The Wingham Times, 1898-02-11, Page 22 The Department ill Mlle • . t+. u• book for 1 v 1897. SliOtai;i Aileen;. "MMO eulleeted it • }, H lteetist!s, w2t17.,t 807.90 ; matt :1 ;. ei,5rj',t s, 8425.1 total $0,081.51. 11111116. 1 l i ii 1 1NU1LA.Ut TIMES, FEBIUJARY 11, 188. stint- ,A` A :.:i1 CAN BE CURED- To Save Pigs an Cold Weather. Saw a kerosene barrel through the middle and set one half near the far- ••• at/ CARDr. lieu' G. Carroll, AI. P , Kant- . ouriskt9 Rue., Itt one of Fifty ,11t>nil,.. of Parliament Who have Facet.. ally Used and Endorsed U. >,;,i,LW's Catarrhal Powder. tt WM: .•)t„,c,•u1 Utl,, 2cte; rowing pen. A dry goods box will axlsWer the same purpose. Cover with a piece of old carpet .sod place a jug filled with hot water in the eve • • ttquettu anti cogeervatism centre. Slip a gunny sack over the '" • +-is Hots et:. • rs of the t.rufession *by in jug, and as fast as the pigs come l,a:olio, in to the efficacy of pro- lace theft in the barrelLeave pristine • -lichee, Medicines that the p ' I1u t))re . . ,done you may be su:o are theta there until they aro thoroughly ,:ti. /leery (I Carroll, i`tf• P. of dl'y, They will keep eloso'`''to the h t"c)..1- ., Que., tells over his awn jugand usually remain very quiet .soos ,t.•,.,,ur i too good qualities of tDr. it they ares hungry. Then I let , t t i :; ,trrhat 1. Powder, not alone theta all cut lit Mee, giving each an I1it,ni :., hard, ,.. Irl tt ,� !,` Ld lat:•.�:.'t:� tics 1'�.tye,d,'iL:di:'Yd Positively Flared by these Litt. Pills. • They safe/ relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, lncligcst c i,. and `foo Hearty Eating. 4% per feet ,•..,Adr. :''r Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ness. Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tong is Pain ess. 'rte, TORPID LIVER. They Reg s ties licessole. Purely Vegetable. l vet, Srr • .; rPi.9, Small Dose. :t) '1. . tai'. •: SL}t�r:it?1ti0I2 1P : . 1.1 lis purl I •oil Se A: . ;;aster's, In ._%:.l demand Ca 7 ; t .fiver Pills. :w..l fraud of the thy. fret Carter's, R NURSES STORY. 'Fells haw she was cured of Heart and Nerve . roubles. The onerous duties thee fall to the lot of • nurse, the worry, cr. , loss of sleep, irregula, ity of meals s )n tell on the nervous u; stem and undermine the health. Mrs. H. L. Menzies, a professional nurse living at the Corner of Wellington and Xing Streets, Brantford, Oat., states her PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE. METHODS Oka' PLAYING I1.VVI•; ENTIRE - 1,1,7 GHANCFn IN TEN 'MAUS, The. methods of Progressive euchre have been entirely changed since the game was introduced, about ten years ago. This is the way in whielt the most successful clubs. in the large cities are conducted. The.gatue is played as "straight" as possible No lone hands are allowed. The. distinction of a "head table•' ,i use, bas ata a Par al man , afty litt•tubters of Parliament equal chatter:. I saved it fine litter is out of dale All players progress ,kiert ii trout Catarrh, nave in rebruary by this method and an- I and change partners. Five points Alvin() with success. Sold other in March, when the telnpera.tute only are pia) ed at each table, and, hefts atorN' ,.yens 10 degrees below zero. I3eing a nu one moves until all are finished. .ton'ta" for Dairymen. Poland.--Ohina t,reeder of several This does away elwith it t theenervous s years' t-xperience, this practice has l strain ant! ,Ming his' presidential ad- saved me many dollar's. Larly pigs ,• tin; cunvtlntion of `Vest- , usually bring the most inouev.-Cor. chi-e;e and batter teen, . New England Homestead. ,t ren, ..1. P., ;ave some ad • .„til on dairy methods, '• A Ruuuin . Sore PronouncedIneur- tumizcd in the following; able By D d ed men toi,va•4i '.he other. '1'his tiis- p • anxiety t ar,:umulate points "feet the bell rintt'.." The.l,ttt; r,:., wove by "contrary progressi :, that is, the ladies towa"ti r ,.- - •,id of the room and the Eight hale.-- tar I tributes tits :t,,mpany very thorough- --ow �y Dr. Chase. ' ly, and a f ler rarely as a chance your witch CU w6 to eat ' �11r. R.. D. Robbins, 118, Gowan Ave., , 1 , •• +vizir the same person. ,uk impure water go withplay li'e elven two foreach p >' t Tyrone), eaye : - -'1 had a bad leg* wiilob tU Four a apples ur refuse from rho ' iras simply unsightly From below the It our p.given, etas;rape or rye, be abus- i knee to the rankle was one great sore. sex, uud t are all of equal value. d. ran by dogs, or excited, ' E;ebt dooturei treated Ino without bene- The firbt l•' we winners are given the . ' , i way nudnced to fry llr. Chases •, a with equal score cut ,• pW milkers , Qlntmentwlrq 011re tue,an a size is mains to be seen are the scars. for the etit, t•:• The ''booby„ p vak.ltra, dirty stable.• 1 it Il to milk with t ht' h d d all that re -choice. • 011tirelt i„.,tete. The fi t eiial part of a very sue. 1 THE JOKE RETURNED. Uessful N.• an 1'tl!'k Club of thirty-two' One morning, Wella jovial lad, members it thus managed :-The Wha cared for naught but fun, ineeti,tge ate held every two weeks Made up his mind that he-- eUpon hiss at the l ,clic ' homes,homes, incl the hostess :ve ° unlit standing in the barnyard. allow it to stand in an int- •stphere. till; into wooden pails. 1;: ;allow milk to stand in the tater Bell would run provides t t• , efreshments, The latter; sof j*ar are tet\ 4-1,1101 }I , d =tat rico tsl,ea.ro and consist of sand - hot t.: ii Fe took a And said lie herr hair. wichea or-t1:?rl. Ice cream, cake and, DonDontt1lX hot and cold milk to With merry Ilry twiLklo in her eye, getl,er von can avoid it. She bid him if he dare. perhaps ,toffee. The dues are 50 , Don 1. Allow your cans of pure milkcents a mewing for the ladies and $1. to be placed on a dirty, filthy wagon. 'Twits in the later autumn time, The road vas rather cool: for the meg. Every third meeting. Don't .allow whey to be taken home They stood withitithe garden is a the so ;%arty ; $10 is expended in your milk cans. Beside a muddy pool. at each care party for prizes, so that Don't have. a pig pen under Re little knew his sister's strength, for the lht•a' t'e: party there is $52 in your It •..c stand. A. tall and slimmish girl; the tl e,e rte-t'rv, which will buy Dean . •iraw cheese to the 'railway So on his bent he strove to seize theatre nekets at $1.50 fur the A long and nutbrown curl. members E.1.(1-c:haperoll and leaves a surpiury, After the theatre the party adjourns I. slipper which the men pay for.-,mietirnes a dance is substitute -•t tor the theatre and the money t - for cotillon favors and a carterer': .iu,per. tlisilc , +n e a munnum1ta•nnpmp a,v,,u: Wits i cast as foilo;r s : "Pon the past three vat I have suffered freen weakness, shortsees of breath and pail ivva in of the heart. The least escitenn ,it world. make my heart flutter, and at night I even found it difficult to sleep. After I got Id.iIburn's Heart and Nerve Pills I ceperienccd great relief, and on continuing their use the improve- ment has been nueled until now alltheold symptoms are gond and I am completely cared." statto"s:::t a dirty, filthy wagon, one which has been hauling manure the day betere. Don't allow your cheesemaker to buy sew nd-hand supplies. Dolt pay him such poor prices that he is obliged to use inferior goods, Dor'• allow slim to use per salt, poor rva,iet, poor bandage cloth poor color, o' anything poor; get him the best t.,•pplies and snake the very best cheesy. . Dt,n't allow him to steep a dirty, filtiet • limy factory. curing allow him to neglect his eht" se; see that be keeps a fire on in the: uring room in spring and fall, and :t . rte proper temperature. Dor, allow your cheese to leave the fav::above an 'nob or two ab a the box, 'he box above the cheese. llr,. • allow your cheese t go to the;any station in the rat. 1) - • allow your cheese to leave the f - fry uncovered. P 1)! : allow any one toput in ehee.->" which were left our. y the buyer, I)•.,t•: allow any one to ox the cilet'�, unless the cheesema er or stink .e who knows is then to see • Milburn's heart seed. Nerve Pills cure • Anaemia, Nervotienr_•a, Weakness, Sleep- lessness, Palpitation. Throbbing, Faint Spells, Dizziness or any condition arieing from Impoverished ;i,lood, Disordered Nerves or Weak Iert. taxa -Liver PillseleanOoatedTongue. 0 0 n b b k e event 'i!eese boxe.d right.she If :a carry out all these don'ts T Wheulhe t as`treatedlsoo. on him you '- • i win. - • the light in front of you and the st, dows will fall behind. Ah, foolish wight, she grasped the shears And Clung them o'er the pond Now fetch them, sir, she said to him Of joking you're too fond. • And as he turned and looked askance, To where those euippers lay; She seized his collar and his pants And sent him the same way. But being heavier than the shears, Ile failed to reach the shore ; So flop into the water ,vent With quite a piteous roar. Now, Bell, not being a heartless girl, Felt sorry for his plight, She did not as she might have done Cry out, "Ab, serve you right 1" But stretching out to him her hand, Which lm was glad to take; She helped hien from his muddy bed, Where he with cold did quake. Submissive thus she led him on, water Into the house near by tivbile i• And to his mother thue she said . With quite a well feigned sigh. Poor Will has some trouble ma, He fell into the pool, His clothes aro rather muddy And he's feeling rather cool. So he was treated with the are, That mothers' always take; 'Lie took it quietly, but thought My sister's got the cake. And never to this day does one, But Will and Bella know, UNDO II ITED EVIDENCE. Gents `• . -1 ate pleased to reeotn mend yu .:iett,t Liver Pills for consti- pation, ei.-.1••tn,ta and sick headache. I have tietei t:,een for those trouules and find thee, pleasant, sure andquick cure, free I .on the annoying griping of other itiil • ' 1-;ve heretofore used. Se,. H, .J AItIJ3S, :st.:'•!e mine Hotel, Hamilton, Ont. For • •i feet put it handful of ammo,. . •; into four quarts of hot the feet in the water .. tint as it CaT1 be borne. 1Then i • - le feet dry with a rough towel. i .w._. P'OLNE =u�.t REl tlES T•tkinh^ the lead everywhere. Wo are working day and night t , su 1pl y the demand. O'tl• correspondence shows that hatui.t ala upon hundreds f poor sufferers are being restored to health and happi- ness da:Iy. WILL YOU TRY? too •,u try to get rid of constipation if we ;. t1 you how ? The remedy is Bur- dock +::nod Bitters, It pules the stom- ach, its or and bowels in perfect order. V'le prate what we print "I think there is uo equal t;' IT. IL B. for constipation," says M re. Thomas Tamblyn, Oshawa,Ort 'It cured both my husband and myself- after yselfafter using only five bottles in all. Tobacco In Ontario,. 1 TOBACCO FARMf-RS MADE A I110. THING I OF IT LAST YE:.B, TRY ^t, at. c,.. w � r �Ha�I11w�.u`�"1�1 t��.�O1F1�G OR .100MY Y A11I LINER PILLS The -y ani ab.-r1titely I -tire and irealrrlftxl. I;uarantee'1 to t •.lei e 1 ;1min: tt/silo :tet-iatica, „•rZair-alb;' t, Luniisgo and all foriliii of Kidney and Liver it t, t VegetaWlePreparationforAs- I t rntthdcesfg tStaMeriS ard13olo SEE THAT THE FAG -SIMILE SIGNATURE ----- 0 F= ----- • Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- tress andBest.Contains neither tutn,Morpluns nor'1iineral. tDT%Rahe OIC. Ter areld3bSANGZP A&S 1+130 a`l' e ,trjodarleSota- es Saari r Aolsci le'Ta�'s r red - c,(yr&d &war• • 1� Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- '1 tion, 9 'nr Stomach,Diarrhoea, fl1 Wortll3,Canvulstons,,everish- t• r, •.-:5 and -LOSS OF SLEEK.'. TY„ s:rnilc Signeituii of .f ; :-•r` .tea: liViNr -YORK. IS ON THE WRAPPER, OF EVBI BOTTLE OF EXACT COPY 01' WRAPP'ER to tip ��.+ Vim•,t._,.. _4I �t r�,�'� • <r f i,��'A.si :e34d i� :"*.` y�,' P4.nwn"•.:4' 'i• v irk/. ;l i Castorla is put up in oue-size bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Don't allow'anyono eo sell yon anything else on the elm or promiso dust itt is "just as good" and will answer every pur- pose." - pee that yen get 0-d.8-T.O-R:I•A. Onus ^th0 fair _..19 >rsignore t signo re Cs is alt �,w tiscrp SnapDe==- GO TO_.� .c.:',.: ster"s, FOR YOUR The • tee cost for each inmate of tree ' ! .• • •„ House of Refuge is 42 cents I . «k. or six cents per day, or tw'• .. per meal. 'I'hty is in- •l,' ing, Though sometimes when he feels inclined, To break deeorurns rule, She smiles and slyly whispers, "You might fall into a pool." - -X. Y., Winghain. Mr. del Sett in his. has no t . tt� 3..tea e �%-� is ea 4 4 4 rapw � vcvo 'ez, Nee :.,seri ouch as sad frying 1• t•^,''r waflie irons, be htalt•: slowly, or they likely tt, eeack. ,L ,. - ,. teles A ,.. . t: ,,g , which tmo..i , i I') I..: t..c; ...•.:',!, PO haling: ;,.iv.t e, , , ee v , At nes. coal gas &a,.!, t ., 1 t,,,144 , - „ AM 4 nve- lop•,: i e•'sr•d..I. A,,t:r . a hos n_Lessass. . 0. 8. LO3SfT:. P. 0. &. - ..:t7.•r, rA:c,i, - irons, sln,uld will be uit vereoat 1 - Satisfaction and perfect fit guaranteed. Queen's Block, - Winghaln. ELTO N' S IFPS • Will stand wear and tear for 3 ears. No better proof can he giver[ of their durability -than is ,shown by the -fact that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago are still working. • IRON anct FORCE PtIviP? Supplied to order. Repairing promptly attended to. Snot -Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's Livery. JOHN PE Y l 3 ON, Willgham, Ont. . A Book for Young alit! (ft£. e o ((,.tRt{{4,1'0 Tl N1:RVyq°taut 1�,l� l-. �. �� sum 'sl pi31VAT 915,CASCS 4 i 1.,.:, an, caretaker of the No ,l. Madoe, lighted a fire �. with charcoal. The stove' t.t,uiy, and the result was . that.Jut,e tlilligan, aged 21 ; Lee. 1liillig,til ,,;red 15, and Ethel Baker aged 12 . were suffocated by char - 1 Things Told by Others. e Statistics received by the Ontario i Hot instead of cold milk added Department of Agriculture go to while potatoes are being mashed keeps • show the cultivation of tobacco in i them warm for the table and insures Ontario has proved more profitable; the quantity left over from souring. to the few engaged in it than the l While Temple sugar is new it will general growth of any of the ordin-1 be found that, grated it serves as a • ary cereals. Some time ago tobacco! most delicious hard. sauce for hot was experimented on in the Learning- i puddings. 4' • county, but not • ton district in Essex e . , A tablesn'bettful of vinegar added . until the last year or two have the; The to the water in which .lisp is boiled :'esnits been very noticeable .t he ; will mike • the. fish firmer and im•- marvelous crop which was raised - prove s flavor. - this year proves without doubt that, tabaeso can he grown with much ; Die yolk• of.alt egg well beaten is success. According to the latest re-•- a very good substitute. for create l,t,rt 3:1)11-!30 pounds vee, e grOWn 3.n.• in coffee and will answer for three ' the county of Essex during the sr( ar - Col's• 117'/ r An acre generally produces' A piece of narrow webbing, such ars ttuuiyle�' Wigle reports that from tate fourteen iii place, sewed upon the under edge ttisvt urs: t)ir ::i't,m,ia,r 4 relent T tux;1 acres be took $3,500 worth et tobae- of rugs, will prevent the corners from din Winghain, may 1/yr t»o:tlt:u & Co CO. earring. `hoot 1.0(i viurth of tobacco. Lewis is used for holding furniture spring R D- WOOD'S NORW--Y PINE SYRUP. THE MOST PROMPT, Pleasant and Perfect Cure for Coughs, Colds,Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarsoneee, Sore Throat, Croup, Whoop- ing Cough, Quinsy, Pain in the Chest and all Throat, Bronchial and Lung Diseases. The healing anti -consumptive Yirtneu of the Norvaayr Pine are combined in this medicine with Wild Cherry and other pectoral Herbs and Bal- sams to make a true specific for all forint of disease originating from colds. Price 250. and noc. 44. I i 1g.; ,r o 250,00© DISEASED WI EN CURED ro 000 CURED YOUNGMAN have you sinned tl ii fyi9 6d6 against nature when ignorant of the terrible primo you were committing. Did you only consider the fascinating alluremeuts of this evil habit? when too late to avoid the ter- rible results, were your eyes Oponed to aur peril? bid you later on in man- hoodeontraotanyEItIVA`PL orBLOOD disease? Were youcured? Do you novr lurid then sce tomo alarming symptoms? Dare you inarry in 9onr regent con- dition? You know, "LII E EA'EIIJ,lli, LIKE SON." If marriod. are you con- stantly living in dread? Is marriage e, failure with youon aceonntof any weak - miss cause,' by early abuse or later ex - comes? have you been drugged with mercury? This bookletwil1pointoutto You the results of these crimes endpoint out hew our NEW METHOD TREAT- MENT will positively curb you. it shows how thousandsheve been savedby our NEW TREATMENT. It proves how we etas GUARANTEE TO CUlul ANY CURABLE OASIS Olt NO PAY. Wo treat and . oure•••1iM1a 1fN5, VAwrcoonT.11, SYPHILIS, STitl O7 IAtltl T ill P (1'T 1; N O Y, SE. (MET DR.AI'NS+ UNNATURAL Dig - CHARGES, KIDNEY and BLADDER. diseaes. CURES GUARANTEED "Tho Mages of Sin" sent free he enelut+,+•g 20 stain1). CONSULTATION' FREE, If nnable to rail, write for _QUESTION BLANK for 1IOMI, TTR1:AT HENT. KENNEDY6, KE GAN Cori Michigan Ave. and ryboiby Si. DETROIT, Mdr,C?-t. t1 Y•� Caveats and 'T !• '•iark`g obtain<_d .-.11 all patent business condu tu: far MIHIERt i't. WEEK, , My oracc is in the immedi rteicinit v yofthePatentOfn"ce and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Sand model, sketch or photograph of invention, Wier description and statement as toady -images claimed. 4o -No charge in made for an opinion as to patsntebili, f, and ,ny fee for prosecuting the: appiitat;on wag notRue calred, for until the potent 's OreawCd, •'Itvvanroae' Gurus" con- raining foil information sent free. All Ootniuunl' 01:11003 Considered as tatrlctleConfidential. FRA IV..iil HOUGH iia':1t .•osI, WASHINGTON. 111.ca. 50 VEAFiS' EXPERIENCE iseletteeen See et -lee. TnAOK MARKS, DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description mar quickly ascertain our opinion free weedier as invention is probably patentable. Communlcar dons oniony coundelitInl. rtandbookonPatents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn te co. receive :padal route, without charge. In tho Scientific Jmerican` A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest Cir- eulattott of any seienttae jourhnl. Terms. $3 year; four months; $1. Bold by nn nowedealeri'. MUNN & Co.3Gltiroadway, New York Branch oaioo. 021 S Bt., Wasriincton. D. C. ' y IT PAYS ry•(t A.A) Y FII ISE IN TI Tia