The Wingham Times, 1897-09-10, Page 3rimy on s • ran WIN U RAM TIMES, SEPTEMBER 10. t''�U7 HURON AN BRUQB Mh 4 MOTES.. Ono Man's Love Story, Fres1r For a Bed -Past Patient,' The annual meeting of the West "No," said the stranger pensively, '' As all the world knows, there 's been hanging about the bar Bruce Teachers' Association will bs " I was never married." He had no more perfect menns of ventllaGion ,, 3,,,,p,,,1e„peiINI1111111111111PII11pIUN11'IINII111141,IUnuV held in Paisley oley on September 23rd been f than an o e the. 'writes i'lrs Bur•- and 24th of pn , hours, exchanging his conversation ton Kingsland, telling how to none; 3 The report of the Inspector of for drinks and coating out top on the siek, in the September Ladies'; Registry Offices has been issued for every deal. " I was never married," heart Journal. " It is continuous tes 1890. Bruce is one of' the best pay— 111'1118 tud to his firth victim, " but 1 and attender; with no danger of draught. A more equable temperas ing Offices in the ;province. The aost was. She WAS a glorious, � 1 p � C ross rccel is of rho office foe 1896 splendid girl, too." lure is obta°nett with wood than g p "Did she ebucic you?" with coal, and the tlhernhotneter, were $5,432 35 and the net amount i ' "No not that." should be frequently eonsult`d in ab received by the registrar•, $2,778.72• „ ?" ,• The receipts show tt slight falling off .t Di'l she die sic room. Ae fresh ttu is the best since 1895. Not apprcetably. In fact, they tonic, it is said that a window may IsIy Whal. O� cleanhotboots for her every morn- be opened at rho tali an a he The Huron Veterinary Association ing still. :a Expctec Farm1/18 ETHODS. held its regular: meeting at Goderieb on Wednesday of last week. There • I.wcre present C. McGregor, Con i stance, President ; John Wilson, Wingham, Secretary ; W. Gibb, j Seaforth ; WViliiam Clark, J. IIamil— ton, Goderieh ; J. Walker, Londes— bore ; J. E. Blacken, Clinton ; W. Farrow, Wroxeter. • Several papers were read by Messrs. Hamilton, Gibb, McGregor and Blackall, which elicited considerable discussion, after which the meeting adjourned to meet in Wingham, in December, at the ('resident's call. Upright in Everything-- Always Keeping Faith With the People and, Above All, Curing Them of Their Ills—Why Wouldn't Suc- cess Follow. tiny, no matter how ill the patient "Parents thought you weren't be, i1' in the opening a wooden frame good enough ?" covered with tbulnel is fitted. The "Not at all. They thought 1 was air strained through the woolen ma. too good." . terial is deprived of all power to Then everybody in the bar drew harm An umbrella covered haul a a long breath, and those with kind shawl makes a geed screen when hearts tried not to appear as sur• the windows are open, ttte patient , I prised as they were. The stranger beim; s whet ed andel it its it in a - had only one eye, and his nose was tent, A folding clothes horse may bulbous, and his head was bald. Itis also be utilized as' a semen frame. clothes shc,wed clearly and distinctly As a person lying on bis bank is de - Wiese they felt it most, And when prived of the protection of his eye-' a man wears string instead 4f braces, lids from the light, the bli:i'.ls and t and an acing void instead of a shirt 1 etirtttins should be r.djustt.d with ` collar, the odds are that he is not regard to that fact. A room a little :. 1.• 1 • 1 l b doing these things for his health shaded is more restful to a person lu AVsgetablePreparationforAs- r slmilatiitgtiteT'oodat:dliegu1 - ;fillgtheStontachsancdDo+`relscl'47, + .at Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- - ness andRest,Contains neither U ium,Morphine nor Nfiineral. EDT NARCOTIC. r. c� rt tut w to las sen as— •� . Mr. A. Atkey, No. 49 Northcote ave„ sistant pcstlnaster at Dungannon for ( The victim looked at the stranger. I illness, but if a pt,tch of sunshine can tApetfectRemedylor Conslipa- 7,'I " l .1 ` be let ' h theroom 't I , • ?;capso,0%_:':-3 w17f rnMEI Toronto Canada, sayez,— I have b. . a constant sufferer for the last 11 or 15 years, At times I suffered sev: pain in the stomach and chest. t other times it has taken the form soreness of the stomach. Again in se spasms would occurr. I have t , ted with a number of medical :nen ' - ro all failed to effect a cure. 1 b.'en eking Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure a an•unhesitating- ly say that title p atrnent has acted wonderfully and r ave vnstely improv- ed. The pains have disappeared and the depression after eating also. I must ex- press my entire aatisfactiou with Mun- yon's retne'..ies." Munyon's Rheumatism Cure seldom fails to relieve in one to three hours and .cures in a few days. Price 25o. Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively cures all forms of indigestion and stom- ach trouble. Price 250. Munyoa's Cold Cure prevents pneu- monia and blanks up a cold in a few hours. Price, 25c. Munyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats, allays soreness, and speedi- ly heals the lungs. Price, 25c. Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures. pains in the back, loins or groins and all , forms of kidney disease. Price 25c. • Munyon's headache Cure stops head ache in three minutes. Price25c. Munyon's Pile Ointmeet p•.sit.ively cures all forms of piles. Price, 2be. Munyon's BBluod Ours eradicates all impurities of toe a u•,.1. Prices, `350, Munyon's Peeitale Remedios are t. 'boon to all women. i♦Iunyou's AsthnlaRemedies relieve in S minutes and cure 1.prrmanantly. Price, $1. hlunyon's Cntarr•h R-'medies never fail. The Catarrh Cure prise `3•Tc.— ered Cates the disease rrorn tilt) system, and the Catarrh Talalots--price 250.— clennse and heal the pants. Munyon's Nerve Cure is a wonderful nerve tonic. Pra.•', 25c. Munyon'e Vitaliser restores ;.,st vigor Price $1. A separate cure for each (liaense. At all druggi-ts, mostly Sae. a )611. 112rs••'.Ll letters to Prof. M u nyon, 11 Albert it., Toronto. answered with free medical advice for any disease a considerable time and who Arae- " ht'.t, to satr , • was some time, a in somewhere ere in r or i } tion, Sour Slotnach,Diarrhoea, tidally head entire charge of the aero, Perhaps ? I makes a cheery spot for htrn to taro ; office, has resigned, and airs, J. " You have it, sir. Yon have it into if so minded, 'rhe Italian prove;') ,McLean, daughter of Mr. Wigard, once At that time I was a clerk, 'says: ' Where the sun does not entci has been engaged by Mr. Roberts, with money put by and still earning the doctor does. I I and she is a lady in whcm.eyery money. I was temperate and hand confidence eon be placed. A. good some, and highly connected. Also I For over Fifty Years. deal of sympathy is also felt for ;lir. was strong --I could have picked up AN teen AND WELL-•rcctaD REMEDY—. 11ettrthur, who isnot in a position t0 any man in this bar and mopped beau titled; foeuover liftyinears 1 coils the cobwebs off the ceiling with his do ranch for himself. IionsoP mothers fct• theirchddro❑ ahilo o' back hair. That is the kind Ota teethtng, with perfentsuceeas. lt. soothes The Government report, on legal man that women love, and I may 1 the child, softens the gums, allays all Mikes has been issuer;, and contains tell you that this girl loved me like • Pain, cures wind colic, and is the best the ustiAl Amcatnt of interesting in— thunder. She was, as I have said, a ! lenredy for diarrheea. Is pleasant to - the taste; Sold b� druggk-t-s in every formation. Any fear that the ofli• glorious, splendid girl—a paralciz- part of the world. Twenty-tive rents sa cials, in Bruce County at least, are ing, soul -.awakening, out - of • the- bottle. Its value is iueatu..ble. lie euro on the point of starvation is dispelled special -bottle sort of girl—the sort of 'sires ask for Mrs. Wanslow's Soothing by this report, which gives the net girl to make men sweat: off drink, Syrup, and take no other kind income of the various officials as fol- learn the flute, and spend more lees: Sheriff O'Connor, $2,814.77 ; money on neckties, There were W, A. McLean, Local Master, $1,300; thoueauds of men after her, though Thomas Dixon, County Attorney, she was but a daughter of the people. „2,066.78 ; 'Matthew Goetz, County ('Then I came on the scene,, and the • Court Clerk. $1,228.71. - other men went home, and she was la'rom the report of the Inspector tninc'only, mine for ever." • But the parents . of Legal Offices in Ontario, for the Quite so — they were , simple, year 1890, we glean the following modest, country people, and they thrums es to receipts of the legal told ane that I was too good for the 'olives iu Unroll County. and the work, - that my position was higher incomes ui the respective officials. than hers. I replied that I would. The total receipts of the 'Sheriff's sink to tiny any level they liked to •ofiice tut:onia•ed to $2,290.42, of mention. 'They said: `No;, raise which the Sheriff ;received 5671.06.1 Ler to your own. Educate. .her.' I Of the total - :amount, $937.42 was I said I would, and 1 did. I sent her received . From the Government;; , to Paris for three years at my own •5tiO8•1'from the County, and .$831. -!expense, to learn style. Then she 77 from the general public. Judge' came back:, - Misson, as Surrogate Judge, ie• ee.Rect 5997.40, aft of which camel Why didn't yen marry her then . o Wasn't she educated enough ? 1', oto the general public. S. Malcom- i •• She was fairlyhumming with son, as Local Master and Deputy education—could fid her own places Registrar, received $1,250. Ira• in the prayer book, do crewel work; Lewis, as Crown Attorney and Clerk and used a handkerchief when she 'If ow Peace, received $1,109.51,. sneezed, She had gone steadily up while the total receipts of his office' ail the time:" amounterl to $1.891 31. D.MeIonald, " Well, why didn't you marry pas Deputy Clerk of the Crown, Conn. her ?" ty Court Clerk and Surrogate Regis- " Because I'd been going down all tsar, received X1,832.73, while the the time, and we'd simply reversed total receipts of the office• amounted our positions. She was too good for to $2,536 15, of which $500 was paid me now. If I could have shut down by the Government and the balance her education Just at the point when by the general public. we were good enough for each other, it would have been all right. But 25 CENTS pays for the 7'nu s until she was away in Paris, and of course January 1st 1808. Subscribe now I didn't know" Cansump ion Still Leads. The report for .Duly of the preval• ence of the contagious di. -eases for Ontario has been issued. It gives the total deaths from this cause during the month to be 167. Of these tubercul- osis contributed. 111, diphtheria 20, typhoid 9, scarlatina 7. whooping cough 6, and measles 5. In the cities they were 51 deaths from tuberculosis, 12 from diphtheria 4 from tyhoid, 3 from scarlatina and 1 train measle:. Tit the towns and villages 13 deaths resulted from tub- erculosis, 4 from diphtheria 4 from whooping cough, 5 from typhoid and 1 from scarlatina. In the townships the figures are: Tuberculosis 13, diphtheria 13, meas les 4, scarlatina 3, tyhoid 3, whooping cough 2, The aggregate of deaths is not as large as usual. John Brown, of Elora, claims Li be a municipal :errant for a greater length of tima than oily other man in the County of Wallington, having been appointed in June, 1861. . c; No .rpe When yoa take Tlood's Pills. The big, old-fash- ioned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to pieces, aro not in it with llood's. Easy totako s-ur and easy to operate, is true et 'good's Pills, which are it tq to Sate In every respect, chafe, certain and sure. All druggists. site. (i. T. Treed St Co., Lowell, Mass. tate only ants to take with flood's Urbana -611a. and g..t the first chapters of Our new story. „ Fiat how was it you'd gone down ?" " It's expensive workv having a girl educated in Paris,..m.nd it took all the money I'd put by. • So I put I by some more," • . ' " Well?" "Well, that WAS it. Can't you' see? This time they caught the put- ting it byj, and owing to the misun- derstanding which arose—well, I came down in the world. So when that 'girl returned I didn't send in any application for the lot, I dare say her heart is mine still,. but I'tn not making any use of it." " Yes," he continued meditatively, after a pause, "I know my place, and I don't put myself forward. If I've been talking for half aa hour, and my glass its empty, and my throat as dry as the top shelf in the lending library, but if nobody else cares, why should I ry" And while the fifth victim took the hint, the stranger looked about him for a possible sf.tth.—l'Mek•1Vie•Up. The statement of the business of tlit Postoffice Savings Bank for 'the year ending 30th June, 1897, has been prepared 'in the department. There was deposited during the year $8,2213,000, being an increase of $84,000 over tho previous year, and being the largest amount of deposits in any one year since Confederation, with the exception of 1887, when the deposits were $50,000 in excess. The average amount at the credit of each account was $238, the largest suns in Oa history of the bank. There were 779 banks; being an in— crease of 24 over the preceeding year. The number of deposits received during the year was 161,151, an increase over the preceding year of 6,000. Tho total amount with- drawn during the year was $7,656,- 000. The amount of interest allowed to depositors daring the year was $1,024,000. The total amount on deposit in the hank at the close of the year was $:32,880,000, as .cont. pared with $2$,932,000 in the pre- ceding year, but there was trans fared from the Dominion Govern- ment Savings I3ank during 1897 accounts totaling $1,856,000. The number of accounts opened during the year was 80,136, and the number closed was 26,668. Throwing Mee and Slippers. TWO PRETTY OTTST0MS, ROBBED OF SENTIMENT., HAVE BECOME AN ANNOYANCE. In the September Ladies' dome Journal Edward W. Bak notes the abuse of the pretty custom of casting a small parcel of rice or a dainty slipper after a departing bride and groom — an unspoken G'adspeed. " The dainty slipper," he also says, " has been transformed into the' old shoe of doubt:eel origin, and thrown with force and accuracy, causing no end of discomfort. And this. it what two pretty customs have degenerated into. They have been rulzrarized, • and, therefore, the scorner they pass into disuse the better. The senti- ment of the customs has been lost. Rice and shoes are no longer omens of good luck. The modern thrower of them has transformed thea] into missiles with which to annoy and mortify the bride and groom. The better class of people have already begun to substitute a shower of rose petats, and this new and far more beautiful idea is tepidly being fol- lowed. We might have preserved the old custom, but we have not. Henceforth, promiscuous- rice throw- iiMg and the casting of old shoes at weddings will be left to the boors of our modern society, into whose hands these acts have fallen, and I who seem happiest when they can convert the graceful en •`:.ra of olden limes inti practical j -ekes." oat.'s Sidney Pilin Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak back, thou, matism, diabetes, congestion, inllamma- lion, gravel, Bright's disease tied all other diseases arising frooa wrong aotion of the kidneys and I ladder. Laid Low by Indigestion. 1 was so run down 1 had to give up work. Scott's Sarsaparilla the kind that cures. Indigestion or dyspepsia is the bane of thousands, and is one of the most de- pressing of afflictions. It arise, from an impure or impoverished condition of the blood, which weakens the digestive and assimilative organs, rendering then in- capable of performing their natural font- tions, and it neglected, the sufferer loses flesh, complains of exhaustion afterslight exertion, and becomes rapidly debilitated. Mr, Wm. W. 'Thompson, a prominent resident of Zephyr, Ont., in a letter dated Aug nth, 1895, says: It gives me great Spleasure to testify to the fact that Scott's arsaparilla has catised a tnost remark- able change in my condition. I was so much run Clown I had to give up work and felt as if life wore not worth living. Mr, 1):afoe induced me to try Scott's Sar- saparilla, and after taking four bottles 1 ani now feeling as 1 formerly did years ago, and 1 want to say for the benclit of those suffering from indigestion and feel- f•- g, to use slang phrase, ' completely k'1o�ked our,' don't despair until you give Scott's Sa-s:tparitla a fair trial.° Scott's Sarsaparilla is :t blood food, it stimulates all vital organs to healthy normal action, enabling them to throw off :all poisonous and dcbilitatinghuntors. Sold by druggists at $1, but there is only ons Scott's. The kind that curott. • Worins,Corentlsions,Feverish- mess and LoSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. SEE THAT THE q{• 1 FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE —OF -- IS ON THE WRA OF EVERY BOTTLE OF EXACT' COPY OF WRAPPER. 5 CM 1 ilastorla is put up in one•sizo bottles only. Th is not sold in bulk, Don't allow anyone co sell. you anything else on the plea or promise that it, is "just as good" and"will answer every par-, pose." 5 Bee that you get 04 -8 -T -0 -P -I -A. The foe - simile J' signature J of Ts is oa every Will pay for the TIMES from now until the 1st of January 189a• STOR Was tcomnlonced a couple of weeks ago and it is a dandy. UBSCRIBE and get the beginning chapters of the new story. 250 is a small amount for the reading you get. The story alone is well worth the money. Remit by mail or call at the office. Address, TIMES OFFICE, Wingham. • INTING: LOW PRICES. BEST WORK. ' imehohNowhoio.,90.0 eel'h.'e,Pld 10)1, 1'1n'IP+h'11a'UI'I'hl'hN,' inn.",,, to Ali description of Book and Job Printing such as 7— LETTERHEADS, BILL HEADS, CATALOGUES, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, BIRTHDAY CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS P .MPBLETSA BILLS OF FARE;, AUCTION BILLS;, STREAMERS., . DODGERS. In fact, every description of Job- Work from the Mammoth Poster to the small Visiting Card. Fine Printin DONE- WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH —AT— THE TIMES OFFICE. 1 1