The Wingham Times, 1898-01-28, Page 4Rubber Goods. We have a large stock of Rubber Goods, Water Bottles, Syringes, Tub- ings, Feeder Fittings, &c., which we are 'selling cheap at COLI N A. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. Veers South of Post Mee, Campbell's Headache Wafer cures headache. WR CXI' TER. LIK \V iks ti M TIM 147,46, JJANTT..i RY 28, IbUts, ]oathsome to me, My kidneys also MA1tISvT REPORTS. anoiiat, • troubled me greatly and my nervous Winehatnr January 20th 1898. Mss. Item i.11 is at present viaitleg. at Mr. E. Ket'r's at l en'ittll. Mrs. Thos. Fillmore 1s in aatten•,, dance at the bech4de of ilea' .Blather, Mrs. James ltleKay, ,of Thamesfurd, who is seriously ill. In the election rgor the Reeve.ship i on Monday last, ills. Thos, s7delntpill was elected over ,itis. 7o1 n •A• 13ar- nard. A grand concert will be .given system .seemed eompletety shattered, Corrected' by k'. Deans, Produce .Dealer. Tongue can scarcely tell how ouch 1 l'!lour,prir 100 lbs . . . 1. 50 to 2 25 Fall 1,uboat 0 81 to 0 Sz endured during those lcngand weary F,,prii}g'Jtunt ,.,, .,... 0 80 to 9 it1 ,years. About a year ago I was :ad- ,gats. ,,... 0 '_'S to (0)k,1:., `36 vised to try Dr. Williams' Pink fills ilarley ',. ., 0 25 to 0 20 I?oas ,052 to 0621 and it was n grand day for lac that 4 Yancey,•,drawn 0 07 to 0 081 began their use. After I had used a O esc+, •• t.,. 0 94 to 0 05; few boxes my pains had decreased xT)a utslts,•per.pair 0 40 to 0 001 and I was considerably better.. Later., Butter,,. , , :. ,' o 14 14 to 0 15 •thtougll a continued use of the hills, y sa per c rd...�. ..... , p 00 tb 1 2G 6 00 to 5 50 tunder the auspices ot the 1aub11e , School: to the foam. quartette took past •in .a •con- cert at h'ordwit::l1•on Tuesday.even- ing, Miss Jessie ;4faavish ,visitedtn Chesley this week At the last meeting ,of the .Odd Fellows of Wroxeter, the D. D. 0-, Master installed the following officers; N: G., John Douglas; T. G., Geo. Paulin; Sec., J.. bretharaer•; Treas., Geo. Barnard; W. D., Jas. Paulin. The el rand Master complimented .(lux Lodge on its p,fitiane al standing. .A load, of the bd.ethaen of Brussels paid us a visit. The Bewick Mutual Insurance •Go. held its annual meeting an (;rorrie.on Friday last. TO ADVER1/Is.ERS. Notice ofeh.rnges must be left at this office net later than Saturday noon. The copy fur changes must be left not later than Tues- day evening. Casual advertise- ments .accepted up to noon Thursday of each week, ty 0 Oluutgp'm Imes r'1tiIDA.Y,,JANUARY 28.1897. EDITORIAL NOTES. MR. P. MaLOTTIN, Liberal, was elected M. P, for Qusbee Center, by acclamation, ,on Monday. The Ontario government is the only government on this continent, whose name appears in the Dominion Year Book without a dollar of debt against it. A government with such irecord is worth keeping in power. .1 could eat,, sleep and felt as ableto .13my per for work as I did twenty years ago, 1 Tetat'oub,porbusbel, CULR°SS. The thaw of last week very nearly spoiled the roads in this section. Owing to the rain •c•aa Thursday night, Mr. Fnefer, evaugilist, was unable to be at Mr. Welwood'.rs ,as usual. We think the scribe should be a trifle surer of the sentiments entertain- ed by the "fair ones" of the 2rrd, ;Ise - fore he makes so tree with theca as Ito mention them to the public. Mrs. A. Goble, who for the past week, has been visiting at her father's, at Zhamesford, has returned home. The home of Mr. Alex. McKenzie, con. 5, is hi mourning this week, for death's hand has been they.: andtheir is a vacant chair by the fireside. :On Friday, Jan. 14th, John A., the ,eld est of the family, died aged 3u years and 4 months.. His illness was a pro- tracted one and the sad event, though not unlooked for, is keenly felt by the bereaved family. The kindier sympathy felt for the sorrow striken ones was manifested by the large number. who attended at the burial of the deceatsed, which took place cin, Monday wc,k. „ 030 to 035 'now feel well and strong and if :alniy brie AloYe ppleser , per per lb 0 to 0 ()Pray 5ld comrades see this and are i Wool19 to 21 afficted I would urge therm .to tryI Dressed hogs 5 00 to 0 00 .Dr, Williams' Pink Pills," """"",-'" '""""�"'"'•" maamas An analysis shows that D1•.. Will- t• • ,re `!eiftar. Wood's Phos* lions' Pink Pills eontain in ,a ,oven .densed form, all the elements necess • dry to give.new life and ricimees to •the, bleed, and restore shattered :ner- ves, They are an unfailing specific for sueli diseases ae locomotor •astasia, partial paralsis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism,, 'ner- vous headache, the after affects ofrla grippe,` palpitation of the heart, finer vows prostration, all diseases depend- ing upon vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chrocie .ery .sipelas, etc, -Phey are also a specific, for troubles peeuliar to females; such as suppressions, irregularities., and k e: s. a builda --Brantford Exposition. THE policy df Conservative party seems to be "It's time for a change'' ,,r't "1AI hitney will win." Mn. WHITNEr's boom seems much 7inuch like the boons we heir on sbam�tight days ;just the noise of blank charges. --'Toronto Sttir. IT has been announced that the Provicial elections will probably be held on Tuesday .&[arch 1st. WEST WAiWANOSH, 'Mr Joseph Smith and family* ave moved to his new place near •W ite- eburel /'` R. Taylor is attending Military ool in London, this winter. Joseph Clifton and wife left for Meir home in North Dakota, after apending, a month. :visiting their fxlends- a \N-.. +• t,.m., s - '" - ... Bessie Thom ]eft for Goder.ich where She has aeeuret! ,a •situatxion. John Leslie of S. Helen's was visiting friends around'rbenezer on ,Sunday. • 0r `S'hd.G[reat English • medy. Sold and'seem • • • ded by all druggists able '.•me•loin 'ieeovered. Six ckecge 'ga, ant tot aura alt terms df Sexua weak -, all effects of abuse .or excess, Mental Wo y, Excessive use of To- ,bacco, Opium or: Stimulants. Mailed on receipt •oS rice; ane ppackage S1, six, $8. One will Pole �saayzrilLcure. Pamphlets free to an address. :Thea•7N,00a4 Company, Windsor, Ont. 1 Sold iu Wingbam by Colina Campbell' Druggist. THE SURROGATE f the County of Hux'. • a. Onl reli- J AMESTO WN. Miss Cowan, of Michigan., is :visit- tag her grandparents, Mr. (and Mrs. David Briekenridge. Mr, John R. Bell intends moving tnrthe farm he leased from M-a..J. Kisig, in a week or two, to prepare fertile spring work. Miss Maggie McNair, of Oran - brook, is visiting Miss Annie Straehan this riueek,. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ferguson were visiting Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Simp- son. Mr. Stewart, of Messrs. Duff & Stewart, ctf Bluevale was here oo 'Monday taking stock of the logs brought to the river this month. 11'].r. Pope's sale on Friday was a grand success. A large crowd of ,lspeenlative risen .bid the stock up to a most pleasing figure for Mr, Pope. On Friday of last week a sleigh Load cf,tovial young people from the wvest end of the 2nd eon. of Morris, drove to the residence of Mrs. Jernes lead b' d all forms of wean Th y p the blood. and restore the glow of health to the pale and sallow cheeks. In men, they effect a radical elm in all cases arising from Mental weary., overwork or excesses pf whatever - nature. :Sive stock Markets. Toronto Jan. 25.—Tile offerings at the Toronto cattle market today were too heavy, and a lot of etock, ,mostly cattle of inferior class, was left unsold at the close. Receipts are ,55 cars. including 450 sheep and lambs, 2,700 hogs and the usual number of calves and cows. About eight ears of cattle were sent to •Montreal. Export cattle — There were�a few cars made up ; prices ruled fell= 3•c to 41c ; two cars hold at $4.15. Bulls for ''export brought •aloe to 3p. Butchers' cattle—The market was steady for gook cattle, but trade was slow. and prices de - ,pressed for anything but the best. Best sold at 3- c to 3-.•fe, the latter be. r.fng paid only in ekceptiona.l eases ; • cotnrnon to medium sold at 21c to 3• c. Stockers and feeders—Buffalo men bought a few bead of light stoc iters at 2.1e to 33e, All feeders •are selling at about 31c. Sheep and 'lambs— Trade continues quiet in shipping sheep. • There is a fair de fim,nd for Iambs fop export to Buffalo INA ITv1 E. late flie MA Rthe Town OF n o Nit ghaE ATE m , Eidozw, deceased. Notice is hereby e. en' pi G'hap 110, See Klan sons rowing alaiii t at, laiztDale,who tied .n November, A.D. 1: aro r ,pvepaid or to del et to R. V cant to R. 8 0 , 1887, nd[••g Arts that all per- t the estate of the said abort the 30th day of uir,d to send by post stone, NI Ingham i' u, solicitor for a executor of t said deceased, o(, .or before the G day of February :xt, their names, addles -es a ' tscriptinns, ar.d a 1.11 statement of ,particula of their laims and th mature of the seourit if any, hot 1 by them duly . •rtiaod, and �thutaa o• the said day the executor wil urueeed to dist • ate the soots of the deceased uong the• ;pn les unt.tled thereto +, to rho o• ONLY VETETANS CAN REAL IZE THE SUF1'`ERINGS OF . ARMY LIFE. STRUNG. MEN MADE HELPLESS IN- : VALIDS—THE STORY OF ONE WHO 3171+- t PERM DAY AND NIGHT FOR. TWE\—; TY YEARS From the Chatham Banner, •- Everyone living in.•and.•i:ound.tl�e village of Wheatley knows Mr. Peter_ Stelae, who has been a resident .)f the place for upwards of twenty years, and who during the whole of that period up to last year ,:,Was tt constant sufferer from aeute"rltiuma• tism, complicaued by other tecbles, until he was worn almost to a shad- ow, At the age of twenty he joined the 21st New York Volunteers, and after being a member of that organ- ization for three years, he joined the New York Cavalry, and served through the ,watt of the rebellion $e prices rule for sheep at Be to 3ic,and lambs $4.60 the $4,85 per cwt. i -I t ,ehet:s' sheep were quoted $3.25 to $4 •eaebi: and bucks at 20 per ib, Calves —The offersings were light ; all .choice calves sold, and prices ruled ;from $2 to $7.50 each, $$8 being paid 'for very choice veals, Milch cows end-springers—The market was a little•weal but all sold. Dairymen 1 want good: milk cows or early spring- ers ,Prices rul d from $20 to $45 each. Hogs—Thu market was weak and.prices barely held their own, owing to heavy offerings, Choice selections of bacon hogs s^id at 4e to 4 c,; stores 4(c ; sows, 36 to 3:,c, ; and stags, 2c to 21c. Vast il3uf1ato, Jan. 25.—Cattle.-- Offerings, about 3 cars of sale stock, mostly all held over ; market quiet and .easy;; only a few seals on sale ; no very good ones, and feeling tir�n at fernier prices. Hogs—Receipts, took part in the historic battles bf 15 loans„ market fairly active and Bull's Run, Fredericksburg, Culpep-- higher;ttpr'tfeselect mixedt packers' per, etc,, and at one time rode eighty ,.rides.: $4 -,to 05 ; medium weights miles at a stretch,, carrying des• !- ' weights, patches through the enemies lines, ro to 84 U.5,; heavy hogs, $3 95 to $4; On another occasion he was on :corse roughs, $' 25 to $3 50; stags,5.$2 80 back fur four days and five nights. and Iambs--•�$3 25to fts, $8 95. aboulep p and It is little yonder that such toad of freely sato stock, but about 3 hardships lift him as they did thous- loads of yesterday's arrivals held ands of others, with a wrecked con- over . the market was practically un - result While in the artnn, as a changed' native lanbs,ehaice to e).. result of poor food and often worse changed '• , •water, he was att'tcked with diar- tra, : a 85' to Vat 90 ;, fair to {,rood, rhoea which assumed a chronic form. $0 50 to twit 80: culls to common, This of course greatly weakened hint $4 75 to $5 40 yearling, fair mixed , and ho fell an easy prey to the pains to choice, 64 60 co $5 —a , native and tear's of rheumatism. To ash ep,tocholee goocito leeted to choice faked correspondent of the Banner, be said: sheep, 4 85 to ova t ga common to '.T never expected to be any better fair, 3 90 to $1 $5 ; eulis to common ; in this world as I had tried scores of , r n having regard o, nus of which he shall then have notice. Dated this 4th day of January, A. D. 1898. 11 VANSTuRE, Solicitor f r Wm. ArbnoI lo, Execu AR Ft PAYS TO E YOU AWARE OF THE FACT THAT THE 00 YOU KNOW THAT WE SELL Groceries Coal Oil Flour Meat Meal Crockery Public School and High School Books and ' Stationery a ' Sraallwares Toys, . &c. JOHN. KERR GROCER, • WINGHAM.. • CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, • ON T. is doing more for .its (pupils than aoy other 13usines. College in the Dominion, 43, pupils were placed in two inionths. Students from sill cluar•t•ere'are flocking to this worehy 13us:ness -1 dhool. Besides a l trge attendance from Chat.' ham, there are already this year, 93 pupils registered Prom outside points -- 00 of them from points •nearer to other Budin ss Colleges than to•Chatham. Wo presume these people investigated the merits of the different schools, and decided that nothina but the best would satisfy them. hence they are here. Write for catalogue of either depart- ment, and a list of the 43 pupils placed in two months. D. clachlan & Co.,Chatham,Rnt i' u'nbuil, the ova being compose sheen 3 2v to 3 8J of about twenty, and :accompanied medicines whieh brought me no re- iby a few el.W rs, made a crowd that lief nt all Sonletin.es for weeks at were bent on enjoying the night. A a time, 11 could not fie dotvn or sleep iloty. from this neighborhood were and could at but little. I was not also present, 'and all poatided the only troohlied with rhentnatistn, bat Alcor till the early hours of the morn- st times was subject to fainting spells' All that can be said is that and at other tithes, everything seem.' v ono w..s well employed the ed to turn black before my eyes, 1; fro night, and thanked the host worth tarn sick at my stomach ss tkr *eV Iwoopitailty, l;,l Lel food would prove f Miners returning from the Ilona• ike state that Administrator Walsh has issued positive orders to customs and police posts to permit none to enter the Yukon country this spring without one year's provisions. They would be in danger of starvation, it 1044piairtti>rd, if they did. RSo Zile leading Specialists of. America • 20 Years til Oetroit, 250,000 Cured. WECURESTRIC Thousands of young and - iddle-aged fnonarotroubled w' hthis sease—many unconsciously. T , ey m, have a smart- ing animation, • .all, isting stream, 's , sharp ,outting dins : times, slight dis- charge, dilriet ty 1' commencing, weak organs,-omisr on , and all the symptoms of nervous d.'• ity—they have VIRE.. Don't lot dootors experimenton Yon, by cutting;, stretching, or tearing you. Tills will not ouroyou, es it will re- turn. *iv NEW METHOD TREAT- MENT ,e5bsorbs the stricture tissue; hence ence ssenieyos the stricture permanently. It eau newer ratnrn. No pain, no sufeI- ins, no ,detention from business by our method. Tbosoxnalorgansarostrongth- ened The nerves aro invigorated, and the bliss of mahhoo'd returns. WECURE GLEET ' Thousands of young and middle-aged men are having their sexual vigor and vitality continually sapped by this di••- oase. They are frequently uneonserous of the cause of thew symptoms. 0 one, al Weakness, 'Unnatieral Discharges, Fail- ing Manhood, Nervousness, Poor Mem- ory, Irritability at tames Smarting Sen - ration, Sunken Byes, 'wills dark .orreles, Weak I3ack, General ,l)a re,sion, Leek of Ambition Vnxieoeelo Shrunken Parts, etc. GLEET and SSRIC'11TI1E may be the cause. Don't consult family doctors, as they have no experience in these• special diseases—don't allow Quacks to experiment en you. Consult pecialists,who havemadealifestudyof Diseases of Men end Women. OarNl+'W AttaJIOD TILEATMTNT trill posi- tively Duro you. One thousand dollars for a ease wo eeeept for treatment and eannoteura. Tertuseoder5te•foracure. CURES GUARANTEED lire trent and cure: EMISSIONS, 'VARICOCELE SYPHILIS, GLIiET STRICTURE I'1II'OT.I NCY, SHOlti J Qr D]IAINS.11.tNATIntAL J)ISl',I1ARG- J I,KID)NEYandIILAPDEP Dieel,ou. CONI3TJLTATION FREE. ]SOCKS Tti FREE. If unable to call, write forj �1iTi :5. InN BLANJs. for ROME 9' "" Ti.LAiMi NT. ,. KENNEDYe, KERGAN Corr Michigan Ave, and Shelby St, or, TpOl1', m.lCH. 1x98 We wish our many customers ;and friends a Happy and Pros- perous New Year. During 1898 98 we will endeavor. to meet all the requirements of.: sour increasing trade, and vPill. offer the best possible inducement, to our customers: ALSEY PARK $5o.00 reward for a watch we .can't fix. J,,JC'ma7JL.-:,,91.'"i"4t'`.u,1L`�'� , L,t"�,,Jttemz;Lc-1J.L; �1.6rt La9.4.1—L�"'sl t+L7.4 t`�'Ci.6"Td T:�*-Gg771git l'i :1 811 11 • SEES OUR WINllOW W. BARRAND'S new stock must be converted into cash by 1st JAN., and in order td d,] this, those beautiful Scotch Tweeds have been reduced from $15.00 and' $I8.00 to $io,00, .$ILoo and .$I2.00, which have never been sold at these prices in Wing - ham before. It will pay you to acre these goads before you purchase your winter suit. Next door to Erunnlch hotel. W.BARRANll Shaw Block, Winghanl. Wil" sigVOMMI1M0. 1