The Wingham Times, 1897-11-26, Page 3People in Every Wan Of Lifeillc. :inforil Lige Els SLIMS. Words From The Heart WELL-KNOWN CITIZENS TES- T'I t'Y TO GREAT BENE- FITS RECEIVED FROT 31.9 7 t9Et92 til dt a' . , -Get Xunyo.e's Guido To Health and Cure Yoursr:i1' With A. 25- Ceui Remedy • Positive and Per- manent Curo '1"ue' Cat.rrl), :lTlxor,- ruat:tutn, Dyspepsia, Laver, and T idiley Troubles and Al/ Special Bleed and Nervous OxseaEIE;s. . Mr. William Dorman, 767 Ge1rr•Lrr3 St east, 'lbruitto, Cantina, says: `•I''ut• seven years t was it greateutlerer from bladder 1;rouble.1 wlu) treated, by physicians and and all kinds uC patent ineclioineii and local tra(tttae..ts but without any per- rirxitit rH11 l. 1(tt ,sa,.3 hy a friend,1 1r3ecitit'd Lo give InnYot,'ta lalacicior °are iL mill. From ' ue very tlr st 1 e::1101.10 LCs ed groat, rtiief. mut atter ut.ir.g "(IA -than one ::3c, bathe 1 hay,. !leen coot plete'ly cured. As I limited contideau^ 1u Munyon's lletu;ai.•h:,rr the result to leu Ilasbee1L sial(,ly wuadarlu1. .Munyon'r Rhl)umatisin lure Bidders fails tit :otte L`e ii, ,)(1., tic) Lll sae hours and CUrooln rt fety (4t.ye. Price 25li. irlutry•)L'll Dt:•l t kt!!1 Gore l,t.ittiyely 1 cults till forma of i:ttl(,;•(ssttoil u d st'olp- eel) 1)10. I?, ic..:in;. :4lunyun's (Juid ()tiro prevents paeu- xn:wig art: lineal:a; it h bold 1a IL few boo re .Price, ;\I. yoi.'ia L'uu;;ll Curo Ftr'l.t) OOLrghta, Might k1wee Is, allays srirensm. and speed i Iy nems ihti 1o11,;11, inc,Pi4.:5c. it1unyon's Kidney Ours, speedily cures. gains in the hauls, loins or groins and all ,:forms of kidney disease. Price s5,!.' alunyon's lltiatlacho Cure stops head- aoho in three minutes. Pt'ice:15c. Iv7.unyun's Pile tiint,)lr,ot p tilt: veiy Cures (ill fort:,} of hi es. Price, a.m. Munyuu'i 1 t.Ju,l a.turr' eradicates all impui•:t.ies Gt Usti truu,.l. C,'il•P, `rot. Munyon'e !!(+lama Ie>aledte'R -lire a boon to ell woeieeu. 15111nyuu's :lkitbu)it Remedies relieve lee 3 minutes r.nd uury p(+r.,lt,nauLly, Pric(t. Alnnyon's Catarrh 3t•inedles never tail, The (iatnrr) that, - price 2(3e.-- eru,l ciltes 1110 disease from the syitteta, :and rho Ci, t+,rrh Tablets --pro t% elleanss hurt r;e•ul 11.e' porta. ' Munyon's Nerve Ours is a wonderful ` 37 tr'yC tonic. P1'110. 25e. Munyon',3 Vitalizer restores :1st vigor Price ea. A separate core for each disease. At all druyigists, mostly :?:ie:. a, sial. Perry -nil letters lo. Prof. Muny'on, 11 .hlbl'rt at., Termite, :1nsworeett with free medical advice fu1 l:t.y ch8eiu,e. • Kingston hos a new paper, The Evening* 'Times. i :Local option wits sustained in Pickering by seventeen votes. Sixty thousand dollars a year, a szttnry drown b4 i.he, French etu- blit sadnr in London, is the largest stun paid to any diplomatist in the world. A Mother's;oily--.. Err Little Gir 011ie.! Or Croup Haying tries! your nieilueine. my faith its very high in Its p.NON' ur (sorry!.( (."laugh;mil i31'oan. ?1v little girl Is' bean subjeot, to the et„ttp for n long 11(n,' and I found nonlife/ to ('are it unlit 1. gave Dr.(;hitee's Liase'o,! and Turpentine irrltir)tt 1 c:)enot sa•e':(e to) h1 rhty of. M1.ts. 44' i'. POND 23 3Lito6r.)at l `street, 13rrrie, Any fool can make money, but it tikes wirdoln LC know now to spend it well. Then! i•s t;Ll'c of the ereetiurh of 0 tit" :'5O 91:.)1) Il)0'l'It house at Brant- ford by a s;•I:(1!ci+ 0. • azy to Talce ass to Operate Are features peculiar to Hood's fills. Breen in prize, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man smith tlottu"tct(w yori it have fattens pin 1111 it is all , (over." °al. C. T.1Tn•ol +s Co., i i S "ropr:rtors, f.r,t(till. M'a.is. The only pit's to talo will Iltaai'n Isrsttuxrllla. 'fttt Li (A ." i 4' NOPE MEER w wu.l,r+!.,ua'Nw,f..Y.F,M4,Yn.F. vnF+w4cs{w .'F.kwwgn,rwNW,AAMM..p,YM w.M+Wt . - Literary Notes. r The first Correct ,copy of Sir ! I 1, Arthur Sullivan's great song, "The Lost Chord," ever printed iii Afnei•i ca, direst from tate composer's own hand, wild uppcar ht the Christmas number of the Ladies' Hunte ,Jeuriial. Over els signature Sir Arthur Sulli- van states tltrtt of the millions of copies of "The Lost Chord" unto in America, all are incorrect, and that this is the first \)curate copy of the song ever prepared by him or for widen he ever received a puun . of • payment. 'file complete !!tusk: iui i ' '1 words or l3i1• Arthur 3 copy of the ' sunt;, expressly prepared. for the ' MISERY' 413 SUFFERING DAi : IO NIGHT, I' Ifi3 ' 8 Cry Corarinund Vic- torious Over Liver Tro B es 'T':iighty work After the Doc- tors Failed. If proixer treatment is not retorted to Ladies Baine Journal, will be gleet!; in trate, the results of liver': complaint . are terrible, often ending in death. The December tiCttllher of 'Tile' ili'fr: ii:I4lw.nt, or Utielph, Ont.`s, SUt>'er'ed Delineator is called the Christtitits for nine !anti: yeeu'ti from liyt?r ct0mplaint 1'lt'r Case batPit`(i the 6liill Of the, physi- YLttttlbet', Its richly tinted (301)r- elan foe oirplov(•(i ; he could dodo nture plates illustrate tlit; charming p•'sai and the sutrere'r u'as alit almost h`ipele:s bi1ilie: of fashion's latent diseu'v'eitles, (fearing of Maine's Celery (::onlvonnd 6110 pro the Russian aaeket and blouse, talprocured l supply, and soon a pot'i Ulu, I'':;11e ilCl!'t' t(5 Well k l - eacee returning health t 1(.l tt1,u:•. The y current ; tiecunti tJuti.la uuu,plet(••lS +:tart her. Mia. fan eiO3 in dross goods!, trimmings, [Yluit.t:t hIi!ei fur the benefit al' 111 101 luilliuerv, etc. The recvgxiitiun given t1,1!t y anti. rilli•:tiee 1 she st:; s : the Season of good cheer Includes a `1.t. „give: the teat pleasure to odd ri: • e'3st)lt sty to t,e value of Plane's Celery' Agnes Repplier's allpreci.lti•:t; p.Il,(;:', (:ctl, .(Jun+!: : [;r r,iut vt:lus.i had tJc en ...en a w•it.h liver coo )laint and 1i. h'ubbi'h'a story of boa a gloom •Often had vj`ey :)ati e•f,elia front it. `1'tyo otr "Obr'i,,iinas Literature,,, Iaueiari ! l 1 f " y F, . years ago ti)ia )spring• 1 had a 1,ery bad southern Ghriotrnas 4vat,, OhaUf;ect attack u!' it, and call''(! ill o doett.r who into a says tlltl)py ull0, ,lie.7 !Vtc(c a , relieved mt't:1' the trouble, but remained illustrated directions ter the ,•UJ1i.Lty Pleat and Co:;l;l n,'iithor Hat of sleep, and Decoration of chtueltes, And. two . muttered so much with my head tho1 I savory pages devoted to 1130 Christ- i ro:,ured •a kettle ()flourE'aine's Ci -1,...1 y Inas Dinner. "Social Life in t',meri Compound,and before I had the conte:2n used i could eat Lad sleep well, and the Ca," is betught to an en,ertsinithr pain in my head :was cotrpletely gone conclusion by l3lanehe I.J. Dity's I tour; the second h•)ttlo. and have never paper 00 vl.ldn c society. ef\. .11' 1etit0 n troubled 11 b • tc r complaint 1int 'r e )')Ur Compitund has banished COGGtl a i',311itent; of Cross. \'.)Mtge" the fa inOL1S tion v;Binh troubled me for Inn 11y years, novelist, Mary Ilat'tweli Catllet'wood, awl nr.,5 built, inn upstart completely cur., tells, with exquisite feeling fur it; ed rue. I am now (t years old, and from lysed! color, a story of Indian Chart•what 1 know I cousidt r ynnr medi:iue, lite best nn rho nritrket. ile.piug that miter in whicit potetnies of tcarr•ody your a,eoicine" will do for others what it melt into a tftuatfon deli1ittully has done :'or tnP, is my siouro wish." e(r.ule. Dr. (rraee Peckuhan x111.1r'raty • Lit -Mfrs her iuvaitt..ble "klettitit 1u,tl ' what _•T ..'tag A :Cashel. Beauty" series to a, fitting close by ; - p•.)tntirtti out the; lutit>a►:Lto relation A subscriber asks us to publish the of the mind to health. in "Cotuai:21 standard weight that constitutes o Sweethearts and, Wives" Alice Morse bushel in grain and other products. Earle shows that our strniglrt•lieetl. Here is the information from the stat• J 1t1i'•.,turs inctnitged to get a deal of lite,: In contracts for sales and de- rail out of their weutn T and wedding_ livery of any of the undermentioned Mrs. Alec. Tweedte'st,account of her 111'Gicfes, the bu htel shall be determin- ed by weighing, unless a bushel by measuring is specially agreed upon— the weight equivelent to a hnshel be- ing as follows: Wheat 60 pounds, Queen's Block, - Winr'ham. Indian corn. 5(i, rya Sri, pease (i0, bar ' lei' 48, malt, 6, oats 34, beans 00, clover seed, (10, timothy seed 43, buck- wheat 48, flax seed F30, hemp seed 54, °"' blue grass seed 14, Castor' beans 40, .: . potatoes. tnruips, parsnips, beets and `°'' unions 60, hitll.ltltiltiht Lll' Coal 70. visit t,, the home of 1)1•. Nti,tsen hear Ohi'ir(Liana poss(:rises peculiar dine - in view of the Artie cxplurc•t•'s tour ,.t' Aliieriek. Ill her philippic ngi,itt •t "Let,,el's of 1.1tt'(1d00t:i2(1" I''i•..rte:,•eti Courtaaav Baylor strikes a 5) 10pot.;ietie chord Ill 111(3 breasts of many t- etiuhs oi' this furan of epis,ol- or•y ' 1rlfiietiun. Young people i11 rle,uhr ttbottt uiee points of ! nnaviur will Ilil•u at uuee to Mrs (J w:Lltidet• .1(1ne-' answers to Choir enquiries ill ••-.11e:41 Ohservell-1ees." The new eii,if,tius Ore deseribed in Mr,. WIL11- erSI:JuOII's Tea -table 8rtiele.t in 11';tney Needlework, headed by Emma JIu3- tv(11^tl'$ directions for milking ti spangled boil1014 front, inelnd0 the departments devoted to ()oocheting, Lam! 0121kittg, Kthittic , (ere. Order from the local agent tar '.t'he But er- iek patterns, of 1„hires' The De - Frarn..w, 26, i btJ . ["Do yon think that maitlage is a failure, Mr. Askin said mi8s Elder, to a young man whom she knew to be engaged. "1 Iut vent got that far yet," was the frank reply, "hut 1 atn pretty well convinced that courtship is bankruptcy." . CURE .. TORPID LIVER., CONSTIPATION, SICK H EADACH E, AND DYSPEPSIA' S a laxative., one pill acts perfectly, and if a stronger action is desired a cathartic effect is produced by two pills, Ili'obstinate cases, where a pur- gative is necessary, :three pills' y;ili .be found sufficient, These pills leave no unpleasant after effect. One pill taker!,.%each night during thirty days wit&are constipation. PRICE 2 rNTs OR !3 FOR $1.00. .77771kVFOR YOUR 1147v) 1 OR. Trr re, • ,, - Wit. . ( ' J Satisfaction and perfect fit guaranteed. a(^Ea"3 ,6 ~sIV A11 ..-"s ND 'VIGOR 'tit,A1@TTED. ,',z '• tjft ,r(r.)I 1Woct('rn Life de•'Jan(TR earl , and vigor from all. 'f'hc) reuse for existence is hot- ter thud (?ver. Ket'lt your blood pure by ufiuu Burdock Blood Bitters, and you vrill be healthy vigorous and strung. Mies Jennie A. Gleason, Centl•1ton, Ont. Rtiye: "For two y ears 1 AIIl7ertid from t,00t •this) blood•i :'.yea' weaker every dny'untii 1 trier! 11.11. S. it eorttpleteiy cure,. tits uy orrr'irhir.1,* my !,lural, trtnk- ,istr 1110111'nl!t_' 011,1 %lamOUH ala}Sill:” (1, 011(91' Pnhlisllill„ Co: of Toronto, • Go:nis of '1'aough't. Limited, 33 Richmond St., \Vest, : 'Toronto, Ont. Subscription price of • No man lives without jostling and 'lite Delineator, $1.01) per year, or . beim jostled. In all writs be has to 15 cents per single. eupv. ' elbow himself through the world, A CaCPP.LE'a AGONY. ' giving anti taking offence. !lis life 1a a battle in so far as it is all entity Sciatica Pities ;Hosie Lim hi Usreires, at all.---Citrlyle. rind life a l;ru'dr'n--.j(luttt Arnett- ! In the toot -al world there is uutllin+, RAI •atuatic: Cure Snapped the' Pain impossibit3 if we bring a thorough ()herds, and Cost away the Cent- will to it. ;clan eon do everything the*. • with himself, but he must net Attempt ______ to do too rinu:h with others --\Y.. James smith, Dairv.z)att, (7rt nrrby, Ont.. wt'lte!a: •':. was +J. (,creat Nei .'r:'r f,•nnt 1.1041'r - ,1,r, . b'.tr :t ttnln I ty00 q"tu,i maty itei(i 1113 et„d f",• tW,) WCM-t(s 1 Was alta\;)t'•ed to go on ('rt,1•Ohuv1 illy 11rt11)1 w(.re 1)1'110:11 1)40. (e':.•;, 1 trI-•d tr.Lny remedies v:itniut bene• 2tit c;:,et'•t, .l,nerieitn 1L1,ant,Lr1 (limo 2,111 1 rev"„, tnrutl:'ti. 1t ("ort six b"tt11)8 to 1ft••tlt ,, rnr:., 1. c• 'i .tm tilera:uellly c:tfe'1, ,beet 1: 11200.421y ,estint-„Crit it as 111•'rrt?,he'll of. retnsoi,•. 14 td .t t u(Aver 04' l'ug yt)to. I Dnr;:I).L1.1'r.tl0.---',41rrr0:t1tn1..^, Hit brill' the county, have Iate.l} received it t 11.011 ler trnnl 't (?ti'!,re I+,rttittission hten•if, 1.1 T,1t'orlt” on the% h jt,et Qi nr1001 2i;)l,it'-i. rile circular et'ntnins } do following : "Formers tial mer'- +'li;tin"•t 72111,x, g` :'e Cie :,rt(.t(•:" tit- !;ltt('ttt,;r1; to ietrt,('Pitt!' :>11't 1;):phitoll, .'1 ('tlrth1(•:Il('nr`( art, 1112'x,'4', (131.„3-1433.4.111`fi trill ),rtatht 11-1101' oust d •`., 1)1s• r+,ilro.nui gill 1212)!al! ogle\ rll:e+•1 :tel:! elai1tlit' ,,!.,02 , 1)t)iiti:t'I • r(jeet !(lark. tilt itltrst• be eitr {Inti t;':.' its+I t',;, In 0110V ti;sa'totl••• 1'13133e'.t'4 "ltel't on," :'.rtl Gv1t•1 11112(0 front ntioter,ntA•-- tili'(; i:.11,)3.' arttl'bI( •-tr•f(P'1 over daftly •:r11'•,(•tl it j1' 3...1,?.)ri'1). if not ti(l'lind, . u.nt 0,11,!1't4: a t+(,tltrtt, tabs. Ire u.:cdd ('e' e'erfaln t ltr(O d 0 at :thirst half VILE!-'. 1I'1t :11'11 11:1F..1I11)1111!21': f'1' (?X• - 3,•v.1 t'11' o;,li:t'sl;v tit, e, rand liable to Humboldt. mere literaly man is a dull 211;tin, it man who is solely a man of business is a selfish Man ; but when literature and commerce are united they make a respectable man. --Dr. Johnson. The high 'prize of itfe, the crown• ing, fot•tnne of a 111(11, is to be bora tri .t pursuit which finds hint in 0tH- plo 1L1flit and bitppinc s..--•Euterson. Necessity i:+ the plea of every in- fringement of human freedom. It is the 1L1'(ilment of t4.1'nllt(4; Et is the creed of slayo.;.--4\1111am Pitt. ire that, c;tlis a. Ino ungrateful St1(116 1111 ittl t.hl! 03.11 that a Ivan can he a,uiTr,y cit, ---Swift. \61 hula ;lethal thou, ht cannot t'iperri1)11) trLtt:r.---1'ilfei'Soll, • Evert` }'dui in WIt,3 01101: a prlVate Opi,)iON-W Enit dint). ---- P11021,1131TALX BACE. !limy people tial back. Here 1s 11210. !gigs 1 13I13rerine Weot=c', Ilollt+t'i11n,' Sa:,0: '•I have had to rm.) u) Illy baclt 0000121' . - sou) Cliob PER YEAR. 2W14,25"41/162 TIIE TIMES has been greatly im- provedl during the past few months, and it is our intention to make it a still bct`er local pop: r. The Globe has recently been en- larged to a 16 page paper, and 1t is the best Partners' Weekly going. We will give the both papers r l I'• . rl Of ti 71s6 esJ rIb{ It 1;ea u i 1 To Now Subseribers. New subteribers should subscribe at once and take advantage of t1r'is great offer. Ca:ah must accompany all Orders. panted by general (it'hilitynod 1,114(1 -ori• 0,117 ro11ietlledl1r)o' the 211(0)12 hitt w,1kilIlt .AddresA (0 call at ii1 1 . orit'int± lunch !,(Itc .Pt until] took I. ,, Do til,k: Pills, Iitell;e>y' tt•hid, tam pitta! to :gay en- tirely enroti u,0. They ore certainly 0 grand nisai ire. i)141 1 earl 021y in my Mk.* prowl) to boa thorough tlpeei(it!. O L'I011 01:' R 1i. till:K tY r Clerk 5th Divioton AL -eat fur Scyt rvatusa(,.• t°,:r.,,r:r'•''. rilIle Sloan Medicine Co. Dear Sirs, --- About two years 1t:t'e' r' „ •t which heeanne chronic, and ' . of patient medicines and w•1 ' . «'lyes! until I Used your Sle.011's !- continued to improve aricl Il„•`- , commend it to all troubled ;, T medicine,. Eor sale at all dealers. •_ ' Price—„ 1.00 per bott.l+• ; t i McK Erozi To THE PUBLIC OF `z ;Gl: l:P I have returned to '.' whole tine and attention 1' rooms lately vacated by • secure the patron<<< e (11 o' customers. rS til 1 e Atter an expel.... largest establishment., X11 give every satisfaction, b +: •iicK '"NZ1E BLOCK, 1 tTINu 1.1:3•1: x+,1'...'...14'^• nt , Y.. We are in 2 portion to (1(113. out r, L , Sr41.t t9i, • • • • 0 0 0 • We have the hest print and supply , Printed 011 the • with the times_ Give us a call when you :1 1• and we will use yon right. gli"t? :ik tnAa a o. .PEI E I 91 'INGIIAMI • (, Ont., Oct, 12th, 18971,• n attack of hiliono diarrhoea J used several 'kinds 111v physician,. but WAS 1104 It helped me at once and Z r)onith. 1 can heartily r'e-- u••rl of a gone.ral invigorating R. R. DICKi1Y, J. P. .:.•'11t5' at Jjami'lton. kir . OR •l. GAM. (:,I330RII0010: aand purpose devoting .toy .t:roring business, in the t=`here I shall hope to as well as many new • Ins length in one of -the at.'e1'can&clent that 1 can Fit and Workmanship. 1 f r /_,. 2r s a • • L n 0 lower priee than ever before. 1' r itvelopes in town, and we can try i, 1, 2111 the cheapest. notice and the price in keeping , ; •its}'thing in the Printing line CI -1:L TIMES„ Wingliam '..L, • ONE owns RELIEF. • n ,,‘,..)-oend a Dolt for Medicine until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cans Tenn Tabules for Fives Cents• this tort is put trp nli xtplr to metier the tutivertra present demand tOt A IOW price, If you don't find this sort of pans Ta t the .Irug ules ist's Send Vivo Coats to Tics T'ioerrs Cit vncAf. COWP rt °, Vet $prune :,t., New York, and they will be scat to you by >jt!s1t( l: cartons will be ntriied for 48 cents. Tl:.^, e:laatcsat int one that 1 ipxns Tabules aro the v-eity ntsdiciao yet Melt • 1