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The Wingham Times, 1898-01-14, Page 6
• P.•... `� 1U Wil'' t'• iAMVi TIMES, JANUARY 144, 1898, !c d.. of nit, ata tw The municipal elections are over, :J :1dt)RRIS. The township of Morrie cone; =Mime 1895 free of debt and with a Surplus of 8933 to its credit. Four years ttgo viten the tnejtlrity (,f the present members of the counell took . the reins of trove: • meat thti town ship was $11501) in debt and had eight, condemned hridge,i within Its border t. To-tlay the township is out of debt, with aL handsome surplus on the proper side of the ledger, and all Of its bridges have been either rebuilt or repaired, and all this has been done without raising the rate of taxation. Too mush credit .can 'tot be given our present rulers for the very eilieieht way in which •they lave handled the affairs of tete town ship, .anti we presume the proper men FRIDAY.JANIT.A.RY 14. len. 'elected to fill the positions. At ane time it was thought that the tight would be a very tante one, but towards the close it warmed up con - aid. rabic. In the es ening e. large number gathered in Gerrie to hear the news. The fallowing is the result of the, voting at the different sub -divisions. Its a rig, Burning, Creeping, Crawl - Skin Diseases reli, ved iii a few minutes by Agnew's Ointment. Lir. Ague•w's Oi'at- anent relieves instantly and cures Tetter, Sait Rheum, t ca d ,lead, Eczema, Clovis, tliotchea arid all eruptions of the Skin. It is teething and quieting; and outs like magi!: ill all baby ITumot•s, Irritation of Scalp or hashes during teething time. •55 ,ents a box. Sold at Chisltolmi's Drug Store, REEVE, 1 2 3 4 5 6 .Ferguson 107' 63 89 08 64 41-432 Jacgaes.. 36 43 47 94 44 55-391 Majority for Ferguson, 113, .� •1ST DEPUTY. Gregg... 72 74' 66 78 51 57-397 • Stewart.. 70 2f,' 66 74 55 30-323 Diajority for Gregg, 74. • children and great -grandchildren - Their pastor called on their sun J. -U. McClinton, who read the following address t--- ieA1t F4T U1 U AND MQTIIER,—We, your children grandchild.t en, and great -grand 'children, and friends, who have met here today to celebrate the 50th anniversary at your wedd- ed life, wish •to extend to you our hearty congratulations on Your hav- ing been spared to pass so teary years of married •rife together. We are very gladao,tind you both in the en- joydl)ent of so good a degree of health, though you have notbeen ex erupt from the ills and sic;lcnes:es to which humanity is heir, yet we are p'teased to see you so capable Of eyjoyi:lg Yourselves with us this evening. We are glad so many of las .are •penmittecl w bo with you ; while we regret that some of your ehildren and grand children are unable to be present in body, yet yea nay be sure they are present in spirit,'and that they juin with ns to 'wishing you many more years of harpy life together. We beg you to accept this fruit dish .and combined •seeretary, book -case and writing deck, •els (email token of love and respeet 'from your children, the lamp and vase from your grandehil dren, :and this book from your great .grandeleildren, and hope that in the evening of life you may use them many Dillies, both for your own pleas - are and comfort and also to write messages'of•1ovelto the ,absent ones, and as you use this lamp, may it al- ways remind you of the word of God which is a lamp to year feet and a light to your path, and may your path be the path of the just, which is as a shining light, which • shiueth more and more neto.the perfect day. We ;pray that God in his mercy may long epa►te you to us, and that be who • has kept. thus .far, may continue to keep and bless you, and when life with us is over, may we all, parents chiidren, saved:friends, meet around the great white throne, there to praise Goes tor this redeeming mercies • throughout the eternal year. Mr' and Mrs. McClinton very feelingly replied to the address, which touched all hearts. Congratu- lations°were then given by all, after which 'ii sumptuous supper was serv- ed. A very !pleasant time. was spent when the guests.'Petired with the best wish for the future life and prosper- ity of their esteemediiriends. .21D DEPQTY. Penley.. 114 d 100 51 58 29-414 .Donaghy 25 29 28 11.6 46 70-312 Majority for Finley, 102. COUNCILLORS. .Doig.. .., 79 41 80 90 93 28-411 Spence .. 83 03 84 72 34 60-396 .Aldrich.. 22 11. 12 78 35 62-220 Again we are called upou to re• ,•cord the death of one of Howick's oldest pioneers in the person of Mrs. John Hayden, who died at the rest. •dense of her son in-law, Edward .Pyke Esq., of the 9th concession, on Thursday, the -30th alt. Deceased. KINLOSS. • was born in the town of Winehcomb, • On New Year's Day the residence .1813. England, in the year 1�31•b. When 22 years of Age she '©f Mr. and We Wm. Meliurney, of •o'.ave her heart•and hand to her now 3�inioss, was the seer e of a triple ' bereaved partner, and during their celebration,, it being the 25th •anni- :Wag .life of over sixty years to- versary of their marriage and the gether she proved to be a true help - '60th anniversary of the anarringe•of ,urate In the year 1844 they enii- i4lrs. McBurney's father and another,gr tted to Canada. They lived in M r. and Mrs. Peter Reid, of Kinlose. Toronto for a short tune; and then Mr Reid has been the clerk for that !alloyed to Uxbridge,., where they township as lung as the editor of the I resided for three years; when they Teeswater News, who was born !removed to Albion t1i(vusi'ip and e, can remember, and rust •be itr.ented a farm,. They lived there for one of the oldest, if not the oldest, I about seven yells and then in the township eleik in the province. Mr. i meat. 18.58 they came to llowiek and and Mrs. Win. Reid, of Culross, were present, and as they ,too were mar- 'settled on !lit 14, concession 2, where •they resided until about 25 years 'pied on the first day of the year, the .ago, ,when they moved to t.4orrie to celebration was . a triple one. As rest •the remainder of their days, the first intimation the News had .of About a, year ago, both being feeble, the event w..s j(Ist before going to press, we are unable to give a fuller they went to live with their dliu„ h account of this highly interesting 'ter, Mr+s. Edward • Pyke, where affair. We exend tgour catu-.•deeeased•breatheci her last. o11 Thurs tO 'day of last week at the ripe old age lations to all concerned, especially the of 84 years, 4 months and 15 days venerable sou ole who for three Sne ,joined.the Methodist church in score years have been partners in ,early life and has lived a true and ir' dsls Tells 'Where Heald May Be life's joys and Borrows,.consistent Christian life for over half 1♦ound,, a•century. She was the mother Of And that is more important than making four children, all of whom survive ,money. If your blood is impure, Hood's Heart Rescue In 30 Minutes :After momentarily expecting for years that death aught snap the vital cord at any aitinute. This is the story thousands could tell and have told of the almost diyine for - Alois, Dr. Ag iew's Cure for the Heart. Every day chronicles the taking away of many who have not heeded nature's warn- ings that the heart was tired out and need ed the helping that this wonderful cure gives. Heart disorders are insiduous.Don't trifle. This great remedy attacks the dis- ease instantly. Sold at Chisholm's Drug Store. GORR,IE. New Year's eve was the scene of a fashionable and enjoyable occasion ate great seryice. I tried every remedy in at the residence of Mr. and Mrti. the category of catarrh aures withoct any Samuel Greer, the event being the permanent relief. After taking only a few marriage of their daughter, miss doses I received great benefit, and in a very Jennie, t',0 MP. .1C1sUn Spt)ttatl, P,, A• short time nay Catarrh had disappeared. I ate satisfied it is the best, safest and quick The pastor of the young people, Rev, est remedy known for tlas malady to -day." J. S. Fisher. performed the ceremony. James E. Poll, Paulding, 0. Sold -at Chis- l'rolnptly at five o'eloek, the groom holm's Drug Store. and his attendant, Mr.`George Spot - ton, principal of Wroeeter public .sehool, entered by the right door of the parlor, while the bride, leaning on the right arm of her father, with her three attendants, entered by the left. The bride was attired in a deli• ;Cate pearl and lavender French Masse sills, with bridal veil and carry - nag a bouquet of the choicest bridal 1 roses. 11 is • Lizzie Greer, bridesmaid, wore a white dress of seishtnere :tan ; they have ever worn the white trimmed with pearls and ,:vee and' flower of an exemplary ehristian life carried pink carnations and fern,and charaeter ; for many years they have been useful and consistent mem b; rs of the Westtleld Methodist church. Shortly after their marri- age, the left Ireland, near Belfast, for this country, and have long sus- tained an honorable and usefnl posi- tion , they have prospered in things both temporal and spiritual ; their large and interesting family have ()Town u around them ; their eha-c -- :And the congratulations over, the ren and grandehildren call them , Orought to know, is that health and even guests, numbering about sixty, all blessed and the "eventide of life life itself depends upon the cr ,edition of relatives of the contracting parties, with them is light." Their pastor, the blood. J ecding, as it does, all etre Batt down to the sumptuous dinner. Iter C C. Courens announced a ogle ins of the body, it must be rich and The residence was beautifully decor.. atedfor the occasions with Mistletoe and ,lolly and sefoenabbe mottoes 0f ng With the occasion. Mr. Fothergill way Exrengthen8 the nerveis, creates nn New Year's greeting. The bride I also !bade a short and spicy address, ixK,petite' hen t th elTon(1,'ty .o f?faind gild,: was the recipient of many costly pre- Presentations were then made by a wards off` oxide, pftenrnonifi anti revers Sante, both useful and ornarxlental. representative of the ahi,riLbon, , ei1.• whiffs tarai•jprsval rpt at thie:Ha,rsstt, her, viz : Hezekiah Hayden, of. T,unnberry ; Mrs. Brown, of , Mich. ; Mrs.Eldward Pyke and Wm. Hayden • of 4lowiek. 'The bereaved e•ones have the sympathy of all in the loss of a true wile and 'a kind and affectionate mother. TIIEEIGHTY WHO SUPPER. In Every Hundred .From Catarrh, Have a Friend Indeed in Dr. Ag- new'e Catarrhal Powder. "I was a oatenh victim•for many years. Dr.Ago<e.w's Catarrhal ;Powder has done Sarsaparilla its the medicine for you. It cures scrofula, salt rheum; rheuinatiem catarrh and' all other.dissa see origin eta ng in or promoted by howl blood, and low state of the system. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to cperaite. Cure indigestion. headache. Cl7LROSS.. Right merrily did the •wedding bells ring at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. Dourald Campbell of Culross, on the evening; of Wee ne:.da;y,• Dec. 29th, when their third ,daughter, Miss Barbara, became tIxe wife of Mr. A. D. McKinnon, of Hollister, taliforiaa. The number of guests was very large, probably over one hundred. Tne ceremony took ;place at 6 o'clock and vi as performed by Rev. Mr. i h.xweil, of Rieersdale While the -words were being spoken which made them Ulan and wife the EAST WAWANOSH. contvaetin rties stood under .a t:,.sjn New Year's day last, there large bell decked with holly and was an unusual and interesting gash- mistletoe. The bride Wai attended ering at the residence of Me. and by her youngest sister, Miss Grace, Mrs. John McClinton, East Wawa- while her two nieces Misses Janet nosh, the occasion being the celebra- and Maggie McDonald, in beautiful tion of their golden wedding. For and becoming costumes made a 50 yearn they have tog ether journey- charming pair of 'Adds of honor. • g pa ed the path Way of life; their ilrfluenee Mr. McLean, a r elative of the groom, has ever been beneficial and christ• acted as his best man. The bride was given away by her father. The wedding dinner that followed was of a sumptuous character: The presents received by the bride wore very numerous as well as costly and beautiful. Mr. and Mrs. Melinnon will leave in a few days for their future home in California bearing while Miss Ethel Spotton, sister of the groom, and Miss Luta Welch, niece of the bride, acted in the eapacity of flower -girls, garinentcd in dainty 1 VhiM dre;3se3 of white silk and carrying baskets of flowers, Miss .Annie i'erkins, cousin of the bride, Supplied music suitable to the occasion, in her usual able manner. After the )nuptial knrrt had been securely tied s~ p `t I What Lvorybody i Bowe, with them the best wishes of matey Are RUPTURED If so it is your advantage to call on Gordon c Co.'s Drug Store, W ingllam, They are the agents for the celebrated W cz tnnore Truss. WHY 'THE WETMR1E 6S THE C E EOR YOU 1. Because it is dangerous to be a moment without one. 2. It will neve,' rust and is conse- quently durable. 3. A person wearing a Wettncl'e does • not find it a bother. 4. We will guarantee to hold in position any reducible rupture. 5. This truss cannot possibly move lifter adjuettuent, 6. Some of our townspeople can testify, to its merits. 7. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. GORDON c. Lord Aberdeen has approved of an older 'in council cofnmuting the death sentence passed on John P. Troy fur the murder of McLeod; hotel keeper tit Napanee, to imprisonment for life. The reason why commutation was granted is that the prisoner has be- come insane. . To every 1,00.0 men in London, there is 1;123, women. Per Over rim Years. AN ()LD AND w1,LI;-TR1LD IIMMLtDY — Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil- lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfeetsuotiose, It soothes the (Mho, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best lewedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. '.Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalu..ble. Be sure and jtsk for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind Walkerton town council has passed a by-law imposing a fee of 8'200 on transient traders. The vote on the House of Refuge question in Bruce county,"un Monday week, resulted In a majority of' over 2,300 in favor cf the smile. Every town and village gave a majority for the house, while some of the townships gave majorities against it. Culross township gave a majority of 00 against, tile.cam..ar�,•tnrc.�..sasda�t.:cna.•sxs fra�m�e SABBATH. SERVICES. M1:,T'IIODIS7.'—Ilse, Dr, Pascoe, pas- tor. Services at 11 n ru and 7 p in. PRI.SBYTEItIAN-Ree. 1). Perrin, pa itor. Services at 11. a m and 7 p m. EPISCOPAL, St. Paul's--llev, Wm. Lowe, rector. Servlc'es at 11 a in and 7 p BAPTIST—Rev. Jas. Hamilton, pas- tor. Services at 11 a m and 7 p 0ONGREU•ATIONAL—Rev. II, E. Mason, pastor. Services at 11 a m and 7pto. CHRISTIAN WORKERS — Misses Outram and Lock in ct.mmand, Services at3p tuand 8pin. S),LVr.T'ION ARMY—Adjutant Miles and,Ov►fein command. Services at 11 a. w.3pm and 8pm. In ©rich of the above named ishurches Sa bbath School is held at 2.30 p tn. BAN of ATILT WINGHAM. Capital, $1,250,000. Rest, r) 720,000 President—acus 8TUAa'r. Vlee-Press ut—A. C. RAasAM. nutec•roits Jona PROOTOs. (i Eo, ROAOII, Nil GISa0N, WooD, A, B. Las (Toronto). P, A. T. Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Savings Bank—Inoure,lnto 3; Saturdays, 10 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and tercet allowed. rata oof sal t Deposits also received at current t. /amino enGreat Britain and the United Stats, bought and sold • W. CORBOULD, AGENT E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. Money Le 7..oan on Notes. x �t� D. count Tuberculosis. In Poultry, , AT REASONABLE RATES At the recent Experimental Union meeting. L. ti . Jarvis, in speaking of 'Dressed Poultry for Market,' said that it 'vas a common thing fur bad- ly diseased poultry to 'be killed and sold. Thos, Duff, editor. • of the Poultry Journal enlau'»ed fumber•on this subject, and said it was undoubt- ably a question of greatest import. It had nut been decided whether tuberculosis in cattle rendered! the meat nntit foe consumption, but of one thing he was certain-, and that was the fact of this dread disease L e- ing comtnon'in our poultry. . The greater number of our skinny emaci ated birds -usually sold cheap, were •affected ill this . way Recently he purchai ed a pair of birds of this class and sent, there to a baster iologist who pronounced them effected] with advanced tuherculosls, and also clan- gerous fur human ea'•ing. • ITCHING PILES. Some time agb I 'was completely tR stated for lin meas b stps y Itrhlag Itilos.'. I bought a box t•f ('hare's Ointment at Roper' Drug Store, and on applying it was relieved at once. • 1 have r:ivcn it to others and a 1. have been relieved. It baa cured some that had undergone s,n aperation. WM. LE iTE, Caledonia, Ont. CURES CUTS BURNS CHAPS CHAFES SCALDS. .STINGS BITES SALT RHEUM AND I have noel Dr. Chase's Oint, meet for Salt luteum and Eczema and it L+ak 'Worked a wonderful sure for nun. I takes delight in rocommendingit te all, atlitotod telt% these skin torments E tWEN nrornxnioN, Ite4tpeoa, P tII.r. Price, 00 4104 all dadterp, nr n•1'nnnaon, Dates & Co., Tatum, O,;1. CUES PILES ECZEMA SALT RHEUM SCALD HEAD ITCH - friends for a long it:e) of happiness and prosperity. suitable hymn, offered an appropriate piaycr and made allusions in keep - pure in order to give proper non riohmoat tfootl'd t tt' Opuftlla nntkes the blood pure, rich anti noir Halting, and in this / —IS PUbL15UED EverRY FRIDAY MORNING ---A.r TAB -- TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE $+TREI•' WINGHAA., ONTARIO. suueel tp toe price, $1 per year, in advance ADVERTISING RATES Spade 1 1 yr. 1 0 mo. 1 8 n;o. 1 mo One Column wt$O 00 $40 00 820 00 ltnlf " 40 00 20 12 00 i6 00 quarto " 20 00 12 00 7 00 3 00, One melt 5 00 800 2 00 3. 00 Legal and other casual advertisement 8e per lino for first insertion,and Se per lino for eaehsubsequcnt in:ertien. lte.•sured by uonparai scalp. uoca1 notice!) 10c. per 1100 for first h,sertiou; ands 6a. per tine for each subsequent .nsertfc, - . Advertisements 01 Lost, Wound, Strayed, Situation and Business Munroe Wanted, not exceeding 3 line nonpareil, $1 for first month, and 500, for eaob subscguent month. Houses and Farms for Sala, not exceeding 8 line.. 51 for thst month, 50u. per subsequent month Larger ad vortisetueuts in proportion.' 'these terms will bo strictly adhered to special rates for larger advertisements, or for' longer periods. •• Ativertleenteitte and local notices without apatite directions, will he inserted till forbid and char •e' accordingly. •Trnhsttury advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertieotrtonte must be ill theoDlce by Wednesday noon, 01 order to appear that week . II. B. ELLIOTT, Paotiwtroa AND POBLIeifaa , Money advanced on Mortgages nt 61i pot centwilh privilege of paying atv`he end of any year. Not, • and accounts collected. IOBT. MaIINDOO. ecaver. Block ttiinanam, Out GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. DUDART ARRIVE Toronto and East 0 50 a. in. 2.40 p. n1 330pn11021pm Palmerston mixed ' 8 55 •t nt 2 40 p m London and.South (3 58 a nt 11 10 it m 330pm 800pm Kincardine 11 10 a in 0 50 a m 2 55 p m 3 SOpm 1025pm 8130am Industrious Men of Character. TUE LTNSCOTT CIIMPANY, TORONTO. VAN =OK E, ' BARRISTER, SULICIT01t, Etc., Private and Company funds to' loan at lowest Interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, tows and' farm propertl bought and sold OFIrIOE—BoavorBlock WiNonex J. A. 5105105, B•1RRISTER, ao.. Ont, E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO DANK Of HAMILTON. MONET LOAN. Office—deter Blunk. ivinghaw, G. CAMERON, 1PS M. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, doe Orrice -Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets.; opposite Colborne Hotel. GoDEalon, ONTARIO.. DE'fTISTRY.—J. S.:JEROME, L. D. S.,WIKousy, is aianufactur flret•olase sets o .,-J, teeth as cheap as they can bo made x't in the Dominion. Tenth extracted' • absolutely without pain, by Sts new. process, guaranteed perte.tly safe. 01FICE: in the Beaver Block, oppos Brunswick 'louse. ARTault J. IRWIN, D. D. n., D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of, the Ponnsylt .tn Dental College Ot+MIOE=—MACDONALD eLGOK. N0t•x-1t in visit Blyth every Wedn'rad sy. I•CIIN RITCHIE GENERAL INSURANCE AOtiNT W ise:NUN, f pp ,((Y It ??gr��T�'1e' ��v1 Sell "Itrn+Dtnu Gnu) ' to '1. i I h A 1:7 Finns,' like a whirl• wind. Prospectus 25 cents, worth $1. Big pay. . DEANS, Ja„ WING, Aa,' Capital unnucessary. BRADLDY•OARRR.TBON COMP,(NY, Limited, TcnONTe • WINGHAM STAM PUMP VORKS . /\LLSTEEL U FII�G ILL MY: W NASA Ml`0;'i Ti "'(•• ILL IS Havingpurchased the I entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I am nos' prepared to supply the public with Wood and Iron ro>ree • and Lift Pumps, Brass and. Iron Cylinders, • Galvaniz- ed Ironn Tubing. C1ti erns, Water Troughs, Sinks. r •: �,�.>....-1- Bath5,liipe Fitting, Welt Digging g and everythtng in cot- neotion'with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power. and pumping water., - •I bleep well pumps a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. Parties writing for information or i ordering by marl should always state depth of well. • 1 ForPacoatpseven.Years COOK'S BEST FRIEND eletteelier reela Ilii CANADA, All i►orlr guaranteed or no silo. O. MO tRN INGSTAR Box 140 Wibghatrl, Ont. oNTAR. LICENSED AUCTIONEER .Cob „r1E COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended In any part of the Co. Charge - Moderate. JOHN L , sVNsel UNT. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implomenta spoclaity. Ali orders Taft at the Titus office promptly attend: ed to. Teets reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. a Camp Caledonia, No, fid, moo r4:■ �■ SO* the first utd third Monday i evory month, in .,he odd Fellows Rale. ' Visiting )' brethren uwlccn, • J. Murray, Chief. D Stow art iten..Scc WANTED-CANVASSEE,"S. Nieman Victoria; Iter life and Reign," has cap. timed • the Britian Empire. Extraordinary teen - menials from; the great men; bond for copy free, Marquis of Lome says, "The bee t popular life of the queen r hate scan." Iter Majesty sonde a kind letter of appreciation. Sailing by thousands; gives. enLhustnstllu sattsiaction. Canvassers make $16 to 340 weskit. BRRADLEY-GARRETS:)1 COMt'ANY, (Limited) TOaONTO. 9f You Are`Energetio and Strong It you aro above foolish prejndico against canvass., h.g ter agood book, write and get my proposition, :Cha Information will Cost nothing. 1 have put hundreds of men in the way of mating' mroney; borne, f whom ate now rich. I con do goad thing( for you, if you are honorable and will won k hard. T, H. LiNSCOIT, Toronto; JOB PRINTING T).ULODING nooks, Pamphlets, Potters, B11 ,tondo, Citouiers, :ac., ie., executed in tho boat style of the ort, at moderate prices, and ou short notice. Apply or address Ir, B. ELLTOTJ. T lige Oftee, winahAm. B001{014011I0. , `eve ere pi••aand to announce that any Books or Magazines lett with us for Mindinrtg, will have our prompt attention. Prioos for 141rnrin;,ln a�ity style will be Advo an aetnUetttion o lite I'lMRit 05oe Ur.A •ago a pi but noel in Luck to spell ,frlends ; -of .,lir, filPf Y o : S; They al Indigcstic: fest reined •tress, Batt' Pain in til Regulate't $ mill 1 Subs ti title J /Ask fc: THE PHR REM T: W ne Ot th; rP ret ne RY 01 HEIM Tt he cu Ne for tic EWARE Sold in 1 Caveats and business •tor office is in th, and niy facile Send model, description a -8si'N, claa ytatentabil appiica,lon paten, 'r o taining full it cations rot FRAN see Ism fi; Wi 3 el be the the in Stil IRON' Repairil hep—Det Liver a