The Huron Expositor, 1978-01-05, Page 14thirds 'oethe white bean acreage , problem that is be-yond the Governnient'S liquor stores. But to--possible broader Police Act ,... are covered by crop inserance,He., .-jerisdiction . of the provincial goyernment spokesmen insisted -: ehanges • from municipalities, • "said, that as of Deen-c-eige-e—..1, $7.5 g ov ernmen t any w.ay -: a . that no jobs were being phased police associationsi.etc. million have been paid in claims CemmiSsion that was established , out, and no permanent employees Amendments to: 'the Ontario with the total expected rise to despite constant protests.from the , would. be laid off. The Minister Mental Health Act, intended to $9. million. . • Liberal. Party 'that it would be ,a said the reduced- touts could improve the civil liberties of., The Minister also announced total waste of public money.. Bob -produce savings of $500,000 in' psychiatric patients and protect. this week thafbe will'commission Nixon, former Liberal Leader, „ wages next _year. Officials _saide the confidentiality of,. their a study of the benefits and cost to pointed out folloWing 'publicatiOn : some, part-time workers could liOspffal records • have been Ontario of the Provinces partici- of the Auditor's' repert, that the ' find ,their wotkl• week sharply introduced: The aMendments-are pation in the National Milk commission was "a crass political reduced at' stores, ' restricting described by . the Minister' as -7—SU-p-Plrittanagernetit program_ —Appointment in the first pface;=----opeiring-:hours;',and-they---might-,--„-"inteiim-:cnange.s.-,of. theLA-et4hat . Diming the consideration of the if there'g a villain of the piece, it's decide the jobs are' not worth the require immediate , consider.- expenditure estimates .of the the Premier."pay, and leaye. atiorel' It is understood' that while Ministry of Agriculture and .Food, stores willood, e' . .Ninety-seven , . lop one day:-off their- the proposed legislation might die l'` expressed `conc.:rn • about the In an effort to keep track of operating `-hours, cutting 'back it'wo on the order Paper, uld form number of Ontario Milk traffic offenders,. Ontario may tie from six to five days, and 23 of the ' - the basis ' .for •- continuing Producers who have run out, of motor vehicle licence plates to the stores also will eliminate either. discussions ,with in legal and market share, qtiota Icing before driver, not the car, according to Thursday or Friday evening hours health prOfession circles about ' the end of the. dairy year. We the Solicitor General, The &further 06 stores will eliminate 'chang es in -the Mental. Health seem to' have an undesirable Honourable Frank Drea. The store hours on either a Thursday'. Act.., The .a.mendmentS would reduce the time a person .may be situation ..-in Oltritario . where PrOejsk"Auditor reported that, or Friday night, 'detained . involuntarily on the becau processors say /the can't buy Rath erthey million in unpaid court- fines, legislation which it has proposed, days to 72hours. During the -72- milk but can't sell it enough milk and prod because-the mostly for traffic offences. At the Government has withdrawn a' hour period the person must be y present, when a car is sold, it is bill which Would permit the either, released, admitted to a hove -run .out of emote. , accompanied by the license plates replacement of: judges on police psychiatric hospital voluntdtily or •- As a result of the deliberation but provihciarofficials consider if commissions by other Cabinet ' admitted involuntarily. A second of the Committee members the owner is required to retain the appointees, The Liberal art doctOr would be required ' to .. during ihe estinites, and also at plates and put them on the nekt intended to push for major conduct the psychiatric assess- a meeting of theirommittee with car he owned, it would not be so amendments to, the bill--amend- meat if the person is to be 'the Milk Marketing Board, the, difficult to trace drivers 'who owe merits which the Government was admitted-against his will, Current Minister appointed a committee fines. Earlier this year, Attorney not prepared to accept. The Police legislation allows one doctor to to draw up terms of reference for General Roy McMurtry, reported Act now requires a board of police detain a patient involuntarily for. the study with representation that experience in the United - commissioners to consist Of the tip to 30 days, if the doctor from the' Ontario Milk' States indicates that an efficient, head of council, a county district believes the person is a danger to Commission,. the Ontario Milk enforcement system for minor judge selected by Cabinet and a his own safety or the safety d Marketing Board, the Ontario traffic offences depends "on third person chosen by Cabinet. Dairy Council and the' Ministry of . „-. others, Agriculture and Food. _ - „ Factors to ge examined include WON‘icrezozwxviANN.Nrozez...z..2zvcip;Ais - . r 4 the size of the Ontario market and the share filled ,by Ontario ' processors; the effects of with- drawing front' the Federal Program on, the producer, the processor and the consumer; and ' possible alternetive arrange- , ments that could be made to the present Federal Program. The Federal Supply Manage-, meet program Which Ontario is a member has been operating for seven years. All the provinces are currently members of the Federal Program. The Auditor's Report, was tabled in the Legislature giving details of It letirtuing wasteful epehding. There has -litbseefiently been considerable dontroVerSy about the expenses of the La Marsh comMisioti on Violence in the rrim Counitations • . , , • Agriculture and Food. Minister, -Industry. its total cost to the denial' of -vehicle' registration The Government wanted. to Bill Newman, met. with, can taxpayers w a s $Z, 026, 245. renewal and a denial of licence change the law to require the Dealers and the Bean .Proollibers Travelling expenses 'included renewal rather than a ' simple council' head and two persons:' Marketing Board to discuss, the extravagant lase of government suspension of existing 'appointed by the' Cabinet_ to forward commitments ., Made to aircraft and cars•,-as-well as a taxi privileges." " .coinprise va, Board, Liberals buyers of white beans and came bill of $54315. One limousine bill HughC., O'Neil, Liberal MPP -wanted to 'go a step further arid to the conclusion.' that is pot $658--to trLsport." two (QUinte) 'questioned the Minister prohibit -judges from sitting on justification for the government to Commission members and "two of Consumer and .Comiriercial police , 'comnikssions. - previde:.assistance -tither than staff members to a conference Relation. Larry Grossman, about , wanted to give muercipalitiesi tee, crop' insurance: . held in , Kingston, .H Fourteen the numbe, of employees affeeted . Power, to appoint two of the three, In expectation of record crops European were visited„ by the government decision to commissioners--in 'effect taking., in Ontario, 852,900 bags of No, :1 ' cost to taxpayetis $46,.000: Five cut back 'on operating hours in - control, of the commission away beans were forward Sold. U.S. cities were visited, at a cost , over 150 liquor stores across the from Qeeen's Park. The SeilicitOr- The :white bean crop, hoWever, of • $10,000. ,To add insult • to 'province. As many • as .`,00 General quietly withdrew the bill suffered considerable daMage injury, $3,360" Was spent on temporary ..'and Part-time jobs from thi'S week's order,-of due to 'wet weather this fall. Mr. photographic . prints of could beaffectedby reduced hour§: business, commenting that out Newman pointed out that .about- Commission members.' All this to go into effect next January at amendments were too radical and 100;'000 • acres representin g" twos fora Commission to investigate a nearly one-third' of Ontario . he wanted time to gather reaction • e • • Opposition tp gun control mystmes writer • Jack's Jottings . am mystified by)the 'tremendous opposition from farmers to more sensible gun control legislation. Regular readers of this column are ,aware- I guess almost to the, point of nausea, of my hatred of, .guns, I'm osuggesting that guns should be Mere diffiLeilt to get and gun licences should be strictly policed. At no time bevel suggested that no one should be alloWedeto own .a gun - just that it should be more dif- ficult. I am well aware Of the fact that anyone who wants to get a ,gun to perform a criminal act such, as robbery, 'well, that person will get,a gun no matter how, difficult it is. No, I am talking about the' guns ,that are carelessly kept, carelessly stored; about careless. people who are allowed to own one; about those ei-didn't.knowet-was- loaded" guns. Readers have been regaled two, .or ehree times in this • column about the many cases of neglect, even downright., criminal negligence, displayed by a 'few stupid gun-toters in the province, It is not necessary to repeat myself. Every time I write a column against guns, the lettere come pouring in calling me everything but a gentleman. That's fine. It's:supposed to be a free country' and 'you are as weleome as e am' to present, your opinions: The ducks decimated, shot on the ground. Holstein farmer, Jim Calder had two horses shot. He also: lost a .couple of .hOgs to slob hunters. Marianne :Braun, of Conn, Ont., keeps laying hens; beef cattle and a farrow-to-finish` pig enough to make you. puke. In ,mid•Getoher, -Mount For Friday, January 13. Dr. George Recent stories in Faun -•and ,Country megezine are , one farmer complained that rogue hunters took potshots at his.herSes when they couldn't find any deer, .A.spokes- chairman _of elle Farm est farmer Henry Hoffman found his Hoek of white geese . man' for a henter group Suggested:L."Get 'em (horses and Products Marketing Board, Ontario. Ministry of Agrictiltur and Food, will discuss marketing , opbortunities ,.for horticulturdl ' ---Struthwestern, Ontario Crop Improvement ,Assocaition, . and several commodity groups. crops. The Ladies' Day. program .on buts bear: cro p • travel is scheduled for Tuesday farmers and I find this difficult to underetane.. ' • Of all.people whO should support 'stricter regulations of firearms, it should be farmers. Feed Dealers Association. (Expositor Photo) Most vehement opponents to stricter -,regulations ate - his or her land'. problems ,of wind and water - erosion. - Vegetable crops and burley tobacco sessions L will be held No assistance, insurdpcp, cog • .04* SO rs \\it fki ITANNWO P+12 NAN 1: WIZ ANN WA Watch for "The • Energy Savers" column starting next week inn this paper, It dill give you ' practicil ideas-on how to save energy-r and money-around your home ,and in your car. • • This- makes a lot of sense to- me and should become • raw as soon es possible. e4,, • • - . Ara meeting. this fall attended by hunters and farmers, afternoon, January 0.• Day care - , facilities are available on that day m in is -er decides f t rom 10 a.m, to 4 p.m.. fi vestacki.inttired and they'll be all right.” ' . . The`onlY way to deal with'a mentality like that is legis: 'late the slob Out of hunting altogether': - ,. r. . Aerictiltural; topics ranging 'tram, farm management, to - soybeans • will; be Covered at southwestern Ontario Farmers ' Wee January 9 - T3. "Mere than 5000 people' are expected to attendconferencee sessions at Ridgetown College of Agricultural Tecbnology (RC,AT), 20 miles east of Chatham. ' • Conference publicity chairman, • R.W.Johnston, says six programs, including a Ladies' operation. She °iced out-her •window this fall and, saw a • Day program, are .scheduled,.. hunter (?) eising,her cows and calves as a screen for . dairy v ecsattotelek -will 11 goats, b t beeftopics fnodr stalking,wildgeese. Cattle and farmers alike, during the hunting -.season, are fired oualrerist daily. FeW people in :Ontario need ,to be told abput the net deer, Becky; which was shot last year on 'the, ciutskirt5 of Holstein. It was probably the best-known deer in•On- tario, almost as fambes as Walt Dieney's Bambi. ' To. get at the friendly' deer, a great white hunter cut • Gibson, director of thet/Ceesempre away an.eight-foot wire fence, drove the terrified animal' . Marketing Branch, Ontario Ministry of Agricultine and - ' Food, will discuss the Ministry's -- new Foodland. Ontario campaign to promote ()Mario food products. Corn and, field bean sessions are Scheduled Wednesday, on soybeans'and becoming law, cereals, and land management The bill amends the Petty. Trespass Act and calls for .are scheduled Thursday, January FEED DEALERS PRESIDENT — Jim Cunningham, , written permission before a hunter can'crOss a farmer's 12. There will lee discussion on. general manager of Topnotch Feeds„ Seaforth, has land and a $1,000 fine for trespassing. It also removes - •seYbeanbarvesting prohlerns, the _been elected'-'president of the; Ontario Grain and liabilityjeom a landowner in the event of an accident•on -petential of winter'barley, .and bogged'down in cornnittke...tiut it has every chance ei* January I1, into the open ateithen blasted it with a 16-gauge shotgun. Yet farmers oppose legislation to tighten gun control. Why r-„- ' • Bob Eaton, an articulate young legislator who -is, parlia- mentary secretary to. Agminister Bill Newman, has , placed a bill before the province which should help farm- ers considerably. As this is written, the 'has been. -I sessions on Monday, January 9 ' Farm management, including preparatior of tax returns, and, marketing strategies will, be discussed during the sessions on Toesday, January 10. Donald C. .expected. at II Farmers Week spoo ore pin/7 nqharn Ci rcim -MONDAY NIGHT [starting Jan.9 1978] • BADMINTON'--10 weeks OFF-LOOM ,WEAVING - 10 weeks, , CROSS-COUNTR' SIC11NG - MONDAY NIGHT [starting Jan. 16, 1978] KITCHEN REMODELLIN & 'DESIGNING - 10 we s • LINGERIE ,EyviNG BASIC - 10 weeks LINGERIE SEWING - ADVANCED', - 10 weeks POTTERY - 10 weeks FITNESS & WEIGHT CONTROL - 1(eweeks .-WOOtAVORKING - MEN & WOMEN - 10 weeks 'WEDNESDAY might , [Starting January 11,1978] FIRST AID 'STANDARD - 8 weeks GROWING AS PARENTS 10 weeks HOLLYWOOD AND THE MOVIES - - 10 weeks LADIES FITNESS • 10 weeks POTTERY 10 weeks TYPING - GENERAL • 10 weeks MONDAY NIGHT [Starting Jan. 9, 19781 BADMINTON - 10 weeks BRIDGE - INTERMUDIATE - 10 Weeks GOO 10 weeks GYMNAe'TICS FOR ELEMENTARY STUDENTS - 10 weeks SPEED READING -.10 Weeks < `THURSDAY NIGHT ,I starting Jan-12, , '1978]' „ LADIES FITNESS MONDAY NIGHT [Starting J an.9; CERAMICS / 10 weeks HAIRDRESSING -.8 weeks . J APANESE'EMBROIDERY -:10 weeks MACRAME'', 10 weeks POTTERY - 10 weeks UPHOLSTERY - .10 weeks • •e Huron County Board Of Education .Evening Cfasses I4 4ti GODERsICR DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE SOUTH HURON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL tcENTRAL HURON ,SECONDARY;.SCHOOL CLINTON- PHONE 482-3471 TUESDAY NIGHT [starting .641.10;19781 ART - PAINTING - 10 weeks CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH" - 10 • weeks HIRST -ft:115 = 8' weeks . sEAFOtii-Fr DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL 4. . . TUESDAY NIGHT • [sArting Jan.10, 1978] MACRAME - 10 weeks F.E. MADILL SECONDARY SCHOOL • Tuesday, January 3 and Thursday, January 5 from 8 7 10 pen. with 8 'Solitday afternoon sessions to follow. - • „..-• • • --I ••.• r•'• • ,..1-1UNTER SAFETY - 8 weeks INCOME TAX - 5 weeks . INTERIOR DECORATING-- 10 weeks 10 weeks STRETCH SEWING (Basic. '&w STEP 'DANCING - 10 Weeks Advanced) - 10 weeks jr1-- WOODWORKING - 10. weeks , WELDING - 10 weeks STARTING MONDAY, FEBRUARY.13., 1978'] . GOLF WINGHAM PHONE 357-1800 MONDAY NIGHT [starting ApriI3, 1978] GOLF FOR BEGINNERS - 8 weeks EXETER .-PHQNE 235-0880 TUESDAY NIGHT' [starting Jan. 170978] FIRST AID ( ST. JOHN'S( - 10 weeks WEAVING FOR BEGINNERS 10 weeks • GODERICH-=PHONE 524.7353 WEDNESDAY NIGHT [starting Jan. 11, 19781 .LADIES' SPORTS NIGHT - 10 weeks MACRAME - 8 weeks . MEN'S SPORTS NIGHT • 10 weeks THURSDAY 'NIGHT I Starting January 19, 1081 CERAMICS - BASIC - tO weeks DEVELOPMENTAL READING 10 weeks... •• OA ALL • • . TO BEGIN IN JANUARY - METRIC [For building trades.] - 5 Week's To BEGIN IN 1VIAReli GARDE ZING - 5 wee-1ml TO BEGIN IN APRIL - TENNIS . 5 weeks WEDNESDAY NIGHT :[starting 4an.1 A, 1978] OIL PAINTING 10 weeks QUILTING 10 weeks TUESDAY NIGHT [starting April 4, 1978] STRETCH KNIT FABRICS. - 10 weeks THURSDAY NIGHT , [ STARTING inn. 12, 1974] STRETCH SEWING - ADVANCED 10 weeks • e WEDNESDAY NIGHT [Startiug Jan.18, 1978] ' AUTi0MOBILE MAINTENANCE w eeks , WOMEN - 10 weeks CROSS COUNTRY SKIING -. BEGIN- NERS - 10 weeks CROSS. CQUNTR%' SKIING - INTERMEDIATE - 10 weeks 'FLOWER ARRANGING 5 weeks NEEDLEPOINT AND BARGEI10, 10 weeks WEDNESDAY NIGHT [Starting Jan.11, 19781 CROCHETING - 10 weeks ' CROSS COUNTRY SKIING - 10 weei s FLOWER. ARRANGING - 10 weeks FURNITURE REFINISHING - 10 weeks SILK SCREEN -ETCHING - PRINT MAKING •IL STARTING TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1978); COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHY - • • ADVANCED Whether your need is to borrow or to' lendor to trust, your fiTst cOnsideration- • must be security. 'That is Why. this old established company puts e first.prudenc 'while earnestly striving to secure tor you the-beSt financial adva•ntage;.• - • . bytixt etisr$ are aiLatretated ,by B , tfotter, 'Eldolei Rd Einurs. Ont . N311 2C 7 • 1...•a. • , . L • I a 14-.THE,HURON EXPQSITOR, 'JANUARY 5,'+1978 • • 9, —14' Manager um iimted- Cunningham,:artTh‘ Topnotch h a Generals,17, beeed be Qiain en arniodinlite_d-O 'ee cif Winnipeg, elected preeident Of the Ontario Ass n of LomPensetcRhioairsd,sona subsidiary{ J and, So TRUST COMPANY SINCE. --1.589 ••• assoc. With, a InernherShie Of approximately 400 ntertibpr firme, - as well as. about 100' associate members from the supply trade, the- Ontario Grain and Feed Dealers Association• serves to Ron-tote thelnferartrollhe feed trade in Ontario and to act as its spokesman' to Government and other sectors of the grajns • industry. , — Mr. Cunningham is past chairman of the Onteele edivision 'of the Canadian 'Feed Menefee- turere Association and currently 'represents feed manufacturers on the Ontario Grain Corn Council, Topnotch Feeds Limited• operate branches at 11, locations Ihreughout 'Ontariao. Security first