The Wingham Times, 1898-03-04, Page 5tc
1Lli �' IiIAM TIKES, MAI1.VU Lb9ki..
V a. sit•2;C,kyr .G.-Lt'it:Mi'aTE402:1;..RR.�r'-9: `
the way people flock to. thio store whenever we announce something PA special, We a sign of confidence only reached by years of honorable, I
truthful and fair le
Our Clearing Sale has attracted a great many people during the
past month, It's not to be wondered et, for the yaluee offerer( are so
real ; the goods offered are of such standard excellence; the saving is r
so big
Tuesday, March 8, is monthly fair day in Blyth, and we in- Vol
tend making it a red letter day. We will pay 16o for good Reit Butter cl
on Pair Day.
New (:roods of every description are arriving. Dress Goode in LJ
black, double -told, at 16c, 2$c, 301, 400, 50e, 65o, 75c, 95u, 81,00, If you Lr+
have not seen our assortment of Blaok Goods, you might possibly be r�
surprised at the variety and assortinent. Colored Dress Goods, newest Tit
effects, at 25o, 30o, 50e, 75c and $1.00 --the must elegant goons we haveEl L
yet shown, Prints -all kinds that are good at all prices. Onespeoial [i
line at 10o is as good as we have ever offered before at 120. A very ae
heavy wide cloth and a good washer, Canadian German Indigo I,j
Prints, special at 12;40, 36 inch Wrapper Print 12c, Embroidery, L
new patterns, at all prices; specials at 10, 2o, 5oo, So, leo, 15o and 20o a rl
.el yard. It yon want a good Factory Cotton for lining purposes, see Ci,
what we have at 3o n yard. Old Brown Windsor Soap lc each, 3 cakes
}1 Buttermilk Soap (in box) lOc, Make this store your headquarters on ii
�� Fair Day. rta
�' +V �.`.�in :'n f r o r
tv i'r,:, ft:
.i .., ..3r... i ''e., d triail
E�tFil �1.,YTI3_ rad
E00 -',i a Z -0-177e501.5 '1.9F4. -'A �---Ei PAMFOL. Wr
Shoes for Show.
-tuade to look well in a window- de
for anything• but comfort. Such ar the
kind that pease your eyes at e pense
of your feet. The shoe wli h oes not
fit your ,foot the first time y wear it
promises little comfort for e twentieth
time. It costs more money to secure the footfitting lasts
of the Slater Shoe than for some entire shoe stocks.
That's why they possess more foot comfort, wear, and
appearance, than other shoes. Goodyear Welt. Stamped
i on the sole $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 per pair.
The Slater Shoe'.
For Sale Only by HOMUTH & BOWELS.
The following report, for 5, S. No.
6, 18 based on examinations on the
work of the month of Jan. and Feb.:
Fifth class, Mary Cowden, 00%. IV
class sr,, Ida. IIomuth, 04%, Andy
Mitchell,. 52%. John Foxton,. 50%.
IV class jr., harry Goy, 68%, Nettie
Bryce, 53%, Luey McKague, 38%,
Alice Little, 28%. III sr„ Bertha
AleKagne, 69%, Joe Cowden, 62%,
Willie Foxton, 54%, Frances Foxton,
53%, Sarah Crowe, 49%, Johnnie
Mitchell, 47%, Mary AfeICinnon, 38%,
George Little, 34% Maggie IXolnaes,
29%, Willie Linklater, 27%, III jr.,
Ethel Ferguson, 54%, Lemma Taylor,
27%. II class, Freddie Homuth,
76%, Sadie McCormick, 70%, Mar.
garet McKinnon, 59%, Mary Crowe,
53%, Leslie Bryce, 51%, Sarah Fox-
ton, 48%, Elam Taylor,18%. II part,
Johnnie James, Leah McCormick,
Albert Montgomery, Bessie King,
Minnie Linklater, Tommy Goy. sr.
AicGee, one of .our most highly es-
teemed residents, died on"Saturday
morning of heart failure,, at the home
of her sou -in-law, Mr. John Gardiner.
She was taken ill about five o'clock
in the morning and dieslitery quietly
three hours aftorwnrdsirs, McGee,
whose maiden name was Mary Love,
was born in Connaught, Ireland, in
the year 1813, and when eleven
years of age came to Canada with
her parents and settled in the county
of Leeds, about twenty miles from
Brookville, Before she was seventeen
she married James McGee, a native
of Fermanagh, Ireland, and who be-
longed, before coming to Canada, to
the famous Enniskillen Lragoons.
He took an active part in the I3attic
of the Windmill, which occurred
during the McKenzie Rebellion, in
1837. Mr. McGee often told, with
pleasure, how that• one evening,
6 ,
and Influence Solicited for Yourself and Pocket.
See how much voa will save on :11.00 worth of these Bargains:
1 pair Ladies' Cashmere Gauntlets worth 25c
1 doz. Dress Buttons worth -- - 10
1 pair Cotton Towels worth - 5
1 d az.. Hotel Side Dishes worth -
1 prepared Johnny Cake, per pogo., wo
1' lb. Pure Bleck Pepper, worth
1 pair Child's Wool Bose, w,rth
1 Ladies' Hemstitched Ilan
1 Child's Woulien Under
1 pair Ladies' Cashmere Hose worth
1 Vegetable Dish worth -
1 pkge Brass Pins worth
i 121e
ief worth 121
worth 20
for 18c
4, 2,
$1 68 e1, 00
Net saving of 68c on the $1,00
1t Stella 'lItier, Edna Chandler,
lst, e a i , , (luriduringt.le rebellion,
ion, a number « S ill take Cal' U ' Gh mSe1+' S "
Edith Homuth, Kitty AieKinnon. jr, settlers gathered bis house and Save the cents and the dollar w e f e e , is a`
1st, Velma Chandler, Myrtle Miller, wore picking out the farms they common sense motto which you can best fulfil by purchasing your supplies
Sheldon Johnson, Winnie Casemore. would have for themselves as soon as at lielntyre's old stand, Macdonald Block.
Those who attended the most days iitheAmericans, who were aiding Mc- l
in January were Andy Mitchell, Kenzie wouldet possession of T �y tri
Canada, and how he, rowing dis- 0 1./. a � �r
gusted at their lack of loyalty,
kicked them all out of his house. His
training remained with him Muele Election :-The mock clec- I
Ethel Ferguson, J. Mitchell, and 3±'.
Homuth ; in February J, Homuth,
F. Homuth, J. Forton, M. Holmes,
J. Mitehell, W. Foxton and E.
Chandler. A%•erage attendane for
Jan, 29, for Feb. 28.
ISS . ORVI4, Teacher.
%'John GrayXwbo has beet in Mani-
toba for the past few years, has re•
turned home with his wife and family
to his father's and intends to make
Ontario his home
liMr. John E. i+ortune,vho has bee.i
in Muskoka for some time, has return•
ed home with his wife at family to
his farm on the ninth.10
Miss Tena Mnlc:th and Robert
Having opened up a shoe store
next door north of Chisholm's Block,
I am now ready for repairing, which
. will be done at cash prices.
• FROi1T TIM--
Eli ST WAWAN0811.
to the end of his life, for even Allen tion at the last meeting of the liter•: The following is the standing of
an old man, he eould, by placing ary society, excited more interest in i the pupils of S. .3. No. 8 for January
his hand lightly on a horse's shoulder,
leap fair and square in the saddle.
About forty years ago Mr. and Mrs.
McGee cattle to'Morris and settled on
the fru•m now occupied by Mr Laugh -
the village, than the real election.' end f'ebt•uary :
Mr, Robert Black nominated Mr. l V, Herb Campbell, Geo. gunning-
William Frazer the Equal Rights' ham, John Cunningham, Maggie
cancl.idate , Mr. A Mcllwen, notnfn• ! McCallum, Annie Walsh,
ated Mr, Will Bailey, the prohibit- IV sr,, Allan Wheeler, Maude
lin Fraser', and afterwards, when ionist candidate ; ttlr, K. N. Dull •Citmpbell;Alhet t Tavlor,Josie Camp
they retired from active work, .moved 1 nominated Al r. John 11cCracizen the hell, Ida atone, Ed. Walsh, Allan Me -
into the village. Mr. McGee died in IReforin candidate ;. Mr. 1t. (x. Case-, Burney, Walter Seott,'Julia. Ander-
the spring of 1889, aged eighty years.' more, in nominating Al r. Will Daft, !tion, Mary Porterfield, Charlie John-
Ili•s. ;11eGec had quite a large family, I C'onservat'ive candidate, inadc the 4 ,tcrrr Annie li igtatrnan.
One of her daughters, Mrs. Aid, died `+witciest speech c,f the reason. Mr. l' 1V jr, Rot' Wheeler, James ,tic-
AlcDaugall, of l;rucefi,sid, who have many years ago, and left one son Casemore was applauded with great Callum, Maul Robertson.
hed) visiting their friends, returned +,• houi'.hc; adopted iind with whom enthusiasm. Only two of the Candi-1
III, sr.., Maitland Henry, James
hu, ir, last Saturday. 1 ,; e i estalt•t1 well lost summer, w hen l datcs could be elected and the two (, rig:, I.en:t 1'earen, Fred ',cnndrett
V1i:.' i+1; 1;iImow. X 3 away ' �c, went 'o it+a +vola hca drtughter successful ones were tic. Pi.hibitio;i littleAndcr:an.
visiting het Mends nds in Brace 'citi, t I1st and the Conservative. A marked 1 111 ir. Willie McLean, Janie Notre
t Hills Green and other places. I
Mr. Rubt. Hastings (If Stirling
Falls, N.ippissinDistrict, ie spending
I a few days Witt.; his flintily here. to visit their mother• only two weeks four of the members were chosen 10' McLean, Robbie Wheeler, Austin
Mr. John Anderson, who spent, the she died. For seine y ears I canvass the village for subscribers to CampbellVittuie Pea ren, Alice.
winter at his home hare, returned to past it was then' • custa.m to visit her ' a public library. So far they have r kio,
Ox Bow, N. W.'1'., on 1l'edncsday. 1,cut every four months. Mrs. been very successful. At the next 1'atrc it, f3tnar•t llcsl;ctrney.
IMr. Jahn (xetn►nill heist a, v0ry Waiker, of Grand Ii urks, Dakota, meeting a (nock Ta. llama will bet. 1't.1 Elgin Anderssm,flt rtry Skinn,
suecd:.sfu1 auction sale of his farm
stock and implements on Friday last.
Ile intends leaving Caere fur Manitoba
in a ,few at eeks.
Mr. Robert tI:ixwell and wife, of
Caleashie, Mich., are +isiting with
his parents, :Ar. and Mrs. R. Maxwell,
(tile Bluevale road.
Mrs. Gardiner. Her two suns Mex -
ander McGee, of Valpariso, Indiana
and Samuel, of Battle Creek, Michi-
gan, are bridge inspectors, and were
success is noticeable in the speak•.• ma, v Grigg, Mary Anderson, How.
ing ofthe young men since this society , and 1Vtghtivaai.
was formed. At the lust meeting ; II jr, Stanley 111cBurtiey*,' Percy
We are paying the highest market
prices for good sound saw logs of
every description.
Mrs. IIi.•am Lake, of Michigan, and
Lousitt, wife of David Patton, who
died in 1889, comprise the rest of her
held when the newly elected mem-
,John McCallum, Li a zit Peuen.
bcrs will address the house.L. M. JUHNs9'UNFTeacher,
Miss Mary Anderson, daughter of fhe matin that has been oe-
funiily. Although she was eighty- Mr. Samuel Anderson of Turnbcrry, I .• .ing the event ui' the young peo-
E'our, Mrs. McGee was so smart and and Aft. David .Je++itt, were married, hie o • f i •�n took place on Wed -
active as to make late forget her age. on Tuesday, of las' week, at the ueselny ui tact (week t 5 o'clock, p.
She took at keen late Teat in all occur- manse, by Rev, W. J. West. Mr. and iii•,
when Alia Sarahi,., eldest
reticles and her et es were - as blank Mrs. Jewitt will begin housekeeping cl,brei Ut -.11, s. '..t..t : I't rciui , was
and bright as though she 'Were many on the Cornell fat m on the 13tue+ lilts united in tt^e ha•ly hands of t , .-
LUCKNOW. years younger. Tho remains were road. We wish than uinen joy. I money to Mr, 1E, hooch Chummy. Rev.
'The now Roman, Oa chit is ehut•ch buried en Monday afternoon,. By Mr. John Maxwell, of • Brandon,' T. E. g, .y
le tied the nuptial knot
her death, a lint: with some of the i4aniwba, attended the High Court' in the old and i'timEia, '..:pi -c rt way
Lucknow, was dedicated on Sande
early history of this province, has Canadian Order of 1orreaters, fit,. in the presence of rt large aiuinll of
last, when lieu. Dennis O'Conner, D. been severed and by her death, also, Peterboro, last week and this weinvited presence
ests,ri atter the. ceremony
D., 13iahup of London, officiated bo.Yr it is only truth to say, a dear, good, visited his,old home on the Bluevale j all sat down and p:.rrroal: of the feast,
mornfrg• and eveninn. - 'tt+' I:irtdlc soul has been taken from us. road. i The young couple are amongst the
}ac�.4iel�l tit 1 0-trc�1F't k az�,au'ry itsiti She was beloved by children and There'll be great brandisl,iog of I most popular in e • township, and
Dbwn,t=t pr its. Rev. rather gown folks alike, but, while the jewelery in Bluevale some of these' the presents, both by their vrilue and
Dixon, P. P., of Kinesbr•idne, will be
Deter of' the new church.
I.�CLEA ' & SON. rhe sudden death of Constable
Thomas Shuebottout, at his home in
WINCIHAA aiie, on Tuesday morning of
last week. came as a sand ',surprise
to our citizens. ,lir, Shoehottoua had
bet•n i11 with consumption for some
yearend fur a week past was con-
fined to his bed, but even Itis family
S and inns( intimate friends had no
making 3065,779; number of lbs
thought that his late illness would g' ' shipped a car of maple blocks last is reported to be dying in Port
g of cheese made, 581,502 ; average week to the old country. Huron,
prove fatal, He was a comparatively i price received lb 8 611100 isG d f 1Y1 'Cb
• average visiting he
bereavement will make many bearts•days for neat.y every third boy is number Kalil'., t., the eetccui in
lonely, let us be thankful, she was 1 selling toilet soap, Laurier and his i which the bride is held. AIi . and
taken from us so beautifully, ,cabinet, laundry blue or some other Mrs. Chainney start life with brignt
Report. --Perhaps, even at this late • stuff, in order to get a gold (?) watch. • prospects for the future, and the
date it will be interesting. for those I Mr, John Burgess has returned Trams joins with their hosts of
who did not get the information be- home after attending the High Court friends in wishing 'that their beat
fixe, to know some of the business I of the Canadian Order of l+urreste's. ' hopes for the future will be more
done by the Bluevale Cheese and But-
Co. during last year. Number of
pounds of milk received for cheese -
than realized.
AIr. John Mitchell, of Wingham, I Mrs. Robert Mantell, the actress,
Ladies, call and inspect. No trouble to show goods.
- ....t,i0,�:
per cents. Miss V. or on o Whitby, is r
young man, only in his forty third , •riga lbs of milk to lb of cheese, .• • r sister Airs. (Rev) �fi, fit's( Wabash train • over the .
year, and had been constable of the 10 90/100 ; cost of drawing' milk per , it Line front Windsor to Buffalo
village for some five years past. He anon 8 9 100 milts • ~ paid p' hall• I was run ,yesterday.
1 •la -hog ' ' price Messrs. Casemore and . Armstrong ��-
leaves a wife and nine c ii ren, chi esemaker fur furnishing all sup• !shipped a car of cattle to Toronto
have the earnest sympathy of the I flies except cheese boxes and mak- last
whale community in their sad be- 1 p' weols.
ing cheese, 57 cents per 100 lbs; efr,1.J. Colvin shipped a DD
reavement. number lbs of milk received for but- car of hogs last week to Hamilton.
ter making during the spring term, 1 The hoehelors, of Belgrave, gave
229,076 ; nufri
mber of pounds of butter , their ends a hop . on Tuesday
made in spring, 8,655 ; number of evening, at the Forester's hall.
lbs of milk to the ib. of butter.'
26 47/100 ; average price sold at f BIUJSSELS.
16 84/100 cents per lb ; number of I
pounds of milk received for butter-' The Queen Esther Oratorio. riven
making during the fall term, 9,925 ;1 in .the town hall, on Thursday even -
number of lbs of butter nide, 447 • ing of last, under the leadership of
average price received f r butter,' ill Geo• W. Cline was a suceese in
18er per lb ; average number of lbs , every particular. The hall' was
of milk to lb of butter. 22 20/1.00.. packed to the doors.
Received for April biitrer, ;103.88, ' The ice business has been in full
Aprfl butter,°a544.32; tory butter, swing during the week.
. 773,4�t ; 11Tay cheese, :20,815 len et i One of the betel licenses, in this
nes, 81722.18; June cheese, 25,045 place, will be cancelled alter lliny
MS at Silo, $2160.1:3 ; June cheese, ,1st, as per the recent amencltnent to
29,140 lbs at 8gei $2513:12; Jauly the Statute.
cheese, ` 07.10 lbs at Sac, $?233,47, i The Br nssels Band has been or-
• `2622(1 lbs .tt 83c • g�auized with Mr. Wm. Grewar as
Fat is absolutely neces-
sary as an article of diet,,
If it is not of the right kind
it may not be digested. Then
the body will not get enough
of it. In this event there
is fat -starvation.
Scott's Emulsion supplies
this needed fat, of the right
kind, in the right quantity,
and in the form already
iniy enceae rs
partly digested 1 "'•rlclt' 42• August cheese 04566 lbs leader.
at�d tissues take on activity, her cheese, • 48.1;13 Ills at lisle, dist c„ttr ch, was field at the resi•
October cheese, 39,557 lbs. at 81,e, dew of fix•. Jas. Cardiff, Grey town
goc, and $t.00, x11 dcuggistt, . . r •) shipon Monday evening.
SCOTT & HUMS, Cherni'a, Toronto, 3263,45 November butter, $72,52. {
reSult all the organs i at 9 c,- 03-r E.10. August, cheese,' A valentine social, ander the aus-
.�.5 a g ,�. <,. ices of the X.adies.lidtif the hit=Chu.
75 y 21045• lbs tit 93c 0 X44 313 Septem p
CENTS pays for the TIMES'
till the end of the year.
Is never done, and it is especially wearing
and wearisome to those whose blood is,
impure and unfit properly to tone, suave-
fain, and renew the wasting of nerve .
muscle and tisane. It is more because of
this condition of the blood that wome a •
*rerun down,
Tired., Weak, Net'v0U9, '
Than because of the work itself. Every
physician says sol and that the only rem-
edy is in building up by taking a good
nerve tonic, blood purifier and vitalizer
like Hood's Sarsaparilla, )t'or the troubles
Peoutiar to Worsen at change of seasAS
climate or lite, or resulting from hard
work, nervousness, and impure blood,
thousands have found relief and tura
y v
The One `tine Ilkind 1"arittYi:' gi pt+r butte&
Prepared only t'3• t'.1. Mod &t'o..1,0a111, ldit tf.
gra for nn1y p111w
Hcod's mills with hood's sat: