The Wingham Times, 1897-12-03, Page 21 •1244.21. • zmYrt•r$4›g 14. %. e ell. el% •• • r‘ ,•••1‘, ••••A iamoncl C oterie: t The • • B7 LA:Vat-1,MM M. LYNCii (E. At Van Deventer) Atither 44A Tonien's Cm," 4‘Joba Artliorts Ta4" 14 The 1..03t "Witnessp "A Slender Clue "DaligOota Gr04.14" «Against Odds/' Etc., Etc. Z.1.-4StyeE-Ike\k...->tetyd...:1-4.•Zlet*.A.d.e‘ttf. e ' A • et. 4,• .V.' I ti 1.4 1 Ull.A.A./ I 1)11,, .•• A eV(' r r Zfr teener:ince gave e, nerve:as stast, and then ar.ose hastily. "Who is it, Nelly?" she asked„ merely for appearance sale(4. for she fully expected to 5a1 Air. Belknap. "Hts didn't give his name, Miss, but RIM he come bee appointment. It's the &Ma+ gentleman as called a fey:, days ago." "Oh! then he W011q1. detain me long," tee: young lady, a resolute look coul- ee:id A ber eyes. "Auntie, I'll be with ing inv. in a teey f•eve moments." yoU death" -'t be very graciously ie - "Ile \vole t5 AMAMI'S mental eem. cowed," was J.'" that edeam of ele- ment, "I know eye, AU d whet it means, . But lars- .A -1134°L1 was mistaken for .elleaap," Constaace said, SWe'd"da In: hie presence with her Pro'•:• -•11'° end emilieg upon him her smilt. "1 am glad you have '-ecome 'Prompteese is our Met lesson in tny profesolon," replied he, with an affable smile. . "Yes! and have you learned anything new inee Monday?" • "Nothing or importance. 'The party 'under enepicion hes been ente*ahaiug, 11 friend, and has been out very little." "Oh!" "One thing occurred 071 Monday last, not longefte•e I had Mt you, evhieh. I can't help Ieelting on with euspicion." "Indeed! and tney I Lear it?" "I think so. Withont stopping to en - lain yeamodes of taking observations, "T‘frnFeive the bare fact. Ott Monday eiternoen, while Doetor Itleath was :don's in his °ince, a boy, ereeying on his head. a tray of earelnas, 't •'d at the foot of the stairs, set deven hie trey, ran vp the flight like a cat, and jnst as quietly, reel slieptel a note underneath the °Mee „door." tiv(;-a.PPRaidiea, ahd tlii applied him- self eloser to a leincheon, of broken victuals, eating like a mart famished. Mr: Belknap, who, on this 'occasion, had visited Ward= on foot, came quite close upon the man, and then halted sud- denly, putting his hated in his pocket, as if with charitable intent; instantly the tramp dropped his fragment of- bread, and sprang to his feet, with 'autstretched hand, a ee if weedy for the en:pc:tee" linemen He Wile itdfr, Tagged fellow, Unders.lzed, but ittrnig ere,' e•htevey, With "Roally!" in real surprise'..nd some distm:',4:?e& of mind. "Auel you know nothing more about The ao..e?" 'Nothing; hitt I shall se; u I trust." "Tb....n you intend follo•wing up thin case, Mr. Belknap?" Be looed up with a start of astonish- ment. "Is net that your intention.?" I DvidedlY ult." "But—.:ave yen con,:alted with Mr. Larnotze?" "1 ilavr conmIted with no one, sir. I thought over f -e once men... and decioed to let nry own mind gu!de 11)5 actions." "But 2.1r. Linnott.. 1hiults the care should LP "Me. Lanart..v I.; fry neie:lii:or, not my guardian. He it; fAmit cm:ugh to advise Inc 1,.):;:•0c-1;1 thinlz be would scnacely prese. ••• "Ail! ti.nn len) to neneider myrelf 1)0 lenfese in ::-<;11. eanoell,t1 Toy indebted- ness : • WIC: t;. he could not 11117., ern.; from his r.=.wi: .1. a miononmiluto. beak. and from of paper, which ho d t Con I ;.1.1y" be. said. • ran 'her tiro Itioalz...d. ties count, si....111,17 as she did so. Man. mobe•nz." • Went Celt, - V11101: •.•! .11::P.O.S, gar:11:X :— you. would go to .her.• • . tIi ugly scarred. face,and. a boorish gait and manner. As the private detective withdrew his hand from hie pocket and tendered the tramp a small coin, a passer - 1y, had there been such, would have called the scene a tableaux of alms -giv- ing; but what the defecate° Feld WES:— Roztke, here you are; are you ready for business?" And the tramp replied: "You be, if it's a solid racket." "Theri follow me,. at it distance, until we reach it place where We can -talk things over." And: Mr, Belknap oved on, never once glancing. hack. The tramp once .n.ore seated himself beside the Tosco, and reAnned his emu- pzubso. When the. /a:4 scrap of the food v...., devoured, he :lose, and, taking .up it ronah stick that ?served • as it cane, he iclhaved the recedipg form of the private netectiv.e. At sunset, Eta Y "1randyek presenteii himself punctually for furthee instruc- tions, at 'Werdoure "You. are released, Ray," said Con. stance, coming 0 nieet him. with a bright Mee and a warm hand -clasp, "Yon. are free re follow your own de- tieee; Deetor Heath has a better guardian then eleher you or I." "Cc,ol, upon ni word," said Ray, with a grimace. "So 1 an discharged. without referent":..s?" • - "Even so, and you must be content without an explanation, too, for the pres- ent. My tongue is still tied." "Worse and worm, Onnny; can't I even know who has sit:TM:de(' rue?" "It'sit great s4eret, itntl must be care- fully guarded, but, I believe I will con- fit1.0 that much to you, as it doe a net con- flict with any premises." "Well! I listen:" "Doetor Heath' is protected by an able Lamotto emptied 1115. glass and set it can't find company loW enough for. him, detective. His ntme meat net comem- down, Onyir.g, ho.did in one • stage of his drunkenness,. nor ideate." "'Well, but the pobit isnot yet reached. .high enough for hint in another. It's Peay Teredyek opened wide his hand- Did you de:plain the necessity you were .fortunate Lor us that liquor has at - lase some eyes, and gave vent to a long, low under if the case left your hands?" - relaxed. his vi.gilanco; the old snail has "I did. • She was suprised, af course, taken a leading trick by the means. whistle. Conny, yon me too deep for me," he . and. incredulous, 'Mai she -1)10.0.0 no re- Curse the brute! Whsf ,won't he die in a said; "I are all at FC:1; (will deep the marks,and seemed. no.& at all discomposed drunken freezy, or from over -feeding, subjeetas it is worldng severely upon nrY at the danger rednacibg Doctor Heath. but he won't" Thus. soliloquizing, he curiosity." After we had settled "„ our business, she lighted it cigar and itretit out into the For a few moments they sat in askeel me if I should how • claop the case grounds. ."I'll try tha. effect of it little silence Conetanee thinking how much, and let the autheritiework tt, out, 02 if sunshine," he muttered; "for the house feels like a sareoplalgue; One. would think the family pride was about to receive its last blow, and the family doom about to fall." So, restless and. selfetormented, Frank • Barnette paskd the lgoug afternoon, in the double; solitude off it man deserted, alike by his friends 'T and his peace of ril'i4114,ie make our own ghost," said some-. body once. Frank Larnotte's phantoms had begun to manifest themselves, hav- ing geown• into thinets of strength, and becorno endowed. with ihe pOWer to • tor- turer,. tharske. to.:Ahe -7,atmesplierei into which. he bad plungedhirnselt and thorn, Ltte. in tho, afternoon, John., Rama. 05.71)0 13.16tbA hire, 'not, ening 'to..atisWer'A-Ty '.questions at that r- • • ;•-;: -. • • Rarrilh,seemed.t.O.care.•:fittle,. fort or . anything; he , Was. in .11; -wonderfully aUbilent mood.. TO rafnbled .through the. 71 VR774 IMF , 1)0:,..T.41V1 is t tL;; too 71 ••••aneeeeewmatP•••Vrs":s.fa••••.al.eeeese.ee•eoraa•eee•eee:eeee:•WM.Teeee:eeem•••.••••••••••••••••••ecro•eee..Iesaama•••eee.aseea•2aPoaleo:e:aaaaaa•.e.eeewaema•N•ea•eam;! I Was eittinn over it rousting tire,. wrappea PiisentlY lic'eatua face 'to tate' With. a l'olifiri t_fio al)P4X4Vance a 1$11.18's 1444114nt‘Ir''' in a shawl, end ehiverline front heat" to Inen who, with. bands in htio pockets, "Valli 1 ettil$ tine ogee hoe, auntlie foot; she tilemet shrVized ut the moution was watehing the unloading ef a; 'belated 4Wbe' trAti of the serpent' le over the of Burin's wane; Syhil looks bad, very entire- lsouSe." 41 sniff the de:41 odor of:ea:11e (:igar, '1's reterSed Niro. Aliseen. "As' for the ogro .--12 be won't appear in persiOn.,. I'll try and survive the rest," 4.I ant very glad you have eenne.„ Con., stamoe,"' said Mrs. lownotte, entering at this monteutti. "We are so dull here, end !'Sybil hive' wiehed innekt to Mee you," 1 And theta she extended it courtecone but more •staitely meting to Mrs, Anston, "It grieeee ItIte to hear that Sgbil is 1',Pb so We%„(1.:1M,r ISITS, 714ainotte, nbes she employ a ',aityslatan?" Asked Comettance, . presently, . "She wilt ncr0 Rave a phynician galled, 'Math to menregiret The very suggestion make her wildly' anryous.." • ,, "And—she.keepa her man. too nettelet .. Fthink Frank toleX. me." ' "Yes, receetly. But, Constance, geeep to•ller; Mks. Allston and I will, entertain etude other fere awhile, and. then we Vidil , join you. Sybilthearel you =not:awed. and 1 will expect yom" . I Thus consini.ntdod',. Confts.noe loft 1.0 bad. 1: lien we get them other matter.s safely sottled, wo must do something for the- girl." "And that 1neans-10 "That we must master Burrill. We will soon be in it Position to do it, I liope." "I hope so," gloomily. "We must be, or be ruined. You will settle this business with Constance, at once, to -day' r "Yes -I suppose so." "You suppose! num, you talk ns if you WerO le.:ding a forlorn hopo. D0 you ex- pect a refusal?" "I don't know what to expect," fling- ing away his (Agar,. angrily, "I cault uneerstand Constance? I wish that cursed Reath were safely out of iny patio", • "Can't you trust him to Belknap?" "There we aro again! what is that con- founded, detective doing? He has' been. .. 47. "ow do you do, Proolts,." said he, glancing 1.4 the hands and face that were . cleaner than usual, and at the Pretenee of it toilet that. made thwawk•- wardness of the fellow unusually appar- ent. "Yon seem taking holiday, • you bound to leave us?' "That's whet ern, sir," said the man, touching hie late,. "Work's. too scarce for me, sir, and bad company's too plenty, I've said I would go a- douea. times, sir; and uow I'M off," "I WU sorry we could not keep you ate at the mills, Drooks; but—you know Who: was to blame," "Oh it was me, sire •don't daily than:. It's hard for me to keep away from the - liquor% Rut look here, Kir. 1,arnotte, If you ever see me again, you'll see me! sober." Mr. Lea:lotto uttered. it skeptical laugh: and turned away. ; The Unin was there,. and it bore eityward the. gentlemanly - here five days, or nearly that; four days Mr. Barnette, and the ItaIf-rnebriated ago, Conan:ewe asked three days to eon- loafer, Brooks. sider upon the wee. 'What did that mean? . Belknap should thrive been here with CHAPTER 1,-Tre.‘V. his report long ago, Why don't he come?" All that day, ore.' what remained of it "That I can't tell you; he has his own a. 1.2 2.1 atter his ne,aer's departure, and the al - way 91 doing things; his absence does not most sinreltanvott withdrawal of the alter the fact; that 121)1181) use this oppor- private Ceteetiw, Wank Lamotto passed • the city; and you in an Uneasy reverie.. Re had 111110h 201 stake; and now Mt: the er;els, et his for- tunes was so near 4t hand,. ho began- to review his ground, .1ml every. 11-0X* look, swer." and tone of Constance \Yardarm, as he "Well, I wleh 1 cOld feel as sanguine, recalled them, one by- one,, was to him a that's all," • fresh puple. At this moment. e came the sound Six. months aou, • 'rank Lairaotte would Utility for getting, must press: this hu and bring it to it think there.is macs ness with Constance, 'settlement.. I don't doubt as to her an - of wh.eels - on the; gravel netside, and have scoffed at ale S iggestion of a refusal he window, Frank , even froin. the prowl Constance. Now, g: - glancing tower(' sprang up exeleimi "There's Belkna somehow, he bad late his self-colifidence. , and net An:brat° to Again. and egain helm:a:I/m(1 the words int," and he hurried that he would, say, t. ma' the words he orc, cents/Jur] V1111M119100011NIMIX11101• Wheneo Its; Oils.131. semeslung Alto= Salt, It is noteWorthy that theAeilland :.tor Land salt -the Provine(Mver--is somewhat less than it was some years ago. The decreased demand is dee teseveral reasons, In the first place farmers, in barley growing sections utsed, to require large quantines of land sulk which, sown on barley, in, erased tbe brighteneclits color an tli strengthened the straw ;. but the American tariff praetically shut bar- ley out of that, market, and there -Awe reduced production. Then. ag„ain, ex- perience basshown that salt sown on fall wheat improved the ykld and grainamateefully,,but when falhvbeat ,$.4^ot down to about 50 cents a bushel, farmers kst heart, and. did, motto:re much what the,grallin was How- ever, 1,0W. 061 the pried4of..grain has increaPed, there.13 preSpect that the demandiforlandisalt,will also improve, 'Harmers only reafiged the value or sowing from four to six hundred: pounds f' salt per aeve on any grow- ling erop.they would use it so freely ; that it would taw; the resources of salt. ttnanufactarers tosupply the demand: !In the United States fertilners of var., 3ou.s kindeure used mach more gen,- erotisly than thesTare in this C01.111try,. and that accounts -for the enhanced; • ;.,value of firms in partsof the, Ameri- ,Snunion.. Salt is. one of tbe best: Yertilizers known, and -being so &leap 'Should be used mush more freely than "it is. Canadian farmers, with all, their enterprise, are Dot so far ad-: letteceeas they might be,. and one evi- dence of their backwardness is shown, by their failure to use freely *fertiliz4 er that is jiist at their doors. We are, Vitformed that the use of salt tn. land: •is more general among farmers a con- siderable distance from the point of," production; and. consequently costing. much more. for freight, than it is -• -among farmers nearer at hand,, though character of either soil, or the, crops for which the salt is used. There is a •great mystery in the bout window ofrevery drag store ine Wingham. . It 1)3411e -show globe, the - big glass vessel filled 'Willi+ c011ored! water,. tbat autilks the trade every- where. • No man, knew' the origin of the•showc g lobe. Every draggist has some story .aboutrit that was handed (113wn to hito by the man he uSed to work for, but the stories vary„ The lose. .111 go meet aseribedl date oi-the•iirstrodeetion of out, wearing it leek of rellof: mingled hoped, that she watt' 41 anwear. Then, as the show globe .1:raries, too. The red he forced himself to. •.ifitee the possibilitY and. white on it 't•barbiers. pele, it is with expectancy. • In a montout he returned, closely fol- of defeat, the veins upon his templee • ., lowed by the sniilleg detective. • - swelled out, his teeth alone:fled, and dm' •..e. said.. goes back to: the thme when "Quick, Belknap," said Femule, closing. ,ef those "atttooks," to which he was 'barbers. bulled ttieth., together with the door, carefully, "give us the import- subject, and against ' hich Doctor Heath their Ogler dug* .'-'01e. white in - ant points. The carriage will be here in had warued him, • 'eereed. inuninent. • slibated the teeth. ' anti the red the town., and he must le on time, for trains ' Again and again. Ma gazed, with prouc1.1 T satisfaction, Upon -hherelleeted image, in - •••• gum,: be druggistsr she* globe, a short time, to take the old utata to won't wait." - the* fall lengtbedrawiefg-rocan Mirror, and however; will always remain a nonde- "True," said 3W.X. Belknap, seating turned away. Fowingi; himself a .4tting, '.seript, unless fatiu.re anziquarians himself near tho table, "1 sierald have mato for any wornam I Again and again, reported to you lastrening, but thought when the image of .hi g own. physical per. ±1) hest to remain a out town, and let fections had ceased te dazzle his vision, myself be seen by ithe. hoteldoungere; his heart sank within bine and a dismal people in a place like this, we curious foreboding put his courage to flight. about a man who keeps too much to hint- . "Confound. it all," muttered he, as he self, and one nmst always conciliate sus, ; wandered aimlessly from ono deserted. pielon." . : . I room to enether; "the very house seems: "True," frorn 'Mr. Barnette. ' under a spell. Sybil; :kitting like. a recluke: "I saw Miss Wardour yesterday, gen-, in her own - rooms, ' growing pale, and. tlenaen; she entirely withdraws the case.' • wild-eyed, and specr-like, every day.,. "What! entirely?" asked Frank. Evan, in his room, srek with drink, and "Entirely; she asked. for sny account, verging on the D. T.. ' Mother, gliditag paid it, and distniged Ille, /Saying:, that like a stately ghost from one to the other, •she should not resume the szarch, but or closeted in her own room; she has not should double -the reward." teen down stairs t&day. Burrill, the: "Doable the reward!" repeated Frank. . devil knows Where he is, and What took "Yes, provided both the diamonds .and him out so unusually early this morning. the thieves were foundr He's been cutting it worse than ever. for •A moment's silence and then the elder 'the nest •week; the fellow, seemingly; she retreettecl not asking Mr. Bathurst to make himself known to this loyal felend,.who must now be kept in ignor- ance, however worthy he might .be of all confidence, and Ray thinking of Ed:no- thing fr.at caused his face to sadden, and. his eyes to darken with inward pain. Presently he drew a little nearer his host- ess, and asked, in alow,sorrowful tone:— " Canny, have you seen her late/y?" "Not for a week or more, Ray." "I saw her yesterday:" "And she," rantiont,ly; "did she see you, Ray?" .4 "Nei, thank Ge:(114 she idle- driVing'witlx • 1 d "C s"' 114 Vai6ebrolco , • ettir:11).1.g 71, :: 11, and he-turnhed tert.face,- 'away wish 2 • , ' •tI1(1(1 '1l._ mon:is. 1 sln..111,:z it 1P 1!'0.07)." "Wht.t ! 5-11 1%...117 mean that?" "Became—oh,. you. .should"./viv*Men .",. "I. r.,aily her 1,100. She is stIffering.lisirtiblyc.SIte is The. er,ov.-.1 his lips, lfdyi11'by12!ch0.'L,- •, - -• shoat to 7:."1.•(,.••..1.1•,:;1•,!. 0"..V./1 0.0!;00. thnt SUtiti111y, ilmard the dis;,.. "Do Fon clin:: to yoar 10.1 -1(11031 "'Why, Bay?" - 1j.' CIIAFTBR XXIII,: • :... of t1 '4 ihe 1: we cuthoritle-,•aml At ezIrly Morn' on the.Pix.it,elay,..T.psper • t.:10,11 1111111 Ductor Heath?" she Lnit„aa„ ,tat lis 01 Prank, were seated, asked. i a/toe:ter in the dinins;-room .of Mapleton. Ile torned toward le -r, with a Pcmtliav 1 .T.:sper Inunotte Was IntOlfdly °aim; a mii.. j1( *1 his Fi.e... 'You have offend a t i bountiful mid' appetizing lunch, *awl v0ty01Q i'or 3 (1)1' .127:- 7 r, 1 L01.1.411.'' . evaehine: it down twith , plenty . of tight "Yoe med.::: e 1 e .,e olid:reil a reward I el,ret; and Frank -weemated' i.1ENIV the . 'forthe appi,:o.,ns'ia oof the thi,..f or I . toile, -knit:kiting • 'stronfr cigar,' arid giv- thinee." ; ing an attentive ear to the words of his ' "And—as you 11 .ve withdrawn t!r,: ,,,„,, ease,.:.hall you withdraw 50)10 roward ! -"" . 1 • "That is the first thn6 wd have got the alt•o•:'' . i lce:‘d on Burrill," kaid the elder tairnritte, ''Py no mean -t.' ithirth.. ild,:n.:;.: iny r,iward should bo • return-. Drunk ..er sebe'r; •lavetofore, ho doultieit':" . . i has looked. after his interests too.closely ; A oyeer gleam shot from. her eyes, ae. ' to Ft?I'V&Mil''.5'"' -" *". ' .' .' ' "The devil's got into Btirrill,•'- replied iht;. r.:-.:,As.,•reil. withollr hesitatien a -- "And 10 I. Kell:. Mace, my 1.01,1‹,r.1 in 1 179Tcisl 'irlo'..41.""hart,,g1,111f',41.1vigdgal;r1:1.tgieik itt'iti'g the county jail, ad put my diamonds in any hands, and you shall receive a : 3. . . . . . . • :rati both tho lewas 'anet some:m..4T- it: ;must ha ulnae to I would. cent:Due to Work mdepenteent of •• the rest of the family too I shoitla gay' "Then, for the prdtent, I shall keep mY him now: Why„ lefainit'lieaft sober fon Amin, reward." won has been bad enough any time within -the memory (4 Ju)n., 10(k11) clews in illy own hands; MI:el Weedotir, te, 1, „ X you good morning," And the Tri "We'll, he is sober this.'aitiitniinf."` *eau: *:,tective :talked front the roma with c‘ii00/3,, haw, .v„vt som% hinirt • " the air of a man wia: was ovcrilowinoz , t'..t • )1.1 " :t- - him; emu: (ftleliit0110 .• 1 . • eS, Well .0 114 r ,flu .0 LI. 'with desirtible information. • •"'•: Prtioi'll I found "That's a queer Woillan:" nrri84 -Mr• him -White ne it Cloth and-Anite nelinip; Belkaitp, as he turned hie face away from be bsoi bvehr„n„ bint.•:oilf•:. at .1115 1st care Wardour. "I can't make her out, If it ouse; is LIS Pleb: 41, dna', -nna on the 'Were not altogether too fishy, I should -verge of delirium tremene if a. luau eive,r ea., she had it 1411SIACiall concerning tho.,,,1 Wae. 1:t0 W011't geb cartef his.beel for a diamonds. I int,lui I f t 1001: a little .clo•er few. day, 11 a am wit,tot,;.th,,..i.ormi, was into tie. oiely..• of Mieg Vt'are.our; encl., len of weilleal perfumes, lind lib: mother lg°v'r Im''' (1' I'''"''''' tyld, I'm' li"""4 "`" was tiling to induce, him to drhalt same Ita•ve lay reward, if not ty this, 'why by' itot eofreco .... .. , .,,, .. .. that." • "And Burrill?I' •• • Wit". .011.4 refleeoon, "110 knew nothing of' itiro, room - looked lin to th'•". Irgenitel me: to 1g914 aptir 4)3.7 9nrk vet. • a tramp -of sin': ter aspeet, wee min „ isnralr4 tre_71.7....reit as tee tletec. oz.ta:s s, sharp tongued our," said ifrank, With a short laugh- untorr..t. X watt to Srlail's rooms; she "And you raid white" asked Frank. "I said that circtunetances nrust 'decide that." •• e "And , she was not .disturbed about Heath?" X - "Evidently not; sh was as cool as 42 e Iratik drew a long breath of reliee. "And. now, Mr. litunotte," said' the private detective, "What is the next move?" .. "Perfect quiet Lor tip: next two or three . dn.-Ws; likd Miss Varclibtii.; We' 'Will' taleci ', time to consider. I 4111 going to,,11'e:_big city to -day, Mr. 'Belklap,' If yen need any ; fluids before I returntocall •en. ' Flunk. I ' shall be hack in two f1aya, and then we will decide upon our next -move. Is that •the _carriage, 11frank?'1 , • It was the carriage and alms:1st- befet,1 .Mr. _Belknap &mid rchilize. it or' t-gathet. ' .together his seatttated forces', 1 Mo. T.aa••• mate had. shaken .hands with...1AM, nodded to ; Eramit, • , donned ans . hat, gathered up his traveling coati:cane, and gloves, and.was on way to the cark• riage, followed by a servant; when,carried his traveling bag. , ... As lnay he scorn Isr, p11,;.nap lu,d made his, -"reports"' according to his ow. -n lights, as for instant:"e, giving his: first interview with Constance in brief, on -the saincelay it took , place, merely stating •. -- • .. - • -.; -4. '. -- - *-- .. - • that Mies. 11/ardour rtquested time, to. con- sider; ttml reserving , all - that; ...portion concerning De:ctort;Heath, until to -day, \viten he gave thattdo, lie brief, and with =any f`mental reeei*ations.'' - • lir. Belknap - was a little:bit non - &Lased at this sttddbn journey- of Jasper Larnotte'w• he did lotelika to 110 so -wide ly separated.froni h. s patron, -even for.a few" days, and espeegilly now; hut .it Was too late to annlee ent suriencbtent• to.;this state of telaiee, se 1 0 contented • hiinself i with it eig,ar end • 'ronk's soeictY. Net , flutliml the latex o the best, " and bell*. . able to enjoy -the former2AnyWhere, he ; soon tr,o1;,- his leave,* argi . drove 'basic to his hoteirthe best la W.*, .whereithe :Went eteaight to his robut, ordereet Up it hot brandy, complainek of a slight Jinn:Toe. tion, awl spent the remainder :of the day and the entire ,evening in and • about•the • hotel,.. lounging, tweating, : reading, eliatting and alWays 'hale, - . . .. • Meantime, Mr. 141ntotts; arrliVing ten . minutes early at thOW.A-•tlepot, sauntered out: among -Elm, people 1.s.,:trroing about, and Awaiting thh arriviii ei'' the fast ex- . • : . . • . ,1 : .. 1.. 1 Therie Welk always a. bustle rilbottb 1110 Ith--: deno, t at WI hem' of ' taVe day; and lar;Ledrette untitled gradlowsly herd kid Wit ' Ififet.t. inc. 1...ni.. t* it eheeen and honored. few. prove themselves Mach; ntore learned than their predecessbrs. TO .I3E NWA.TOMilD. • Watch that the hoWles act regularly. Neyer neglect constipation, especially as it can be -promptly and pezenaneetly cur- ed by Burdock Bloodet Bitters. "During tiv e years I suffered: from constipation and lose of appetite, Which reuuced toe to a grave gtate ; but two bottles of 13 urcioek Blood Bittere, completely cured me of my terrible sufferings. Gaorionvi Pr...;Awr, Letellier, en. 11,000 horses have been shipped from Canada to Eng,land since the first of January this year. Betten:ThanKlondyke Gold , Is•health and strength gained by taking- Elbod's Sarsaparilla, ahe great blood. purifier. It fortifies the whale system.; and gives you such strength that nerv.- ous troubles cease„, and work which seemed \veering and laborious becomes• easy and is cheerfully prefoireed. It. has done this for others, it will for yoa. E.T000?s,Pims are tbe best family ca- thartic and liver tonic. Gentle, reliable. Sure. Mr. 0 M Bowm•In is the Liberal Dan Showed Ilis Hand: candidate for North Bruce in ,the eleetion for the Legislative Assembly. "Dau,?' said a contractor to One or his trusted employes, "when you are seeing about that tune this inOrnino,; I wish you to mention to Dempsey' that I would like to have that bill. paid. You needn't press it, you know, ' , but just mention it to him in an off - :band manner." "Yes, sorr." "I got themon from Dempsey," said Dan on his return. "I am Very glad. You merely al- luded to it in an off -hand way, I sup- pose?" "Yes, sorr. I banded him the bill, and told him if he didn't pay it I would let off my hand. and give hira a black eye that he wouldn't forget for a month, and, he- paid it at wanst."-Tit-Bits. - AFTER TYPHOID FEVER. "After bad ty•yboid fever kidney trouble ensued, pad terrible pains in' my back, head and =.; shoulders, and felt tired, drowsy and regged out, and had at:tidying urinary er ubles. have grown daily better since I commebood using Dom's Kidney Pills. I have tm. pains of any kind, sleep :kelt, fool rested ; and the urinary trouble have comp)otely disappeared.".I. W. DouoLas, Port Elope, The office of th '-r. Buck stove works, i Brantford, was e. tered by burglars, who forced open t he safe, abstracting therefrom 81.50. . . • . At Brampton W4m. Dennison, eon vieted of stealing torses, waggon crid h•arness froin differeet farmers in the, county, was sentenced to three years in the- .Kingston Penitentiary, Bee"Cie.es are aqitin being found as t tit the eTaVS, 0 gp, . ago. Two were dtscovered in the Swamps to ' the east of Innerki ' Qoei. Sound by tenzintles roo..tii, whiStlitig` iairilly, and with his hands in his eekets Ile' pont: molded .gb ServaritS' 'like a Baron 'Of: Old. Ile. drank...wine' Ain , the libraryf, dud% Smolted,a. qigar .Ia the , draWingli roonai and when these Pleasures palled.. pategal fain,: he as4ended Ithe stairs, ..„tincit,wegti Straight to th.O'rooni bboupied: ISY. "Eyam, -, For. Poine tiine ,,Past, •:Titspdi" Lanai& had anadonft effort•to'brealtthe, iaritatfift goad fellowship, .ttat,; much. to i thee stuel anden of all the: f ' Agee. had ,.spning tip 1 sbetyve7en tlio -\\:ild, Teeing : f ellow:, land. ths ooarsei and etia ity' 'or worse fiesetted: elder one,, How, 'even rec1cless E•Viin La: motteicoald-filia.plensi. 'in. gach;•scitiety, was a anystety to all wit 'Itifew. -the pit TO" ie nett, and Jaspe Barnette's' terdictetimfe bat streng: ,en. tie t6eVer the intiniatyr ',TbilitTitire I'veipenildd$4 Itis eXh0Vtatibbt With a Witt of 'delta:deb, orti,ttolleybf oaths; ant, Evart reeeived all cemments upon his ehttiee. of. a cow- paniont . with' a sprdonie.en?iley er. a wild. .. . • ( ILL.1( k. pp • Mocking laugh, ot!3:i;96:1 , 1• IP. 1..,A9,,p91-inds )rrt. *.c•-tt -t1.• RLt44' „ (MI* .1. • .1,, a! tlq efft191 01:11,t/411 11)1 .2V Inset 211rt .b.. ':"'110*Stri4Pbf1i ±1 id ",". i tii4.11). 6shis v '1(kRriqe.:" 12:,CSTITiWkaT,:rottEuit 014,4, .soy:tlelFrota: itte lth ' of•Janb.any tor the , 81l1)12,w4m,,ergiumM. lat;ian4.49 Vitil Puri two little bora e ploying ,dpethreefind, tryingevery kind o , pe.tenf rhediohfedWe 'tVdr chertra-;b7„ e ife hie timg we (11)1.not . knew of DenCliase'a Dimmed wed;Turpeni . s tine until after theifrltlt„ when eur. piing-. Tithy.had tat brtiirrheii•itogether 2029eat ele.rting,died s ni hattlept Sven tiNVely °from 'our btlfeal boy-eoul to of all we”. deuia the .pa.st few days, owing hi the. • indispe- ' Sothetitne Vehrua theirtfaveette het ts, .but had -Ma kept Aro *eto about.dise Chase's Syrup., y the doctor told, tie 't• live -till spring, =aged, when I.got m away freatthis favorite beverage.. my eye on sp. ertisement •••As fltorill'enterecnig •rticent; Vain "‘ti tried at once bigot ttente,:but teivo.dliim withal shout of Weltionter arid , the dealers hero A'initghbee•Who.' for nitetothati tte: heutethey evere..eleeeted , was in Itiegetort Maratged. to ,putelaase ro tho, ,somo ,..eanyersiag . low, Avg) pothIeg WIlIch he" brolleat8tTaig4t to 'guarded, tones, ana.,.spinetinies laireting, . es1. and. I believe .ito. *ma th0. mos,m.,of into roars of laughter, ;that ' nonetrafoi 'sa't'ing our only:boy. . even tirrimiefi attt doors of 351)11'a1 ' "'One teaspoonfiti 11-§iiiiiOppedi keidnas; 66118ilig "tti start /nervously; Om -donghtele<YOulit TAOthilig• A little,before smittiet Ate earriage it6/6. Wotild not belt:put:Dr. C ass!a..Syrat and. shiver •rm witte1a - 1 ,Our b,Jyt it* perfeetly, itiOWV 00114 X, pine hi the „house.' 'Warelou. cloposite,d. Constance, pig •Mrst, Liilir ttn exo:M . Allston; at...the 'door hi tleis borne 9f3 little I MICE 12313+4 AT 441.4 COALIERS.si, ivirtl:Mh." 'e011:SW{0g no Oytthh., ' Lo, nod 0600 * ..!toronto, slut. „ 'hor • acnt. thor waited the drawing uttusualtfilWeo• , tir'whitlierse - • • Vegetaloles Stored For Winter. Beets, Turnips and other roots for early winter use, may be stored in barrels in the cellar, covering theni with sand or soil to prevent wilting. Not a bad plan is that practised by a, friend of. the writer's. He obtained 'enough thin tnrf from a meadow to make aboat four layers in the barrel. 'Then filling in some roots in a bar- idt litits it layt r of sod on top, thei.,inore rots ,and more sod until • t•Iietkirrel is 41111, finishing off with sod at the top, -.For spring use it is better to put these Foots in a dry ,spot ou('nfl ,10Asity play be stored in narrow trenches in the garden 91.1,.0sp ..itv a eooi tioiNg gl'o:to(#8.-1,00 ,damp earth.nitty,: b pittW al- • most ;ilk 'IThhi;h should be inverted keep:. meletitre and dirt from the: inside parts. For fain. y USA tO ..Stare • %Tie. 514 lrrrel tb 14,0yer.e.d. With, cart an, ppen ng% troni 'nine 'ainSAters Very 'Weir In all the ways of keeping vegetabl the main, ,olgeet. ,tp.. preAPtgc, $Qme- thinglitkitiliiit4i'140/1,101 thniritIture, with a fair degree pf ,mqisture to revan 'AriekhViaga- Sine for Novembm.,.... Iwo** 1.7110'111ii`197t 111aV 0 of the eiVT8 owti p ,of _ _ eishi the wateworks was ea 1.1.1ed in, Wiltkpir a vote of 14.34,03d1:80b,na. . .,e