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The Wingham Times, 1898-03-18, Page 2
2 'WE NV1NQUA 1 TIMES MARCH . 18, i 8. Mr. II. Abbott, Q. (e. sin of the. late S r John Abbott, is dead, age41 years. ,What would you dee dear, if I were to die?' asked Mrs. Darley fondly. 'I don't know,' replied' Parley thrughtfully. Which is w our choice---btiri:Ll or cremation?' GRIPPE'S I Old Roman 'Laws. Grippe too often leaves behind it deal,- The old Roman laws,according to (mod heart, Fhattered nerve and under husband mined health. Nothing wall restore the Colquhoun, conferred on tht, taystea, to its ulti time ve;or so quickly complete empery over the wife. All and perfectly as Milbnrn's Hoek, and she awz~ed or earned was vested in Nerve Pills. Mrs. John (4nigly,8O Sher- iff Street, St, John N. 13., says :--"Since him, and he acquired the sa me rights I had an attack of tirippe, I have been over her persvn and property as if weak nervous and run down. I doctor- she were his natural daughter. The trot no relief until 1 commenced usieg i u1 the other hand, acglured all • Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, which the rights to a child, end to her hus- have completely cured me" 1 halide name and succession, in the event of an inestate estate, and she WASHINGTON LETTER.. could exercise all the privileges to ;� ,, — i which her sex admitted.'- '� Where Congress Meets. The power of the ancient Roman You need its bear the daily burdens of OUTLINE OF THI: HISTORY OF ME l -- father over his offspring was original- life. If your back's weak -Dean's 7lidnoy Pills will strengthen it. If iL• pains and t;AYITOI, BUILDING IN svasil- ly perpetual, nor could the child be aches Dean's Kidney Pills will cure it. No INOTO v emancipated from the father's eon- experiment in taking Doan's Kidney Pills. cur ed with some of the best Physicians brit wife trol during the father's life except by that parent's consent ; nor did he become sui juriia until the father (being himself sui jurist died, when the son was cnhanelpated uy the pimple operation of the law. In th,se brave da r the father had legal permission to scourge his children or to send thein,i fettered like slaves, to work on his estate, or even to kill them, choosing Whatsoever means for their taking offihe thought proper. - New York Colflmercial Advertiser. :rh+•y ed hundreds of weak, aching backs long before other kidney pills were dreamed of. Mn. JAMES Row 1'u 1leville, Ont., suffered for nine years v( n terrible pain in the back, rheumatic 1puirs, and pains in the bladder. He spec t '',UO doctoring. but got little relief. 1)oar.'e Kidney Pills have completely cured hint, banished the back pains, and all the other pains and aches. There is no building in the United States 50 well known as the majestic, er— ....----..es Capitol of Wa-11ingten. There is not ri , F71 f`� / .9 a ,ehool buy from one end t•f the 4k �i 'L °i land to the other but instantly recog- nizes its picture find every year it is P'eeitii't°elee cured by the. ;visited by thousands of tourists. Little 'Ylls• . Four years ago the 100th anniver- They alio relieve; Distress from Dyspepsia, sari of the laying of the cornerstone Indigest on and Tap Hearty Eating. A per. of the building was celebrated. It feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi may be inte"esting to note a few Me ress, :>Ia(1Testeinthe Mouth, Coated Tongue portant events in the history of the Pain in. the Side, TORPID LIVER. They building we all love so well. Regulate ti•e Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Its ereelion was begun in 1793 Speech PM.. Small Doses upon plans approved by President Small Price. Washington. The cornerstone was S1I.bstitutiOi1 laid un September 18th of that year with great masonic ceremony. To the fraud of the day. the stone was fastened a silver plate b See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills. ,STRENGTH CAE M. The Anvil ono,; snare rings with the strokes of his hammer. stating that the building wasbegan in the 13th year of American inde- pendence and in the year of Masonry 1793. History says that after the ceremonies were over the partici- pants retired to .a neighboring booth and had a barbecue. The north wine; was completed in 1800 and the south wing in 1811. These were connected by t. wooden shed where is the present rotunda. The original wings were made from sandstone quarried in Acquia Creek forty miles below the city and from 1 ,Ir. Thos. Porteous, the well known brick burned in kilns on the Capitol blacksmith of Goderieh, Ont , tells how grounds. sickness and weakness gave way to health , On August 24th 1814 the British endstrength. "For the past four yaarsmy entered the city and set fire to the Capitol, ti.e central wooden part be- ing destroyed .hut the wings of Masonry receiving little damage. • Under the architects Latrobe and Balfireh a low central dome was • ereeted and in 1827 the building was completed as it, existed until the middle of the cetitnry. It then covered 11 titles, was 352 feet lrng and had ecst about l~2,500,- 000. What is now Statuary Hall • was then the house of Representa- tives epresenta- tives and the present Supreme Court chamber was then used by the Senate. nerves have 'been veru weak, my sleep fitful I On July 4th, 185J , was be§etin the and disturbed by dreams, consequently I :erection of the ena# ri:ous end wings arose in the morning unrested. I was frequently very dizzy and was much for the House and Senate. When troubledwith a mist that o 'ne before r1v the cornerstone was laid the oration eyes -fay -: :,Itry was often defective and I was deiivc red by Daniel Webster. fi .,tiering of the heart, t-;;et!her with e, The sharp peel through it at timer. In this 1 lie new wings were made of marble condition I was Easily worried and felt A BOON •TO CYCLISTS. A. bottla of Hagyard's Yellow Oil should be m every cyclists kit as it is effective remedyt for Sprains, Braises, Cuts, Stiff Joints, Contraction of the Muscles, Crampq in the legs, etc. Irvin Masaehnsetts and a high iron The Country Newspaper. The question'is asked, why coun- try weeklies are not sold as cheaply as those of the cities ? There are many good reasons. Most city week• lies cost little for typesetting, as they are largely made up of type already used for the daily issues. When they contain original matter it is .now set up by typesetting machines. one of of which will set its much type in a. day as five men 7'orking by hand The oldfashioned press of the coun- try newspaper office prints perhaps ten thousand a day, while the city paper is turned out on a cylinder press, cut and folded at the rate of ten to forty thousand an hour. The city paper is able to secure a circu- lation running into the tens of thous- the poisons, purify and enrich you aids, while that of the country- town blood, make you feel bright and vinur- does well to reach:as many hundreds. oils - Large circulation, too, brings large returns for adver ing. In this way the cost of each co y is very binall, and the city weekly can be sold for little 'pore than the cost of the paper on which it is printed. The local press of Ontario is ;deserving• of warm support. It maintains a high stan- dard of news gathering, and serves as the means of the exchange of lo- cal thought and opinion. Its editors are able and well informed, and their comment is probably the stron- gest agency in the political and in- tellectual life of the people. Let no man underestimate. the value of his local paper. -'Corona? Weekly Stun. When Canada was Halved. Canada was at one time about twice as large as it is now. In 1782- 3, when Great Britain w0.3 negotiat- iug a peace with the revolting Ameri- can colonies, she was represented by a Mr. Oswald, who appears to have been very generous. He agreed unnecessarily to give up all of what is now Ontario, Michigan, Ohio, In- diana, Illinois and Wisconsin. He was a most generous man, and would have given up all Canada if he had been asked. In later negotiations, through the efforts of another gentle man named Strachey, arrangements were made to keep Ontario, but the British were bluffed out of a territory which now contains more people than the territory that was kept. TMs whole story wa';; told by Thomas Hodgins, Q. C. in the March Canadian Magazine. 1'i<N SPGWEA`PEEY WEAK.I4ESS It's not the • weather that's at fanit. It's your system clogged with poisanons materials, that makes you feel dull. drowsy, weak, tend miserable. Let. Burdock Blood Bitters clear away al; enervetedand eshattzted. 'Iwomonths ago dome was sut,stitcted for the low d Ibex an since liii:loirri s Heart and. Nerve One of NA OW atrcl masonry. .'ills, since ti '- time have been gaining ill BID BACKACHE GOOi7-.B E. health girl strength daily. They have The dome a,lulie required nine Ti you are troubled with Backache, restored r,7v nerv< tam healthy condition, years for ereeti(Jn and Cot a million Laine Batik, Weak Back, you will find removed ill dizz - --- : ntil:ea-tttro:*.b>e, ar t ttrld a gtlartr•r (1(Iilars. I)oen's t' dney Pills a remedy That will now I sleep 7ri.11 .u.l derive sHH-"rt stn., . rest from it. That iiicurn's Heart ani The buildar '•has co .Tied prattle- take out the pains and give your back Nerve Pills are a;~tl'•1 ranedy for Nervous- ally as it exist; ti -(lacy in 1867 next: needed strength. gess, ' i ea`itne is, IIS" 'Trouble and similar it has cyst el), tit '41-v i'Jto.000. I t ompl 111.z fir t sari Prino 3'.....1.,A Talking Sheep's Head. SO ets. a box tit all c.ru gists or T. hiiiburn carers .i -"L''' of ;"..1( and is , et Co., Toronto, ()ih'. _ located in rt park c()1rtltininy (i ; John Leitch of,. Rothesay once acres. Its total length is 751. feet wl'en on a visit to Lunoon dropped Lasa -Liver Pills eure Dyspepsia. and width 314 feet. ' into the shop of Archie Mains. and The bronze doors of the rotunda asked if he had any good sheep's cost $30,000 and those of the Senate heads. wing cost :57.000. 'Oh, yes' said Mains, 'there's as On the great front portico every fine a one as ye enef saw,' pointing Presidert elected since . Androw i to a black face lying on the floor, Jackson has solemnly taken his oath ¢ 'Are you sure that it is.fresh?' of office. i said Mr. Leitch. Within the walls of the Capitol 'Quite sure, sir,' replied the butch - 'the ' wo branches of Congress and I er. 'It's perfectly fresh.' the Supreme Court hold their meet. l Thereupon Mr. Leitch, who was inns and until the last summer the i an admirable ventriloquist, brought Taking the lead. everywhere. Congressional Library has had its l from, the sheep's head the rather We are working day and , home. confounding ejaculation: 'Oh, what night to supply the demand. It is the Mecca of the nation and a lee'. I'm sunkin.' ' co shows memories of its inannificence will 'Oot o' toy' shop,ye leefn deevil,' Oar i;Orresponaen n _ that hundreds upon hundreds, linger in the minds of the crowd of I exclaimed the butcher, 'Didn't 1 of poor sufferers sire being visitors •vho daily throng it as i kill ye wi' my sin hauns this morn - restored ed to he. t l PikRENOLINE REMEDIES 11r. W. C. McDonald, of Montreal, who has already given about a million and a half dollars to McGill University, has how given another $15,500 as an endowment fund to the department of architecture. health end hap ii- amen the pleasantest of their stay h?' ness daily. • in Washington. And, suiting the action to the rte faaresits of- is on F every e strapper. 'Look here! did. you say I was a liar ? demanded the angry man. 'Cillo yourself, sin. What I said was that yon had mistaken your v() ent.ion. You ought to have been a diiplumt.t. TRY OUR —•— RHEUMATIC SPECIFIC OR WHEY ARO LIVER PILLS t-- -- words, he kicked the offending sheep's head into the street. To carry on the joke, Mr. Leitch observing a fine ox tongue in the window, made it apparently say, 'Shame on yc, Archie Mains !' where upon the amazed . butelier fled pre- cipitately f'rotn the shop, leaving it and all it contained at the mercy of l'i3 Waw y'rli tl)rint'iitr,I'. --:\ li'. Fite They are a',tsoltitt • vitro and health til. (r!Aal '..trO''1 t'o Cilt'0 R hCt!.'fi t, et• .• u. 1.ael.' The D. &.' L. EMULSION The D. & L. EMULSION In the bet slot r:ont palatable preparation of Cori Livor ol,o;re:.. g,witbthemostdelicate stomach_. The 1''$ i{.. Fifil1.1LSION s. _>c: rs of The D. es L. I2MU .BION t ,!.1, , , Is a ti tC° b b 1141' "•r a ti will give '0c C Bi per Bottle. , iWAU (.1 .t!: .T.'.. at.s.T ' ie".\' f:c, e TI0,t•i.^:C,, 1 C `&WeI°L* 13F 1. ` t t , t / t F,'., f.. 1, til ;.t.cel golds' , .p t' ..usn4 toorryrulll.l'+UUllpil,{OIIPllilllllllnulll',IIrT AVe i; e tablePrep arat' on forAs- similatillg theFoodandReguta- ling the Stomachs andBowels of ItiCra Promotes Digea tion,Ch°erful- r ness andRest.Coftains neither P t,S 'nl T1 4 it tli. �IL1.1,1ti0rl),,.lG' 1_ ;I Now 1!?.. 1COTao. F a cpsaradDrSAF whir Bern -Nn Scerl- .Ax Beans .• Ifddato Salts -• .14.nise Seed ityperrant Ma/liked - ClariiaMaye• . iffdayran inn= Aperfectllemedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Corivulsio ns,Feverish- rl:tss dndLOss or SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW 'YORK. ._........4.,,.---_ o_ SEI3 . THAT T tE FAC.SIMILIE SIGNATURE —OF— IS —OF— IS ON THE WRAPPER r©1' EVERY,! BO3.TL1 I OF Castoria is put np in one -size bottles only. 1E is not sold in bulk, Don't alloys anyone ao salt you anything oleo on the vice or promise that: it is "just as good" and "will answer ovary pur- pose." 4,53'- Seo that yon gat 0-A.S.T-0-B-I-= . is on, every m. The faa- eimilo zigaaturo of :44..+: •Sif lief free i rift Ifettesfie l ° 'test leets telt . leer GO eloster's FOR YOUR TORTURING' URING• SKIN DISEASES Keep you in misery during the flay, dis- turb your rest, at night. The burnirt :telling and smarting pearly drive y(.0 wild. Burdock Blood;Bitters cures all sl -,m diseases ; drives the poisons caul:tng them out of the sy stes, and makes the hlk'4d pure and healtley. Katie Ryder. Germania, Ont. says Burdock Blood Bitters cured me of Dalt Rheum four years. age, and 1 have no re- turn of it since. I was so bad that 1 could hardly sleep with the pain it gave pie. cIIILD.1 EINICOUG-lIi A?o quickly cni'o i by a fray rl. ^o -i of 13i'. 'i'3ood'o Norvu, ;'i l 'tyrut4 ; and bo. t of ll i(i tr : ia+ r t f + ; t;;:1 t ..t t•rr; ' iteat)r+F a` v ... 'Well, I'm not going to run any such risk, my dear.' That's just like you, John ! Ever since you've got your life insured you've been awfully afraid you'd get killed !' • A vegetable remedy for diseases arising from Disordered Liver, Sto• leach or Bowels, ,such as Headache, Biliousness, Constipation, C oat ed Tongue, Bad breath, Peeling of lei ltor, Distres9 after Eating;, etc, Cr 5 .1 1 bwni'Monet-en, N.13., sdv(i: s`I u::o'l L t a -Lev©' L'ill3 fur Iicadaeiw; and Liver '1'iouble, ned they xct Only to. Revd. inc bat ew1d sills. They do not grape gor eiekr;a and are e'io y to t.1 e." WvLyL `1.")7 ten ne7e.1L a'ar +fel t , k'! .in/ 41 1.d vercoat Satisfaction and perfect fit guatanteed. Queen's Block, - • \. 7ingham. aF/t Rtj s -- 'a. y� f '• ^J ti �l . ate.,"w �ti� � dies � '4i✓ .. ::-% ,:v �L. k'.:� aook for,Young, OUR RECORD * 25 a,©e© DISEASED WIdiv CURED I;r Gun regious BLOOD PR VAT p15fSES 25 ®4 CURED 1 t. i;t G MAR$aero: lett sinnol �N C9 ti t� against nature phots ignorant of o torrihlo crime you were committing. Didyononiyconsider the i asoinating allurements of this evil habit? When too latoto avoid the ter- rible remits, were your eyes onoiled to our peril? Did you later on in man- iteoieontractanyIt VATBorBLOOD cises�e? Weroyoueured? Doyounow andthen soo some alarming symptoms? Dare you marry in cr'our resent con- rlition? You know.' LIKE F'ATHEit, LIKE SON." If married, are you con- etantlyliyingin dread? Is marriage a failure withyou on account of anyweak- Hess caused by early abuse or later ac- cesses? atcesses? Have you been drugged with mercury? This bo5kletwiltpoint,outto you tho results of these primes andpoint out how our NEW METHOD TREAT- MENT will positively cure you. It shows how then MOS have been saved by our NEW TREATMENT. It roves how we win GUARANTEE TO proves ANY CURABLE 'CASE OR NO PAY. Wo treatand onro—EMISSIONS, VA RTCOOELE, f YPIiILIS. (IEEE'(', r, STRICTURE, IMPOTENCY, SE- CRET DRAY"S • UNNATITRAL DIS- (.IIARGES, KIDNEY and BLADDER diseases. CURES GUARANTEE!) "Tho Wages of Sin" sent fees by enclosing 22o stamp. CONSULTATION r' L'itiij . If unable to call, Write for A ('�ULR'i'T01'i :3Is•s1. is for IIOMIi Iiii,DATMENT. 11 KZNNEI Yp KE�tR ati Cord MiCiiincan Eats atilt dile. 11 St. L„) ctirriezi. MOH. ',.1 T I t\i'j '--4� 1 ELTON'S IMPS Will stand wear and tear for y ears. No better proof can. be given of their durability than is shown by the fact; that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago Ore still working. IRON and FORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to. SHOP -Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's Livery. 3. • HN PELTGN, Wingham, Ont, • Caveats and Trade -Marks obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODEMS' FEES, Mir• office is its the' immediate vicinity of the Patent Otfice and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch oephotograph of invention wit.t description and staternent as to advantages claimed. 621 o charge is made for an. opinion as to psatentability, and my fee for' prosecuting the application will not be called for lentil this patens ,allowed. "INvan•roas' Guinn," con- taining full information seat free. All Cormmtlnl cations Considered as Strictly Confidential. FRAN 014 RH..HOUGK ego E' srioet,, WASHINGTON. n. C. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description max quickly ascertain our opinion free whether as Invention is probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly confidential. Handbook onppPatents sent tents taken agency for securing receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific Rnterican. A. handsomely illustrated weekly, Largest ctn ciliation of any scientific. ,iournai. Terms, $3 n year; four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealer-. MUNN & Co.361srosdvmy, New York Branch Office. 625 N St., washington. b. c. IT PAYS alpm TO„.v.,14.rA`: IN'I'I.J ., w r