The Wingham Times, 1897-12-03, Page 5L 'sSons To buy cheap, to sell eheap, to turn things over, to make quick profits and small.,.with no trurnpedsup whys and wherefores; it's buts, explan- ations thet don't explain, which you, Would not care for if they did. evish to save looney BUY HERE, We buy cheap, and have given many OBJECT LESSONS that if yoU Grey Flannel in plain or Twilled, worth 15o for 12Pio, Flannelette in Pink Stripes, special, 25 yards for 01,00 (4o a yard), Bleached Cotta, one yard wide, wortb 7c for 4c. Extra heavy, Ladies' Vests worth 35o for 25o, Me' s Wool Sox, special, 2 pairs for 25o. Very Heavy releeced .frinecl Gloves (Black) in large sizes, 7 and 7y2', at 25e. Children's Fancy Border Handkerchiefs lc each, ' Ladies' £Pine Wool Ribbed Rose, sizes 9 and gyp it 25a. Table Linen, the best value in the country at .45o. Table Linen, special make, 64 inches wide, good patterns worth 45e for 35o. 75o for 500. A new Crompton Corset, entirely up-to-date, long waise perfect -fitting., Worth Speoial number all -wool, large size, Blankete, pretty pink border, 82.90. Men's Fleeced Lined Underwear 01.00 suit, Double Duplex: Cretonne, very wide, in light anti dark patterns, for Curtains, 25o, Boys' Ulsters, all kinds, all sizes, all prices, FurDopes7 see our Special at $9.00 an $10.00, We buy DRIED APPLES 'and pay the highest price if they are quartered (not sliced), and thoroughly dried. 1 #, c NEW GOODS. 21:31LI in their new home, which was attended by about fifty, and reception afterwards the company joined in a merry danne. Of course it is it I,N I LA SI TIMES, DECEMBER 3 1897. e/Between ninety and one hundre relatives and friends were invited t BLUE:VALE. the hone() of Mr, and Mrs, Sanwa Caldhick, of the sewed line ti Morris, on Wedr;esday evening o last week, to be spectators of th wedding of theft youngest daughter Miss Mary, to. Mr. George Turvey also of Morris, by the English church rector of Brussels, Rev G. J. Ahey The 13riee's dress was of steel grey lustrous cloth, nicely trimmed, with lavender chiffon. The maid ot hon. or, was a little niece of the bride, slaughter of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Bowman of the third line of 114orrie, She looked very pretty in a cream frock cut low in the neck and short in the sleeves and on her small bare arms, wore gold bracelets, thta matched her Rutty yellow hair. The little mind's brother was boy of bon, or, if ore iniglit so call bim, and was dressed in a braided sailor Suit. For the bridal supper the tables were arranged as nearly as possible in the Nape of a horseshoe, that lucky ern. lem, and in the centre were seated our couples, who have been married I ithin the past fess months. 'rimy ere the bride and bridegroom, Rev, • 3. AbeY, and Mrs. Abey, Mr. and ire. Luther Pepper, and Mr, and rs. William Fraser, On Friday vening Mr. and Mrs. Turves- held a b w e l‘hl PINE ORDEp f f roiiih"evvv",„•Airiveo.„.„,„,vviwite. ASH IS KING AND LONC CREDIT IS DYING Great Sale of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Sboes Below Cost in Wingbana . . ,---,--.....—..-...---...........e, The lgeintyre stock is being rapidly rushed off. Bargains here because we bought much below wholesale kriees. What you don't see ask for --and ask to see any of the following this week et resete3eimememettemoyeeeetesisuseeveeres, feeMemcerWerWeewesswieetesee-Peesiesteeveesteee, je Lambskin Trimming worth 25o for 20e, ' .0 )1 Braid Trimmings reduced from 40 to f 2o. 1,.01 Chnitent:8CIto7v5eored -Bed Comforters begin - 200 and 80, Men's Stiff ,Pelt Rats, a job lot at 25a„ fl Ladies' Sandal Rubbers, first quality, g ri,..)........, 1 Meavy Cottoned°, all pricee, begiening 1 10o, 0 4o. Heforivr;twening worth flo and 7e, for Choice Braid Trimmings worth4c and y Choice Tweed Orem Goods, 40 in, wide, ; g Men5?sr°rt2t17.;reoats, a large assortment ; f‘y Colored Passimentrie Trimmings at r Best -Brass Pine, worth per paper, 4, A for 2e. V only 25c. eistaStmeMes-wet--Au-eftueetie-se*eegiim-1) kere-Aesemcsere:k.emwwi4---ee`setereVievevesees-geese, A close inspection of all our goods and prices cordially invited We are here te do busines and solicit a portion of your custom. Good Batter and Egg e taken in exchange_ OtAr premises will be found in the Macdonald Block, Wingliam. from o,e J lysew,Aketee,teeete.evseseueeeezet, qu e Jno. Burgess, of this place, who has been en aged in dairvin , in Prince Mr, and Mrs Win. Ellis were h Edward Island, for some years, was Ingersoll last week, attending tilt to Miss Tenn. Moore, of the same Is- to Air. Ernest Mabee of that town. uneecessary to say that the bride re - pretty presents. Mrs. John Robertson spent the '1 banksgiving holidays with Mrs. Malcolm, of Klecardine. The union Thanksgiving service held in the ilethodist church, bad a larger attendance than usual. The collection is to be given to any needy parties in the community. Miss Nollie Waumsley, of Detroit, daughter of Mrs. Chas., Waunisley of Baytield, formerly of .Bluevale, spent a few days visiting Miss Georgina Duncan last sveek. T ER 1 ceivcd a large number ot useful and GEO. CARR hos now in stook Overcoats, Fall and VVinter Suits, T Most Stylish Gents' , NUM/ STYLES. large display of the very newest material for rousering, Panay Vests, etc., eto. Also the If you want stylish and well-niscle . Give us a call. We can give you 1 Furnishings in the Market Clothe at a moderate price. he but f workmanship. Geed fit gueratessl. C4- . 0_ 0 _A...R.:a Of;posite Queen's Rotel; WINGRAM — ;4.07.....warawesa•Imelrkaatoa.....m....mononwswe Liffneesesesz-... -,et_e„,..-easefeentre6...„.wat ' R. N. Duff spent' the Thanks- . 11 ,or if] Iand. We extend most hearty, good wishes to Mr. and Airs. Burgess. King 131 -others' house is completed, and they have moved into it. The house is a large brick one, well fur- nished inside, with furnace. bath- room, and nroc:ern improvments.The plans were drawn and the carpenter work done by Mr. George Haney of Mr. Joseph Burgess, soil of Mr. 1 BRUSSELS. g married on Wednesday of last week 1 maeriage of their daughter Lizzie, this village, and the briek work was done by McGregor Bros. of Wing - ham. We wish. the King family, lone, happy and prosperous lives in their tine new house: Rev. S. Sellery. M. A., of Guelph, will preach the anniversary servicer of the Methodist church, on Dee. 19. On the Sionday.evening following an anniversary tea will he held stride) the management of the Ladies' Aid Society, A eoneert under ti.eauspices the Public Library will be held 01 or • December 17h. r. and Mrs. John Patterson, and Mrs. and Mrs. Woods, of etolesworth, spent Sunday at Mr. Walter Patter- FARO HARAN'S CR GERI! INDOW and if it doesn't make you hungry for Xmas Cake and Fruit Pudding e you need not make any. - We have the BEST Peels, Currants, Raisins, liege, elc., that money will buy, notwithstanding what others tell you, or hem much mere they cheeps for them. The finest range of Fancy Crockery to choose from at N. A. FARQUHARSOS hohday.s with Mrs. Willi111 em Sproat, of Seaforth. • Miss Bert Jamieson, . of Fordivich is visiting her ester, Mrs. R. G. Case. 41°Mmr., and Mrs. R, N, Duff were visitingin Wawanosh on Sunda y. • The Presb,yterian Sandy School .aro going to bold an entertainment ' on Christmas Eve Mr. MeAlpine,•ofDatton, was visit ing his daughter, Airs. lierr„ of Morris, last week. •Mrs. Hudson, wife of the foretnan of the flax-nallt, and children, arrive() in the village last week and are liv- ing in Mr. Christophee Thorntoe's house, MissTAggio &Mille, daughter of Mr. end Ali's. Joseph Smillie, of Morris, who is as pupil at Seat:web Collegiate Institute, was taken very 111 in See - forth some days ago. ller sister, Miss Swine is in -Seaforth nursing' her. We sincerely hope Mies Aggie will soon recover.i Her friends have received word that Mrs. James Oravvibid, who went to Neepawa, Manitoba, to join her husband, who wen teat t herd in spring, has arrived se fete. at her destin AT Mr. 1. J. AleSser spetit n ksgi v- ing at his fa t r. Wm. Meeeer's Mr, Louis 13. PUT Was unable te teach at his seln)61:in We %varnish, last lereety, owing to a eevere attaek of la grippe, but leo is now recovering. ee-esetesetesteeeeesesteeeseesseesserstre. "eie-s 111 54 rI 154 1.1 4i1F.• rfl EA " THE CHINA, HOUSE." jj At...eesweo.ee7e.t.eeeWXeee,eise,.'eseaeeeee-eeeete-'te-e.eeoe..,..eeee-eeeteseee.ieeeeeeireaeieeeeeazeeeei eee' Ladies' and Gentlemen who are lovers of nice goods should 'call .and lospect our large stock of Smyrna Rugs. Every inrin should bey; one of Clue Rep for hie wire es a Christmas present, 'which will not only beautify your house, but will .give satisfaction in every case, Call and get one be. fore they -ate pidked over. Prices to suit peechaser." ' .017E-RQQATS ,In Overcoats we lead. In quality anti peke we cannot be beaten. Call and examine and get prices before pnrehasing elsewhere, A large arid well assorted stock of Ordered Coatings in Beaver, elelton and Veneclari to choose from. SUITS Our stock of Tweed Suitings is now complete. In &atoll and Care- n Tweeds we defy competition and price UR GOODS Oar large and well assorted etnek of Fur Goods is always complete in Fur Coats. M. Capes and 'knife we have a beautiful line to choose from. Men's Fur Coate, Far Caps and Par Gauntlets a specialty, and flees right. ROHES--A full assortment of Robes always on hand. • • Mrs, Beneenin Saults and Craig„ cf Goderieb; spent Tb giving, with Mrs, Saults' mother Stowe. • A fall of the beautiful and iinglo of the sleigh -bells m things livelier. Anticipation of Christmas thin,gse are having the usual eff in swelinig, the attendance at d S I Is. Rev. Mr. Oaten, of Belgrave in the village on Tuesday last here was a. good attendance et Thanksgiving service .notwithstand- Ing the continuous rain. • Miss Cross retuned on Monday lest from &visit among friends in elet1yborotigh. elle Will Thornton of the first line of Morris, has rented his farm for a term of years to Mr. James Hog of near Jamestown. Miss anks. ,Mee. the There are over 400 incandescent eteetrie lights installed here now. During the past year there were in- terred in the Brussels Cenietery, 34 adults, and 13 children, 47 in all, A new dry goods store will be opened here on Skurday of this week, in the Garfield house. The proprietors are Messrs, Rattan & Fitzpatrick,. the latter, a young gent- leman well known in and around Bros. sets. Mr.D. D. Wilson of Seaforth ship. ekes, ed a ear load of turkeys from here I recently. Air. Wilson bought and good 1 shipped 850,000 citizen of eggs this „met, season. Putting ttspm at 10e a nee the en, meant 885 000 /el 41illt•S'4/11/4"4.^1," ib.45"t 'C.:./c444 ffx..±....2r,....!,t2 • GORRIE, Rev. G. W. •Gollin, Congregations,. - alist, exchanged pulpits with Rev. J. - 3, Fisher of the Methodist Church on itusday last. Mr. Fisher preaches • • the evening anniversary service at 7 o'clock' in the the 'Howiek -Congregs ationel church., Morning service 11 o'eloek, Special colleetive on be. half of the church finances: On Monday evening, 7th hist,- the. annual tea -meeting will be held, A_ good program of singing„ reedingsre reciiations, eye, wie be prvided. .Revs, Mr. Munro, Presbyterian, Har- riston ; Mr, Harvey, Alethodist,- Clife ford ; A. B. Dobson, Presbyterian, Fordwich ; mid Matthew Kelly, Con- gregationalist, Listowel, are invited and expected to he present.. Achille- • - t sion, adults, 25c, ehildreu. 15.. Mr. Dulmage, of Lakelet, is about to move into the store, flt tely neetzpied by Nichol Feeguson,dry goods and groceries. Thanksgivinss, services were held in the English, Presbyterian, and Methodiet Chaeellee on Thursday atit. The grist Will of nur town is being - greatly inimoved hy the putting in eoefstsl!e Range teen Plan .Sifters Pro- Rev. C. R. Gunn e is succeeded by eve Mr. Fames Ewe; *It C1 Mr. and Nee. Smitli of' Drayton, -e now residents of Gerrie, occupy. g the house uf Oraeford, Welle gem street. Mr. Rieharel Clegg has sold his use and lot tu Mr. Nash, and will ore to Mr. Nash's Jerre, to begin ring plowng, when spring springs on us, The Canadian Foresters cf this farmers. • I out o the; R was Tued BELGRAVE, Messrs. Baker ke Vanstone, of Br seas shipped a carlbad of hogs 1 week. Mies Henderson, of Wingha spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. G. David. Mrs. John Scandrett, and et st ered Seandrett, were visiting friends in London and Denfield last week. Miss Helen Stonehouse of Wing ham, Spent Thanksgiving with her friends nere y -iteek, Nina, youngest • daughtet' of Alfred Rutty. died at: a,'1 the family residence, Deer Park Tor- onto, aged 14 years. She had been 10 in deellee since August.Deceasecl was 1 a niece of Airs. George Rogers, who n° went to Toronto to attend the fatter- I in al which cook place on Thursday of last reek. up Iplace intend holding a. grand eoncert 115.1 TURNBERRY, - i on Dr aet I The Annual tea meeting of the the 1 Turnberry Corgregational church be en, 'announced last week is not to be pos. I also 11-1poned, Who said it was e Nohody, I ere. All right what about it ? Why, thel etre ' ladies are all alive asking what todo, and ere hurrying along with the do ing of it. The gentlemen are eager- ly asking whet they eau do to Troiist• Wednesday everrieg of next week . U. Al. Stanley, ettairman of eleelietti Board of the Order will present and deliver an address, an excellent program of singing*, , he rendered. All should nd this concert, eereeseseete-_-* We tell your doctor all Mrs. D. Sproat was in London last there is in Scott's Einulsipn just how iniiqr cod liver oil, hypophosphire's,. glycerine. But we do ii6t.tell him how these are combined. You have your secrets; this is ours. This knack of mak- ing the very best thing has come to us from years ofer,„ Trinity Chureh peneuce with just one think. We make only Scott's Emul- sion ---all our energy is bent on making that better than any other emulsion in the world. We have no other business thought. It it any wonder that iti$the8tandard? 1 herr 15 iols i4" telk about the good ,iitre expected. The Wingliain Ore Mr. W. Clegg is shipping large; quantities of grain lust now. I Tx'. Robe Gallagher held a shoot. I leg match on Wednesday last, I Me. D. Sproat spent Thenksgiving, with friends in Seaeoese, -- ' Mrs. Barclay Weis in Denim) last week, visiting' her daughter, Lucy. I /On Wednesday of khhi WCPit 8 I fashionable weddiq took place in ; ' hen glee M. , f chest's). lire to he on lund. TheY epee never in this )art before, so thet's a special feritnre. They eat play and several of them can sing. Theee grintlemeN 12 or 13 of tifein in all, will furnish all the music, instrnmentel and vocal. Mr. Graecy, the hunimerous anti thOtia rvailor in these pa rtz has beeittn vittel. :leveret Rev. gentlemen are 71180 asitC(1 to put in 41 an aprl.aronce Ina to give edri res.ses, nd altogether we 10.1k for o pleasaitt and o irnti , ilple time. Tea. 5 ;‘,1,evlay, Adniissiun, ?Waits, 25 hildron, itts. chnip beemplect hy 1.Z,,,v„1. W. Goffin, Come. Mr. rt. W. frosting's annttonsale of einem:el ereti skeet, implements.etc.ti M. iidt , v inomt tue%, It m,s• very largely attend eisi everything tittered for sale Littlefair tied err ell *.teylor Were United the bolybonds of matriel 1 Irony he event took place at 4 e Mr, W. te. Stroeg, C. 0. F. orgate•1 leer, after ei ending ten days l.ere, t satirised le me lug week. While here he helped to swell the ranks Of the Order. Mr, Wm, Wray and daughter Mrs. Butentean, spent Thanksgiving in . food $ Pill Toronto and Bovfmanville, 13lood means sound health. With paw., rich, healthy blood, the stomach and di.. gestive organs will be v gorousi and there will be no yspepsia. Itheumatism and Nenraigia wial be unknown. Stof1.71ttand :Salt Rheum will disappear. With pare .l4 Tour nerves will be strong, and yOut bleep sound, sweet and refreshing, rlood's Sarsaparilla makes pure bl�o That is why it cures 80 many diseases. That is why so many thousands take it to cure disease, retain go od healthaore. veat sickness and sneering. Remember Sarsaparilla I is 0 ight. tsir pews. Air. J. Carl ie _iilt1140k rrna n100 Plainer. $t Pit` Settl84 _____-.... ............ good sill fa woe tee ono bower 311d, 8811-ttat, gam , 4". A c't'