The Wingham Times, 1897-11-12, Page 3MUNYON'S P,TAND AGAINST OLD FOGYISM U, VIS IN t 'I-.t.A.1.11 Ti Rouse I)ccoxatiug Ideas. HAPPY PEOPLE Duerr put borders, on carpets fry • sniall rooms. Don't bane' eb.tndelicrs or larepa in. low-ceilecl rooms Don't be chary of Acle, waren tint in northern rooms. Don't buy what suits the fancy, regardless of tlirit' combined effects. Don't select anything because it is good. Don't have any apparent, much less any regular, arrange went of furniture. Bigotry and Prejudice Must Be Buried With Their Count- less Victims, An Age of C� EnliRhtenmDon't believe for a minute that e�peneiveness is essential to beautiful ;Gentleman Cured Four effects, 1 1 WHO ABE MADE WELL AND • Si' OHO BY PAI1E'S CELM CCMPOU D • No Return. of Dis false. Cures Are Permanent and lasting a, • ----.— _ Years Ago. Don't make u�table ti pivotal point ; l " • from which the rest of the furniture Poisonous Drugs and Dangerous radiates, Nostrums Must Give Way I to Advanced Science. HUNDREDS ARE BEING CURED. j If You Are Ailing, no Matter What the Disease is,or How Many Doc- tors Have Fed to Cure Yon Step Into the N earest Drug Store Ask for a Guide to Health, Duy a 25 -cent Remedy and Cure ; Yourself. Miss E. J. Bennett, 33d3� Yone street, Toronto, Canada, says :—"I\ had a very severe attack of Grippe and could scarcely speak. I had a terrible pain in my head, ane was completely broken clown. P se. ; cured 1Vlunyon's Grippe Cure and it was not necessary to use an entire vial before. I got better. It entirely broke up the dis. ease, and I have not had au attack since. "Them is no doubt whatever that 111 unyon'a .Remedies are effective in such cases ae my owMunyon's Rheumatism Cure seldom fnile°to relieve in one to threehoursand cures in a few days. Price 25c. Muneon's Dyspepsia Cure. pusitively cures all forme of indigestion and stony ach trouble. Price 25e. Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu- menia and beaks up a cold in a few' b POars. rice, 25c. Munyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats, allays soreness, and speedi- ly heels the lungs. Price, 25e. Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures. ;,gains in the back, loins or groins and all forms of kidney disease. Price25c. • ;Vlunyon's Headache Cure stops head• ache in three minutes. Price2So. 1Viunyon's Pilo Ointteat positively cures all forme; of piles. Price, 25c. Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all impur:ties of the uluCrd. Price, 25c. Munyon's Female Remedies are a boon to all women. Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in 3 minutes end euro permanently. Price, $1. Munvon's Catarrh Remedies never fail. The Catarrh Cure --price 25c.— erad'cates the disease from the system, and the Catarrh Tablets --price 25e.— cleanse and heal the parts. Munyon's Nerve Cure is a wonderful nerve tonic. Pr.ce, 25e. - Munyon's Vitalizer restores List vigor Price $1. A separate cure for each disease. At all druggists, mostly 25c. a yial. Poreveal letters to Prof. Munyon, 11 Albert St., Toronto, answered with free medical advice for any disease. Devious Definitions. Nobody—A prominent woman's husband. :Statistician — A man who can prove that figures always lie. FAIRLY STAGGERED. • Don't Crake a narrow doer narrow er with a Leavy drapery. We drape ton much, Don't use decided patterns for upholstery if you have done se for wall and floor coverings. Don't use lar,e patterned wall paper in small rooms, oe a deep border with low ceilings. Den't have any fanciful, fixed ar- rangements ut' window drnptries in' rooms in daily use. Don't buy chairs that are not well wade and comfortable, or lounges that are not low and broad. Don't let aestheticism dominate sense and gec plain . carpet - (filling) for the floors of rooms in daily use. Don't delude yourself into thinking that beautiful rugs spread over homely 11,ors are more artistic titan allover carpets. SEVERE ASTF. MA RELIEVED DEAN Stas,—We have used Norway Pine Syrup in 01.11'.110l113 It greet deal. I have a little boy ho has had astb.ea for live or six ;ears (he is only 1O now), autl during the severe attacks he would get great relief from using the syrup. For en ordinary cold it is ahead of any cough medicine I ever souk. EDW'.EW 11'INca'srr::tt, Smith's Cuve, N S Medical sotleges cunf.irred uponProfeisor ;L d,'aril Phelps, Al. 1),, their highest Lenore for his insalnabte inveeti etions inodiciue, but ail this seems small in tom• parisoli with the grand eltnrus of `gratitude thatelley,oue up all over the world from then women, and children who have out- : grown weakness, lank of health, and disease by the use'of Peine's Celery dloutpouud,the noble professor's grandest medical diseov cry. Paine's Ce13ry cornponhd justly boasts of one grand a.ivanteee.over all rho adver. tided remedies of the day, whether they be pills, nervines, bitters or sarsaparillas. The cures effected by Paia'.'s Celery Compound iu cases of rheutnayistn, neuralgia, kidney and li ver troubles, rvon: r e s and dyspep• sia are permanent and lasting. Thousands of grad 'letters lilts the follow• ing from ler. Ctlatles `tiDowlee , of Montreal, are received every day'; "Over four years ugo.I gave you a testi. menial for Fable's Celery. Compound after it had completely freed rue of rheumatism of many years' standing. I am happy to 1 state I have had no trouble from the dis. easee since yftur Paitte'a Celqry Compound cured hie, proving conclusively duet your Medicine works permanent .cures, I am always realm niending Paine's Celery Com- pound to the sick, and particularly to those troubled with rhenmatism." Tho Attractive Woni's,n, That' s tperabundant - brains and surpassing beauty may but seldom he combined ; yet it dues not follow than `all women of good sense: and shau'•p intelligence are necesslarily FARMERS', INSTITUTES. • \pl5tin, s » That bright thout rhts. enliven the CALENDAR OF THE 1VINTER MEETINGS' TO BE MELD IN HURON COUNTY. EAST HURON---Gorrie, January 18; Brussels, 22; Binevale, Feb. 263 Ethel, 28; Leadbury, March 1; Con- stance, 2. Dele;'atea—At .January- meetings, C. A. Zavits, Guelph Gallego, and Robert Thompson, St. Catharines; February and March ineetiugs,Major James Sheppard, Qlneenstott, and Joseph E. Gould, lixbrage. • ' • Winn' HURON—Dungapuun, Janu- ary 20 and 21; I3uhnesville, March 3; Auburn, 4; Wingham, 5. Delegates—:1t Dungannon, Messrs. Zavits and Thompson; at Ilohnesville, Auburn and Wingh,un, A lessrs. Sheppard and Gould. SOUTH BURON•-1 Deter, Jan. 20; Brucetield, 21; Crediton, Feb. 21; Zurieh, 22; Iiensall, 23. Delegates—.At Exeter and Bruce - field, D. Z. Gibson, Willow 61 -rove and T. R. Mason, Stra(ford%ilio; at Crediton, Zurich and Iletlsall, John Ro ertson, Ingersoll, and II. Glee- dning, Manilla, Gossip --A deadly gas that is often fatal to friendship. Thunder—The only reliable wea then report yet di -covered. iiarulnock —An article used as a spoon holder at n. love feast. Perambulator --A gt..oct thing.that but few men care to push along. • Pedestrian—A person who is 5n1 - ways getting in the way..aof a bicycle. ' Matrimony —A sort of trust • for alae protection of infant industries. Beeause—Eve's letiany for her daughters as an excuse- -fur the inex- cusable. Experience --Something everybody gets after it is too late to make use •01' it. Definition—Something looked up in' the dietinnatry to titiv and forgot. :ten toonorrnw. Faith—The thin; tieat Makes a bald headed man invest in a hair restorer. 1��'ri 4'1e'tJ �3ti'a. r ii r1 bi I9 •1 i n e Is especially true of hood's Pills, for no mull - clue ever contained co great curative power in so small space, They aro a whole medicine There ..fro four applicatiotl$ for di.. venal twills to be dealt with by the Senate l,e;itt session. Mf'. Jaeob floppier, of Listowel has been appointed Gas Inspector for that town in place of Mr. .A St. Geo. Hawkins, dismissed. Over four hundred deer -shooting licenses were issued in Toronto alone this year ; the largest list on record. Messrs, Thomas & Kenward's pl•1: vete hank at Watford was burglarized on Thurso ay night of last week, but nothing was secured as they failed to blow the safe open. • if you feel weak, dull and discouraged you will find a bottle of flood's Sarsapa• villa will do you wonderful good, Mrs. F. Lwin and a hired girl were nearly asphyxiated by gas from a coal stove at Newmarket. They were shut up.in the house for nearly three days. Mrs. Irwin is in a very critical condition. I Mrs. Maria Hartley, widow of the late Caleb. Bartley, of New Durham, and for whose murder she was tried and acquitted, was married recently to Mr. Matthew Rhodes, a welito-do fanner of Marley—a wid- ower with one daughter. most ordinaryface until the reflec- tion of the mind, shining• ont in all its radiance, makes one forget that the features a:'e not • pure Grecian. and leads us to believe that such a womanis in reality a great beauty. ' That the vivacious creature of varying moods and gttainr faint fan- cies ii the one to charm. A main forgets all the type of beauty she may or inay not possess, so interest. cd does he become in •tete"pleasing study of a 'mind that renders iter :face ever winning, irresietib!e and pleatsirg, because, like the surface of a lake, there comes a change with every varying emotion. That the attractive woman sitonld cultivate the mince, for a grace of soul and education of epirit cuarit fur more than limpid • eyes, a rosebud mouth and a dimpled chin. That she should be ever tenchable, for there is not one iota of lovable- ness in the than or woman who thinks he ar she knows it all. Mr Samuel Humphries, retired car- riage mauufauturer,Strathray, Ont.,says: "For a, Idnr time I have bad kidney troubles and pain in the back. 1 could not stralgnteu up and often hall to raft down until tete pain and weakuia'i went, away. 1 nave token one box of Dean's Kidney Fills and must say they are a' great kidney medicine, Because they havo entirely removed all pain from nay ba -k. curing 'elle urinary iliffienities and peuetitting my general health in a re- markable dogreo.'! Progress in Temperance. Canada, you may say with confi- dence, is noW a temperance country. The appearance of drunkenness even in the streets of our great cities, is' comparatively rare, and it will prob- ably be found that many of the eases are those of immigrants. Among our farmers abstinence is the general rule. Old people only can' remember the days when many of the farmers used to go "home from market the worse of liquor: Temp- tation to drink has almost ceased to be a point of hospitality. Public opinion on the subject is very strong, and Constitutes ct Most effective though unwritten last. To be con• victed; or even suspected cf excess. is a sure forfeit of reputation, of con- fidence, and of bread. This is the effect of education, religion and ad- vancing civilization, as well as of the teaehinge of Medical' /science, the force of %which has of late notably increased. Improvement has been progressive, and may be trusted to continue, if some evil still remains. chest, always ready, al- m ig Ways efficient, always sat- 1efactory; prevent a cold 111 or fever, euro Oliver ills, sick headache, Jaundice, constipation, ete. Vic. The only rills to take with hood's Sarsaparilla. r-- Blood first of all; that is the starting point on the road to health. Without it Dyspep- sia,' Constipation, Biliousness, Headache, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Scrofula, Ulcers and Abscesses thrive and increase in the human system. But with pure 4.044:1�.'L�iii . `�': Li1i111111011iII Mel 1116111 It„Viet tleatiltir1 ac is ,„„, (t 00 %ldlfl` MI int -j l i ili1 qI • AVegetablePreparationfor tt.- 1• Sllnitatingbrood and Reg eta ting the Stomachs ar.di3owels Gf SEE THAT THE FAC—SIMILE rf • Promotes Digestion,Cheerrul- nessandfest.Contalns neither Opiuln,Morphine nor Mineral. NOT NSC OTIC. 1katFeofOle illralIC..�LR'T 2 Jiunpkin dud- 41xa env? Baize& S.Tu — Aire See(L . .R•ppenn;nt - BI raiba aJ'efrp elarvirct Jiizgar . 1f'vuayrecnTiara: al SIGNATURE IS ON TIIE WRAP ER 01 EVERY BC)TTT.i 01? ,Aperfectnemedy forConstip-- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worm t,Convulsions,Feverish- ness andLoSS OF SLEEP. FacSimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. OBSIME IA Gastoria is put -up in one-sizo bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone io sell you anything else on the plea or promise that it is "just as good" and "will answer every pee. pope," .F&P' Bee that you get O -A -S -T -O -ii -I -A. The fao- t tmeile eigntture of ie on every ci-culating freely these diseases cannot long remain. There is nothing to keep them there—no impurities for them to feed on. Burdock Blood Bitters purifies the blood, and drives out all impurities, waste and effete matter more quickly and Surely than any ether remedy. If you want pure blood and good health take Par over F:fty Years. a�m (11.D AND wNLL-TR1LOD Racxcmnv--: Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been uoed fur over fifty years by mil- lions of mothers fc.r their children while teethtug, with perfeet success. It soothes the child, soften8 the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic. and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pinahant to the tante. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Ltveoty-five .wets a t bottle. fts value is inealu,.ble. Be eure and ask for Mrs. l Vln.slow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind Dr. J. H. Gardiner, a well known medical 'Man of London, died of blood poisoning. Wm. White, a sixteen -year-old Oak- ville boy, lost his •life by being drag- ged into a grain chute at Mr. Wales' warehouse, Ah envelope narked " Conscience Boodle," and containing. $1,050 in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and American bills, has been received at the Finance Department at Ottawa. 1@4 4,ctoo t, 4We3'boor..ti fell' 4,(.vU . he Times Weekly lobe PER YEAR. "g+1�1i�C�r ONi:.: GIVES THE TIMES liar been greatly im- proved during the past few months, and it is our intention to make it a still bet`er local paper. The Globe has recently been en- larged to a 16 page paper, and it is the best Farmers' Weekly going. We will give the both papers A CRIPPLE from RI7IEUMATISM Cured by a ,Few Doses of South ami Atederican Rheumatic Cure—Mir- �.. aleU1ous but el'e'ct. To New Subscribers. of Year rno Mrs. N. Ferris, wife of a woe -known mnniafaoturer of Iligrhe-ato. 1),'t, Bays: "For many years -I was sorely afflicted with rheumatic pains in my t:nrrles and at times was almost disabled, I tried everything aa I thou. ht, and doctored for yearn without, touch benefit, Though I had lost conliden'a in rnoditi:ne;a I was induced to use ,South Americian Rheu- matic Cure. To sty delight, the first dose gave me Levi) relief than I had had in yoal's,alid tiv;1 bottles havta cntnpletoly cured me." Sold at Clushohn's Drug Don't Spendt� t�liar for 0 0 M kine until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons Ten. Tabules for Five Cents. This sort to put up cheaply to gratify the universal present demand for n low price If you don't find this sort of s Ta;.uies At t.e ' 4ru gist's Send Five Cents to THE RIPANS C:nEMncAL COMPANY, No. Io Spruce St., New York, aril they will be sent to you by mail; or 12 cartons will he mailed for 48 cents. The chances are ten to one that Ripens Tabules are the very medicine you need. 0 ® ou ringed, -We are in •t 1 St .a?` t'mistr''lf''1»{1'fa ,,.la rzz.ri . a position to turn cit - • BILL j'.1 S, LETT.Ell HEADS, • NOT; HEATS, STr.1TEi'tf't..iit Nr'i:', ":.:'.t 0. e At :i lowo' In; C' t' -.Ali a suet 'before New subscribers should subscribe We have tete hest stork of a nvi>lupe^, if; +.,.:vr, :Ind we can at once and take advantage of this print and 0npply them n cheap as the ehenpt- t. great offer. ... .�, ....- ..._.., Cash must accompany all orders. S _A_T23-E11,7:- or :.. _n. s..or call at Printed on the s':r.irte..t nalit'.:ind the pill'e in keeping with the times, TIIVIES OFFICE, C i''e us a Cali when yioi ;tt'e in meld of' ;t' e, gin; in who 1', inting line and we will use you right. Store. �VI?v G Ii A11I, T : M `l I S, 'VVing'l'Iarn. •