The Wingham Times, 1897-11-19, Page 3'HE WING HAM TIMES, NOVE tMI3 �ryR 19, 1897,
From Canadian People Are Posi-
tive Proofs of the Success
Of His
Broad Iiomoeopathy.
What People Who Have Been
Cured By Tie ICUI TC041 REM-
BDIEs Have to nay About r1uem,
c Mrs. F. J. Dawson, 67 Augusta, ave-
nue, Toronto, Canada, Bays : "I. have
the most implicit contidenue in Munyon's
treatment for catarrh and trrippe. Both
taly husband and tuytcelt ware• suffering
and any experience nim been rllctst satis-
factory. When 1 begun usiuc.r.elunyon'e
Grippe Cure I had leen cot: due to
bed fur several drys and sutlers 1 the
.,pangs of that disea-o. J had en lots
`-of quinine with the hope of • -Ltiug bet-
ter, but slid not receive • ny benefit.
111unyuti's Remedies qui&' y cured me.
Y have used Munyoc s R •medies fur the
catarrh, and the • -al s wore indeed
marvelous. T hav, 'ut been troubled
, since. Both idr. xwson and myself
can certainly recommend letun3'on's.
Munyon's Rheumatism Cure 'seldom
falls to relieve in one to three hours and
• cures iu a few days.. Price 25c.
Dyspepsia 1
, Munyon's Guro usttiyeiv
Cures all forme of indigestion -'and stow-
-etch trouble. Pricy 250.
Munyon's Cold (Jure pre•?enLs poen-
• mouia and bleeks up a cold in a few
hours. Price, 25o, •
• >•'Iunyou's Cough Cure stops coucghe,
• night sweats, allays soreness, and speedi
ly heals the lung's. I'iice, 'T.m.
tduuyonei tCidne ()ere speedily (neve.
smite; in the bAck, loins or groins and alt
forms of kidneys disease. Price 23e.
:tlunyon's Head 8.0118 Cure stop head•
#tehe in thr:G minutes. Price 260.
- i,i.:nyar,'y file Ointment p sitiveiy
,, cures all forms of pike. LJriee, h
lilnuyou's Blood (Jure eradicates all
len puritaea of the i nuud, Price, 25c.
ivinnyost's Feet.!, Rom cdies .re a
oc:r tc alt Jmen.
• Ii?t:nyon's AEthrnaBenhtailes relieve in i
3 mir.reen end cure permanently. Prices.
frlunyon's Catarrh Rat:yeeli s never
tail, . The Catarrh Cure --;.rice 25e.—
;'•erad'oates the disease from the system,
and the Catarrh Tablets—price 2,iei.—
cleana,e and heal the parts.
:Mluuyon's Nerve Cure to a wonderful
.nerve tonic. Price. '.'.3e.
11ieuvou'eVitalizer restsrea ,Jet vigor
?rice $1. -
A aepnrnte cure for each disease. At
all druggists. mostly 25c'. n. yial.
Perso•:a.l letters to Prot. 11 trnyou, II
filbert .3t., Toronto, answered with
free tnedieal advice fur any dieeete..
Another Pont of View,
There's altogether to much liberty
allowed in this country. Look at
out pubile. streets. There's no safety
'Ahem for wan or beast.'
'1 thought the streets were full of
safeticls, i3ut what's rho ti:atter
now w ?'
'Our pet dog went into the read -
...way, where he hes got e. perfect
right to has, and just becaase he
wouldn't get out of the way quick
.enoti h to oblige a desperate wheel -
man tic; was run over and had his
tail half amputated. Its an outrage
•;and scrnebody will hatve to pay 'for
it ?'
'What are you going to do about
'I'm going to sue the fellow who
ran over him.'
'Where is he ?'
'Ice's tt,ill in the hospital.'—Cleve-
land Plain Dealer.
2?uron Presbytery,
At the regular meeting of the Pres•
bytery of Ilurtn, held in Willis
°bureh, Clinton, on the hilt inst., the
following.,business ii.ts transnctedt--j
Tho auditors appohntt,d to examine
the treasurer's, books, reporti d ah bol
mice on hand of $40.27. ?;�illessrs.
Acheson and D. D, Wilson were ap.
pointed to address the W, I+'. M, S. on
behalf of the Pre.bytoty at the
annual meeting of the Society at
Goderieh, next January. A
committee was appointed to perfect
arrangements for the celebration,
under the auspices of the Presbytery,
Of the 250th anniversary of the
completion of the Westminster Cate—
chism and Confession of Faith, The
Remit from the General Assembly
respecting the appointment of a Com
mittee oh. Estimates, Eastern and
Weste►'n Seetic'ns, voted down, At-
tention, was called to the reduction of
the grants from the Augmentation
Fund to the charges of Baytteld,
Bethany, Leeburn and Goderieh
Township, the matter was referred
to the Home Mission Committee for
consideration, with instruction, after
visiting the charges, to report at next
meeting of the Presbytery. A motion
to reduce the number of regular
meetings of Presbytery from five to
four was negatived.
No Harm in Cards, Etc.
Rev. J. C. Tollnie, of St. Andrew's
Presbyterian church, Windsor, is not
afraid to boldly give expression to
his •convictions. That his ideas on
cards and dancing- will shock- many
of our readers we filly expect, yet,
we append them below for the bene—
fit of others:—"Some people denounce
all forms of amusement, and after a
talk with then, a .man feels like tak—
ing a walk in the cemetery to brace
up his spirits. No amusement that is
not porde wrong should be eciu-
dcnlned: No moral- quality is at-
tached to either ea,rci playing or.
dancing. Of themselves they are
neitlfer right nor wrong, and if teen
and women want to danee and play
cauls let them do so, having a care,
however, not to spend too pinch of
time that might be more profitably
employed. The game of milliards is
one of the very best that a rosin can
play. It is easily the most scientific
of all gatnes. Walking around the
tables gives the necessary p:;ysical
exercise, and handling the cue trains
the eye and steadies the hand. If
there is a game that should he open
yr.t ' mien it is billiards,
and it is a cr,itlg shame that the
devil is being alI::wed to appropriate
an amusement on which the seal et I:
the church should hs N. ,ped. T
f suss liaviittj' till 1fet,tuaiun ill con•
'nection with ,thine church where the
voting ,lien who 'w )rship here on
Sunday could come any .week night
and spend a pleasant hour in a gatite
of 1,11Ilardi:3- or some other innocent
amusement. There are croakers IN ho
say tluct billiards, da tieing, cards
and- kindred forms o," enjoyment are
wrung, but let the croakers croak ;
theme things are innocent and harm.
less as,, lul; as they are kept free
from in.:.ore associations."
COJvtE ALT,. SUFI+•B+',..
Mrs. B. Brown Flair iltc'n, Ont.. says:
"I have Ivied Lase -Liver Pills and find
tht'in perfect is a cure for bill tee ness
, and sick lteauaehe. I otruugty mom-
, mend
!erlend thc;tn to ail who suffer from such
l troubles as en unrlsnited remedy.
ti, iw.w.nueitwsuu..was.M.mse_mmi.w ..n.+•"•ariesaltal •'•ila
causes fully half the siel:Hess in the world. I3
retains the algeated food too long in the bowels
and produces biliousness, torpid liver, indi-
gostion, bad taste, coated
tongue, sick headache, in -
amnia, ate. fl5od's Pills
'env:constipation and all its
lesults,easily and thoroughly. 25e, All druggists.
Prepared by 0. Y. Iloocl .et Co., Lowell, Mass.
The only Pills to talo with ftootre sarsapau411,t.:
Horticul.rural Iota.
�� MISLEAD/NC 1 No Dnr;e. Pzz °PAPP, fti l:ns,-..-
" The Hamilton Herald says it knows
s,cie e- ng- nr ytJ.: of several people who won't eat
gapes because they have read. or
heard that appendicitis is sometimes
',no r* LETTERS
rr O Plal-. caused by grape seeds lodgin g in the
vermiform appendix. They like
ABLE PEOPLE I grapes and know that grapes are
1 good for thein ; but they are afraid
that they might by accident swallow
Prove .l lie. Worth Of Paine's Cel- a seed or two and that the, seeds
ery Compound. .night find their way into the useless
Tho proprietors of Paine's Celery Com.
pound have never given to the press of
the country any misleading statements,
and havo•never exaggerated either tate
virtue of their wonderful remedy or the
astonishing character of the testimonials
it has received,
Paine's Celery Composed. the greatest
and most marvelous of all blood hurifers
and restorers of nerve force and power,
and has a greater public demand than
all other combined remedies, has been�
blessing to thousands of homes in
.Dominion 01 Canada. This medd""ielne
that makes people well receivos,monthly
scores of letters from men and women
rescued from disease and d dth. Every
month of the year h ndre are restored
to new life, beep, • b ng diffident in
nature, and not'w'shi to be recognized
by the public re ai - from writing for
the press,
Paine's Celery Compound being a
guaranteed medicine, the public have
faith in it. Thee cures effected by thot:0
who in the past were burdened with
rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney disease,
liver trouble, dyspepsia, heart troubles,
blood' diseases ore in many e1a8'9 truly
wouderful. Success after the doctors
fail is the great boast of the world's
popular medicine, Paino's Calory Com-
pound. .
;Vire. A. Perry, Port Maitland, N. S.,
writes as•foliows,
"For two years my system was all run
down, and I suffered snore than 1 can
describe from nervous prostration and
insomnia. At times 1 almost lost my
reason from severe pain at tho base of
the brain, My hoebacd advised me to
try Pei no's Celery Corn poanil. which 1
slid and the effects were wonderful. I
soon began to sleep well; the pain left
my hea.d;my whole system was strength-
ened. And I am now enjoying vary good
`I would cheerfully recommend Paine's
Colon: Compound to anyone suffering
from like troubles. You have toy hest
wishes tor the future success of your
oxeelient remedy.
intestine and cause trouble, rrhis
dread is a' superstition, without any
foundation in fact. A medical man,
writing to the Windsor Record,
ridicules the belief that grape seeds
can find lodgment in the vermiform
appendix. "It is impossible," be
says, "for seeds or for any foreign
matter whatever to enter it, owing,
in the first place, to its incapacity
for receiving anything so large as a
grape seed or mustard seed, fir that
natter.. In the second place its en-
trance or mouth (virtually none) is
even covered and ever kept in non -
contact with the excrement matter
by the three inner coatings or lining
of the bowels—the mucus, the mus-
cular, the cellular—the latter im—
pregnable by any substance or body,
save pins, etc. It has its attachment
to the peritoneal or outside coating
of the bowels only."
Many have tried for years to discover a
,remedy suitable to their own ease for the
Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion,
Headache, Kidney and Liver Complaints
arising from Poor Digestion, Weak Stomach,
and Disordered Liner.
To these we say: Try Menem medicine—
TRADE telAi:•Ex.
friend. Now I would 1' to n,ohttol ' o to f!°u::1
a bottle as soon as pees' e.
Mrs. Henry 11al•, of 1 /M. (1r.t
Malarial Fever and ar,d Nenrralcie
bottle of the Tonto and it cured rut' at,tie„1
Neuralgia since.
Mrs, Hugh Palmer, of Rirtgetow e, the
with Erysipelas and Neuralgia iu
me entirely, and I would reuoua,nend it ," •
Price $1, B foe 1(5.
the only medicine that gave
Itobson Brown says:
Il _.- i s,n
c >
to write to
T. " • 'eta. as 1 Lave
civet:eerie rid for yearn,
mecltciee :sad pills, but
commenced taking your
Tiede I think I have teak
in all, and I feel as if I
lease of life. I feel so m
in the habit of keeping abs
80 whcu eostiVt 114(.114 tali
with instant relief. Now
v,+ apella very
r,iact ,•rtly g-8 if I h
rc••• ,c -u mail, as 3.w
net Indian To
ion lack in be
mit been troubles
afflicted for a nu
of Sloan's India
`.,r Erysipelas sipelas or
'e or Address
THE SLOA i Fill I •ssw
McKEitT it;;j
I have returned to
whole time and attention t,)
rooms lately vacated by Mr.
secure the patronage (If 111:: -
customers. After an expe'ric•n,
largest establishment, in On
give every satisfaction, b t h
Read what people say. I3ero it is.
Miss S. Iewsov Moncton, N. B•, says:
"They enred me of
constipation and Wok
Me. Et JAMES, St. Nicholas Hotel, Hamil-
ton, Ont., says: "They aro a pleasant, sure
and quick curd for censtipetion, dyspepsia
and sick headache."
The'Iistake She Made.Tx
IiI:^.fii. E Itt:S, South Bay, Ont.:
-- "Lata -.Liver Pills aro excellent for s;ck-
headache, causing no pain nr griping."
itns.7'orx Toms:see, Herniltcu, Ont.:
a, They are a perfect titre for even the
severest headache."
At a party the hostess said to a
guest: "I want you to entertain
Mr. Blank a little. He looks bored
to death. I will introduce him, and
yeti must try to amuse him. You
know his strong point is butter, on
which he has written a book."
r1'lle lardy guest gr..cit,n4ly ender
ta',k the task- or ontertainin;7, the
:earl, inwardly w,,.,a .ring that be t' i" :d.�' R,•.. � „
should be so interested in butter—of cs f1av
wvwhich •she knew very little—when "t" 1 �"" t . c4
his face indicated a mind given to
much profound thinking.
however, with batter in view, she
began on the weather, gradually got
to the country, then on to the farm,
from that to cows, and at last' to
butter. The malt looked more bored
than ever, the inagie word butter.
producing not the slighteht effect,
and he left her somewhat abruptly
and soon withdrew from the house.
"I did my beat," she explained to
the hostess. "l went through agon—
ies to prove that I was deeply in-
terested in batter, but it was all in
`Putter !,' exclaimed the (hostess.
"What possessed you to talk to that
man, of all men.•oth butters I told
you he had just written -a book t.o
13uddhi(, and I knew how deeply
yon two were interested in the same
And they said in chorus, "Grac-
ious l"--tatrand Magazine,
Too many varieties of any kind of
fruit are usu Willy nut as profitable as
fewer ones.
Ptain trees are best planted when
two yeasts old, and the rows had
better run north and Poo th.
A squash vine that is badly Wn-
festeel with the squasih vine borer
should be pulled ail and burned.
Carrots make splendid stock feed;
ougl,t t,1 be grown On eve. y farm,
unless the: farm has ensilage.
A writer says that the use of polis
green for (cabbage wa.rths is very
dangerous, and we think so. too.
Mulch the rose bushes with barn.
yard manure after the first freeyircg.
Da the i- tate with the grape vin.
Brun up tate teasers that fall in the
door yard or throw than into the
barn 4att•d. Don't wi:iter-protect
Lay the grape vine on the ground
at the beginning of winter, and if it
is a tender variety furnish pro.
Unfermented grape juice is, we
think, greatty overrated as a nourish-
ing drink. but there is tt steady
Market for it.
Por Over Piety 'Sears,
L311 OLD AND'WELL-TRIED 11.81311,.111!---
1.81311,.11r -•-
iili•t•+. M081033'8 :3oot•i,iui; R.), nap has
been ua1'd for aver fifty year:: by mil-
lions of mothers fir their uhibiren while
teeth int?, with perfocit success. 15 soothes
the child, softens the gusts, allaye all
pain, suer'., wird colie, arid is the best
Ieulee9y for diarrhoea. 1g- pie -meant to
the taste, Sold by drugs: fats to every
part of the world, Twenty-five ,.;cots a
bottle. its va.iu!+ tr ino:ctn.,lsle i.escars
and ask for Zits. it'iuotow'cl `;• otisin„
Syrup, and take no ogler !Rind
1Irs. 'Margaret Shepherrl, the anti
C'atholie lecturer, i; at present Matt-
ing a tour in the ilial itl:n.', Provinces.
Tiverton P resp} tale n eongre-.
gatien has decided to extend at call
to Rev. Mr. 11etennan, who has been
preachinlg there lately.
Trenton, Nov, 1.1.---Thc o flee .of
the Canadian Ex; re -is Company here
was entered by burg'trs last night,
the Vault plumed, and cash, money
orders and thr'ekas to the amount of
about $2,5oo were stolen. No clue.
A N. D ----_,--z,,_
li orf"°� a
((( in l4 -m,, -rri
f k VE
TI11I has hec:i y im-
proved (iurinar the past few liI ,ilths,
and it is ant' intent.lahl to masks ;t to
stilt t;et'er'a:cai paper.
"Pim (Hone has recently been (r1 -
larged te: `t Ill pit'''s' p tit's, and it is
the best Partners' Weekly
'We will s ive the both po peva
'u 5
V ns h•
et v11M�
' dd`1�1
0 ;.) til
Now 4Ul)5c0I'ibe''s.
1 purpose
ring busi
where I s
s Ifs well' ams
length in
el confident t
:it and Worli
.�.. ...•:., i'i -�1.." :t�.�'S':: :>t..g4 ,02 -min _x
We are in a porltion toturn out '
YELL - •
r+ -r •ni
• • • aver price than ev
O 0 0 0 0 a
E1 V E -.r~-r 01D E.: --
We have the bez,t.
print and anppiy t ct .
S-A-.=:l�r't`' =Lip
Printed on the siac.:•
• with the times.
Give us a Call when you are iia
and we will use you right.
NVo V-t;111•,'et'ihers should subscribe
at nil'<' matt., 't'cli C advantage of this
,, c t•� (,iid,r,
• Call :nmsti accompany ,all orders.
A,icjrrr+a.or, cali•at
"° .icy ti3; nc �, eti'�'1!• • h )tt �`"`g"'t"''-i
J res: C ..a' .t+.r � `L.> L..1 i
lopes in town, and
,, ass the cheapest.
'.ce and the•price
thing in the Pri
n't S ,e
until you have tried
You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons
Ten Tabules for Five Cents.
51110 trot i; qct tip ci oar,17 to Grainy ti,e vatvcrsti pres.:nt delnalaO lar a iow red),
If you don't find this sort of
Fr.sAO'' Mt
the tru 1 is
:,end Iaivo Cents to THE PAEANS CHEMICAL C
Spruce St., .New "York, and they will be sent to
re canoes will be mailed for 48 twits. The c
ode that Ripens 'Tabules aro the very medic!