The Wingham Times, 1897-10-15, Page 4TUE WINGRAM TIMES OCTOBER 1.3 1897. CORK throating that the electors would, bevel ample opportunity of hearing him on future occasions, RU RINGS cue iw) ere made by Mr. 1?., And Jno. Me AIeMtUan M. P.,but for lack of space I we only give the speeches of Hon. E. ! .1. Davis and Hen. 1.. W. Ross. BOTTLINC WAX, SPICES, ETC. And all seasonable goods at the lowest price at HON. E. J, DAYI1'. I Hon, E. J. Davie was plowed to lhave the privilege of addressing the !electors of East Huron for the first time, and regretted the'disappoint - •i ment which they experienced owingb e CnIN Li nilliBtlii:,,tivoi,rinacber whoxeohfattiiheeixrpeetentir1 there. Persotutily ho tte' d to be i d Druggist, Rte., tall his collegues would, the retire - 9 ' ment of their old friend Mr, Gibson, Aid be sure and buy them befere ; who bad long been a most valued p. an. for we close at that tune every I i member of the legislature. Be was night excepting Saturday. I also pleased to see the candidates of — ; both political parties at the coming TO ADVERVISERS. I election. He had been struck by :the modesty dtsplayed by Ur. Hislop Notice of changes must be left at this in his brief address, a trait,. which office not later than Saturday I when displayed early in. a. man's noon. The copy for changes !political career, had in his observe - must be left not later than Tues- t tion of political life, frequently dis• day evening. Casual advertise. I - played great success ultimately, and meets accepted up to noori ; he was forced to arrive at the eon Thursday of each week. elusion, that when Mr. Hislop became '; the representative of East Huron, ass i es,ITs..-,,I.vs , jar • i as he had no doubt he would be, he be Q. einifi!gam tit, unt5 I would gain ancl retain the confidence ei I. ' ea I, of his eonstituents. (A.pplause), He MAREBI.‘ REPORT% Wurre.—In Blyth, on Oetober Oth, MOWN.. BOUM. the.ssor.—In C'uiross, 011 September i Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. ife of wMr. George White, oa son. Win fglaam, Weber 14th, 1897. 28th, the wife of Mr. Edward Massel of I Flour per 100 lbs.. .. ..... . 1 50 to 2 95 A SOD. i Fall Wheat old 0 711 to 0 75 MAURE.D 1'511 Wheat, new.. ..., .,0 73 to 0 75 , Spring Wheat 0 70 to 0 75 Potr,00k — Gu.Dm— At the rectory,Oats i . . . ,, .., . ..... 0 91 to 0 22 Bevil°. on Wednesday, October Oth,! Barley 0 25 to 0 27 Miss Elizabeth Guest,claughter or Itobt.poas 0 43 to 0 44 (nes, near Kinloss, was married by autter,-, . - ., „ 0 13 to 0 14 Rev. E. 4. lItel to Mr. Sydney PollocktiEggs per d. ., oz'en... ... , . 0 14 to 0 14 also of near Einloss. Itaromixo —HicannS.— At the residence of the bride's father, on October 13th, by Rev. D, Rogers, Mr, James A. 1 lerning, Tallow, per lb f merchanta G , lenannan, to Miss Jessie I Dried Apples, per lb L., eldest daughter oMr. Thomas Hig- Wool - • gi, of Turnherry.41 .1.1•••••MASSOMMOMINVINIONOMM11.1111,,WISMINIVONI, eeeert--13ossette—On October leth,i by Rev. D. Rogers, at, the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Luther Pepper to Miss Emma P. Bosnian, fifth daughter of Edward 13osman, Esq., all of Morris: Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of 0 chapter 110, Beaton 313. the creditors DIV33. ' Dawson, late of tho town of Wi County of Duran, and Province of abo 100.0,101::•3 Wood per cord, ... ..., 1 00 to Hay per ton , 5 00 to 5 50 Potatoes,per bushel, , 0 96 to 0 30 0 3 to 0 3 0 2 to 0 2a 19 to 91 tee.,..0••••••• • desired to reelto one or two stet FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15. 1897. - ilments made by Mr. Whitney. Upon revery platfOrm that gentleman had ------- !'ielaredthatit was time ter a change BDITOReer, NOTES PREMIER HARDY, who was Suf- fering from a cold is almost fully re- covered. IT is reported that the Quebec Government is about to abolish the Connell of Public Instruction, and have a regular Minister of Educe- • tion. A (melee from the Hon. W. S. Fielding, shows that the Finance Minister, has placed the proposed Dominion loan on the London mar- ket, The loan is for £2,000,000 sterling, and the rate of interest .13. 2.1 per cent. CANADA'S export trade in cattle in- creased from 78.355 in the first nine menthe of 1996 to 107,858, in the present year. This shows the bene- fits which resulted from the removal of unnecessary quarantine restriction effected by the present Governmesat -Ottawa. The Ottawa Free Press points out one significant feature of the Ontario Oppositkin leader'e speeches. M r. 'Whitney seems to believe it is his special commission to belittle every- thing the Government of Ontario does. That method of promoting his cause really shows how very limey his reasons are for demanding a change, if Mr. Whitney were candid he would aeknowledgo tha his real reason for opposing the Ad re, ministration is because he and his assoeiates are hungring and thirsting for power and the emoluments there of. n the Government: He asked- the question, who wants'a change and why is it wanted ? He was perfectly safe in stativg that it was Whitney& Company who 'want a • change, and upon every platform they loudly proclaim their anxiety for it. One gentleman had said in the Mail and Empire that a change heti been asked for long since. That was true but by whom ? 13v Sir Charles Tupper, who, according to his own statement, published in the Mail and Empire, wanted a change in the Government of Ontario in order that he might get back into power at Ot- tawa. • It is for the people of this province to state whether ' they. de- sire to have Sir Charles Tupper con- trol the Government of this province Mr. Whitney had stated that be.. is daily receiving letters from Liberals, througboat the province expressieg themselves as favorable to sect -1'64e: ac asked his hearers what their ex- rent. Therefore the matter would • perience was. Did they knots 0:?t* be more fully and more thoroughly any of their neighbors who had dealt With before the next years' changed their mind in that way ? licenses were issued. He assured He. had not been able to find anyone, them that the matter had not yet in all his travels throughout the pros been disposed of by the Government, vince who voted for the Government and the explanation received before that thought that it was time! with apelause. for a change. If the Government had been remiss in their cluty,it they are unable to explain their conduce in the adininistration of the affairs of the province. He agreed that they had no right to receive the sup- port of the: people. But had Mr: t Whitney shown any reason why he and his supporters,should replace the (Jovssmnent. ADMISTRA [ION SALE. do, 1887, Alexander Ileueneuroun—In 13luevale,on October mice Agent, who died on the Mit day of ghat9, in the aerie, laser - 14th; Walter Rutherford, aged 82 years, February, A. D.1897, aro ;Iquir I to send to J. A, 10 months and 18 clayo s.4 morn, ot the town of % ugl n, h, the County of The funeral will take place from his 1 iottii tare . ss,odicif idteocretre,tihoo Ild Oig'Iled admstratrix late residence to -day (Friday) at 1 p. ni. November, A. 0, 1897, 'air i • biatire:, raiduldstsedS3Yail for the Bluevale cemetery. descriptions, the toit particulars of their claim% DOA.11,—In Cuirass, Ori 00t01)Or 18t, statement of their accounts and the rriture of the 1897, Annie Marie, beloved wife of Chas. hereby given that the said administratrix will im- held by them. And notice is ..a`"earwig; or any) Edgar; aged 05 years, 1 mouth and 12 inedintely after the last mentioned clay proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among tho days, parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the calms of which she shall then have had notice. ANNIE, DAWSON, J. A. MORTON, meetings, but that paper bad persis- S vtdministratrix. Solicitor fol. AdministratriX. ngham, 12th October,1891. ed in continuing to pu.blish similar reports about other counties all equally misleading, and ignoring the corrections which had been made. 'PRE TIMBER POLICY. aff/aSPan. There had been considerable dis- cussion in the press and meetings of lumbermen in reference to the regu- lations respecting Wein timber, and it had been sought to create the im- pression that the Government had refused et grant the request of the lumbermen's deputation, which ask- ed that S. regulation be made requir- ing that all logs be sawn in the -Do- minion. The statement had, al o been made according to the newspaper reports by Al. Scott, thee the Govern ment had been guided in their action by the dietation of the ',American sttnated; Id) Tho amount of the authorised capital stock ; lumbermen. He gave that. state- (e) Theiarnt onto tiht3,ifineSrUeboanOT:ItCd or issued ment the most unqualified denial,and (1) 'ge mIt'Cuarrof each kind of empowered to carry on, and what kind or kinds is or are carried on done all that it could do by requiring in Ontario. n lakes default in complying that all logs cut under recent. 'ides withrptrloicvies?onir o?lti ae said . section it shall incur .'1A10.81 EXTRA -PROVINCIAL COMPANIES • PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that under the provisions of Section 101 of the °uteri° Companies' Act, every COMpAlly, NOT INCOPINIWAT1O/ HY Olt OMAR AUTHORITY t.), AN Aar 01! Ills Luotswapne oNTAmo, which 110W or prior to the first day- of November, A. 1). 1807, carries on business in On- tario, having gain for its purpose or object, for the carrying on of whieb a company might he incorpor- ated under the said Act. Khan, on or before the first day of November, A. D 1897, make out and trans- mit to the Provincial Secretary ft statement, under oath, showing ; (a) The corporate name of thc company; (b) llow and under what special or general Act the company was incorporated. d,cd the Acts amending 611011 special or general ; • ‘1'here the heat ofilee of the company is should be sawn in the Provinees also in the regulatian requiring that sup- plies should be purchased in Catiada, and Canadian workmen employed, They had been medal to protect the interests of Canada as far a Passible but they could not interfere with the conditions of licenses which are cur - EAST HUROH LIBERALS. ---Hon, Geo. W. Ross and Hon. Mr. :Davis Speak at Brussels. TWO ROUSING MEETINGS. REPLY TO THE MAIL. The Government were glad to have fair critieism, because they were prepared to answer it. The 0 -lobe had taken the trouble to send a special reporter to all the meetings held by Mr. Whitney during the tour of the province, in order that 'hey might give the public a fair and good report of what had been said at the mectinge. But, the Mail news The Liberals of East Huron •hada paper had not so treated the mem- grand rally at Brussels, on Friilay in bers.of the Government and had not the ioterests of Mr Alexander Hislop given to their readers the same in - Liberal candidate for the Legislature • formation respecting their replies to who has been nominated to carry the banner of Reform, which has for upwards of a quarter of a century been c trried so nobly and so consis— • tently by Mr. Thomas Gibson, the veteran member, whose familiar fig- . ure Will be missed in the next paella- znent, as be has decided to retire to well—earned rest, full eef honors. A pleasing feature of the meetings - which were admitted to have been the most enthusiastic that has been held in the riding, was the presence of the Opposition candidate and a number of Conservatives. AFTERNOON MEETING. At the afternoon meeting. the If chair was taken by Mr. A, C. Dames President of the East Huron Assoei— atiu. Mr. Ilisiop its 'warmly received. eft illtaseir however with pxtiiat all present would be nefited and edified by the addresses '%ber would hear, and modestly gave liZr. Whitney's criticism that the Globe had given respecting the Op position meetings. The public had come to the conclusion that the charges made by the Opposition were vague and indefinite after hearing the statements of the Ministers in reply. There was reason for a change at Ottawa, at the last elec- tion, but there was he sebse in the cry that the Hardy Government must be displaced because it is an old and faithful servant or because there is a Liberal Government at Ottawa. The Government believe in meking the expenditure of public money as care- fully as if it were their own funds. It is a business Government for a business people. To develop the re- sources of the provinee is the aim f the Government. The Governme had been accused by The Mail in series of articles of draining ti municipalities, which had bee •shown to be incorrect hr detail so tbe Provincial Secretary. in— which had been furnished at publl was BRUSSELS. The rate of taxation this year will be the same as last, 20.t mills on the There are twenty bands employed at the.Enterprise Salt Works here, and they have to hustle to keep up with tae orders, even when 'the pans are run at high pressure, night and day. Officers were elected in the Ep- worth League for the current term as follows: lion. President, Rev. S. J. Aliin ; President, 13. Gerry ; 1st Vice -Pres., Miss M. Moore ; 2nd Vice - Pres., Mr. J. Howe ; 3rd Vice -Pres., Miss Maggie Beattie ; 4th Vice -Pres., Miss Norton ; CoreSec., Miss Minnie McNaughton ; Rec. Sec., Miss E. E. Kerr ; Treesarer, Miss Lizzie Fergu- son. As per contract, Brussels Electric Light Company had the eew street lights running on Thursday evening of last week. They indended having a test of the circuit, engine dynamo on a evening prevsous, but ow- ing to a rash of work they were un- able te do so, Feeling confident that everything was pretty nearly all right on went the belt and away whizzed the machinery, and notwith- standing that everything was new, it worked like clock work to the pleasure of the people and the credit of Messrs Green & Mainprize. a penalty of twenty dollars per day for (Mot) ay during which such default continues, and every director, tune:ago; secretary, agent, traveller or salesman of such company who with notice of such default transacts within Onto+ lo any busines.s what- ever for such complog, shall for each day upon which be transmts sueh business incur a penalty of twenty dollars. Porms for the ;purpose of enabling companies to comply with the above ,movislobs, may be obtained upon application to the undersigneil. E. J. DAVIS, Provincial Secretary, Toronto. F1 -We will have a supply of Fresh Fish every week. Leave your • orders early, JOHN KERR GROCER, WINGHAM. All sizes at lowestyei (Whitechurch Station). Apply to R. J. DOBIE, WM:tech-lir ch. F .H. KERNEY, '201'i SOIL1AL ARTIST., Opposite Queen's Elotet, Wingham. For an easy Shave and a First-Clasi Hair Out, give him a trial. Razors Honed. IT'S NOT NECESSARY.... Tu lay aside your soiled or faded suits or overcoritoi, but take them to the Wingham Cleaning and Dy ing Woks, and have them clean- ed, dyed and repair©d to look like new. J. W. SNELL. Proprietor. Order your —AN D 1%1414X —FROM THE— MILSTEIN DAIRY. FRESH ME The Winghatu Firemen tested the' hose ptirehased from the Toronto Rubber Co, some time ago, on Tues- day and out of 12 lengths, 10 busted. They will be replaeed by the Cotnpany. Having ondd a bntcher shop in the Chisholm I3lock, I am in a posi- tion to supply tha public, with Fresh Meats of all kinds. We intend selling fer el Sto and therefore will sell at the lowest prices. Meat delivered to any part of the town. Give me a trial. H. C. OHITTICK. IN THE HUTTO IS OPEN, and we a,eeedy fo usiness with a fresh, up-to-date stock of /. Or Goods, Clothing, Batt and Shoes, Groceries: Everything that's kept in a fleet class store will bo found here, and at - prices that will sell at sight: Cafl. and see us in our new store, and we, will be pleased to show you through. R. G0 G•RDON. N. B. ---The highest priec paid for Butter and Eggs. ND! BUTCHER SHIP I wish to inform the p..ple of Wing_ ham and vicinity t 3 t 1 • ave opened out a butcher shop .p..ite the McDonald Block, where 1 c supply you with siteZeieelliveseettereeesseseasteetete BEEF, PORK, LAMB and all other kinds of -fresh meats at the lowest prices. (Nye me a call. RESS GUTTING SCHO The 1)001 of Dress Cutting s now. open in e Butto, Bloc( upstaire,. where Dres lutting?Wall - branches may bo loam, yfiw lor system,. the leading syst .df thorld, cuts all styles of garments . goods, no pat- terns no, refitting, ase ell the new curves, costs no mor a chart and is far above any • ler. in hod inmany points, lessons 'en at -yo own home or place of b ness without iy extra. charge. T Winglunn llidie should not miss is chance to perfect hem - selves t this important branch of ork. Open ally until the 20th of OA er. Fre exhibition in drafting germ to - Go evening. Girls frof the coun g en especial 'attention. J. E. SLIGH, Designer and Cutter of Ladies' Garments. IAMOND • aged 68. Rev, Canon Chance died at Pais- ley W. T. SULLIVAN Has jest received a nice line of FALL GOODS, . . in newest designs, including . . - • • I 1•-•-•-•--9- •••••• t, RATINGS, PANT1NGS, " OVIERCOATINGS, ETC.. -4- + 4-4 -.0- OCIVWSM`. U-5') EVERYTHING NOBBY AND UPssT0s4DA "A:114.11.• See My stock before purchasing elsewhere, W. 113. Opposite 13a,nk of Ilamilton. II/INGHAM ............e.•*31:••••••,•••••••••••••••••••lem TAILOR'S PARLOR, McKENZIE BLOCK, WINGHAM. To THE PUBLIC OF WINGITAM AND NEIGHBORHOOD: 1 have returned to Wingham and purpose devoting my whole time and attention to the Tailoring business, in the rooms lately vacated by Mr. Bari -and. where 1 shall hope to secure the patronage of my old friends as well as many new customers. After an experience of some length in one of the largest establishment, in Ontario, 1 feel confident that I can give every satisfaction, both in Style, Fit and Workmanship. 3E4M6 4Cie 4/40 )11.4 AML ItIC11 AO MoICENZ1E BLOCX,WINGILUVL 0 eesla to