The Wingham Times, 1898-01-14, Page 8H. A11'111000. The excitemelt of Christmas Box i buying is over, The people gathered in a, harvest of gift giving bargains at this store The hohtlay trade was 1 big beyond expectation. Comes -i , For the next thirty days before stoek•tt:tking, everything that we can spare without more harm than loss of money will be marked for quick selling. These things go on sale Monday morning at and below coat. Ready-made Clothing, Overcoats, Men's and Boys' Salts, Furs, .Ladies' Mantles, Capes and Ruffs, Gents' Fur Coats Capes and Gauntlets, Ready made M..ntles and :Mantle Cloths, Boots and *hoes, Rubbers and Overshoes, Carpets and Lace Cur - tufts, press Goods and Silks. 20 pieces Dress Goods, reg. 50e for 35e. 10 pieces Fancy Dress Goods, reg. 40e for 25e. • 10 heavy Overcoats, reg. $6.50 for $4.50. 20 Men's Suits, reg. $9,00 for $6.50. 10 Boys' Suits, regular $2.50 tor $1.60. 3 Ladies' Fur Coats, reg. $35.00 for $:7.00. 6 Ladies' Fur Capes, reg. $30.00 for '$20.00. 50 pairs Fine Shoes, reg. price $1 65 for $1.15. 20 pieces Shaker Flannel, reg. 7c for 5e. 10 doz. Ladies' Fancy Kid Gloves, extra good, $1,25 for $1.00. 5 doz. Gent's Lined Kid Gloves, reg. $1.50 for $1.10. 'This will be a great opportunity to buy cheap. Every day will be a bargain day tnntit Feb. 1, before stoke -taking at a ■ 115 WING THAW. NY P111Z37i53T_13. We sial: be 41ad to have contribattons to this column from any of our readers. I4 you haw. nisi. tors or rurpose ening; away yourself. drop is and tell us, or send us a note to that effect. Mr 3 A ,Morrow is in Toronto this week 'J2r. F. Rainton, of Blyth, was in town on 'Friday. Miss Jennie Gray is visiting with friends in London. Bliss Minnie Higgins is visiting with t.te hisses McLean. gr jaunt: Murray, of Exeter, was in fowls on 'Wednesday. Mr. W. D. Bentley, of Winnipeg, is visit- ing in town this week. Miss H. Netterfield, returned on Satur- day last from the Soo. Mr and Mrs John MoNevin spent Sun- day with Blyth friends Miss Murray, of Seaforth is visiting with Mrs. James McLauchlin, Miss Maggie Mntaticblin, was visiting with Brussels friends this week. Mrs. Thos. Sanderson from the N W T ' was visiting at Mr. Jas. Brock's. Miss Alice Johns, of Toronto is visiting her relativesand friends in town. Mr. James Charters of Great Falls, Mon. tans, is visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Wood's of Wroxeter, spent New Year's at their son's, Mr. Jas. Brook's- % Mr. J. G, Stewart, of Reimers, was shak- ing hands with Wingham friends on Mon- day.%/ VsY6.r George Fretwell left this (Friday) morning on a visit to friends in Plats- yi,l�le". &/:miss Maggie Lind left on Monday morn- ing for Buffalo, where she will reside in future4f ndra. Harry Willis, of Wroxetor, is spend. ing a few days this week tet !tlr. James l3rock's Mr. Ben. Neavens has returned to town, after a two weeks' visit to his home in Shelburne. Mies Robertson, who was guest of Mrs. John Neelands, has returned to her home in Bay City. Will Grey, a lVltrghtern, spent New Year. with Eltna relatives and friends. Atwood Bee. Mian Alba Chisholm returned to Toronto this '('eek, where she is attending the Academy of music. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Leslie of Detroit, are visiting* with his Parente, Mr. and Airs. Thos L galie of town. rtt'. llrausbaw Keri, was spendinig a few holidays with friends in Waterloo and Orangeville last week. Mr. and Mrs, T. Hamelin and child, of Loudon, visited with her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. 0. Dantae, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Drummond, and children, of Walkerton,. spent a few days this week with Wingham friends. Mrs. Oliver, son Will, and daughter Jen- nia, of B:4rnsicte. Man., was visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Elliott, this week. Fred ami harry A.neley, of Wingham, spent several clays the past week with iriende here and at I/,:ntniller,-•Goderich Signal. • Mr Frank M (laestr returned to Phila- c1elpl is on Monday, to resume his studies in the Pensylvania College of Dental Super. lis A. E Smith and Miss Martin, of Wingham, were goestis of 111t Forest friends the past wcek.Mb Forest Repro- sentat've' 11Ir, :lateen Galbraith, wife and children, have returned to their h•ime in Grand Bend, Ind., after spending a few weeks with rel- atives here. Mr. R. J' Galbraith has gone to Guelph to reside. He has secured a good situation in a large dry •goods store. Bob's many Wingham friends will wish him every success in his new home. Mrs. and Miss Bell, (Miss M. Brown, of Howie))) visited at A. llood'e, Diagonal street, on Tuesday. Tlroy purpose moving to Manitoba about the first of February, where they will in future reside. Miss Nina Rogers, of the Post staff, spent Sunday with friends in Wingham.. James MoQuire,. wife and daughter. of Wingham, ate their New Year's dinner at George Rogers', Frederiok street. -Brussels Post. CHURL:II NOTES. The 1'reabytery of Maitland will meet in the Presbyterian church, on Tuesday next. Tho Rev. Rural Dean Hodgins, of Sea - forth, exchanged pulpits with Rev, Mr. Low on Sunday. Rev Mr Anderson, of Wroxeter, will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening next The W CTU will moee Tuesday after- noon, at three o'clock, at the home of Mrs. o Gillespie. A large attendance is desired. A. Presbyterial convention of the Young People's Socities of the Presbytery of Mait- land will be held in the Presbyterian church on Monday next. Rev 5 Sellery, B D, of Guelph, has been invited to North street Methodist church, Goclerich, for next. year. We would be pleased to see Ur Sellery return to this county. Rev Mr Mason annonnces a con'se of Sunday evening sermons on the fourteenth chapter of St John. The first of the series will be given next Sabbath evening. Subject,The Father's House and what is in it." An interesting and instructive sterioptn. can and musical entertainment, "An Even- ing in London," will be given in the Methodist church on the evening of the. 24th inst. Don't forget' the date. Particu- lars later. Union Conventions of the S. S. As- sociation and C. E. Union. will he held here on Tuesday and Wednesday. June 21st and 22nd. The Junior Garden which was given so successfully at St. Thomas, Clinton Londesboro, and other other places, will likely form a part of the program for the Convention.. Themass meeting beld by the local Union of Y P Societies and Sunday School Workers, in the Presbyterian cbrnrch, on Monday evening last, was largely attended Rev Mr Henderson, Hensel!. President of Huron County 0 E convention and Rev James Hamilton, President of Huron County 5 S kssociation, delivered two capital addresses, which were listened to with wrapt attention by those present The Methodist quartette supplied the musical part of the programme A very profitable evening was spent At the close of the meeting, a meeting of the officers was held and it was decided to hold a meeting of the young people in the Baptist church, on Tuesday evening, January 25th, with a view of reorganizing the local Union Good Tithes Coming. tinder the use of Scott's Emulsion all the organs and tissues take on new life. The mind acts with more vigor, the heart beats stronger and the blood is greatly enriched. Mr. Adolp. Mueller, language plas- ter at the Berlin High School, died t, very suddenly on Saturday last. Mr. James Baird, for many years editor of The North Ontario Ob- server, died suddenly in Port Perry. Some 90 cords of wood have been delivered at the county jail, and in future, tramps confined there, will be given exercise at the wood pile. THE E WINC4 .A.M "1.'I11 .+'S JANUARY 14, 1898. TQW1v taauNcllt, The Counoil elect for 1898 met in the Council Chamber at 11. a.m. on Monday last, acoording to statute. The following m me bare were present and made the statutory declarations of gualifloation an Oleo, namely ; Alayor, J. A, Morton ; Deputy -Reeve, Jas. Angus; Connoitlors- Ward 1,. A. 1111. Robinson; Jas. D. Lung Ward 2, L. W. Hanson, R, Lemmex Ward 3, Geo. heading; Ward 4, C. a. Reading, Dr. J. P. Kennedy. A ballot w s thent taken to elect the Striking Committee, to name the Standing Committee, as follows; Morton, Robin- son. Beading. Ranson and Kennedy. An adjournment of five minutes was made to allow the Striking Committee fo report, after which tho Committee report- ed, recotnmendiug that the following nom. pose tho standing Committees: Executive -Mayor, Reading and Deputy - Reeve. rinanee--iobinson, Hanson and Ken- nedy. Public Works -Mayor, Reading and New ton. Fire, Water and Light -Reading, Angus and Long. Property -Reading, Lenimex and Ken- nedy, Moved by A. M. Robinson, seconded by 0. J. Reading, that tho report of the Striking Committee be adopted and that the first named on each committee be ohairman thereof. --Carried. Au account from the Wingham Electric Light Co. of $35 50, being lights for December, was read and on motion of L. W. Hanson and G. A. Newton wasordered to be paid: . The Council then resolved itself into Committee of the whole, to consider by-Iaw No. 340, 1898, appointing officers for the ensuing year. It rose and recommended appointing: Town Clerk --J, B, Ferguson, at salary of $800 per annum, Town Treasurer -J. 13. Ferguson, at a salary of $100 per annum. Chief Constable- V. Vannorman, at a salary of $410 per annum. Duties same as last year. Bell ringer-Tos. Coad, at a salary of $60 per annum. Sanitary Inspeotor-Van. Vanncirman. Member et Board of Health. -Thos. Gregory. Assessor -Samuel Youhill, at a salary of $100 per annum. Poundkeeper-D. Stewart. Fence Viewers --Thos. Deans, Thos. Moore and Win. Robertson. Auditors -W. 0. Stewart and R. Van - stone, at a salary of $15 each. Cemetery Caretaker -Thos. Irwin, at a salary of $50. By-lavr No. 349, 1890 confirming the above "appointments was read three times and on motion of Jas. Angus and L. W. Hanson was adopted. Moved by L. W. Haneon, secendetd by Jas. Angus; that Thomas Manuel be ap- pointed Chef of the Fire Department, daring the pleasure of the Council, at a salary of Mei per annum. --Harried. Moved by L. W. Hansom, seconded by Jas. Angus, that Wm. Robertson, Colleens; be authorized to continue the levy and collection of the unpaid taxes, in the manner and with the poweua provided by law for the general levy and collection of taxes. -Carried(.. Moved A. M'_ Robinson, seconded by T.. W. Hanson, that .giroceedings be taken. ifortbwith to fill; the vacancy in the offices. ef Reeve, Counoillor for Ward sand School. Trustee in Ward; 4. -Carried. The Council then adjourneal until neia'c 3egular meeting: EAST WAWANOBH. Mr. Prentes•, of Owen Sound,, spent a few days w:.t1' his cousin, M. s. W. J. Currie. Mr. and Mrs. W tn. Taylor-, of Lance side, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. W J. Currie this week. Mr. Howlett, of Peel county, ways visiting his brother, Mr. S C.Howlett, last week. Messrs. Harry and Geo. Hodgson, froln near Listowel, have been visit- ing their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hodgson. A pleasant social gathering was held at Mr. M. Hodgson's on Wedges- day evening. Mr. .1. R: Bone returned to Toronto last week. Mr. Jas. Agnew returned to Phila• delphia on Monday after spending a short holiday at home. Miss Minnie Johnston has been spending a few days with friends in Whitechurch. Mr. David Brown has purchased a house and lot in Blyth. Mr. D. Simpson entertained a few friends on 1+triday night. l�iiss Lizzie • Cnnn:ngham left last week to take charge of her new sehool in Middlesex. Until farther notice is given service will be held in Trinity church, Bel- grave, at o'clock p. n1. instead of Another death is reported in the 2.30. London city hall eatastrophe, being Mr, Sidney Clendenning, who died Young Allison has confessed to at the General Hospital. the murder of Mrs. Orr. Burn's anniversary will be cele. brated in Lncknow, by the bolding of a grand ball on the 25th. It is reported that the 0. P. R. telegraphers' demands have been pretty generally Chet by the com- pany and the whole matter amicably settled. The 24th annual exhibition of the Western Ontario Poultry Association was held in London this week, Tho entries this year number 7;.809, against, 1,622 last year. At Brantford,, William Stoves, a lad of eighteen years, plead( d guilty to uttering one dollar notes raised to ten dollars and was sent to Kingston Penitentiary for three years. Mr. Benjamin 5. Burkholder, the oldest school teacher in Waterloo contig', died in Strasburg on Wed- nesday of last week, aged 83. Mr. Burkholder once was a journalist, and in 1835 Issued the first paper in Waterloo county, calling it the MIorning Star. He taught school for twenty years. ALWAYS FOLLOW '.i'HE USE OF DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. TWO CASES IN WIIICH THEY RESTORED HEALTH AND STREZTGTH AFTER ALL OTHER MEANS HAD FAILED -WHAT THEY RAVE LONE FOR OTHERS THEY WILL DO FOR YOU. From the Colborne Express. There are few if any people in Murray township, Northumberland County, to whom the name of Chase is not familiar. Mr, Jacob Chase, who has followed the occupation of farmer and fisherman and fishdealer, is especially well known. . He has been t great sufferer from rheuma- tism, as all bis neighbors know, but has fortunately succeeded in getting rid of the disease. To the .reporter he gave the following particulars. it had been a sufferer from rheumali•rrf for upwards of twenty years, at mes being.eontined to the house. 4t one time I was laid up for si - en weeks, and during a port' .n o lat time was confined to my a' , and perfectly helpless. I ha f 't benefit of excel- lent medical tr tment, but it was of no avail. I believe, too. that I have tried every medicine advertised for the care of rheumatism, and I am sure I expended at least $200.00 and got necking more at 'any time than the met.+est temporary relief. At last I was imdteed to give Dr. Williams' Pink Mils a trial, and: from that time' I date, ray good fortune- in getting rid of the disease.. I continued using. them for several mouths and daily found that the trouble-ttlh,at had made - my life miserable for so many years was disappearing, and at last all traces of'pai» had left• me and I was cured. I say cured, flor I have not since hada recurrenceef the trouble. ' As proving the diversity of troubles. for which Th'. Williams' Pink Pills. are a cure it may also -be mentioned. that theyrestored Mrs...Frank Chase, a daughter-in-law of the gentleman.. above referred to, to health ands strength after all otheet•nieans bad ap, parently failed. Mrs Chase says i-- "I can scarcely tell what my trouble was, for even !lectors -could not agree as to the. nature of it. One said it was consumption or the stomach, while another •seas equally emphatic in declaim -kg that it was liver trouble. One thing. T do know, and that is Mr years I was a sick woman. I know that I was afflicted with neuralgia, my blood was poor, anal was sltbjpet to depressing headaches. My appe- tite wag not good at any time, and the least exertion left me weak and despondent: A. lady friend who, had been benefitted by the use of Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills• advised mo to try them,, and as they had also cured my father-in-law,,1 determined to de so, and 1 have much cause for rejoicing that 1 did, for you can easily see that they have made a well woman of me. I took the pills steadily for a couple of months, and at the end of that time was enjoying the blessing et good health. It gives Me much pleasure to be able to bear public testimony to the value of this wonderful medi• Cine." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills euro by going to the root of the disease, They, renew and build up the blood, and strengthen the nerves, thus driving disease frons the system. • Avoid fin- itatioils by insisting that every box you purchase is enelosed in a wrap- ping bearing the full trade mark, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo. ple. Wildcats are extremely invariable in .size, solxio kinds being more than two feet in length, while others are five. The smallest varieties of wild. eats are about the size of the domestic variety. MEETING OF Huron Cou4 Cou The Council of the Corpora County of Huron will ra�Set i Room in the / 11 n of the the Court TOWN OF Gia (ERICA ON THE 25t ii INSTANT. at 3 o'clock p. m,. Dated J an.10, '98. W. LANE, Clerk. F .H. KERN EY 1 TONSORIAL ARTIST. Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingham. For an easy Shave and a First -Class Hair Cnt, give him a trial. Razors'Honed, l, vtW Asmapeilima s . t Str the t 2, Morri er is re tQ "t (tho promisee of etr` 't, eoneeseion a 'ng calves, the owu- cef t prove property, pay exponsee mid take them away. ROBERT WARWICK. Morrie, Jan. 7,'98. Cook's Cotton moot Compound Is the only safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in th* hour and time of need. Is prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known -sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special cases -I0 degrees stronger -sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars; two boxes, Five Dollars. No. x, dr No. 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3 -cent stamps. 4h�e Cook company, • Windsor, Oottet: a. No, 1 and No. 2 for sale by Colin A. Crmpbol Druggist. pit Pianos, Organs iolins, Autoharps Accorde .' s, Mandolins Mouth Organs at all prices up to $2.50. All kinds of trimmings, for Musical' Instrwnentss. MUSIC BOOKS AND SHEET' MUSIO. We can supply you; with anything you want. Sewing Machines ane' " Sewing Machine- Supplies•. FARMERS -Don't forget that I still handle all kinds of Farm Im- _ plements notwithstanding• that reports are circulated to the contrary. Meyer Block. T. H. ROSS Opposite P. O . P. S: -Flamm tuned and repaired by our competent man, Mr. Minife. • 1 We wish our many customers and friends a Happy and Pros- perous New Year. During 1898 we will endeavor to meet all the requirements of our increasing trade, and will offer the best possible inducement to our customers. HALSEY PARK $50.00 reward for a watch we can't fix.