The Wingham Times, 1897-10-22, Page 31 4r66.6.6666.4 Literary Xotes. 1 Tine Oetober number of the Cana. The fat that success s mainly 11. t . idtag :Time Journal more thee real- due to hard work has been expressed 1 izes the expeetatioe of its leaders. in many different way, but one of i ,..••••••nr.• ; „,......,,kmphenomenal improve- the best was that recently employed . • merit, have Jearned to look with ing with a companion, a rather lazy , i meat noticeable in the few months it by a very successful 'drummer' or i has been under its pre,sent manage- commercial traveller, Ile was talk_ gentian() interest for each issue. It is fellow, when the la,tter exclaimed: r , by far the best and most prettily ” I declare, Jack, I can't under - illustrated Imam. the c'atnadian stand why you always succeed in Ifunie Journal has yet given us., and selling so many more goods than I 1 in every way holds its own among SO-CALLED INCERARE DISEASE 'the publieations of the day. The YIELD TO HIS REMEDIES. 1Qantulian 1-forne Jonrnal McKinnon ' Building, Toronto. ' WINGRAM TIMES, 00TOBtR 22, 1897. HQW to ldneceed. HET PLaPIL TOT? The Experience oT Those Who Have Been Curled Provo That the Most Obstinate,. Perms of Rheumatism, Catarrh, Dyspepsia Kidney Complams and Blood and Nervous Diseases, are All Promptly and Permanenty Car- ed by Manyon's Remedies -Ask Your Drug,gist For Manvon's • nide to Health.. Select a 25 -cent °randy and Cure Yourself. Mr, John Morrison, 152 Euclid avenue, Toronto, °suede. says : "For several years 1 was troubled with a severe form of kidney disease aud for the past year with rheumatism also. After trying a number of other remedies and not being benefited, I was induced to take Munyon's Rheuma- tism anti Watley Cure. One bottle of the latter and two of the fortner remedies en• tirely eared me and I am now as well a ever. 1 on heartily recommend the iViun- yon B. tnedies and am doing se, daily to my relatives and friends," Munyon 's Rhemnatisne (hire seldom fade to relieve in one to three hoursand cures in a few days. Price 25ce Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure pusitively cures all fortes of indigestion and stem. - soh trouble. Price 250. Munyon'etteld (jure prevents pneu- monia and Weeks up A cold in a few hours. Price, 25e. Muriyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats, allays soreness, and speedi- ly bottle the lungs. Price, 23c. Munyon's }kidney Cure speedily oures. pains in the back, loins or groins and alt fortneeef kidney disease., Price 25c, lelunyon's Headache Ciere stops head• ache in three minutes. Price:15c, Munyon's Pile Ointment pesitively curceall forms of pilee. Price, 2bc, Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all impurities of the oaiod, Priee, 25c. Munyon's Female Remedies are u boon to all women. Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in 3 minutes and eure permanently. Price, $1. Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never fail. The Catarrh Oure-4price 25e.— eradicates the disease from the system, and the Catarrh Tablets—price 25e.— cleunse and heal the parte. Munyon's Nerve Cure is a wonderful nerve tonic. Price, 25c. elunyon's Vitalizer restores lest vigor Price Bl. A separate cure for each disease. At all druggists, mostly 25e. a yial. Perecenal letters to Prof. Munyon, 11 Albert St., Toronto, answerer' with free tneclie4 advice for any.disease. C.:S.W.:a:ION TO THE PUBLIC. of Imitators who ere copying our tidvertiseuseets, apprnriating ,rn*• methods, and following the plan adopted by us when we introduced cur remedies ,to the people of Ontario a year ago. •You eau easily distinguish between the original and the imitation. Prof. Mun- e' yen. founder of the now school o Hom• ceopathy, does not desire that the public ehOuld bo imposed on, 16.ie.W.'isv.SSV..iiictsvatavvvrvs,acetsvr:Sr.16.661-neesSeisexessauvesuk, A quarter of a million pounds of cheese, valued at 825,000 were sold in fifteen minutes on the Brantford market on Friday. It was fin Iowa Man who gave vice to the arlliding gospel: " Weald you take a dollar for what you, have gamed from your family newspaper since you mild the last dollar ? If not, you owe a debt of exatitude besides the money. Your home paper is ono of your best, truest and most helpful friends. And ly the home paper I mean one that always stands- by you and has ever been found a safe counsellor. If you owe the editor a dollar, go and pay it to him now, and while doing so ask sum if there is anything else you can do for him that will aid him in mak. Ing the paper a still better companion for your wife and children." (El a nstipaton Causes fully half the sickness in the world. It retains the digested food too long in the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, indi. gestion bad taste, coated tongue, sick headache, in- somnia, etc. Tlood's Pills titre constipation and all its results, easily and thorou,ghly. tee. All druggists, trepared by 0. I. flood .14 Co, Lowell, Msg. Vhe only P1113 to take with Ilood's sarsaparnit‘ do !" I'll tell you why it is," replied Jack, ' but,' he added, ' it's a trade secret, and yoa mustn't give it away.' new !Of course, I wouldn't do such a And ITS representation of the Russian blouse waists, fan back thing! was the answer, 'Well, then,' said Jack, impres- skirts and all the other alettlneti nov- sively, Isucceed because, when I'm elties in Oress modes and millinery$tvoly, after business I wear out the soles of is made complete by h series of artis- my shoes more than the seat of my tic (rotor plates, The" literary tea - teasers.' tures include a, bright and crisp WORK AND %.'1ORRY. novelette, "A Triumph of Mind," by 1 Anna Etchberg King. The page Ideveted to the answering of clues - !done on etiquette has already proved Caused Mental Strain, Depression, I a great success in the hands of Mrs. Weakness2A. Debeility and Pros - Way Out of the C s walder Jones Order from the trationDifficulty. local agent for the Btitterick pat., "Overwork and mental strain caused terns, or address the Butteriek Pub.! by business trouble last spring, brought lshing 00141ParlY, LiillitOd, 38 Rich- 00 physical and nervous prostration. 'none Street West, Toronto .Sub- My nerves were completely unstrung. I suffered very much from giddiness,and seriptlon price of the Delineator, $1, i felt as if I was about to fall forward. ur 14e. per sinple copy. 1 had severe pains in my head and my I physician told me that if I was not care- _ ! tul I would have congestion of the brain A territory of 271,000 square Sleeplessness also gave me great diseom- miles, comprising Washington, Idaho fort. Some nights I could not sleep at and Gregon, as theyare today, was • all, and what little sleep I did get on othernights , was feverish, ante disturbed I Saved to the Union by one man. by uupieasant i • would a Ile lied the courage and heroism to up with a sudden start, and trembling ride on muleback Lor 3,000 miles. all over, suffering FIR well from a shrink - Tim ride was *filing, the trials and ing feeling which gave me great distress hardships marvellous; the result a felt bsiollIthtiingsWaaatalliso affh lecrd, and I glorious one. The whole story, beau- Both in body au us mindoug W as were weak,dYirig tifullv iliuStrated, will be given in that I found it,difficult to hetend to my the November issue of the Ladies' business. I seemed to in fact have lost Heine Journal, under the title,The te), a " When Dr. Whitman Added Three was when Icommenced iirltittftinIg Iv.Vitatiiinneps Stars to Our Flog," the closing and Heart and Nerve Pills which I got at Mr. G. E. Gibbard's drug store, corner, most intensely interesting article in the .Journal's successful series ot feilneactitnindeJaothn street44,1 Toronto, They Great Personal Events." The firsf boxes and feel°11. takenave man. foury women to cross the Rockies figure in nerves are strong, I sleep well, and all the story, which proves beyond the disiressing, debiliatingtroucbes have a practMally disappeared. doubt that they preceded Fremont, In.addition to this I have gained great the Pathfinder," by six years. ly in physical health and strength I know of no ren,edy at all approaching M,ilburn's Heart and Nerve pills, in of - On the 8th day of Oetober more . fputiveness for diseases of the heart and than 10,000 students were on the Pe"' A rolls as members of the Arst Fresh-' s ntbzojellis the of Mr, T)aom as g mfrOufacietr., man class of the Cosmopolitan Uni- 321 st. West Toronto. rSint. versity. The confusion into Mitch rel has been five years in this business here,and employs about 20 bads the the plans regarding the Costubpol- 3 itan's educational work were thrown 8secarriresuoj'ilecure . Aowill.hboon seen above ho siiinnTn'a by the retirement of President An- Heart and Nerve Pill. Y to Brews Many others of our citizens owe their dr, in order to meet the urgent tri.tkus great Medicine,. and more are wishes of his friends at Brown Uni- vdiaritlybettognue acquainted with its versity, has been met by the accep- nes tance uf the Presidency by ' Dr. Eli - Mr. Sintzel formerly resided in Burk's phalet N. Potter. President Potter Fall in Muskoka and 13 well known both there and in Toronto. ha beet: at, the head of two great , colleges for nearly 25 years, and Lasa Liver Pills cure constipation, 1 brings to the work exceptional tits 1phi a day for 30days; taken every night ents as an organizer and 'man of i will conquer the moit'obsticate case IIT9ild 91,11tgre and counon-.L,ense 1 ideas.. He is already at Irvington' engaged in organizing his staff of1 In business it is little things that professors. The work of the Univer- 'Count. The loss of a small discount sity has been grouped under fifteenlon a bill is in itself a little -thing, but beads, covering the various branches ' the sums tetei of' these little losses Of knowledge. Each of these will reach large stuns. be in charge of a professor. As The giving of a fraction over -1 soon as the task of selection is com-! weight is a small loss in itself, but pieta, the students will be assigned !the daily transactions of the store their work,and the largest Freshman1are.numerous, and the little over - class in the history of the Universi-1 weights soon make a big le's% ties of the world will begin its i The loss of a single customer, is studies. The extraordinary oilman-, perhaps viewed as a loss uniinpor- stens .of the class thus formed.. has i tent, but the influence of a lost cus- opened the eyes of the public to the tomer exerted against the store, will facilities which the Cosmopolitan has i The failure to deliver an order at ; cause the loss of other esutomers. importance of the gap in educational undertaken to fill. Rnowing that i the time specified is a little thing, the appropriation made by the Cos -i mopolitan is a limited one, and that i but the .custoiners 'plans may have I he entries aro far beyond the most been upset by a delay, and the seed tof dissatisfaction sown may result in sanguine expectations, embarrassingl the loss of a customer. the work by their proportions, manyl The failure to fill an order correct - professors and other prominent men , ly ba,ve .already made the offer of mor the omission of a single article advice and assistanee without pay: may be a little thing, but the unset evade may have been the' one most needed and an angry customer is the result. Little Things. TEE LIPE-GIVING PINES. The breath of the pines is tbo breath of lite to the consumptive. NOZAY PINE SYRUP contains the pine virtue and cures coughs., colds colds bronohitis, asthma, hoarseness and all throat and lung throe bias. Thursday morning, at about 3 o'clock, fire broke out in the planing mill of Mr. F. Sweet!), Goderieh, I3efore the alarm was given the building. was one mass of flames, A Strong southeast wind blowing fanned the fire, causing much arixi- ety to siirromidine, property holders. The betiding was totally destroyed. No insurance. Cause of lire un- known. Loss about $5,000. For Over Fifty Years, AN OLD AND .wgr.s.J.Txunr, BrestnnV— Mre. Winsloi,v's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty,,years by mil- lions of mothers for their children while teeth;rig, with perfectsuccess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and 13 the hest remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the Verid. Twenty-five ',lents a bottle. Its•Nalue is incaluable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind -, • - Tie wholesale grocery trade at Toronto, are considering a proposi- ion to reduce the wholesale price of sugar cent per pound. She 'Wished To Tell gun. The woman was Very careful in opening the door, but he bad on toothpick shoes and he got one of them inside,the door before she could, slam it again. She waited for him to lead off and sparred for an opening, Madam, he said as be set his bag down on the top step, I have some articles here that are indispensable to every housekeeper. This new pat- tern dipper Little Jumbo coffee pot saves its cost every week you use it. Observe the improved arrangment or— I don't want it, said the woman. We have small— Jusr the thing. for a small family, ma'ara. Forty per cent. of the eo:fee is wasted with any other pot. If you don't wan't a coffee pot, let me show you something else. Idiotina, he latest, parlor garne out. Fascinating, instruetive, educational. All thet young people wild over it. Makes! dull evenings fly like --- I tell you we have small— Finest thing for small children here! you ever saw. Safety pin, with musks box attachment. If the pin : sticks the boxs plaYs. Don't want it? Well, when yea see this latest! improved clothes line and pins . wonder how you managed to live all i this time without them, The line fastens— Don't want it, Besides, we've g• rt small— Small yards are just what they are made for. The line's n self- I fastener, can be attaehed to tree side of the house or brick wall, smooth surface no obstacle. The pins were invented by— Take your foot out of the door, said the woman I've been trying to tell you we've got smallpox in the , house, and ---- During the four seconds the agent took to slain the things into his hag and tuinble down the steps he managed to say : 1 Why in thunder didn't you say so ? Some women can talk an hour without conveying the idea they want to. NO ROOM FOR SALT RHEUM. ' Salt Ititenrn, erysipelas. tetter, shingles. rashes. send, Ale., cannot exist where Bar• dook Bleed Bitters is used. Here is a proof : "I was so bad with salt rhentn, 0 -at toy finger nails came MT. B.13. B. cured me completely and I have had no return of the disease during the past threw years." Mai. .AS, SANDERS, E rn croon , Man INAM•11•11701.13PteM1.41.1ft10•11.4 44111,1,10•14. • tie Times A N D elleteGele Lk. e PER YEAR. 114.1vtV/0.• THE TIMES has been greatly im- proved during the past few months, and it is our intention to make it a still better local paper. The Globe has recently been en - largest to a 16 page paper, and it is the best Farmers',Weekl y g 01 D g We will give the both papers hlann of oar lino To New Subscribers. New flbseribers shout4 subscribe at once and take advant e of this great offer. Cash must accompany all orders. Address or call at isluIll11111111111111H11111111111flOtille111111 1111 tussles. • .4.1 Ste.:4 ° /311UMBILIIIIIBI11114 mann nnounngeTaum, ;rrA • w ' , tg --= Inloualutnanunno kregetable Prep arationforAs- similating thelbodandRetula- ting the Stomachs andBowels of SEE THAT THE SIGNATURE Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- tiess and Rest.Contairts neither OpiuitUtorpi1liie nor Mineral. OT NAM C ()TIC. IS ON THE rato.90,21=arS A 117,17.1171"7-4-7.1Z Pumpkin Sec bzieurza Radiate S•itr J•le 0 eirrnurt •orasaitargz • IffIkrAral - OMNI:ow WRAPPER OF EVEbY BOTTLE OF Aperfeet Remedy for constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Iharripea, Worms ,Convulsions,reverish- BleSS and Loss OP SLEEP. TacSinille. Signature of. NEW -YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPMR, tliMIEEEM15255=-1 Castor's N put up in one -sine bottles only. It is not sold in balk. Don't allow anyone oo sell yon anything else on the vies or promise that it in "just as good" and "will answer every pur. pose," tar -Boo that you got 0 -A -S -T -O -B -I -A. The fat: - shall° denature of 44:44' 18 05 every wrapper. • ° ONE GIVES RELIEF,. en ,stis.v,T4 .•smszazoglie for Medicine - until you have tried / You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. This sort is put up chooplp to gratify tho universal prosont demand for n lose peen If you don't find this sort of Tr' „cv 1-12 s sle Pet/ee".411. Do he Druggist's Send Five Cents to Tia RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY, No. to Spruce St., New York, ar.g they will be sent to you lee . •"; or to cartons will be mailed for 43 cents. The chances ee:: fel one that Ripans Tabules are the very medicine you sin.; '. 06661, IPTIU 011 E3 qiiire t en 4- en.;*-, \1/4 We are in a position to turn out • • • BILL LETTER ita Al)S, NOTE 'READS, STATEMENTETC. • • 6 • • At a lower prie as Jr 116. than ever before 1•1"77"M iQ E S We have the best stock of Envelopes in town, and print and supply them as cheap as the cheapest. res.......66,6664ovist6666., we eat% 313I.Lint:E2' Printed on the shortest notice and the price in keeping with the times. TIMES OFFICE, Giye us a call when yo are in nee 1 of anything in the Printirty lin and we will use you right. VVINGEAM. THE TIMES, Wit:team.