The Wingham Times, 1898-01-21, Page 3% at CAT AWAY �..�..� FOREVER. PA INE'S CELERY ]tNPOUND BANISHES HES RHEL MATISM Min SCIATICA Mr. ]Beechinor Was in a Terrible Condition. Could Not Walk or Put H Yo His Mouth. SIX BOTTLES OF N - TURE,S MEDICINE E k'ECT A COI L- PLET t CU A Strong And C t Ineing Letter, Wells at rtit:hardson Co„ Dear Sirs, -(rot' five years I suffered from sciatica and rheumatism. at times being so bad that 1 could not welk or put my band to my mouth. It 1 attempted to da any av tk 1 would be crippled for weeks. I tools metrical treatment, Turkish and mineral baths, but all failed to meet my case. Some time ago I tried Paium's Celery Compound and after using six bottles I feel like a new xratn, and can do a ]lard day's work and feel none the worse for it. I have also gained ii, weight, and can stiy I am perieotly cured. Yours truly, J. Brsi:cunion, Shiloh, ant Eyesight Extraordinary. The Duchess of X— once went to Greenwich to see the marvels of the observatory, It was a lovely sight, and fur the fair Duchess' bene. g Its the great' telescope was duly v leveled at the dazzling field of stars.. e " What is that star?" she said, pointing to a very t.rright situ', • - "Oh, that's Aldebaran, a star of the first Inar;rniturle. ' '• .t la ;t Virg 1•t,' t•f'?" a:ittti lie: €gale•' it "About six or SeVett light sears- a your grace." •`%V hat'is a light year ?" t "Merely an expression which one 'uses to convey an idea of the dis- tance which light travels in a year. Roughly speaking, light travels at the rate of 190,000 miles in a second, and there are abput 31,536,000 seconds in a e ear. In one year, therefore light traveis above 5,991„ 840,000,000 of wiles The express- ion 'light-year' includes these figures." 'And is that star all those millions of utiles away ?o' "Yes, your grace, its neprly as we can cailculate:•' "Tt1en, all I can sn " remarked the duchess; "is that yon have won- derfully good eyes to Stake out that star's name, "at that distance, even " with this big telesenpe. It's really • most marvelous t"-Tid•]lits. ,._.. x1+�ILA M TIMES, JANUARY 21, t 196. A Dlil'1'ERENT GAME, III; ,LOOT I4D LIRE A JAY, BUT RD. If. w HXS FRIFXDs. The two smartly dressed men went in at the main entrance to the apartment house and left the benevolent looking old chap with the patriarchal heard standing in the archway, When he had been there 15 minutes, he began to get nervous, walked down'to the eurband looked up at the windows of the six story structure. Then he sauntered back to the entrance and leaned against a pillar. Pretty soon he took to pacing up and down the walk Ile peered through the plate glass doors into the Hallway, then fidgeted about on • the steps for a time. finally he walked to the curb again.and stood looking up at the windows once more. The wise roan, who hacl been watching the performance from the drug store across the street, saunter- ed over and remarked c;ausally:. • "Maybe you didn't know there is a rear entrance in the alley." "Huh ? "queried the old gentle- man. "1 sav your friends are a long time coming bask," said the Den- comer en-comer with a cynical smile. ''Yes, they be rather longer'n I expected," admitted he of the beard. "Said they'd. be right down, didn't they ?" "Yet)." • The interested spectator smile some more and inquired : "How .much of your money di t hey get?" "Oh quite a bit, quite a bit alto i [akang Poultry Pay. just why some cannot make a poul try yard a paying institution is quite plain,. Like everything else, it al lies with the man end how ho goes about it, One fellow goes at it. He has read considerable about it. He builds large and completely fitted up houses in the most practical way, buys' high priced thoroughbred fowls and starts in to make it go. It takes such a man about, one eeason to learn that he knows little and needs experi once, This is bought from a anal! beginning and with several years' actual tvor9: with them, 13ranehing out largely at first is seldom done by a prudent or pi aetieal person: Any- body can feed and perhaps rear a broori of chicks. To keep a few hens for private use where they live upon the refuse of your tablets one kind of chicken business, but' when you are in it for your bread and butter, with hundreds and perhaps thousands under yonr care, it is gnite another matter.. ,It can and is paying live workers, but never drones. Don't go at it unless you have patience, tact and lots of -ambition. These are very essential points of value to any man who hopes to succeed. For Over Fifty Tears. AN OLD AND WELL -1'41M) RElzfDY -- 1V1113. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil- lions of mothers f( r their children while teething, with perfect encuess. It soothes the child, softens the guns, aljays all d vain, cures wind colic. and is the best ternedy for diarrhoea. Is pleabant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every d part of the world. t'wenty-tive udnts n bottle. Its value :s.ancalu,,bl`e. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslcw's Soothing ether," answered • the- innocent intim without displaying any un- 1 asitiess beyond that of impatience. "And they told you to wai ere?" "Why, yes, that was the under atndtn.' "Wt711 lits t i, lui. ? Ilai'r, but 1. dvti't belie‘o yuu'11 at:i; th:n gain." "See who ?" "Your two friends who wen inside." "Not see 'ern'? d'y mean ?" "I mean you have been bunkoed swindled, done up, thrown down eontidenced, don't you gee?" "Look here, stranger; you're right, about it, But .how in thunder did you come to know so much about my business ?" "Why, man; it's •as plain as the nose on your face. Thee two smooth fellows get into your con - fid nee, get hold of your looney and then make 1111 errand, in this build- ing. and leave you"- "Oil, thunder ?" shouted the patriarch. "You .enlist 'it" been readin' them Siier'loek (Holmes s pries: 'chem fellers hain'r, done me use -not t anyhow. They're my lawyers d they're up there tryic' to settle ith a she terror that married me hen I wasn't looking two years o an hoz just got a decree fey ore alimony'n I could ever raise."- Detroit News Syrup, stud take no other kind WSTatorinee Rouse Plants. t j I stn satisfied that not one person in twenty is aware, that too much ilii"el' is more (i rigorous to ltht11te ''`.tit, too ii ill:• (Gavot,' gardeners :WPM i p 6a, i-3l't: ilio ith+al t..:it tw take at .enter iugr can in hand to supply the needs is an easy duty, and that to give a dash here and to seals the soil there is all there is to the matter. - One thing is to he observed : all plant, ander all circumstances, nor indeed the same plaint under ditierent cir- cumstances, require the same amount of water . It is necessary therefore to study the na.ure ' arid" hal,its of kinds, so that esti) may be treated according; to its needs. A vigorous blooming plant, say a fuchsia or a geranium, might be saidto represent the maximum need , t' water ; the aalne when in a state of ret, in cool damp wen thee, the minimum requir- ment as to this. Therefore, to give exactly the same gunutir:y of water in both conditions named, would be to cause harmbynot giving enough water' to sante and toe muchto others.One sefu rule is to wait until the ball of earth begins to get rather dry and then to give enori h water to th moisten the soil rough and through. Ten do pot moisten again until the the fernier stage of dryueee is reach- ed, be it six hours or six days. -From t e Ye Be Wondered Why They Laughed, an A. serious minded Clevelander w went into a department store not ag • long age, and, stepping up to the m drug department, asked for a certain infante' food. The bright ,voting lady in charge shook her head. "I'm sorry," shit said, "but we are out of that. We have Blank's Granum and Dash's condensed milk, and Space's Lactatum." The. serious citizen looked doubt- ful. "I'nl afraid they wouldn't do," he said "I suppose:," said the .young zvotiiai', sympathetically, "you don't 3ike'to ehango." `'Oh, it isn't for ane," said the Serious eittzen, hastily. And after he ger, out of the store he wondered why the ghee laughed so suddeiSly.--Cleveland Plain Deal- er. There ♦~'ill be 75,000 names in the directory Of Toronto Ivor 1898, and the publishers claim that this en- titles the city to a population of 225,- 000, e:o.-••..mens, When you take IIo� toned, sugar-coated pteees,are not in it rope d's P1115. The big, old•fash- ills, which tear you elite ith ITood's. rssy to take stud easy to operate, is Hood'sPills, which tip to Nate In every resp ! ate, certain and sure. �g� cs, •pro. 0.1. ifoo o;y Pine to take wit Co., Lowell, Masa. ITood'tt sttrsenaridis, Beware of Cocaine. Thos. liees,.Arlalytical Chemist, Tor- onto, says :-•' I have made au examin- ation of Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure for Cocaine and any of its oompouds, from samples pdrrhased in tbe open market, end 6n11 none present." Dr. Chase's Uatarrb Oure is a cure -not a drug,Price h5e, blower included. A Church Story. Not very many years ago, in a country church in the west of Eng- land, the rector preaching with great earnestness for home missions, took for his text, "Feed me with food con- venient for me.", As he came down from the pulpit, well content with the effect that his elogeene had pro- duced on the congregation, the dis- turbing thought struck hits that he had made no arrangement for the collection, sure to be a liberal one on this occasion. As he passed through the chancel, he whispered hur•iedly to an intelligent choir boy, "Go into the vestry and take the plate volt will find at, the table. yand it around to the congregation and bring it to ore. The boy departed on his err and, and the rector took his plaice within the comnleniotl rails and gave out the offeratol y hymn. The last word of this had scarcely died away when the boy stood before him, a plate of biscuits in his hand, and an apoiogetie expression on his chubby face. "Please sir," he ea-plained in audible voice, "I've handed them all round to every body, and nobody won't take none.". Vicks Magazine for January. C)u( en's );Incl:, - `'in.Tllanl. Wonder -Working Diamond Dyes. Thousands of ladies in Canada know well that. Diamond Dyes combine im se ear• iety, merit and great beau r hese won Iter -working dyes aro In . tared in forty eight of the eat etau• 'd colors for woof sillsand fe ]hers, w' i special dyes for col- oring cot 4a and ironed goods Stinut = and l dfreutiune go with each package ie Diamond Dyes, so that for most inexperienced person can do as good work as the professional dyer. (remember that imitators are trying to i nopy the style and package of Diamond Dyes. When you buy dyes for home dye. ing, stir that your dealer gives you the "Diamond" no other tnal(e of package dyes will do your work with profit and satisfaction. Send to Wells (tc Richardson Co , Mont real, P. Q., for valuable book of directions and sample card of colors ; poet free to any address. Sheep have gone and are going ins to both eastern and western feed lots in vast numbers, • Corn is the best and most produe-1 tive of all silage crops, ' Surglnpm I comes next and in droughty regions 1 D is the safest crops. ;o You. re e 1 FROM PERSONAL i FROM A LEADING CHATHAM MANUFACTURER. '. 4"aplo City Cooperage, R. T. Phillips, Prop, Chatham, Oot.19,197, Dear Sirs, -Sometime ago I wan treated by one of our beet etty doctors fiir ( entlnued bleeding at the nose. and the treatment 1 was subjected fJtn • eakened my stomach so that nothing I could eat would htgree with me, end l: meld retain nothing but bread and milk which was my chief diet. 1 tried a bottle of our Slopn'sIndtan Tonic, and at once began to improve and it has made a per -- o anent curein my case, 1 can Pow partake of any food no matter how strong, and xpertence no distress after eatieg. I have recommended it to several people, and in every case it bas given grand results. and a bottle of it should be in every torose. hold, Yours very truly, R. T. P]3ILLI79. INDIGESTION PERMANENTLY CURED. Dear Sirs, -It Se Williams, Co, Norfolk, Oct.19,'97, gives me great pleasure to testify to the fact that Sloan's Indian i one:: has caused a most remar,(able change in my condition. For two years I have •uffered from indigestion and weakness, and not tinding relief from env other medi ,• ne until your agout Dame here one day and advised me to try Sloen's Indian 't nnie. I did so, an6 have used four bottles. it has made a great change in my I,fe, and 1 can now rest and sleep with eeee and comfort, I believe Sloan's Indian; 'tonic: is the best medicine in the world. 1 remain yours truly, MRS. O. PRICE. For sale by all dealers, or address the Company at Ramilton. $1.00 peg bottle ; 6 for 85.00.' EXPERIENCE. Many have tried for years to discover e remedy suitable to their own case for the Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion, fleadache, Kidney and Liver Complaints arising from Poor Digestion, Weak Stomach, and Disordered Liver. To these we say: Z'ry the new medicine- Printe. S Et- Bead what people say. Here it is. Mrns 0- Lewriov, Mnneton, N. I2 says: " They nn°:•+i ir. of e,.us:ipation and sick headache.'. MIL 11 Ja:t,:s, q Hotel, Iiamil- ton, tit, Rays: •"phuy are a pleasant, sure and quick cnro for constipation, dyspepsia and sick headache." Miss M. B. Maas, South Bay, Ont.: "Latta -Liver Pills are excellent for sick- headaob.e, causing i:o pain or griping." Mus. Joux Toau,ivsax, Iiamilton, Ont.: " They aro a perfect cure for even the severest ho:ti.aclte." • GO TO �'9 5 FOR YOUR. R •x rn , 151 �m OR e r }T rtOes's .lies � Satisfaction and pet feet tit guaranteed. KIDNEY W ARNINa. ia•rf,� rl fro A Score of Symptoms Tell 'the Zs-- titn that Kidney Disorders Have Fastened Themse]ves on flim- South American s Kidney • Care is the Potent Remedy. A simple baoiiache or little pain in the • kidney rogibn, may cause you no„alarm, but it is, one of tbe ueverfeiling si inv of kidney disease, and to neglect the warding I may"mean the deep seating of that most in- Biduous of diseases, which put more pcopre j in an untimely grave than all other Causes combined. South Am"riean Kidney Cure I relieves in six hours, and cares permanent. Iv. Sold at Chisholtn's brag Store. Do You Want to Dye Your Ineidos? The statement of the Cornell ex- periment station bulletin, on "butter compounds and increases," is well put and time',. In travelling about in a largo dairy section this mason I heard of several cases where talkative travelling agents had palmed off these worse limn worth-' less compounds upon easily per snarled dairymen anrt dairy women.' The bulletin might have gone' further and exposed the fraud in butter coleys unearthed by Pro . fessor Coeb►ano, theorist to thr I Pennsylvania department of Agri- culture. Of six popular butter colon:, he found three of them composed of i e^at tar. It is the substanee r:f vrhielt aniline dyes are made. Wht, wants to eat mineral dies to colts the inside of his stonlaclT yellow ?- National Stockman. .auvxv (4 e ieS AN 1)- :_-- rax .kl Glo'be 1 PER YEAR. Cash anl.ist accompany all orders. Address or coli at TIMES o r xc ` ,.� kti We are in a position to turn out BILL HEADS, LETTEE HEADS, NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS, ETC. At a lower price than ever before ENVML©Pjs We have the best stock of Envelopes in town, and print and supply them as cheap as the cheapest. SLS .TLL� we can Printed on the shortest notice and the price in keeping' with the times, Giye us a call when you are in need of anything in the Printing line and we will use you right. THE TIMES, Wingham. ONE GIVES RELIEF. . Spend a 'o for MedMalichie until you have tried xoI You can b y them in the paper 5-cc..t cartons Ten Tubules for Ave • Mit tort is pmt up tijatt,,1.; to Gratify the entre, at) rr:.ittletv:1:: 3Ir 1> • Prtea If you don't find ihE; sort c'.. Wpa At the lemon ' .s.n 4th L.; y _.� f ° .! s. _ w , t ! ,, ;.:r. ' ,;fit • ` 4 Du�:t P '1t1 1'. i kite's• �.,a .,...J . C1.44, 1'!' . ,,.f . I ..a.•. ,*s,', *.ht, . 14 .i:. `ti1 Oen:1lit t,•r�:atsto i''i£1il'as`tl 77a.l `'` Hegar,..Ptin'•+ '. a.(`�l� I :..,.::c. 5. 1.. y V,tr..4. L1.. , . t.... - , 1i t . n.0a'•y"i� yt.0,� i t..,r.,r. o:.1 .43 1)r 4', c t �{Sn. '• t'::,! ..-a; 1'.l trs 1abaic.; are, t'.: .., • 1