The Wingham Times, 1897-12-10, Page 5THE WINGHAM TIMES, DECEIVIBER iO, i$97.,
$5000 -STOCK
As W. H. WALLACE is leaving Wingham, his entire stock must be cleared out regardless
of cost, consisting of
Gold and Silver Watches,
Clocks, Silverware, Fancy Goods
Wall Paper, Window Blinds,
Ladies' Gold-filled Watches guaranteed for 15 years, Waltham movement, regular 517.50
Cathedral Gong half bour'strike Clocks, regular price $3.50, now 52.50 ; Pickle Dishes from 75c
for 31c a roll; regular 8e Glimmers for Go; regular l0c Glimmers for 7c ; regular 12izo Gilts for
45c, now 80c. Presbyterian Hymnals at cost.
SCHOOL BOOBS at 20 Per Cent, Discount, and everything also in proportion,
WATCHES CLEANED and guaranteed a year, 500. - MAINSPRING guaranteed a, year,
All other work half price.
Fancy Goods, Toys and Colored Cases of all kinds. Everything that is found in a first-class Fancy Goods Store.
Stationery, School Books,
lVLusical Instruments; Btc.,
no • $12.00. Eight•day
regular 5e Wall Paper
Window Blinds, regu-
the end of the year, and the balance of her Millinery and Fancy Goods
walking Hate 50c to $L ; Sailor Rate 40e to $1. ; Trimmed Hate from 750
skein ; Stamped Linens half price ; Lace worth 15c for 5c.
Come early and secure your choice as this stock must be sold without reserve.
upwards; Embroidery Washing Silks 3c a
• F ;T-11 A.- 0
Look at Thi
As an inducement to pay cash for your Furniture, IRELAND
• BUTTON have decided to give everyone buying Furniture or Piet
Frames from them for the next GO days, a chance or a number of char,
of getting a
The council met on Tuesday week
' at call of the warden ; all the mem-
bers being present except Dr. Rol-
A communication was read frotu
F. S. Spence asking that this council
& petition the Legislature to place cer-
use tain restrictions on the liquor traffic,
ces and sent to special committee.
A petition from the united coun-
ties of Northumberland and Durham
seeking amendments to the adminis-
tration of criminal justice, and asking
this council to co-operate in such peti-
tion was read and sent to speeial com-
Report of County Judge, Warden
and Clerk of the Peace, re—
attach-ment of the village of Hensall to coun-
ty council division No. 3, was read
and filed.
Written request of Mr. D. French,
keeper of the house of refuge, for in
crease of salary for himself and mat-
ron, was read and sent to executive
coin m ittee.
Tenders received by the clerk for
wood and coal supply were laid be-
fore the council and sent to executive
committee, On motion of Messrs Me -
Ewan and Cook tbe council adjourn-
ed to meet at 10 a. m.on Wednesday.
We will do it in this way. We have•e small jar•fiiled with peas. For
each dollar's worth of goods you buy you have a guess at tbe number of
peas in the jar. The one guessing the number or the nearest to the number
will have his or her choice of the Parlor Suite or the Watch. Should mere
than one guess the right number, or be entitled to the gift, we will take out
part of the. peas, then they will guess at the remainder, and repeat in this
way (if necessary), until only one is entitled to the goods. So you see
everyone has the same chance.
The watch was bought from Mr. II. Park, jeweler, and has a 21 year
guarantee with it. So you see it is no sham. It is at Mr. Park's Jewelry
store for inspection. The number of your guess will bo.sta.tnped on a
ti.eket'and entered in a book, also your name and address, and 'when the
peas -are counted --=which will be done by three responsible men of the town
—the one entitled to the goods will he notified.
We keep everything • hat is kept in a general furniture stere, from the
cheapest to the best. Although we take ibis way of doing a eash trade., we
will still retain .our reputation of selling goods cheaper than any other store
in town, .Goods delivered a reasonable distance. " •
Furniture Dealers rand Undertakers, app. McDonalld Block, 'Vinghain.
P. S,—Your choice of Walnut or Oak Fratue . in the Parlor Suite,
Inas just received a nieg Baro of FALL GOODS, °
in newest de 1gns, including . .
See my stock Were purchasing elsetvherc. ti
W 'T'.
Opposite Bank of Hamilton.
Council met at 10 a. m,, the war-
den in the chair.
A. letter from Jas. Mitchell, asking
a grant to the Huron Poultry Asso-
ciation was sent to the executive
A statement showing balance of.
funds at credit of county in the bank
of Commerce was sent to special conn-
Several accounts were sent to fin.
nance committe.
The report of finance committee
was read and adopted up to clause
The report of House of Refuge
Committee was laid before the coun-
cil. After its discussion in commit -
the of the whole, progress was re-
The report of executive committee
was read, considered in committee
and adopted
The report of special committee,
was read, discussed in committee,and
adopted, when the warden resumed
th chair.
be report of county property
committee was read, discussed and
Council then adjourned to meet at
8 p. m.
On the council resuming, the re-
port of the road and bridge commit•
tee was read discussed in committee
and adopted.
Report of committee respecting
salaries of county clerks in Ontario
was read and referred to committee
of the whole. The committee did
not settle the matter but left the
question for some future session.
Moved byrook, seconded McEwen,
that the question of building an ad-
dition to the House of Refuge be laid
over for consideration at some future
The report of finance committee
was abain taken up and discussed,
and adopted without ammendment,
when the warden resumed the. chair.
The clerk placed before the coun-
cil information asked for by motione
45 and 47.
Moved by McEwen, seconded by
Cook, that the rules of admission of
paupers to the House of Refuge, be
ammended by striking out the words
'one year' and inserting the words
'two years' in lieu thereof.—Referred
to executive committee to report at
January meeting.
Moved by Mr, Holt, seconded by Mr.
Hays, that the clerk be instructed to
procure for eaehmea,ber of this coun•
ell copies of the Consolidated Statues
The council then adjourned to
meet again at the usual time in Jan-
Reported as follows;
1. That peddler's license be grant -
WEDNESDAY. ed Adam Varco free of cost, on ac-
count of his having lost a hand and EXECUTIVE.
Council met pursuant to adjourn- being unable to work, 1. We find • that the clerk has
merit• 2 Regarding the communicationThe fallowing is the annual report of
A petition was read from the Wel-from the Count of Wellington re. accepted the tender of Wm.• Lee, for
Mr. French, submitted to the County
lington Council asking Huron to join amendments toyHighSchool Act, we coal for court house and registry Council last week: Our grain crops
ry office, it being the lowest tender, and tiverefairlygood,exceptingcorn,ivh1eb
in asking ammendment to neo. 81 recommend no action. Y that of J. Goldthorpe for wood, also
High Sehool -Act. Special Commit- 3. Regarding petition from North p was a failure; our corn and .fodder
tee. timberland and Durham, asking the the lowest, and that we approve of crops we fed as;�een for .•to'cows
ti Circular was reach from Brown Legislature to give more power to his action. and horses. Wet reshed 75 "bush
Bros., and a requisition from Sheriff police magistrates, we recommend no 2. In reference to the comnnini• els of oats, 175 of peas and 125 of
Reynolds, as referred to committee. action, - cation of Brown Bros. as to cash book barley. Our root •crops were., es -
The gaoler's report was read and 4. In the platter of the communi- for municipal treasurer, we recom cellent; mangolds were the best in
referred, as was also that . of the cation from the secretary of the Dom- mend that the clerk procure the the county -650 bushels; potatoes
Keeper of House of Refuge. inion Alliance, we recommend no book at once for the price of $3.40. good and none rotten—over 425
3. In reference• to the application bushels beans, 15 bushels +anions
The report of County Commissioner' action. ' '
was sent to road and bridge, and 5. Re. the statement of the Bank of Mr• French and his wife for in- 25 bushels ; blood beets, 30 lush. ;
that of Warden's Committee was of Commerce, we recommend .that crease of salary, no action be taken. table turnips, 30 bush ; swede turn-
s tiro statement be held by the county 4, In reference to the report of ips, 260 bush• ; garden ,carrots, 36
seat to same committee' e warden's committee, without ad-. g '
A large number of accounts were i cleric• bush.; field carrots, 65 bush. ; pars -
read and sent to Committee. mitting any liability, we would re- nips, 10 bush. ; over 600 head of
ROAD ASD nP,IDC 11. commend that Diesws. Nott and cabbage and 30 head of cauliflower,
The Inspector of House of Refuge was clfrectecl to attend the present Reported that the commissioner's Ceaig be each paid tiro sum of $1`25 Our cows gave us from Jan, 16th to
meeting of Council. report lead been examined ; that he in full of any claim in reference to Nov 27th, 16814 pounds of milk,
On motion ir. was agreed that the be instructed to advertise for tenders the accident on the bridge south of '
from which we made 502 pounds of
contract for jail supplies • be let by for the three bridges mentioned in Clinton. butter,and consumed both milk and
tender. Itis report (one near Walton, one on
5. In reference to the claim of butterinthe house. We planted 77
On motion of Cook and :hiller the the boundary bet peen, Hallett and ]1f r. Wyatt for damage to a horse, apple trees, 12 plums and 6 cherry
Clerk was directed to place before McKillop, and one near Grand Bend), said to have sustained injury* while trees, all of ; vtticlr ;.artlivii , and
the members at the afternoon session and present the tenders at the Jan- Grassing Maitland bridge, no action.' healthy. Wo planted 133 ever -
and sevet'al'amottnts paid to mem- nary session. We recommend the 6. In reference to the request for greens, 24 shrubs, 3 grapes and 5
bets of the Council, for the years printing of commissioner's report, a grant to the Huron Poultry sand catalpas, We gradrrd up the road.
1806 and 1897. : ncl that on the ulioticn of Messrs. Pet Stock Association., we recontt• ; from the sideroad to the house, and
A motion to grand Adda vireo a lticlhvon and Cook, re. the placing of mend no action. ' gravelled it both in front and back
peddlers license was sent to special a two inch gas pipe on all eounty 7. As to the question of gaol . of the house, We laid and well.
Committee. , bridges, no action be taken. sewerage, we recommend that the •nailed 310 feet of sidewalk. We have
The cleric was directed to report i couNTzt PltOt'Er, u"F, report be adopted, and that the • shown over 5500 visitors'�4through
!word orcl to council the costs of all pay half the cost of con.;
the building .since the opening, and
p 1. Reported that the jail was countying the wetter, county's+ 1710 during the past year. Our fall
ennttnitties far 1896 and 1807, exceptionally clean and well kept, share not to emceed 1`, the. is all dent, leaving the
A motion to place a 2•inch pipe he and that the inmates agreed with the
ploughing g
tail bridges On leadidg roads in the
i gaoler's repast. "• ItotrsE oI' in good condition for receiving
Country was sent to road and bridge ! 2. That the repairs recommended 1. The eamtnittee reported that spring crops.
committee, last cession had been attended tn, the pig .and poultry house bad been
The council met at 2 p, in., but 3. Recommended that the jailer completed. By a cu•ion coincidence, the hum-
pplied with material for porch 2. The keeper's report had been her of lives lost at sea during 1897
British merchant ships w�.s r�
Sterling Silver
For the Christmas Trade
We: are still ,in .the lead with
of every description for Christmas
If you are looking for something nice at low prices, call
and see our stock. .
Opposite' Bank of Hamilton,
member of No.' 1 division superin- one Brindley had been removed• from
tend the work. ' the gaol to the House at the instance
4. Tliat the sheriff be granted of the Goderich town council ; that
the s'tppiies asked for. for jail. the authorities of Goderich••be re -
5_ Reported that the Registry quested to -have him removed with-
er -flee ,V.ts in gond repair and that the out :delay, ..• and that in:- future no
registrar need some repairs. prisoner be admitted without the
.6. That the sheriff's office wants signature of the warden.
more vault accommodation, and that 4, That the house is -filled beyond
the engineer report on the matter at its capacity, and that the, matter
the January meeting. -• receive your serioua,consideration.
7. That the Court House bad . •
been examined, and that everything
was seemingly in good repair.
the reports w committees not Uclaf,• be se
t`�. a• �l r J a .. WIN ready, the oantneil ad`jaur{ijpt3 till on East side of jail, that a deer and examined and found satisfactory. in
4VIN1a IiADI Thursday. window be put In same, and that the', 3, That some two months since turned 1,8074