The Wingham Times, 1897-09-10, Page 44 CORKS, RUBBER RINGS, BOTTLIN S'P1 O ES, ETC. .And all seasonable goods at the lowest price at VIPLI k MMUS Harz gist, Etc., At c] be sure ::nd buy them bcf•lre tl p. rn. for we close at that time every night excepting .Saturday. TO A.D VERVT_SERS. Notice et' ehan„ es must be left at this t.l'fi. c nut tater than Saturday The copy ! rr Chan gee inter., he eft nut later than 'rues - dry evening.. Casual advertise• a tents accepted up 10 noon '1'ihursdal• of each lvicek. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1897. AL NON S. Large quantities of Canadian fresh fruit and vegetables, c insisting or peaches pears and tomatoes, are be. ing shipped in cold storage to the British markets. There are hi•r hopes for the fatnre of this class of' exports. "I predict that a the close of this century we are •o havethree y(-::rs of such prosperity as the oldest of those present here has not witnessed" Ftltt,,l11 Gurney, ex -president of the Toronto Toronto Board of Trade, at the Director's laneheon, Industr; tl i Nhii,ition, Monday. 11.txr i' :. l:ds of Mr. I. E. Bl w:uan, ex—M. P. for No't'•l Waterloo, will reset to hear of his :leach, after a 1o.1. ]lhiess. 11L. la„1'n1at1 hfiti 1,(xn ill pUIale iii'( municipal and national, slur; 1:157. lie »('tired from I'ar- nt before the last gezf'ral elec- tion. Ile was a dilt•ctor of the On- tario Mutint I Life :1>suranee Coin pany fr •lt f •r:lulation in 18133 till Lis d .:.r.h A joint stock Colnpany, to be known as the Livingston Linseed Oil Co., is in the possession of the oil mills at I3aden. The new firm started business on August 30th. R. M. Ballantyne : The dairy far- mers of Western. Ontario, without any material addition to their herds are making $1,50 out of the cheese this year, where they only made $1 last. Hawkins, the negroe porter who fled from. Washirgtolh with $$9,000 belonging to the office of the collect- or of taxes, and who was arrested at Toronto, has reconsidered his decision to waive extradition, and niay fight it. News Notes. Labor day celebrations throughout the country were duly observed. West Bruce Te•ich.rs' Association meets at Paisley on 2:ird and 24th of September. The first carload of Ontario fruit from Winona reached Winnipeg in prime condition. The Chri<ttnas show of the Guelph Fat Stock Ctub will be held on the .9th and 10th of December. An Austrian priest named Gentili— ni claims to have discovered a certain cure for cancer, by eating lizards. No. 1 hard Wieat wgs quot ::1 at 80 1 82 cents in Ma,hitoba and 95 to 96 : float at Fort William, on Tuesday. Churches, schools and public build inga to the extent of $100,000, in Walkerton, are exempt from taaa- tion. Sir Charles Tupper, instead of tak. ng a trip to Italy as he intended, will return to Canada. leaving Eng- land on the Oth inst. F. E.Karn, teller of the Molsons Bank,Chnton,is in a critical condition of health having had several hemor- rhages, which have left him very weak. Miss Sarah Frank, head milliner for Coyne & Co, Ingersoll,was attack With a very severe pain in her head while at work, and died in a few minutes. Young Allison was committed to Berlin jail on Friday, by Magistrate Tarnbuli, of Galt, to stand his trial at the fall ass vs for the murder of Mrs. Antho x'y Orr, A. M. Kay, of Stratford, and Mrs. W. H. , err, of Brussels were called to Ary to attend the funeral of their Weil, Jas. Kay and old resident of Chat place, which took piaci: u„ nattratl.t} afternoon. There are more than four thousand men at work on the several sections of the Crow's Nest Pass railway, and there is no doubt but the whole line will be completed well within the time first estimated by the Canadian Pacific railway management. A very serious, if not fatal accident was narrowly averted on Friday morning at Clinton, Mrs. Gralis had boarded the Toronto train to see her daughter off, when the train started. She waited till it had developed a rapid rate of speed and when near the London road she jumped. She fell under the side of the car, the wheels brushing her el: •thing as they passed, but fortunately no serious re- sults followed beyond a severe shak- ing up. W IN ca LIA M •I'L 1 HES, SEPTEMBER 10, 1b97. Boxtn. JI.e,vrrt--In Gorrie, on August 29th, the wife of Mr. W. Heath; a daughter. IL srii.---It Newick, on August 27th, - the wife of Mr. Hames llastie; a daugh- ttqqI� -ixsuloN--10 Morris, on September 2nd, the wife of Mr. 'Phomas Skelton; a daughter. V' MARRIED STEEP--Pr.BADNO•--.At the Rattenbery St. parsonnge, on Sept, 1st, by Rev. R. Mil!yard, John Steep to Miss Charlotte Fleming, both of Clinton. V'oc0e1—Uzl?I.T.•--At the Baptist par- sonage Wingham on September 8111, by 12ev. Jas. Hauniton, Dir. David Pocoelc, of Tnrnber-ry` to Miss :Vary A. Uzell, of Langsicle. Orr IMc'Cr,At'ava rr•--NIAnals--At the resi- byncRe eovr. thRe bd'ysapradrenatsss,isotu (.3,' epty. leR Stewart, James McOlneherty, to Jennie I Edith. youngest daughter of Mr. Geo, Nimens, all of Clinton.... DIED V M r;Rnoen---In Ashfield, on Sept, 2nd, Alexander Murdoch. aged 67 yeare./1” Bor.r--In Fordwich. on August 19th, diary Jane, infant daughter of Mr. nanois Bolt. GeBu rorl—In Wingham, on Sept. 4th, Norma Irving, only child of Mr. and Mrs. J sao Button, aged 1 year and 23 days yNFE.t—In Morris, on September 2nd. ,•eorge Herbert, infant son of Mr. and - Mrs. James Snell, aged 1 month and 12 days. II1f/' ABaAtI 4.1,I—In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on September 3rd, Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Abraham, of Turnberry. aged 2 years and 8 months. Ross—At Port Elgin, on Sunday, Aug- ust 29th, E'sie Milne,• wife of Arthur Ross, and mother of Rev. John Ross, Brussels, ager] 09 years, 2 months, and 7 days. LISTOWEL. Mrs. Tatham has returned home from Guelph, after undergoing a very successful operation, at the General Hospital, She speaks 13ery highly of the institution and the care she received there. William McKeever, of this place, a youth 19 years of age, went to Toronto Friday evening to see the Exhibition. IIe went to the Bull's Head Hotel, corner of Niagara street and \Vellington 'avenue, for the night, and got up about 8 o'clock Saturday morning and had his bi eakfast. Then he went into the bar, paid his bill, and strolled out on the sidewalk. In another moment he fell forward on the planks, and when bystanders lifted the prostrate form life had fled. A doctor was hastily summoned, but all the could do was to confirm the already very apparent fact that death had come with startling suddenness. LAST WAWANOSH. bad, so that there were no buyers VW/ are pleased to learn that Jas, from there. The receipts included VanCamp' has recovered from his 1,253 sheep and lambs, 800 hogs, 7 recent illness of the past two months;alves and about a dozen hnilch cows also that Robert Owens has recover- and springers. Export cattle — ed from his severe cold:. Prices ruled from 4gc to 4 -ac per lb., Miss Harrison and her mother, 6th several deals being made at $4 65 line, attended the Industrial Fait' at per cwt. One extra choice load sold 'r't.ronto last week. A number more for 4 e per 19. PooLer cattle sold from this township also took in the for 4- c per lb. There is a good de- fair. L. 1Vebster returned home marid for butchers' meat at present, and prices ruled well up for really Sunday, after spending a week with 0110103 cattle. Prices ruled from 3c friends on the Gth. to 4c per lb., the most of the trans - James Scott spent Sunday with his actions being made in the vicinity cf niece, Mrs. Webster, of Hallett.31C per ib. Common cattle were Mrs. Easterbrook, of Burlington hard to sell at 2'c to 2 ie per ib. I lains� decamp oiled by her daughter One ear load of cattle, 1,150 lbs. Mrs. Fletcher, have been the guests average, sold for $47 50 each ; one of Mrs. John Coultes, sr. ear load, 1,150 lbs. average, $3' 35 Mrs. Jasper Cook is ill at present. per cwt.; 14 cattle, 803 lbs average, Mr Nicol is somewhat improved. 31e per Ib. Bulls—A bunch of ilp Freddy Cook continues rather bulls sold for 1A -c. Choice. export • poorly. bulls sell fur from 3•tc to Sic per lb , Miss Johnston was th3 guest of odd choice ones bringing 4c per lb. Missflallidayr, Thursday last. Stockers and feeders—Prices ruled VMrs. J. Henry )(returned home from Live Stool[ Markets East Buffalo, N. Y., Sept, 7.— Cattle—Receipts, 7 cars .on sale ; market steadier to easier, for good grades ; common stockers dull and slow ; veale steady, at $5 to 57. Hogs—Offerings, 30 cars on sale, market dull and lower ; Yorkers, $4.40 to 54.45 ; mixed 54,35 at 54 40 mediums, 54.30 at $.1.35 ; heavy, „5.30 ; roughs 53.50 to 53.70 ; stags 5:3.50 to 83. Sheep and Lambs- 18 cars on sale, half Canadas ; mar- ket steady for good grades; other dull ; culls to best native lambs, 54. 25 to 55.70 ; sheep, $2.25 to 54.25 ; wethers, 54.35 to 54.45 Toronto, Ont., Sept. 7.—Including the car loads of stuff which arrived to day, there were 70 ear loads on the boards to day. The run ot stuff being rather light,' there was a slightly firmer feeling to trade, but prices did not advance appreciably. One of the chief items of business was the buying of stockers for 13uf- fah:. Montreal trade is reported MARHET REPORTS. WINOIIAN. Wingham, September 9111, 1897. Corrected by 1'. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs 1 50 to 2 40 Pall Wheat, old .. Fall Wheat, new.......... 0 78 to 0 82 Spring Wheat....0 78 to 0 85 0 75 to 0 80 Oats, 0 21 to 0 23 Barley 0 25 to 0 30 Peas . 0 40 10 0 42 Butter,.... ...... .. .. 0 11 to 0 12 Eggs por dozen 0 Ray per ton 5 10 to 0 10 Woodper cord.... .... 1 00 to 1 25 00 to 5 50 Potatoes, per bushel, new0 40 to 0 40 Tallow, por Ib 0 3 to 0 3 Dried Apples, per lb 0 2 to 0 2} Wool 19 to 21 •)3,. for 1, .!, . stockers to 36 Saturday last after a three • months' Vr good feeders for farmers. Mr. V. visit with her children in Manitoba.Crealerk bought 53 heads for Andrew Taylor leaves on Monday Buffalo, for which he paid from next to attend school, his many 5.2 80 to $3 per cwt. Farmers' friends wish him success. steers sell wc11 enough from 31e to Dairy Idarkets Ingersoll, Ont., Sept. 7—Offerings, 5,645 colored and 310 white; salesmen bid 9c for colored and 94e white; salesmen holding for 10e. Chicago, Sept. 7—Butter Market Steady; creamery, 12c ® 17e dairy 9e ) 15c, cheese steady, at 9e ® 91•e. 'Sic. Sheep and lambs—The de— mand for export sheep is improving, and a good mauv of these will be wanted next week. Prices rule from 31e to 3 e for good ewes, and 3e per lb. for bucks, Lambs are quiet at from 4c to 41e per lb. Butchers' sheep are quiet,. and sell along with the lambs. Calves— Offerings light ; all sold ; prices firm Belleville, Ont., Sept. 7—Nineteen from 52 to $7 each. Milch cows and factories boarded 1,700 white cheese l springers —The demand was not here to day; sales, 510 white at 91,ie I quite so brisk, and EOM of the cows Campbellford, Ont., Sept. 7 --At • of poorer quality were left unsold. the cheese board here to -night they 'Prices ruled from 525 to 538 each. were 1,225 boxes were boarded. 1 Choice well formed springers will Following were the sales: -285 to • sell well. hogs—Offerings were Watkins, 230 to McCargar, bought light, and the market was firm. at tie. Balance unsold. Choice selections of bacon hogs sell Madoe, Ont., Sept 7.—Ono thous- at 34e per lb., weighed off the cars, and fifty-five cheese boarded; all sold, and other hogs are unchanged as McCargar; 525 at 92e; balance at 9, quoted. Jacob Reiner, the Berlin forgcrf n�1;h31VTi3 1:118ZGG January th5eubasbe unw was sentenced to four years' ]m- ood ge, the first chapters of our new story prisonment. INC FOR SAL Ornamental iron sections ready to set ). it. The f)heape ubilee So' •f the t Fencing in season and no stake. P FISHE TEACHER WANTED. Teacher wanted for 1898 for School Section No.i, Turnberry. All applica- tions to be in by September 22nd. Ad- dress, THOMAS JAMES, Sea -Treasurer, Wingham, Ont. Turnberry, August 30, 1897. Far Sale or to Rent. A farm of 90 acres, on Concession I, Kinloss, 4 miles east of Lucknow ; 70 acres clear, mostly in sod ; good house ; large bank barn ; spring creek •, 2 wells ; good cistern ; 2 acres of orchard. Apply to A. G. STEWART, rfeeswator, Or to MRs. A. STEWART, Luoknow. TEACHER WANTED, Wanted, a teacher, (male .r female,) for S. S. No. 5, Towns' ip •. Turnberry, Applications will a ':ceiyed by the undersigned up t . turday. October 2nd, giving experie ce, testimonials and what grade of certificate, together with the amount of salary expected. Duties to commence first of January, 1897. WM. CARRUTHERS, 9-10A , Wingbam, Ont. TICE OF VOTERS' LIS 'MOTH: ' Hereby given that a 1� flu sono the Ontario V by Ills honor t'^ Jud e of the County of Bur••, a ;lt September , 1897 at bear and determine tit anti omissions in the Of Turnherry for 1 All persons ha quired to atte will be hold sList Act 1889 e Courtly Court of e on the 32th day of clock in th.• forenoon to acral romplaif.ts of errors ' hist of the 5lun'cipality at the Court aro re tat place. busine at the said til. JOHN BURGESS, Clerk of the Turnborryand c Clerk of said ted at Bluevale, Sept. 6th,1807, • pality of tituted t. NOTICE CE 14 hereby given that a general r .sting the Shareholders of the J3lucv a Flux JJnnufa tying Contpnn • will e held at office of the Comp iy in the ilia, 0 of Mu ale, in the Connty of mon, o T esday, L list day of September, A. s., 1897 a six o'c c•l: in the after- noon for tho p ose o ousi•aer' g and if approyed eonflrming a by- .w passed by - he Board of Direc- tors of the said Co . mny en . int, the said Board to borrow money upon <recr• 11 of the Coutlany; tb limit or inelease th . t ount to be borrowed; to issue bonds, debci,1,t .r other securities of the Company fur the lav rposes of the Company and Lo other; to yl ge or e I L110 sante for such sum and at such Ices as mai a deemed expedient or be necessary to h)•pothecattmortgageorpledge all or any oft • real or p009001 , rope. ty, rights and powers of the Company to •ore any such bonds, del )(tires or other securrtie. and any in. debtedne . or sum Or stuns so bort ed far the perp'1s•. of the Company and to provir . for the carryi • out of the objects aforesaid with 1 nec- cess, powers collateral thereto JAS, ELLIOT, President. cd September 10, 1897. NOTICE TO CREDITOR IN Ti MATTER. ON DANIEL M'aeXzfE, o1 11 TOWN oP WIN. AM, o,na'0Y ON IItrRON, 11001' KEEPER, AN INSOLI ENT. Notice is It eby given that the above named Daniel McKeno has made assignment of his estate to rn as •nate0 for 1e benefit of his credi• tors, under 1t. S. 0. 897, p 124, and nmendine acts' The creditors are he y notified to meet at the office of R. Vattstoue, a Town of Windham, on TUESDAY 7th DAY of . PTE ER, 1097 at 2 O'CLOCK In the alternr.on. 1• the u ose of ,eceiving a statement of his a ,re, appoint •g inspectors, fixing their remmnerat' 1, and for t 0 ordering of the estate generally All persons . aiming to rank up) he estate of the said Insolve must file their clan proved by affidavit as • air; d hy'sdid Act, with n on or bo. fore tho 2 h DAY of SEPTEMBER A. D. 97, after Which d o I will proceed to distribute the .sets of the sal estate, having regard to those clan only of wl h I shall thou have notice. I1, ANSTONE, JohiN Me1(ENZIE Solicitor for Asslgnee. Assign Wingham. Winghatn, ated Au.•ust 27th, A D. 1807. Closed for Repair. (34)=6"cts •'.se UR SHOP is being en- larged and renovated It will be closed for a few days, will re -open next week. A. W. WEBSTER. 1 3"4418 8'111 fix' G. NICINTYNE'S e JUST RECEIVED an immense stock4kof SCHOOL.- SUPPLIES ec STATIONERY gr19'6"W'11'111110110914d11,9191d1,nk9p'110 It I)19o'h141111041i16'111'Ih1II, 10111111'4 BIG SCRIBBLER FOR lc., DRAWING BOOKS, EXERCISE BOOKS, WRITING BOOKS, READERS, SLATES, PENCILS, PENS, RUBBERS, RULES, ETC. ENVELOPES 2.. . ul... PACKAGES _... FCR 5c. DOTE PAPER 2 QUIRES FOR 156. GROCER, - - - - - WIN GUAM.. I T. BELL & SON Beg to inform the public that their retail department has: been reopened and they now have in stock the finest lines of BEDROOIVI SUITES, EXTENSION TABLES, SIDEBOARDS CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, BABY CARRIAGES AND UPIIOLSTER- ED GOODS. FROM TUE CHEAPEST TO THE BEST. CALL AND GET $' T ®ll3R PRICES.— T. 111;,1ICES.- - Main St. North. WINGHAM, ESTERN .SAI LONDO SEPTEMBER 9th TO 1 Canada's Fa . , to Live Stock and Agrieult Exhibition. The most compl°ste Live ' eek Buildings i America. More improve- ments and extensive additions . "s year. ''ery Stockman, Agriculturist, Manufacturer, Dairyman, Artists a1.1 ts. Success assured. enters, etc., specially invited. Entries close Sept. Oth, in all , 1897. SIE HASSE 4 EN ALI, a Arab Prince. as been secured to ful ' h the Stage Attractions.. Auction Sale of For Prize LT. oth and Privileges, Aug. 15th, on t" s, Programme and Maps, apply to . F. B. LEYS, President. THOS. A. BROWNE, ounds at 2 p. m. F .H. KERf V E Y '201‘130R1 AL ARTIST. Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingham. For an easy Shave and a First -Class Hair Out, give him a trial. Razors Honed. I Are You �= RUPTURED ? If so it is your advantage to call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug Store, Wingham. They are the agents for the celebrated Wetmore Truss. WHY THE WETMORE IS THE .ONE FOR YOU : 1. Because it is dangerous to be a moment without one. 2, It will never rust and isr conse- quently durable. 3. A person wearing a Wetmcre does not find it a bother. 4. We will guarantee to hold in position any reducible rupture. 5, This truss cannot possibly glove after adjustment, Some of our townspeople can testify to its merits. 7. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. G. GORDON 8v 00. ry, FRUIT CULTURE is monoarprmerofltale to the f then lus(ther clops. Brown tiros, Co., the mos c•atr, 1lre 1,ersery 11011f0 in Canada, have vacancb in this section a rite thcnt,jor terms. BROWN NEIISERY, Toronto, 0ntariot [IA Snap... ,n rL GGJ For Farmers who buy their �] Lr rj PLOUGH`- REPAIRS —AT THE --- LI" V7ZNHAM FQUNflYi We have a large quantity of CL Plow Shares for the leadin it ploughs, which we are selling at rn u 30 cents each. Sole Plates and ti Steel Land Sides at correspond- to ingly low prices. t' Our shops continue to turn r5 g out Iron and D3rass CASTINGS im and repair work for Boilers, Engines and General Repair `I] Work, which surprises and lir pleases our numerous customers. WM. RENDALL & GO. Proprietor. Foundry—Corner ot Victoria and Minnie Streets, I