The Wingham Times, 1898-03-18, Page 3.40.4 ,ealke %A: as L 'ere a Greater I'UE N I i )11 ES, MARCH 18, R4i) ,•••••••,..•••••••••••••••••0•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.,”•rimun.s.,••••.“••••••K••••••••••w...a•rmosmor...mamrxmamamtaw••••••opowsum...4••••nonma.P•••••••...1......•••,........,"44,...... 1 'DINTS FOIL SMOKERS. Make old brcfisea: IsSg.:-,:sw 1 V . , IA FA„,,„„ poi 'Tun TELT -n wHEN AND ... ..._. .. .... Diamond l'.yes tha Sits pies•.; and I F,asies,'7,1Sta.9 of lierne tiyal00% . ...a__ ......- iv.iw T() SMOKE n , Generalarzt Dr. Seholer publishes Their GroatOtnierierity tvor l'• 13 Other 1/.'wyo i ' Call ' r a collection of "Hints for Smokers," Of lioxie nyrans A len t. eet Veelis7,9 t Iwhieh are Ibunded, as the Doctor Win Color 7e'rom One to I'm ::•.2 end:. a,Lotle , stats, upon his professional obser• Co.lora Th0t Will /lot Wa•At Q. gt bThe Sloan Medicine Co„ Ilatnilton uo.3g Sow/tondo. vations for many years of the mouth, teeth. stomach, lungs, heart, and ria1110 111 Olig1h11111,1 thg 1 rMa,kif thrule to smol° before brelf.a, niosr,naevs ear dovotees a tobacco, Dvigor o,[ns tho Lif Mr tirnrohn All Other Medicines Had Failed and Death ruw le, hen the stomach is empty ; this euatom is the wort possible toe of digestion. Nem' intake during auy 1.:xerti,ot e; ;o•eat oauf. gy, as dancing., running, cy ohne., mountain-e:imbing, or rowing,. and especially if in a contest. Never !follow 'the bad custom of the Prone) •• and the, Russians' by allowing the was smoke to pass through the nose ; Fully Lxpected. never inhale it through the nose. ; Keep the smoke as far as possible frotn the eyes and nose ; the longer As a Sprig Medicine for New Blood, New Strength and Sound the rt pipe the better ; the use cif a shnpipe during work is to be Health, Paine's Celery Compound Is Recommended avoided. A pipe is tbe most whole - By Thousands, The complete cure of Mr. John A. Church, of Coldbrook, N. S. and the pro- duction ot his strong letter of testimony je favor of Paine's Celery Compound are if themselves sufficient to convince ' every sick person that Paiee's Celery Compound iS a medicine honestly pre- pared and recomineeded for the curing lot all sick people. No 8 other medicine 'known to medical science can so well and so promptly restore lost strength and vitality in the spring months. it is not the nonunion medicines of the clay that physicians prescribe and the best classes of the people recommend. It is only a wonderful and marvelous life restorer like Paine' e Celery Com- ond that can command attention and Tespeot. Mr. Church writes as follows : Veils tk Richardson Co,, Gontlemen,-It is with pleilStIrP that 1 give testimony in favor of your marvel. 101411eci i•111101 4ory 0 ,-i ol n• some form of smoking, a cigar the next, a cigarette the worst. Always throw away your cigar as soon as you I had an attack of la grippe which put have emoked four fifths of•it; the me into such a condition that 1 could last end of it is the most hurtful, in not sleep or eat. I was completely run cantle venenum, the poison lurks in down, had extreme nertous prostration 1, he tail. An cigarettes are bad, but and lay for days in a half stu pitied state. Eastern cigarettes tbe worst, for After spending all nty rnoney for inet-i- they are almost always compounded eine which li1A1t4 good, 'gave up to die. wt ea one day a paper on Paintee withsome degree of opium. The Celery Compound was bsougnt to me. 1 smoker ought to rinse out, his mouth, at °nue procured the tuedleine stud deriv not only before every meal and ed great relief front the first bottle. before going to bed' at night, hut proved. After tieing nine bottles 1 re..; several times daring the day. The slept better, ate better. and digestion tn- like a new man. lean truly say that best rinse for the smoker is a glass Paine's Celery Compound S11 0 tellOLI inc of water, in which a teaspoonful of from the grave and gave me a new louse or life. table salt has been dissulved. It 1 earnestly urge all sufferers to use should be used as a gargle at night, Paine's Celery Cotnpound, feeling sure and care should be taken that every it will do thein good. Do not spend cavity in the teeth is well washed you money for medicines thet cannot cure you. Yours truly, . with It. The pipe's proper i lam 10 Jaffa A. oneacyl. in the hand, a:nd only oecassionally .o.o._,-,e_sn ._. ...a...... ...._._....................... a ......__ __ at ..-• os.e.reee-ee-e-e-.....en...........: ete-.....:-- in the lips or teeth. ;3 .1 -.T. 1 n Post tells of a! $.3).))R, .R, F3 13 Whenever turnips are fed to mill . The 'SIT a;thin g .to cows it is almost impossible to get I bright boy, one of the pages in the rid of the tummy odor in the milk. Senate at Washington, who was at This objectionable odor causes con- 1 one ot the Senate entrances when a ' sidera,ble lose to our cheese industry I lady approached with a visiting card in the fall and to our butter trade in in her hand. the winter. IL the butter factory I "Will you band this to Senator the only way to overcome the trouble Blank ?" she said. is by Pasteurizing the cream. Yar- I "I eannot," replied the boy; "all ions methods are advanced as being cards must be taken to the east ;successful in doing away with this I lobby." odor, but all are • not successful. The woman was inclined to be The following are some of them : angry and went away muttering. 1. The objectionable taste comes 1 Then a thought struck her, and tak- ing out her pocket -book she found a twenty -five -cent piece. With it in her hand she went back to the boy. "Here, my lad," she saidin a coaxing tone, "here is a quarter to take my card in." "Madam," said the bov, without ' from the crown of the turnip. If this is • cut off jand thrown away entire, th- remainder will_ not affect the milk. •Theese tops can be fed to - young stock or other stock not milk ing. 2. Dissolve a teaspoonful of car bonate soda in a teacupful of warm a motnen , paict , -water. and add this to six gallons of larger salary than that to keep cards out." milk when first set in pans. For a single gallon, of course, one sixth of the above would he eufficient and for two or three. gallons in dile pro- portion. The turnips ought to be For Over Fifty Years. .ast Ora) arse wenn-rem) MINDY triehnv's Soothing syrup 1106 given to thete c.v tuntiediately tirf.or lioris for ) i%'`.'1' Yeuei4 ti,er Chlidten while teeth 4 nit with p es feet enemies. It soot lies Success in 1-iente dyeing depende wholly on the kind ef dyes used. With Thumped Dyes. if the falapio directions oat the paekuge are followed earefully, and the speoial d vet.; for cotton are used for cotton anti mixed goothr. atld the orii dyes used for woollen chore is als- selutely no ehunco of failure. )ientond D) Pa rro y Firei•30 eriey 10 ttrit4 Mtitti: 10, IP goods while in the'Llye bath. there 15 no need ot the hands. For beauty and brilliancy, and fastness, no other dye stuffs, whether for home use or for the dve-shop, equal the Dina ond. The Merle scientifie discoveries are used in their manufacture, they are guaranteed the strongest and fastest or ell known dyes, and their solid colors will not wash out in thoetrongest soap ands, nor sill they fade when exposed to the sunlight. Try Diamond Dyes once, and see how tatey it is to Imike old and faded dresseet waists, ribbons, coats, etc., look like Rheumatism's Ruthless Hand's Clutched Him for Five Years - Two Bottles of South American Rheumatic Cure Gave Him His Liberty Wm. McAteer. Farmer, Creemore P. 0.. writes : "For years I have been 0 sufferer from Fiume rheumatism . At times f have been completely laid up with it -could not put on my clothing without assistance. Before I had core - tested the second bottle of South Amer- ican Rheumatic Cure 1 WWI a well man. If those two bottles had cost $30 00 would have considered it cheap inedi at Chisholtn's Drug Store. .3. Pulp oe *censh the turnips s:t the chilti. softens the gums, allays all . pain, h1I"1- tvinrl 0)110. 11141 ia th) 1. t't I Onl Ody i'ar diarrhoea. is pletrautt to the tate. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Ttventy- live cents a bottle. Its value is incalu"ble. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing 5rup and take no other kind' fine tte to make .thenqy t uickland casily digested after eatine:, arid when fed, mat ix with ehay or straw. A. good plan Li t,) p 11)6 -turnips twin elhpars • ahead and let them stand. The volatile odors seem to Imes off, and there is less trouble from them. Mixing with other feed angi allowing the mixture to stand from one feed to another has Lime- -what the same effect. 4. Scald the milk as soon as drawn from the cows. The best , • -way to do this is to insert the milk tan into a large pan or kettle about, 'three quarters fall of boiling water, d anstir the mill: until it reaches BO to 90 degrees cif heat, and then set away Vi gradually e-.01 off. The cream then arises thick, conies dr in 0 lamp, and ls churned gaiesly All the allow m reedies a!'e simple :N !,o in; easily tried, anti if they do nu good, 0801101 effect t FarmiLg• .01.111..1...0111,41,4.0SATRI ILS An.•,•••••••••••••••••••••••aire to C) r, • 'When yon take Hood's Pilis, Elie nig, old -fatal - toned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to pieces, are not In It with flood's. Easy to take Lit, is continually weighing tis in very sensitive scales and telling every one of us precisely what his real weignt is to the last grain of dust. Mid ray to uolwri to, 13 till) , „... „...., ._ ler*, r; rtl t t. ot tiot,,r% P1115, 3r111411 0P3 'O's'ri's' , •o • %ID to ev 1.1t . 144 ei y 7.4! ,..et• ,41." V; U ' Safe, I...E:11:1 1)1P ...net-, All s .,. i,!...n ) dritggi•-•;... • •te. 1, I. Ito 11& co., 1,owit:l. T110 'ally 1',i10 to t0110 with Hood's ziv.rsr.ttar.1";.1. Me !at. drape .,.G3A41:0 "•,,,,,71,7e--77-- OW*. "ar..0.1 mane, There is no grenter aid in securing new. Guelph; Nov. :23r0, 1897. Dear Sirs, -For years I was troubled with periodical sick headaohes, being affected usually every Sunday, and used all the remedies that were advertised as cures, and was treated by almost every .doctor iii Onelph but' without any relief. One doctor -told me it was caused by it Week stomach; . another said it was hereditary and incurable. I was induced by a neighbor to try Sloan's Indian Tonic, and am happy to say I did so. A few doses gave immediate relief', and one bottle and a -half mode a complete euro. 1116 was ihre0 yeate ego anti. the Leadia.U6 1i 1:01X1! Watt also troubled. with asthma and nothing helped rne like your Sloan'ek Indian Tonic. I can heartily recommend it to all, and will be glad to give any particulars to any one afflicted as I was. Many Inventions. In then days of scientific: achieve- ment the following amusing story is not unreasonable: Recently two gentlemen, driving ' a wagonette were smoking, when a spark falling from 000, of their cigars set fire to some ars.* at the bottom of the carriage. The flames 80011 drove them from their seats, and while they were ex- tinguishing the fire, a eountryinan, who had ,for sometime been following them on horseback, alighted to assist them. 'I have been watching the smoke for some time,' said he. 'Why then, did you not give as notice?' asked the astoinalied travel- lers. 'Well,' reaeunded the mon, 'there are so many new retested notions! nowadays I thought you were going' i by steam.' No- so bad after yon do well with that last estate you handled ?"..itist fair,' answered Sharks, 11)6 18w> cr. 'I had to pay OM 1100 !IN' 10 per cent. of it in witiws; fees. lint Pine -tenths 16 better than nothing,' enrichment, and fertilization of one,'s whole nature thon intimate assoel, ation with supellor mon and women. No man can be provident of his time who is not pi; udent in the choke of his company. • KIDNEY DISEASE. Symptoms and the Great Cure. W. C. KEOUlf. For sale by all dealers, or address the Company tit Hamilton, Limited. $1.60 per buttie ; 6 for $5.00. • Printed 111.00 31: 11 lq 1 A., that 8 tot It i liVor ptil Alta 0 &III. y ICItY v011 oc•ed iut IX poet I :tv, ei V<1.11 it 1.11f, b)f.),),1 is tv,414 it.re,1 413po 8. t):: 0 sltunibs avti,m of the liv,•r. r...:•?.!V•.1-, proper- ly te,rfirrie ItA of purifying anti fluorites ial1 ineetretee from the bleed. Led ies, C10•ISc''r, Kol 11y- I I VOI! iS MI 134 Val ;) 0 11e r.ofooly, for by their netion en the livid- :eel they promote tree b. -au tv try rendering the blood pure. This is the secret,. Baby Eczema and Seale Head. Infants and young children are pecul- ierly subject to this terrible disorder,and if not promptly arrested it will event- ually become chronic. Dr. Chose made epecial stedv of Eczema and disesse of the skin. and we eon confidently recom- mend Dr, Chase's Ointment to cure all forms or The first applteation soothes the irritation Arid gives the little sufferer rest. o You 0 uire tationery? dill231S120121111131F' We are in a position to tarn out BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS, ETC. At a lowet pri e than ever before I WAIN ralMill.:12,11...•MMOW.HVIAleartrI1021•Clee-AILIVIC•re.1.10.= TVPJLO' We have the best stock of Envelopes in town, and we es print and supply them as cheap as the cheapest. • OKY1.•••••••Newags4111.100••••••••••101.......e. Our Fisheries. of Marine and Fialwriea for the year Ao1.1-2.01 131_1_31J S The blue hook of tbe Department S— - ---- enclitic,' June 30, 1897, ie VI hand and Printed on the shortest notice and the price in keeping showsare empinyed, using 6,314,450 with the times, that in Canada 75,000 men fathomof nets valued 01 19,000,000 and veesele worth Sp,3,200,000. From were em.taged 111 Oils indiNtev 10 tnir and we will use ouright. 1 a W` Hurd to Pt tint Edward these- with 62 men, 1:i7,10f) fat'srana of gill : iv •I', 1 lee bou•-•es and 2 piees. The , ...,„..„.. •, 'iledi token of thio td' re wore veined I . t t"i.5a,e3i), of whia .:70e)01) 00 1)0 iron: - th..e, Bruce Peniusele anerit i Stange:1i, and r385, 500 from Ooderieh 1 dNtnet. Give us a call when you are in need of anything in the Printing Nue • When You Aro Tirod without Witra exertion, languid dull and iistless. your blood is hilieg to Sup- I p!y to your tu useles and otht r organs tas vitalizing end strength giving • proper- l ties they i', -quire. flood's Sarsaparilla cures that tired reeling by enrichiug and purifying the blocd. It will give you energy and vigor. . HOOD'S PILLS are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, bit- housuess. 25c. A Miaunderstanding-Bridget (to I cross eyed clerk) --An bov yez any frislt eggs, sm.? Clerk -Plenty. Just look this way, ma'am. Bridget (lof(ily)-Sure an' oi'il not look thot way it 01 Moor bov any. john's church, Tilsonhurg, will be superseded with a liC1V 0,000 structure. • Note the sigrae-Intelmation . nonre i - tentioy of 'r I)0 sealdIne:.sharp pains in passing, dragging pain in the bladder t•hille, cold extremeties; all these inch - bladder -derangement, catarrh of I he bladder, and other seriot s complicit tions, if neglected will result in stub- born kidney disorders and phtsimal a reek.. South Ante"( in Itidney (lure arrest th0b0 symptoms, otlt••••titisit4, (demote and ke•es the f1:1,4•14.,11 ejVit),, 111,kiderty sp•neile, n life givol :VA 0 lift) (iaVer. 8.111 at Ooleht eg it'ttor.f. 11.4. OneMeSVISIVIke.C.frnal. 40.4.,.....•earlerle.,le, • t,'•''..tr;;;Ts I Customer -You know that pre- scription you prepared for me yester- day. I want a cnpy of it. Druggist - 1 guess you'll have to get it from the doctor. I never could read his handwriting. no fp. :61,t1.tit\lot/719, ,,,&.'trirn,s---•,7-•• ut;,.te.?",, d,4:44( He -P. -There, is only a heinous nntil train tine, and your trunk isn't half 1-1cd . she -- Don't worry, dear ; 1 have my bonnet on. V z • 0 lAisT -WHY SICICLY2 Loilos,.vsintrthor itching:, blind or blooding, at- rolievcd toy ono application of Dr. Agntwvo's ntrinent 35 CEVITC. And aurae to 3 to nighte. Dr. Si. narlotitoi, z.).:1"Ittyl, 4)i311,r.....11t. 1 1ro0Vib0 I t; 11.5 ttt,0i Or 10 7'5 co.y.:;.it Cure., Tor icio:d -1 1,34 Nerves tillattered.-titoninch Weak - Digestion Deranged - Prostrated tionth American Nervine is Wo-- nian'a Friend -Never Pickle. 1 Mrs 1 Intehinson. of Vao(l•sletir P. Out , . t says "imolai) A tr,oviettu Nervine is 0 wonderful tuedienio. ;it'd the only remedy ever hotpoil me. 1 woe 11 greal 1I 124'(3'3' !rola nee 30115 pi :di -Mien amity 1 11111.C.'41 qt. The first dose whet ref I 1141' 04141 11 Vet,. IVA t.118$.4 (.1)11,0001V Par 1110 " at 11hieholut" Dreg THE TIMES, Wingham. f‘ 4 „ ,-,,••:•1,14,c-i1,-,1,1 4-1 ocn • .;• for Med lane until you have tried oar; -,saa.,471t • fil•••••••;,V , You can buy thein in the paper 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. (iut 15 1.13 up ellea 3,) tv.Atify• the univremil rvrt.'en.t deruinet fur 0. 1 ,Prt %trio*. 'If you don't find this sort of R pans At the a lit' u LES Drugtric!st's r erta Five Collie to ins 13i' '3 Cret.:41, • - ComrA,Nv, No. xo V1*1 e`(' , '1 V,, 11 .0.' ,•• • • s on 1 - •1•-•11• or ;.,..,;.t . .... . 1-, .::: .' t .;•..;ka or 41 ,,,,,.!::. , .......,,-.; c...., ten to •.I.' , .; • ' , . 1'*t.%,.: 1",,11,•.; '";"....1.041:1 ere r1te v.1f 1. ; .1 1 0 •:..1I.N.Itt .,, ;'" ca • a•au••••••••••••••••••••••••••......... ••••••.