The Wingham Times, 1898-02-11, Page 3N1JNYOWS PROGRESS 'Victory Over the Most Obstinate Forms of Disease. IMPROVIsi) IIOMfEOPATHY Teeple ku M Waiks of Life Cured by Nis Remedies. CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL. Hr. Geo, L. Aeter•Inan, carriage trimmer for Geo. A. Rudd & '('•a., residing at 1e .11iee street, Toronto. says: "I was troubled for a year with dyspepsia and n't times wirers 1 extreme. p:iiu. I was aloe suffering from liver trotl'bte which gave roe eonsidelable in:easiness. After using; •a semall vtnl *stela m &Guyon's Dyspepsia; and Liver Cures T. am now feeling all rieltt Arid well once again. T have also ward 1 ttnyon's Cough and Cold . Cures for our tittle girl with sulen(1b1 •resuita. I lave ;rent faith in Munson.' ffin-',?On'w r'h eu at ,• "re teldoan fait fo re: 9tev „, e s t e n and eart•,s in a rev/ •day a r cures all /cams , 1 , ( uV , r. • 1 .,tnl:,a.a troc:bies, 1'rtc�, e "Yenta pnet^on o. ADO. Are 0, (' a , , lwura. Pries Vie. bi+ i • . r,topa concha, nigtt nate to a t n,., end speedily !teals the /sr - L • _speedily cures paint. In flu; Mo. anis kii forms ;of' kldr d :. u: torn ncrreeefeee sr& x,111.1.r et•st . . •ice :SC. ars =test*.:, •i:r. ' are stops ber.Baei fel 1„ %',1 t n1,,,:1 wi.ttvely cares al, ior r vt 01: 7a , t :•'•r. n u e t a 51Lcd d Ct r- :: eadleatea all impurities' iii,:OJ+crea iebanaa.e, : e:•leelies+area boom to ell hvezrrt. Li.^si oa's C:ttarrts /teracdles •never tall.. TheCa isai (`are-Ier:en 25:.-eradicates:tbe disenaa riem (he oyettra, and tt•o Catarrh Tabinte-prlce. *re-4dleanre ant3'hcai the parts. kincren's Asthma :iemedtee relieve to three; •imtntarss and care.peanaauontty. Price $f. 7i:lriyou'n ' itulhor, , a ;great tonic,tad Ht. 'wtome,t:ce vital strength.tn•wealr people,'' $1. A:aeporate eine for eschediseuse., At all drug. gists +rtnsth' 25 cents a dtdl. remonnt.Jotters to Prof. Mtmyon. 1i Albert street.'roronto.'Ont., anntvered,with tree sgedl.• rnl.n ivIce. or'any. disealie Cutting Ray For Sheep. 11'hilo 11, n,• that sheep Itnv0 so .t;;Nr,ll 1 1A f' 1 is not Ilecessai'y 'to :grind ;rano fur+theta, ir, is better Abet the iuty they eat should be cut into small pieces, not to help diges- .,;estinn, but that they may eat it without waste, The sheep is very c1,ainty abort' its • food. It will pick x:lurlf hay, pail it about and get zuare or less of •it under his feet. Ttien it would ailmos,• starve rather than touch what Ems been soiled. There is enough saving of the hay -to.tnake this worth while. If it is -clover hey, what the sheep does not -eat readily: may be fed to cows, putting a little salt or meal on it to give it Netter relish. Set the cutter :SO as to cut 1.3eineh lengths. The ettc•ep with at Ilto;l.t feeding trough will not waste trey, and will do -as well with hall' the weight of hay as is usually. fed uncut. Where grain is grown straw is , usually so cheap that it is not worth taking special ,pains to save it ;1i'eed ii, long to the aiinep, let them eat whet they care to, and then use what they do not catas betiding for•thenl, uucl to hold the 'manure, both liquid and solid, whish they will drop. -1'1x. THE WING HAM TIMES', FEBRUARY 11, 18913. Vital StaVaties, The report of births, marriages and deaths for the Province of On- tario, for 189G, have just been issued, This report is always a year behind, dura to the. difficulty of getting re urns, yet it contains some interesting ,'acts, The following statements per. raining to Huron are taken from its pages; bear in mind they relate to 1996 :—Population, 70,253 ; births, 1,324, being an increase of 110 over the previous year; marriages, 361, a decrease of 4.2 ; deaths, 587, an in- crease of 54. The average death rate for ten years, per 1000 popula- tion was 7,9 ; this is as low a death rate as oeeurs in afty county in On- tario, and much lower than some others, thus showing that Huron is fairly healthy. Of the deuths, phewe amnia, phthises and old age carry off 'nue Oath any other cause, Of the births. 153 occur in June, this being the largest number in any other mouth, February being the smallest, with 73 ; 10 pairs of twins were born; 685 males end (139 females were the sexes, refuting the idea that mom girls than boys are born. The largest number of meninges took place in Marsch,, there being 40, while January, June, October, November and December, each return 38, Afore Methodists were married than any other denomination, there being 272, while the Q. i'eeby'terians come next with 251. Four persons over 70 yentas were tltat•ried t-1]'dt year; 1 Veale unifier 20 and 4.5 f'ema'les;; there being 24+8 ,persons harried between the ages .rDt 25 and 30. THE GRIM REAPER Was Waiting To Receive A Bur. doned Victim of Kidney Disease, Pane's Coky Compcu�d SAVES A LIFE AFTER FIFTEEN YEARS OF TERRIBLE AGONY. ONE OF THE GREATEST VICTOR- IES OVER DISEASE EVER RECORDED. Mr. Kevin Says : "Your Compound Ban- ished All My Aches and Paines." 18 YEARS TOWN CONSTABLE. Mr, 13, Knisley, Iingersville,Oat., holds the record of having been town +sonr]table for 18 years. Mr Knioley says : "1 was cured .of kidney and bladder weakness by three tame of Doan', Kiduoy Pills. I often had to rieo five or six times in the night on account of bladder weakness. The pills entirely did away with this aaueiying symptom, I highly recommend them for all kidney or bladder troubles." Turkeys for Market. People, as a rule, do not want en-' ongh turkey at one time to lay a banquet spread, and eonaequently they pick for something" small or not exceedingly medium size. The ben turkeys always ser first, simply because they are more suited in size to the wants of the ordinary family. The smaller gobblers go, and lastly the pride of the flock— the biggest tom in the lot—and he usually goes at a discount of 2 or 3 cents a pound less than the lesser weights. A turkey that weighs f'roin 10 to 15 ills, drr sst:d is plenty large enough. The people don't want a turkey as — -- big as a heyog., but they do want a fat turk It seems to us that there is a good deal of room for improvement in breeding turkey's for the market,that a bird shorter in legs and neck and NO CASE TOO •COMPLICATED FOR THE GREAT MEDICINE. Wells & Richardson Co., Dear Sirs,—For the past titteeu years I have been troubled %Nidi diseased kid- neys. I aineugaged in the manufacture j of cheese, and am obliged to work more i or less in a stooping posture. At times I found it almost impossible to work ow- ing to severe pains across my kidneys. •Often after working in a stooping posi- tion for a time wontol Lind it very diffi- cult to straighten up et once, and could only do so atter repeated efforts. le a these sate years evere attacks, lI became under ner- DOFFS your POOD DO y:o>ntt'�OOD :very if pool have dyspepsia your food can. - out and continually had tired, worn- If do ells the good it should. t13. B. B. out feelings. My (rest at night seemed cures{iwflpepenl and regulates the Ito do me no good, and I always felt t:red 'stom- ach so .0 bat every grain of nutriment 1e out in the horning, extracted from the food. 'Solid facts 7 bad bean taking various medicines count. 'Miss Mary biose, ,13e11irveau, and was getting worse all the time. At No,1 and No,for sate by Colin A. era, ,Leu, last 1 decided to rive Paine's Celery2l C.hurcBiltPoort, N. S., says: eurdock Com ,ouead x Lrixl. 1 procured a bottle 1'''aeI let. 'Blood 'o, aftsr made a complete cure in ,end took it aeeordlnu sa directions, awl n+ye,t* , "" 1 . hail suh'ered fur •two found Ile ell ctwon lerful Before I r trcl ywt1r:-a ,$' runt ei; ,al�F pn1a. I It dic�.vo+rt •es'n- very full in the breast would be more desirable—one that would be I meaty and plump and capable of taking on a great deal of fat,--fitid- land Poultry Journal Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is successfully used monthly by over We are in a position to turn out 0,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask our druggist for Coots' Catton Rost Cem- pa eL. Take no other, ns all Mixtures, pills and Imitations are dangerous: Prise, No. 1,;1 per box ;No. 2,10degrees stronger,tibper box. No. ler 2, mailed en receipt of price and two 3•cent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor. Ont. rrNos. 1 and 2 sold ann recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canada. Guelph, Nov. 23rd, 1897, The Sloan Mcdieine Co., Hamilton, Dear Sirs,-1"er years I was troubled with periodical sick headaches, being affected usually every Sunday, and used all the remedies that were advertised as cures, and was treated by almost every doctor in Guelph but without any relief, One doctor told lace it was caused by a weal; stomach ; another said it was hereditary and incurable. I was induced by a neighbor to try Sloan's Indian Tonic, and am happy to say I did. so. A few doses gave immediate relief, and one bottle and a -half made a complete car®, This was three years ago and the headaches have never returned. I was also troubled with asthma and nothing helped me like your Sloau'b Indian Tonic. I can heartily recommend it to all, and will be glad to give any particulars to any one afflicted, as I was. W. C. KEOGH, For sale by all doalela, or address the Company at Hamilton, Limited. 411.00 per bottle ; 6 for 1}5,00. Do You equire Printed. StatlOnery? aimalielefeesgrattmaatamstam, Utt11: c , t i. ,,• •lP t'll the first, bottle+ 1 i,.+tttan to iull,rto'no' I tuhahly' I'nil' tli denine'a preva- nut betl,t+, Cure lent at, isle ri't'rt it • ilil]t: i+ the result after 1 mid used tee rr,�uutl battle I Yell1 1114 well as ever t d,d ha try life, It &sad of children havi'i ' thei►' ears honed. • Answered. .banished all aches and pains, my tmerv- I ousness was all gone, ;tna the tired and . T'be doctor who made 'the reply worn•out tee.ings were baniahed. I•ean noted,bolcw was a wise :man, 'be- go to bed now and steep well, and rise in • the morning rested and re;reshed. eause•he replied to a question which Ilr NO MATTER. Nomatter how obstinate the con gh,1 how severe the cold. Norway fine Syrup wrlf :•arta and euro quickly. No other remedy t•quitls it in curative power over till...am rid lung troubles. Inv,i1id's pick•lne-up. A dessert- I;ltQ, aditus of brandy in two table -spoortsfals of strong `ttecf.tea is useful yrbi#'or a pwtie.nt who is faint front weak- • 1]etss BILL HIt tDS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE READS, STATEMENTS, ETC. no one could answer, in •such terms that the questioner thought him wise. • Doubtless he knows when to give bread pills, chalk powders, and ill— ta(sting but harmless drops. "Doctor," said an old:lady to her' fatally physician, can ,you tell me how it is that some children are born dumb ?" "Wily--certainly,mad''tm," replied tbe ducter. "It is owing to the Net icomet t they come into the :world with— out the faculty of speech." -"ear !" remarkedthe old lady, "now just see what it is to be educated like a doctor.1I have asked my husband the same thing more than a dozen times, and.till I could get put of him was, 'Because they axe :"' The doctor laughed. Dr. A.gnew's Cure Per .the Heart Is a hoaven•sont boon to sufferers from heart disease. No matter Of •how long standing, it will effect a .radical euro. Don't,po"t pone treatment If you suspect heart -.weakness of any sort. frhis great remed•y.has been tested and ;proved the quickest and safest of cores. ;Relief in 30 minutes in most acute ,cases. Emi- nent Dxhlsiciar,s are using it .in their daily practice. SOW at Chieholan's Drug Store. Blaster In Tho Stable. If every owner of a horse low or a chicken really knew the wattle of land plaster for firing the amenia m slq:t;t;itC(%7 jI�F^ .tl�- 907 the manure, they would see to it that �al'1 ay barrel el it was always handy:f end that it woatld be sprinkled in the stables every morning niter the WWI. lire is cleaned out. This will largelyprevent fire fang, and preserve all plea rind that is in the tnanOtre. Plaster should al wept he used sprint:• led around aid horses that are hept the sei]u' huikling with tine carriage t() absorb the Limonite as this gas is detrimental to the paint, :end its ab- sorption keeps the building sweet.--- Atneric;tri (gardening. A wofilarl who in a fit of;anger had deserters her husband wrote home, after a. week's absense : 1)LArt Jons,--'ill tired stayin ;away. Can I come back hoarse ? She presently received the follow- ing reply, i11 a strange hand Dear ,Iohtl ain't 'here. He's off Somewhere cgjoying of his honey -- • 11100n. -� asy to Take , asy to Operate Ate features peculiar to Hood's Pills. Small In size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man 00 said: " Von never know you have taken a p111 till it is alt over." .'tr. 0.1.1'00(144 CO., III f''i°eb+riCtnr!t, Lowell, Mass. The only pills to take wi•,1i linod's ;lasapar11t* THINK ABOUT YOUR: HEALTH. toes recommended Paine's Celery Compound to my friends who were suf- I tering from the same troubles as 1 had, and roll have Leon greatly benefiteu. Knowing what it busdone, I can obeer fully recommend it to any persoa'eulfer- ing from kidney disease. You rsTruly, Dunsfoccl, Ont, Fertilisers For Flowers. LiEtuid fertilizers a.rr' never 'failing renovators, and setae kind or other is -within the reach of all. A few drops'of Ilousehoid ammonia in a pitcher of water are not lost on differ- entiplants. A weekly application of soapsuds is recommended. Commer- cial plant food is good, but in some respects is not equal to barnyard manure, although cieaner and easier to hendie. A writer in the Orange Judd Farmer suggests the following plan: A few table salt bags filled with various manures, securely tied, and a pai}ni'e the cssentials,and ea n 1130 tuck- ed away in an obscure corner of the back r,ortih or shed, ready ,kir hot water as the eccasion demands. Pour waiter on the Ings 10 the watering pot, mid the soluble parts will be leached out. hive or even ten pound bags .are good size fur a pail of water and girlie clutit 18 just coarse .enough for a strainet', keeping Leek fine straw :and .litter, which tnight•othcr-- wise,eilog the watering pot. Ibis is the Time 16 .Gtve Attention to Your i hryaleta Condition. The warmer weather which will come with the approaching spring months shonl(1 lind you strong and in robnat health, your Appetite 1 gcod. Otherwise you will be in danker of Serio s Iltnoscs. Petrify and enrich your blood will)Iioocl'te Sareaparilia and thus 'prepare for apring.' Thie medicine wrikee elut ,rr+i,. blond and gi'.as vigor and vitality. 7t will guard you against danger from thel changes. which will 80011 take place, Interesting Notes For The Ladies. Success In Dyeing Moans Pleasure And Profit. liea'are sof crude and worthless ieiita. tions of Diamond ')yes. See that your dealer gives you the ".)tamond" when you ask for them. Diamond Dyes have it world-wide re- putation ; their work is of the higlteet order, and their 8u1e0sn is deserved. There are rorty -eight colors in the Diamond Dyes for dyeing wool and net - ton goods ; each dye h' perteotly trite to color, and 31St rdliehle ne pure gold. Diamond Dyes dye a',} t hiug tiny eel, or. Tilley are feat 113`4111p., ewaslliog and sun, and surmise ell others in brillinncy. Diamond i) e t are the strongest dyes made, ienen the cheapest ; one package fb equal to three of any ether matte. Never be deeelrod by t.ho false (laices of iniitatore of Diamond Dyes. It your IIBuRooc BLOOD BITTERS MRS. THOS. MC:ANN,'Moor'esville, Ont.; writes : "I was troubled with biliousness, he eei:aclee, ;and lost ap- petite. I could not :rest .at night, and was very weak, •but;after using three bottles of B.B.B. •my appetite has returned, and 1 am :.better than I have been for 'years. II would not be without Burdock Blood Bitters. It is such a safe and good remedy that I am giving .iut.to.inyc:lfildren," he Tiines A N I) —� `_ _rok- Weekly Globe 1 .25 PER YEAR. 11,45.44. Cash must aceollypatly all order$. rue chant assts you to accept any other r make of dyes, be t011'0 110 is after largo_ldtlf'ess or call at profile, and never thinks of your c'ow- iol t, and success. ES OP IryE Deer of dr fpr slang and sample t a'vl of I �✓ 9 forty Eeittht colors soot rise to ally address try Welts ftG Mel ttrdson Co., Montreal P."WING HAM. At a lower varicoanirenrifttbnaviiiliia mom EN�7'IC�� S abeaelee e than ever before We have the best stock of Envelopes in town, and we MA print and supply them as cheap as the cheapest. OMNI 1/001=0111111.0•••101. S.A.I 13.it 13IIAMIS Printed •on the shortest Z]otice and the price in keeping vrith the times, Giye us,:q'call whets you are in need of •anything in the Printing Zino and we will .a,'e.e you right. THE TIMES, Wingha111D, ONE (GIVES RELIEF. Lon'tSpend a Dollar for Med icine until you. have tried 8 0 "Yon can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. bbk,M:Gpt1Lap ch000ly to 1011,tt01 . tat( ra.i pro.ent demaral fey al)* prise. 1f you don't find this sort of Ripans Tabules ,At the Druggist's :hilts Ir1re Cents to T112 Rtt'AN4 t~itElYrfC4Y° ('ta frt, i*";14'4i ;;ir. tee St., New York, and thee will be s t t y t:to;ts will be mailed for d$ cents. '1 t':a are t is that Ripens Tabules are the very i;' ,. l.u•. • 1 *^6el. Mama( : - -