The Wingham Times, 1897-10-15, Page 691.199 tlif++l di 2f1" , C?t,'i'uilk:lis X.7,1$07-. ebt :h+ T MUMS. [t:t)?iTIN1.'i;'A k'fto5L P-1,044 4]. TILE WI3 U :3 ASA ` IMF &, OCTO 3 , R 15, 1897. 5 yearn they had cared for all the Instep, the Liberal eanititlate for I SA13i34T11 8 'rtVIC $ then alta women inmates of rat the last Huron, and John ltlealihltui, M. i 141,.taticau/sT t�t,t, Dr. Pascoe, pas public: institutions well, they had not k' , but our space still only permit of neen able to keep the cholera away us giving the speeches of iIon. front the piggery, (Laughter.) The Meseta'. Davis suet. Ross. UC1.). w. WSW e Itt1t1 trek. W. iRos3, was glad to be it Bruesele again, Ile apoligized for "tieing l _1vt.g to his i t ,lG Y CO l' it. train, t:lWinghaui, but that +rie1the fault of the G. T. 1L, rather tthtit Mi owa. lie was glad to see ti•1 a'tathe elector, Ot' Beet Huron had nominated it'd-0t311b active etas for the-Legisl:attirr. He liked to see young men: it atiainated, as be had beast > nominated when he was young himself. He regretted that ll, told friend, Mr. Gibson,. vas re jriafter sonanJ3eals of faith- f;fit?vice to his constituents, 1tng 1]e le the serge footing as the Dominion tired from, the house carrying with o through a sleep period of depreaeion, Mee the good wishes, respect mail Auditor. If the Opposition could and had it not been that the Provin. tor. Scarlets at it a lu and 7 p. PRI,SBYT1 RIAN---Rev. 1D. Perrie, pastor. Servioce at 11 a ill nod; p ur. F,PIS(:0PAL,, alt. Paul's -Rev, Wm. Opposition were not dealing fairly atm PROVINCIAL e4CRFrARY. Lowe, rector, uervu•es at 11 It re aric 7 with the Oovernnlont, and l]e ehal-; Holt. N. J. Davis expressed his cle- lengeel thele to conte out and diseteaS 11trllt so sea so many. ladies present. the great public issues before the It had afforded hien pleasure- .to people. Notwithstanding the gre9t notice in recent yentas that(. (tie ladies evpenditures by the Govet•nlnent, are gradually taking greater inter - the surplus bad been aceuluulated• est in political n►eetings, because Mr. Sandfield Macdonald had started they were ala much interested in get, it, and had also originated the time ting good government as anyone' ber policy which the Government else. It was especially (ratifying to hod carried out. Millions of dollars see that the young men as. well as received for the limits had been the veltng pieties, who bed perhaps applied to the expenditure. Oil public more interest to securing good gov- buiidings, etc. Mr. Whatley is de, ernwent, upon whioh the future of n,anding that the public accounts be the country so much depended, also pm. BAPTIST --Rev. tins. limn alto u, pas- tor: Ser ices at 11 a to anti i p u1 CONORE 3..tIONAf14--Eiev. tL 113. ll'Cason, pastor. taervices at It n m and 7pm. O€1:I'tiSTIAN WORKNRS --- Misses Qutrnai and L,00lc in ut.anxsuml,. Services at .i p 111 :tad 8 p SALVra I'ION ARMY -;1djutantMiles and wife in eougutaud. `~ervwes at 11 a, m,3pn9 andSptn. In each of the above named churches Sabbath eheol to held at ,� 30 p re. BANK ©f HAMILTON Tjrr , R elite* undoubtedly the Bost. audited, told that the Soule , Grtaz•r teres. -1 wish to say that Dr, properly t ' took an interest in politics. There Itow1or's Extraot of Willi Strawberry practice as that in use at Ottawa be had probably never been a period i0 has proved a wonderful remedy in my adopted, The speaker explained. at the history of the Province when it, family. We wotld not ae without it leugtil the system in operation, was more important tlied they shortie' For twite Its prfee, I sate ft is ut t ursT which afforded a most completeduring (not inor ane o she before th the Load p have good government than medfcina ever brought before the public, .tile r. ' ed Olt that g IntDuring the summer complaint 1, .Ian or i c h s t► d also four years.D su i o f t d► r e, cheek, a 1 t o pothe next r i gto t n Provincial Auditor is upon exactly past ten years they had been passing either in ohiidrea or in adults. esteem or ail his eollegu.es. Taking up;tlle demand of the Opposition, that xllgl�e should be a change, he asked ifsetl►at was their ery at the last elculan for the Dominion Pariia- xl nt. Certainly not; but it was snottier horse that was running then ; : it was a Tupper horse. (.Lyughter.) But there was reason tom• ;a, change at that time. The Useae tY1ts foundered --(laughter)--• iu alt faux` lege. (More laughter.) Iasi fact it turned out that it was not eeaunner at all--(cheer$)-and the J trey was as bad as the horse. (Lead laughter.) One reason upon rjll,ich the Opposition based its clang for a change was a piggery -(laugh- ter) --with one pig in it --(loud laughter) --and the Apposition want. JO to get the management of it. (1Applurse.) That Was the kind of eiiatige they wanted. It was pork and sausage they wanted. (Re- newcd.laughter.) I-I:td the Opposi- - tion shown. any reason why the Gov - eminent should be changed ? Had they offered any broad platform The Government did offer to the electors of Ontario a broad platform not in 25 years diseo5�er any crooked tial Government had during those transaction in all its investigations years handed back large stuns to the before the Public Accounts Commit• people, he did not know what they tee, it was, be thought, Pair to assume would have done, as daring the that improper transactions did not whole of that time the Dominion exist. (Applause.) It is time, he'Government had been taking large declared, that the Opposition ceased sums from the people in the way of snaking insinuations and proved . taxation. Ile rejoiced that the pros. something. . ' pects in the Dominion had never 3 DUCATIO�iAIt MAULbeen so bright as they are /low, and The Minister of )i;dneatfon then he asked them whether the electors dealt with the criticisms sometimes of the Province ougbt not iu this Opposition upon his cri3is to, do their share by continuing made by the Opp P tate resent Governlncnt in ower, educational policy. Ile defended bis p v p department frolu the charge of ex- He congratulated the candidate upon travaganee, and pointed with pride the ability he had displayed and his to the filet that so eminent an caner • i knowledge of public affairs. tioualtst as Rel'. Dr. Clifford, cf Eng. I TUB SURPLUS EXPLAINED. land, had expressed the opinion that i Mr. Whitney had attacked the the educational system of Ontario, Government and declared that the and that at the World's Fair the ex- public accounts were in fact cooked. ceilenee of the system had been This the Government denied, and shown when compared with all they were willing to abide by the others. Respecting the assertion decision ,of the electors after they made by Mr. Whitney that the had beet' placed in possession of all course in the public school needed the facts. He submitted a statemgst broadening, he expressed the ern- showing that the Province had in- phatic opinion that it was already as vested in drainage debentures gad comprehensive as good Judgment drainage works $389,000, and that id sus- est to the extent that there are large sums of money bear - of of goad in government, shown by their sometimes there was a fear ex- ing interest and due by the Dom- reeord. That was what Sir Wilfrid reseed that it is rather more than ion to the Province, as Grammar Laurier had done ; it was what Sir John aiaedonald had done in 1878. Bad .the Guvernlnent shown bad Lusinese capacity ? Oat of the $6- -- ee COJ,OOO or $7,000,00'J expended on railways, had it been shown that a single farthing had been spent other than la the public interest, or that there had been a single dollar of it that had gone to the boy ? Not a dollar of boodle! Betweeu $3;000, - COD and $4,000,000 had been 'es - Fended in the erection of public buildings. Altogether the Provincial Government had expeuded some .$75,003,000, and had there ever teen a single farthing of it that had been shown to be corruptly or dis- itonesily spent? (Applause.) Bad Zen could, not have written that record. The Government dill not take credit to themselves for having done their duty in this- matter, but wale were the Opposition who wanted le replace the Governilleut? The eleetors knew tbat the members of the Government had been tried, but the other fellows had not been tried. 11..'n. dr.11ardy had been a member of the Government for 21 years. IIS wes the next oldest„having been 14 years in the Cabinet. Hon. Mr. Davis Is the youngest ulcrnber, and is a pretty big boy, with considerable bu:il,tc.ss experience. 'PROGRESSIVE AND IIUN)rST. 'tette Government had in all its ttiaord never allowed the interests of the Province to suffer by neglect (Cheers.) It was a progressive Gov- eriU1terlt, as t,hown by the splendid munlicipat system, in the building up a' which the respected member kr Lust Iluroa had rendered gond ser• vice and lie felt sure that the able yonng oma who had been nominated to succeed hien would, after his ex- perience in the County Couueil, fol. low in the steps of bis predecessor. In the administration of all the pub - lie buildings in which the unfortun• Wes of Ontario- are confined and maintained by the Province with f fatherly Itindness and solicitude, there had -not been a single scandal. The sante could not unfortunately be said respecting similar institll• tions of the Igrovtnee of Qttebee and in England. Ito protested against tbe polio of small criticism hi which position indulged. The Op - had charged the Gomm- tbat, notwithstanding during the children can stand. During his School funds, Upper Canada College regime the course had been extended buildings and land improvement by the addition of the subjects of funds, amounting to $2,758,135, and phy0o1ogy*, temperance and drawil a the Common School funds, amount• to ijieet the public demand of the ing to $1,441,882, making' a total of necessities of the occasion. He ridi- $4,200,000, to which, must be added =led the.proposai of Dr. ltieacham $286,800 cash in the bank After that the textbooks should be printed allowing for all the liabilities pres- and turned out by prison labor, and ently due and payable, the balance asked how the tramps and other of assets over liabilities amounts to men whom it was found necessary to $4,782,580. There are also liabili- incarcerate were going to set the ties.outstanding, called railway sub- ttepes and produce the beautiful sidles, whieh are payable in annual illustrations which are required for amounts during a period of 40 years. the readers. Taking up the charge If these were paid off at once, about that the -cost of school books is ex- $2,900,000 would be required, leav- cessive, he showed that both the ing still a surplus of $2,000,000 over coat and the number of authorized and above every liability, bat he books have been. materially reduced contended that this item should not since he took office. Statistics were be charged ag.tinst. the surplus, as it quoted showing that the cost per was met out of the ordinary expendi child of books in Toronto under the tore of each year. The Treasurer's free teat -book system is 18 cents per statement shows that last year tile nnunl, in Hamilton 21 cents, and at Province had received a sum of the 1L.del School, where the cost is $2G0,55.4 on capital invested. if necessarity higher and the cost of there is no surplus, be asked, how the ho'ms is ineluded in the fees paid was it the Government received ire by the scholars, it is 40 • cents per terest upon it ? Then the Opposi- annum. In conclusion he declared tion said there. are too many officials, that no hatter what Government and that the Government is spending is in power at Ottawa, the present too much money. If that is so why Government of Ontario is determined did they not object to the items in not to allow it to encroach upon the the estimates, which contained the rights of Ontario. name of every official of the Gov - W I N G Ii A M. -1gB r#fl,Llsyt•:IS Capital, $11,250,000. Rot, ` 0,50,000 President-Jo11N STUAiT. Viec•I•rosldctl5-A. U. 1tamay. DzxLzororts JOPN PSOCTOR, O,io, Ro. cn, Wet Gismos, W00o, A, fi, Luis (Toronto), Cashier -J. TURNBULL. Sao#ntre 1/2211; -Hours, 10 to 3; Satnrdaye,10 1. Deposits of 91 and upwards received and teras, allowed. J3pncial Deposita also received at current raise of ir,rest. Ipraf`,11 or, Croat Britain and the United Stater bongcht and sold EY1iI X FRIDAY itlVlilv11�1( -•ATitIKE-- 1', A. T. W. O01tl0i1LD, Assns E. L. DICKINSON. Solicitor, W � t�� �,,,5�A =;�,Ita R TI►M S OFFiZE, 40141:19H11U $$TR1.T 111iGUA.lt, ONTARIO. swereztzr#p,0•.ii 'r#co.ipor trer,r, ll:i a4vauce AD41,301011.1Q K;Ik:k 13paaa _l 1 Ar• I it at0, j i3 a o. me Uno Column 400 00 440 00 isle 003 Golf ii40 00 2A 12 00 l 0 00 Quarter " 20 00 12 00 ' 7 00 1 3 00 one eGu+b 600 3 l00 n 00 1 Legal and other casual advlrtiscinent, tin per ne for first Ii;aertion,and 20 per Slue for each subsequent Ineertion. ate,.snrctl by n01,l+atr.11 Merle. notal notices 100. par line for first insertion, acct So, per line ter each subsequent ,nserticr. Advertisemosts of Lost, rround, Strayed, Situations and Bushings O0ancea lraettd, not exceeding 8 lin" ' nonpareil, 31 for Arlt mouth, and Ho. for eaoi+ subsequent ttu ti on Farms for Salo, not oxeceding 8 1100. t, for (list mouth, 0u. per •subsequent month Larger a dvartlseinet.ts 111 proportiau. These turns will be strictly adhered to Special veto for larger advertisements, or r• loser periods. i o . Adverodtisetnent/I and local notices without specific directions, will be inserted 011 forbid, and °bar e' accordingly. Trahsltury advertisements MOO be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must bo fu, the oilice 4) Wednesday goon, art order to appear that week II. D. ELLIOTT, PROPRIETOR AND PoIMLleaslt BANKER WING Al '€ (. CtENEPA.I, BANS ISGEDBgJ. SIN= 211,A110, 1 A lad about 14 years of age, oldest son of lfr. Jun. Little of Turnberry, near WWingbam, met With a very ser- ious accident in Donaldson' saw mill, Bayfield oa Thursday afternoon 'of last week. Ile and another boy had gone over to look around and getting near the saw happened to throw out his left halal which came iu contact with it. The first Jeger was severed from the hand and the thumb and outer fingers were severe• ly injured. l,CT • Money advanced on Fanners and Gormless loon OA endorsed note and collateral. 'ARRERSSALE NOTES CASHED. Moneys remitted by draft to all par of Canada and the United States. Notts and accounts collected ou reasonabie terms. Mr. M. P. I3alpia, Brockville, Ont., makes the fallowing statoitgent : "For two years I suffered from kidney disease - - Money 5(7 Loan on Nota. atalaceaso.lta i'x, B.L`t 3s. Money advanced os Mortgages at Si per coutwtih privilege of paying at the and of any 'y ear. :nota and accounts cotleuted, l'WIST. Alc3hi 001). Seaver Block'iVtnlrham, Ont eaus nga severe pain 8010e9 my back, GIAAND TRUNK RAIL4VA"X. dizziness,. hojldache, sleeplessness, etc., ___._ I had often to lean 00 the counter when »I1 j3 ai iXvri seryinga customer, so intense was the pain in ley hank. On taking Doan's Kidney Pills I improved from the very first, and now after tatkitiir, three boxes am ail right ; all nay pains and (tulles have disappeared, thanks to Doan's. R VANSTONE, BARRISTER, tst)LIC1TO11, Eta.. Private and Company funds to loon at lowest Interest. No commission cbarged. Mortgages, town, and farm property bought and sold OYPICa--neater Meek WINoneu J. 4. MO11T011, 7Zel RISTI:R, Ont. Toronto and Bast Palmerston mixed London and South Kincardine Snow has fallen in Manitoba, It has proved a welcome wet blanket for the prairie fres. Away Down Bast. From east to west people have heart disease. This causes violent headaches, neuralgia, nerve trouble and prostration Says Mrs. Somers of Moncton, N. ,13.: 'r2 tried many remedies, but never found anything to give me such prompt relief as Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills haye done. I suffered from the abuts symp- toms, but »otv gladly to the cure these wonderful pilin have made in my case, and I hope that all sufferers will try 7 000 them, crnment ? They only objected to THE EVENING 1`iiETI1lG. items amounting to $13,500 out or 050 a. m. 240 p.m a $0pin1025pm 855am 240ptn 6 58 in 11 10 a m 330Itm 800pm 11 10a in 0 50b. m 255pm 330pm 1025pm 830am WANTED. Lcycoo"CanaCnAn• try;" in Fire !loyal Volumes. Tito delivering. Com- mission paid weekly, A cansassor reports his first week making over LNSOOT 001ANYToronto, pGE 4 S, MGaejsetstyPnpil0Lifeeat• Bean," writes Lord Lorna, about Q•ies,i orvn,' Sales unprecedented. ]trey to malo Si daily, Big commIBaion. Outfit roe to canvassers. TnE IIADLEY GABA' TSOii CO., Limited, Toronto. Galt's figures of assessment this year are $2,822,8G1, a decrease of $35,525 from last year. The pop],>t anion also shows a slight drop. Woodstock has 21. lawyers and only 2 printing offices. the whole budget. He asked his Conservative friends to obtain an At the evening meeting the Town explanation from air. Whitney, why, Hell was crowded beyond its corn- if lie thought the ex otditure was fort, ble capacity, about 200 ladies too great, he had not objected to 11 being among the audience, The in the House. Ono of the items to chair was amain occupied by Mr.A • which the Opposition objeeted was C. Dames. Short speeehes made y that providing the salary of the Dr, Macdonald, M, P., Mr. Alexander' Provincial Auditor. Did the elec. - ^ . _ __ _ _.-- ..._...' `se-- --._. tors not think that it was Worth the D A.DLV ZID1 1'Z DISEAS1. {email expenditure to have the muni" �Nr ' Providence Thanked. It is with pleasure that I retcowmend B. B. 13. for the cure of indigestion and impure blood. 1 .had tried many reme- dies but received no benefit unttl thantt Providence, I was advised to try B.B.13 and it was with perfect succeso. MRS. WM. LOMIi.E, Oshawa Oat. 9 To persons who make the greatest number of words out of the phrase, "Patent Attorney Weclderburn." For particulars address the National Recorder, Washington, D. C. 8.1.5n GIVEtI SWAY E. L. DICKINSON, 13A.RRISTER, BTO. SOLXOITOII TO BANK OP IIAnrxLTON. aroNEY To - LOIN. Onion -II oyer Monk. 14' ingham, Al' 0, CAMERON, BAIttUISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &o Ofllee-Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets' opposite Colborne Hotel. Genuane, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY. -J. S4JL`R01riE, L. D. S.,1y1NeuA8• of teeth ci eap as theytcan be made Ott in the Dominion. Torah extracted absolutely without pain, by his now process, guaranteed porte.tly safe. °PEWCE : In the Beaver Brock, oppea Brunswick 1lo1211e, .11THET. J. IRWIN, D. D, 13., D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Ponnsylv.toia . Dental College OFFIOI_..-MAOPONALD BLOCK. NOTE -1,1 in visit Blyth every Wedn"qday. JOHN RITCInE, !1 GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT W allAH, • oNTAH0e• WING:ELM. STEAM PUMP Y0RKS cipalities protected in respect to the THE ONLY WAY To AVo10 TUE d8II;AT DES" correctness of their accounts ? (Ap- TeOrett, 'plause.) Another item:to which. the Oreo clear to the individual that kid- Opposition objected was that of the nay disease is a result of uriu acid and. oxalate of lune, which have their place salary of the road -making,; instruct - in the human system, hardoniim or. Did the electors desire, to have ening and forming; into stone litre sub- good roads P He thought they did, stemma, and the folly 01 treating such a (Applause.) disease with any medicine other than a liquid and one that will dissolve these T1/11 FhGLlt01.71 0ARGe,zN. solids, there will be little tritlinrx tvtth They had doubtless read the r'e- als and powders and restedps et thchar= t r, which cannot possibly effect�a porta of 111r. Whitney's nieetiflgs, and permanent tura. The Success of South there were fuller and better reports American Xidney Caro is- due to that Poet of those meetings in the Globe than that as a liquid it immediately reaction any other paper, and he noticed the diseased part, and dissolves these that at evei` one of his meetings '+ alkalies and hard substances, It never y e abs falls. Sold at Chisholm's Drug Store. t tebxeLI7DED ON DAG( 7J, RI ®r v‘ Strong? Or have you palpitation, throbl>'ng or irregular beating, dizziness, short l •eath, sinothth'ing or chokhig sensation, p`t<u1 in the bbeast er heart. If so, your heal* is afrcctted and will in turn affect ytur ger es, causing nervousness, simple�ss ne a, morbid an:ciouo feeling, debilit . eart PEOLv P. DEANS, Ja., 013;011.10, LICENSED AUCTIONEER Ffi1t Atin COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charges, Moderato. • OlIN CURR.I14, fit rNOaA3t, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stook and Parol Implements a. specialty. A11 orders left at the Tlnas office promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonabie. IPAnvive Cure all these complaints by regulating the heart's action and building up the nervous andmuscular system to perfect health and strength. Price hoc, per box or 6 boxes for $a,so, At all druggists. r Or Tv).413.tps even.Yew's DUNN'S AMC POWDER TRECOOKSBEST FRIEND *.Atttab$Y' SAL/qt. 0.414444 Ilavtng purchased the entire businese from Mr. Daniel Showers, I am now prepared to supply the public with Woad taunt Iron Force and Lift Pantos, Drams and Iron Cylinders, CI #alvan1z- ed Iron ',rl,'lrltbiug. Cisterns, Water Troughs, Sinks, 13tiths, Pipe Fitting, g, Well Digging and everything in con- nection with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power and pumping water. Deep well pumps n speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. Parties writing for information or ordering by mad should always state depth or well. A11 work guaranteed or e. C. I4IOR. SNo JA tt Boit 140 Wf ngkam, Ont. vv INGIIAM TnsiM, $I.00 per year in Advai ce. SOCIETY MEETINGS. S. O. 6.j4t annp Caledonia, No. 40, moot 0� ho drab anti third i<Ionday le every month, in .shin (I0d Fellows Hall. Visiting brethren welotO3. • J. Murray. Chief. D Stow. art itens Sec Cjfy�{ }�ytrfED 1cy 01m mature weekly to i(x .Cf:AV A Aa.l1♦ Indy of msture age, actino • gloat t0 Bpend her time in a 1x000 ean90. T. I3. L1N000TT, Toronto. Ont.. WANTED -010 established Whotesalo 1iou90- 1ai want9 0330 ar two honest alit] 1n• dustrioua representative 4. Can pay a fustier out 12a woo; to start with. AnvtannsRa. liiediosl Bailding, Toren 0. Agents Gell "klondllco Gold Ffolds'' Lille a wh rIwI nd, Experienced canvassers reaping the richest harvest of their lives: (new" beginners . doing wonders, Nearly everybody subscribes. One young fellow on a farm at ell a month is melting 975. A lady typewriter at es a week is clearing $11. A mechanic who bad earned $1.50 a day is cleating 55 a 007. We wantpinore agents. Canvas?ins* out. tit 25 eta., walls Sat. TIM D11ADr. •O 1I183PS0N CO., Toronto, hutted, vat. J98 PRINTING, '1 NCLUDlNO Books, Pamphlets, posters, B n J. needs, Circulars, dc13., &e., executed In the best rtylo of the art, at moderate prleca, and on short notice, Apply Or address II, D. ELLIOTT. T Mea Office, Winghatn• We aro plaasod to announce that shy hooks 00 Magazines left with us tor Sindingwill have our will liar prompt appliskiloniio p Landing1MAIM Office Styli) jets:. d,,,: `a..tV....