The Wingham Times, 1897-12-03, Page 41 HE WINGHAM TIMES, DECEMBER 3, 1897. NOTICE SALE OF RUBBER COON fields in many lines for Canadian nous,. enterprise. MoOowns.—In East Wawauosh, on Noy. lath, the wife of Mr, Alex. Mo- 't'tti; Mall—Empire cartoon .of Tues- Gowan of a 60110 day last wits---"Canilda, expeetsIefHavcrn,—In Wingham, on Deo, 1st, Centre Toronto to du her duty." tea wife of Mr. Jae. Haugh ; a daughter.l vVStiowxrts.—In Turnberry, on NoN., Centre Toronto has done her duty f 25th, the wife of Mr. doss Showers ; a son., ni. Bertram, airs Geo, Liber-, 1✓fr�lc0REIcnz.---In East Wawnnosh, on • al, was elected over air. O. A.•tiow Nov. 24th, the wife of Mr. john Mo- s land, Conservative, by a, majority of Oreight, of i son.uf . 270. Mr. Lount's majority at the AI ipt nu. ,; \Vee are selling cheap all , general election was 210. JTRRVEY_CAx+AB1eK.—At the resi- deua,o of the bride's parenta, lands of Bulb and Fountain ' s on Nat,v. '24th by the Rev. G. J. Ahoy, of Brussels, Rubber Syringes, Ice Bags, IIOWICII, Ma, Wm, lurvey, to iso both of Morris BALL---ATluxsott---At the Rectory, by the Rev. 0,. Miles, Frances J., son of Chas. Rall, Esq., Kincardine, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Jonathan At- lt' son, Esq., both of Kinloss Township. Docicaz--S1ti1Ti1.-SMITH.At the Rectory, Wingham, on Nov 24th, by the Rev. W. Lowe, Mr, Wm. Docket, of 1Ieufryn, to Mrs, arab A. Smith, of Wingham Town • Plot DIED, MCLEoo.—In Kinloss, on Saturday, Nor.20tb, Mrs, John McLeod, aged 82 years. LEONAan: 1n Howiol:, :po the sixth concession, on Nov. 18th, Isabella, . be- loved wife of Mr, Wm. Leonard, Sr., at the age of 62 years, 11 months and 13 days, MA111�ET REPORTS.. WINattr nr. Wingham, December 2nd, 1807. Corrected by 1'. Deans, .Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs 1 50 to 2 25 oa11 Wheat ........ 0 80 to 0 83 1'a11 Wheat, ,new.. . , 0 80 to 0 83 'pring Wheat..,.,,... „•,,,,0 80 to 0 83 Oats, y ,5, , . , . 0 2 . to 0 27 0 24 Barley; ` Peas 0 40 to 0 42 Turkey, drawn ...... , , ... f 0 07 to 0 08 (Jose, " 0 04 to 0 05 Ducks, per pair 0 40 to 0 60 13utter,... ....... 0 14 to 0 15 Eggs per dozen, .... . , 0. 14 to 0 14 Wood per cord... , .. , 1 00 to 1 25 600 to 560 , 0 30 to 0 $5. 0 3 to 0 4 0 3 to 0 5 19 to 21 r ' , ' M Mary, young- 'lay per ton, est daughter of Mr. Samuel Caldbick, •Potatoeo,perbushel, Tallow, per lb, Dried Apples, per lb Wool lee Gaps. Hot Water Bottles, The concert given at the Union Tubings, ings, Fittings, etc., and school house, section No. 13, Howic,k,. �r is'de •in�r was very well attended, eoi i r t, anything in this line, at prices the bad roads and unfavorable never heard of bt4ore, at weather, and an enjoyable evening was spent An interesting and var- ied programn,e, consisting of instru- mental and vocal music, dialogues, recitations and tableaux, was render- ed, Mr, Spotton, of Wroxeter, being chairman. Mr. Jno. Hartley is in- debted to great credit for the lengthy and well selected programme provid- ed. Mr. hooey, of Waterloo, visited his brother, Jno. Hooey; of Howick, last week. A tea meeting will be held at the Congregational church, Turnberry, ori the evening of December 13th. The Wingham Orchestra, is expected and will furnish suitable music. On Thursday Nov. 18, while Mrs. Wrn. Leonard, of the 6th concession of Howiek, was preparing dinner, she suddenly dropped to the floor and expired before medical aid could be. obtained. Heart disease was the cause. She had been in her usual health up to' the time of her sudden demise. The funeral took place on Saturday, and was attended by the whole neighborhood. She was a woman nighlv respected, and will be much missed. GOLIN A, CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE, Doors South of Post Office, TO ADVER'VI.cERS. Notice ofehanges must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues• day evening. Casual advertise- ments accepted up• to noon Thursday of each week. belO.;i ami:111105 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 1897. 'OPENING OF THE t.,EGISLA- TURE. in i,. astessv.s Ontario Legislature was for— formally opened by Sir Oliver lllow— xat on Tuesday afternoon. In the opening speech from the throne, the dew Lieutenant -Governor expressed the pleasure it gave hirn to once Peter Depew, of Wardsville, father -more meet the members of the Legis- of Mrs. W. Doherty, died on Nov. :iature, and after making some par 22nd, aged 76 years. About 30 ., donable reference to his long' con- years ago he was a resident of Sea— nectin with the Liberal Government , c,rch, subsequently moving to Clin- ton fora few years, thence going to sn Ontario,he referred to.the fact that Wardbville. He was closely identi- . their Excelencies, the Governor -Gen- tied with the Methodist church. kIe Tal and the Countess of 'Aberdeen, CLINTON. ' id` corate to live in the Ontario Capi. 1 for a time, and then passed: on entiinciate the program of the ove,,rnment during the session. The usnal.refereuce was made to the bountiful harvest and the signs -of returning prosperity, as well as the increased interest taken in Can - Ada. by the mother country. Some Progress has been made bs the arbi• trators in the unsettled accounts be- tween the province and Quebec, and ..dgutent in the appeals to the Privy Council in the matter of the fisheries and of the matter of appointing (Uneen's Council may be expected soon. Reference was made also to the new County Councils Act, and the action of the United States in in• .creasing the duties on lumber. The mining industry, it was printed out, was making steady progress, and --she sale of crown lands was satisfae tory. Lengthy reference was also sande to the rieh gold bearing veins Hess, Insisting in the province, attracting Horace Jackson has accepted a increased attention abroad. situation in Cleveland, Ohio, and Among the measures foreshadowed will leave for that city immediately. The Cricket Club concert in the MACE 8 Lott Concession 100 This is a g miles of Wi opportuuit Offers ill be receive BET1' , Barristers, ct•o.,, ther particulars . may be anstone, Esq., Barrister, & Turnberry, es. arm within about two ham, and presents a good to purcba by CRONYN rSc don. leaves a family of three sons and one daughter, his youngest daughter, Mrs. Fred. Jackson, having 'died A couple of years since. Mr. and illrb.. Doherty attended the funeral. A young son of Mr. John Wiseman fell over the balustrade of the stair and rendered himself unconscious for a time. His injuries are not very. serious. The towu has purchased some new fire fighting appliances in the shape of a heater, Babcock .extinguisher, ladders, etc. Miss Kelly, bookkeeper fur Jack- son Bros., spent Thanksgiving day at her home in Blyth. Mr. Marks visited his home in Kincardine on Thanksgiving. The new butcher strop erected by J. Elliott, for his son in law, is corn • - pleted. W. W. Farrah is stocking • his farm with some choice. Leicester sheep. Israel Taylor and John Ransford were in London this week on busi• • '-were bilis relating to re -forestry, tin/• ber licenses, election laws, to prevent gambling at agricultural fairs, affect ing the interest of druggists, to pre- vent the spread ofdiseare amongst fruit trees, relating to extra, provin• dal insurance companies, jails and jailors. It was announced that the decennial version of the statutes was r' nearly completed, and the two vol -- t Town Hall, 'Thursday evening, was very good. Miss:Sister, elocutionist, and bliss Acheson, violinist, of Ouderieh, assisted the local talent in a first class programme. H. E. ilod ens is in Toronto on business. Miss Lena • Doherty, of' Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. G. A. 1ieKee, of ixmes ,would likely be ready for London, are visiting at W, Doherty's. Issue, and go into affect by the end Miss Pena Cooper visited in Wing - of 1807. In connection therewith, the statutory provisions relating to Legal practice and proceedure for the last fifty years had also been re— viseand consolidated. EDITORIAL NOTES. STtx .JAMES W,I.ITntr, the new Premier of Newfoundland and all the members of ills Cabinet, have been re-cleeted without opposition. Tax report that Lieut. --Governor sttteraon of Manitoba, would sue - Edward :3009. The Uest quality of d Licut,.Governor I4laekintosh in , ' Northwest Territories, has been i fruit NV as obtained in Perth, Water. tdd. 110o, Oxford and Prince Edward 1 county, - where the price averaged ,SFR RICHARD O.' uTwr Ioz-rx has re -10 per bushel. During the past s t, volumin'nm report from Mr.! month l',tr. C,rantelon has paid out its E. Sheppard, Crtnad9a•1 Cont- I hard cash, no less than $40,000, mer to Urugtts, ' and Brazil. which included the cost of the fruit, rd. ,says there are good barrels,wages, etc. ham on Thanksgiving day.. Union Thanksgiving services were held ir. Rattenbury street ehureh Thursday morning. Rev. Mr. Ole - merit preached., Mr. D. Cantclon wound up his apple-. Yipping operations for the sta- son last week when he sent forward his last consignment, ilii total pusa r chase aggregated 17,000 tails., was mace up from the counties of growth as follows Huron 4000, Perth 1500, Waterloo 2500, Oxford 2000, Brant 4560, Norfolk 1000, Prince F R m. d also of Wing - PAY YOU TAXES .,mom IT'S NOT NECESSARY.. 4 . I For the convenience of the public, the/ Tax Collector will be in the Clerk's office;•. in the Town Hall, • 'very Friday from 2 to 4 p. m., and on Monday and Tuesday, December 13th and 14th from 10 a. tn..to 5 p. tai., and any other day at his residence. Frances street. All taxes must be paid not later than December 14th. 'WM. ROBERTSON, Collector. To lay aside your soiled or faded suits or oyereoats, but take them to e1Vingham Cleaning rind Dy ing Woi ks, and have thea.i clean- ed, dyed and repaired to look like new. J. W. SNELT. Proprietor. atel AITD... eiry We have the largest and best stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc.,,to choose from in the town, and our prices are as low as ever. CHRISTiNilAS GOODS arriving daily. All Repairing done on the Premises. PATTE Opposite Bank of Hamilton, alitIC11.1160611M' 1102=91121.21% • 0 1 Now i Stock SHOE BLACKING 12 doz. 5e tins to sell at 4e a tin, • 6 It 100 ,1 St „ 8e , 12 " Shoe Dressing at 10e a /bottle, Also Gilt Edge Dressing. STOVE BLACKING 12 doz. Quickshine at 8c a tin. 6 " Enameline at 5c and 10e a tin. 12 " Aloody's Black. Lead, 4e pkge. 4 " Rising Sun, 4c pkge. ""`'' 8 " Dome Lead, IOe box. Moody's Sunlight, 10e a bottle. Also Quickshine Stove Pipe•Ararnish, JOHN KERR Grolier, `'W nnhain. THE NEW EST TE �riE MOON As an inducement to pay cash for your Furniture, IRELAND BUT 1'ON have decided to give everyone buying Furniture or Picture Frames from them for the next 60 days, a chance or a number of chances of getting a . Off, 5 5P 1E E SPRING SEAT PARLOR SLUTE We will do it in this way, We have a small jar filled with peas. For each dollar's worth of goods you buy you have a guess at the number of peas in the jar. The one guessing the number or the nearest to the number will liwve his or her choice of the Parlor Suite or the Watch. Should mare than one guess the right number, or be entitled to the gift, we will take out part of the peas, then they will guess at the remainder, and repeat in this way (if necessary), until only one is entitled to the goods. 30 you see everyone has the same chance. The watch was bought from Mr. H. Park, jeweler, and has a 21 year guarantee ,with it. So you see it is no share. It is at Mr. Park's Jewelry store for inspection. The number of your guess will bo stamped on a ticket and entered in a book, also your name and address, and when the pests are counted -which will be done by three responsible Hien of the town —the ono entitled to the goods wi d ll bnot' fi d No Clothing ever torn on this Board. a a e . We keep everything i hat is kept in a general furniture store, from the l eheapest to the best, Although we take this way of doing a cash trade, we q" will stili retain our reputation of selling goods cheaper than any other store in town. Goods delivered a reasonable distance. May be used in the h<..ttest or coldest water. Never wears out. Never flattens out. • Never corrodes, always clean. Gives satisfaction to everybody everywhere. A. nutrit; ous, delicious, wholesome, palatable food, is found itt SHREDDED % tHO aE H'i . .�a BISCUIT It is whole wheat, and nothing but wheat ; the wheat is. merely shredded and cooked to make it easily digested and utilized. Try a 15c package. You cannot help but feel better' eating it. HAVE YOU HEARD that we are selling a beautiful Rie Coffee, regular 35c line, for aoc a lb. ? it is a fact all the same, and_by trying a pound. you will be thoroughly convinced. The above articles may be had only at R. G.GORDON'S Opposite Chisholm's Drug Store. Button Block Ireland uAtoni FurnitureMcDonald Block, Wing' Nun, I itt niture Dealers and Undertakers, app. P. S.—'Your ehoiee of Walnut or Oak Frances in the Parlor Suite. ,z.(ay-alp TWO DOERS NORTH. • �r If you want tri buy anything in the line of r"PIANOS, ORGANS, SEWID ►G MACHINES, PLOWS, ETC., C., ETO. 77', �✓..i :.A:. ...+ GMT Piap'sr. •T, H. ROSS, Wingham« 1