The Wingham Times, 1898-01-14, Page 2otie„.;6.1. JANUARY 1.4., 18
^t�reti.�il'� t,,_
a `
(E, DI Van Deventer.)
Author of "A Woman's Crim.," "Jolla Arthur's Ward," "The Lost
Witncsa,:F "A Slender Clue," "Dangerous Ground,"
"Against Odds," Etc., Etc.
* y
This was in the past, however; in the
days when he had been regularly attached
to a strong and reliable detective agency.
For tact, energy, ambition, he had uo
peer; but one day his career llad been
nipl ed in the bud.
A young pian, equally talented, and
tar more honorable, had caused his over-
throw; and yet had saved him from the
worst that might have befallen hien.
And, Jerry Belknap, had stepped down
from an honorable position, and, deter-
mined to make his power, experience,
and rekuowled;ed abilities, serve him as
the means of supplying his somewhat ex-
travagart needs, had resolved himself
into a "private detective," and betaken
himself to "ways that are dark."
"There's something at the bottom of
this business that I don't understand,"
niused he as he paced onward; little
thin?cl•)" how soon he is to be enlight-
enest .::: its:end sundry other subjects.
"I never fed more sanguine of bringing
a crooked operation to a successful term-
ination, and I never yet nutde such an
abject fe1111re. I shall make it my bttsi-,
nese to find out, and at once, what is
this power behind the throne. So, accord-
ing to 1t'ass ;vattour, may Satan fly away
with leer. I and not to approach the La -
motet's, I tem to net my reward, 1 ant to
retire tenni fie ;iced like a whipped cur..
liiios Werdour. we shall see about that"
"Call tl:e for the early train going
west." In' .; is to the nierht clerk, on
r' lei:lee the hotel; "let 1110 see, *hat is
the hou'c"
"Ito western train leaves very early,
sir—: -.t. font twenty. Then you won't be
here to witness Bur ill'e funeral? It will
atll r• .e,yz.e:,ly oat. The circumstance;
atter :tt the man's P1" and death will
ma`.t' it an event for W— "
t.It's en 'ewe>iit' taut won't letereet
me. 1' I have leen ri r'.:*ly i form: d, the
iv 1. :too. p1.1('d in h.cellin, than
he t' -': we 1=1 hie: l tents. i • ,$all leave
n:y bar! . _ .:'1'•'—all ;:nt a small valise.
I exp,./e'1 t') j"tUl' 1 to W— 8:1: 21. Ir
thiol.' Or tire to eh:anew nay piens, I will
teleeral;"1 yen and have it fever..°fled."
Ar this moment the door of tite (nee
epees and e!01e1 D')a 'I^ .."d a ne.
o n,, `" .• untieeeite ie we:. i t^1. 1
is See to tee it 'Oh-eetell'1', and esidenu
much i'.. t'.t.
'.:il:!.. itil,'' say. the ^.hitt c•1erk,•
Joe:neiy, a1 ±i.. Th 1':'1 :1, 1ig'ne ,way,
"yo;1. '-:
;1•- 1122t1.I
SUNT. ra•t y011 11:)(1 n102•.! 1 n 11.`:9
> •i e: t e net oaree on lit car: ttI - re-
- devil h ,. n t .... ,. .. It's.
in a pot. ;rt • nfY t) tel: meet
pious tette. eo
'11 yea ere waking;, (.211 .rc
Old top, 1'111 going west."
C.' rTI..;'
pearly .o. ):« fn11•i;:,r4,.: :'. o,;:.ln;l, there
w.. )' ' : it a:: 1•18ro''. .7,1t111
., , ., •.•r1 •I .11:•t tatty,
the sad. .:.1 peeper . -1 r were etch
en. Peeete te:re 0' 101112117, oinking
flee rt ore u ate -table 1 y their
valet. ' •: to step ,• snit by the
do " tete :'Axl e:' 1 heir voi.".'
nal enitt, dee resuel etti•'t rei t to:1.
w 11 tiwee zee:eying n:t:ivr th' inn:lent
of ,'e,tt.'rL,hl 'a i... , 1 :'1 :'•rell to in -
sue i+...•t' , the ,•13,11 y of l': •illy
Oyer','• 'tt 1.: 'e 1 •1'... . er of tr.,lhag to
a re.• '.::tl .. ef the tee hes taking place
- below . t
oet had beee riel"ted ley tele 1TF$
of brad i:' ' Iac,i•,''i'. and Mre, La-
. t tr.stch ter his 1:e(sic:a while
,,Con- 1,1 i sigh's; chanaber, r_:tain-
dtt:int ' n tit. ner vigil. Neither of the two
.. ':1 t -y i t is thethe•}U ,e ,'1 1_ • c _�.ae):13, nor dui they feel
any. exegete:, at the bttrirl •' Deice let two o'soma.' ` r
I ;'i)all not be ere t , 'roes arise : ilnuit.aneou.l, , and \vit't-a-
tire. t.:•:11otto had Fetid to her husband. out more woroc. inputs ,iaesper Barnette
"Segel: %; 11103"'.34 and Evan's will furnish to the room or ca a i,.
suffl 1 :::: „':ruse. and—natllir_tecarist'airts At the door, Lar. Wedron halts.
ine to eo , ten' to Tnhn Burrill now."
dr. Latin )ttc opened his lips, to renlon-
str.lnee. but catching a look upon the
fthat1 hit 2"d to its
is not that our errand is one of gravest
importance and can not be put off. Al-
low me to introduce to you Mr. Wedron,
Doctor Gaylor and Professor Barrington,
all of New York."
Mr. I,anlotte recognized the strangers
with haughty courtesy, and silently whereeteusiy: "What do you wantY"
awaited disclosures. ''. lea:l ;tt:', 1 l:rg your pardon, air,"
"Mr. Wedran and myself, as the repro- say, the num, I, rlilz' ti:iel:177"I mune
sera-Waves and counsel of Doctor Heath, back to W— lase nada, and la'ar1 of the
have summoned from the city these two moil things, acs ia.s hag peae:t her.'.
gentlemen. whom you must know by re- Aou, 11dw.ys liked itur ill, i:i Fiite of
putation, lend we desire that they be hi:; weak wee, for 1 ain't the man to mit-
allowed t') enanhine the body of Mr. Bur- Ickes eurh tabus. I've been down among
rill, in order to acertain if the wounds the f:.ctory people, sena I've Imam thein
upon the body were actually glade by the talk ; anti, thinks I to
knife found with it." sena, thine/ ; a:s lite. L::ult ttec ought to
Tho countenance of Mr. Lamotte dark- l=no;l•. Tonete elyenen raid melee. wlegee,
caned perceptibly.s•Fir;::lel tee :ted. mo fair; and 1Lenore
"It erns to nee," he said, with a yua've t_.atect all the n gds the !fume;
touch of i' real:17 in his voice, "that this but—there a tome people e:; must always
is an unwarrantable and useless proceed- have their fling ::t: every ho eft ae the
ing—donhly so at this late hour." Lord lee:; seen tit to Met ovar the heads;
"Nevertheless, it is 0 necessary one," &id—there's some of tl1e211 sort in 111111
:_o'a' in ;its Wedron, crisply. "it is pr!- avenue."
amiable that yon can have no personal Daring, this har::nguo the courtei'..::nee
enmity a'^ainct Doctor Heath, sir; there- of jasper Barnette has grown less surer -
:Ore you can have no reason for opposing cilious, but not lees curioue.
lit.•«611•_('13 Infigated. by justice. The ex-
au:iaatioa will be a brief ogle."
Tee re elute tore cif his voice, no less
then his worth:, brought Jasper Lunette
to his senses,
"t'e:tai^ly, I have no wish to oppose
the ends of ju'itice," he said, in a tone
wtac'h, in Tito t' of h.imSeli, was most un-
entrfots. :=t.'li an investigation is nat-
raily all-t.-:et111 to ine. Nevertheless.
-.t elle y 1 : roc 1, gentlemen, but I should
Oir•r.� 1a:11a1(1tt:' as ::a 112111 i1t1 (Il`,(1122.1 ,:1•,, partieulaars o,", this Final` " ..
lieIilhlltws that Doctor i;t•,'uit 1:: R 11.. I1 "I don't want to tutee then, sir," re-
of hewer eau Hurt le, mai ke„1) h!s v.v. plies the Tuan, hastily, "No more would tea
fe.sian:,1 .••e- eta So l:e goes sulkily Lneb it be fair for me to do so. I've got some a
to h1
•c n leter reugle enema:.
looking lain ::l i ::r at the tenants' en.
te tt'atnets and este tel ere \1r. I$unetto.
TT "1.111 c..1' of :as wtetknai1," ,.e sae:,
. very gravely, '.•nl I want to NO Thin.
�gC�p..rilea 1.l1'.''
(Leper letant.tte i, in no auooel for i"."
eeiriag vi.-itor'i, but h" is, jit't now, ie
a leo: -tion tvlaera+ he cannot, twit:) safety,
foliate th.' clictotes of bis lofts;;:sty nature.
Ile is tilled with suspicion; sal:ro•uu el:
by 0 mystery he cannot iathou1; anti, e,
1..1 beg; for ;uh audience ::„ meet
an deur 2nu.'t .nave ten extraterdia,try er-
r:end. 1t:!awning Ilius, he says, cru :tiiy:--
":+hots tile £elle t• hem"
A moment Iater the loan shuffles Into
the room. l'Ir. Barnette glances up, and
his Lrow darkens ominously.
"i;rooits!" he t'xeloilns. "what, the :
ihhisenief--" ha cheek=: hinetelf, then heists,
not like t:1�e lalf:ls of his household to
,.:!(')vier t::,rt is going on. They are!
.):11ieientiy, nervous already. If you will
mauve laic lee a 12uuucut, I Will go 11)
and recinest thein to remain in their
rooms 1 oe t': E ,.>nt. • eat, y
are Id li .'r. - t , ..., •'
They all themselves gravely, t>n:-
31r. 1.::1:10.1.', •• this collo
acquit --enc.., area out, :and sl'ftly ba::
swiftly up the i.rci:a et.:a:s; trot: to tar•
rooms ecenpi•:rii ter ti: Ladle?, however,
let ,.:ei:" On t0 la ani: r.)t:1i1, 'where
that young man lot; re aineet in t:eli-
ttt(ie, ever :'1110(1 his unusually early Weak -
1, haat.
"l renk," he sayer, entai•iu r ,juietly and
elos:nb; tear Poor with greaa;cti'e. •'tan.:.
we 111o.0 a (:t1'!ge,tion of (a 10:1 l:cll,ly and be proper reppectful about 35. .3ay "I suppose you can get la man to $11.
Nt:"A.r �_� Burrill was my boss, or something of your p]Ic0Y" 1
,. t c 1 _'t^:.tti011 0. dosto -:1 I'r.:tilt re- , 1Thio anan's countenance bright
p:'at-:, t-carr:)t-liicc. that sort. I shat�do t ]ileo to have certain g'
"Precisely; parties know m s1 real business here, and once:
t -t want to csrmi o the I should like to take a look at Burrill on "Oh, yes, sir; I've the very ine.
irks "" on hand. A friend of Mine, and tv
nl own a:cconnt.
- .'.nl: e'1rae's ,:1 the t0 I,1I f.'.:t. There is a rine of sarcasm in the first one with horses."
".a. esaalhi.0 th boo:" 3^•r repeats words of this speech, and 'Mr. Larette "Let hi)11't:1:. '-rnr place then, acid see
ai:uia 1:'2 - `r +vl,n 6 n c, .:e reflects that he has not yet learned his that every thin , in proper order.
so ...: er:,.fn, b_. is .. e the ezrand, "It's a]1 a'ight," said the coachman,
with(.$+ on aIle holy, is the . alt.0 _mind t.Vea, good, Brooks, you shall sea the returning to the stables and addressing 0
w:t'.i i± is the 'knife t ,:t -•n. 1 body, and manage the rest as delicately mats who leaned ••_;;ainst the loot::: box,
A sickly hue ov sits
tan:, 1.t- as possible, Ietse. You know we watnt where ttwO alooded earria a ,horses were
r.' otrc's face, and he nit riE'.S _ ;5 fu: •v11 :n no ill spoken of the dead. Now, then, undergoing the currying process. "It's
the eh:: •• fetal:1 wide 1 10 1:..1'1117 , el'• u, you^ reef. business • £or," consulting •hfs all ri<;ht.;. you can drive a the horses.,"
sayial,^• neve word.
"Explain yourself, Ii3'oolk," he sages
graciously, and with some in :ard-una.s4._ 1112411 tall at once. I don't want nothing
nese, "1 do not comprehend your mean- to do with the affair. I've done all I can
inti." ci„,„
"If I had 0otii0 to. your servants caul Mr. Barnette slowly draws forth his
asked to see the loe',y of my old chum," . w-11et, and slowly' opens iti
begins Brooks, with a knowing leek, "Brooke, Moro is tweny-Ave dollars.
drawiug neer Mr,. Lamotte, "they would Iva not much illoney by me; I'll look
have ordered me off, anis shut tho deer into this nlaztter, and do more for you'
in my face; so I just asked to see you Oil taft?r ale get quiet again. Mountuue, you
particular l :line.:s. But if you was to e;a)1 hwt'c the first vacancy at the factory;
ring your be11, by and by, watt order- ane .1'11 see to that at once:"
of your s:rv;sts to take inc in to look at "And 1 11 try and be sober; sir, and
the corpse, I could explain to them what read y Inc it, 'Now, then, I've been here a
an old friend I was, teal that would good 3" • y 1:tinutcs: you'd better let me
settle the curiosity busine,ss," take a look at the corpse, and be off."
"Doesn't it•strii:ce you Brooks, that --- .
you don't cut Maki) of a figure, to op- CHAPTER XXXVIII.
pear as the Mend of ray son -in -lave?"
questions Mr. La:notte.loplting with son:2e ' • If you please, Mr. Lalnatte," said that
'disfavor at t:ze ensemble More 1tit11. gentleman's coachman, appearing before
Brooks Las its his chin in leis bushiet his master, loss than an hour before the
in order to 'aevcy his scile:l liucn; looks time al pointed for ' the moving of the
down at hi:: curry i:oots; rene hes flap- funeral cortege, and looking Inueh ton-
ers through his shock of 00111.1' red hair. fused. t' I'f you please, sir, I've had a
"I ain't 2.111.11 of 0 feller to loo.: at; misfortune with nay Hanoi, sir; at least,
but th:_t's because I Lint been :a•: lucky any wrist; it's. sort of sprained, and X
as Burrill was; though I ain't anxious most fear I can't handle the reins proper,
to change pl;tces with him now. nil its for the horses is mighty full of life, bein'
the friendship busineee to :suit you, sir, so little awed of late."
"Well, loll," broke in Mr. Lamotte.
igtee Was suoce hal; the bait
swallowed, and J(>rry Dei-
aloe int€Flieiously up at the :dose -
and mut-
friends among the Mill avenue folies tiro a began tosaunterslowly t jl
I've mine back tti �'--•, because I conld-
n't get oft anywhere else; and I've Qom° and d�ollio :l fere the stable door:---
back broke. Tlln factory folks, will trust "Miss '.ardour, you won't And it so
me to a night's lodging, when their bet- o:asy to a it an old detective, even with
tors wouldn't. l'vo told you enough to the odds •r,'yyotlr faYor'"
open your eyes, sir; and you can look Just es 1tbte horses were being led out
into tho thing for yourself:" flout the stable, a "quiet -looking young
To "look into the tiling" for himself, man, with a saiuewhat rustic air, came
is precisely what :Tasper Barnette is not into the yard, and approached the group
inclined to (1o; so bo says, with growing 111"r '61° oarlittge 4()118'''convictions acid inorcering; frien:Illness Who mimes here? asked the disguised
of manner: y.t'1•snap, in a lute tone, addressing the
�'At least, Moots, you cern dive me an eeaollivan, , ��
to replied a
know," d th t
r than �I x 11
idea of the uatnr0, of the stories this we "More , . ' p
man will tell, if brought into court?" functionary. Then laying down a halter,
• "The Lard knows what site won't tell, just removed from the head of one of the
tar; the Woos hot, and blows cold. Otte pawing, endless horses, he turned toward
minute she tells how he eves a fairly
omthe new Cotner, Fayinl;, patronizing;ly:—
co;l husband, until lie g;otinto the hand Lyell, my lean, cart We do anything
of te city gang, while they lived in for you."
New Yu ] ; end uta .t' she raves over all The stranger appeared somewhat
his n i7decies tells how be wits CO2Upe11c.t abc:1:12(•(1;
to ' bo juggled 'I hope I ain't in tho'•svay,- gentlemen,"
be furctii.t tlur�niuto divorcing him; how ho read,respectfully; "I came from Wart
he l:raggeti aver the strong influence he dour with 0 iucesatze for Miss Constance.
haCl ova; you and all your. family; flow We from the old lady, and as I see the
be 'ante to Jaer'house time and. again, t'tarriegee are C() Uur: and the hearse, T
atter he was married to your gal; and lust thought•I'd w::tt till the funeral was
how ho, an:al:see her 'pos of okl La- ,flaaa(' before I futruds(L"
motte'ti money;' them's her words, sir, "Ohl" Fold the cottehialan, more gra:i-
'pnts of old Lanloite's looney, :lnd heaps ouriy. Well, you won't have long to
of (tiautonth , for tlu' sake of old times,' trait, then; tho tithe's about up, and Mr.
when he was druek enough to be 'good Lamotte is never behind time:" Ten he
au:aired; and hew he heat her, andI can turuTl to Ail} I3elknrl,.
testify to that, when he was a little "You must ken e`a close eye over the
drunker.,, off one,' he kid; 1' fall of Cain; and
"Brooks," e..ys Mr. Barnette, spring- I say, what a rocky thing -it is that your
in.; 0 last trap, "dc you suppe:so you cloths are dark, and that Mrs, l atuotto
could manage thi.a business of getting wou't let us wear full liveries."
away the woman, if I paid you wen, llnd t'Why, yes, £t'ts very lucky, that's so;
gave you la bribe for her?" just throw over those reins, will you.
"No, sir, I couldn't (lo it. Imo so well Don't be uneasy in your mind about that
known about Mill avenue, it won't do horse; I'll drive 'ens safe enough; just
for it poor broke up devil to turn up , you tell me when to start.
Ten aninutos later, all that remained
of john Burrill was borne out in its
coetly casket and placed in the splendid
hearse at the door,
artist as he was about to cross his own
tIireslaold, .Tasper Lumottte was co"hfront-
ed by a young man who pressed' into his
hand 0 slip of paper, mid Whispered in
his ear:-- - ,
"Re at once, sir; it's of' vital im-
portance to you,"
Stifling an csclamatiou, Jasper Lar
motto unfolded and glanced at the slip
of paper. It contained these words:—
/i'i �tf •-/.. 7
necl at
swatch "t Deo presses." "Cap's .you're e, hood fellow," said the
"r'anta ' eena .Tasper 7.e1na,:c, eye rtir "I know it does, sfr, andIwol2't waste )urn, c.lthusiatsticsally, t'•ar_d herds your
hi; o, siu:rpil Lo you $.13 ,.-43.-r•t2 uh any words. You see, sir, beggi11' your tell dollars. It's a favor .1'11 never forget
evty tea; inenetig:ttion sheltie not tate pardon for enentionin' of it, Burrtll has , ,; o 111113ne tad it were yet hi :Xi got another wife,' a divorced ane, E 111011n, mind, for many a the day Poo clrivot4 the
power to eireete ate Iivin' clown at the avenue. tihe works fn beauties, before t'$gnire McInnis went up,
A faience tart lasts many seconds, Store -'s 's mill note but she used to work and we all had tar go."
then:— 'a teems before-" "That was a big failure," replied the
"It' is not in our power to -hind : .. „ ", coaa;hnuanr knowingly. " you just see that
„ Yes, yes, impatiently. Get oat fast- file horses are clone off all right, lvan't
seyt Hanel:, e a.. hollow voice; a', ILI•oo m,', g' ' „
would it lee poi ey. Let the play go on '•`,ell, you sec, sir, since her husband
you? I must look after'the carriage:
and he turas hes face toady with a weary —I mean since Mr. Burrill was killed It WW1 lucky for hie that I happened
gesture• she line been cltttizl' alp rough, and ic>ttin' to know the iuetory of these horses,"
1'or a thl.moment, J;spex Barnette state., : out:many things as you lvouldll't Ilse to nittsetl :ferry Belknap, Inc he it was who
gwziag at his sun; a putt zlea. look •.1•. beat., t;et ;:,1 over �i'—. ,;he ain't afraid 10ttr_ed confidingly over tostrol:e,thd sleek
hale; teen ass turns anttgoes Out us sd'tly of him no more the slid beat hem marl- sides of one o;: the beautiful boys, and
ate he (:.11le• afroue) and when "he sets to taakin ou wile lead 1 ribed Mr_ Laanotto's coachman
"Gantleuten," he says, 1•e-enteling t.t.• 1 t things. that old sound bad with a tendollar bill. "If Idrive the Ba -
library, with the same suit. -tied ru.n2a:,,'
oft are at invert
y I T
xFai11i1:atlon, and, 11 11:1.. sweats -, yet!
e ,F .'
as well to lose no tiaue. 'roe fun 72.31 takes
"1. will rr:llain on the. twee e ly," ..!
e,11,; as t:) Mr. O :lieera, but suf.aclen.2y lou:,.
to be heard by alt the rest, ". nose:
fuse to leis wife he had star ..c g ecoid endure tile .eig"i1t of a eerp a hands an iter, wiry, it would be !t, good apptxtrunco batt uncler;ono a Inaarked
fullest rezoning, he closed them again 12o turns abruptly, and gtocs litlt 11:rou;;it thin';, _lir. Lamotte."
change- Ilo tvas rubicund, and more for nervous and; a,nFCmie bf alb'
and wont ;dimly below stairs, and, tale open ciuortv,cy; taking up a ;:nsitio;a C,,,cid ring the tender solicitude he, youthful of countenance; a shabbily smart workers.
"Tho man who will drive your car-
riage is.a cursed NIiw 'Pork detective,
who Ilan bribed your coechuutn. '
"Don't give him the opportunity he
hopes to gain £or watching and. listening
to, yourself and son.
"The bearer 01 this can be trusted.
value 0
beitst has 1
I3alland, he
luent of th
he is the.
nlony* to the
i lot' nem and
given t
h -
i by Mr,
a litiolnle%al Depart-
ood Section of the French.sts ail hood supplied so
eat authority itt Prance
upon organic chemistry. 1Ie has
been engaged investigating the food
properties of cereals, and among these
specially oats• uud hail just Melfi before
the Academy of Sciences an exhaus—
tive essay on that grain. His papers'
have led to most interesting—
stuns by the ablest authorities of the
He. has ,just completed an analysis
of 1000 samples of oats, grown in dif-•
feront regions and upon varioui 80118.
He desired to settle the question so
disputed during a score of ears; to
what 18 to be attributed the exeiting,'
stirllulating,' or fiery principle .tu
oats ? To an alkaloid, asserted many,
lodged in the pelixcic sheathing the
kernel of the grain. M Balland:
could Lind no such alkaloid, but he
discovered a small quo nary of es.en—
tial oil that•c old explain the stimu—
lating eflicac.
Oats, be a - rins, form a complete
food, contai ,never less than .3, and
as 7 er cent. of fatty mat—
tel.'s : the stat hi or eaceharine sub—
stances varied from 61 to 64 per Gent,
and the nt •o•enous from• 7 `to 14.
One hundre grains of oats varied in
weight' fro 1.80 to 4,30 grammes,
ancj there 're' 30 grammes in an
ounce, TI kernel forms from 61' to
74 per cen. of the grain. The shell
is very ha and diffieult to masticate,
hence the dvantage of' bruising for
Keeping Bees.
Bee allure •requires no great
outlay 1 strength at any time, says
Mrs. L. arrison, but to . be a suc-
cess 'tt re must be a faithful per -
forma eof many little items. 'Any
:vena who can make a pet'fect loaf
of br= can.' having good location,
make'ee•etlltnre a success, as she
the importance of performing
manipulations of the colony
exact time
• I, requires n(, outlay for land
upo which to raise crops, for as yet
the has been no plant discovered
th' pays to plant for honey - alone.
honey -bee. is a benefactor to
"this friend, come down -oft that box,"
h ' said t -tl a eel£ s1`ietled substitute o(x Paco, romping the fields at will.
By tho time he had mastered the mean-
ins, of tho note, the hearse had moved ait t
forward and the pall bearers were taking at tl
their places. •
'Then the Barnette carriage came into
view. Mr. Lamotte placed tho note in the
!land of his son, who stood close beside
him, and descended the steps, a stern
look 011 h1 fac.
O .cal O 1 F a, .
procured hint by his coachman. • g. )Pring honey and pollen which it
The Ivan on the box stared down at p
hint in Funezement. fi
"But, sir," he began.
"I want no words from you, sir; you
can't drive my horses Como down in-
stantly.". •
• The discomfited j-lolknap writhed. in -his
seat, and looked abort him helplessly.
Before woke the pall -bearers, looking
back from their opeu,ve!;icle, and noting
the scene; on the steps, and within easy
hearing distance, were gathered the email
knot of gentleanen, wile,: for courtesy's
sake, or Inc policy's sake, iutd gatherer
to do honor to Air. Laanatte, tether th
to the poor rosewood pinouded thing aha
had never a mourner
Ile could not explaifn;' he couldn
make himself known. .
"I will have you thrown off that
slr;,if you hesitate ton seconds 10
[To 131`1. CONTINtILD
s ft.r in the fertilization of
ers. She takes nothing from the
tility of the soil, but gives to it
of the greatest fertilizers known—
e clovers --which would become
tinct' if it were not for her agency
fertilizing the bloom. No land is•
q:'•aired except a spot on which to
lace the hives.
I knew a poor woman who oe-
tupied the second story of a tenement
in a la1'ge city, and had no place to
set her.hives except upon a slanting
roof. Her few hives kept under
such disadvantages added materially
o to her slender income.
r I know of another lady who in -
i vested k"600 in bees, hives; and
I patented fixtures who realized
nothing from • her expenditures.
wE H I She had read a sensational story of.
s.ta ;r ' -•-13 log .troubled wit i n 1a fortune beir'g made in bee -keeping,
see r h ea h w s advised b ;,:a i
s it ) and invested • ger means without
s ,et.s ou .un - uta wo . , s L
'A• Pills.
) Ptl X
' -lit • i was la Com- Inottes; I'ln sure of a hearing, and no CrioiTcl to ti- at a ?i1' � aand entrusted'
wbottt your son-in-law. If tknowled„e, the care
kn he- lii;e ine. it wouldn't neater audience; at tho worst if they should used half a bottle, and have not eiliga ,
r of her apiary to a. person ho knew
bees,but th
of t
'stung and gathered honey., -
I3ananton 01>`L Bee -culture is a science requiring
b. h• Brooks, take in a third party,but they won't; I suffered from the complaint. 1he se�'Jt
but 1 thinks to • n)yself, note, Lruetks,
shier. 'ere woman who can't hold her can find: way to: ivake myself enol My to be 'a
perfect aura.
ton; et: will be hauled up as awitness Inc wants known.'X And he sauntered across MRS. JNO• TOlLINSON,:
in -
Doctor Heath. I ain't got nothing against to the carriage house and' critically in-
Doca:r Heath, but I says, it will be aw- seeded the Splendid landau that zwas be -
fat humblin' to Mr_ Laamotte's pride,. and ing rolled but upon the gravel.
-rfu1 nar(1 uta hiss -ratty '--. elater; so He had eettuned to W— on foot, . from
1 •
I jest e'.nno to say that 11 Nance Burrill
a near railway station, reaching the town ,
(3 ulei he got to go avaly, quiet like, lie- within Ove hours from the time he left it. The London Chronicle says t
fore the other rarties could get their During this time, however, his personal the baited banana:J.1s the ideal
Items o4 Interest.
'• i study and thought.
threu;r:t e11 the day previous to thtl de- on the Metal I,la:zza, and turners ::t., feel:: £o^ "Mr. I.aemattt+'s pride,” he has
In dans; cxcessiyelq' guises," and seine • i
• pertain of tho funeral c•olte,,., Jasper L. gaze 1.1,32d too river.lvhnt.lotui in luanner. The news of tihe a ointme t of,
iiiott:' lv1 s the only member of that arise 6� Jasper Lranott:e is lose sc!nsitiv0, how- giyetl it same pretty hard knocks, but he " afl
lcakt cgni.e inns met, and incciptiulo of Ute e h his earned ro with rho Ba- .judge Jette as Llelutenant—Gov nor'
s v'aible to the hethett 1 had learned from Frank. that
tOCl21ti:: fatally who lya 1. - ever; enters with
OtPC:�, are.. , 11th C:d 20 at C.'LTn0 m lit
Carlow ;razaof the strangers who attended 132,1 l(113 1>'s.ide O'Meara, while the plays:, any sirltstc: i12t:c1at, and 11ir, oo e. 110 of Quebec, has been• confirtlned1
rifte,r gtraten;; his !!t,) viciously far to nue, their blooded bays had once been the
1110111 lung favoring his vis-a-vis with a Property of a wealthy and prom!nc11L Judge Barron has assumed hi
sharp glance of s•nsi.ieion, satyr, with sud-
den. citizen of New York, lege having failed,
after the modern fashion, -had given Jas- duties at Stt,�,tford.l and •ree.eiv
cuudeneatian:— �
"'...of 1-e I've 'damys bete inclined to per Barnette the first bid for the valuable address of welcome frog} the b
upon the bestial preparations. 1 dine do their work.
Early in the forenoon an unexpected j "At least," he thinks, "I'll knew whet
delectation ea:rived at the entrance of , they are about, and what their verdi:•t
Mapleton. 1 iteet
First, Cagle Doctor Benoit, driving tint •in tltia ire is disappoill�tdt. 'T .'•:, beli.!ve you a pretty stood cart of fellow, span. (liven Illus much, the rest was
alone In bis; time-honored gig, the n1, , ll::vo bleu ;ht with th0m a 81111;11;t0 but re.:liy this singular disinter,•:tsan.5s easy. Representing himself as a former Miss Boys, aged i6 seal's, dr
vehicle he had been seer- to enter within , 141110; the l:reri a ctmlrtetq:ret of 1.l <n±a lma),•t • :I.: me :+aspect your motivecoachman of this bankrupt New Yorker, dead while out wanking at G
now in pewee io;1 of the prosecution, and
the memory of Wim'•.
Close behind hint, a carriage contain-
ing four gentlemen, all manifestly per- #
sons of more than ordinary important",
lifr, O.:lienl 1, in fact, his colleague of the
'irew York Bar, and two elderly, self- 1
posseeeetl et,•angerl, evidently city n1'0!. ,
They desiroel a few words with M1.
La1llntt:', and that g"eliti.'i)[atl, aft"1' 811110
hesi3at1011 nod no little concern as to the
nature of their buslne1•e; at mat time,
preaentctt lzi•aself befcm,' them, lnul::t,t:
the personification of eubdnut :sorrow teed
haughty retegvet
Air. t,)'". 11131.1 ltd a'pl 13111_'11 15.2 •
the party'.
".ler. L: ntetu,, lie betetat, with ilra-
fouts:' pritit•'ntece enol 1 .11(3 C01(1.1e: s )•.
lnalne'r' tend 13!)04 e•:a, tai 1.:;•,til:e.' .:;,:,le 3.: •
ft*' t to intrusion at :'(1:'13 ,a 211110.
of the sante I,h:anufacture.
One 1)y one the:i examine, they com-
pare, they probe, and all ba sil: ime, 'T'hen
they turn toward O'Meara.
"I believe oft; have itnished," sees
Proft'eor Harrington.
"And the it—mitt" asks Taa.per I..:
ittotte, c.1% crly, in spites of hhtls'a.
"That," 11'plics Mr. O'lltetra, lyf.:h
elaborate nonchalance, "will be made
known wt the trial. Mr. L; nlotte, we
trust that you. will pardon. tithe none.
i:,'1',: •t,hy intl'n1'ioll, 11,31 ire ,71;11 you ',1
very goad morning."
al )
attar; it i ht1�L tt•tl 0.4100111 1. (n 1 if I Want0d 10 (t fuy •elf a good turn pair of critters they was the apple of Ins he proportion n e f 1
Stoll" as Drools elevates this, hotel and he had told his little story. He. was look- from heart disease.
suddenly faces toward the door. "hear ing about him for a place in which to
'nle ,alts. Brooks, don't he esltamsci to open a "small, but neat" livery stable, James Gllasby, a farmer,. ne
aaniese it. Did the thought of a reward had wandered into W-- that morning, field, committed sl ieide by
stimulate.. you to do 2110 this—fc.vorl" and htavillg considerable cash about him, his threat.
"If it's a favor, sir, you take it very all his sayings in fact, ho had not carnal '
uppish," retorts Brooks sulkily, tend • to tempt robbers) by -appearing ton "high Ate. Tease Master, Registrar
t(1'!Il;g slowly toward the door. "I'm a toned, counts' of 1Vtlterloo,, di t1 0
poor men, sir, but I ain't bad enough to Of course ho luta heard at once of the
come to you with a trumped-up story, • murder, and then remembered that baa- day of drnpsey and heart s.
and if I happened to think that in etsse motto was the name: of the gentleman It is an error to jtltdge't)'
found things I tell you, you might who had bought his favorite horses front
e CH; .S
ztr 1r the
n b tt!'s-
iftae. on.
Or tsby
0 ninny
1r ex-
1`tt 'r nCe
1` le Sin
sett Hunt 11u;s ::s a t, ' their Color ; the W lofite slats
reward. Me by asnd by With •a t^Ii-(iol!^r ills fernier master.
nob., why, I�don't think Hoere is nIu(!1 "1 never pulled reins over a span equal eountl'les, those of %I` Mkt
harm in Haat. I liked you and your' to 'Om," lie Paid, with much pathos. "1 ample, ;nee dost nu '0/4.`
The e' ath1Puati0n has 1!i'rt1 a very 1)14: i ways, and wanted to do you a gootl turn, never had the same lit"ing for ,any other t
art lea tete u ,
four unwelcome moots delle away. tao, why, there's •tat'•it in that " eye, and I'd glee just ten dollar to draw white than'in Blau
llocte'r 11011olt: finis: Itt,t :t?et;I:llr:tl.i rein over 'em once more—even to aitln- Rural Canadtan.
• Tb„ae'stu:tubs f'h that, true enough. ,
them.; he go :e up 1ltalre tet vie32. :1!•: , Dee:Atte i v:le:ll. I hal time t•) hear all the erel,”
tient. •
A •
Reliable household
Remedy for Coughs and
Colds of infants or Adult
Cures Bronchitis, Croup
ksthllia, Whooping Cou1
Throat and Lung Diseases.
CHlLetteN 1.11111 IT.
s,t1UJ oittleolec a,or
241nts1N't, rntot deeo.,
TJ:onto, Oat.