The Wingham Times, 1897-12-10, Page 611IE WINGHAM TIMES, DECEMBER IA 1897, 4 • rewaelasimagaaleakaaaamazasasemaaaaavaeataaalkaavataaaaaaawai East Duron Farmers' Institute. D HOLI,..AY GO ONLY TWO WEEKS till Christmas. We are ready for it with the largest stock of Holiday Goods ever shown in Wingham. Here are a few of the bargains in AAAAAAAA ANNAAI Vt r.. i.4 "i7 VVV I 5' `V'VVV V' tF ' `Gt' Dressed Dolls, $1.50 down to 5c each. Rag Dolls, dressed, unbreakable, 25c and -20c. China Head A B. C. Dolls, 5c to 25c each. Kid Dolls 25c to $I.50 each. Large Bisk Doll, open and close eyes, for 25c. A11 'other`. l incls.•'from • PICTURE BOOKS 'n„ A meeting of the Directors of this institution was held at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, on Monday after- noon of last week. There were 'pre- sent, President Strachan, Geo.Mundie, • T. McMillan, A. Gardiner, James Hinchley, Jas. Smillie, Robt, Dil- worth, W. II. Fraser, T. Mosgrev e and W. 11. Kerr. Geo. Hood, secre- tary. Arrangements were made fez the coming meetings of the. Institute in the Riding. The first meeting will be held at Gorrie on Jan. 18th, and Brussels January 23rd, Out- side speakers are, C. A. Zavitz, 13 S. A.., Experimentalist, 0. A. C., Guelph; and Robt.. Thomson, of St. Cathar- ines ; and the local speakers, W. H. Fraser and Jas. Hinehley, the latter and Robt. McMillan interehanging at Brussels. A musical program will be given at the evening meetings. Supplementary meetings will be held at Bluevale on February 26th; Ethel, February 28th ; March lsti Lead - bury ; and March 2nd, Cdnstance. Major Shepherd, of Queenston, and Joseph E. Gould, of Uxbridge, will be the speakers from a distance. Programmes will be issued shortly giving the names of local speakers and the various topics. We never had as many and so nice. Large Toy Book, never sold for less than ten cents before, for 5c each. All others in pro- portion. We have Chatterbox, Boys' Own, Oar Darlings, Leisure Hour and Sunday at IIome. XMAS CARDS /r:'.We have a large stock of Xmas; Cards, Booklets and omen - d4 It 'Will pay you to call and see our stock before porches- itig iyour Xmas Gifts. ALEX. ROSS Opposite Queen'sHotel, WINGHAM. POSTAL CARDS. Xmas 00 up-to-date as sual at M. Patterson' J r welly Store. Rings to no end, Stick Pens, with ends, Brooches, Bracelets, Long Chains, Cuff Links, Portland Clock;!;, Silverware?, Cake Forks, Berry Spoons, Cold Meat Forks, Cucumber Servers, Nut Crackers, Dream Ladies, Pie ServiF3rs, Fish Forks, Fish Knives, Ilondyke Rings, News Notes. Iiensall has a new electric -lighted skating rink. The Dominion parliament meet on Jan. 20th. New gas wells are being struck al- most daily around Walliteeburg. Mayor Scott, of Listowel, is conval- escing, after a four Months' illness. Tho Huron Medical Convention. The Huron Medical convention An estimate of the lumber cut in convened in the council chamber of the Ottawa Valley during the season the town hall Seaforth,on Wednesday puts it at about 741,000,000, feet, afternoon cf last week. The presi- which is somewhat more than last dent, Dr. McKay, occupied the chair. year. There were present, Drs. Dunmore, Robertson and Hawk, of Stratford ; Dr. Paul, Sebringville ; Dr. Wood, Mitchell ; Dr. Ross, Manchester Dr. Shaw, Clinton ; Dr, Taylor Uoderich and Drs. Scott, Bethune, Burrows, and McGinnis of that town, Dr. Taylor, of Goderich, was selected as representative of the district of Hur- on and. Perth, for the Ontario Medi- cal Council for the current year, with the distinct understanding that no opposition would be given from Huron to the candidate of Dr. Robert • son, of Stratford, for next term, he having so magnanimously withdrawn if favor of Dr, Taylor of Goderich, who will be elected by acclamation, wil l A human unearthed in sonburg. The Princess of Wales celebrated her fifty-third birthday at°.5andri'lg ham on Wednesday. Dundas Liberals have nominated Mr. W. B. Lawson, barrister, to op- pose Mr. J, P. Whitney. Mrs. Geo, Sproat died at Egmond- ville last week. She bad been sixty years a resident of the district, The County of Frontenae's actual loss through the defalcation of ex - Treasurer Vanluven is $22,557. Luella Brintnell, of Hensall, fell on a barbed wire fence, cutting her head. Her condition was critical. Troy, the .Napanee murder, is said to be a mental and physical wreck, and it is doubtful if he will live until the day set for his execu- tion, skeleton was recently a brickyard near Til- ADVERTISMENTS IIAY NOW BE PRINT— ED ON THE ADDRESS SIDE. Postmaster -General Mulock author- izes the making of the announcement 'that he is about to remove the restric• tion which at present prevents the user of a post carni from utilifiing the front cf a post card by having any- thing written or printed on it except the address of the person for whom it is intended. Mr. Mulock's intention is to permit pictures, views, designs, or other advertising matter to he prin- ed on the face of the card, so long as sufficient clear space is left to allow of the address being written or printed, so that it can easily he read in the office where it is posted. The cards will. be issued in sheets if so desired for conveu:erice in printing. Malkin - lock thinks that this concession will prove a considerable stimulant to bus- iness, and will not only advertise the advertiser, but the country as well, and also add considerably to the pos- tal revenue. It will also furnish work fer printers. The idea is certainly a capital one, and may result in much good to the country in the way of ad- vertising some of hs natural features, as well as its public and other build- ings. To Avoid Pitch Holes. CLINTON. The firm of W. H. Beesley & Co., dry goods and millinery merchants, have assigned to Messrs. Ivy & Co., of Toronto. A meeting of the credi- rs of the insolvent. firm will take place next week, when an offer of comprotnise will likely be accepted. Dr. Shaw, medical health officer, on Thursday made a test analysis of the milk sold by the the different vendors in town. A11 the samples were above the standard quality. Jas. L, Doherty, the trainer of the guideless pacing horse Tommy, which created such enthusiasm at the To- ronto and London exhibitions, has received a number of offers from horsemen, to train guideless horses. One gentleman writes from the Northwest wanting Mr. Doherty to train a pacing moose to go in sulky without driver. This would certain- ly be a great attraction for a fair. A young son of Hiram Hill is ser- iously i11 of pneumonia. J. B. Hoover has moved into the new house on Victoria street, erected by W. Wheatley. The hockey club has reorganized with the following officers: Hon. President, J. Spooner ; president, J. P. Doherty ; vice-president, P. W. Brock ; secretary -treasurer, L R. 'Reed ;. captain, H. W. Shard; execu- tive committee, W. G. Doherty, Ed. Cantelun and Harry Mason. A visiting committee from Bruce county inspected the house of refuge last week. Miss Clement is visiting her friend, nisi Horton, in London this week. Every farmer knows how his Miss Pattison, who has been visit - sleigh gets pulled almost to pieces in ing her brother, A, 0., of the G. T. R., returned to her home in Toronto on Thursday. S. Carter, of Goderich, was in town this week prospecting for a site to open a barber shop. Ile will likely occupy the building adjoining the Commercial hotel. Ilagh Rorke, who has been off duty at the organ factory for several weeks owing to an injured hand, is again attending to his customary duties. ' The sleighing has greatly improved business in town and the stores are assuming their Christmas appear— ance. William J. Hammond was found guilty of murdering his wife, Kate Tough, at Bracebridge, on Friday last, and was sentenced to be hanged on February 18th. On Friday last, young Allison was ! of found guilty of the murder of ' Mrs, Orr, and was sentenced to be hanged Crocker at Berlin on February 4th. He was , y recommended to mercy by the jury. ) Peter Harvey, a prominent farmer of Huron township, is dead, aged 35. Mr. Harvey was a breeder of fine stock. He was universally respected.. He leaves a window and three small children. ' About 125 deer were shot in the Bruce peninsula during the hunting season this year. Previous to the new game law it was no uncommon thing for 500 deev to be shot on the peninsula in one. season. , The night,after . the Goderich ele- vator fire, the pile of smoking wheat; about 25,00.0° bushels supposedly, was offered -for sale at $1,500, but no one would prtrchase it. It was afterwards sold in lots to suit purchasers, and realized'abou; $5,000. ll ' Wit.+t=-'t. ""G Cc '"t "'t:lea'°' --c '" :> "' t ..t , " `.►r' SEE- • WINDOW OUR. W. BARRAND'S new stock must be converted into cash by Ist JAN., and in order to do this, those beautiful Scotch Twee •: have been reduced from $15.00 and $i8.00 $Io.00, $1I.00 and $12.00, which have n r . een sold.rat these prices in Wing - ham before. , It will pay you to see these goods before you purchase your winter suit. Next door to Brunswick Hotel. W. BARRAND Shaw Block, Wingham. -0-5. 0-90--ar 'gaff ialFaEria. Ha a El. --21i1 aaraal f ar PetZW raffea..9aEi WI -MN al • Getacaalagalailaialalaalaliaatevaasofe Last week we showed you what we could do in the line back to the Fancy Groceries, goinf; thrr,ugh the pttcleholea com- mon to this country in winter, and 'every boy or girl who has been in a sleighing party knows what fun there was when thrown into a pro- miseuons heap by a sudden bump in an exceptionally had hole. All this will he a thing of the past, if the in- vention now being used by sleigh builders is successful, and it looks as if it will be. An al rangement is used whereby the pitch of a runner We are not selling at cost, but the does not effect the body of the sleigh goods mentioned are alt going at a at all ; it is simply a sort of knee very low price. Terms cash. , joint on which the front runners work. Ma PATTERSDN Two thousand turkeys were de- livered in Gerrie last week for the o WarWartott u patter, ' ' 'aghaxrli .' old eonntx y xnarkete. A crank entered the office of the Hamilton Herald and attempted to shoot R. 13. XIarria, Treasurer. FREE.! EXUAL H EA LTH And how to secure it. Plein facts Plainly Stated. A very interesting little bookfor teen only, which must be read to be appreciated. Through its honest advice, thousands have been restored to perfect man- hood. For a short time ,hailed free, in plain enve- lope, securely sealed, Addrrss the Author: G. H. D' OSSRTZ, P. 0, BOX 74, D:TROIT, MICH. The conviction of W. J. Hammond by Mr. Justice Meredith at Brace - bridge and of James Allison by Chief Justice Meredith at Berlin and the passing of sentence of death upon both prisoners by two brothers on the se.me day and itt the same Province is probably without parallel in the criminal history of the world. WOOD'S PHDSPa3oDXNJ. The Great English Remedy. Six Packages Guaranteed ter promptly. and permanently cure all forms of Nervous Weakness, Emissions,Sperm- atorncca, Impotenoyand all I $ effects of Abuse or Excesses, !j Mental Worry, excessive use A .Before and i1.Fter. of Tobacco, Opiuntor Stimu- ✓ tants, which soon lead to In- firmity, Insanity, Consumption and an. carry grave. Has been prescrlpod•aver 25 yoars In thousands of cases; is the ofay fellable and Iloneat Medicine known. Ask druggist for wood's Phospbodine; If be offers some worthless medicine is place of this, Inclose price in letter, and we will send by rotarn mall. Price, ono Package, $i; six, $5. One will pidesse, six wilt cure. Pamphlets free to any address, The Wood Coznpar Y, Windsor, Ont., Canada. t this week -we are We at putting on sale a line of ' Diner Without a doubt the best value ever offered in Wingham,. and that means a good deal. Don't fait to see them early, as we only have ten Sets and cannot replace them. You know what our stock of 'Fancy China is like. I f you don't, you had better come and find out. A. Farquharson The China House Grocery. Sold in Wingham and everywhere by responsible druggists, NE SHOE STOREI Having opened up a shoe store next door north of Chisholnl's Block, I am now ready for repairing, which will be done at cash prices. J0; ILL 1la4/4.0+14/1 9 tiYala alla1 0 D00 If you want to buy a P NO '. ORGANS, WIN G CHINES, PLO -7 OWS Er . ET .. NORTH. Efl:MID I hing in the line of T. H. RO S, Wingham. Ly4.4.1 ►'Vii►ivitrl4410.46 1.4.1,wol wl. M+' ' , ii