The Wingham Times, 1897-12-03, Page 3•
wU (i •1 .fir '1"IMES, DECEMBER 3 1h97.
_ -- ICUBISTIAN ENDEAVOR BUDGET, sholn'etat •this minty
both for Chould w
F'11tfly011 S
BAWL, Nov. 30th, 1897.
Dear Fellow Endeavorers,—The
year that closed with the convention
held in Clinton in August last was
the most successful in the history of
our Union. The excellent report
of our indefatigable Secretary told of
large accessions to our ranks, in-
creased liberality to missionary and
Tents in the work,
J,. S. I11.rTDNRsON,
Distressing Nature of the Influenza
Phase of Disease -Immediate help
From Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow-
der—Fifty Members of Parlia-
ment bear Testimony
Grippe, this season. attacks. the head
p k and throat with great severity, That
Electrifying Results O� HIS New
remarkable remedy, Dr. Agnew's Ca
p, r'tarrhal Powder, gives instant relief. W
System of I1�eUICiIlE. benevolent objects, and, what was; H. Bennett, M. P. for East Simcoe, an
better than all, deepened spiritual a fifty either members of Parliament hay
borne testimony over their own signs
life in our members, 'Like Paul tures to the virtues of this. remedy, I
� n is known the oontenient over, C. G
DISEASES B�I�Gc�I 'Ui Archrh,orsyea,says W " 1 ha
catarrh for several years. Water wool
run front my eyes and nose days at
time. Dr. Afeuew'a Catarrhal Powde
----- was the only remedy that gave eubstan
Tll [lost ial'UOIOOS Manner
year show ? Our Union holds an tic] relief, tend since using it I have no
honorable position in the, province! had an attack." Sold at Chisholm'
P p Drug Stora:
�i j Munyon's Homeopa-
�Ol111 0�1 - Shall we maintain that honorable
t�llEOIS�iCS. position? The enswer lies with the
Societies of the Union. Knowing H01tVIC1J,
something of their spirit I fauey I
have their prompt, united and en-, `Cnuncit met in the Albion hots
EVERY tltt4a � :• &iFiS THEM
thusiastic reply. `'Let rouwARn be Fordwich, Nov, 17th, 1897, pursuan
the watchword," j to adjournment.
If •progress is to be inade each I Aiembers all present, except th
Mrs. Mary Mose,•260 Chesnut street' Society aid every member of each Recto•
Toronto. Canada, says : "1 have used Society will have to begin earnest, i 1st Deputy Reeve Gregg in th
Muuyou's Dyspepsia Cure with Splendidchair.
results. L was so bad with this disease systematic, practical work and begin ,
that food would he for . hours. on my at once: Every Endeavor Society ; Minutes of last meeting read an
stowaoh causing me great pain and should have a revival this venter in adopted.
agony. .1 also had back and wet frequently pains elle congregation which it belongs!; Moved by i+inle'y} and Doig th
sour stomach. I had to be extremely Let the coup regation feel in the moat the matter which Iobt. Gambl
careful what l ate, and after using one practical way that we -are going 'to- brought before the Council be lai
vial of Muuyoo'e Dyspepsia Cure, I do just "Whatit Christ would have its over until next regular meeting°
am now stile to eat anything without do," 'Phan let us do it, net dream Carried.
years with .h sadi}ease it issuffering
a plea for
about it., not speculate or theorize' Moved by Do]€;' €tali Finley th
to be again • ble to est anything I desire. about it. Paul said : "This one the request of Thomas Hargrave
Thanks to Munyon." thing Do." Try that. He started left with Councillor "Spence to atte
Munyon's Rheumatism Cure seldom [OTnC 11ist0t'i4 r1 revivals right along to.---•(�ial•t'iecl, •
.fi}tla t] i'e'ieee )tie to three ho:trs(ind n i ACCOUNTS PASSED :
enrs:, it. tf.fA' dr.:, Z. Falco 250, 'hart line. We mat, do the same.
Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively Let us live near ter Christ that, •e1 John Hamilton, $15.55 for' ;ray
cures all forms of indigestion and atom- may get Paul's • passioli for souls. lot 17,' sun. l5 ; Robert MeConne
each trpuhle. Price 25c. Lot us studyour Bibles diligently ie5.50, spreading gravel, lot 17, co
d] unyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu-
monia and breaks up a cold in a few that we may be wisely • guided in 15 ; Win. Hubbard, $25; for bad
hours. Price, 25c. I winning them. Let us be mncai in lot 18, con, 15 ; John Porterlle
Munyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, prayer that we may lose our pride $9.30, ditching and grading, lot
ly heals the lug add selfishness and narrowness, and con. 13 ; Jonn Wallace,' jr., 6i;, re-
bc filled with the Spirit. Thee- shall pairing culvert, lot 30, con. 0 ; Thos.
our light spring forth and our Brown, a„i?.5o, repairing bridge, lot
work will tell for Christ and the 77,. eon. 13 ; John .Strong, $1 • for
Chur''h, , ditching, lot 24, •con. 11; Robert
Erczy EudeavOrer shauld feted-, Jamieson, X173.50, repairing bridges,
all "� rr�s of ..':p, 1-,,,,..,2,1,
her that the levality to our own lot 1'9, con. 0, and Fordwich bridge ;
alien he met the brethren at Applt
forum, we were filled with, gratitude
and courage,
'What will be .the record of this
year? What will the report for this
. night sweats, allays soreness° apd speec •
lungs. Price 230.
Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures.
pains in the back, loins or groins and all
forms of kidney disease. Price 25c.
�vlunyon's Headache Cure stops head
ache in threominutes, Price23c.
Munyon's Pile (Jintmeat p.sitt
dues a i •' •
Munyon's Blood Curo erailicatts all
church is ono of' the cardinal print]- ;vim. IIedry, 7 far gravel, lot ld,
ti impar +;les of the wood. Price, `).SC. tun. 7 ; Oliver lingers, `' '
Munyou's Femaale P,:wedies are a pies of Christian Endeavor', 13e true ngers, , 55 for u
boon to all women. to the congregation to which you gravelling, lot 15, con. .1:) ; dam
Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in belong. That. for the time being, Ia'aust, $2, cleaning out culvert and
minutes and euro permanently. Price, is where your work lies° Do not be digging drain ; Chaa. McLaughlin,
a grumbler or faultfinder, but a 1. refund of dog tax, the dog being
worker. If things are not what theyowned by Mr. Johnston, be being
ought to be, lend a hand to put themout of inunicipa ity ; W. A. Edwards,
right in the Spirit of Christ Let - 0'1 refund of dog tax ; Rosana Smith,
your pastor feel yon. are with him $2,80, refund of taxes as charity ;
in his work, talk him up, not down, , Wm. Gill.irson, $1, refund of dog
pray for him, Paul said. "brethren tax ; Wm, S. Allen, $1, refund ef
pray for we.' Your pastor may not dog tai; ; Jas. McDermott, ,11:3, re -
.be 'ike Paul. All the more does he pairing hill, lot 20, cin. 9 ; Mrs.
(need your prayers ; fill up. the seats Donaghy, •$1, refund of dog tart ;
at t''e-prayer meeting and Sabbath Wm. Irwin, 01.15, for gravel, lot 1,
services. Thele is 00 inspir"tio0 in con. A.
�-- a lumber pile. Give your now to lobed by Doig and Finley,. that
Use Tlieni Carefully. the oflice•bearers as one willing to this council do now adjourn to meet
enter any door of opportunity God in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on the'
may open for yea. Be true to the 15th day of December. --Carried.
best your church stands for. This, LlzziP WALKER, Tp. Clerk,
will not nla'te you a narrosortinded.
Sectarian, but abroad. atnd liberal ]
mingled True inter- 1 RI LB 1 III C
n pi clsi K r T I
denominational fellowship presup-
poses denominational loyalty.
Infidelity is striking a fierce blo:v
at our 'Christian istian Sabbath, We are rTG ®Be Operated 6;0t .,� � �
not prepared for a continental Sab -
bath with all toe evils attending it. ' • 'Elie, THospj..taj.
Every Endeavorer should stand:-
stl ong and firm against all encroach. 'IIS Lady ILSs t�d161 'S CI;9 S
meths on the sacred day of rest. We v
can give valuable help to the Lord's
Day Alliance in the:r noble efforts
to learn the better observance of the
day. Example tells. The standard barb (4,f ade,loyBtu ton t,itat so o.
is .not the sentiment prevailing in
earn) i:f Toronto, u touuls quite uomtuuu with
oto' community. 'Pim law of Geld fossa, of bei• sex. At a critical time lar
i P. T. Barnum once said : "The
roan 'who .can stick type, and the
next morning talk to a thousand
people while I talk to one,is the man
whose help 1 want to make my busi,
ness prosper,"
lif3 NadjOai
Blood Bitters has
on the stomach,
any medicine
prompt 'and lasting.
all such diseases
Biliousness, Bad
the most natural action
liver, bowels and blood of
known, hence its effects are
It cures, without fail,
as Dyspepsia, Constipation,
,, �, . ,� '• • Il
ra. Sick Headache, Boils, Pim les, Tumors,
t Scrofula, Kidney Complaint, Jaundice,
s Coated Tongue, Loss of Appetite and
General Debility. The fact that it is guar-
anteed to cure
if used according to directions
sufferer in giving 'a fair trial
warrants any
to Burdock
d GO ' '®__._
�..y,��.a,e ,
n r
F a.
11, CSR_..
Id, ' yore
Clerk 6th Invasion Court.
Agent for Beet Insurance Contpanie').
The Sloan Medicine Co.
Dean Sirs,--
Abont two Years ago I suffered from an attaek of bilious diari4
which became chronic and threatened my existence.. I used several kin''
of patient medicines and w•is treated by my family physician, but was
enred until 1 used your Sloan's Indian Tonic. It helped me at once an
continued to improve and now enjoy perfect health. I can heartily r
commend it to all troubled as I was, or in need of a general invigorati'l
Forest, Ont., Oct. 12th.
R. R. Droxy ; , J. P.
Eor sale at all dealers, or address the Company at Hamilton.
Priee—$1,00 per bottle; 6 bottles for X5.00,
I have returned to Wingham and purpose devoting my
whole time and attention to the Tailoring business, in the
rooms lately vacated by Mr. Barrand. where I shall hope to
secure the patronage of my old friends as well as many new;
customers. After an experience of some length in one of th
largest establishment, in Ontario, I feel confident that i y�
give every satisfaction, both in Style, Fit and Workman
..... ...—
Satisfaction and perfect fit
'Queen's Block, - Wingham.
14iunyon's Catarrh RPmedies never
'fail. Tho Catarrh Cure -price 25c.—'
.eratreates the disease from the system,
and the Catarrh Tablets. --price 23e. --
cleanse and heal the parts.
Munyou'sNerve Cure is to wonderful
sa trve'tonic, Price, 25c.
•;11un,on's Vitalizer restores :jet vigor
?rice t1.
septlrato cure for each disease. At
nit druggists, mostly. 25c, n yial.
Persreal letters to Prof. Munyon, 11
Albert St, Toronto, answered with
free mech.:al advice for any disease
As there is considerable -nsc made
of lire arras at this time ef the year
1111i Trtii•;3 wishes to say three things
• by way of caution to those who .ase
them : 1st, don't point your gun at
anybody. 2nd, don't point your grin
at anybody. 3rd, don't. point your
gun at anybody Make it a rule'
.wlfether your gun is loaded or not t3
always keep the. muzzle away from
anybody that may' be near you, If
;your companion is behind you let
your gun 'point forward or to one
side. If he is behind you let it point
any other way than to the tear.
When shooting at a target never
place a cartridge in your gun or
rifle until von come to the tiring
point, and while you are doing 'so
keep your gun pointing towards the
ground. If keeping the muzzle of
, anybody that
.your gun away from €toy yo ,
ntatu-chance to be near you is prac-
tised f)i' a time it tvill soon become
7t, habit and a very commendable ati.d
'age habit at trait.
'Causes fully half tho sickness in the world, I1
retains the digested food too lough) the l)owets
and produces biliousness, torpid liver, lndi•
Cirnilaund and is Cured.
o T:aequire
rinted stat on ry
We are in a position to. turn out
oE1,At a tower price than ever before
E INT Ta' JLQ i -n a
We have the best stork of Ens -elopes in town, and
print and supply them as cheap as the cheapest.
Printed on the shortest notice and the price in keeping
with the times,
Give us a call when you are its need of anything in the Printing line
and we will use you right.
THE TIMES, Wingham.
THE TIMES has been greatly im-
proved during the post fete months,
and it it Jnr intention to make it tt 1
aril[ beret local paiprr.
The ()-loon hoz recently been en,
la••r,•ed to a 16 page piper, atnd it is
"Remember beesr l
• ct
b our rule. I,it holy."
the Bah- diem n ecesssa y.)1i .lurar,`•',tel dEreruwirmy the best Mariners' ti�'eckly gent_;,
1 'tl i
gestioi3, bad taste, coated
tongue, sick headache, Ln
.sornnia, eto.. I•Iaod's Pine
+oure constipation nitd all its
rrresittt , easily and thoroughly. 25d. All -druggists.
'Premed y • C. 1, hood a Co., Lowen, mass.
',Tho otst t Mils to take with leood's sarsaparilla.
bath day
to .cep I in y• ] th i si u or th
medicate ,
•a •ws d
l.i ). • r tun •
h CpAi , rrrr
11 t , t✓
lt. r
. d tin a t✓e t
lin .iinti
r• • rl bei � ,res u4 1: y
1 eC1C
he. t
tt sickly tetnper'ance SentIlClenG Rod h After »einrY I)fsareti vrlttt a r>ut»ulet
Christianity that has ort yut learned et s,t, �t'ri'. ati derma fro thntf it twt+stify
the sacred obligation of the ballot, tin rho ilO a. o our it , thatul Ltet tr• s
L+'veiv eiiOt't tt) desttay only it,' alS Calsry t )rnpntinrl. l way er'ul tsuirete
flow firmly the evil is routed •Ili Our or frotnt,evere tarso:its of neurai;;lat in
land: Ilow many €Wore milli.ona will the for ariatry. MT imes telI'Laacks
it waste ? Ho y oto a 11)tees 1 , tnv rear nn
C' o
, C e 1
, tU
'Sl,tn t
died t) ers
l ,l
r le lith
r r' • d
t e
t l to
e Tit.
The liquor• traffdc' is Sttli ;strut „ y atiuf and cleuilh+d to try the vlr- We w]1} 1,
r , . uu hl
• • w also, r •
Will it 'wreck ? flow orally more os rel
Several notentedmo art l f. was
lives will it ruin before it is destroy as patient in 8t,Jusepl,'s hospital, llnwtl-
ed.? The•litcralttlre sent you 'weekly toxo. 1 ool.aioed no kelief from teediot' tritiessrreit Uira`!'.
tre:ttmont. The cluc:t0te chili
can 'be used very* effectively in 1 irttci the o\ary taken ttwny, 1 could not, r✓
evince, reform, especially if lnltalt tt°nrrt alrcutnpany all 0
creating at healthysentinient in favor ire tnsreteci,
of tenni evince,t�:ul r,f suhtuitt:init t', the npei ttirsn Address or call at
itupby earnest personal I need letitie'eCetery Compound, tt,tl 'Pie
is hacked yr•y ,ry
um thanktul your .aaivable 111mM:ineti Nv a ,r t. + 1 ,x1 a
work. Organization for the, ct,ining .sx•y ,,i" �. 4»J
enr,�rt »,r•. f 'fe l lik,i anew wt,r.ran; C ".
Y h' 't 1 i ld lsegin at once. Ian l i tilt uf''or ■e to kiioa a 1st!
le e 10.11
$ ' 0 b ICA!
'1'o New Subscribers.
Nets= sttltres liters til,, ulil ttliltcrfi,e
at omen and tai;ti advantage of this
.ipen a oil
until you have tried
p e isi •e $ in i
One Wblr l 1?111, l i b , 4
thuslasnl counts. Six thousand what this great, tue+ticttee bee thine- furM
young hearts aflame with the love of ole.
You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons
Five Ten wF
Tabules for ve Ceaits. .
') S,Sa ¢ctti ti tr,tt Uy a ,o1^.iq to Gtatity the uttivorsit l,sccont tar a 2;,W Drew•.
If you don't find this sort of
L e Dru
Send Vivo Cents to 'esti, ) tPAt1s r.lttrUtrA1. t :,"tirAtsv", 't<To, re
irf iia ? ;i,;ruce St., Now York, sari they Will be. wee t, \'ri l'ly^t:rithee .
;: cartons will be nar,iled for A8. tents. liiete eilterkeer'tv tiki
,lit I h Ripens Tabules are the ' ery *s