie,';ht t, sit t1,11' t't'. (l!"amed, ; formed. `'F'e are f;lag to halve) four
l tr c',r"!' r;li'1S'.`- Of the `.;t'"attcsr. y e:ir•d T.ite', ti"•tl'I(1 has
,`+::s lc:t.!'1, t i r.'11 hundreds ever known, glair, 1:-> I::;,' iiil•'nle:, let
:;'stt:etreet are Lein„ ; that 1,respeet delude bun bee, spend -
rt wed to r;Ealltit and thapl)i- , ill„; all he gets. Thele issafety:� only i
netts daily. IInsavior.
They are a l)-Oltltf_•ly rule and
t _°.1•Islntl. (,uriantrro'1 to
etire 1<,.f•'t"'i'•t.l'•t°'a. •'"•e!i.'1 ti("•..
1l3iJ wA: art ai't tale)tr-; rMlrsTIr».
Sold in lt':ai,;b. ut, f�,+Iy ! (;'.,•,;,.a. t,• Co
z-'. ...e _- - .. -
Fon MEtiTtl
f: CityI Ilia DE,STAtJ T-Rlif~u>MA la
a .•.;l 'l t 14./l �ai J'aaar.
arid';°:'",.... 1i1313n.P t: q 111'(,
� , REG_ xjL.�,O ltll`tr�;20 ji�
t„orfj,fitK I}�tRct* C Ec, i1Ao
,. lit l,' ii i I
: � �COi.TP t
Nate ; rtr re tilriTi1=AL.
ship so necessary to insure a good
nervous condition fas, cable to the
normal condition of !the digestive
tl II •es in 30 Min --
Carried. t utes.
In cases of heart tre ehle lir. Agnew's
Sec'y .-Titers.
CHILDREN'S COUGHS the quickest acting remedy in eslstenee
It has stepped in when the victim of
Are quickly cured by a ew doses of Dr. heart disease seemed: beyond hope—in
Wood's Norway Pine "Syrup ; and best � the Iast gasp—has stayed, death's hand
of ail it's so trice the yoktngsters take' and has proved =t ut icegr-tiling and a
without any fuss.
efin the Heart has proved itself
Don'e Go to The tKlondzke.
A gentleman living fn Galt yester-
estet -day received' a lettei•.ftiom a friend!:
residing in British Columbia whie3 .
contained information that it will' be ' The Canadian AC 'nnlxfacsurer in
well for those to consi4er who are
going to the Klondike.' The writer
of the letter sac=s : The. excite-
ment the gold discoveries is causi,g
is very great, but it is over drawn-.
thousands who go there will never
return. At Shag way their are 184 to
20 deaths daily. It is a disease thn;t
pPrfeanent cure. Itis an honest mPdi-
eine and will rig a11 °#tuned for it.
Dr. Agnew's Liver Ie i.1Is are the cheap.
set liver corrector itnoivn. Sold at Chis-
holuzs Drug Store,
•L . e. Ar�gaMw'.+'XF:Ie.Wr':b,*.R�PMMR'Ya'Y
111lPltallrtltl+.11ai 111011111tle,llla@PeNflleM,lurnoc
,l•` 's* etaiblePrcparatiouforAs-
similating 1h good andifegtita-
tiil the Stoioclis andBowels of
neeeeteeee 39*
Promotes Digestion,C11eerfill-
nessandnest.contains neither
Oprtn,Morphiue nor Mineral.,
-car o orate L IILt`+
,ilrrno%in .Seri`
jippermint -
1..4 Gmkneet.rotb.'
;iv rCc -
3iine,yrd.ra, /tart.
Aperfect Remedy for Constipa-
tion, Sour StornachrDiarrhoeca,
Wornn3 ,Gonvutsions,Feverisft-
ltiicsS ant/LOSS OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
Castoria is put up in ono-tize bottles only. It
tis not sold in bulk. Don't chow anyone co sell
yo° that it
isn"just as good"anthing elseoand thn eT ;All answer oleo, or ovaryy pita.
peso." . r3' See that Tree gist 04-04-0-114 4.
T COPY OF WRAPPER..1.+r n to env
�.: of
GO tO`s
, 1`i`3�t. _ •a' `'r. - -•'- ,. U M P8 .
Will stand wear and tear for
y ears. No better proof can
be given of their durability
than is shown by the fact
that some ofthese primps put
in wells 25 years ago are
still working.
Supplied to. Order.
Repairing promptly attended to.
S 1OP--Diagonallst. opposite Beattie's
11 Sui
;advocating the im;p `='tion of news- ,
paper postage by th Canadian Gov- o-
says :
Under the preseiot postal law,
thousands upon that et,l,ds of Arneri-
ean newspapers ante•sent into Canada
to catnpete with Clitladian publica-
tions, and not the least evil from this '
l standpoint is that piebileataons print- 11
takes thele in the back of the neck tl
and they only live a fk w fours atfter. ed and eireulated $hely to advertise
being taken ill. Ifet have lite' fake seheines, are sht:eznn broadcast
in Galt who have the notion of ot-n 1 over the country t the expense oil'
so the Klonrike, use $,ur infiuene' the ratepayers. The cost of trans -
to persuade them agalttst going."--.
Galt Reporter,
if you are troubled with Backache,
Lame Back, Weak Back, you will find
Down's Kidney :Pills a remedy that will
porting these sheets through the malt
is immense, and tine enrl is not there„
because hundreds afdollars are tak-
en oat of Canada every year through
the schemes .advertised in theta,
The imposition of postage on Can
adian newspapers will not affeet
take out the pains and give your Track! American publ.eeations in any way.
needed streo,sth. They will still w)me( into Canada
without the payment of postage.
Eat Slowly and Be Merry.. That is one e -ii the strongest reasons
why postage should mint he imposed.
At a recent meeting of medical aI pn
men Dr.I+. A. Barran spoke of the
aanloant c:f nnisebief done by the very
common habit of eating the meals
rapidly, according tri' the farmer's
..ti Jr
1,e .t meq..
motto of 'quick to eat nick to work' e:i . WOOL'S14"r-
„ „�
Ttiorou h illantiaation4'was of the tit-
ino:It irlportnnc'e and,' of course, this t”
I -1 j l opet condition 0.�''-� a., .P,, 't
taie:,h. Gat3trle digestion was often -
weakened and lnucld distress was
caused by the i. jestion of too remelt
fluid with the food, particularly at,
the beginning of the ndeei. Another
factor is Causing dvetepsia was the Heals and Sodlfihes
habit of eating food in silence, or
without that mirth and goodfeltow the eix # txsSt s r`1 tl
Throat and Lungs.
organa. These little; details tnlight LDS,
`,'6111 trite: andtdltilllltul•(antt it was ASTG`fJUCrFiS, COLDS,
the duce- Off the mail efttl physiciana tc, }X1 OA, Ixl e4 r,u:
i11S}t1 net hi: l',nth(:lit l in reea1'd to lii;t�A 1 g ITv ,tl:
them. The long continued and free
use ('f (Iigestiv(l agents sewed to
make the, (ligeetive ergans lazy and
inactive,—Medical Record.
%TZA, and
PAIN 1r4 my. CHEST'.
EASY TO TAItt, tte
&ME TO (:ZI111 .
yore at
Satisfaction and perfect ht
guaranteed. p
ueen's .Block, ', - 1'VingI ern.
The Leading Specialists of America
20 Years: in.'lleli'olt..
&&250,000 Coro a
Thousands of young tend Inidille aged
niener°troublodwitlithisdisease many
uneonsoionsly. They quayltave,tnsasart-
ing sensation, small,. twisting:stream,
sharp nutting ficins at times„slight dis-
charge, diffieultty in commencing, weak
organs, onlisonnkft, and all tho:xym >toms
of nervous debility -the, itaa,-o, S' itle
TIJ1i.E. DonttlotdootorsoxTaerihxerri;ort
you, 13y cutting, atrotoljing;, ortearing
you. This will not oar° 5fouiasittvriaire-
turn. Our NEW 111131'Zl0r7,'i'It1i r
`.BNT absorbs the slrIcture tissue;
, Tte,•acnne-enoroturn.ri tt 'ain,ynosuf%r.
i fN,' inp•, no detention from.Gbaa:>inesx by our
, method. .
. , court T1'c nerves aro invigorated, and
A the hiss of rawnhood returns.
Timusamis of young *nil zniddee-ege0
men. arc hazing' then rez:isl vigor and
vitality continually sapped try this dia-
esse. rtev era fru:petal' tuteottacious
of thea ns° ofthoxiymetamr. General
Weakness, kno. , Unnatui L j)isehnr(aes; Fail-
ing Manhood. Yareiurners. Poor Mem-
ory. Irritability, at tiint'•r ,Smarting Ben -
fl Y'.
ration, Sunken a with dusk circle', .f
Weak tack, General l Doerr.+:;:o:i, Tack
o.. Ambition, 1. n.i' eaJ,, •, t''
F .ir
t .•
t.. .
1 crit+. etc. aux n•i ,. iTt1CTC1213
may be the cause.. Don't consult family
doctor:, as they have no experience in
these. Special disco . -don't allow
()machete e.t r3rielent no you. Consult
eeialists tv1,-havematloaihfestttdyof
Diseases of',.fen and liromon. Our NEW.
ME1'uol) Tltt;AT14IY,NT willposi-
tively auto you. One thousand dollars
for a ease weaccept for treatment incl
cannot cure, a:crtnslgodorateforacuro.
We treat and c'nrts i:;'1fIS-toNg,
IT(T(rI'IT It T; Ill P()TJ N Y, 01 0RE
DIU. Mil. 1TNiVA'1li i 0liri5(TTIAIll-
ES,ElI)NI /nail l 1.1 )f,1.1t1)ineuror. t.
(,e):v:itfill. Adie v 11(1.1.;. Ihuo1Cit
FRB ! . fl f t n•1,1, t' fo can write for
Clil1 . ) .i: H?,Air".i
,11,BA...: T. i=. r 6 SOi,I;
l ha')•aa ` tie„ ascii Sill;. w
Oi t )' i,c h'y r, liCttil � ..
,, (. , t
Caveats and Trade-:'Vfack'S obtained,poi
business conducted for hdtt)Fnf .; la nilpotent
tffioeisinthc'immedi.+tevicinity ofthe P Patent
and my facilities ion aero'ing patents aro unsurpassed
Send model, sketalttor paotngt aph of inventionwit:!
,description and statement no to advmntages claimed.
`-,-- -.N, ammo is mad e fi,r a» opinion "-8 to
app! ntabtlii,r and lav coo for prosecuting thk"
on wilt not 3'e call.., for fling the:
patent r alloteed, 'X v,... oke' Gutn,l ' con-
taining furl information setas free. All eommsnke
cations Considered as Strlatlg Confidential.
05 YEARS' 1
nyone sending a sketch and sc1pmpquiccly ascertain our opinion free description
invention is probably patentabTe. romrmtniea.
tlonsatrretlgconddential. Snandboolton t'atents
sent free. most agency for scenrfug,patenta.
Patents taken tlirounh Munn special notice, tatthont charge, In tll,oeo` reality@
A handsomely illustrated lweekly. tamest dr.
Etat, foo r thbntt1s,oSIitio . Said by al! nowsdayn,ente
MUUNN d” GOa3G1BroadwaY, New 1 ork_
Staudt Mao. 026 ]l' St., Washington. b. Cx "'
! •p •� Twew..'g �'
T l .A IW t.,Ay s..! S,d:,t
IN T1 -J1