The Wingham Times, 1898-02-25, Page 7f +IMARCI IMONT 6A
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aver sane rvnav you wished became l able to have a *crop of decent food or
feared anything you could do to me"r a► drop of wine, nothing but a cup of
You poor, conceited fool. I'in ago more nasty stun' that might be pig swill for
afraid of you than of tt rat!" And she oil I knew? if that's the ease, the mon-
ey tterisiielJ'• er Igo after Pierre the better, I only
At this all the coiorleft his face with wish T could let you know that bee
rago. lie gripped her wrist firmly and there safe bound. We alpan't be tar
held it while with a threatening brow, t til I t " h added,
* .sartover exp, expeq , e as
he said iu at voice harsh with anger, with a smile that made hitt ywrinklea
"llesay that at once or your Rather teen" inexpressibly ugly,
shall rot in jail." Lola said nothing.
"You coward!" she cried, and, stung "I hope you dota't think I'm going to
by the words and the gesture into a make a fool of myself about dying," he
paroxysm of rage, she raised the light said querulously, noticing her manner..
umbrella she was carrying and struck " You woulc'.u't have we turn white
him with all her force stages the face livered and send fore pack of'ltriests
while wrenching her wrist frQn1 Isle and pretend to wipe out all the record
see r. e-, tele la grasp. of a full life well lived and well enjoy -
PROLOGUE Zia* Aignial depth o a sense wood fine WAS standing close to the edge of ed with the cant of half an hour! Pahl
PItOLAGiJ7+: I. the steep rook, with his bank to it, and But That'lldeahoutm self, I'an
ON rim narvu,'e )sect[. order to thrill me vith a terrible tale . y
"So you're in earnest, aro you, end of defiance. Very well; thrill av+rtty.,, sa los surprise and dismtay at the blow thinking more about you. What will
y r, 7 He seemed ti torrained to xnake light he stumbled lustily back, and, loetug fou do?„
1!eal]y mean it this nano: , his footing, slipped over the edge. As •f'I have made no la
F "Every syllable of every word." of the�iuteaVtew and to mock his Com, he foil he mons ed to catch with one plans yet, father. I
The reply was uttered with the crisp, panion setedigtation and emotion. 13ut ghave only thought so flu that you and 1
clear ring yof determination, and Lla he -tvtttt hed her all the time, despite his hand at the ledge of the rook and re. would be much happier together now."
a as .ped indifference, with lynx eyed 'pained hanging by one hand over the "Then. it's time you did think, that's
'l'urrian as she spoke looked her, bus- �' dark, deadly abyss. all. Your face and fors are good
band in the face with sot decision in gilance. For an iuetaut he hung thus, lookiu j H
everyline of her young, beautiful face, "I repeat, this life shall end," alae g ` enough navies you half a kingdom if
Te husband, a slim fair, goon look cried, after a niorient's pause, bursting up at her, his face salt white and wet l you only use them properly, and your
P, feax ttnd rago while 1 road
,ang man, sneered provokingly as'ho re -
tamed her gaze. He shrugged his
•phoulders as he answered readily and
rapidly, though with a slight foreign
"Upon my word, you really are very
teautiful, Lola. Pen not a bit surprised
pat other men fall in love with you.
my soul, I should --if yo't weren't
Islet wife already, of course." He ended .
*fth a laugh that might have marked
;line phase of feeling, but' there was a
threat veiled in the light tone of the
-question which followed, "And what
• then?"
"I care not what then," was the an -
'ewer, spoken with angry emphasis. "I
/know what you mean, and I care noth-
dng. You mean that you will add in-
kormer to your other characters and try
to • send my father to the galleys. The
same ohivalry which let you live on
ane urges you to whip. me with a fear
for my father's safety. Would to heaven
had dared you at the first and nearer
put this nursed fetter on my life." She
was playing nervously with- her wed-
ding ring as she spoke.
f Her husband eyed herouriouslywith-
nut letting any sign of annoyance at her
words appear and replied with the air
,of oneewho is merely balaucing the pros
. and cons of a given course:
"I wonder if I did make a mistake
with you when I stopped you going on
the boards. A speech like that to the
• gods ought to 'draw many pounds a
• week to any house. You. want a trifle
!:*tore gesture. If you're goiug to say it
again, either hold up the 'fetter' and
flaunt it in my face or dash) it on the
ground. The gallery likes gesture.
I Don't forget. But you'd better not re-
t hearse4 ere because the rock is not very
wide, and if you chuck much of your
• jewelry about some of it's pretty sure
' to roll dowu into the gorge, and whet
goes over there won't co,: e ni agar..
But there! What's the ne •;lfor me to
doubt your powers of acting? Haven't
I seen you lead a dozen men c —aye,
and to the very verge—only ; to n 0 •
'em rip in tho enu? You're e: : in ac-
tress, Lola,with limitations a;... uu a cer-
tain line."
"I'll . act no 1o'ryer, thee," retryeed
the girl, for she ries.:• 'n :::ore. "Yon
goetour way. Pll go ut.ue."
"And your file,er can rn e' ?
Poor old ensp. You're v ..
him. Lola, very hard Weed. '10 r•::.+i
bins to tbe galleys in !hut way, aid at
his age 'too."
His cold, sneering inc!inereeee reed a
her almost bey, ncl the rt ' A of c• • . -
ance, but she fought de a bee 1-
"I have come net here to tin yon
that this kind of life must end. I"--
• "And a devilish uncomfortable pl •eo
yoa.'ce chosen," he said, ihtt;rrupthg
her . an`d l.aux Bing. "Here we are ou a
1 lonely crag, with theses villainous fir
trees on one side and a sheer clip right
down to the bottom of the ravine on the
other and a sky that looks as though
• nothing short of a miracle could stop it
sending down buckets of rain inside five
minutes. Iwish you'd be a bitthotight-
fu1. If you want to do an uncomfortable
' thing, yon might at least choose a com-
fortable place to do it in. Look here! Let
-us go,te, some hotel and have it all out
there quietly over a bottle of wine."
efee. "I know what you mean by all tilt:,.
'You think to sneer ire out of my prey
. 'ent•tnood. I mean to speak here and
new. 1 came here on purpose."
"What! Hero up on this iaxfernally
bleak Devil's rook, stuck right in the
middle of the Schwarzwald? What rtib-
bisb, Lolal Do he consistent, Why, when
tho train started this morning, wo had
not an inkling that eve should be brought
to a' standstill at this roadside station,
with three hours to wait for the next
train, so you couldn't have come 011 pur-
pose, as any fool can see."
• "When I knew we had to stop so
long, I resolved to bring you here to
say what 1 had to say."
"AJ right," was the answer, and
the husband glanced round no if resign -
frig himself to an uncomfortable experi-
enee. "Devilish dramatic surroundings
and devilish dangerous, too," ho mut-
tered, glancing over the side of the rock
into the abyss that yawned herow, some
:000 or 800 feet down. "Blight be clev-
.ilish convenient, too, if you wanted to
,get rid of an uneoinfortn 1e friend.
wile, go on," Itsaid, sit -
tiny! _ ; .:t On a point of tl p rock and
lac:.:... tnnad to shrug hi shoulders
ngr, .: mile. "You've b ought at1e
Into quick, vehement, emotional utter- frantic efforts to
auce. "Shall end, do you hear? I willget a bold with hits
be your decoy no more—your slave-- other hand.
year teal. I will no longer lure men in- Before he could do this, however, the
to the meshes of tbe net your cruel girl, read with the rage he had stirred
in her, raised her foot and stamped her
heel with all her ferce upon the man'*
white, strained fingers.
He uttered a loud, sharp ory of pain,
and, unable to retain bis hold, disap-
peared over the face of the rock.
It happened so suddenly that the
young wife stood gazing at the plane
where he had fallen like one dazed
with horror.
But it was only for an instant. Then
she drew herself up and raised her head
as if with an instinct of defiance,
She waited wale time and listened.
Then she bent forward and called to him,
"Pierre, Pierre!" incl she was pleased
when no answer came. Lying down at
full length, she tried to look down into
the gorge, but a slightly projecting
breast of the cliff prevented her from
seeing to the bottom. Finding that, she
moved away and went to another spot
and tried to get a glimpse of the place
into which he had fallen. She thought
she could see him lying far dowu below.
but the light was thickening with the
growing storm, and she was not certain.
But she made no effort to get help,'
and, when she had waited until the time
came for her to leave, in order to catch
the train at the station she walked away
She was glad and her heart was
beating with an infinite pleasure that
The girt stavnpcd upon the merit's white,
strained hngurs.
hands spread for their ruin. You and I
shall part. , Do you hear, part, now and
for always. I will be no wife of yours
for the future, and if I eau avoid it, so
help me heaven, I'll leaser look on your
•hateful face again.."
The man listened in silence, and
the man who bad gloomed and ruled
and deadened her young life was dead.
He had been too hard a taskmaster
for her not to be thrilled with a Reuse
of pleasure at the thought of freedom.
.A fortnight .after the incident on. the
when she ceased waited b sore answer Devil's rock Lola Turrian and her fa-
ing, looking at her with, I::s 1:t.1,1 u lit- I tiler sat in close consultation in the old
tle on one side and his eyes half eIo.ed. man's bedroom in a hotel in Neufchatel.
"All right. Geooby," he said at The old man was sitting up on his
length, turning away to whi -tic. bed, propped by pillows, and his•wrin-
"What, not gone yet?" he tesped aft- Wed, parchment colored skin looked
er a pause in a ten" of `r v yellow and dingy against the snow
don't stop rn nee • of white bedelothos. His voice was quav-
reliteue s 1 to a • ale , a„ Bring and thin, but his black, beady
siperflnity '' ... •1 : e • eyes shone with a light that seemed all
resumtd 1 i-• 't:c the monger and straut;or by contrast
Presently he ,e(, r•ti P • '•, : with the weakness of his withered body,
went close to 1:r r• • :.a a use :- ' "It's good news, Lola—real good
ell •
news. I hope the brute is really dead!"
pluck -,-well, it's as stanch as mine.
'You'll go far if you choose. Only mind
don't try to go too. fast."
"1 don't want to talk of myself.""
"I don't care `what you want," was
the testa reply. ""I do, aped I mean to.
Listen. Drop the name of that infernal
scoundrel and act as though that part of
your life had never been lived. Play
the beautiful ingenue. Horny daughter,
Lola Crawshay, once morn, and as soon
as I'm dead do what those cursed rela-
tives of mine would never let me (lo—
go back to England. They'd have stopped
nay allowance if I'd gone back, but when
they see you in the garb of the mourn-
ing. orphan—probably dressed for the
part, mind --they'll take you in as sure-
ly as you will them. I've written a let-
t w for you to the anly one among 'em
who ever showed she had a heart, old
lira. Villyors, and if you play y 0,1*
cards ne nay child ought to you'll mase
her home yours and her introductions
be the means of starting your cam-
paign. She's so deadly dull and reli-
gious that the world will oasb her intro-
ductions at sight to any amount just as
banks will Rothschild's chocks. I've
thought nal this out, expecting that
you'd probably ran.away from that
brute as soon as I was iu my coffin, and
I've written down here a list of all your
eligible relatives, with such hints as
occurred to me of the best means of get -
Successful EvailgBIist.
Ile Relates Events in his Career of General Inter-
est - For Years He Suffered From Heart Trou-
ble, aLld Frequently Froth Collapse ---On One
Occasion. Five Doctors Were in .Attends,nce•
He ,s Now Freed from. His Old Enemy, and..
Enjoys the B1essingpf Good Health.
The girt :watched hLm . tilt he dropped
rye, y*r ffi t -- en �,
sd,e err ,a�SYp3.9
/ fry
From the Smith's Fa1is record, 1 Manchester, N. H.. five doctors had.,
'Ihoroughout Canada, from the arrived and were in attenaance be—
western boundary of Ontario_ to the fore he regained consciousness. In
Atlantic Ocean. there is no name all these cities and towns the news -
more widely known in the tem— papers freely mentioned his ailiietioa
peranco and evangelistic work than at 'he time. Mr.- Dunnett said he
that of Rev. W. A. Dunnett. Mr, .had consult d many physicians,
Dunnett l'as been Grand Vice Conn- thclnalt he a :aid to be entirely fair,
Ciller el Ontario and Quebec in the he had neve!' been any great- length
s. Royal Teleplays, and so popular is of tune ander treatment by any one
ting round them. I've no money to give
t tone, ecr:(i •'
"Look here, Lel..: .:., t wake a ' . Tho bate, with which ho spoke of the you except a few bank notes, but I can he among the members of the order dower because of his itinerant mode
of yourself. You mein leave me. inc:dead mati lent unwonted energy to his give you a family, child, as t,''ood as any that in Montreal there is a Royal of life. In the early port of the sum—
know that well ere' -=:h My silence is voice, while his lean, crooked fingers 1 in England, and .if you don't make your • Ternplars Council ,named "Dunnett the:' of 1896, while in Brockville, as -
es necessary to you :.r your b ey is to gripped tho bedclothes with a gesture : way with them you're not my child." Council," in his honor. For 'more tektites; the pastor of the' Wali street
mo. There was never auy- other bend suggestive of his feeling. 1 "Pd rather you'd not speak," began than ten years Mr. Dunnett hne been Methcelist church in evangelistic ser—
between as and nr' er will be probably, "I wish I'd been with you, girl, to ' Lola, when the old man cut her short: ' going from place to place pursuing vice, he was epeaking of his trouble
but you can't break it. And you mutt have inado sure. Imps like those can "Do hear me to the end, girl. I've his good worts, `sometimes tassistin to a friend who urged him to try Dr..
own that I've done well for you. You tumble over cliffs, and yet the devil all but done, and you know how it tires resident ministcrsornetitimes conduct 1i'iili:ttng' Pink fills; and nest day
live on the host of the land; you've finds a soft place somewhere for them me'to talk. You'll find everythingin ins a series of otnctl el temperrintt!r t+!''feel him wit!, a t9n::etl Voxes.
never staid at any but the best hotels; to fall. If I'd been there, he added that black box addressed to you to save a,
you spend what you like on dress; grimly, "I'd have had him found by ,trouble. Don't waste your little money meetings independently, but always "I took the Pill,„ said lir, Dunnett,
you've any amount of lovers. What those who'd have, made sure be was on any funeral fallals for me. 1 should laboring for the good of his fellows. "and 1 declare to you I am a well
husband could do more than that?” dead." not d0 it on you, and I don't want 'On]. While in ,3mitir's Falls se, few months men today. I used to worry st, 'eat.
The wife made no reply in 'words, "He is dead, father, never fear. I tell ' Get away as quickly as you can, but ago in connection with his work he deal over the pain about my heart;
but her eyes lighted with g youI went back and staid at the hotel post the letter two days before ycu car pp i into the Record ad a for •t !int tr • , dnrre Hoyt shut set.
e wa a an er. a o ec to o t , hatI. I feet
"So long as you don't go too far with close to the place for ten days, making start, only two days, so as not to give et little visit with the editor. During like a new man." X11 this the rev—
thy a them, I never say a word, andg cautious enquiries have heard.flfit." any I've
of roogoystrai strs aight the eonvetsa.ticn, the Record Ventur— mend gentleman told in a simple
the Each that while they aro making had escaped, I must have heard o to say I e o c yeni g 3;
love to you I aux snaking money out of The old man was silent a ,moment, people in England, and as they don't : ed to remark that his duties entailed conversational way, and when it was
them ought to give a zest to the busi- muttering and mumbling and 'shaking love me overmuch they may want to an enormous amount of hard work. , suggested that he let it be known
ness which you should appreciate. Don't his head. puri off my child. Don't give 'em the i To this Mr. Dunnett asserted, but he rather demurred, because, as he;
he a fool, 01 course you want your bye- "But you don't know it, Lola. You ' chance, but yon go, add wheu you're added that in hip present physical 1 put it,"I stn almost afraid to say that;
termin some form or another --all wo- haven't found his carcass, there I'll trust you to do the rest. 1 condition he was equal to any atm—; I am cured, and yet there is no man
anew do—but don't let 'em lead you over "Well, he is dead to pre at any rate. , That's the best I eau do for you, Lola. 1count of hard work. But it was net' enjoying better health to—day than I.
the Rubicon. This German pig that Our paths shall never lie side by side you've bad a rough time between an., alwags 5t, be said, and then he gave 1 do."
we're stalking now may be the last we again. Ile never held me at all, as You old scapegrace like me and a young
need trouble about. He's rich enough ' know, save for my fear for you. I am villain like Pierre, and you've been a the writer the following little ''ter- I At that titno, at Mr. Dtinnett's re.
to yield any amount of gold, and if I not afraid of such a thing as that." stanch, brave girl. Now let me lie down , sonal history, with permission to I quest, his statement was only pub
know lovo in a fat fool's face when 1 She tossed her head with a gesture of to sleep." make it public. He said that for lished locally, but now, writing un -
see it he's mad on you and he'll give contempt. I Lola kissed him again, and this time, 1 the past thirteen years be had been } der the date of .Ta.n. let, from Fitch -
itch -half his wealth if only you give fine the "Mark any words, we shall never , softened by his own words, he kissed her :greatly troubled with a pain in the I burg, Mass.. where he has been eon -
chance to handle" --hear of him again, she added. hand in return.•I region of hie heart, from Which hej ducting. a very,successful seriesofevan-
"Stop!" cried the woman hotly. "I shall not, child," said the old "You're a good girl 'when you like,, was unable to get any relict. At, gelistie meetings, he says a "I had
"May I rot if over 1 move a finger to pian. "That's why I sent for you." Lola," he said. "I believe you'd do ' times it was a dull bealfs* pain, tit' held back from writing in regard Ccs
help you again. If you want to rob The girl rose impulsively at this, and anything on earth for the matt you
go and do it like other thieves. taking her father's hand kissed it and loved—and anything to tiro man you i others sharp and severe. Oftentimes I my health, not because 1 had for-
mer, lit rendered hint unlit for his engage- I gotten, but because it seethed too
8o at least a man and don't skulk be- thou kissed his face and smoothed some 'didn't," he added dr93y.i
hiud my petticoats.. I'll never speak to of the whits locks which had strayed • Tho girl watched hint till he dropped , ments, and at all limes it made iti good to be true that the old time
that German again, 1 swear." down frown under his skullcap over his asleep, and then the sat thinking over diliieult to Move: ` His trouble was 1 pain had gone. I cannott say whet:.
The lean turned a shade pale now forehead. all he had said. She was really sad at always visible1ro the public and fre-1 her it will ever return, but I can cep-
and bit his lip. Then he sworn under Ile suffered rather than enjoyed the the thought of his death, for hewas the quently whoa conducting. 'Willy he 1p say it has not troubled tune for
his fair mustache, and his voice was no caress and shook hie head with a halt only !bldg she had ever loved in her would give out and doctors had tot months, and 1 Mee in better health
longer steady when ho spoke. Ho began petulant movement of impatience. life.
to fear that she was in earliest and this "You ought to he glad I'm going to But ho was right when ho said he be Calle 'in to attend hit'. This' than I have been for years. I have
"I've ,, n, ,
die at last, Rola," he continued. i vo was dying, In lest' than a fortnight lin 4t�euci�Ed to him in tilt, I-ou,;c. Street gained in flesh, llc,.net• in weight. 1
made him angry.
i' I will make youuodo what 1 wish," been an uonseiouahle time over it, was fu his grave, and she had started ell 11011 Toronto ; the Baptist Church, , would prefer not to say anything
ho said, and he laid his hand on. her but that fool of a Dr. Lubin says I can't for the new life in England, and de- Wndstnek, N. 13. ; the llethcrcliyt' *!bom my appetite ; like tare poor, it
wrist, last now more than a week or a fort- Spite her regret for the old mans de7ureh,
Carleton Place, out. On is everwith rite. Yes ; I attribute
Sato `shck it off'tvith a toss of con. .night more, and if I do I cn't .get ant the was filled with an intense gladnatuotlter ocasion while pre:rchinr my „eiei hentltlr to 1>r, I%illiatn'
tem t. of bed. What the deuce is the good of that the old clic„raeeful thraldom \tun autlir�ttee cit '',t};lin tl,t. 1'r:tulc Pitta: l'i1h, atntl y tin lt;tr.Q ecptt etlt t"Bh! Do y'ou think I am afraid of living, j should like to know, eager] op over, as well Fay with �c ager antioistreet rneert;<tticlttatl ('lrttrelt at' rie Lite lis,fazt."
you?" slue crid. "Do you think I have in a holo like this, and in bed. and no. tions of what the future. hold for her