The Wingham Times, 1898-03-04, Page 88 THE WINGIIA..%9 TIMES, MARG1.T 4, t898. M. D. McitiD00. SATURDAY BARGAIN DAY SPECIALS IN Clothing • Our suit sale of ordered clothing will create quite a stir. 25 pieces of Scotch Tweed in new shades, made to order, fit guaranteed, No. 1 lining, regular $16.00 suit, Saturday 812.50. This is a great opportunity to buy your Spring Suit. The above price is good for Saturday only. 20 Boys' Ready-made Suits, $3.50 for 2:25. 50 Remnants of Dress Goods, Tweeds, Prints, Muslins, Silks, a: x. • price. 2 doz. Gents' Soft and Stiff Hats, reg. $2.00, Saturday 95e. 5 doz. Ladies' Cashmere Ribbed _Hose, 50c for 35e.. 10 pieces Fancy Dress Goods, reg. 50c, hoe, 75c, for 35e. 5 doz. Ladies' Kid Gloves, best make, reg. $1.25 for 81.00. 6 doz. Crompton Corsets, best quality, reg. $125 and $1.00, for 75c. Just opened this week, novelties in Dress Goods, Silks, Prints and Laces. Special prices on all new goods on Saturday. Procure 825 00 ticket good for 1 doz Cabinet Photos at the Star Photo A new Bell cathedral organ has been purchased for Jackson's church. It will prove a valuable aid in assisting those who so willingly have led the service of praise in the past without its help. A platform has been arranged for the organ, This week Robert Armstrong, 4th line, and his sons, Robert and James, will leave for Willow City, Dakota, where the family own 1,400 acres of land. Thomas Armstrong will re- main here and work the homestead. The going of the first mentioned gentleman will depend somewhat on the condition of Mrs. Armstrong, wno has been dangerously ill but is improving considerably. James Kelly, of Morris, and Miss Gibbons, of East Wawanosh, have been joined in Wedlock. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Kelly every success in life in their home on the 6th line, Morris. David. Errington, who disposed of his farm on the 2nd con., has pur- • chased a 100 acre farm in West j Wawanosh, two miles from Dun- gannon, and will move away about the 15th of 1liareh. An Epworth League has been organized in connection with the Jackson appointment, The follow• ing officers were elected :—Hon. president, Rev. W. Rigsby ; presi- dent, Wm. Jackson ; vice president, Miss Lizzie Kirkby ; secretary, Mrs. R. Skelton. League meets every Wednesday evening, at 7.30 o'clock. `Meetings are enjoyable and well attended, Bolen, IRELAND.—In Blyth, on Feb. 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ireland, adaughter. WALLwIN.—At tree Methodist parson- age, Lucknow, on Friday, Feb. 18th, the wife of the Rev. I. B. Wallwin, 13. A., of a san. Irr=LIs.—In Howitt, on Friday Feb.' 18th, 1898, the wife of the late Geo. Inglis, of a son. 4Z ir..sort—In East Wawanosh, on &lcirch let, the wife of Mr. Jas. Wilson ; a slaughter, 3i MclN'rYIE—In Wingham, on Feb. CO. , 28th, the ¶¶:ife of Mr. G. McIntyre ; a daugbter.V BAaRETT,—In Steveston, B. C., on Feb.. 21st, the wife of Mr. G. A. Barret, I was stricken with pleurisy, as the result of exposure. I recover- ed from this, but it left behind the seeds of disease which manifested themselves in the form of heart and kidney troubles, 1 managed to reach Vancouver, but did not have much hopes of recovering. I was ad- vised, however to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial and at first pur- chased but two boxes. Before these were gone I found beyond a doubt that they were helping me, and,their continued use put me on my feet again, to use a common expression. Ion snow slr�:r.ti, and you may depend coma engagedto go to the Yukon coo ! upon it Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will try, and only those who have made again form part of my outfit. , the trip to Da.vson City can form I write this letter for the two•flold even the faintest conception of the purpose of letting you know what hardships that have to be borne in your medicine has done for me, and making the trip. Before starting I urging those who go in to take a added to my outfit two dozen boxes supply with them. Every man, of Dr. Williams' Pink fills, and I whether he is sick or well, who un can honestly say that no part of my dertakes the trip to the Yukon will outfit proved of such invaluable ser• require something to brace him and vice to me, and I would strongly keep his constitution sound in that urge every man who goes in to take country. I may say that my home a supply with him, as he will find the need of such a tonic and upbuild- er of the system on many occasions. I went in and returned to this place on, M. I N D o. ''of Anasua.—In Tornberry, on Feb. 28th, the wife of Mr. Wm, Adair, of a son.@ ' WING H AM. MARRIED. CHAMNEY—PERDUE.—At the residence of the bride's mother: East Wawanosh, ' BLYTH. on February 23rd, by Rev. T. E. Higley, Opp. Union Factory, of Blyth, Miss Sarah L., eldest daughter The nett monthly fair will be held of Mrp. James Perdue, to Mr. F. Ohara- -_.� . here on Tuesday next. ney.J The followin; are the officers of DOIG—PATRIOK.--At the residence of by the:Dai,lton trail, which consists;ofi E`• e: 1-'; ",r=` 4r'!-Mt' c67 '-r �'r4-6"M. 26:`=4.,4'`. .350 Guiles of old Indian trail, start- I g Pyramid ing at 1 yrantid Harbor. In going 8 �p �1(''� over the trail, one has at times to U� "Ail KT q.9.�i�I�V��. wade through mud more than a foot JA, deep, and ford streams waist deep in L,' ice cold waters. When I started for �` the Yukon, my weight was only 149 pounds, and I now weigh 169 f?'�, pounds, thanks to Dr, Williams'Pink `'' Pills. J; I am soon starting for another trip _[r If you to Dawson by the same route. This t�'] time however, the travelling will be g '-J iu u is at Copper Cliff, Ont., where my wife now resides. Yours very truly, JOHN PICIIE. STEAM LAUNDRY Our laundry plant has arrived and we are prepared to turn out first-class work in all lines of Laundry Work on the Shortest Notice. • For the convenience of customers, a DROP BOX will be placed at the door to receive work when laundry is closed. GIVE'LIS A TRIAL with your next order. . D. L NG E. H. KERN Eli , the Blyth hoard of Trade recently the bride's father, on Feb. 9th, by the TONSORIAL ARTIST. sleeted :—President, Mr. Alex. Elder; Rev. Geo. Balrantyne,Wm. Doig to Miss vice-president, Capt, H. Torrance ; Janet Ross Patrick both of Howick. Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingham. secretary -treasurer, Mr. J. S. Mc- Kinnon ; council, Messrs. Frank! h,.oCxr•.a In Bluevale, on Feb. 26th, an easy Shave and a First-ClasE Metcalf, C. IIatnilton A. E. Bradwin Mary McGee, relict 01 the late James Hair Cut, give him a trial. I1jfcGee , aged 81 years. Razors Honed. A. 5, Dickson, J. G. Emigh, S. Her- JoxxsroN.—In East Wawanosh, on , rington and J. II. Chellew. i February 30th, David Johnston, aged Messrs W. E. Campbell Sr. Co have 07 years, I DIED. 1 _ For disposed of their grocery business to I:�ur.is,—In Howiek, on Friday, Feb. Mr. W. J. Dempsey, of Petra.ia, ' �3tl, 19Jo, Geo. inglis, aged 30 years, month and 1 days. formerly of this place. The new ��";RAMSAY—in Morris, on Feb. 18th, proprietor is now in possession. Jane, beloved wife of Allau Ramsay, Miss Annie Gt ainget , netts of Mrs, aged GI years and li months. Rteha`trd Somers, of Blyth, died sud- denly the other evening, the sad event taking place in Clinton, She had been in her usual health up to the friday precenizIg her death, and 'gm attending. to iter usual duties in rile household of :.ir. flansford, when she became sucide:;ly- ill. Medical attendance was immediately 'sum- moned by telephone, and everything that medical skill and kind friends • could do was done, but death claimed its victim. Blyth and Clinton curling clubs had a. match yesterday. The hist carnival of the season will take place at the skating rink this (Friday) evening. Mrs. Wm. Wright and daughter, Mrs. Douglas, who were guests of Mrs. Wright for • three weeks, left for their homes in Virden, Manitoba, on Monday. MORRIS. On Wednesday evening of this week, Mr. Peter Fowler, of the Bluevale road, invited a large num- ber of his friends to his new resi- dence, it being the occasion of open- ing the same. The guests report baying spent a very enjoyable even - lug. We may be able to furnish our leaders with a full account of the entertainment next week. Donald McCalluwi;" `Wl10 had the Parris farm, 6th line, Morris, rented t year, has leased the Sillers farm, '3:6th con., Grey, and will take pos- inn ,+•' . Mr's. ,4iliers and am:' lea!! t i tee autuaL tc.., is taking a rse at tltr. 111.18iness Collegiate at atfnrrl. • The receipts last year from gas in Leamington were 810,406.14, and the expenses in cnnnt:ution with the plant were. 770. THE ULM AN ENO RL OUS RUSH OF GOLD SEEK ERS GOING IN. Earns For Sale Cheap. North half 'lot 23, con. 11, East Wa- wanosh. ec'ntaining 9917,,,<acres more or loss ; is well drained, well fenced and in a good state of cultivation ;18 acres hard wood bush ; .never -failing spring creek, 1 never -failing we:l ; house 18 x 24 feet; good barn, 2 acres orchard, 4 acres tall wheat; 40 rods from school, half mile from Presbyterian or Methodist Church, G miles from the town of Wingham, 5 miles from the village of Bolgrave. Am . giving up farming tor which 1 can give satisfactory reasons. For terms of sale apply to S. YOUHILL, Real Ilstate Agent, Wingham, Ont. SOME SOUND ADVICE FROM ONE WHO IIAS MADE THE TI{It', AND KNOWS I SOMETHING OF THE HARD- SHIPS THE GOLD SEEKERS MUST UNDERGO, In the rush towards the golden fields of Klondike, there are thous- ands who are ill -fitted to stand the strain of hardship and exposure. which are inseparable from that trip. Illness, disease and death is almost certain to claim any of the ill-prepar- ed adventurers. The following let- ter from one who has undergone the hardships of the trip, will prove in., teresting to those intend going into the desolate but gold laden north, Skagway, Dee, 12th, 1897. Dear Sirs,—My object in writing this letter is to give a word of ad. vice to those who contemplate going to the Yukon gold fields, For ten y(.ai'a I have l;•1 , ve•1 tl.,;. ,,,,,,..,,,,tion i,i ,-I,,,i4:...b..rj, Li.0 1M estimating, 1 and mining, and the hardships and privatii'in:i which one has to Undergo are enough to wreck the strongest (constitution. In the sprung of 1897 :f., WR•YM*iliYli�M.L.u':WJMMw. 0Nr` 0.4 IT •PAYS TO • • ARE YOU AWARE OP THE FACT THAT THE CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ON T. is doing more for its pupils than any other Business College in the Dominion, 43 pupils were placed in two months. Students from 111 quarters are flocking to this woruhy 1 nsiness School. Besides a large attendance from Chat- ham, there are already this year, 93 pupils registered from outside points - 60 of them from points nearer to other Business Colleges than to Chatham. We presume these people investigated the merits of the different schools, and decided that nothing but the best would satisfy them. herice they are here. Write for catalogue of either depart- ment and a list of the 43 pupils placed in two months. D.Mclachlan & Co., hathani3Ont. PROPERTY FOR SALE. Twelve acres of choice land in the Wingham Town Plot for sale. There are on the promises good hard and soft water ; a good house and barn and a good nearing orchard. Ploughing has all bean done and the property is in tirst•claes shape. For terms and par- ticulars, apply to W. H. CAMPBELL, Prop., Wingham P. O. NOTIO All accounclue once, or will be collection. VII/ S. e mustrbe paid at in rther bands for NALD, Zetland FARM TO RENT. Lots 10 and 17 in the B Concession of the Town,hip of Bowies:, (the °rocket Willits farm), will he leased to a good tenant for a term of years at a reason- able rent. Apply to 0. 11. Willits, Wrox- eter, or to the undersigned. Dated this 7th day ot Feb., A. D. 1898, R, VANSTONE, Wingham,, Solicitor for estate of ()rocket Willits, deceased. !Hair, Coverings, Laches' Fro. &c. Groli Losing Your Haig? so bear in mind that wants to see you. want a er ri :tet ,,151,0 ;a'rat.t et ' Cr TOILE '.1 ' iIT OB.. TEA S, 'r The largest stock in the county to choose from, and values that cannot be beaten. ii . I HE CHINA ROUSE " VNI�IGHAN!• Fiq ru L NEW OPENING STORES FOR SALE Mrs. A. Halliday and Miss Ella Day beg to announce to the Ladies ot Wing - ham and vicinity that they have opened a dressmaking apartment in Dr. Mac- donald's Block, over Earl's store, where they will be pleased to have the patron- age of those wishing plain or fancy sew- ing. Also tailoring. Dresses, Mantles and Children's Clothing will receive our most strict attention. A call respect- fully solicited. Feb. 23, 1898. BULL EOR SALE. The undersigned has for sale cheap a thoroughbred Durham bull, three yeare old. Pedigree can be seen and further information obtained by ap- plying to ALEY. KELLY, Winh am Tho administratrix of the estate of Alexander Dawson, deceased, offers for sale the Two Stores In Wingham now ocoupred by Messrs. N, A. Far- quharson and W. H. Wallace, Offers for the same should be addressed to J. A. MORTON, Wingham, Solicitor for the Estate Nouse and lot For Sale. The undersigned offers his house and lot on Alice street for sale. The house is a nine room frame one, with kitchen, and there is a number of good fruit trees on the lot. For full particulars apply to JAS. WILSON, Wingham. S I am still getting in new goods, and will soon have my large stock of Boot, Shoes, Rubbers, Trunks and Valises completed which I have bought of the best manufacturers, and of the best material, as I have been in business for 25 years and am a practical boot and shoe maker and know just what I am selling you, and mean to sell you good goods at the right prices. All rips sewed free of charge in all goods bought from . me. Repairing and custom work neatly done. V�V r es ...... ,.. •veva... 7 Oa (GOOD'S OLD STAND). P'FI 110 ::NfTmnt , will be in INGJIAM, Brunswick House, W' nesday, Mar, with all styles of his mous igs, Bangs, witches, Wavey say ants' Wigs, Toupees, &c. esa goods are so true to nature that t e closest observer cannot de- WENp° tett fa eness, The beauty adding rUP EE S ► qualities 'nd the protection offered -� the 'lead have appealed to the sound eonsand good judgment of over 55,000 eople who are wearing the Professor's l- oduntions. Properly arranged air, whether natural or artilittial, produces a lined and youthful exprea:' m on the fac;, and a visit to Prof. Dnrenwond -'11 secure the best advic on the subject. tomember, at Brunswick House, on Wednesday, March 0. Also at Brussels, at Queen's Mintel, on Tuesday, Hare I C Pianos, Organs, Violins, Autoharps A.ccord.eons, Mandolins Mouth Organs at all prices up to $2.50. All kinds of t; imminga for Musical Instruments. MUSIC BOOKS AND- SHEET MUSIC. We can supply you with anything you want. Sewing Machines and. Sewing Machine Supplies. FARMERS -••Don't forget that I still handle all kinds of Farrl lot. plements notwithstanding that reports are circulated to the contrary. Meyer Ricci~, T. H. ROSS Opposite I?. 0„ P. S. ---Pianos tuned and repaired by our competent man, Mr. Minife,