The Huron Expositor, 1978-01-26, Page 3• . THE MURO t • P QS R , J e N.UARY 26,1978 x:positcir a sks_: (Continued from Page 2) should have the right to buy one," he added. Asked' about the possibility of somebody getting kild of. a gun and shooting another person, Mr. ;McClinehey commented that if a person wanted to get a gun, they'd be able to get one anyway. Mrs. Lorne Fell of R.R.2, ,taffa .thought that there •should be firmer, gun; control, • ' in the home, and if the gun isn't there, they're not going to be able to use It." she said. Mrs. F-" -A '4 "It if the,' guns weren't there she wouldn't rend about ehidlren getting r shot. She thought there should be strictegun control and that, people shOuld be asked What they want the gun for. Mr's. ferry P. Cronin of R.R.2, Dublin • agreed that there .should be stricter gun control "I don't think it Should' be sold cto just anybody. A gun has a purpose in its for ' people to go hunting. As for a' hobby, its out • of, the question," Mrs. Cronin said, Mrs. 'Harvey Craig of Walton thought there shotrld be stricter regulations, s just that they're like everything else. They should.be kept under control,'"sbe 'said. Mrs. Clifford liepti,erson:of R.R.3, Kippen said '"I think nitre ,should• be stricter 'gun control. There are, too many shootings." She said that people-who want guns shotild have to have a licence and be the type of person that is capable of handling a gun, • legislation. . "I don s t‘think there should be so many guns ' 11 4 I J ANUARY SALE CONTINUES EXTRA SPECIAL TABLE ur: 50%0F .• • FOR FREE "SHOPAT HOME CONVENIENCE' union CRS BUSINESS 482-9098 HOME 271-3523 SALE .5 AREA SEAFORTH - CLINTO'N NO DOWN PAYMENT .... EASY TERMS ON YOUR GAS BILL . (with approved customer credit) PHONE • RAE KNOWLES, 271-5531 The' advantages of this per- •sonalized Union Gas service . are many. Without having to.leave. the quiet of your home you can now be fully informed about any gas appliance, its match , ing •electridal appliance or other equipment you may be considering to purchase. This courteous Union Gas representative, who will not . obligate you in 'any way, is available to call upon you at your convenience. • "Brand Name" Home Appliances GAS APPLIANCES. — rangei, clothes dryers, water heaters, barbecues, fireplice gas logs an'd space heaters. ELECTRIC APPLIANCES — matching electric washers, refri- gerators and dishwashers to go with your home decor. . ALSO — freezers, humidifiers and electronic air cleaners. CHESTERFIELD SALE Save As Much As Off Manufacturers List Price Kroehler 2 pc. Suite gold, white — brown floral • Braerhore 2 pc. Suite Oberon Rainbow Kroehler 2 pc. Suite Dark Brdwn Plain Kroehler 2 pc. suite, also matching ottoman, Beige & Gold Plaid Troister 2 pc. Stifle Pewter-Plain Sklar 2 pc. Suite Green & White . Kroehler 2 pc. Suite Brown Plaid Braernore 2 pc. Suite Beige Rime' with Orange Trim Kroehler 2 pc. Spite, Gold & Rust Floral Mfg. Sugg. SALE PRICE 899.00 $579.00 697.00 $474.95 759.00 $47.6.00 898.00 $609.00 829.00 g549.95 719.00 - $449.00 919.00 $586.00 690.00 $447.00 746.00 $498.00 SEE THE SAVINGS ON' ALL OUR STOCK AT MAKING'A POINT Rosemary Van Dyk, a grade 7 student at St. Jan-les Schoo17 —was. the third prize ,winner in a Rdster content sponsored ,by the. Huron-Perth 1..tinb' Association and the Huron County Health Unit. Here she displays The-winning poster and receives her. prize from Health Nurse Marlene Price. (Expositor Photo) 4 THE UNITY MESSAGE The Seaforth Knights of Columbus have begun a campaign to support the idea of 4 'united Canada. Following A talk on unity to the students at St. Jarnes' School Monday, Phil Durand, grand Knight of the Seaforth K. of C. pinned a ,-button—saying student Terry Gould. The buttons were distributed td all students At the school. (Expositor Photo) • • • ' • • omethingco say •r" 11 Susan White . A bird in the house I'm not,superstitious, but then nbbody will admit to being superstitious, as,a Radio Noon phone in show on Friday,January 13 found , out. But my mind harkened •back to that radio show, ' and' the superstitions that callers reported (always saying first) "I'm :'not superstitious, but': after I went through what I did this weekend. Cdristance panes and nesting in corners and closets. , line, was at our place. He fixed-it up and gave - Mrs.. Art McMichael, and-Jesse Well we got rid of those birds as we fixed us prompt, courteous service. of Dungannon visited on Friday. window .panes and made the place secure and We're very sorry about that, fellow party afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Carl our luck from that.time to this has been 'very line members...but it's all because we had Merrier, Michael. and Shelley and good. ' • . . this bird in the house, see... . with.. • Mrs. Mary Scott, Mrs. Bryan. As of Friday, .1 think it's changed. That Things were looking up Sunday afterno6n, Wilkinson and Anthony. • morning I woke up to the sound of a moaning which means nothing bathhappened, just an ' Mr. and Mrs. Jim ThompsOn dog, That's not at all unusual but it was 9 , ordinary quiet day of rest. After a good dinner and Leisa of Colborne Township a.M., 'not 7 a.m.*and I was sure the better half at (3randmether's house the better half went spent .the , ,yveekend with— his . . had let the dog out 'earlier on his way to work. off to play IHI, hockey and I drove brother'Joe ' parents' Mr. and Mrs: Johr. ' , Upon investigating I fOund that the,,,dog was '. to Straitoid to get a train back to Oapille, , ThompsOn, Sharon and Bob. in the house still tied-up, after knocking' the . , • When we met at home later that night, Andy . , Mr. and Mr-s. Paul Stevenson, kitcheii door open, and so was a bird, flying had ,a 'very, green look fo'him. . . David, Darren and Luanne visited gaily around the kitchen andiperching_pti the • ' ,' He MO, to leaVe theitiorn, in fact, when, I . ' on-Sunday-with-Mr.-and Mrs. Ron big plants that lin. the floor in front of the ' asked irhe wanted to•feed Gaby her pnbium. .Frayne of St. Marys' and with Mr. Half.an hour later, it 'was clear that he'd, been ' ' and • Mrs. Ron Herman of hirwit.h a violent attack of. the flu and was in Stratford: ' ' trouble 'al both end's. . ' ' • ..L . Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson. He's in bed as I'write. this, trying to get '. John 'and Elizabeth attended a . 11 soiiie sleep after being up and down all night family" gathering on Suitday held ' long. The mere ,thought of food makes him ' at the borne el, Mr. and Mrs. ., groan. He'll recover, I think and Gaby and I , '''':, Raymond Neill of Winghafn. ' • . • are, gleating• a bit as we; so far. remain the ' A family gathering was held at picture of health. , , •.. the home Of Mr. and Mrs. John What I want to know though is, how long , Warnmes on Saturday evening on ' does the bird in the house run of bad luck last?the , occasion of their 35th wedding • 'anniversary. Congratulations and may they have many more. McKillop JUNIOR FARMERS' Expo. Seaforth Juntor Farmers elected their nelkofficers at a meeting at S.D.H.S'. Tuesday " night. From left, front' are - Nancy Diet z, Treasurer; Venda Storey, • County Director; Back, Randy Wilson, Vice, Brad Carndohan, Jim Landsborough,- County Director •,and Kevin Kale, Secretary. (Expositor Photo) VELOURS In Stripes and Plains 3.50 To 8.98 yo. T-SHIRTING Suitable for Shirts or Polo Pkilitnas 97'S‘D. New Arrival Of SPRING FABRICS Corriing 7Dur New aRIDAL ROOM WATCH FOR' ITS"OPENING Niciry's Sewing Centre "Your Authorized Whited Etna Sewing Machine Deal•e, "ii—v-renyarit ;814034 It all started with,a bird in the house. I can't remember exactly what that portends but I do, ,.remember that it means bad luck of sbme- sort. Now, a couple of .years ago there, were "all' kinds of,birds in our house. They lived there, along with bees'and the raccoons Who Prowled' the rafters. - Many's the potential admiring Visitor who came out to see what sort of a house in the country the better half and I had bought arid were turned off the whole venture by the-sight , of birds flying in and out the broken •window": „;..........0,41iii4 , • . in thel cold and "the rest of the morning w611 not .too badly. But the bad luck from the bird , ,in the house has been dogging uS ever since. , , '' At least' I assume that's what the bad luck comes from, since I haven't broken a mirror, - failed to pick up a pin, stepped on a crack. , put my clothes on inside out and, changed them. " - - Friday afternOon's sudden snow blow scared me into cancelling 'a trip' to town and . some important work at the Office. I' stewed a bit.labett that. But it wasn't til Sunday that I started to see some sort of a pattern in bad news All day occurrences, ASaturday our phone was out of order: That's bad luck but becoming fairly"' common as4we skirmish with-Bell Canada over . the private line we've been waiting' for since . , Jurie:-' But Sunday morning when the • repairman-came the problem. which, had , interfered with all the phones on our party • Mary Merner. Correspondent 482-7143 _ I Annual Hi Fi And Record Sale Starts Feb. 2 At 10:00 A.M. 16 Ontario Strec Stratford • 271 .2960 HOURS - Daily 10 a.m. to 6 P.m. Friday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. glass doors to the deck. • . It took me a good half' hodr, • including Confidence restoring call to hubby at Work, but I got that bird our...by opening a window and , • directing him to it with a cardboard box. That lowered the temperature inside a further -few degrees and it 'Was already cold .from the 'kitchen door being open for however long it took the dog to rouse me. , ' The baby and I suffered through breakfast Mrs. Ed.Regele Correspondent isitOrs With ,tv1r. and Mrs. Ed Reg we Mr. aril:If-NSF., Clarence Regele #5 5*aforth Wednesday afternoon and Mr. and' Mrs. Stanley Preszcator of Crediton 'on Sat urday aftertroon. Mr., Harry, Regele' #.l Dublin a was Ratient -last week in Seaforth Community 'Hospital. Mr. Ronald •and Gordon Koehler of 'Western Provinces spent last week with Mr. Elmer Koehler and visited with .their mother, Mrs. Elmer' Tcoehier who is a, .patient' in Sea forth Coaemunily Hospital. • Annual Meeting of, the Huron-County Wheat Producers • held1n.the Agricultural Board Room, Clinton at 430. TueSday, Feb. 1-4 Irving lOcimani, Chairman of the Board 'will be guest speaker. Marketing and Achninistritive Expenses are in, Excess of 40c per Bushel. •