The Wingham Times, 1898-03-04, Page 3MUNYON'S
The People of Canada Are Satis-
fied and Convinced.
That Munyon Has Kept Faith With The
People and Made Good
Nis Remedies aro Becoming the
Safeguard of the Homo—Tho Poo.
pie Have Trusted and nave Not
]eon Deceived..
Mrs. D. Davis, Trenton, Ontario, Can-
ada, says: `Mine has been a marvellous
cure of eczema by Munyon's Remedies
When I began using these remedies d was
covered from head to foot with scuba I
suffered the most Intense agony from the.
' irritation and pain. I felt so bad that I
believed it impossible to ever get well I had
used a number of remedies to effect a
euro. but instead, I was getting worse
I was in Grace hospital for three months
but they could not help me. I finally de-
cid'ed to try Munyon, and after using Slnn-
von's Salvo and other remedies I received
;immediate relief. The medicine seemed to
help and cool the Irritation. I am happy
to say now that I have not a mark on
any body and feel it 1s my duty to tell
others of the wonderful pure which has
been effected In my case. I have unbound-
,i-idcfnith in Munyon's treatment and heart -
recommend his remedies.' •
b'-anron'il Rheumatic Care seldom• fans to est,
Wye la ode to three hours and cures in a few.
days. Price 25e.
Mupyon'a Dyspepsia Cure poniti•xely cures all
norma a indigestion and etc_taci traables,k
1"rtce 26c.ila)
hiuuyon's Coal Cure prevents poem:Ionia anat'
breaks tip, a cold la a few hours, >'rire 260.
lliwayou s Cough Cure stops coughs, night
threats, allays soreness and speedily heals the
lints, Price 22e.
1lanyon's Kidney Cure,apeedlly curer pains,
3n the hack, loins or reins.and all forms p!
Whiney disease. Price 26e:
ISenyurt's Nerve Cure atop nervousnealt gee!
Teases up the oyster.,. Price 26e.
airnyon's Headache Cure stops batdaelut
throe :r:hi;aten. Price .
Immyeres Pile Ointment positively aures nl me back those 'raters and half a do
He Hissed the Bride.
The Rev. Dr, 13-, a well known
clergyman, gives an amusing history
of Ms first marriage fee. He was
settled over a country parish, and had
his study at his boarding house One
evening a young loan and woman,
genuine specimens of the rustic lover,
called at the house and asked him to
marry them,
I performed the ceremony, and
according to custom was about to
kiss the bride, w ho was really quite
a beauty, when the groom stopped
'No you don't, mister,' he said,
good naturedly ; 'I'll do that myself.
I smiled and, yielded the point, and
as the couple started out I followed
them to the front door. The groom
invited nie to the wagon, where he
had something for tae. He helped
the bride in, got in himself beside
her, and reaehed down behind hila,
lifted out a sack of potatoes and
handed'it.over to me.
I than ed him and was about turn
ing away,' Just then the groom
looked proudly at the girl and then
at- me.
"Ain't she a beauty mister ?" he
Said. -'
'Very .hI.Indsome,' 1 admitted.
,Nothitt' prutier in the country, eh?'
he asked.
'Not that 1 have seen.'
',Air yea married ?' he inquired
'I'm sorry to say th'tt I'ln not.'
'Nothin' like this in the house, eh?'
and be chucked the blushing bride
under the chin.
'No, I'm all alone.'
The groom must have detected a
note of sadness in my voice, for he
looked at me eomm:seratingly.
'Look here, mister' he said, I'll
tell you what I'll do. • Ir you'd give
r l+: of plica. 26e. - , • last' to boot, I'll 1)e blamed if you cant,
*10!''oo's Bloodod Cure er•tdlcates ^tl Srai0rl`,au
, Price
. kF'' the 1)1'ide.
:t::, •?01'a :�eT,.t:e i'lemC•.lier, area boo! :C a�1
. :,
Cr-tarrh remedies neve. fa:.. +"+e
Catarrh Care—pries 25e.—eradieat<.o the alseniet
from the system. and the Catarrh Tablets -price.
oda.—c;.eanae and heal the parts,
itlunyon'a Asthma Remedies relieve in three'
aainutea and erre permanently. Price f,l,.
lfun;an's Vitaliser,, a great tome ylnd re-'
mtorersf vita, strengthto weak people. $1.
A separate cure for each Menne., M all drug.
W1r`s, mostly 25 cents a vial.
Personal, letters to Prof. Munyan. 11 Albert
l eicroynopwered.With fres merit.,
trl¢fr undlyen
f fa; .final. polo:' "8e.
Interest to Teachers.
Frern a circular just istaed from
THE /v INUJZ[AM TIMES, MARCH ',`.! 18 8.
r, h i ' Time's Changes.
.'avrrol I "Did you ever," asked the young
nusband," have your wife look you
1t1i1tIn the eye tvhc`n 1'nit canto home,.
and ask y ou if you hard Ilat forgotten
Mr. Barr. and Says :
"Surely The Medicine Which
Has Done So Much for Me will
Prove a Blessing to Others'
Or c•,ui t 1 could u't bo so ungallant
as to recuse the utter, it indeed, it
would have been safe to do so, and
handed over the potatoes and the
only half cicllar I had, I saluted the
The Dangers of Spi :ng
something ?" The Sloan Medicine (%o., Iiamilton,
Dear Sirs, --freer years I was, troubled with periodical sick headaches,
"nanv a time me boy," answered
ealit married man. 'She clans b i ff eted usual, ever Sunda and used all the remedies that were
Guelph, Nov, lard, 1897.
yet. In the early d tys it used
mean a kiss, now it is unilally
reference to wiping ruy shoe:;,"
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Van fan.
n.+ w.a,s:. is 1)
A woman never cnjnys the winter
much because she is always mender-
ing what rooms her hnshand will For sale
let her get papered in the spring.
advertised as cures, and was treated by almost every doctor in. Guelph but
without any relief, One doctor told me it was caused by a weak stomach ;
another said it was hereditary and incurable. I was induced by�ea neighbor A#.
to try Sloan's Indian Tonic, and am happy to say I did so. few doses
gave immediate relief, and one bottle and a -half made a complete curet, .=
This was three years ago and the headaches have never returned. I was
also troubled with asthma and nothing helped me like your Sloan's Indian
Tonie. I can heartily recommend it to all, and will be glad to give any
particulars to any one afflicted as I was.
Most Desperate Cases of ItIIeu- IN :DEATH'S HOST.
Bright's Disease -Diabetes -Bladder
Troubles--Parally,fs - Dropsy -- =.
Disease bars. Ready to Drag You
Down -South American. Kidney
Cure Has Rescued Thousands.
Willett arise from impurities in the blood
and a depleted conditiot) of this vita fluid
tnay be entirely averted by Hood's Stirsa p
matism Are Overcame by
Nature's Cure, Paine's
Celery Componnd.
Well & Richardson Co.,
Dear airs :—.Bust a year ago I was at—
tacked•with inflammatory rheumatism
in its most acute form, which totally
incapacitated me from pursuing my trade
—that of a tailor—or in feet ot doing
work of even the very ligLtest kind, as
every nerve in my body was affected. I
was in this distressiug condition for
more than seven months, when I com—
menced to usaPltine'S Celery Compuund
I soon begat to realize the beneficial ef—
rectaof the medicine ; but my case was
an obstinate one, and required the per-
sisteut use of the Compuuud for some
months before I was able to moveabout. f
am thankful to say I am ad far recovered
that I have commenced work again ; and
I Hai very hopeful that by continuing
the lean of the 0 ia..p•cunal a little longer,,
I shall.. i,1Pn;e God, hit+ restored to niy
worsted health and strength again. Sure-
ly the medicine +drat has done so much
for me will prove an equal blessing to
others sitniltnrly affected ; and to such I
say : ''Give Palnl'e Celery Compound a
trial." For what your medietne has done
for me you have any most g)'atefu
thanICE. Yours truly,
JNO. BARRAND, Barrie,Ont,
An alarming fact—almost an in': red-
iblo one, were it not born out by statis-
tics, that over ninety per cent, of all
post rnorteut exatninnt;ons have mover)
the exlatnneeof kidney ,h case. If \ou
experie:'ree it -a Hint:. cutting pain. scald
ir,g, or i1 there 114 1)ru:tly dust, or ch'tiky
sed 'men t,they gnat prove that the kidneys
are not p•-rf'rrwinr their functions; that
there are foreign substat:nori that imoher
or later will clog op and stop tewhole
human ntr norny. bough An,ertcriu Kid-
ney (lure end ,,iap.o19 all those
pirates of good h.iiIth r i •tt1v and sure—
ly.- Sunt 1,1Chi,.Lolties Drug Store.
We are in a position to tarn out
W. -0, KEOGH,
by all dealers, or address the Company at Hamilton, Limited.
01.00 per bottle ; 6 for %.00..
Do You
eq ii e
tatj.i 1� e,�•
sesesselieNeatra s, -,elDEZ. 1x'nr
Codes Cotton Boot Compound.
Is successfully used monthly by over
10.000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com -
sound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per
box, No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. o.
1. or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two a•eent
stamps The Cools Company 'Windsor, Ont. 1
--Nos. 1 and 2 sold nun recommended by all
responsible Druggists in Canada.
No -•u
Disord red
I d n ey (EN' -CTE
Perhaps they're the source of your i11
11 7•
A Egg -Joke
At a a --
null social• gathering the
other night somebody started the egg
joke a -rolling.
• Did you ever hens the story of the
hard boiled egg? he solemnly ingnir•
ed of sotne one across the table.
Nu was the innocent answer.
It's hard to beat, said the joker
with much gravity.
You can't help smiling at these
things, and after the laugh died down
somebody else sprung this:
Did Anybody hear about the egg
health and you don't know it.
At a lowe. e than ever before
We have the best stock of Envelopes in town, and we ea
fyou have Bacic Aan td or Larne Back. i print and supply Here's how you can tell :— 1 them as cheap as the cheapest.
oidia. This gismo medicine cures all springy! If you have Puffiness under the Eyes
or Swelling of the Feet.
If your Urine contains Sediment of
any kind or is High Colored and
If you have Coated Tongue and
h Education D'pu'tme"t we telee lhtluiors, bulls, eruptions and ernes, and by
i' uea inn u : enriching and vitailizing the blood, it over-
tire following items : The ;-t{tgh comes that tired feeling and gives vitality
and vigor.
HOOD'S :BILLS care nae;^a. sipk head-
ache and all liver ilia. Price 20 cents.
Sehnol Entrance and the Public
School Leaving examinations for
. 1898, will begin Tue dev, ,Bane 2Sth,
;'at 8 45 a. m. The esearse of study
prescribed for this e:taliulnattions 10 1 The Comfort of Labor.
that, ,r;iveu in the revised regulations, I
except that phycology and temper- I
ance take the. phtee of botany at the
public se hoot . leaving ex ruination'.
Any .misunderstanding on the part of
the candidates regarding the require•
ments i- to be dealt With by the loud
board in settling result.. The re- I
Visuci Regnlal.tiofS do 1101, AS fernier- I
3y, ealt far the presentation of book I
work in writing or drawing, ete., at
,either the High School Entrance or
Public School Leaving exams. For
the latter Examination, book work,
if presented by candidates, is to �e
taken into account, as last year. ir, 1
view of the special provisions an- I
etouuced for 1898.
"I • suppose, :Said Mr. Staybolt,
"that most of us, as between wealth
with idleness and poverty with oc-
cupation, would choose wealth ; but
T am not so sure that I would my- in the coffee?
self. In fact, the older I grow the Ne, said an obliging somebody.
more I ata convinced that next to That settles it, remarked the funny 1
the love of those we hold dearest of man, hie ndly.
parents, wives • and children, the Of coarse there was another, laugh,
greatest ' boon to man is labor. and then a brief silence. It looked
Poverty with occupation would im- I:1s if the egg jokes had been exhanst-
ply the - power in labor, and that ed.
would mean freedom from want. i But presently a little woman at one I
And occupations means also freedom ',end. of the table inquired in a high
from care The man eta becomes' soprano voice if anybody present hacl
interested in his work torgets his beard the story of three eggs.
troubles and he finds, besides, a The guests shook their heads, and
pleasure in seeing tl,e result of hi.s 1 one man said No.
labor take forma and grow ; the i The little woman smiled.
pleasure of attainment The mail Two bac,, she said.
who -dues net fired t)rijoytnent in labor I _-..__._
misses the most sari`(' tory of life's
For Over Fifty Years.
AN Orn AND wa & 'rala:o RinNizDv —
. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup h'te
been use,, for over fifty years by mil -
Eons of mothers for their children while
1 1t seethes
a �ktC ' u �'j (] � (� (�QisWaited Dr.Home ngMade East
f t s 1
;lain (;ores wired °olio, and is the best I Chase Cured Cat
thethhnsr, wit per erg success. Wherte Specialists the child, softens the goals, allays all p arch.
iente,3y for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to James Spence, Clachan. Ont., writes 1
the taste. Sold by druggists In every I el had been a sufferer from Catarrh for 15 'Even Child can Dv
part ot the world. Twenty -Hue oats at 1 years. It became chrome and lima given With Clail'ID17.(a. Dyes
bottle. its value is incalu .bre. Be sure i up hopes of ever being cured when advised I
and ask fur Mrs. ins ow s Soothing ti by a ileac u
Syrup, and take no other kind I I at emir started anal am pleased to state Diamond byes Color Anything Any
three boxes effected a complete care, and I 1 Color ---i, ake Old Cloaks, Gowns,
heartily rarotnrnt+nd 11 to wnyone suffering i Scarfs, and Suits Look Like New --
'Che leen ,,fiat write the jokes for 1 -- t_ Dress Well at Sarah Cost.
tile fanny ,rapers may claim that at' nialunnd Dyes are it wonderful hole
.. Men gne3 atrnttn(1 proposing (.ver stud I Mr. Livingston �v;•t9 here from i to emu -mini D s areln:;, 'These Immo
loner ag'ais1 to the game warn,. i arc. t -. , oto r � �ircesea
VV 1 S tf ng f ' 1 4 try I)r. t.lhase'S Catarrh Cure
1 tin bat linden tecentty relative to 11ussels h o dues vitt colrn uiv1hinit any color,
three don't titin anybody.- Y(1w York vias mill. Vile old firm woe't run lt, and they Snake cloaks. oto 1 In,ze,
Press. I but prepared to dispose of the feathers, Rices, curtalina, ere, look litre
' , , r' • r. , c i Ir It mt +lyeing be (lone 1
41 11)01115 unity be arrived at speedily. 1 !ea eitnpty led rutrl,tnt:tc•l'1l ,,
�; F "ri..• ., ,., • ,�, .,,;, .-•' a."o' i ._..-......_-- _.-.-- 1 They come 11) e11 colonu, awl the plain
l p �EMIL' „'i
I,,Z,�'jy+�. nail explicit atlrenl un.a n+, the pa+:tcaua5
make it ti1n4y far the ,.last inexperienced
�,fke biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, const,. , fuuVi4+1,It ly3•'..,. p
,atiou, sour stomach, hidigestion aro promptly ; (yl1eH1 1'e°has'1 in the haiill1 aro daily to bine thorn with e,lccess, ;:vet, it child '•
'eared by Idood's fills. They do their vcorlk; complained of lty intilt itnt3es of people — . can dye a 11011, perfeett color, if Diamond I
n> work o,' pleiti.iir.r, Mr Ill, ,L i;u,•s, Atlr,a thnt clnt,u to color a,,.l h wlt.son nn.l wool ,
°rai ' On' e:cp11 1108 It. (le Snys 1 "ft. Willi the safe", dye, for it in 1i111),ISS1l,:., t') .
:lints, Provo 1I grippe, i wan rrritaute, t;f,t sattt,nfactory r(t.nit•a with (lye:; of tiro
worried, (fizzy, Short of breath, and had ,,Illira;'.trr. In 1"1;•.t r,,.,0 ayes thorn :n•s „t,,,., m t" 0 ,l , `1 ,,,r, ry .,,1
Nasty Taste in the Mouth. s.A.�1�
If you have Dizzy Spells, Headaches,
Bad Dreams,-- Feel Dull, Drowsy,
Weak and Nervous. 1 hen you have
Kidney Complaint.
The sootier you start taking
the more quickly will your health return.
They've cured thou-
sands of cases of kid-
ney trouble during the
past year. are
a sufferer they can
cure you.
Book that tells all
about Doan's Kidney
Pills sent free to any
The Donn Kidney Pill
Co., Toronto, Ont.
Milt in,
property. The nuttier 19 tieing (:tl11- . 'Many• of the f huuoLd Dyea are 01511 t
1 sidered her a couple rlf 0111' business Brom sp:*+•ialiy pr(wn:-1,ai ,iyctst111f 01111 le
men. W(, nape 5.1:t 1.t' lo1 v ;orange.n++other till. t1 r. it
FYI ini
don't kite;' the cause, but 1t' iva)100 them t y.,, are USA. i,
nerv)nl+, irritable, and unfit ter either .1)1 not visit 1v,nr :entered mite (lyre .
Easily and thoreephly.
test atter +tuner pills.
211vents. All druggists.
i'terared by C. 1. Iloo(l Rc Cn., tortell.M;ts3,
The only rill to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Printed on the shortest notice•and the price in keeping
with the times.
Give us a call when you are in need of anything in the Printing Ike
and we will use you right.
t+�t t1tr1:.$ .et ;^ilt`:1i1 7311 n:rlt`r
finch 1a ,111enr Veiny; iu tey heart that ( t t),,cinl dyes for eaten :incl special i1ve•s .1.. ;• l t 1
Urnuullt, l u'(lld l,lco UV the ghost. Mil' for wool. aro they are all, nearnfteecl to
horn's fiend and Norvir Pills changed Till giivesitti;,fnction if need according to 1 �1'1:�t;11 \til,
this, and 1' nos free to -day front all these dtreetione. .
1)00 bles.
THE TIMES, Wingham.
until you have tried
You can buy them in. the paper 5 -cent cartons
Ten Tabules for Five CeErts,
518r sort is put up cheaply t0 gratify rho llnlrors41 present demand f.•r n Sett prlati.
If you don't find this sort of
RA' a
t 1:
Fent IsiVC Cents to Tata RIMM (qtr::`.':.•
1 11:u(c. tit., t13ty York, rod til.'; e -a 1.
it ;a t...truins will hemail:d for
o:te that ltipana Tal,ttics are t,.. '.Wr.
+: • k': t, 2'ifS. 20
i.M11; .
. , is tett t0