The Wingham Times, 1897-11-05, Page 3e. un or to the Rosa" T1 SICK AND SUFFERN ,OO MT APPEAL TO HIM IN UM TH TV NUMBER CURED Increases Each Day Until a Re - tori Has Been Made THAT ASTONISHES EVERYBODY, • T] a Victknas Of Disease Who Have Been RElcator.,d to Health Bless The Name of 1Vittn.y on.. Mr. A. Atkey, 49 Northcote avenue, Tor- onto, Canada, says: "I have been a con- stant sufferer for the last ten of fifteen yews. At times I suffered severe pain', to the stomach and chest. At other times it has takers the film) of sourness of the stomach. Again tutenss spasms would occur. I have (rated with a number of medical men who all failed to effect a cure I began taking Mul•yon's Dyspepsia Cure, and I can nnhesitatirgly say that the new treatment bas acted wondertully and I have vastly improved. The pains have disap- peared and the depression after eating also .1 mast express my entire satisfaction with Iunyon's Remedies. Mu.nyon's Rheumatism Our seldom fails to relieve in one to three hoursand cures in a few days. Price 25e. M.unyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively cures all forms of indigestion and stom- ach trouble. Price 25c. Munyon's Cold Oure prevents pneu- monia and bienks up a cold in a few boars. Price, 25o. 1Vlunyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats, allays soreness, and speedi- ly hotels the lungs. Price, 25c. Munyon's Kiduey Oure.speedily cures. pains in the back, loins or groins and all forms of kidney disease. Price 25c. 54unyoo's E3aadarhe Cure stops bend. ache'in three minutes. 'Price 2.5c. Munyon's Pile Ointment p••ski,tively cures all forms of piles. Price, 2b'ti. Munyon's Blood Cure erad'dt`ites all impurities OX the owed. Pr'25e. Munyon's 'Female Reediss are al bbou to all women. Muny-oo'sAsthma niediesrelieve in! 3 minutes' and ou 1ermanently. Price, Cliffaat*S AS A DAILY DIET. i t s 'fSHOULD NEVER 3iS iv 'TOE L A14E MEAL, AS Bmor, a4UT'iON ot..FtOWL,. "E cgs, IIkQ milk,.contnin in pro- per pa•oportion all thc•element 'need— ed to+support life," stays Airs S. Tor. er on ..The Cooking Kit Eggs," 4.n the the November Latdie'A -flume<xt,rnal "Being highly conceuirated, •ilo*vever they lack the bulk necessary to (keep the excretory organs in proper 'con- dition. Serve with them, then, smell feud, as, bread, rice, or cereals,, but do not serve eggs in any way at the mine moil as beef, mutton or 'flaw', Pork, such as flacon, ass V, In wiaatel' be.. serves( with eggs, While one pound of.eggs is equal ,irl nourish- ment to (lite pound of beef, the latter would be borne fol' a longer time, and would in the end be a much better food, The inineral matter of the egg is small in quantity but rich in quality, land the albumen is in a form most easily digested. We must bear In mind, however, that; the egg albumen coagulates at e tower temperature than that in meat, which teaches us at once that, to be easily digested, eggs must be lightly cocked. A hard-boiled egg, one in which the white is rendered hard, tuay be digested by a marc laboring in the open air, but it is unfit for food for the man. who works in an office or shop, or for the person whose digestion is weak, or for children of any age." THERE . 18 TOPE. There ip hope for those who suffer from biliousness and liver complaint. Burdock 'Blood• Bitters regulates the liver and restores health and vigor. Here is the proof:, DEAR SLRA, -1 was troubled with bil- iousuess and sick headache, and could get no relief until I tried la B B. I have taken four bottles and am now complete- ly cured. I recommend it as the best, cure for all liver troubles. MRs. (*ORGY HADDOw, Walkerton, Ont Some of Mr. Moody's Sayings. "No man can resolve. bimself into heaven." If the water in the well is poison ed you do not try to remedy it by taking out the pump." " Being converted is not, attending a meeting like this and shedding a few tears and making good resolu- tions. • You must be born again.' " "We are naturally all . bad. Who in this audience would be willing to have his heart photographed with all its real thoughts and passions brought to light a" ,,y "No greater bles.ing can come to Munyon' Clitarrh Remedies never I a, man than to become a partaker of fail. '1' Catarrh Cure—price 25c.-1 the the divine nature." erad es the disease from the system, Praying doesn't du any good un - ie Catarrh Tablets—price 25e.—'less it carnes from the heart." ‘V1 (ii!, I . i 1:lflJa . NOVEMBER 5, 1697 t 1001/1N1V,L lift BODXLV LULtlfi.EI,V,.' , On 7 '.t3 Guard. Directly Attributable teat Pieorde•r• *rhe president of one of the leading eel Nerve Syeteni - Dietpelled in a eastern colleges was recently journey - Hurry r,i' the Great South Amen- Ing toward New York, and found Ncrva'ne --- Get Welt atnd 1(, cep himself in the smile seat with an old Well With It. !Mall whose general appearance s a D1sn:b1e 14vorti• ftltta, T),eiurtyt be- . I tokened the farmer. They soon fell ofqdfmYn•eT'into onversation, and after saying was a great sufferer from inti -that he was on his first visit to the pinion wad dvt+pepsia :41 v. liver and: ldd- ' metropolis, the farmer mentioned the nays bothered hie. I treated with many i name of Hard little village upau dieters, arson used zuwuy rn„ir,ii'is. I pro- nun r;urr•rl south American:YErviue. c)ue 400. le hills of New llampshile from le greatly'ksnt•titted mo, and six Mottles en- which he collie, and remarked that tirc:ly mites mu, and to day I stn as well he supposed his friend had never as ower Iwas. It is a great remedy, and I , aro always grad to he able ro recotttmend it h(at'fl of It. 7 always," Sold at Chlsholrn'h Drag Beare. '+ 0 yes," said the man, "1 was The 1t'a.ilure• to r mat bt'l d Ghere.r, The fruiting of an orehar'd is the end of la; culture, incl everything should tend to this end. " i\ failure ti) frtlit at prc,per Nue," "'1"" tiN. 4T, „ a chance to bunco me," Imagine his astonishment when the countryman, after staring at him several seconds, exclaimed ; "See here, I've heard all about you bunco fellers, and you can't get Sheppard In Farmer's Voice, and So saying tn,the right season, isa sure indica• yi g he .grabbed his carpet tion that something it wi' ng, and bag and, marching down the aisle, took a seat on the other side of the that something ought t•t, be done. car. -New York Times. There tare a number of rensuns for a• fuq•;drown tree not fruiting, and it will be a good plan to investigate, SEVERE ASTRNIA RELIEVED ascertain the cause, if plasible, and DEAn. Stns.—We have used Norway atifliily the remedy.Pine Syrup in our, home a great Ileal. I • In some eases trees may have have a little boy who has had astb.na for I five or six years (he is only 10 now), and too much ahead and will 'exhaust [during the severe attacks he would get themselves, 'nourishing .their foliage !great relief from using the syrup., For at ttie expense of their first buds, but 1 an ordinary cold it is ahead of any cough this is the exception. Generally a . medicine T over idok. tree lacks plant food ratitef than an {.e WARD11VINORISTeR, Smith's Cove, N S • over supply; and the application of Free, the criminal from West rotted manure will remedy Gw111imburv, who pleaded guilty to this. Sometimes there is a lack of lime or potash in' the son. Bane 'assaulting a little girl, was sentenced dust or wood ashes make a grand ter -1 to twelve years in the Kingston Mazer when mineral elements are Penitentiary at Barrie. lacking, as'there may be an excess Messrs, J. C. & 0, D, Werrington, of moisture in the soil ,anti drainage of Ingersoll, last week shipped a con. may be the necessary remedy. 'Prun- signment of cheese, nutfberingl4,- ing arcl thinning out niuy be feces- 347 boxes, to the European iu'it•kets. sary when there is an' excessive The shipment was value's tit „000,-` growth of.top. The soil limy have 000. become paeI ed,and hard, so tbitr, the tree cannot make as thrifty a growth as it should, and' cul'ti eating'. or digging about the roots may be necessary. With proper care the tree can be made to bear good fruit, quality being NS' more importance than quantity, and if', after proper remedies have been tried, the trees fail to yield good fruit, the quicker it is cut down and another one is. planted in its place the better. A•1 - lowing a tree to overbear ono year' ,will be the efalse of its not bearii.g'l the. next. The twee ;+o exhausts it., self in maturing the .execssive yield that a rest is required in which to' recuperate. Tliinnir,g in good sea -I sort is the remedy for this, while a l 1•etter grade of fruit is secured. For over Fifty Yeare. AN OLD AND wtLL-•r'a1Piu ItEbi1tDY— Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fur over fifty years by mil- lions of mothers fur their children, while teething, with perfectsucttess. It soothes the child, softens the gurus, allays all pain, cures wind collo, and is the best leruedy for diarrhoea. Is ploabant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part or the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. its value is incalu,.ble. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, rind take bo outer kind Falrr'a, ^s1i-", "SMITE:VS" DAUGHTER. a~a,.i,.u A1''rAC±::in ::S 'YHA SCosit iNSIDIOLs Or IS.ot xrn nits RIDNaY i)I9t 8i:;—OATS C>OO» InsAwTlt eanse and h+>nl aha parts BALM " USING SOIIVI AMERICAN EIVNEY man Munyon's Nems Cure is a wonderful "I have no use for the lean who :, rrt:n:r SPECIFIC. nervetoniri. Pricy 25e. ''' s '' that . he Munyon's Vitaliser restores .lst vigor little harp all fur himself lvh.Qil he Theophlle Gadhuts of Arnprinr. writer(; Price awl. 1 t- tc. haawen g „ "M daughter was a grea,tanffere'•from Itid• A separate cure fey, each dist+ase. A` + gv<< ea' hey disease, Medical mptt did their best for i all druggists, mostly 25c. a yeti, i 11y husband is so.. ►ood, say' her and we tried all the r'meriies at eotn- Porseeal letters to Prof. NI nnyon, 11 Albert St., Toronto, answeic.rl with free inedizal advice for any disease. , Household Hints some foolish wives,' leal cks only one thing --lie is not it Kristian. Well, all a dead man pecks is• one thing -- To clean a sewing machine ef en and dirt go aver it with a rag avet 1 VW' emit ell. i A teaspo;.,tiful Of puwdeveri beryl; added to cold starch will te,p t to I give the linen extra stiffness `•. When lamps are not 1 use for a week or more, the oshould be , poured out. or the st; oil will cause! and unpleasant s ell when next it is lighted. - After each sl a house should be aired, if bu* or five minutes. One retDitinin in the house 'hies nut hence to close, heavy 'air, but a gue coming in will be unpleasantly it ressect as ht; enters tht; cl.sir . • yBits of toilet soap which are very slna.i{ mar be utilized. Melte a bag of Turkish toweling about nine int;lies square and put in it alt the small pieces of soap. When three quarters filled, sew up the end and - use the same as if it were a cake of soap. !!s Lille bi lousnoss, dyspepsia, headache, eonsti. pationptly cured byiiiood S P1113.r stomach, They dogestion rtheir e it work life." " If the pliurch were baptised with the spiele of. Calvary, the fruits of the Writ would be more in evide ce epa6ng its members. " That is net wits to provide too CAN'T YOU SLEEP? "many bots, kettles anti Reins when Sleeplessness is one of the most fru-I furnishing a kitchen, 1 pent' symptoms of heart and .nerve j That it is wise for a youlig house- keeper to go into each room in seri mann. awl not titan Smith Atnerira.0 Tiia- nsy flare was tritd, did she get any bone. fit. Three doses brought great relief. Two I or three bottles completely cured her -not • a sign of pais or distresti of. any kirid was left. It i; trnly a woo::er worker." Sold nt Chit•t'olm's t, •l; Store -• shrriga We Ought to Know. troubles. It affects all claeses and all ages. Milburn'e Heart and Nerve Pills restore the nerves to healthy notion and house at least once a flay. i regulate the heart. Mr. Miles Boone, That the cellar should he kept! Fredericton, N. B., tells how they work. clean end whitewasher) at least once; " I could never rest well, and often woke a year preferably in the spring. up with a start., and then sleep left me ti for the night. -The pills gave tree almost! That all bilis for marketing should; • immediate relief, giving we healthful, I be paid weekly—and, better still, when the article is bought. That "no credit" is it safe motto! for it yonup; couple to live up to That necessities should be selected , easily nil thoroughly. Best after dinner pills. its cents. All druggists. Prepared by C. I. Srond -rue only Pill to•tak:e with 3r Cb., tewell, Mass good's Sarsaparilla. refreshing sleep, and I am now strong and well." An examination has revealed the fact that out of a herd of 52 cattle at the ,Ottawa, Experimental Farm, before fancy articles. 26 are infected with tuberculosis. That it is always decidedly cheap• Dr. C. R. Church, jail surgeon alt er in the end to buy good carpets and Ottawa, has certified to the Police good furniture. Magistrate that Ferdinand Carriere is insane. This is the Rimouski man who expressed a desire to kill the Premier. About $100,000 has been invest;ed !in buildings, principally private house, in Guelph this year ; over $9,00 lar it 1.. wis..1 ••o ur hie 1 t le necessary rooms first, .leaving. the spare rooms until a marc convenient ' seasott That a small slim should be put aside regularly with which a home 1 May be purchased. That good cooking and a tidy has been .6pent in permanent ,loots:, combined with asweet temper, eider elks, and there is now about 23 go fit' toward persuading 'a husband miles of these sidewalks 1n that city. that marriage is not a failure. The total length of 'the world's That a child -in a hon'cl is a well- , telegraph system has now reached spring of pleasure, especially when 4,908,921 miles, exclusive of 190,440 the child is well trained. miles of submarine eables. Of this, i 'rhe remedial effects of lattgiiter 1 urepe has 1,764,700 miles; Asia,!are really wonderful. Cases have 810,685 miles ; Africa., 99,409 miles ; i been known where a hearty laugh Australia, 217,479 miles, and Amer-' has banished disuse and. preserved Ica, 2,516,543 111i1es, life by a sadden effort of Nature. ANIJ`' . • kly Giobe ts; aII11111411 1,11eNrer,rMNU111611111U nuuun1Nauiri . 9VepetabaePreparationforA ,- s1lnilatin tileFoosl ailc.11(11101 lying the Stomachs and leer cl i e; Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- ness andRest,Contains neither Opu tut t4orphine itior Niirierat, NOT NAM tC OTIC. Ikcry~s Fez P.:vllfIEL1ri'"gin Jltm1skin slixSenra: . RealeMS..f , <. ♦Lsie Sega. • I) Cankaa.t.fgera T easu F[aizr AperfectRernedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Corivu(sions,Feverish- 71,css andLoss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of ar ,Jr, 7GiT ca NEW YORK. SEE THAT THE `AC- IMILE",. SIGNATURE _...r, 0 FT-- IS ON THE '°PER, OP LViBY BOTTLE OF EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Castoria is put up in one-sizo bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone io sell you anything else on the ,ilea or promise that it is "jut as good" and "will answer every pur- pose.' .t ii` Seo that you get O -A -S -T -0 -R -I -A. 'Mob). eindle ti;nttare "itaa at 'rsim73.2MWU, vv. is on overt' a titr.r'laiurt'.kz 'i.-: ft. ss4 tutw•r. ONE GIVES REL1EF. for until aDt1 icie you have tried sl 4. You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. This .sort is put up cheaply to gratify tho universal present demand for a low prlca. If you don't find this sort of. ip[q> r ( J ` ,V ''''Q jj t rim '?.. yp les At the 1 g t .l . ' '= c isst's Tema¢ PER YEAR. THE TIMES has been greatly im- Send Five Cents to THE RIPANS CHE1>IICAL COMPANY, No. IO Spruce St., New York, awl they will be sent to you by mail; or In cartons will be nailed for 48 cents. The chances are ten to one that Ripens Tabules are the very medicine you need. ..a AWAY ou. eseas proved during the past few months, ° 44:'44 `• .; and it is our intention to make it a .. > ' x _' still better local paper. The Globe has recently been en- larged to a 16 page paper, and it is the best Farmers' Weekly going. We will give the both papers Nam of Year Prlo 1 To New Subscribers. ngt sdt':t,:x'`a`rn ys.m"""• ,m;.'cy.;w:i,.`t:n ..,.: itvLn...,,:SacJsiS. ''Fa.+'..5'.. ' 1' We are do a position to turn out • • • • • • "a BILL HEADS. SAi..TEMETC, , e.aerNOTE; Pal ADS, pi•idt, Elia td ever beford n 0 • tremrt..>r. rer.....a , • • S-. `"` ," New subscribers should subscribe We clavethr, stc,ek t•t r:nvelaps in town, and we tail at once and take advantage of this print and enl'itly them ns 'heap as 014 rhea.pest. great offer. Cash must accompany all orders. Address or call at ..L J.. .,.i „ms`s 7::Pintedittl erte notice and the price in keep1n¢ with the tithes, TIMES ® 1' ICE ,. Give us a call when you are in tv" l of anything in the Printing Pi] sand we will use you right. WINGIIAM, THE TINES, Winghllt • tiY" 1 , •