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The Wingham Times, 1897-11-19, Page 7
r THE YY flN GJIAM TIMES, NOVEMBER Y EMBER 19,1 tS97n PHRENOLINE REMEDIES Taking the lead. everywhere. We are working day and night to supply -the demand, Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to health and happi- ness daily. SIGN OF STRI+INGTIL The sign of strength, a ruddy coun- tenance, depends upon rioh red blood. To make the blood rioh and ruddy, the covutenaaoo clear and bright, . and the step firm and elastic, use Burdock Blood Bitters. J. A. Gillian, B. A. Tor- onto, Ont„ says: "1 enjoy good health now to the greatest degree, ever since the day I started to use B.B.B. • RHEUMATIC SPEUIFlC P- : 'KIDNEY AND LIVER ILLS— They are absolutely pure and healthful, Guaranteed to cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago and all forms of Kidney and Liver troubles. BEWARE OF SPURIOUS „IMITATIONS boldin Wingham, only by Gordon & Co Things Told by Housekeepers, V line snakes the best dressing ase for russet shoes. When baking sponge cakes, al- ways have a steady oven and do not open the door for the first twenty minutes. For the cornice of a . room dark colors should be avoided. d should Blue ue usedy be used freely. e sparingly. A good cleaning fluid for removing spots from men's clothing or spong- ing silk and woolen goods is made of pulverized soap tree bark. Ink stains on white material may be removed most effectually by washing, first in strong brine and then wetting the spot in lemon juice. A bath in very warm water will relieve great weariness. Give a quick dash of cold water after and rub vigorously to keep from taking cold. To remove the smell of new paint lay a bunch of hay in the room and springle it with a little chloride of lime. Close the room for several hours. The addition of a little powdered borax to cold starch tends to give. the linen extra stiffness, and a little turpentine put into the boiled starch adds luster. • Caveats and Trade•Mark%s obtained and all patent business conducted for MODERATE PEES. My office is in theimmediate vicinityof the Patent Office and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of invention wit description and statement as to advantages claimed. J 1b'o charge d.e spade for an opinion ao to ,patentabilitg, and my fee for prosecuting the application will rtoS be canes for until ileo stent ',allowed. "Ittvenxons'rGurnt" con- taining on- t ining furl information sent free. All comun1ni. cations Considered as strictly ©onflden$lsl. FRAM KM; a r. HOLM '> afar t svxoot. Wh l iutiGrrem„ SD, ffi. BUTTER A.ITD CHEESE .ASt OCI' ATIO 1 O. WE13TERN i c ACHE O> TT .UIO: intakes the young feel old, and the old feel that life is not worth the living. It's a dart - ' ger signal of Kidney Disease—the unerring To The Secretary : evidence of weak, inactive and sore Kidneys. DEAR Sita, -•--I have your request Any person cured of Kidney weakness will for a report of my work, as one of the tell you that when the back ceased to ache,. instructors employed by the Butter allttoubles ended. Neither liniments, nor and Cheese Association of Western seat the trouble is electricity nor n the can cure kin, it. leshhor Ontario duving the season just closed muscles. Lt's in the Kidneys. on Oct. 31st. I propose to make this t 1t can be report in a series of short letters, and! ELTON'S LIMPS commence with the following few l RED items that may be of interest to the', I had terrible o,insin myday cls factorymen of Western Ontario. The ` water was thick an broken up and in poor heal and ney was all generally. district in whish I was to work was , Two boxes of Dr. Ilobb's Sp ragas Kidney the south-western portion of Western i 'pfus cured me cotnple sly. page the sale Ontario, comprising all south of the i ot them hard, theA. re l' AT Sg TIN,r malt.' line of the Grand Trunk Rail l 88, Toled.., st., Adrian. Mich. way and west of Oxford County, with ! I bad suffered with a lame back and was a few of the Oxford factories. confined to my bed for nearly two weeks. Although my work was to coin- I took not quite all of a box of Dr. Hobb's menee on 1t1ay lst, as many of the k Sparagus Kidney Pills and was entirely cured. ISAAC MARK, 851 S. Eleventh factories in my district start menu- i St., Saginaw, Mich. factoring early, and some requested DR, i11013ES my services. I commenced on April r 14th. There were.two things that +••mi"-A--E-t-'-Gras no Will stand wear and tear for 3 ears. • No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON' and FORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to. 'SHOP—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's Livery. JOHN PELTON, Winghant, Ont. @T PAYS TO RAN D li TUE fu��13 ILLS TI -7233 NO1 were not as they should have been KIDNEY PILLS. that carne under my notice. First, Dr. Hobbs Pills For Sale in wlliGll:Arri, was 'the starting to manufacture oi' ., by GORM N & 00•, Druggists. cheese -in the factory before any . cleaning bad been done in it, and Open Letters to Secretary's and Di - second was the want of provision for rectors of Farmers' Institutes keeping the factory warm, which is in Ontario. necessary to have dune at that sea-- DEiR Slits,—As a matter of eeono- sun. my of both time and money, I have Before a load of milk arrives, the this season made arrangements with factory should DB thoroughly clean- theublishers of "Farming," 20 ed and everything in readiness, with BayVit., Toronto, with the editors a stove set up and a fire on in , the making room. of the Daily and Weekly Mali and The whey tanks should have been Empire, the Weekly Globe, and the Weekly Sun, to issue the annual cleaned out the fall before. A little Farmers' Institute Bulletin, which washing and a good scalout contains a complete list of the regular will make them nice and clean to re - and supplementary meetint1, to- ceive the wbey from the first day's „,ether with the speakers' names, make. Patrons should be very care aodresses and subjects. Last' week 1 ful to strain and aerate the milk, as sent to each Secretary and officer a soon as it is drawn from the cow, ea copy of each of these pipees con- pecially at this season,when the milk tainin„• this bulletin. 1 respectfully ing is done in the stables.Froln the call your :attention to the preface of appearance of the strainer in most ot the bulletin published by each paper, the factories, one would judge that which gives all necessary information there was very little of the milk and suggestions concernieg the work strained before it came to the factory. for this year. Will you at once Here is where a great deal of the kindly notify each delegate sent to trouble in having bad flavored cheese your division what subjects you wish arises. The. cheese maker cannot him to discuss at each of the various always detect in the milk the flavors sessions held by your Institute. whish often level' pe only after the As soon as your bilis and pro• cheese go into the curing room. The mrAs are published, kindly send cheese buyer comes to inspect the of each to Mr. C. C. James, cheese, culls out all the bad ones, it copy Deputy or wants a reduction on the month Minister of Agriculture, or the half month, as the case might Toronto, also to myself and each of the speakers on the programme. 1 be. The blame is all laid on thep respectfully urge you to discuss and cheese maker, who very likely spent notify them immediately. This gives each of these gentlemen a better opportunity to specially pre- pare the subjects you wish him to discuss. You will notice by the pre- face of the bulletin that in several divisions there is a change of speak- ers. If a speaker is not billed to attend your meeting, do not adver- tise him or his subjects. Several Secretaries made serious mistakes in this way last year, though the utmost care was taken to inform them. Carefully read the preface before referred to and examine the list of meetings, and if there is any- thing you do not understand, write me. I respectfully urge you to ad- vertise and otherwise conduct your meetings anct the business connected therewith, as directed by the Act and Rules governing Farmers' In- stitutes, a copy of which you have. Please do all in your power to in- duce leading farmers in your dis- trict to take part in the programme. The more local' talent yon can em- ploy, the more successful and helpful will your meeting be. Yours very truly, F. W. Honaov. Not So, Fresh. He was a crus$ old bachelor def 45. Sloe was his niece, a little tot of 8. They had been haying lots of fun together in the library all the after- noon ; and as dinner time drew near she became tired and sleepy. Final- ly he took her upon his lap. She talked to him drowsily. 'You haven't got any little girl but me, have you, Uncle Harry ?' she asked. 'No,' he replied, 'and if T did hay( The Grand Trunk Railway wan, first opened 61 years age las... Friday. ars PS SKIN Freed from all Eruptions, Made Pure amt White b? DR, CC SE'S CIRTME IT. Mothers take a pride. in having Ltheft one I couldn't love her any more I Infants' elfin of that delc.p) than I do you.' white --soft as velvet. When torturing and y disfiguring eruptions seize upon the little `why deli'' you have a little girl ?'t body, they want a remedy that will not disappoint nor fail. Time and again Dr- 'self re the sleepy child continued. 'Why, don't you get married like Cousin Tom, Uncle Barry ? Don't you want to ?' `Oh, there's lots of time,' be re- plied. 'There's lots of time, dearest, and, besides, there are just as many good fish in the sea as has ever been caught.' It was a minute or longer before the little one spoke. Raising her pretty yellow head, she looked up at him and asked : 'But, Uncle Harry, don't you think the bait is getting a little stale?' He didn't reply and by and by she dropped asleep in his arms.—Detroit Journal. - Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausca,'Drowsi- ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated 'longue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They a couple of hours extra on the same Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. cheese to get the flavor of tale curds. Small P I1 amnia Dose, Another thing about those early email P€"itreo • spring cheese, is putting them on the market within a few days after they come from the hoops. I know of cheese this season which were ship- ped from the factory when four days old, at over one cent per lb. more than is offered at the present time for the finest September cheese.. It would be a great deal better for the reputation of our cheese industry, if none of the factories would make any cheese before the first of May, and if the buyers would not ship any cheese from the factories until they 8 898 were at least ten days old. I found ! a number of the cheesemakers using too much sour milk as a starter. Others allowing the milk to stand too long before applying the rennet, causing the product in both case:; to be harsh aeidy cheese, a cheese the buyers do not want. I found others making a fine cheese to ship at from eight to ten days old. These cheese if left on the shelves a week or two longer, very quickly go off flavor for the want of a little extra salt. In all of the twenty-eight factories I visited the whey is returned to the milk cans. Some of the whey tanks are in a deplorable condition. At the factories where the whey is ele- vated into a tank above the ground, the tanks are as a general rule in a fair condition, but it is a reverse where the tanks are in the ground. This is where a great many of the bad flavors come from ; the sour whey going back in old rusty milk Chase's Ointment Las proven i specific for all skin diseases to which. babies aro peculiarly subject. MRS. CHAS. K. MOSS, of Berlin, Ont., had a little baby 0 months old, with itching sores on her body. . Chase's OiledOintment v oared her when everything Another mother who holds Dr. Chase's Ointment in high esteem is MRS. JAS. BROWN, Molesworth, Ont. Her baby boy. was covered all over the face, sides and hips with Eczema. The first application 011 the Ointment stopped the itching, and; 8 boxes effected a complete cure. These are but samples of the hundred% of mothers who are delighted with Dr. Chaco's Ointment. rrlce, 60 Cents a Boa. Sold by all doalo7u o to,1Untson,'Batea & Co.,, "Only The Best" Should be your motto when you need a medicine. Do not be induced to take any substitute when you call for Rood's Sarsaparilla. Experience has proved it to be the best. It is an honest medicine, possessing actual and unequal- led merit. Be wise and profit by the ex- perience of other people. Hoon's PILLS are the favorite family cathartic, easy to take, easy to operate. Substitution the fraud of the day. See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ON T. . is meeting with greater success than ever in placing •students in choice positions. Last week's uatice contained the placinc of flue pupils, four as stenographers and book keepers, and 'ono as Teacher in an American Business College. 'Now seven others aro placed : Geo, West, as ratan. ager Business Dept. Tacoma College, Wash.; Jennie McLachlan, former pupil, as steno. in tho office of, Chief Justice Drake, Victoria, B. C. Frances Ruth dick, as steno, with the Hadley Lumber Co., Chat. ham, Annie Clark, as steno. with Mr. Jell, Barris- ter, Rodney, Ont. Alex. Adams, as book keeper with the Metal Shingle Co., Preston. Annie McRae, as steno. with Geo. Angell, Wholesale Art Supplies. Detroit, Mas ich. with Frank ,mth, arristrciy. Is perhaps of special mention, and will show how strong tho de. Maud 18 for our pupils, when we state that all of the above seven aro undergraduates with one exception. 'The fall term is the best time to enter. It pays to attend the best. Write for acatalogue, it interested. D. MoLACILAN er Co., Chatham, Ont. Go xo_ ebster's FOR YOUR Fall Suit Overcoat Satisfaction and guaranteed. Queen's Block, pt;rfeet fit A.13. Around the Dairy. Own the beat dairy implements. A dirty milker will injure the flavor of the butter. Milk that is drawn in an un- ventilated stable cannot escape taint. Let plenty of fresh air into the churn after it is used and cleaned. Boiling, and not warm water should be used in cleaning the churn. Bran and shorts should be bought at once. They will not be lower. The patron should do his full part to make the creamery a success. Whistle when you milk, if you can whistle well. The cow likes music. If your butler is only fit for the country store barrel, don't make butter to sell:, The dairy barn ought to be a con- venient structure, built so as to save steps and labor. The cow that eats a good deal gives a good deal of milk, as a rule. Feed her all she will eat. Be sure you are not being asked two prices for building a creamery before contracting to build one. The little things, such as brushing off, the cow before milking and making her eon`ented, are what pay in the dairy. SlxtyEighth Year COUTRY tETLE The Eest of the AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. INDISPENSIBLE TO ALL - COUNTRY - RESENTS. WHO WISII TO Keep Up With the Times. TERMS REDUCED FRR 1 89$: Single Subscription, TWO DOLLARS, Four Subscriptions, SEVEN DOLLARS, Six Sebscriptio DOLLARS. ArSreetnu Imnicu r8srs (which will be stated by Mail on application> to persons raising larger Clubs ; n^i Paper FREE all the rest of this year to New Subscribers for 1898. s And a Promium for Every ,Meador. Blood first of all; that is the starting point on the road to health. Without it Dyspep'. sia, Constipation, Biliousness, Headache, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Scrofula, Ulcers and Abscesses thrive and increase in. tion human system. But with pure circulating freely these diseases cannot long remain. There is nothing to keep them there --no impurities for them to feed on. Burdock Blood Bitters purifies the blood, and drives out all impurities, waste and effete matter more quickly and surely than any other remedy. If you want pure blood, sod good health take It will be seen that the difference between the cost Of the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN and that Of other agricultural weeklies may readily bo reduced, by u,aking up a small club, to Less Than a Cent a Week 1 Send for Specimen Copies which will be mailed Free, and 880 whether this en ormous difference in cost should prevent your have Ing the best What account would you make for such a difference in buying medicine or food T Address I,ti''TI'CER, T'tr'CKnit 8t- SON,ALU RY, M. Winghaln. ` 184,14.1004,18toocl,Sittetain Farmers' Institutes. Onsaeio has been divided into eleven divisions for the purposes of these institutes, Division one corn -- prises the counties of Grey, Bruce and Huron. The following is a list of the meetings to bo in this division during the month of January : Dur- ham, Town Nall, Jau. 4 ; Ayton, WINGH5AM SAW MILL Itching Burning Skin Diseases Cured For 35 Cents. Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves in one day and euros tetter. salt rheum, piles, scald head eczema, barber's itch, ulcers blotches and all eruptions of the akin. It as soothing and quieting and acts like magic in the curd of all baby he more ; 35 cents. Sold at Chisholm's Drug Store. cans, and the cans not properly wash- Township Hall, Jan. 5 ; Chesley, ed and scalded before the night's i Town Hall, Jan. 6; Tara, Vandusen's milk is put in. In July and August Hall Jan. 7 ; Lion's Head, Orange nearly all of the cheesemakers had I;all, Jan. 8 ; Stoke's Bay, School gassy curds to contend with every day. In all cases these gassy curds arise from bad flavors in the milk caused in a great many different ways. A few of the principal causes aro, 1, badwater; 2, dirty intik eons ; 3, not straining the milk ; 4, impro- per aeration ; 5, having the milk stand to near the pig pen or barn. yard. Yours truly, e J'AUts 111;OR1ttSON. eip e? All kinds of rough and dressed. —LUMBER, w —SHINGLES, 1� —LATA, —WOOD, . —BARRELS, —CEDAR POSTS, Etc. kept constantly on hand and deliver- ed elivered on shortest notice. Call and get prices as we are determined not to be undersold. McLE.&.N & SON. WINGHAM. A Chicago man seventy-two years of age got married recently, and died on the ""st day of his honeymoon, the/ yo► meg, beautiful, and probatat ,_ A Running Sore Pronounced. Incur able by Eight Doctors. Mr. R. D. Robbins 148, Cowan avenue, Toronto, says:—I had a bad leg which was simnee to thoankleunsightly. was onegreet'osore1e.'tight doctors treated me without benefit. I was induced to try Dr, Chase's Ointment, which cured me, and all that remains to be seen are the sears." House, Jan. 10 ; Port Elgin, Town Hall, Jan. 12 ; Eden Grove, Graham's Hall, Jan- 13 ;Walker- ton, Town Hall, Jan, 14; Clifford, Town Hall, Jan. 15 ; Harriston, Town Hall, San. 16 ; Gerrie, Jan. 18; Kincardine, San. 16 Dun- gannon 19th; , Agrieultural Ball, Jan. 20 and 21; Brussels, Town hall, San. 22. Delegates, C. A. Zavitz,13. S. A., experimentalist, 0, A. C., Guelph; Robert Thompson, St. Catharines. Toronto has 228 salaried municipal officials. Yonge St. Fire hall, Toronto, March 10, 1897. Gentlemen,—I have use' 1 Dr. Chase's IiidneyLiver fills for l3illionsness and Constipation, and have proved thetn the best 1 have ever used --••will use nothing else as long as they are obtainable.—fete• matting, yours respectfully. B. C. Hmeetme.n. 00 THE BUTCHER Is selling all kindsof MEATS —at the— OLD PRICES. Meat delivered and orders taken. daily. D. J. GEDDES. IT PAYS TO ADITERTI810 IN THE TIMES II a