The Wingham Times, 1897-12-31, Page 7woorn +ar • l4ING IE STREP [0. in rtdvanoe- t um. I mo N. 00o rS0O 2 00 6 on 700 (3OQ CO 1 QQr mt. $n per lino. ,eh subsequent I. a Insertion, attlt- kr. ycd, Situatfone oeedfnr 6 line 60o. for each :eedtng^ 8 line. ;quern month r to month, or for Without specie 1. and .ol charge '.- i e .k outs must, tr must be in, , oder to appoint r, AND PUBLISOM ito„ at lowest ortgagea, toe d Gold :V:1,1CLit� 1 d n rowee t' st r t ONTAR1O. D. S., WIN rat -class sets•:' ay can he ro e u cth ext r�d ain, by his.dew ' C, oppOS 1). S., 0 • 0nnsylt ► •;• n-Adr.y. ,GENT ONTAY • di; 00o1QTT be Co. Charge ORT., • ER. Implements romptly atton,ll. lxs.. No. 40, tneef rd Monday in Idah. Visiting :Wef. D Stew. d 1 -olds" It•rssora reaping now beginners obs •rig bee.. One )nth is making IS clearing 811: dby is cioaring anvas4intr out. i3:ilrl airsini Sight thousand oohed ordered tone to South a, Lord Lorne, no fleet Popular d tho101ne6'00. latiVaaae a; ex. l.asy to make that. had, Torontoy, tel Posters, fl It ted in the beef , and on that. !T. 0, winitham, Au Up-to-date ,Catarrh Orbe. Woodville, Ont, Feb. 33rd, 1397. It gives us great pleasure to testify to the excellent t fleets of Dr. Chase's Catarrh •Cure, IL has completely cured mo of Cat- tarrh in the head, I praise it as an up•to• -date cure.,l JAS. SMUT, harness Maker. Listowel public school has 520 pup. Us en the roll. anon � F ib, Tl7 .a'.t P'+ •CYtA .. Positively cured by iv' l.±,c s© Little Dille, • They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too hearty Eatin;. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, ))rows-- ess, Bad Tastein the Mouth, Coated Tongue am n a the Side, TORPID c 7 O PID 'LIVE R. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small MIL 8111121i3 Dosem v`7mati S4:C3a Substitution tho fraud of the day. See you get Carter's,. Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Cart -,-'s Little Liver, Pills. THE _ PHRENOLINE REMEDIES `Peking the lead everywhere. We are working day and• night t a supply the demand. Oar correspondence es ondence shows . that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to health and happi- ness daily.. ' MXt. OA..ii.ROW'S tsz'L1hiCH. TI -1J MEAIIIER FOR WEST IIUIlON CON. IRTIUTES ITIS. VIEWS ON THE MIDGET DE73ATE—AN ABLE SPIMOU.. The following summary of Mr,, Garrow's speech on Friday, 17th inst., in tate Ontario Legislature, is taken from the Globe hl r, Garrow thought that a great deal of what the House had heard , during the debate had not been utter. ed by hon. gentlemen so much with a desire to clear up the questions.undcr discussion, but rather to ntyotify. He bud heard the same arguinents ad- vanced for some Dight years, and had been forced to the conclusion that a great Ileal of.the contentions advane, ed is humbug. This is a business question pure and sitn,ple, and the conelusion et which every man who investigated that question for himself from the material before hint, rather than the stump oratory of politicians, must be forced to arrive at is that the present Government, whether it be a Liberal or a Conservative uiovern rent, is an honest and a business Government,. It was a lamentable thing that after three or four days' debate they had received no sugges- tion from hon. gentlemen opposite, with the single exception of that made by the hon, member who had just sat clown, •resneeting the setting apart of incurable inmates of asylums with a view to the improvement of accommodation and saving of the cost. He (Mr. Darrow) thought perhaps there might be something in the sub- geetion, and he cornmended it to the attention of the bon. gentlemen Who had charge of the department, if in- deed it has not already been looked into. The question of the appoint• n,ent of a Minister of Agriculture bad been introduced by hon. gentlemen op 3osiue. What has this question to do with present-day polities? he ask ed. Bat, since the other side had brought it up. he desired to say that it was not that the Opposition utterly and entirely opposed the appointment, butt that they sought to 'he -little, and and curtail it. They held that agri culture, the great industry of this qonntry, was tot to be put upon the sirne footing as the other depart menta, that it should be a sort of an nex to some other busy Minister ; that was good enongh for the farmers, acdoraing to hon. gentlemen opposite, but this was not the view of hon. gent• letnen on, the Government side of the House. The Opposition did not dare to say "no" to the appointment, but were unwilling to have an Agricul• tural 'Departmelit. I -Ie challenged the hon. gentleman if he • knew of misconduct by Goverment officials to report the matter to the depart- ment, as his duty. The Gove1 n• inept, he artrued, is justified in pro- tecting it officials where they are not guilty of wrongdoing or oppression. The hon. member for North Toronto had referred to the boundary award, but no amount of reading of resole- tions of long years age will remove from the remembrance of the peo• 'pie of the province, the undoubt ed feet that' the Opposition in this House were acting in accord with and -in support of the policy of Sir Jblin MaQdonald to resist in every way the acquisition by the Province of this valuable property. He (:11:r. Garrow) hoped that the high standard of dignity of this chamber• would be maintained, and he appeal- ed to the Opposition to lend their aid in this direction, and to this end, that. when they bring up a scandal in the House they will see that it is in• real ity a scandal. 11e depreciated the un warranted attack. upon the Minister of Education, than whom a more able and honorable gentleman had never filled that important office, and pass- ed on to refer to an incident which weaved during one of Mr. Whitney's meetings, when one of the audience inquired whether it was true that the Miehig•an lumbermen had subscribed $200,000 to carry the elections for the Government this tine. Mr. Whitney replied Td o not know. , He charged the hon. gentleman, that he might have known from the re- cord of this chamber, that he did know from his experience, that the statement was untrue and utterly ;without foundation, and knowing this should have repudiated with scorn such an insinuation,. te tii n g upon thehonor of the eglsiature. He quoted from the Mail and Empire in approval of the financial adminis- tration of the Government, and also from the.same paper, at a later date what he contended was most unfair criticism. lie also quoted from the • ,'ql Td R EU TIC SPECIFIC',®R KIDNEY M1i LIVER PILLS They are absolutely pure and healthful, Guaranteed to M • cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago and all forms of Kidney and , Liver troubles. BEWARE Oil SPURIOUS IMITATION'S Sold in Wingham, only by Gordon & Co Caveats and Trade.Me l:s obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODER:VP; FEE8. My office is in the immecliate vicinity of the Patent Office and my facitities for securingpatents arc unsurpassel Send model, sketch or photograph of invention,Ivi t.I description and statement as to advantages claimed. Jt'Gi-1Vo chamois snore for an. opinion as to ;pateneabificv, and my fee for prosecuting the Application u'ilE oao3 3o called for until the Irate)a, ) allowod. "lawn:Toss' Gumma,' con- taining fuel information neat free, AIt ®ominuul• teatlons Considered! as Ntrtctlg 4Jon3dentlal. FRANKR.IN H. HOUGH SW; S' Sr rocitO W,l SISE Rl 'Ft 4eIB .irD. CI. ELTON'S UM PS I LIE + W 11\ GI A.M TIMES, a, D i :CEMBER 31, 1897. Evening. Telegram, an Independent Catarrh Ts a Disease lli'I on ttie Debet' hand paper, w o , gave the Government, credit for the finan- cial administration and asked the Op position to wage a fair fight upon the records and upon the facts. Opon the question of the surplus, Mr, Garrow justified the Wetton of the Government in expending the money of the -province to ineet the ine'eas ing nee, ssities of a growing province in the ereetio'a and maintenance of necessary public inet1tutions.. In re- ply to the attacks. of the Opposition upon the Government for extrava game, he showed that the gross re- ceipts of the province since Confecler• ation had been $59,370,700 and the expenditure t89,131,5G1, leaving a balance on the right side of $239,139 saved, not from the fust funds of Province but from the revenues, and representing an actual cash saving In the face of these facts the Nail newspaper stated, that the province had genie behind, a statement to the discredit of the province, which is entirely and utterly without founda- tion, Mr. '•Ciarrow reminded the House that the Government had not adopted former Ottawa methods in dealing with tbe public domain. A resultion that timber lands should bo pat LIP to public competition was sup. ported by a small and Spartan band of Liberals numbering forty-one and opposed by 10.4 Conservatives. Ile favored the greatest detail consistent with prudentexpenditure in the pub• lie accounts, and expressed his desire that the fullest opportunity for in• quiry should be given • before the Public Accounts Committee, He corn plained chat Mr. •W hitney, while quoting his words as to the composi- tion of the Public Accounts Commit. tee, has misrepresented their applica- tion. • Mr. (-arrow admitted that he had said that the committee was a partisan committee, but only in the sense that its composition was under a constitutional system ot government. He diel not mean to imply that it was partisan) in its method of treating the questions that come oefore it. Rev. Chas. Fish, Methodist M;nls- • ter, 182 Dunn Ave , Toronto, • Cured of Eczema. About ten years ago I felt the beginnings of what ie commonly known as Eczema. The disease commenced in my ears and spread entirely over both aides of my head and also developed on my hands. During chose ten.years I was a great sufferer. Specialists on skin diseases treated me. As I write this I am just commencing on the fifth box of -Dr. Chase's Ointment,, and judging front the rapid improvement effeot- rd, I am certain that before the box is used 'I shah he completely cured. Chas. Fan, MViothodist Minister. , 192 Dunn Ave., Toronto, Will stand wear and tear for 3 ears. No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by 'the fact that some of these pumps put in wells • 25 years ago are still working. num and P'ORCE PUMPS Supplied. to Order. iae I Ing promptly attended. to. ,o- for—] iagofnai St, opposite Beattie's Livery. eta O1 IN 1 ELTON,. Wing tans, Ont, TEE COUNTY t.tiIL. Five more lodgers have arrived at the j til, making a total of thirteen. John Adams, laborer', of Landon, a strong, healthy fellow and well able to Work, was ,eutenced on December 7th, by P. M. iaa;er, to 3 months for vagrancy. Roland Smith, (alias Phillip 3fcLuary), solicitor, of Toronto, was sent down by J. A. Morton, .J. P., on a charge of forging a note on Mr. Vanstone, of Wingham; ,Smith is 5 feet 7k inches high, heavy set, dark complexion, with dark hair, turning grey. Thomas Narrein, laborer, Perth Co., age 555, .enteneeel on December 14th by Chas. .wager to one mouth for vagrancy ; War - en is not well and should bo sent to the earth house of Refuge, Walter Ward, ;iaperhauger,. of Chatham, was meant. :iodated with three months on Dec. 14th ,y P 142. Seeger. Fred. Elliott, of Bay- field, is the latest arrival.-Goderich Star. "Which requires a constitutional remedy. It oannott be cured by local applications. Iiood'iysarsaparilla is wonderfully snccpss•.' fel in coring cattarrlt because it eradicates from the blood the scrofulous taints which ceruse it. Sufferers with catarrh, find a cure in hood's Sarsaparilla, even after other remedies fail. . HOOD'S I'ILLe are prompt. efficient, al- ways reliable, easy to take, easy to oper- ate, Literary Notes.. The January number of the De 'theater is called the holiday rtum- her. The following lis' of ttie Oon- tents of this issue will give some idea of the wealth of matter contained in the twelve copies furnished. ;on a yearly subscription, and also of its variety and general attractiveness; Sonne popular Russian modes for ladies; fashionable sires; aHouse furnishing and decoration ; d.y and evening wtusts; novelties en s.' °eves; stylish waist decorations; adie ' fashions (illustrationg and ,deserip- tiens) ; .styles for little folks ("illus- trations and descriptions; styles for 14iisses and Girls (illustrations and descriptions) ;sty les for WNW (illus- trations and descriptions) ; The work- table , millinery ; fashionable winter textiles; stylish trimmings; seen in the shops ; some stylish designs in house -robes ; Dawn '(story), Helen Choate Paine°; social cfbservatices, Mrs. Cad welder Jor,es ; T"'atting (illus- trated) ;Knitting (illustrated); dress- making at home; social life in Lon• cion, Lady Jeune; false economy in the household, Emma Churchman I3ewitt; I3lue print photography, No •Shariot M. Malle on board the Yacht Syrinx (Clive Rayner's ad- ventures), Martin Orde; The tea - table, Edna Witherspoon ; decor- ations for church festivals, Ernipa. Haywood ; for ' the children; the common ills of life, No. 1, eaten* cold, Grace Peekman Murray, M. 17r. ; Lace•making (illustraterd) ; crochet- ing (illustrated) ;,simple entertai!Iirrg ; children and their ways, No. 1, the naughty child,'t1Irs. Alice itieyneli ; the flower Warden, E. C. Vick ; netting (iilh,tstrated); drawn -work (illustrated),; children's parties, Mrs. Edward Lvhox; among the holiday books. Order from ta local agent at for the B( tterick patterns, or address 'Phe Delineator Publishing Co., of Toronto, Limited, 33 Richmond St., W., Toronto, Ont. - Subseription price of the Delineator, $1 per year, or 15 cts. per single copy. Pure blood is absolutely necessary far aerfeot health. Hoot, , s .Sarsaparilla is be one true blood purifier and great ,ealth ,giver. The cycle racer who wipes oat all ot•evious records might also be called an eraser. FREE! SEXUAL HEALTH And how to seSure it. Plain foots Plainly Stated. A veryinteresting little book for hien only, which must be read to be appreciated. Through its honest advice, thousands have been restored to perfect man. toed. ,For a short time.mailed free, in plain enve- or•, securely scaled.. Address the Author: • .1. OSr n T Z, r, 0. UO) 74, t)eritoir, ti!1CH, In dying same men leave their wives pretty well off and Some leave them better off, JOIN HANT7;, In Telling of the Curing Dowers of Dr. Agnew's Curo for the heart. 1rt V. Tn mss. of Stanley House, Ring. Eton, writes : "Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart has proved a wonderful Tnedioine tit my ease. I was a great ahfferer from heart trouble. I found it a great health builder and have received great benefit My wife also used the Heart Cure and can bear equally as strong teatime* of the benefit received." I relieves in 80 mia utss. 801 at Chts1iolre's Drug Stere. New Year's Ladies' Home Jour- nal, Tars, Rorer's Way of Stewi.n Oy- sters, Drain fifty oysters; put the Ilei oo over the file, boil and skim it. '!trim it through two thicknesst•s, e.f t•Io o -t - cloth. into a saucepan. Ariel tee to ' eters, bring to a boil, t rid Mi.inl .igoin; add one pint of milk, six Mote pi=p - per corns, half a teaspoonful of allspice and a blade of mace, ' tell this carefully until it just i•eacitt•s 1[,t• boiling point ; add a tablespoonful of salt, a dash of pepper, and st,i tt• at. mice with equates of tout, er 0e e•1• eralcers.--Mrs. S.T.Rorer in this l;,tt- uary number of The Ladies' H+'utt• Journal, Pile Terrors Swept Away. Dr. Agnew's Ointment, stands at the head as a re-liever•, healer and sure pure for Piles in all forma. One application will give comfort in a few minutes and three to six days application according to directions will cure chronic cases. It relieves all itching and burning skin diseases. 35 cents. Sold at Chisholm's Drug Store. The brightest li.'ht isn't always the pleasantest. Neither is the brightest person. If an Fgyptian dies befc:re noon the funeral must take place that Orli e -day. 1f death iceers after noon, the funeral may not he delayed after the next dav, Tokio, the capital of Japan, has doubled its population in twenty years. It had 700,000 in 1808, and to -day it bas 7.,500,000. One hundred and fifty-five tuns of cheese was manufactured in the Springfield factory during the past season. Mrs. McKinley in a new portrait seated in a luxurious chair in the White House conservatory, makes a striking cover to the January Ladies' Elome Journal. It is also appropriate as J,.hn Philip Sousa's new composi- tion, 'The Lady of the '1 bite House,' which the wife ef tbe President per- mitted "The March King," to deli tate to her, is given publicity for the first time in tl•lis number. 01 course the composition will be tremendously popular. Clara IVIorris, the great actress, appears for the first time, as a story writer in a true tale taken out of her career, which she calls. "John Hickey ; Coltcnman." Lillian Bell's keen pen deals with Paris as she sees it for the first time, and with the French, who inspire her to .write with a ficinating sweep and dash. Five of our most distinguish- ed— Tl clergymen Cardinal Gibbons, ons , Mr, Moody, the evangelist, "Ian Mc- Laren," Dr Rainford, Robert Coll- yer—tell oll- thepoint --• 11 terselyand to yen to what a religions life means to a young man, and how it affects his daily life and amusements. There are four short stories and Hamlin (garland's roman ce of "The Doctor," — the story of a man born to be "a friend ot all women and a lover of none:" The suecessful feature, "The Inner Experience of a Cabinet Member's Wife," is carried op and discloses some astonishing phases of the high- est social and official life in Washing. ton as this wife of a Cabinet member saw them. Mrs. Rorer answers the' question, "Do We Eat Too Much Meat ?" and seems to prove that we do, An expellent "City Brick House; for $1,800," is given with plans and; drawings --comfortable as any one' might wish. Four pages are given to home parties and frolics, present ing every phase of home entertaining fancy dress parties for ehildren, etc. The entire number has the glaw of midwinter entertainment in it. By the Curtis Publishing Company, Pliiladelpita. One dollar per year ; ten cents per copy: • Are Your RUPTURED ? If so it is your advantage to call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug Store, Wingham. They are the agents for the celebrated Wetmore Truss. WHY THE WETMORE IS Ti`iE ONE FOE YOU 1. Because it is dangerous to be- a moment without one. 2. It will never r u,t and. is conse- quently durable. 3. A person wearing a Wetmore does not find it a bother. 4. We will guarantee to hold in position any reducible rupture. 5, This truss cannot possibly move after adjustment, B. Some of our townspeople can testify to its merits. 7. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. GORDON Sy CO. Lnittliinet9aaenee:eeiestalt neie74 t au.r ...., F - p► THE -4CL t' DR. WOOD'S o rn'S NORM KNE SYRUP Is Sure To COUGHS AND COLDS sPrice 25 Cents. WN HAM SAW MILL All kinds ef riltl; it E.tltd cart•:- ed —SHIN, LES, . t' _• —LATH. t —CEDAR POSTS, Tacn kept eonstantc on hand and deliver - e'cl tan shortest notice. I Great Offer _ LI 13 t�OFO 4 -1 �The gee ?ress !.:1, The r ree Press desiring to greatlyti increase its subscription list makes the fulinrrmg great offer to the farmers and •1 stecktnen of Canada wherebysub• ' scribers to Weekly Free Press will get a 011e Year's Paper Free. t 7 Tlie .free Press has made arrange. 1 meats with the Veterinary Scicucr cs Publishing Co. for a number of copies of stheir book, "Tho Veterinary Setonce," 3 l h•' price of which is $2.06. This bOoh 1 a inP51°1 lath tan nage t.h, it:r,ts fully and p g .. Ait ttn)Ot' niseases and Treatment !~ 1)ouu.itw Animals and Poultry, ttli0 eontniuing a fulldeaeriptionof Medicine :•i ,toil Iterelpts, so that every farmer can. C 't t)„ iii: overt veterinary. n1(t1 �yyu�1y. l 'rl t1'.rek1y taco Press an=t Foam �1 ;.n•, ilnntc for otic) F•ar (price $L00) and on n• of thn Vet• rinary $oienoo (price i 1, •.:roti, Beeth a ill br m tiled to any Ad- err• w�'room the i• ••q ,pt of 'Two Debars. 1 Ilse e',iw, :h!s r i,utor. e. 4Ve ttnnnot 9 tit%, , t .,til 11 thfsnlh 1 1,.definitely. liit; ,. , ttareknKi o10'itt.xruttr0 av •11 ill 24 1C.. • •sno,so tt e i.ttt t t t •'i t t Y Ilii 'e t ytAixir;t t4 Al L10 for�tt o ho k r =, s•, .. g w ,. 1'!„ t N e nk'v FnKee Press and ,. •t'A IFpE . Pe E R .,+t SiI.Y ex one. ) <:,ni='d cvrn•ywhero, ltcldress ° .,i . flans t0 the . d. Loudon, Out. Call and get prices as we are determined not to be undersold. & SON. W IN(41AM. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE 1i11ARI S DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may'- quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly cont dentlaL Ilandboolc on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the A handsomely illustrated weakly. Largest cu. culation 02 any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year ; four months, 51. Sold by all newsdealera- UNNN & Co. 36IBroadway, NeW York Branch OAico, 020 F St., Washington, D. O. 0 1881 Sixty Eighth Year 1898 COUTRY CENTL['M-Ml The Best of the AC-BICULTU•IIAL Veil BERMES. IPTDISPENSIBLE TO all - COUNTRY - FES19ENT8.. WHO WISII TO Keep Up Wats: the Times. TERMS REDUCED FDP 1898: Single Subscription TWO DOLLARS, Four SuLecriptiots, SEVEN DOL,.ABS, • Six Su becriptio DOLLARS.. dt,13 StxcoaL I, nrciaitnTs in hick w111 bo stated by mull en application) to persons rnisinglar;er Clubs • Paper FREE all tho test of this year to New Subscrtberafor 3608. ` r •u forEvery a.P emi m Ev y tleader. Itwill be seen th,t the difference between the cost cf the COUIsTRt O1IOr1 LIIAI and that of Debet agricultural weeklies may readily be reduced, by oinking up a small club, to Less Than a Cent a Week ! Send for Specimen Copies which wr I he n olkd rete, sod eec uhc then this on' ormous difference in rot should prevent your have' ing tho best What teetua would you make fa such a differen, e in buying =divine or feed 7 • la rest LUTHER TUCI ER, & SON, AL10AVY, 1,.'Yl IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE` IN T1114' TIMES J