The Wingham Times, 1897-08-20, Page 88 • M1 Hit WINN° UR. LOW PRICES ( for August makes 1 business brisk from Mon-. . i day until Saturday and _I these special prices for Saturday, Bargain Day are ratended to bring enough,' business to enable us to sell on a very small profit. ) SATURDAY. are unable to pay the, priee; tat een- Iii I sequence is thet meny are :tag to- gether as husbanti and wite. le union is binding only ae long as they oan agree, otherwise the „bead ot union is dissolted and new allianoes aro formed , on the skive terms. Only the Gospel of the Graee ot doll can remedy this state of affairs. May the great aced be abundantly implied. High Etc:hoot Examattations. The following are the official results of of bridge on river, eons. 10 and, 11, death from weak heart, the troub'e / the High Stilton', second form examine- and that he bad Appointed Rolxirt, aided her since early ehildhood. On tions for this district. be retet of the Shiell, lot 32, eon 11, to get in his several oceaelons she has been so low third and ourth form examinations Will. Tr p ace. The easurer's. report since that it was not thought posssible for f be announced in a few day: _ illteuild TIMES AUGUST 201 1S97. . . saw emulate equesattoe. Nal lot ga, elate. some of whom positively rotes" Om, 8, reeeincLand laid over until ed to treat the patient on the ground next Meeting of the councilCom— that it MS no use. The subject tf munieation from theclerk of Tororto, the affliction referred to is the wife inviting delegates asota canteen to of a highly respected wellatado— tat'end a convention to be held in farmer in the township of Logan, Toronto in September next, re aboll— near the village ctf Dublin. Mr, and gen of tax exemptions, received and Mrs. Thomas Green are firm believers read.—Filed, The Reeve reported in the efficacy of Dr. Williams' Pink that 'Wm. Sutherland had declined Pills, and for very good reasor.s. Mrs. to act as inspector for the rebuilding Green has suffered everything bet r last megting showeti a cash balance her to recover. Hee greatest trouble \n.—Form II—E. Beaton, F W often arose from exhaustion or a ' McGuire, M W Morton, B 0 Ross, (hon. on hand at date of $673 33. Robt. mak 0 W Boss.. Part I, form 11—P J Shiell, in his capacity as inspector of sudden start,and at such times her Vety, S itichardeon, W Rutherford, .a. M bridge • on river, cons. 1,0 and 11, heart seemed to cease throbbing, and Bremner, J F Forster, 0 Hisooks, M Mo. Stewart, 8 Thompson, 0 Welsh. Part I, reported that the tinaber supplied the breathing was fitful and labored. without phyaics—M MoClenaghan, A M was of good quality and elp to the Doctor's medicine seen ed to have no 50 pair Ladies' Fine Button and ' Ritchie. requirements of specifications; the effect whatever. She was advised Lace Shoes, regular $1.40 and Biitissax,s,—Forro II -1 Buchanan, G work was also done in a good sub by one physician that all that could $1.50, Saturday $1.10. Buchanan, (honors), Cousley, I Gerry, Rowe, J M teeny, A Lemont, (honors), stantial maneer, and further, that be done for her was. to keep up ber 30 pair Ladies' Oxford Shoes, B Lamont, J McCracken, F F Wilson. the council was justified in payin strength, and it was with a view to regular $1.50, Saturday $1.35 Part 1, form W L Gilpin, L E me- for same in full of cataract and strengthening her system and with 6 dozen Gent's fine Linen Col -,a Lauchlin, D MoLs.uohlin. 1 ' M 00 agreement. Moved by Mr. Bone, no hope that her heart would bebene- lens, regular 20e., Sat. 120. 10 pairs Shirt 'and Drawers, slimmer weight, regular 50c., Saturday 25 Iitiys' 2 piece Sults, extra c ling, E Dowzer, g Geiger, W Geiger, A seconded by Mr. Scott, that the IZeeve flted that site began the use of Dr. LINTON. , Johnsi:A. 13:Kennedy, S Kennedy, (honors), and Treasurer. be authorized to bor- Williams' Pinks Pills. She had not T K McNabb, (hoaors), W E Reid, (hon. row funds sufficient (nut to succeed been taking them long, however, ors), S E Reid, (honors, WE Reith, (honors), F Reynolds, (honors). F M Stanbury, J at $900) to pay all claims -and espenses when there was an nnmistakable relief from the trouble that bad Torrance E Weir, (honors), 11 J Worth- incurred for building bridge on river good, reg. 0.50, Sat. $2.50. d ington, (honors). Part I, form II —N L .cons. 10 and 11.—Carried. Moved made her whole lite miserable. f 20 Men's Suits, light or dark, ) regular $7.50 Saturday.$5. c 50 Stiff and Soft Hats, regular ti $2.25 Saturday $1.50. / 20 pieces fancy Dress Goods reg. g 35e, and 40e. Saturday 25c. 12 lic. Saturday The. 6 pieces faney Print, regular 20 doz. children's last Black - Hose, reg. 10e. Saturday 5c. 10 pieces black and cream Lace Brandon, L Brigham, N D Buonanan, A , Cbidley, Eva Cooper, 171 E Cooper, 11. Li oy Mr. Carr, seconded by Mr. Lock— During the .past summer she has power. used Pink Pills freely, and has enjoy Curtis, E M Doherty, ii Grant, 0 Heylar, hart, that the Treasurer be itn A Hess, F Zing, A McAllister, A. F Mc• vd to deposit•aid withdraw township ed better health than for many years M et Thompeon. Part 1, without physics funds from the Bank of Hamilton, before, and has been able to do not Lean, P Plumsteel„ M Tamttn, II Taylor, —J Anderson, E 0 Anderson, W B Bag. Willgham, withellt the sianature of only her household work, but also show, A. 0 Butohard, R Oapling, E M R Reeve. — Carti61. „-Commuuleation many of the outdoor chores that fall Fowler, 8 Irwin, N j Isbister, D P mc- from Vin Lane Esq -County Clerk, to the lot of a farmer's wife. The Ewen, A. McLean, N J McMichael, A • ' I - \L.:, '• different physicians who have treat— reeelaed, stating that the sum at Marshall, M Moffatt, R G Reid, R 0 Rieh• ed her have frequently told her It us- ardson, D Ross, W Stout, A Taylor, 0 A. $1912 30 was reqniret . from the Tebbutt. township this year formetitrel county band that they would not be surpris- reg. 10 and 121-e. Sat -50. ? Down, li .6dge, A. McLeod. d'.„. ' • put poses, Resolved, tliat 1•41' levied to ee. ment,Arat sbe — to•dey n strorg, lq . SEAFORTH.—Forin 11—J la Bigort 0 W . . thee ed to he hear other death at any ino— bum of $1126 28 be 0 Thomp. lu nieces Shaker Flannel, reg. gart, A Murray, 11 Purcell, E son, 0 Walker. Part term II—P Beat- towns.lup improvements and officers' woman, eaj. e. leg better health thou t Satnrday 5c. tie, I, Lorrance, 0 Gillespie, M Hartry, salaries also the sem or 81550 for she has done for years. Both Mrs. e 6 doz. Clothes Pins, Saturday,: for 5e. 2 Wash Boards for 25e. SPECIAL PRICES PRICES ON SUITS ' MADE TO ORDER. MAKE GUAR- ANTEED NO. 1. Eer Ask for a $25 Card, good 5 for 1 doz. No. 1 Cabinet a at the Star Photo Co. Shop early at M. H. IVIcINDOO'S. R A Kemp, N 13 McLean, J R Morrisen, sr eclat school . rate, heall $4618 58. Green and her husband feel grate— IP Hartry, T W Hammett, L 0 Hodge's, . A rate of 4.3 mills un the duller on this year FIFFTSMMit 'WAR struck to rtiit,e this amount, and 13y—law Noa7, 1997, confirming. the 'dime wits duly - read and paased, George Kraelding a resident. of Morris, and also owner of Si S!- lot.42, eon: 4, uf this town- ship, was present, eoMplaining that a ditch made by order of engineer's award some years ago tbro .gh Ni. lot 42, con. 3,nlo through part nf lots 40 • and 41, lot 42, con. 4, had been left in an unfinished state, and, requesting that somq: thing be clone to have the sante rectified. Mr .Kraehling was adaia- ed by the council . to apply to the Morris &weal to take _Ration in this matter. Forty-six debentures were passed and ordered to be .signed for payment of accounts, principally for building and repairing culverts, gravel and gravelling on the public roads, etc.,. amounting in . all to $276 21: A part of the sebool war- rants for the current year were re. ceired, when the council adjourned until Monday,Sept...tither 2Qth. B Puncliard, 13' Rennie, D D ileuu, Part I, without physics—M D .Kemp, A 0 Lawrence, E Murdie, LI Robinson, V Simpson, M A Stniilie, B Stephens, A F Waugh, B Young. Physics only —.1) It Landsborough, T alcQuaid. GODItItiCif.—Forio II -51 Armstrong, W R Begley, M Cantle, CIM Elliott, Li Jr - dine, A. L Keefe, F R Munro, 'honors), T C MoOonnell, 1VIcKenzie, F E McLean, (honors), F McLeod, H Tisdale, D Webber. Part 1, form 1I—M A. Bailie, 5 Drayer, 31 J Dunlop, W Ce Edward, H Fergusou, W GarrielteJ Green, W Johnstoue, J H Joynt. W Kilpatrick, It M Martin, W 'Mathison, \V McBurney, T M MoSwen, E J Rhyuas, R Sheppard, G M Strang. Part 1, form It—Mary Tiohborne, 13 A Hill. Part I, without physics—M A Amy, L I Cunningham, W Elliott, Howard, C Crowston, B E Graham, 0 M Graham, M Keefe, D MoDougell, E Paterson, W H Reed, Maggie Tichlioree. The following information by Principal Mosgrove, is submitted for the heuefit of pupils : (1) No change will be made in the leav- ing for 18e8, —the same course of study and the Couuty examiners. ' (2) Form 1 is retained, and Public School pupils may take either form I or the leaving as the first. part of their primary. (3) Those who have passed form II, and have also passed either the leaving or form 1, may (if of age) prxeed to a Model School. (4) Those who have passed part I of form II (with or without physics) may proceed to the Junior Leaving without writing again on form II, and morepver, they have passed this examination in ar- ithtnetic and mensuration, grammar and rheterio, English and Ganuatian hivtory. and will not require to take these subjects, either elm Junior Leaving or Junior Matric- ulation. (5) In the future Latin will be required for the junior Leaving (second class). This subject reqnires considerable time. j etaDDITIONAL LOCALS. HARVEST EXCURSION "Wednesday last was the day of the an- nual harvest excursion to Manitoba and the Northwest There were , tickets sold at the C. P. R. Ration here, and 80 at Teeswaterstation. We give below a list of those who left here, also their destina- tions. For Moosejaw—R A Dinsley. Thos. M McClyniont, Peter McDougall, J W Bone, A W Hoover, R Perkins, John Turnbull, W Nicholls, D McPherson, D Garter, If Kinsman and G W Blackwell. Estivan—W C Cleghorn, D Dinsley, G A MaDonogh, H Angus, James Flannagan and F Flannagan. Griswold—G Patterson . and Alfred Patterson. Killarney—Mrs. 0 -Pinnen, Ida Finnen, Sarah Finnen, Robt. Mitchell. Moosomin—Anthew Hnod, R 'Woods, Mrs. John Buchannan and daugh- ter. Brandon—W Garduer, J Lockman and William Hunter. Indian 13ead- Mise • Ida Pelton, Alfred Beattie and Bose Jobe. etre'. Denlehin--A R McDonald. Minne- deal- P .1 Wellwood. Morden —Mrs. Sarah It is proposed to 'start a class in this tr•b• ' /, Ret Portage—Mrs. James Irwin. Nesbitt—Mat- ]et, so that ell who have passed the en- tieFraekin—T 0 Robertson. Nesbit. trance may, if they so desire, commence t.4.,4%.!,- Popular Point--\Villiam Gray. Boise .sshi—Mrs. Mary McKinney. Del. the study of this subject. Those who have passed form II. or part I of form II, °rain( Hawthorne. Last year there -etre 51. tickets sold on a smoky ex- 01..1 purpose Preztivdinm furtiutri may combine to attend the Public School for ()ureic'''. colonist sleeping car wita at - another year at least, taking up algebra, tanht d et Teeswater, and e.lo one at Elar- encient hietory and .Latie, so that Herm. so pat-sengers will go through to thtir et:441416M without chenge. they may be ttble to pass the J eider Leav- ing by attending the High School one year, SOUTH AMERICA AS J. MISSION FIELD, A very interesting and instructive ad- dress t7-1 ••• South America as a Mission Field." wio given in the Baptist Church on 'Wedo..stiay evening, by Rev. A. B. Revalue, n ttrioluate of McMaster Univer- sity, l'oronto. Mr. Reekie spent sev- eral months in this Held last year, and is going out again this fall as a mis- sionary of the Canadian Baptist Foreign Mission Society. will be accompan- ied by one or two other young men, who are alai being' sant out by this same Board of Missions. For years past mis- sions r es bMe been sent, to India, China. A.Entes, and other foreign lands, while here oat our own continent aro 50,000,00n of people irt the darkness of Paganism. Tbe political. social and religious life of Otis people, was graphically portrayed by Mir. Re .14s. Bull iighte, horse racing = add the theatre are the principal forms roattecenent on Sundays, and theae I'd attended ny all classes of the people, women and children betng alt ants to see the sport. As a result of' eteliteetretelity Roo the uncleanness of EAST W A WANOSR. Mrs. Thomas Pon:ton, of Cleveland Ohio, is holidaaing at the residence of her father, Robert Mutch. Miss L. Taylor visited her cousin, Miss Rose Lockhart, last week. Miss Bertha Youngblut, ;if Auburn is very ill with tittle hope of rewvery. Mrs. James -Jackson, of Sault Ste, Marie, Miele,. is home to recruit his health. Miss Emma' j01 dnn, of Goderich, township has returned home after spending a week with her cousin Miss Ethel Carter, Hiss Sharp, of Teesewater, is the is the guest of her uncle, Rev. R. Henderson, of Auburn. The council met in the council room on August 12th. Nfembers all present. Minutes of last meeting cases read, corrected and pa.sed, Accounts temple, there are many est ; smallpox and yellow fever t of Hart & Riddell, Toronto, and ptevateet from the same calms. I Standard printing office. Blyth, re— aierge laws are in the hands of ceived and ordered to be paid. Ac— ao Catholic Church, and veept,e :being for services rendered per aa. shot many of- the lean permed at zucli so enor- count of Jas. Marshall, engineer, ful fur the great benefit tni, los re- ceived from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and roam DO words in soundieg their praises to everyone who enquires what has wrought such a wonderful ebange in Mrs. Green's health and spirits. ' In cases of paralysis, spinal troubles, locamotor ataxia, sciatica, rheumatism. erYsipelas, scrofulous etc.,• Dr. Williain& Pink Pills are superior to -till other treatment. They also a specific for the troubles that make the lives of so many wo— men' a blirden and • spedily restore thei'meh glow of -health to - the rade. aand aallow cheeks. • Men broken down by overwork-, -worry or ex-- eesse , will find in Pink. Pills Certain Caro. Sold by all dealers, or sent by mail postpaid, at 40e a box or six boxes: for P2.50 by Addressing Dr. Williams' Mediethe Co., Brock— ville, Ont., or Schenectady. N. Y. • Beware of imitations'and substitutes alledged to be "just as paid." 1" 1 IT'S 140T 4!'ECEScAEY PETER PoRTERFIELD, Clerk.. s,, * . Mend from Infa TBE WAND OF WEISE 'WAV- ED OVER MRS. TOS. - GREEN. FROM DER CHIL191 OOD .'ITE SUFFERED pawl HEART '10 LES—DOCTOR. SAID NOTHI G OULDBEDOteE FOR IlEn THAT HER DEATH MIGHT BE AT MY MO— MENT. From the Herald, Rot ford, "Of the making of books there is no end," it has been said, and the same claim might be said of -the making of testis onials in the favor of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Won— derful are some of the statements published in the newspapers as to the mires effected in all parts of the country. Fresh evideni:e proves that the half has not beet told. Were it not for a false sense of delicacy which a great many people entertain in re— gard to such matter, the columns of the press is mild be literally teeming with grateful acknowledgements of' benefit derived from and pernia— nent cures effected by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink 11136 for Pale People. It is quite within the mark to say, that there is en other -medicine offer— ed the publie that can at all eompare with Dr. Williams' Pitk Pills, and there is not a corner in this wide Dominion in which tl.eir vuttm have not been. preyed. A cure which re— cently estate to the knowledge of the representative of the Herald is desev ing of bting widely knoll n. It is an instance of heart, trouble tbat.. baffled the skill number of phyBb b Ty lay aside your eoiled or forged twits ur overcoats, but take them to the Wingliatn Cleaningand Dy ing •Wo ke. and have thew clean- ed, dyed and repaired to.look like new. . J. W. SWELL. Proprietor Er PAYS TO CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATaAM, ONT. =4.. ss b.- l'./STASS/a41. ?LS k LAST CHANCE ----FROM US FOR-- 1°11 ACHEAP GOODS1*- .f. I BUSINESS We have decided to retire from---, ,--and so during the next----, THIRTY w DAYS. . • . • • _ • . 1... - • - We will give you, SLAUGHTER RICES. every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY nights, Com- mencing at 7 o'clock. We will hold SPECIAL SALE To clear out Job Lines, at prices that will interest you, Come early and get first choice. You may expect aPha. 1ER (Ur 1 1$44. as Our Stock is still large and well assorted. . • • -• • • . • .1. - .1 • • t inrAll outstanding accounts must be settled before that date, if you want to save trouble; after that claw our affairs will be placed in other bands for settlement. A word to the wise is sufficient. MACDONALD BLOCK. bE"'agg& a; a aaSAZ4. Before Purchasing Your" ear: SUIT CALL AND SEI W. BARRA.NDS' , GOO D3 8011 cads In finding potions tor grad., notes. We have be --n pladmr 811 arertiv of two per week. Fotty.one urge placed hoteeeli Janitor" lst and Ding lst. fciir Th.f0l1.wi,iit Is au extract from %I Ater just re. eeived f,ont one *f the niter Anieriean Colleges;—, 'We 'mist make a. change of teacher In ur Susi. nets Department. slould ?on recommend 8 young man to take charge? We are continually receiving such roryaests from other Bwiness .Colleges and also troni business hooses R pays to grids:no from a school wl•aso s'udents ate in demand. College re -opens 5 ptember 1.st For Catalogue, address, O. MOLACIILANfr Co., Chatham, Ont. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only safe, reliable monthly medicine on whiclt ladies can depend in tht hour and time of need. Is prepared in two degrees of strength. NO. I for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known —sold by druggist, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special cases—ro degrees stronger—sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars; two boxes, Five Dollars. No. 1, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3 -cent stamps. The Cook Company, Wisesoir, Ontario. • Winghaut and everywhere oi hie druggists. .They are certainly. the newest out. The latest designs from both ENCLISH AND CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and have no equal in town. Remember the place, next door to the Brunswick Hotel, Wingham. SY1'^' aeS WINORAM. IENERENA Are You RUPTUFRED? 4• If so it is your advantage to call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug Store, Wingliam. They are the agnts for/the celebrated' WttrtfOre - -- . . Truss. .14/HY THE WETMORE IS THE ONE FOR YOU : • , Because it is dangerous to be a moment without one. , 2. It will never rust and is conse- quently durable. 3. A person wearing a Wetmere does not find it a bother. 4. We will guarantee to hold In position any reducible rupture. 5. This truss cannot possibly, move after adjustment, 6. Some ofour townspeople can- - testify to its merits. 7. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. 1. GORDON & CO. .11/14,18.43,WteAllt/teele4i7/ZeliSelleN1.11,1)414t1/1147).AteVellitAhAtAte1~1.4te4t, /NT-.Ew------ $E'nrniture and Undertaking Stare $— —IN— Ireland & Button are putting in a complete Stock of Furniture and Undertaking consisting of BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, DINING SUITES, TABLES and CHAIRS of all kinds. SIDEBOARDS, LOUNGES, SPRING BED MATTRESSES, CURTAIN POLES, PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES, MOUNDINGS, minorts, Ete., in. feet everything that is kept in a FIST -CLASS FURNITURE STORE A complete stock Of Undertaking kept t -n hand and prices reason- able. "Remember the place, Irelatid's old stem, opposite tha Mac- donald Bk ek, (Residence opposite the foundry. IRELAND & BUTTON. .L6 •