The Wingham Times, 1898-02-11, Page 60 :1A.‘1 1Lo i 6, J L .b1i U A i it /1, 1,69b. t 111, `` h': let v et tri elect t• l t tit • a •I It 11� URI water, and the nee et', t 4.3The eld well wee ne't et m ,�. i (1r), th",(}.►,11 the tiial-.,• ttelB41 Y, FEBRUARY 4.1898. !divided between tlii'ni t rt '1'1i, ftht'I t til e. 11 :t MISS DUS'E'SLETTER. I lug wood no the titi thh 1,,f d __ I near Wingham, when ht, 1 r c• - ' saw and cut his nose bads .. ' 1 The following is the letter tvhich•j were , illi t„ ei,op rht' 1,1• • .1 gtirpettredd in the Canadian folk -Lure : scale' :le went to a man e , '"I cage (af the Toronto Globe, of .Ian I Bra-•4t•i:, wile did nun 1• screwy 29th, from the pen of Miss Polly petit" her eiwpl% :epee tt Oult, of Bluevale : i Tee 1T leedin g stopped at "•n: i d., After reading toy brothers fol:, ; not t.Il'l.t the fl11 me tat l:-: r, • es Vie, letter of ft few weeks ago, I; farm elein:tI was hurt t1, e,.. 14pught I euuld gather up enough ; he welled stop it et °ne , , , t local 'lore to make another. 1 can ; where he was, V only told , e .-e ,tail Mr. George H. Stuith, your Tor I A • tnan told my fails. ' is •• i,1, oto contributor, what the conset;u i would keep his nose ewe, ee e•.r, >. •etlee will belt be throws an extracted! tie meet; a wedge. wtjwit .i..• ; :.. ti •tiepin away. l3luevale superstition f front, father's twee with 1 .• es ie tVgbt Ine long ago that if a fox, a1,t axe into a stump, put the •':; •, , tltlg, a cat, or any other animal, Ii. the slit the axe made and t:-1,1, 1. •lie: should piek up the tooth a tooth like ( hie nose won't], never bltttiti es vole the 'ale animal's will grow in the mouth • wedge reinaincd in the sump Bat o; the person who last it. A boy used I his nose held before he go teen, tgo to our school who had a wild , ti's tooth in the front of his mouth. ! BELIEF IN Bynum a 14 brew there just beeause a wild l I have spokelt with onll one per c swallowed the one that was first son who believed in fairies She was in that place., an Irish woolen, very practical,, tied About witches never stepping over in the early days of Huron w, rked ,Iaa,;uoms, my mother says I would be I like a than. She often made lire stele :o pick it up, for the other girls laugh. Tu snake her lithe gt•rtnd- 'Mould not care a straw whetheri it lay sore beht'ty' she would say, "Sit ow the floor or hung from tile ceiling;. I shrill, ye little vilyint, or I'll take.. t would. I would pick it up, and al- shtick to ye." She told we solenhn- 't (leg'h 1 am a witch's weight (99 I ly _ that sine night in Ireland the dae'Snnds), I'm not a witch. fairies turned her sister's month To dream of a train is a sign of round to her ear and next night trDubie, if not of death. A sepersti came knack and pelt it in its right i<(tiu sec forth in "Jane Eyre" Is that Place. "But why didn't you lock r3,;reaming of intents or young ehildre n the door ?" I said. t "We did Sock the s3bad luck, and I know some who i door, but they'd creep through a • atter reading the book dreamed of eu ants and they believed that bad lack followed the dreams To dream of hewing white cotton is a sign of creek, or they'd get in if 1.h re was no crack." A fadrner near here, whose name I can give you, when he kills pigs in ,lath ,and Misfit birds come into the the hill examines the melt and if it •louse and fly about a sick person. is large towards the head of the pig A little sister of mine was very ill, the fore part of the winter will be eau Qltl woman Gatue to see her' •$were Sante the close of it 11111C1`if evening As the Iatliips Were light- :he melt is large at the other and, ed. It was In the summer, and a vice versa, ;end if the melt is of uni- 1t4d flew in and around .the cradle, form size the winter will be even and ,ci},irping lively. The wolllan said it Steady, 13y the pig's melt, this (viyy a, sure sign of death, for her only avinter will be steady. Of late, in daughter died after birds had flown Huron County, farmers mostly sell :1Ttsund her erydle. My mother was their pigs alive, but sorne one re nett the least bit affected. I never marked that this farmer would kill aid a word, bat•i was terribly fright at least one .himself just to see what stied. Ithought my mother• was very kind of winter we would have. -stupid not to believe what the woman This man also believes a ringing heti told her, or else she was pretend• noise in the head is a warning of le not to be alarmed to keep the death, rest of us from getting downhearted. Visitors on Monday, visitors all My sister did not die, however, and the week. Dream of tire, a sign of aIle is uearly'grown up now I have news Cup reading has a good many -often heard it said, too, that if a child believers. Sing before you eat and h very good nnd its people think too You will cry before you sleep. Horse- ttighly of it or love it too much, it is chestnuts carried in the pocket will itis long for this world. (not) cure rheumatism. The tickling of a srnall insect call- Find a pin with its head toward •ed the death --watch is a warning You, a good sign; •:vith its point oedeath, but one has ticked in: my toward you, a bad sign. Two people 4.4d -room wall for seven summers, take hold of a wishboue and wish. siftd no one tuts died in our house. Break the , bone and whoever gets At one of the -first funerals in. Turn- the larger piece , will have his wish b©ry Township, one of the pioneer fulfilled. To find two chairs back '«Stolen said ft 11: oiled not be long till to back or to sweep a black mark on there would la- another, fur the rigs were so slow in getting into pro- eetsicn and ftr1'''w lagged away be-- Mad. Another death did occur in a Pew days. W t teds w Lt4'•tICS, Quite a nuaiber of people in this vicinity bcleive in water witches, and so betimes it would seem they have thing on a Friday." • eckd reasons to. I will tell you a If two boys wish to trade jack- ttl a water witch Story. knives tiny face each other, holding About 35 years ago a farmer in a knife in each right hand and hold- Tetrnberry wanted a well dug on his ins the left out open. hack boy farm and sent for Stir. dames Ander• drops a knife into the opposite hand jarlf, ROWtleeMeedi. WiteelaitulOtes lbs llnd t ey repeat, "No blade, no Irkater wi`c' 1, tn*':ale Ooott place. tilde.13 i1"Ii`. Anderson. held a bagel wand in1 The first tittle, two girl visit a both hands •net walked ahotat tilt the house at night they should sleep together and tie the little toe of the right foot of one girl to the left foot of the other and whatever they (not pro - ',WA turning every time alhtil t*en the toes) dream will come true, pro- firw rt, and then it would tarn leo viding they remain tied until morn - re. He told alar to dig twenty in;. Girls are full of superstition, rept and they would get water. Theyand if they can get it no other way titeg the Well .?C 'feet deep and it was they will inauufietttrc it. At !cast ter known to flare less than seinen they used to at school. "Not the stupid, but veru often the good- looking and intelligent girls are superstitious. I have often been amazed at the strength of sttj)cr•- stitious people. How thea• can live the floor are signs of cooling visitors. If you have warts sell then: to n, • wart charmer. A relative of mine was getting the deed of a farm a few weeks ago, and the man who Was drawing it up, when dating it, said, "Oh, that's Friday; I always hate to date any - wiped turne'll in his hands, 1,x slate that be was stinting over the water. He crossed and reerossed the Vein, the fbet of water in it. Then vhent let' - trate years ago !1r. 1?plett, who own - the edjtointn6z'1itrjn, Wriltte(t•11 well his pasta•;' field to water" his cattle Ire too :Put jar Mr, Anderson. Trend wee probably thirty feet' exflectinee the awful things they have !_ �e., .r than where the fleet .rtell ivals them warned efis a mystery. Only 1 'odttg. ;lir. Anderson located a Owe 1,.1(' strong ctin .atlurcl to bo super. l'n (l said they would dig twenty fez at itious, the weak and sensitive 1i re the f 1, elld come to water. Lie would die under it. The 4•R.han's" A li ,moi followed the vein front the low remarks about the hoop titmice Ilan p1 lel to the well on thollighland, and are quite truth and woulditliply to 1 trill wh o the new well was dug thi•J neighl)Orh(C'1 also. itlkl til:c 1',y dry well number one. , tett taught "he now well was dug lei the 011e, lllertstlrerl Ilnt)(1's Sarsaparilla is prsi;ar()(t by ex- perience,l phut iuneests. win l:ne,v iu'n• And in the .now one of cisely the nature and *mita; of nu lo- cff' of iter. • flat next Morning grediente used. "Only Tme 'Best" SABBATH. eti.e%,.01;::;. •.t• 1(/lir Watt) whhn YOU hoed n I lm VOL be iedneed to take • eut•-'Itt,lt' N hen you call for hood's 1 eineIl'o, iixi vrieneo bits proved it to ' • i,• l;t ,1, It I( on honest tuedioine, et'ttiat Itncl uuetjttalled tiir+rit. 'r•"f pr4,llt by the experience of • •-•1:114, t,t•:.I'ltitt are rho favorite family •• .r• ,t•, einty to take, easy to operate. ;,OST;: IS CASE, IT W'.S .t (MSE OL' BLOW UP, BUT THE •.I.OWN UI' MAN COT TOO MUGA EXCITED. li •• tit %t cure of any importance," .:•,1 1,•'•t lawyer who went to grow n• tiir.ih the country and then 1•ee pt•t::ed, -was ea damage suit for t' Wile A can of powder exploded ri t' baseinent of a hardware store, owl Illy client, who. had just pun- :dr•ew:I a jack-knife, was trying it w. Ih• •.1,t ll lie a nail' 11.8 cote p r. h ti ":I above, He came out of the w'•t•eit minas part of an ear and the end of a finger, and he claimed that sou `:l e wns • jest a Ieetle bit off.' On the day of trial T Almost fell off nib• chair when my man entered. I knew that the day before he had rurt,a foot race, pitched norseshoes and gone swimming. Now he tot- ed into court with two canes, had his, head and neck muffled like a man with neuralgia, sat down slowly :end with the greatest care and set- tled back with a groan that could be heard in the street. "What in creation's the :natter,, Bill ?" I whispered. "Blowed up," he grinned, "Don't you think I know my. business? There ain't nuthin' on earth that am t the matter with isle till this here ease is tried. I'm the worst exploded teller you ever sae. You ask the questions and look after the law p'ints. I'll tend to my end of it. All• what's worryin' me is that I didn't have gumption enough to ask for 20,QO0.' "Two then helped Bill to the wit- ness stand, he groaning his best. From his story of the accident you'd believe that he was blown half a mile straight through the roof and hadn't a sound spot left in his anatomy. He was in the midst of his story and pity was written on the faces of the jury, when Bill's woolly dog fell foul of a foxhound belonging to the court. they were knocking furniture holier skelter and filling the air with yells and hair, when Bill let out a whoop, jumped over a table and danced around encouraging his dog;, wanted to bet he would whip, and shoved the judge over a chair to prevent him parting the brutes. "Geta verdict? Case was dis- missed, Bill was fined $25 for con, tempt, and was in jail' for three weeks before I could get him out. Then •he told around that I was no lawyer.".—Detroit Fres Press. Yonge St. Fir t Ball. Toronto, March. 16th, '97. Gentlemen,—I have used Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills for Billiousness and Constipation, and have prayed them the beat that I have eyer need—will use no- thing else as lung as they are oibtainable - Remain ing yours respectfully. E. C. S;e EvTua;x. A -pleasant deodoriser and moth preventive: Alcohol, forty ounces; tincture of capsictlln, five ounces; naphthalene, one ounce; phenol, one ounce ; menthol, half an ounce; oil of lemon grass,. - half an ounce. Mix and filter. To be used in the form Of a spray, by means of an atomiser, where the moths are found. , A. THROBBING, HEART ia caused by wrong action of tho heart, and can only be cured by -correcting and regulating its working. Milburn's heart and Nerve Pills do this. Hero is, the proof. Mr. John Griffin, St. Ztawrence Hotel, Montreal, eays : "They aired ma of nervousness, throbbing heart beat, dizziness and constant headache. My heart bents as steady as a clock now.' Slices or lemon kept in a jug of water in the bedroom make hard water agreeably soft . and sweet- stnelling for the morning wash. Vel fad, os aiPaAitra, /% 5 , every Imam Clean your stair -rods thus: hub the reds sharply with a woollen cloth dusted over with dry rotten. stone, or touched with rotten -stone and sweet oil. Stinging Skin Diseases, U'h0ved by one application of Dr. l,rtnow's Ointment 10 ten ntinutoe. It rtrbeelly cared totter. Halt rheum, ecz- ema, No riles. ton lona Htanditet to baf- fle it on a fair trial. 1''or bebies' Rcaltl )u'ad, common at teething tilnn, i Is without a peter. 33 cents. Sold at Chis, 1 hoim'e Drug Store. Ii.ARG'al' M4U' 114 Cp.NADA. D1. THODIt51' lett. I.nt 1,r'. pas. tor. Services at 11 a 0• , f p u; 1'RNJ'if3ITT.uRl:lN l I?. I'.•rrie, i pastor. Services tit l l tst' n rte. EPISCOPAL St.i'. . it,dv. 'e'm. Lowe, motor. Sorvu', l ;,l n.t(1 7 • p m, • BAPTIST--Rov,.1nti :; • ••,;Sine„ pus- tor. Services at 11 11 r. ' t u 1a CONGREGATION A I' Rev.. ft. F. Mason, pastor, Serve,- It it a se and 1 ( m. CHRISTIAN WORK twee t;ses Outram and Look in 1', ,uo.iu. i, ,,t, •does at 3 p nl and 8 p SAL,Vo.TION ARMY -Adjutant Miles and wife in command Ft -orvices et 11 a, sir,3pm and 8pm, in snob or the abovo named f+h;tt'hed Sabbath School ir' I.e111 n1, :1,,3:, )t t:' Are You r�*y� . •94' Q. . 1:04V i'.dv, •W.1�• • RUP'TU D 31s• ,After' Wooa's Pthosphoainer The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all .J druggists in Canada, Only reit- .t....,%% , .. ^ able medicine discovered,. ELe ..e to ore all leaygcr, grutrantt'sd c forn(s o Saxua 1Venlraess, all effects of abode or excess, Mental worry, Ezeessive use ot'ro. bacce, Opium or Stllmulants. MaIIed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, at. one teillprease. s16G tofil cure. PaulpliletS tree to Stray address. The Weed Oompci r, Windsor, oat. Sold in Wingham by Colin it L. a .pbetl, Druggist. • l Old People's Troubles. IMMUMAISM Hard for the old folks to move about constant backaches to bother them in t h e daytime — urinary weakness to disturb their rest at sight. DOANi'S KIDNEY PILLS Strengthen the Kidneys and help to make the declining years comfortable. Mr. W. 0. Mugford, Chestnut Street, Charlottetown, P. E. I., writes : For the past two years I have had much trouble with disease of the kidneys and non -retention of urine, was dropsical and suffered a great deal with pain in my hack. 1 have been greatly benefited by the use of Doan's IZidney,i':11s." • The following particulars are tak- en from the government report of births me relapses and deaths: For Hu- ron : -No. of births, 1,324, • increase, 110 ; Marriages, 8..11 ; Deaths, • 587, inerease 45. Principal causes of death.—Consumption, 2,758 ; old age 2,543 :'pneumonia, 1,638 ; valvular diseases, 980*; diptheria, 932 ; chol- ere inl'antum, 905 ; paralysis, 817 ; convulsions, 701 ; typhoid fever, 552; bronchitis 526. Marriages by De- nominations in the Province :—Meth- odists. 10,535 ; Presbyterian, 6,056 ; Church of England, 4,576 ; Roman Catholic, 4,576 ; Baptists, 1,776 ; Lutherans, 7(i1 ; Congregationalists, 266 ; Evangelical Associanion, 202 ; Mennonite, 11.4 ; Quakers, 44 ; other denominations, 732. Cures Cold in the Head. Hay Fever. Bad Breath: Deafness. Loss of Taste and Smell. "delves nits much pleasure to toetffy to 'the excellent effects of Dr. Chase's Catarrh Core. It has completely cured Ina of Catarrhs in the head." •JAS. STUART, Woodville, Ont, 1'ROF, IIIIYS. of the Ontario School of Chemistry end Pbarmapy, says: "Mayo havo made an exapthiittiori of Dr. A. W. Chase's Catarrh Cure for Ceeaine or any of its compounds from samples put, chatted in the open market and feud none Fromm." Price 25 Cts. Complete -with Blower.. At ell ue■fere, errVit nit* , Elmo k Co . If so it is your advantage l: Evart:, i 1i1L1;\, wionzea e call on Crorcion & Co.'s Drug; Store, W ingham. They are the agents for the celebrated W etmOre Truss. WHY THE WETMORE IS TI's`k ONE FOB YOU 1. Became it is dangerous to be :t moment without 011e. 2. It will never rust and IS cones: quently durable, O. A person wearing a Wetmcre doe • not Lind it a, bother. 4. We will guarantee to hold ;t position anyreduciblerupturt t 5. This truss cannot possibly move after adjustment, 6. Some of our townspeople can testify to its merits. 7. Satisfaction guaranteed or mono), refunded. GORDON & CO• .i 'T"1t' e $tea OFl u;. .., 1,t a:1, NttUE1. iY1tE'i ti'IIv(:,ll+e%: o:','1AE.1 . '',:,r)$Criptior t l. a is , p. y I ,: t ). nu—yeast AldvLlt'Jt,.{A,tr r, 1,Y'. Space 1 1 r. o 1 ', r 4, mo • l.eionin r - ' It • �,., ?n •.l jetty , 111• . 0. • .rte " ! . s 1 . „atnud 1.l. e. ••,.c last"t'at 81 per rine nrH� i,5st:rtu Sr l ul. :u,rach eubet'queat v,tiun. ,1e set 1:a , .ii 51,;11•, eeJ)I nOt!Ce5 Jt t 0.1 , it i 1,:r•,•, 1• Mention, nod: • per line for I b.„. ,rt ,,,1,.t avertieetuat, i t • r i u- , t ac 4•e, Situations liusiuras (h. , . i, u1, a rrvding 5 Boil opsreii, 31 tine r ti', :,d IOe, for casts' ••at qucut ntr t t.(GnHe, aelel r ttt,e a tic 1,'4' etd,l r , '-rger ttdverti ei. cr , _,1.,,)1,: it tqusnt Wonlir hese terms ,‘,11; .c.1c'r,11 t, ;pedal rate'. ) !- ; 4••trt ,melts, or Tete 11., ger pentode. .dtertisemetry ire. w,thuutspecies. char e 0rdingly'. Jr i ,r,. 1..;riiacmeata must be ' .'(t in aavan . ltaligea foro' G'I tnet. at!t..ttoker. t,.te must be !, Ina office by K e•dn , it.) «,,')n, 1', artier to Appeu !list week ld. t1,. Ht;LIt:T1', 051,1'5454.AL Asn tifthI Male BANK of HAM LT a VANSTC• F., BARRIJS'1'l';tt, St• .ci3.r::, lair., • WING H A M . Private and Cottiemi,v v:rd, to k,,,• AG emelt interest. No commission sludgy a. Mortgages, OWL and farm prertic; b.duuht and sulci Capital, 81,'250,000. Rest, vs' 7 28,0(13' OFFICE --Beaver Mork it tees e Proeidept,-•Joint lttuuAsT. Viee•Presidont-A, 0. RA)fel.t. DI$EC'roKS JoSt Pcooeoa, (ia0. ROAo4I, Ws GIBSON, P, A. T. W'oon, A. B. Lau (Toronto), Cashier -J. TURNBULL. sla,vyiotlngs Bank -Hours, IOW 3; Saturdays, le Deposits of el and upwards received and terse, ,llo Spcoiai »o$ita also received at curia-': raise of lc.Jteat.ep Drafts on Great Britain and the United Anti -.bought and cold W. CORBOULIY, Ao)ix3 . L, I)ICftINSON, Solicitor. Money to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATE2 Money advanced on Mortgages at it pot centwith privilege of paying at the end of any year. Not. and accounts colle,:tod. ROBT. r2QINI.;CO. Beaver Block Windham, Ont GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. D1:P 1151' AI1R1V Toronto and East 6 50 a. m. 3 05 p. m 3 30pm 10 20 p w Palmerston mixed 8 55 sti m 2 40 p m London and South 0'53 a rn 11 10 a m 330pm 800pm Kincardine 11 10 a m 6 '50 a m 3SOpm 330 -pm 1025pm 830am AGENTS • ” The bet lire of iter Majesty.I have seen.' writes Lord Lento about "Queen 11cto:ie." Agents Make f1: o dollars daily. BICADLE.'•GARr1ETSON COM0ANY, (Limbed) TORONTO. AGENTS " Klondike (:old Fields," a large, the p, valuable book, selling liken whirlwind. Boantlfnt prospectus tn'euty.five coots. Books on time. llaantSY•OAnatvrseN Coa:etoy, Limited, Tenos•ro. J, A. MORTON, it t K 1,+I',,):, a... W,uy1a,:. ;int E e L. DICKINSON, BAIUI1SIEP., ETC,. SOLICITOR TO BA?.ri 05 SA((ILI'ON. 5IONEY zo•-• LOAN. Ofaee-Ji over Islu'•t: 1,I int hsl,.. 114 • G. CAMERW\, IIA SUMTi R, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, ago• Olden --Corner Ita,n:lton anti St. Andrew street* opposite Colborne Rotel. (iooaalon, • ONTARIO. [ ENTIST1tY,-J. 8. JiiRUb1E, L. D. S.,Winenatr. •1,la mllnufattur lIretelase sets b teeth as cheap as they can bs Lads • • "� t .; rt in the Dominion. Teeth extracted' absolutely without pale, by hie no process, guarantoea perle tJy safe. OFFICE: In the Baavur Block, oppos Brunswick FIouse. 1'iRTI1L'Y, J. IRWIN, D. D. 13., D. S., Daotor of Dental Surgery of the l'ettrlsyleatl. 001110) College OFFIOE---MAODONAL0 BLOOI(. 1101 11-.11 111 visa Blyth every Wedn•.vdsy, OIIN RITCIIIE`• 1,l GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WINGIIAM, OBTAII riDEALS, Je., Wf5G,,An, LICENSED AUCTIONEER Foe ,AIE count' OF HURON. Sates attended in any part of the Co. Oharg.- Moderate. tlY I GHAM ----- JOHN CURI[IL, Wmanntr, LICENSED AVCTIONEELe, Sales of Farm Stock and Faun lnlplementa specialty. Alt orders left at the Tants office promptly aiia2; ed to. Terms reasonable. STEAM PUMP WORKS AU EEL U/Ypli{ .ILL MY a coAorritr :r ILL IS !laving purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I am no v prepared to supply the public with Wood and Iron 'Force and Lift Pumps, Drafts and Iron Cylinders, Galvani. tial Iron. Tubing. Cisterns, 'Wroter Troughs, Sinks, lBaths1, Pipe Fitting, Well ForTvr4l1ty'-seven.Years Digging and everything in con- newith water supplies. Dctton uNNS BItepalrulg prnluptly atton(led to. I'artltis writing for information or 4I(i orderin t marl 81 u lel always state p ownER depth of wen. ;'ill wnrltxuaranteetl or no sale, THEOGOK'SBEST FRIEND 0. MOR.NINGSTA i, Galvanized Steel Windmills for power and pumping water, Deep well pampa a speciality. iiox 140 Wingbatrt. ()nt. SOCIETY MEETINGS. SS• A - [� ,—,,,Camp Caledonia Met ill. aeet.... . • the et and third Monday t t every month, is .he add Fellows Bali. Vieliing. brethren welecto. J. Murray. Chief. 1) Steep art Rec.-std AGENTS WANTED " Woman : Maiden, Wife and Mother.' A hen)h' which every woman will buy is almost ready, Speci.J reface by Lady Aberdeen, Introduction by M111.• preface rw Willard. An eney(•lopnediaan the wombs question. Portraits of ahundred noted women ani numerous other il.nstralions. A snap for oithtir Men or wettten ennt•Assers. I'ros:met(ts,.1.00, Tn1i t.INSCOTT COMPANY, pecans AGENTS "Glimpses of the t'nseen:" Faxrir:sling if0Ok's Sweeps the entire field of tordertan'i sob,iecus. Gverybody ordce r. Marvellous illustrations. trial. B1tAUl$t. .EF•EIXI13.1;TSON CO., Leone, Te•ont0. A few good sten for canvassing' on yearly ealarleet TUE LTNSCOI'T CoMPAliti. TORONTO. JOB PRINTING, INWAT,', !t fotdts, patnphiete, i'ohtr•rs, lI11 1 needs, CirCitisra, Se„ &C., OCeCuICtl in the bash .too of the art!; at moderate prices, and on shed notice. Apply sir address n, 0. ELLIOTT, '!C ars Odfce, Whighatitio BOOKBINDING. 1,v( are pt•"usrri to aen0unee that Atte Rooke Mrtgatit, a left seitli ns for hi:1(3w, vein have an prompt attention. t', 1,'.'e fur Nindirg In any OA v.111 be nireit on aptdieatiuts 0 the Twin Offtde