The Wingham Times, 1897-12-03, Page 8t I NL H >IWINDOO. SA URDFOR BARGAINS In all the trading experience of the • Ladies of Wingham and surrounding -country, they never had such a golden.cpporturity as will be offered them at M. II :lelndoe's on Satur- day. Out peer:ess offerings of every class and deseription at FAIL AND VIINTER TEDRY GOODS will eclipse any ever made before in this town. Buyers will find un- limited bargains in every depart- ment in the big rush ''t oi.r mam- moth bargain day. Everything goes at quick clearing prices. Then we advise one and all to call ai,d we will give them per- fect goods at prices that will please and guarantee to save them money in each purchaPe. SATURDAY 100 Remnants, from 2 to G yards of Dress Goods, Tweeds, Silks, Flan- nels, cottons, Shirtings, Laces, Rib - lion; alai Embroidery at ?• prices. lt) pieces Heavy Dress. Goods, reg. 30e, Saturday 18e. 5 pieces Tweed Dress Goods and Cashmeres, reg. GOc, Saturday 35c. 4 pieces Heavy Tweed for Men's Suits, $1,00 for 65e. 5 pieces Grey Flannel., reg, 15c, Saturday Ile. 10 pieces Towelling, reg. 8c, Sat- urday 5c. 4 pieces Table Linen, reg. 50c, for 33e. 10 pieces Meavy Factory Cotton and White, reg. 7e, for 5c. 50 pairs Men's and Women's Shoes, s reg. $1.50, for $1.20. 10 doz. Ladies' Ribbed Cashmere Hose, 35e for 25e 10 doz. Gents' Linen Collars, 20c for 12',e 10 Extra Men's Frieze Overcoats, $7.00 for $41.50. 10 Ladies' Winter _Mantles, very stylish,. $8,00 foe $0.50 10 Boys' Suits, winter weight, reg. $3.50 for $2.75. • 5 doz. Black and Colored Ladies Kid Gloves, every pair guaranteed, reg. price 31.25 for $1.00. 8 Fur Capes, extra quality, $12.00 for $9.50. fi Ladies' Fur Coats, reg. 30:00 for $27.50. Have your Photo for. Xmas. We give you 1 doz. Cabinets, taken by the Star Photo Co. FREE, with a $25.00 Ticket at. I�1NDO9d News ItT o t, s. Stratford had a $15.000 fire on Tuesday of last week, which destroy- ed the City Hall. .Boss Mackenzie of Toronto, the -well-known railway man and lacrosse player, died Monday, at Nelson, B. C. Mrs. Cawthra Murray, who died • the other day in Toronto left a for tune cf 33,000,000, the buik of which goes to a young son of Hon. Wm. .i Iullnck. Kenneth Campbell, a Grand Trunk at -41 ;yce, committed suicide at the Falls Monday by cutting his throat A new quick -firing gun, invented by Mr Hiram Maxim, was fired at Portsmouth. It showed effective re- sults at 16,000 yards. The 3•ecnt letter rate from Canada to all parts of the British Empire takes effect from Jan. 1, 1898. A cablegram received in Hamilton announcers the sudden death of Mrs i Prances Maria Price, wife of Mr. Jo- seph Price, Vice -President of the G. T. R. 10.t,52 murders %%recommitted in the U. 5. last year, as against a little over 100 in England and Whales. Revs. Hunter and Crossley, who are in St. 'Thomas, will remain there all this week, commencing services in Milton on Dee. 5th. Mr. Henry Davey of Lakefield cotn- mitted suicide with a razor, first cut- ting the throat of his favorite horse. The Conservatives of North .Bruce Will meet at Tara on December 9 to select at candidate for the Legislature. Policeman Arthur 'William Osier dropped dead on his beat on Parlia- bent street. Toronto, about 10.30 Monday. Heart disease was prolNa- bly the cause. Engineer Courtney, Conductor Dunn and Brakeman Dalton of the G. T. R. lost theiriives by suffocation n the St. Clair tunnel. THE PYX INWJAM TIMES, DECD/IBER, 3 1897. 0Ut..lit.5 Mr. Thoi. GVoodc1,ek, formerly of this township has gone into the lin-1 piernent btrsine s at Walkerton, Mr. AC'.tsilck shot an owl one dayy last week. Ile would like to have it stuffed, but could find no one in Tees- water who could do it for hits. ffff On Saturday of last week, while Mrs Z thr, Heath, was waikin„ along one; of the streets of Tecswater she was struck on the cheek by a stone from a catapult in the hands of a buy, whether by design or accident we have not been able to dirt ver. The blow inflicted was a painful one and the lady was justly angry.. MORRIS. Township Oo'inesl minutes on page six. The farmers are making good use of the excellent sleighing. There will be a Sabbath School Christmas entertainment in .Jollii- ston's church on Christmas eve. Jas. Wilkinson has a. hen tnat layed an egg one day last week that measured t4'; inches in circumference and Si. inches in dhiw.eti+r, The old trapper, ;11r. Knowles, with his two faithful dogs, is re- moving from Itis present Iiome,8thlino, 5iorris, to the 3rd line, near 131ueva le. He reports more far bearing, animals down there. He has been death to the skunk tribe the past 4 or 5 y ears. WRON..I'aTEII. Mrs. R. Black is visiting her sister, Mrs McLennan, of London. Mrs. C. W. Andrews is visiting her sister in- law, Mi s. D. R. Brown, of Orangeville. Mr. A. Johnston and :Hiss A. White, of Redgrave, were the guests of i1`Ir. and Dirs. Andrews, on Sun- day. Miss Crittenden, of Tara, spent Sabbath with friends in town. The Wroxeter quartette will ren- der several selections at the concert, at Belinore, on December 7th. Mr. Thos. Hemphill is shipping grain this week. The sleighing has caused an im- provement in business circles in town. Logs are already arriving at the mill and prospects are good foto a busy winter in town. • LUCKNOW. Mr. Peter Smith, of the 13th con., West Wawanosh, has entered into partnership with Mr. \Vm. Cameron of this village in the a .gricultural,itn- plement business. Oar readers should bear in mind the Jubilee Entertainment under the auspices of the L. 0. L., No. 428, , in the town hall on Thursday evening next. This concert will be one of beat ever held in this place. The anniversary service in con• nection with the Lucknow Methodist church will be held on Sunday and Monday Dec. 5th .and Gth. On Sun- day, Rev. John Mills, of Mitchell,will preach both morning and evening and on Monday evening a concert will be given,when address: will be giv- en,by the Rev.D. Moir, of Walkerton, and Rev. John Mills. BELMORE. A grand entertainment; is to he held under rhe auspices of the Educe, tional Society of this place, in the town hall, on Tuesday evening next. The famous commedian, 'Mir. Chapman, of Galt, is to be present together with the best local talent from Wingham, Mildmay, Wroxeter and Teeawater. All who can should attend this first- class entertainment, The general admission is only 20 cents. Mr.. Jas. Hall has renteda farm and intends going into the farming bilis- ness shortly. The Royal Templars will hold their meetings semi monthly in the town hall. Mr. R. J. Clancy, of Teeswater, shipped 19 cars of lambs during the last season. WO* fl' Pa-1ros pxlo»INE. 'the Great Englia•1b Six Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently etre alt forms of Narrow Weariness, Emisstons,Sperm- atorrrica, Impotency and ail effects of Abuse or Excesses, Menial Worry, excessive use Before and After. of Tobacco, Opiumor Slimu- Ianrs, schism soon Icadto/He nrmity, Insanity, Consumption maims carry prate. Vas boon preserlbed over 35 years in thousands of cases; is the only 2:eiiabre and honest Medicine known. Askdrugglstfor wood's Phosphodtne; it he 0lferr roue worthless medicine In place bf this, inclose price in fetter, and wo will Bond by return mall, Price, ono package, tl, 51:t, t5. Onto will please, rig will cure. Pamphlets tree to any address, 'lite Wonr'i Company, Windsor, Oat„ Canada. 1 Sec my stook before purchasing elsewhere.--..... Sold. in Wingham and everywhers Iv. 'T'. St x.,r_ ' ` -.,, ....N'� '., ny responsible druggist. ' Opposite 13atnk cif H'alnilton. W'INGIIAM Order your..---. --FROM TIII.-- 33OLSiI EIN DAIRY. Anrolumaukion F .1-1. KERNEY, , r1r O1a1 aO11,1AL ARTIST. Opposite Queen's Hotel, AViugbatn. iiji• W11 For an easy Shave and a Vfirst-Class Flair Cnt, give hint a trial. Ili Razors Honed. ' i Having opened up a shoe store next door north of Chisholm's Block, I am now ready for repairing, which will be done at cash prices, JOHN HILL. 8T PAYS TO 1(...:9V.:,) T}1 CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, OAT. Is double discounting all previous records in getting pupils placed in choles positions. Thr, is the roenr,l: -1.1.5 pupils placed. in the eleven months endin, t u;;. 15th, 24 pupils planed ii the past tow weeks—near ly all of them citrin, Octob.r. Our last Week's notice contained the mines of seven, who were Placed, and where placed Seven others have since been placed. The demand for our pupils is now so so strong•, that sone who have been f' uduated at other schools, and have found no call Mr their ser vices, tako a post graduate course with" us, nd vet the advantages of our facilities for placing pupils. All such must remain with us until they get thor onghly qualified, before we recommend them, Write for Catalogue, if interested in either Business or Shorthand, D. DIcLACITLAN a Co.; Chatham, int. They're off:' at the post. Will Barrand in the lead. r+ ° at the a4. rr I1 Ir And always does in 4, in the stretch, wins. STP -TO -DATE TAIL RING See his Winter Suitizw,s from $11.00 up. Shaw Block, next Brunswick, Wingham. We have 'em." Good ones. 8 -day x2 hour Strike, 8 -day x2 hour strike (Gong), !r FOR LADIES New Cloth Mantles. New Fur Coats. New Fur Capes. New Ruffs and Muffs. Newest Dress Goods. New Flannels and Flannelettes. New Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. 6M➢E[•t6MtW FOR GENTLEMEN E 1 Iew Tweeds for rdered Clothing. New Ready-made Overcoats. New New New Fur Coats. New Boots, New Rubbers. New Underwear, New Caps. Suits. Odd Pants and Vests. LA We have a large stock in all the above lines bought at right E prices, and which we sell at very close figures. We try to keep only : reliable goods and to charge only reasonable prices for same. We take all kinds of produce at highest market prices. Butter, Eggs,. Poultry, Potatoes, etc., taken same as cash. Come and see what we have before buying your winter parcel. GORDON iN •s� Wingham. Direct Importer. rpfe IL I . 7C. r-A4wE,!r nr7 ar4----orC�,�'igb-: Y L9t_'_w.i- i}rte: �r5ria yam. c r1_ or Little beauties in porcelain, cheap, suitable for a Christmas Present .. . wurr ? TRY U Prices away down and every Clock warranted. HALSEY PARK SHAW BLOCK. $5o.00 Reward for a watch we can't fix. T. SULLIVAN Has just received a nice line of PALL GOODS, • . in newest designs, ineluding . SUITINGS, . PANTINQS, L..._......,..... d..-.... ...-.._..........-.-..._,.e ,.. OVE COATINGS, ETC. EVERYTHING NOBBY AND 'UP -'fin -DATE. 1 We have said it before, and we say it again, that we .are) still here in Wingham in the Furniture and Undertaking busi ness, and bound to sell at the very lowest prices. Call'and see if what we say is not correct.• t; ° A nice line of Bed -room Suites, something you can't find in any other store in Wingham, in Ash, Maple and Birch.' New lines, new designs, and at prices that sell every time. Just received, a beautiful line of the latest style of Rock -1 ing Chairs. Just the thing for Wedding Presents. Call • and see our Hall Stands. The prices are right. Our $5, $6 and. $7 Sideboards are worth seeing. Parlor Suites,k5 pieces), Walnut Frames, Spring Seats, for $x8.00. ti A line of Ladies' Rocking Chairs for 65c each. Secretary and•Book Case, combined, for $3.00. We make Stretchers for Painting Canvas for 15c. Picture frames for 25c. r4sf If you are wanting anything in Furniture (no matter how, Imuch or how little), remember we have a large and up-to-date stock. Before you purchase just call and see what we can show;,:; you in Sideboards, Tables, Couches, Lounges, Chairs, Spriri Beds, Mattrasses, Etc. We don't Charge anything to show what we have. N are we offended if you don't buy. S. GRACE rt 40