The Wingham Times, 1897-12-03, Page 1VOL. XXVI.-w.
NOr 133;/„
is with us once more and with his
advent. The call is for warm, sea—
Sonable garments. 'Therefore call
aid see our large and seasonable
,stock which is replete with eold re–
sisting materials. Of our Dress Goods
we need say nothing, they are a1..
ready- the talk of the town, but we
should Iike to draw your attention to
our grand stock of Furs in Coats,
Jackets, Cloaks, Capes, Cap( rines,
Boas, Gauntlets and Caps in various
rich quality and material. We have
gust received a large consignment of
asters which' are warm' enough for
a trip to the Klondy ke, and they are
very low in price.
And don't forget our Tailoring
Department. We are turning out
the best fitting and nobbiest gar–
ments ever seen on the streets of
Wingham. Leave your order with us.
`Just, arrived, something new in
Rubbers and Overshoes. Call and
see theln,they will be sure to please
Attend the Popular
If yott wish to receive
Rosiness or Shortland Education
This institution enjoys a splendid pat-
ronage and has anexcelled facilities in
•every dspart.nent, Students admitted
any time. Free catalogues.
W. J. IGLLIOTT, Prineipal.
Marriage Liceaaes
Issued by FRANK PATE#RSON, No 23, V�io-
vorto ietreet, Wieghaui, Ont, No witnesses
req wired.
Shipped direct to us from 13aitilnore'
'Cali and get solnejrst•cIass oysters.
and all rrtiitn in season,
.� t`0,N"S
City Restaurant,
'r.C'olel,l,,,1.o No, 86. Macdonald Block,
Our Clubbing List.
malting enter
orave more remittancesaweh have trouble
special arrangements with the publishers by which
we are enabled to offer the following puhlteations in
connection with the wirmiUAai TIMIy alt speetai
low rates from no* until Januaoy Ist,.180A, Special
clubbing races with all newspapers and magazines
quoted upon application, Cia.h must aeoompany an
orders ;-.
Times and Weekly Globe,
Times and avoarpru Advertiser, • $125
Times and Penally Herald and Weekly1 40
Times and Panning, wieldy, '
Times and >;adixx•
Times and tlnntrereJ Wocticly Witness, •
1 05
Timer and Verniers" Bun,1 00
Tittles and Daily Worand Daliy ld - e 5 280
Times and Uotrntry Gentleman, S oe
Tho balance of the year willbe given free to n2ow
subscribers for above mentioned sseekltes, except.
Farmers' Adveoat° and Perming, Subscribe et once.
T. A. Mills—Xmas Presen
N. A. b'arq:thersee—Tal(: Notice,
McKinnon dr Oo.—Objtot Lessons.
John Kerr—Now in Sloc ,
Halsey Par —Clocks.
BPLCi9L O'Y'IQliil.
The demand for a ertising space in the
Trams is such that a are obliged this
week to use apace u .ually devoted to read-
ing matter, The. la ge circulation of the
Teams makes it a favorite advertising
medium. Our raga may appear some-
what higher than t lose charged by other
papers, but when th-. circulation is taken
into consideration, there is' not much
difference in the ra,>s, During the next
few weeks we will ' crease the eize of the
p?zoaaur badness men
and so as not to fringe too much on
our news oolumns. If any of our mea
chants desire to en , rge their space or put
in new advertiem alts they may do so
daring the next re weeks, at a moderate
east. We are her: to give aur patrons
the beet of satisfa, tion in anything in our
line• Have your a vertising matter ready
early for next wa>'t's iasite. .Advertising
pays when it is do,, through the Insane.
—Campbell's Headache Wafers geeran-
teed to cure headaehd.
—The calendar fiend will soon be on the
war path. tt
—81,00 pays for the Trues from now un-
,tiI the end of 1898.
—The North end len ober and flour and
feed store have closed.
-Messre Carr 13ro shipped a car load
of flour to Quebec 00 Wednesday, e
Fancy New York brsouite and California
seeded raisins at Griffin's. ,
—Lieut. 00I, Blob
week and inspected
local company of Hur
—Wednesday was
was reoognized as su
places, by the holding
n teas in town last
he Armory of the
u Battalion.
t Andrew's day, and
11 in a number of
f grand suppers
' Flowers, Groceries and Vegetables at T.
C. Grahams, Chisholm Block.
1 Mr. D. Gilchrist fed the misfortune
to have the tips taken ff two of bit fingers
at the Union furniture aotory on Saturday
Farmers—Cash for good butter and.
eggs at the North End Grocery,
—In the eompetit' n for Mr Jas Mc-
Kelviets driving hors, on Thanksgiving! taken
day, Mr John .Amu
—Mr It W Hastings
had an emotion sale of
Monday last, left, this
to look after his inter
that place.
Money to loan on farm properties, at 5
and 5} per Cent, with favorable terms of re
payment. Apply to R. Vanttone, Wing -
ham, 51
—Our readers shoal bear in mind the
box social to be held 1 the Junction school
house this (Friday) e ening. A splendid
programme has be: , prepared. Dr.
Chisholm, of town, wi i oceupy the chair.
Rigs will leave Han es store, for those
desiring to attend,
--112emarial tarda of all Isinds
neatly and cheap at Tete Tprinted
ome office,
A first-class Coal alt-_
e for sale obeap.
Apply to J, Halliday.
Division Coact vex beheld on Tuesday
of next week.
--All doge in the pant
ydecorated with a tendog town will be.
Coal Oil and alt tagnext,year.
band at the Nort a].'mnpd G oo xyalcvays oris
—Messrs „Page d; *
ear load of poultry
per G T
ynn will slope a
Ingersoll tonlay,
--head our clubb' g rates
what we are offeringcaul see
readln c 1i the way of cheap
g matter,
H. Davis has private funds to loan on
yery easy terms at low rates.
—Call and see on wedding stationery,
We have a large assn talent and can print
them right for you.
—The rain of 11 'rid last, would remind
one of spring, but a have been favored
with a nice fall of s ow and are now, en,
joying beautiful aleig ing.
Fresh oysters served in any style .at
James Mcltelvie's Star ltettaur8ut•
—We are informs that a fraous matured
in Lower Wingham, on Tuesday evening,
and that the sante ill be ventilated be.
fore the Mayor this Friday) afternoon, o
—Read the adv tisements in every
issue of the Tums nd see the bargains
advertised by ,.our °renal/I , There will
then be no need of ending to the depart,
mental stores for s
We are handling any quantity of button.
gs and dried apples or trade. Also
1 kinds of poultry. G. E
" King,
--Paymaster Man n, of the Grand
rauk, passed throe Wingham ono day
st week, dietributi a the pay cheques to
ho employees. Mr. Mason has upon his
l 7,000 names and pays out 040,000 per
--The Clinton N we-Bet/ord's Marnoch
rrespondent says: '�
k place at the esi enc0 of 11Ir. Wm.
igg, when his eld at daughter, Olrarlotte,
d Mr. Bull of Wi gham, were united in
W. H. Wallace and Miss Wallace
,e leaving Wingham. Their entire
rek will be sola regardless of Bost.
Mr J I3 Stepb s has had the skating
flooded and e, eots to have it open
he public for t first time on Saturday
eveni aadva
advantage of No b 1 s and have number
rl 011 the. ioe,
We learn from
M. J. 0. Br
[ of Hamilton b
dog '•l,arney,".
old age. "g
by many in town.
10 cent Heliotrope Soap for 3 cents,
or 10 cer cents, Soap, lers,ree cakee at Chisholnm's
to t
and a
box, f
—The County Cour/cilia in suasion
full stank of first atass
Grogery. .
—It seem$ to he in t e fashion for tine
youti men of town to It a their mustaches
shaved off.
i3'e are pleased o see Conductor
Wamsley bank on bis id run on the L.
II. +n B„ after hie recen illness. V
—For itrst.olass tailoring and obese
tomembfurnishings,r try,. Webster & qa
A f i groceries at the
North End
—The brit* work u Walker's butcher
ehop is well under , but the recent fell
of snow has nampered
—The Truss is up,
bionlar. We change
every issue and far
qaotatious being the
—Thanliegiviog da
to observed in town
planes were closed
services were held in t
St, Paul's ohurebes.
Turn berry Congrega
Monday evening, Dec
Graney will also take
to be
was o
for th
tion w
The f
he Chesley Free Press, Presid
W22, formerly of the
re, mourns the loss of
which dred last week
co" will be retnem-
cedate in every par.
our market report I
ean rely on our
orreot figures.
was pretty general.
All the business
and Thenkagiving
e Presbyterian and
hestra will supply
to be held at the
tonal °burets on
oal stove for sale hea,P.; practictilly as
d as new ; (bas been replaced by far-
o.) Apply to John Murray.
It is not often 3, u see /splay of
aeries in N. A. F ha on's window,
when he takes non, he has the
s and can do taght up to snuff."
e a squint et it.
Mr, S. Youlfill, real estate agent, hag
osed of the son h half lot 437, Leopold
is fine prop ty and Mr. Pringle is
congratulated on securing anvil'
A letterefrom Rev. J. S. Hen
dent of the mem Uounty Ob
avor, will be mend on page t
issue. The i side pages are
eating reedine »atter each woe
epecial mee lag of the School
ailed on Tiles lay evening last,
ins of disease. g the itcleiseni
aging a Stem le Vire Exting
e school. Mr Forrester, the
—The regular in
town ceunell twill
even/lig ' .•
o1netb• g°
( randesaal5t•eleotrid
evening, made the
earlier and start c
1 Vit, YEAR IN Ane
tidy moetzng of the
e held ..on •, nzley
g •wrong 'With the ,1n-
lights on'
faotorles olose,
flour, later, the -next
lyat hr. o.ucMacdonald ,isn b consul d by
his patrons.
—.The members of Court Maitland,.
Canadian Order of nresters, of this tow,
intend holding a sec al in the near future.
All snernbere tll�rnld a present at the next
meeting, on Degenlb r 10th.
we shall be glad to have contributions
olio from any ofi ogr readers. Ir you lnvr vist
orevr purpos•1 1 ole away yourself, drop lu and
ell us, or send as a note to that effect,
Mrs, P. }Ione visite ia Brussels,
Miss Eva, Gracey as visiting in Blyth.
Mrs. Wm. Button isited in Xeeswater.
Editor Mooney, of 'play, spent Sundtty
Muss J Strong spe t Thanksgiving at
ricr. Agnew, Londe oro, was in town
le week.
Airs Robert Tennis, 1 was visifing
Miss Oaven, a Olin on, is the attest of
85 Dineley.
Airs (Dr) Diacrioueld as in Toronto for
Mr. A. Knox, of Luck ow, spent Thanks -
ing in town.
two children, Jonnsta, ins B Satre
ana Mi . Graig, of Gie
Spent Thanksgiving w biz Mr and fixe
Mr W Plant, who formerly rest:
stiffs Vicinity, is spe ding a few dli
town. Ile is now a aged in the $s,i
zy work,
Iue home'l'y wee w 13 radw, spent a few da
mine/ling for Land] He loft oa sMen
d good situation; where he ha g sea
:Che Iiov, Mr. &Ton, of Wingham, qa
to,totvn on Benda to meet De. ,beat
and listen to hie 1: •ture in the evening.
;Mies 'Ella Corny of Wingbam. was
intown ou 8londay She enters; St Michael'
a nurse- the n ar future, in kinin
Olin n News -Recur
:1 fr j11.1 Clark,of Clarke Jr
estate nild niton; broken a, of ' Bots
• G„ 'flax been aping on old a11110
shoes fit town dur ng the past weak.
Wm. Mose, on 'ridgy, drove his father,
gym,: •Moes; to inghenn where he took
he train for itis . eine in Armberly. 111aste
toy Mose accgi parried his father an
ranct•fn,eher.--.G,rrie Vidotte.
R. x: t7. RALLY,
The Baptist Y. ung People's Societies,
o Western did on of the Walkerton Atte
eiation.of Bap st oburcltes, which met,
-.the t3aptist c mall here, on Thanks•-
ving clay, at 3 n1, and 7.30 p.m., waa
ore.d success, Gh rima, ieto el, Luc-know,eDate
orest, `Ttierwate , Tiverton and Winglatenat
e excellence o the, addressee and 'th
thus -mem was all that could bane Keen;
sired. Had ti e day been favorable ae
larger att ndarlce from other soul..
es would have ecu present. The choir
tbe. Wingbam ,heroin under the efficient
aerahip of Mr. R. Wilton, sang several
-ems suitable o the occasion, uncle au
to th •• War" ; '"How gots the,
tlo, Brothers."; "Press on ye %Vorkert»
"We are i, ore than Congperors"s,
ch. I was
shiclle enjoyed. �A. solo; by 'Wigs
of pee
Irs,W .Allenby spent anksgiving with bwo:i
tor in tVinghttne.
cardine lends.
111r. Jas, A. (Hide is o business trip ene
derson, to Toronto this week.
twee of under the parental roof. the
fun of Miss, Lena Baker, of
Berme Vitlester John Heinle
for the Blyth• on Thanksgiving.
,es MiesTente Cooper, a
btit Annette:neer 'John Pur
explained the neer' s of his meal&
ion was tak ire, the Way of
g one.
he a,nnual eting of the
ed Victual( s' Proteative As
as' held We neaday, with me
from vad s parts of the c
;.Secretary. Kennedy, Olin
rer, Bette ury, Clinton, -01
PgIn was in town on Weelne
Rev. Wm, P000ck, o
Enron Week with Winghem f-
eeds, Nellie ilieGis
on T
It is
be tvel
here was a fa r attendance at the
duotion of the e etana, Queen Esther,
el to enjoy selves immensely.
Ur. cline's inten 'on to give another
rt in the near fu ure, which should
1 patronized by r citizens, and en.
ge Mr. Cline fo the paths he has
in training the oung people of the
ong was the limey town,
of Tarnberry, who „
farm stook, Ole ee st
week for Muskoka, ,.show'
sts a saw mei in last, ti
the ne
to Win
until t
the abo
several t
parts of
saw one
end were
of the iir
it and na
tam It
thing in
doubt a
ore loog.
store, hou
here is a report going the rounds
Winghenn grain. m diet is not up to
warlord, but as he following will
such is not the se. On Saturday
pwards of eighty ae,ds of grain were
ed in 1,Vinghean for which the
will not to be utdone by any of
ighboring buyers Bring year grain
ghaan and recent the higheat price
MacPherson ffering from now
he end of the geasoh, special re-
fs in millinery. Any of our un -
a hats from 26 cents to 01.00.
cuts in trimmed hens, ranging from
-id upwards. Call and see us. tr
0. A. Ferree er; the energetic
agent for the temple Fire Ex,
er Coe was 1 town few days
he past week, n th. Interests of
ye fire extin e Ile gave
este with the m $1110 hi different
the town., and oh one proved the
to be Ha. be the minket. We
surpri whet we soon it throw
some sixty fe Chief Manuel,
clepartment; ' ell taken up with
ye 11 is the be n oils he lute ever
one of the filmiest machines
ever seen and would be a great
ego of fire. a Forrester made
of tales wit le in town, and no
number trier will be pnrebased
They ghoul be In every' factoten
ee, and stab 0 in the nevelt.
—Ur T. H. Ross ad a, grand opening
of hie mnsio room in he Meyer block, on
Saturday evening las Mr. B. Barker, of
the Bell Piano and rgan Co., rendered
choice musio t Ben Pianos and
Organ's to the deli t of all those who
—The deter/lent
tovens and deputy
has boon oirotilitted
The question was s
the Municipal World
no better authority
paid that paper ha
nothing in the ne
positions. Thin
tana their position
d the °Mee of teen
reeve in Tovenshipe,
through tho press.
than reborn there is
replied that there is
Act abolishing these
ing the case, the
ors will feel elated
aVe not been changed,
at 3 p. ifie at the I
preach anniversitr
on January 2rid.
The Young Peopl
church will hold the
social in the chard
meet ea Tuesday,
me of Mrs. Chapman.
, it is expected, will
sermons in 'Mitchell,
's Guild of St. Paul's
unext regular monthly
on Monday evening
Communion servi es will be held in the
Presbyterian chore on Sunday next,
Preparatory servien will be held in the
eluirch this (Pride ) aftertmon at 2.30
fernier pastor of t e Methodist churoh
here, wilt preach niversary servioee
the Brussels Method at church, on Dece
ber 19th.
of the Presbyterian olaurolt, on "need
evening last, was decided success
well filled by you» people. There w
an excellent progra axe of recitatioz
gaartetts, duets- and alas rendered. R
young people, which es well received by
all present. Refreshments were gerved
during the eveniog nd everyone present
enjoyed thernselvee immensely, Theee
kind Of enterteininee are very beneficial
to any organiention nd should be more
encouraged by our oft eons.
ills are out annon ing the anni47;77,
services of the Wingl am Congregational
church, to be held o nunday, Decentber
12th. Sermons will be preached at 11
11I. A., of London. On the Monday
eveuieg following the ey. gentleman will
deliver hie popular lee , "atm -Making,"
in the ebove elluroh. In Febrintry last,
11Ir. Pedley delivered a lecture on "lenn
very nanah enjoyed b all who bad the
opportunity of heroin it. The cluereli
should be crowded Mondey evening
Den. Intit The snit ission is only 13
aente, or two tickets fo • 25 ciente.
ton, was gee tly apprecieted,
bountiful s pply of good things, for
inner man, e not overbeoked ne, the
es or Wingh m society, whicie watt
ed in the ban ent of the chapel, and.
icipated in by 11 the delegates and ix,
the Provincial Un on, WiE0 was detained
through ilioess, ni chair wae taken by
Rev. Jas. Haien on. The devotionne
exercises were educted by Rev. W. Vire
Malliaster, Tivei ton, and Rev. T. Murs
dock; Teeswater. Tins chairman then, irt
behalf of the Ingham 'Uniott, Beadily
welcomed the d legates and friends. Etta
then gave bri f outline of the purpose.
and importance of Astheletion Rallies -
The purpose s s summed up. in lour
tele was de ned as consisting in (a)
ractical an spiritual effects upon
present ; ( ) upon others through
(c) upon the crime of Ctiriet iu
I as and ed eational agency. "Sctnet
tricot of , n admieable address by
sized th neceesity of doing all
d, and the doing of themin harmony
s reveale will in the Holy Scrip -
13, n asterly address presented
ins and advanteges of our 'Union
(a) their effect on Character;
emetits to yo ng Baptists. This ad-.
dress was follow .d by diecussion, "How to.
mate the beet o these studies." The eon -
elusion arrived was (4) study them cone
seentiveln, thorn welly end preyerfally for
others as eod ea to do likewise ; and (o)
inustrate them in your life and
"Loyality to Chr st" was the theine of two
ed relatives in - 9'r
Clinton, was the re
of Myth, visited
is, of lialyroacl,
Retell, spent this
, of Kincardine,
Miss Maggie Brow , of London, yisited
at Mr. Mark Gray's t is week.
It' brother, Sir W 4
Mr James Beattie,
town e few days due
Miss McTavish o
, of Ripley, visited words
guest of Miss Tucker last week.
o0f h ail: saan1.1, yea in tioe:n;
Myth, was the I :Bre"
the p
11rs. W. H. 1.110B ecle, of Gorda, was I 87:
Mr. Sem, French, Lucknow, called on eRrnevp.has
guest of her brother, 11, R S MeGee.II
lopes, of Walkerton, 'sited in town.
Valise Carrie McGee of 'Fordyce, inehe with hi
Mise Arlie Hill and Messrs. P. Hilfand tatthstritensgat.s,
Ur Ralph Ilmigton pent Thanksgiving Tiverto
day with 11Ir J 1-1 Ili oaks, at Tara. the elai
at acliee
Mr. and Sirs. Lewis, f Toronto, are the (e). thei
r John Mariann w
latter part of last week
Mrs. 1VIcitague
V Mr. Nash, formerly
E. visiting hie parents, 111
sie,i town.
' Pocock.
Mr, Geo. Poeock, of
in Mrs. jos. Scott, 0
as Thanksgiving with h
as McAlpine.
ev. was the pest of Mr.
he Woodocok.
Jailor and Mrs, He moo, of Goderich,
were the guests of Mr. nd Mrs. W. Green
this week,
Mr. and 'Ales. S. /lin ma have returned
to town beim Ohio 553 e, where they heve
been residing.
Mr. °abet Griffin, o Manitoba, is visits
ing his son, Mr. G. X Griffin, and other
friends in town.
111a: toad Mai jetties ( ampbell Londes-
boro, were visiting f lends in tOW22 en
Megere. Wm. Mitela II, Goo. Sadler and
Dave Dingiest have turned home from
thole trip to Manitoba
guests of th '
e former s rents in town.
—Seaforth San.
Miss, Adams, of
in town this week.
express messenger
nt a few days in
Holland, Man„ is
. and Mrs. George
Dumfries, spent
sister, Mrs. Jas.
Laudon, England,
and Airs. Thom -as
What boos t Mean is
It meaner riah blood, eteong nerves and
sound aigestion, It means prospetty and
growth to the young, It meang good color
and mental vigor. That's what Soott's
Erntileion meant.
11Iiss Clara Pel
Kate Burgess, LI
and the latter I
y preetical addresses, by
Wingheen, and Miss
clinow ; the. former deist -
to Christ in the bome,
nese. The anted eon session was brought
to a Close bv sin ti
joyful lays."
called te order
prayer and pre,
offered foe the
call, was maw
dresses, on the me a the various
Unions, by rep esentataves of the same
"Books and read)
eloquent and pra
Murdock, the pop
water cb unit. II
Why, what, at' low ehall we read
Rev 11. Marshall 1
avoidably abseut,
of Chrititian cep
interestingly ban
who believed th CS/net:an expel, -
Moe A. thine, of tV iighease, wag vieiting hence should be al
this week.-13russele
Mr, James Ritz, of
with Messrs. Brown
anal here.—Fortisvich
Miss Etta, Ford,
Mrg, and Mi.
Toronto, were gueste
0.3.r. Colin Kennedy
a good position as
Beattie 13ros' new b
g Awake my soul in.
the evening session wee
d half hoer spent au
e, special prayer being
inter's work. The roll
red by three mionte
g wee the theme of ton
tical aticiress, by Bev. T..
dor pantor of the Tees, -
divided his subject into,
a merstorn being un -
lis topic, "Ebb and flow
'knee," was ably ana
led by Rev. W. Potocke
ow, and no ebb, Etna
a lived the esnaan
be wilderness one, they
joy in their lives and
end divisions. A /eve
perience e nd not
closing remake b the chairman. followed
Moneypenay, es and the benedieti
by the hymns "Ble t be the tie that binds,”'
of town, bas secured ,
unapt of IViessrs. I —Tell your frie
toiler shop at Sea. , Thtns till the end
e clews a most ene
le rally.
de they tan have the,